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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 20, 1895)
THE OLD ROMAN GONE DMTH OF ALLEN O. THURMAN. OF OHIO. 'If 1‘mhm Awmy at lh# Rip# Agf of A'l > far* l/oii| In Poof llraltli. Hal. *ot f»»r Horn* Tlmr, f <»n«l«frrr«l Rfrloiilly huh Tli# Many Hraponslbl# I'laltlwm In Mlilrh II# Vla«! Ilrrn l allnl. Iirath of Allan <•. Tlinrman. Coi r mho*. Ohio, Deo lo.—K*-Den • lor Alien O, Thurman (tied very auddeoly at Ll'> o'clock tide afternoon, lie hud Jong been In bad health, but Ids Dine** hud not been regarded as dungi r«,u‘ for some time. Mr. Thurman was Ml year* old November 1,T, but Id* lienltb \va» *uch at that time that for the llr»t time In year* there wut no public celebration here in honor of the "Old Homan." Judge '(.hiirmun’s death i» directly traceable to uu accident November I. In walking from hi* room to the library he tripped in some unaccount able manner and fed heavily to the floor lie did improve to aome ea ten!, but a we<-k i»ft<r the accident he HtilTered a relapse end aince then it had been reulifted among hi* family tiiai bb day*,were numbered. Mr. Thurman'* Career. "The Old (toman," a* Mr, Tburuian will ever be reverently and affection atejy remembered by hi* political ad mirer* came of a proud old Virginia family. He wa* born November 18, 1*1 J, in Lynchburg, Id* father being a minister of the Methodist church. Hut bis father became early in life • mij/i • • ' H iip'iiunb PMIVI’IJI nii’1 U * »j»r* posed of his colored help. In 1819 the father removed with hia family to < lilliicolhe. Ohio, where he secured employment aw a school teacher, and hi' son he, ame one of his pupils. I,ater young Aueu attended the (/till* T licothe logit school, and afterward was a student in the academy of that town, lie was proficient in all hia studies, hut especially advanced In mathematics, on which account ha wits known among his school fellows us • riglitauglu mangled Thurman.” Mr, Turn mint's mother was the half sister of William Alien, who, during ills life stirred in the House of Jlepre sciiVilives in Congress, 1833, in tlie ."Semite in Congress 1837-1849, and as governor of Ohio, ls/4-1870, and in 1848 refused the Democratic Presidential nominsti n for the reason that he was committed to the sup|Kirt of General l,ewis 1 ase, who was subsequently nominated by the convention and de feated. Mrs Thurman was a woman of remarkable ability and learning, and did much toward the instruction of her son and the guidance of his early life. At thr uge of Is young Thurman at tached himself to u laud surveying corps and thoroughly mustered the mathematical side of thut science dur ing the three years he pursued It. In I s i i, just when he hud attained the age to qualify, Governor I.ucas ten dered him the office of private secre tary, which he accepted, entering at the same time us a student at law in the office of his illicit-, W illiam Allen, completing his studies subsequently in tlie office of tlie afterward distin guished Judge Hwayne. After his ad mission to the bar young Thurman returned to t'hillicothe and entered ^ Into partnership with his uncle, with the result that lie soon acquired one of the best practices In Ohio, his uncle having practically abandoned the pro fession when he entered politics Mr. Thin man entered politics in 1841 when lie wus nominated for Con gress l.y the Democratic convention of his dist rict, and was elected, entering the House of Uepresentatives Decem ber 1, le45, as its youngest member, lie declined a renominalion and con tinued to practice at tlie liar until I nr,i. w lien he was elected to the 8u prernc court of tlie State, in which service he remained four years, during the last two years of the time being chief justice. At the end of this term tie resumed practice, which he con tinued until 1807, when lie was unan imously nominated by the Democratic convention for the office of governor. His opponent in this campaign, one of t.lic mi,. 