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About Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 20, 1903)
THE SALESWOMAN Compelled to Be on Her Feet the Lirger Part or tlie Day Finds a Tonic in Pe-ru-na. Miss Curia n, of St Paul. Gives Her Experience jlVAlSS NEU.IK CURTAIN. 040 Pearl 'IVlsireet, Si. 14111; M mil.. bead sales woman in a department store, writes: "t have charge of a department In a dry Ifod store, and after standing the larger part tit the day, I would go I home with a dull ache, generally through my entire body. I used Pe , run and feci so much better that I , 4--:1c to and from the start now. I mrnow Perana to be the best medicine mn the market for the diseases peculiar to women." Miss Scllie Curtain ( Nothing ii no weakening to the human 'jateui as the constant loss of rmieti. Catarrhal inflammation of the mucous membrane tinxiirres an expensive forma tion of mueu. Whether the mucous be located iu the bead or r ,f jG&ftsm Kwssx icK,Mervbus CURES ALL HEADACHES. SOID EYERYJVffEPE. In 1870 tbe German people. ban lv exceeded 40.000,000 In IS," they lutd risen to nearly 47,000 000, and li J '.too the census returns pave 56 34-1, OH Statistics show that In fifty years tb avetaKC height of Hrltish men has risen an inch, Tlie present average hflght fur a.tuan of 30 Is five feet eight and one-half Inches . 1 have always been T'quarter 'of in Lour before my time. :id tt has made a mau of me. Lord Neison. Id the body of a horse that died suddenly at Newpirt (Yorks) the eteMnary urgeon who made a post mortem eianilntlon flls,overd three late stones, oce of theuj nearly as large as a cricket ball. I l The Hammer Bath. Nothing is more refreshing or Invigor ating in summer than a daily bath. I'se oft, tepid wster and good soap. Ivory aoap is ideal for the bath; it is pure, lathers quicklv and leaves tw skin soft and while. The bath should be taken arly in tJ nioniiu or Just before rc- tirluf at night. KI.BANOIt It. I'ARKEIt As tbe outcome of uaich palostak I ng lovesiUatlon ihpeilstance his been demonstrated of c'ass of hu man beings called moral Imbeciles. Their essential character Is com plete moral Insensibility, tevealed by a total absence of repugnance to tbe suggestion of crime before ti e deed. A dentist lo Moscow Is a wonder In bis line He has Invented a sys tem by which false teeth can be made to adhere to the gums to llrm f that In three months II Ii diffi cult to. citract tbem. This Russian tooth-grafter hopes In time to be able to rival caturebjr making aitlfj Clal glroders that ache. An electric gridiron has been de vised to kill flies. It stands vertic ally, and tbe moment a fly alight EMM N. H. U., 783-34 YORK. NEB AT! 'Can sisesirsMSiy mil. luiMf im lura h JtEeM 'rial 4 tmlia, ,.sn k raw m n "I I r I LaT pelvic orni. the discharge of mucus is pure to occur. Thin liseharire of mucus eonfif'mtr a weakening drain; the sjstern cannot long withstand the loss of muni, hence it is that women alllicle.l with catarrhal affections of ihe pelvic or gans feel tired and languid, wi'jh weak back anil throbbing brain. A course oi I'ernna is sure to restore health by rutting off the weakening draiu of the daily "oss of mucus. An Admirable Tonic. Congressman Mark II. Diimiell, Na tional Hotel, WashhiKton, I). C, writes: "Your rerun beins; used by myself and many of my friends and acquaint ances Dot only m a cure for catarrh but also aa an admirable tonic for phy sical recuperation, 1 gladly recmnniend it to all persons requiring such rem dies." Mark II. iMimiell. If you do not derive prompt and satis factory results from the m of Turuna, write at once to l)r. Hartman. niving a full statement of your case, and he will be pleased to give you his valuable ad vice oralis. Address Dr. Hartman, President of The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, O. It would never do for a burglar to go Into politics, because lie wouldn't hare never enough. It may be logic, but there Is more il it life In the country than In tbe city apartment houses. The United States has ten battle, ships built and ten building. I Headings from tbe bible are nowj being gitreu In Berlin by professional; reciters. upon it death ensues from electric shock. Trie dead fly drops onto a horizontal shelf nuje:neatb Some of tbe healthiest end grace fully formed people of Europe are tbe gypsies or Hungary, rney are rarely Hi, their cheeks are rose tinted and so pure Is tbelr blood tbat their wounds quickly heal without tbe application of medicaments. Make yourself necessary