1. i-jtriLlnc in tlie,rv of the State, was Rutherford It. Mayes. Mr. Thurman was defeated, but be cut down the normal Republican majority in I tie Slate from 40.000 to 3.000. The Legislature being elected at the same vote being Democratic, however, Mr. Thurman was chosen United States Senator to tulte the place of benjamin K. Wade ami lie took his seat March 4, lstlli, there la-ing at the time only seven Democrats iu the body. Ills ability was at once recog nized, inn speeches on the (ieneva award hill and on the l’aclfic railway funding bill, especially attracting public notice and applause. He served two terms iu the Senate with great distinction and honor, closing the y twelve years’ period on Murcli 4, Dot!, with u reputation which stood among tin- highest for judicial fairness, dig nity and strength iu dehute, especially on ijtienlions o( constitutional law and fur patriotism and probitv. Thurston's I'arlflr Hill W AklilMoToM, Dee. 13 Senator Thttr-loii of Nebraska to day intro duced a bill for the Settlement of the I'ac i railroads debt* it provides fur the sale of the Uovertuaant Inter est in botn the I'uioit sud Central l‘a eiHe railroads July I, ismu, to the logic si bidder, uud that theru be uo sale iiuiens til ■ bid lie at least o*i |ier ecu' ot the tiov< riiuiciil s interest, I m- i-tll is very long uud devoted mainly to the details of the transfer amt maimer of sale. itrport* from New York say that the Hide* fountain la still aut of etta. Sis i, t Si Imo, 13,-- I im slim tier <> i I Iteodore Durrani ntovad for a •r.t uf piobutde cause la order to pre «eal the prisoner'* removal from the rotinty jell to the mate prison at Han b I. - ui'H t'he court denied the mo I ion sad siibw-i|uently signed Dur rani s death warrant. Using YrUtay, l ebruary 31, as the date of the aseau t on NtWH IN HHIKF Mi* D It DilMtsis mothar uf tha treveramr uf Teaas, ta 4aa«i Dr sad Mra levy Raha warnalrach by a train at Mlltard. lad , and hilled. KANSAS GHOULS. Top*It* wildly Knllwl 0**r tha Or»M Knltlirrlm VIIIItl* l’n<l*r Arm*. Toi-v.ia. Kan.. Dec. 13. iiorernor Morrill Iasi, night called out Mattery B of the State niililia, stationed here, to proteet the Kansas Medical College, which was threatened hy a mob. lie also wired Captain Mel lure of tbo troona at Lawrenc* to hold bis Mi dlers in readiness to take the drat train for Topeka. Chief of Police j John Wdkerson stationed a squad of patrolmen, in charge of Hergeant Prank Million, about the college, and a sheriff* pone was also placed on duty. The Governor retired toward midnight, having notified Captain Mc Clure that bl* services would not bs required. 'I he trouble wai caused by tha dis covery In the dissecting room of the college of the bodies of thro# women, which had been stolen from cemeter ies in the vicinity of Tojieka. One body waa that of O. C. Van Fleet’* wife, another was that of A. L Lake's wife, and tha third wa* that of Mrs Patrick Lilli*. The case- of the drat two named have been previously re ported. Tbr body of Mr*. Lillis wa* identi fied by tier son, John Lillis, at H o'clock last evening. The husband of the dead woman 1* foreman of Hants Fe blacksmith shop at Argentine. Mre. Lilli* wa* burled last l-rlday. When her son read about stolen bodies at the college he feared for the safety of hi* mother. in company with Father Hayden. the well-known Catholic prlekt, he wen., to the cemetery to make arrangement* to have the grave guarded, lie noticed that the mound Iia<l been uisliirocu. I no grave was opened and the cofllu was found to be empty. Hilli* went to the otllce of Justice (iuy and obtained a warrant to search the college. The result was that he found a mutilated body which be Identified as that of bis mother. The city wits already greatly excited on account of the previous discoveries and the news of tin- liillis case, which spread like wildfire, was the signal for a general outpouring of the populace The streets were thronged by angry men, who made threats against the college and those connected with it. The authorities were alarmed by the crowd, and steps were promptly taken to prevent an outbreak. Iteputy Miter : iff Tom Wilkerson, in the absence of Mlieriff Have llurgr, called upon the Uovcruor for assistance, which was granted as stated. Hake and Mill* are members of the A. O, U. W. A mass meeting of tba eight lodge* of the order had been called to consider the Hake case. Nearly 2,00b member* were present. Ci A. Mtarblrd was chosen chairman and J, W. Oibbon* secretary. The I.illls case was announced upon the organization of the meeting. This added fuel to the flames. Men growled in their anger and became demon strative, but cool beads were in tbe audience and good order was main tained. Speeches denouncing the out rages were made. A commltte com Kised of Judge Knsminger, M. C. liler, A. C. Siler, T. A. Heck, H. T. Haris, Charles M. Hrown, H. A. Wilson am) II. 1. Fletcher was appointed to draft resolutions. Probably 2,bb0 men, mostly railroad employes, stood in the street in front of'lie hall while the meeting was In ( progress. When those who partici pated in the meeting came out and 1 went their respective ways in a qniet { manner, the crowd outside took up the cue sad dispersed. A MISSIONARY TOUR. Contributor* to thu Work Wilt Vlill Station* In tbe Orient. Nictv Vokk, Dec. 13,—A unique and interesting pilgrimage to both home and foreign missionary workers is soon to he rimdc by the representatives of a number of wealthy contributors to missionary work, it will be under the auspices and guidance of the Uev. Hr. Henry M. Field. It is to en able persons interested in missionary work to know by actual observation exactly how the missionary conduct* hia labors that the trip i* to be made. N'h.. ......I.. ...Ill ..a#,.at... I all told, and will start for Japan, via Nan Francisco, about April 10, and will lie absent several months. Thu tour will be under the immediate di rection of Messrs A. D. Thompson and II. U. Elliott The itinerary wilt include typicul stations in the home missionary work, giving the members of the party, us they crosa the conti nent, object lessons in the evangelIza tion of the negro, the Npn nish- Ameri can. the Mormon and the Chinese. To 1'uiilsti Train Koldjrrjr. Wasiiinoton, Dec. 1 i. — Represent* Ative liroderick of Kansas has intro duced suvural hills which are of great inlcrest to the West. Due touches upon the federal punishment of a train robbery in all United Slates ter ritorial reservations The bill makes ! it a felony to shoot at or into uny lo comotive, caboose, coach -nr of uay I train, or to throw any „ or other ! missile at u train, or to derail or forci bly obstruct ii train at any place with in the exclusive jurisdiction of the United St.ilesor in the Indian reserva tions, ThU does not save the criminal from more severe punishment if any |s<rsou is killed or injured severely by ' the truiu robbery or wrecking. Hsfuriuera In Cnevsailan. WasiiINiiToS, Dee |5 --The Nations, Civil Mervije Reform League began Its annual meeting at the I (anus I tub uvduy with an unusually I urge at tendance of delegate*. The morning sessions are private, but the afternoon sessions are open to those who desire to hear the papers aud addresses on eivil service reform tuples. ('resident fart s.'lntm of the league will deliver the annual address Umi aa iisiaSuNi* Uivsih. I'nnav, < *k , Dec 11 Ueiphia Me l.eist Cukli, a wealthy manufacturer ol llroouly n, N V , was granted n di vorce here yesterday flout hU wife. If in n nephew of t oitgiesstMan tleurgn T. t obb, of New Jersty l*UI| Kiev «eeehe* Oak JarrsasonviM i, ln«l. (>*•< (1 •illy Myer, known as the ItrMtor t'yeione, and Tommy Muart, «tf Henry eille, fought seven rotted* near hern (e*t eight fur e pure* end gate r* eeipts Myer laoehed twit —Mi ST. LOUIS HKTS IT. AND JUNE 16 IS THE TIME AN NOUNCE t>. When and Where the Nest National palilIran < unvenllnn Will He Held It Heqnlred Eire llallnt* tn Heaeh a l>»* eUlon One Hall Ilnur Olren lleleiiatea to Present the I lelms of Their Hespoa* lira Cities. At at. I .mil* In Jaae. ffAaniNOTOa. Dae. II. On tne fourth ballot Mt l>oul* waa selected aa tha place for holding tha neat Republican convention and June Id a* the data. WAtiiiMo roN. Dec 11 —Tha Repute llcari politicians assembled early In forca at tha Arlington hotel this morn ing to pull convention wire* and in cidentally to promote the Interest* of their aeveral (’residential candidate* There was nearly a* much talk a limit candidates a* about which city would win the prize Hhortly before in o'clock the poli ticians gathered In the flag draped banquet hall of the hotel, and were seated In a semi circle, with inemhrrs of the National committee In the cen ter. At 20:30 o'clock Chairman Carter rap|»td the meeting to order and the roil of oommitteemen was called. There was no response when sereral Htates were called, the absentee* be Ing Alabama, * allforuin. Delaware, District of < oliiuibia. Kentucky, Mis sikslppi, Missouri, New York, North I lul/i.lti Mini Vi't/umliirr hilt. It. Uifia KUllI ' that there were committeemen or proxies for most of these Htute* in the city, Alaska had a representative. Chairman Carter asked the delegates to agree to a half hour limit for pre senting the claims of their cities. General Hutterfleld for New Vork re spouded “It will lake hut a very brief time for New Vork to demonstrate her superiority" aui representative* of other cities agreed to the limit sug gested Powell Clayton of Arkansas moved that delegations he lieurd in alpha betical order by states. Ills motion was carried. At this point < Inilrman < arter said that he was not accustomed to notice the many "silly, unfounded and ma licious stories” put afloat at times with a purpose to arouse prejudices and ex alte ill feeling, Hut a redaction had be.