to tbe world and mankind will give you bread. Have a heart that never hardens, a temper that never tires, and touch that never hurts Charles Dickens. Women go callllng In a grand opera key, they stay at borne with the family to rag time. Drop stitch stockings are stralnlnR more eyes these days tban tbe bright sun. A law recently enacted by tbe Iclgslature of Louisiana punishes wltb Imprisonment and hard labor husbands wbo desert or fall to sup port their wives anr children. The wives of lazy husbands bang over tbe mantle a framed copy of tbe law,1 but this query in red Ink, "Mow Will You He Good." When a girl refuses to marry a duke It is because be refuse to ask her. ' MamlfWmatmSX " Br M-reht- W-ai, a, what yon waatT Tlmtt T Natwa Metass to hat a summer are either too wet i A weed slwajs aeta aloac. ; Ofce to try. kaad. B4ksy Wsjuhaaw Oiafl gtre it to yea. ttrr. Warn take ha taktaw of leave ar. Wa art awe 4eas aa bv atsDfjMSK Usual FOODS FOR BEAUTY. Bat Frnlt nnfl Green Veicelablea 14 Yeu Would Improve Votir Looks. lo you witsh to bo lM'nutiful7 Or, 11 you possess beauty already, are you anxious to retain it? The chances are, In either cusp, thai the answer Is yen. Well, then, It all depends to a preat extent upon what you eat. Certain kinds of food encour age pulchritude, while others have ar opposite tendency. It In worth while to know how to regulate your diet with a view to acquiring beauty, 11 you nave It not, or to retaining It 11 you are its fortunate possessor. At the pretteut time I'ncle Sam ii cultivating. -on his experimental fans near Washington, a beauty-making plant. It Ih called the -fenuKreek," and the weds of It are eaten by tht women of Algeria to make them beau tiful. Their belief is that it makes them plump and improves their com plexIoiiM. Hut the government expert as yet have not reached a nat is factory conclusion as to whether this faith if justified or not. It may be correct hut Judgment on the point Is bus pendeil. However, lliere are foods which un denlably are beauty-makers. It it worth any woman's while to know what tiiey are, and to try them tin less, perchance, she Is so perfect phy sically ns not to need them In hei owii case, and for her own advantage "'Hie best of all bcauty-maklng food? are fresh fruits and vegetables," sail I'rofe?sor H. W. Wiley, the famotif government chemist, who is incidental ly a skilled physician. "They eontalr relatively little nourishment a womur could hardly live on- Ihem exclusivel for any length of time but for rea sons which as yet are Imperfectly un derstood, they possess extraordinary value as healthglvers. If you want bright eyes and a clear complexion, eat plenty of them." The fart Is that most fresh vegela bles nnd fruits are nearly all water Spinach Is i)''Vi 11' cent water, cab bage is 77 ikt cent water, beets are 8f per cent water, carrots are 11 per cent water, cauliflower Is !tl per cent water cucumbers are IHi per cent water, egf plant Is SKI per cent wafer, onions nr H'.4i per cent water, tomatoes are lit per cent water, green corn (cut fron the cob) is .SlVi per cent water am celery Is OHi per cent water. Knilt are pretty nearly all water, though tin banana is relatively rich in starch. Fruits anil .vegetables, then, are ol no great use In supporting the huinar body. Their value Is mainly modi clnal, and as Iwauty-makers they an the chief among foods. It is almos: Impossible to eat too much of them It a fr."-sh state, though, of course, tht diet must include a reasonable propur tloli of those substaiK-es, such as meat which furnish blood and muscle tlstie. Itoston Herald. LEGAL CODE OF BABYLON. Measures Taken to I'ressrve the Peaci In 2IIOO K. C. A legal code that Is nearly 1,0( years older than Moses has bcn tnv earthed In 8 una, the ancient capital ol AhasuiTUH. If Is In the form of column of Ktone five feet high and seti forth in 3'M't paragraphs crilaln of tht rules of law governing I'nbylon 2.'