-n made on the members of the Na tional committee and they had been placed before the country in an un enviable position. •‘IJndei such cir cumstances." lie wanton emphatically, “1 desire to state in behalf of this committee that at no time, under no circumstances, directly or Indirectly, ba* any person or persons urged that tiic good graces of this committee should lie influenced by any mercen ary considerations whatever.” There was a ripple of applause at this announcement. Mr. < arter pro ceeded to state that geographical con siderations largely influenced the feel . ings of tiie committee. Aside from this, the only purpose of the commit tee was to consult the purposes and requirements of a great gathering and 1 to make a choice based wholly on ttt II css. The preliminaries over, the oratory began. General N P. Cblpman of California was introduced by M if. Dc Young to present t fits Golden Gate’s claims. Samuel Allertou und Mayor Swift did the same for Chicago Ht» Louis waa urged b,y Mayor Wslbridge, cx-t origressman frank and 8. M. Ken nurd, aixl then New Vork attractions were set forth by General Daniel Hut ! terfleld and Murat Halstead. Then i Pittsburg, the last of the big four, had tier case urged by Iteprcs-utative D i/.ell. The speech making closed by Kepru ’ seutative William A. Sstone seconding i Dalzell's representation of Pittsburg's claims, and then the committee ad 1 journed until 1 o'clock, when ballot 1 itig was begun. K ick of the cities was prepared to oflVr the itepublican committee ! enough ;>ud more than enough to pay ' oil' the old debt* of the committee, j This debt is variously placed at from I §32.000 to §54,000. Pittsburg has a 1 fund of §75.000 subscribed, St. Louis i I. ioa mi Iiuvi< mil) ouch Mini Min Francisco ih said to have #200,01'0 ; and more if money will avail. Knelt city declare* that It will pay anything in reason to secure the convent, in. The Iteeil influence was said to he Mcretly against Chicago, The Read feeling wu* declared to be that Chicago was a hostile territory, and that any | other place would lie preferable, i Pittsburg would be satisfactory but for the discovery that that town wa* saturated with McKinley sentiment. 1 Simultaneous with that discovery ! caiuc I lie disclosure of lack of hotel ' accommodation* Sun Francisco be ing geographically impracticable. 1 Chicago supposedly hostile, and Pitts burg dangerous, st Imui* was picked out us the most neutral polut In eight bv t he Reed uien. Hci east rio-l tun of the Pension Itoll. Wamiikuion. I tee. II. Congressmen Hailey of Texas, proposes duriug the present session to make a deter mined effort to tiring about a recon struction of the |ten*ion roll lie has liitr winced a hill In I ongr«*» which pr.tvutcs that no par*--it snail he vie titled to iceeive Mill pension from the linvcrttmenl of the I mled mats** who has. Independently oi aaeh peu->lun a tie! uuniiwl iMCome of fHUM or more, or who own* property to the value of pi,14*1 or more rite nmius of ai| per you* having kiii It lueome or pit*, erty al the value stated and who are now receiving a pension from th« tiovern went are to be stricken from the rolls atetshea Head watte Itrlttai. Wyants-at in. Mo PH II t M ffltuutermau, aged year*, wealthy •ad influential died of sp -pb-sy whlig dr iytug yaaterdsy lla wa* a lutge Ktoek holder lu light and water platoa •ad owued a buMiiaaa block in War* reutburg and proparly lu Uatriahorg. IV _ __ • wsstl testa* tne Wakuikuios Itaa t | TMt Iktaam bar raport of tka department *1 Agrb eeltar*. issued to day usaka* tka eub tu* arwp •’ 1 par aaat of laat y aar*, ar tMI tkW kale* IMPEACHMENT DEMANDED Tw* MausrligaeiM r»nareaami-n Mena*. UaMlIy Attack Amlnuaelnr It tyaril Wasiiivo«om, Dec. ll h.mih the House assembled totlav, Mr Me* Call of Massachusetts offered a reso* I ut I on calling upon thu I'rcsidrnt to report to the House whether lie had 1 taken any steps to ascertain whether report* of speeches that Ambassador Ha yard had delivered ill Knglaud Mild Scotland were true, and if true, what steps. If any, had been taken to recall or censiir. Air. Itayurd A1r. Met n-ary of Kentucky immedi ately objected to con si lie rat ion. Mr, Burn tl of MasaachuselIs, came forward with a (piestlon of privilege and sending to the d. rk* desk had read a resolution for the liuprschiucnt of Mr. Bayard Huth resolutions complained of Mr, Havai'd'a reflections on America s nro tedivc system, aa state socialism, and hia reference to the United Hiates needing a "real man" like < Uveland to govern a "a strong self confident and oftentimes violent people." i lia Harrell resolution declared these ut I teranees were in manifest, ilisiegard of the proprieties and calculated to In Jure tnc national reputation and directed the foreign affairs committee to esarnlnc th« utterance* In that speech and to draft and report article* of impeachment to the House Mr, < rlsp of fieorgiit objected to the Harrwtl resolution as not privileged, i but M cuki-i' lined overruled him and Mr, Barrett made a brief speech d< clar/ug that Mr. Ilayard sought to agcrrundl/.c Ills party at the espi-nso of his country (III I citing the senate's action in Van Huren'a case a* Justify ing his resolution, Mr. < rlsp defended Mr. Bayard and accused tlie Hcpuhlicans of simply wishing to air their protective theo ries He defied them to pus* another tariff hill I here was a sharp colhrpiy between Mr, < *p arid Mr. Itlngley of Maine, the latter declaring that Mr. llsyard had violated Ins duty in denouncing half of his countrymen, and when Mr I * rUp pressed him hard to know if lie believed Mr bayard* Words were Im peachable Mr, Dirigfey replied that, in his opinion they were, hut the pol icy of doing *o hr- 'Dingley) doubted. The first vote on the liar ret resolu tion came on a motion by Mr, Crisp to refer it to tha judiciary commitiee, The motion being defeated on a rising vote of eighty to 'MO. The Republican plan was to eliminate the reference to impeachment and them acrid the reso lution to the committee on foreign affairs, T H V hANIA PI- BOLD, (lie Orest system livings slslf Million Hollars. Toi’KKA, Kan, Dec 11.—I’roVmbly 1.000 people were assembled on the platform of the railroad tracks In front of the Topeka passenger station of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Ke rallrottd at if o’clock this afternoon, when John II. Johnson, special master in chancery in the celebrated receiver ship case, appeared to sell at auction the company’s vast system of railroad pursuant to the decree of the United (State* Circuit court of August 27 last. Judge Johnson took a stand in the stairway leading to the dining room of lhe passenger station. Rack of him wen- the visiting lawyers and bond holders or their agents, and W. if. Ilosaington, Charles (Stood (smith, and other notables of Topeka who bed iiad a hand in the litigation. To hie left stood Kdwerd King, who wae des ignated by the reorganization com mittee to hid in the property. Close by were Mrs. Johnson and Miss Mabel Johnson, and not far away Oeorgc K. Peck, who for so many years wee con nected with the road. Wh*-n Special Master in Chancery Johnson announced to the assembled multitude that he was about to sell the property to the highest bidder and had begun to read the federal court’s decree of foreclosure and order of sale and Ins own published notice of sule. he was interrupted by Culler A Whitcomb, a local law firm, with a notice which they read ... ll... I.nrwl >>( tiie St. Mouis and San Francisco protesting against the sale. Tha crowd stood silent arid Mr Johnson listened respectfully while the pro test was read, and then proceeded with ills appointed duty. Judge Johnson was not eijual to the task of reading the notice of sale throughout. In twelve minutes iiis voice failed and he turned the paper over to VV. It. UosSingtori who read eight minutes, and then was relieved hy another, and so on until the read ing was concluded. Tha Santa Fc road was then sold for 9tMl.000.000 to Kd« aid King, repre senting the new company. ills was the only hid, and the master declared the property sold INDIANOLA TERRITORY lllll lu 1‘ruthla a Government for tha Fun < Irllllcd Tribes. WAsiiiMiioN. |b-«. It.