!iK U, C. The I.ltemry Digest says: "In general the old testament prln clple of an 'eye for an eye and a tootl; for a tooth' Is conslfteiitly carried out in this r.aliylonlan c de. Among othei ibingH t twys: 'If a man knock oui the eye of a fret-rnnn his own eye shal be forfeited If he break one of tht members of a man his own rneinlei shall be removed.' Hut this rule ap plied only In the cose of freftneriv H the Buffering party wen? a slave n pay merit of money ceold make good thi wrong. The sanie was tnie of a freed mun. frn the other baud, If an In ferlor frtniek a superior he was punish ed with fifty lashes, and if he was a slave hhi ear was cut off. The lextallonig was carried on so fa) that If a amrgoon was unsuccessful Ii performing an oiK-rntlon he was not en titled to any pay. If the patient dW under the hand of the surgeon the lat ter lost his hands. In case the patlen was a freeman. If a slave died undei his hand he must buy nnother. In cas( a builder made a failure of a stnicttin he was also punished with draith Whether Imprisonment was one metli od of punishing wmngoers dKs not ap pear, hut evidently If at all applied was of eonipariitlvely small Import ance. Money fines were, however, ver common nnd were proportionate to tin wrong done. He w ho falsely chilrwx flint another was Indebted to lilnr niu payone-thlrd of a mlna. Preerneu flghl teg were fined a mlna. Theft of ,ar animal was punlMhablo by a fine 0 thirty times Its value. Hammurabi wn much concerned for the safety of hi highways. A robber who attacked person on the public rond was killed, 0, If he could not be found then the com munlty In which the crime had taker place wis fined a mlna In cam tbe llf f a human being had been lost A Unique Career. The carw of Brigadier General Ed ward M. Hayes (familiarly known a Jack ITayes), wbo has JuM hetn pro moted from tbe colonelcy of the Thlr teentfc Infantry, I unique In the an Dal of our army. He enllttted In th army a a boy In 1S&9 aa bugler In th company of which Fltsliugh Ia wa aecond llesitensnt. When tbe war be gan be enlisted ne a private and cam ont an officer. Wltb the reorganlsa tlcsn of the army In 118 he obtained eommleion, ainee which time be ha made a most brilliant record, tlmt 01 the plalias and lately In tbe Fblllppln Geolur is only great patience. Forgive thyself little aDd others m ucb A good man does good merely ty living. What does that lady seem to be lading upr fin eievabur. Ignore tbalat which you do not want to grow witbin you--love or bate grows. A Oermrni Farmer's Cnsn. Rich Fountain, Mo., Aug. 17. Jos. I'ope of this place is widely and favorably known ns a clergyman who has done and is doing much for his people. He is very much beloved by everyone for tbe faithfulness of his pastoral work. Kev. Mr. i'ope has given for publica tion a statement mad'1 to him by a Gorman fanner who is a member of his congregation. The man's name is (leorte llocllerer, and he has given I!ev. Mr. I'ope 1'his letter: "Uist winter 1 suffered very much with lllieuin.ilism. I could neither walk nor ride on horseback nor do any farm work. "1 took medicine from different doc tors, but they did not do me any good. Then I tried 1 (odd's Kidney ('ills pro cured for me by a good friend. After I had taken the lirst box I felt already n heap better; I was relieved of tlie pain and could walk and chop wood; and the contraction of my fingers be gan to resolve. "Now since I have taken six more boxes of Dodd's Kidney I'ills I feel well again and am able to do all the work on the farm." Locked out knitting girls of Dover, N. J., have organlied a co-operative knitting company. Nothing can lesson the dignity of humanity so long as the religion of love, cf unselllsliness and devotion endures, and no one cin destroy tbe Itars of this faith for us so loog as we feel ourselves capable of love. Amlel. IOO Kewitrd, SHOO. The readers of this paper will he pleas! to learu thai there Is at leat one ilrealel dlsodse thfii science ha- heen auj- to cure in all iu atm. ami that l (aOirrh Hall's Catarrh ( 'lire Is Ihe onlv i-o.ltlvo cure known to Ine medfal fraternity, ('ala-rrli lielne a conttltutlonal dis ease, requires treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure Ih Uvkeij Iniurnallv. aetlriK dirertly on the bhMMl and iiiih-hus jmrf;veK of the Kysteiu. thereby ilestruyina the foundation of the dis ease, and kIUiik the iwtlenr, oirenirth liy hiiildlns! up the -oit-,tlruU)U a:i I assisltim nature In doing lis work, me prupru'tors ha'.e sf, miit-ii liutfi in Its curative imw-ers liiiit Ihev oili-r (loo Hundreii bollars for anv -ase that it'faiN to cure. S:iid tor list 01 tostinioniaK. Aldre. K. .1. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Holu by Druirfd-.t i. ;r.c. IlaU' Family I'ills ar the hest. I give it as my deliberate and solemn conviction that, tbe individ ual who is habitually tardy ie meet ing an appointment, will never be respected or successful! in life. -W. Fisk. I'iso's Cure for CoDnni)tion cured me of a tenacious ami persistent cough. Win. 11. Harrison, .''J V . 