—Senator Mer ry und Iteprescnlative IJttleof Arkan sas Introduced a duplicate bill iu the senate and House to provide u tcin|M> rury governlueut for the live civil.amt tribes country, Hie proposed territory to he knowuua "Indianola." , The usual eaeeukive olttc-rs are pro vided for together with a legislature. It is pro|u>sed that the country shad he divided into iweuty-oiiu counties, will) county seals as follows; South Me Ales or, Atoka, tiak l.odge, Tall Idea VViiceiock. Antlers, Tishomingo, stonewall. Ardmore. Wynne wood, Ibiucan, t hiekasha, Nowata Flare uture Vial's. Talci|uah, Muhltow, Muse.gee. sapulou Wewoha and Fite colati and It is also providetl that tha county seats may al any Hue Im> t hanged l.y the territorial legislature ‘I he town of South Me A tester is made the temporary capital of tha territory, lasaaa PaeMf FeaaeUiug >« a awsmp All astir llfuni *spa N J» Ike 11 lie* It V. tdpplweol t, pastor of the M | church here slatted for the Foresters l.edgc on night, and Uhl not retura at tha »spa* led hour lie Mini strangely hefuie his Aepaitwre Fdward Juhasou sad Me urge C Itaary found him has* deep la • swamp between llellunl and I hot Moaiu.utb, half* wile from hta horns, Ha was pieaehiag a wnge to a floeh •f birds Ha was taken boms aud oat under tha ear* »f a physhdeu the •anas of hie mental disorder la at tribal to to ofereaerttua I* the palplr HANGED AT MIDNIGHT HA WARD P\Y%1HE PENALTY ON THfc c;ai lows. Ho M ihpi No f rifif#Mlnn hut Hop** Clofl Hill f«r|it* Him for 411 th* Harm II* II** tor lliiim Iho I on«!«nin*<f l-«N|lli Mfi«l .fnkr« on HI* 4p|ir»»rhln| K*oi ml*« HI* 4f•foMM’fit on th* »f«f* fold Hurry llurwiird Hong. Mia4K« Minn., Dee 12.—Hay ward was hanged at 2:05 o'clock this morning, lie msde a statement of five minute*’ duration, and while not mak ing a confession, said he hoped Hod would forgive him for sll the harm he had ever don* Before dark laat night morbid crowd* hsd assembled In the vioinlty of the Jail There waa noth ing to see except the gray walls, and tba occasional opening of the heavy door* to admit aome officials, yet they | lingered la the vicinity, waiting for L th* tragic event. At midnight the throng numbered several hundred The murderer went to th* gallows 1 with a laugh on hi* lip* and went down with the trap just as he uttered | the word* lightly: ' her go. Me farden." 'Idie command was directed t the chief deputy, I’rlor to the ex ecution the condemned man main tained th* nerve which ha* made him famous. lie took hi* last supper shortly after I o'clock and ws* sur rounded by the deputies and the death 1 watches. Just before I he death war : rant wa* read ifuyward turned to hi* brother, l)r. Tbaddeus Hayward, and i said: “You know I am a great be j liever In spiritualism If I get safely on tli# other side I will send a mes ■Alfit I/I VfHI ' At 2 o'clock Hayward listened to the rending of the warrant. Moon after Mtierilf llolmbcrg entered and the condemned man said earnestly: “1 want to ask you a last favor. I’lease let me poll the trap It will save you lifelong anxiety and will give me eternal satisfaction,” The sheriff re plied: '*1 cannot do It, Harry. I know my du'y ” On the scaffold Harry made an at tended statement. He said that to please the several pastors who had called upon him he would ssy; “Ood forgive me for what 1 have done.” This le looked upon as a confession. The Iran fell at it: 10 and the wonder ful vitality of the man was shown by the fact that he lived for several mo i ment* after tba trap fall. Ilia neck was broken Hayward's swell dinner, the “la* t supper,” as he profanely espressad it, was served according to hi* desire shortly after 10 o'clock, and ba par* took of It with apparent, relish. Iter, gather Timothy arrlvud shortly after —not upon the summons of the con demned man, but In case that at tha last, moment a desire should be aa* pressed by too hitherto unrepentant man for a spiritual adviser. During the even log Hayward laughed and Joked on his approaching es* ecui.Ion. Aa Cant'in send berg waa covering tba window* of tb# Jail looking Into the alley, Harry noticed him. and shouted:1* That’s rights block out the gaping c/owd. There will be visitors after 4 o’clock In the morning. People wish ing to see me will have to call at the morgue, as I Intend to change my ?[garters,” and he laughed as he said t. To the ncwspapei men ha said: "I would like to see the account of how this thing came out and about my actions on the scaffold.” and again he laughed as If he were going to n picnic instead of to his death. December < rug He gun. WashIMOTON, Dec. 12.—The Decem ber returns to the statistical division of the department of agriculture re late principally to farm prices Decern her I. The farm price of eorn averages 26. cents, against 46.6 cents last year. 'I lie average price of wheat is 63 : cents per bushel, against 4t* H cents last year; of rye. 43.7 cents, against 60.6 cents last year; of oats, 20,6 cents, against cents last year; of Imrley, 3.6.4 cents, against 44 3 cents last year; of buck wheal, 40.2 cents, against .60.2 cents last year ...A...... .1.0111 4 lass aBoraira i.eica of hay to be $0.48 per ton, against |8.3« same date last year. The aver age price of tobacco Is returned at fl.1 cents, uguinst 1.7 cents last year. The price of potato#* on the farm la re ported at 2N.8 cents per bushel, against 86.6 cents last year. The oouditlon of winter wheat on December 1, averaged, for the coun try. HI-4 per cent, against *0 percent last year and 91.6 per cent in 1*94. In the principal winter wheat states the percentages are as follows: Ohio, 74; Michigan. 79; Indiana. sO; Illinois, 79; Missouri, 71; Kansas, sO; Nebraska, 90; i allfornla, 104, The returns make the acreage of winter wheat just sown 104.1 fair cent of Unit harvested In 1*96 '1 hi* esti mate, which Is preliminary to the com pleted estimate of June next, there fore. makes the area sown for the har vest of 1 »;«>. 44,147 000 acres. Speaker Heed Vleillu* Stuili (rouble la (’taels* tb# Sts Msiuber*. WasHIKUTiiN, Dec, It. —There seem* to iw ii iHissIbllity now that the com mittees of the house will be announced Ibis week and tin house may adjourn tomorrow unlit Monday H|*sker Heed has ••*i>«rmreed more difficulty than was 48 tic I pa tad In making up the tueiuherchip of the ' eonimUiees. owing to Ills lack of per* | tonal a*»|ualnlauee with tin* new 1 uu iiitiers, of whom there are lit from a source oloae to the speaker, ■ the information L given out today (bat (hr comm liters will probably »••! Iw aanouaee.l until 'lie latter part of ' nest w»eh, just before the t brlstiuae hid Ida v reedaa HAY AMU WILL NOT TALK. MrtiMh Mewspsps* Mea I'aakte Is lean aiaiiatsais 4busi Hsrvstt** (ItsrS ls(sis*a. (tee It The I'ulted Htalee i embassy we* besieged early U»-day by . aewtpaper reporter* eaainu* hi ubteiu the vie we nf AiMi*a*«sdnr Uarard upoa 1 thedvmeail fur h • itu|wa chase at made la thv House uf H> prvseutattfee at Weshingtnu by i urnnsiu 16II Ileal K liar - II of Massachusetts Alt at* tea> jit< I** tad use Mr ttaiard w hte sis It is* ills, a** the matter fa llsd, while the Urittsh officials alee deeitaad to mah* mt % tale at* it h* _ _1-1---BB ■% rRMiaivru uhoikn <«*• ' €•••:•«* Mi'iitfri la lr...,iMii I'llurr , Tulal ftvpravlly ' i Halt,./ t*diev„ lit the total deprav lt> i<t human imltira,” rmmirked an root aide grocery limit to otic of lilo oua Ininnra In tha hearing of a Kanaaa City Htar reporter, "Well, 1 don't agree with yon," waa the rcaponaa "Why are you an out of aorta with all the world?" "Nothing more nor lea* than thla," replied the Irate man, "for Ilia paat two wei-ka the egg l>ox ha* lasen role l**d ami we couldn't find nut who dt4 It. Till* morning a young hopeful of lire came In with an order from hla motlar While Ailing the order I kept a do*e watch on tha yomgatnr. in atepplng hack to the money drawer, lie thought I waa out of alght ami dipped three egga Into hi* pocket. I cattle hack, gave him the dwillge and package, ami then I atarted home with the l*#y, I lioneaily thought hla moth* er aliotihl know Unit her boy waa a thief and would willingly correct him \\ hell we reached the iloor Mr*. Jt met ua, and I alalcd the ttaae *<|uar#Iy 'toil llrtnly. What did that woman do hut laugh laughed until you could have heard her a block away, " 'Well, now.’ ahe an Id, ’ain’t that Jeal ion cute, Johnny’* been a going with Oeorgle and I reckon la* lea final It from him, ’caitae In*’* l**‘*n aelllug country egg* 'round on the avenue lately My Johnny* awful amari, lm I*,' ■ Vlada in (I waa angry by till* time explained the gr<*< ryu tan) your hoy la n tldef and nothing elae, and you ahouhl whip him or In aotne way make him otiey tie1 law while In* la young. " ’Whip my Johnny!* ejaculated the mother, 'No, *lr; I won't whip the d. ar, and hi* pa won’t, nuther, < »u»e .lohuny done broke Ida leg alx month* ago. No. air, our l*»y’a too annul •» »*• licked,’ ami with that alio banged the door In my face I repeal my former atatemetit to you, I la*lh ve In th to <h pmvlly of human nature , A CAMtM* FAI'KH Hod* il 0«f4*rd, and l»* "r*r#< K »« <*«lr Three The piloting hoU»e ronduc cd by'the monk* of Nauvllh- Moulreull aur-Mer, In the I'it a d* faint* province . in th# nort h of Fin nr*, w here the whota w I he aervtce book* of the l.urihualnn order, for uae throughout 'be world, ure printed, la unique. topic* of «heae work* cannot be pun liiiaed; they are only laaued to tnemliera of the >rder '\'\&y hv*i titOfft Im*ji ii# If ill pi'fMiW'llotiJi, printed on the lineal jaiper, wlthTi I* hand made, bearing the water-mark of the order. They tire mad* In an Mlum, from royal folio to amaller royal quarto, In red mid Mack 'yi<*. w**" iiiiiale nnd Initial letter*. The monk* of tuiM tiiHr own type and bind ihelr own book*, and carry out all the different branch i>a, even to dealgnlng tlielr own lot iera, wood engraving nnd photo-typo graphy, The unlveralty prea* of O* i ford la not only one of the moat ra i markable printing catubllahnient* In the world, but alao one of *h* oldeat. ft naikea Ita own type and It* own Irik, make* Ita own paper, and ao on. The fmnoiia Oxford India paper la a marvel of compreaalon and atreugth, and the orrret of Ita manufaetur# la known only to three |**r*ott*. From , no printing prea* In the world ara ao mu uy—I,boo,'**' of each—BIMe* and prayer i*»uka, laaued annually, and lypea nrr art up In 8 Iff foreign lau guagea mid dlaleeta. rxRTKn iiv i t it;aii. I __, ! A ll«l#-am«heil Weed K*mI» •» Hflwt*# tAtwmrn. Not often la a cigar the cauae of an eatrmigeiaent between lovi-ra. Tbla I* a true tale, related by the Tobacco i Leaf. At one of the college* of irnialr i In the Weal a phyahinn waa called In I to preacrlhe for one of the pupil* A* ’ In- wa* leaving, another pupil begged for the halfbunit cigar he held. With a laugh and Jeal he gave It to her. Him ! laid It In a conaplcuou* place on th* i parlor mantel. After a while the lover culled. A* *he had Intended, he no ticed the half burnt cigar, and ln*tnntly concluded that tli<- other man tnuat he on a very familiar footing to bring III* weed haif *moked Into the lady’* prea ence. Ilia call waa brief, and he never returned When the thoughttea* girl realized that he had taken her Joke ao i acrlottaly aim wrote nun. inning liow It happened. Mat the young nmn I wile vo* the letter n rune to cover co quetry, and fleelnre* he never again w III aeek her company. Varied l lliuale* In Mouth America .V Philadelphian recently ret Mined front an extended tour of South Amer hn tella an tillered lug atory of the queer climatic condition* prevailing In certain parla of the lower half of the continent. "Of eoiiree, It la pretty well known," anya he, “that While the pen pie north of the equator are autrering ihe rigor* of winter, flume people llv liig aoiith of Hull Imaginary hue r\ ■ In the mliiwt of atiinnier, and vice veraa Tlila rule .however. *o fill an South America la concerned, nppltc* only to the cooal. for In the niouuinltta of itn> interior a peculiar eondltiou of it naira evlala. i p la the Andea the mitUen are in the inldal of winter when told ai'iiiiner prevail* on the cnaat, and M licit wilder leucliea Itie laoial It la aitnuiier In the nMuiutalna. <tf c.mrae nellher the cenal nor inotliitnlu winter la very aevero] loll llie dl»lllM-l|nii he IWeell Ihe two acttaoll* la dnr'd.-dli marked H I* a vary remark"Me eli Ilia tie lamdll hm.“ I'lillildellil.l" dec ord Sra t -■■ „f Ikr llliwinrM , A am,ill law lia* i|la*‘over»N| a n.*w loaiut) of Ihe ••haulier that ha* here j to fore gone Ultaeeii I lad) I'lcvclt-O waa riding »ui Third •inei iIm’ other day. Had In ihe Me• mer i d'lan*. pr*> vekiiig »one <aiimueiil iinnuig (lie |W*» | ar* h). Ind ever) 1**1) hi loaning wa* j pamlyaed when alw (*•**•-,I a cuiptn 1 itf *mall i«o • and <*w nl lltelll ev claimed "tha* whin' wioddlil them tie tine thing* m »<cnl aptdiai in ' \ u ! ,ntiU Jual clinch Vim i n la III aide* j and carry away a t*“ k in each leg'* t.Hill*, tile t '• on mere la I 4 P*flla«»l 4*nll« •ihi yuu think.'* the a*»drlng young ikemail eagerly Inqnlnd, ’‘that I ••an ii»er Imwinr a great aelreae “I den i knew ‘ eplteil the nuinagev, • tkeughtrnlh II lie le iiHtr ilieaeiaak