11:1st street, New York, March 25, l'KJl. There is none made so great hut be may both need the help and ser vice and st-ind In fear of tlie power aod uoklndness, evcu of the meanest jf mortals. Seneca. Add 'intments once made, become Jebts. If I have made an appoint nent with you, I owe you punclu- illy; have no right to throw away pour time, If I do my own. Cecil. Mrs. Wluslnw's SOOTHINCt 8YKUP for thll Ireu teethtnit, softens the sums, reduces liula- tustlon, allays pain cures colic. IMc.e io bottle Lost wealth may be replaced b industry, lest knowledge by study, lost health by temperance or med icine, but lost time Is gone forever. Samuel Smiles. ' Hire Is a new occupation for a w.iirran: sunsnine companion. Woman are getting positions for ;hls sort of wora In New York. Tbe 3 lobe has long conteoded tnat tbete is a place In the world for all pro fessional sympathizers: one to whom i man could tell his troubles, and ho wuoldn't repeat tbe tale after ward. Maryland day at tbe World's Fair iext year, will be September 12. ( " s GET OTAT YOU ASK FdDEI ! OiMASXn Otody Ofcttutrtlo svra hra.yw pat up In bin matal bos, oar tte-tnavkad, toaC-tUl OtatlM oorsir - toblart ootaconaJ, atunpl O O O. He-rer aold la bulk I Imltatiooa MdtMbatawMMawmaiaasioasj whaa QABOaUXrr " tsa-n tha fktesi pay a. llttla mora) Proflt Oct the vcaoiM OAS OAMTB rand wMk It asvttssfeotloa or w moatj refunded msdar lron-olavd otvjit. 1 0,000,000 boxM a fur, thavt'a th OwOABOArnVTB today, rand BMrtt did It Tkay ax a parfaot oon lor OonapAtkMa, App dlattia Mlttwaaaja, Soar MoiiasMla, Ook Hssadavoaa, Bssd Braath, Brad Blood, Pbmptea, PUea, Worma tud aU Bowl Dlaw. AU drotftota, lOo, ftfto, 60a Bavmptokad ssorddatrwa. Addraaw tarUoaj Rsnadr Oo, Cfhloaco or Nw Tork. an Free Medical u as- " .4 1 Advice Every sick and sillnz woman. r- . . i . it jt.f cverv vounr zin wno suners muniuiv. ?. CYCIJ TVUUlflU W UO 19 B(Jnuai.ulil4 lliaict 1,11f Every woman wbo feels that life is a burdea, Every womaa wbo has tried" all other means to regala health without nieces, Every woman wbo Is going throagh that critical time tbe cbaage ef life Is Invited to write to Mrs. Piokham, Lynn, Mass., in regard to ber trouMa, and the most expert advice telling exactly bow to obtain a CURE will be seat abso lutely free of cost. The one thing that qualifies a person to give advioe on any subject ia experience experience creates knowledge. No other person baa so wide an experience with female ills nor such a record of success as Mrs. Pinkham has had. Over a hundred thousand cases come before her each year. Some personally, others by rnaiL And this has been going on for twenty years, day after day, and day after day. Twenty years of constant success think of the knowledge thus gained! Surely women are wise in necking advice from a woman with, such an exjrerience, especially when it is free. Mrs. Hayes, of Boston, wrote to Sirs. Pinkham when she was in great trouble. Her Jotter shows tlie result. There are actually thousands of such letters in Mrs. Prnkhatn's possession. "Dear Mrh. ltMKir a m : I have been under doctors' treatment for female troubles for some time, but without any relief. They now tell me I have a fibroid tumor. I cannot Kit down without great pain, and the boreneeg extends up my spine. I have bearing down pains both bock and front. My abdomen ia swollen, I cannot wear my clothes with any comfort. Womb is dreadfully swollen, and I have h;.d flowing- Bpells for three years. My appetite ia not goo ). I cannot walk rtr be on my feet for any length of time. "The symptoms of Fibroid Tumor, given in your little book, accurately describe my case, so I write to you for advice." Mbs. E. F. Hates, 252 Dudley St (Boston), Poxbury, Mass. " Dkar Mrs. PixrcnAM: I wrote to you describing my symptoms, and asked your advice. You replied, and I followed all your directions carefully for several months, and to-d:iv I am a well woman. The use of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, together with your advice, carefully followed, entirely expelled tbe tumor, and strength ened the whole system. I can walk miles now. " Vour Vegetable Compound is worth five dollars a drop. I advise all women who are afflicted with tumors, or any female trouble, to write you for advice, and give it a faithful trial." Mas. K. F. Hatm, 862 Iudley St (Boston), Roxbury, Mass. Mrs. Hayes will gladly answer any and all letters that may b addressed to her asking about lier Illness, and how Mr. Pinkham helped her. CCfiftflFORFEIT If w cannot forthwith prodncs ths original letter sad afgnatare l .nl I! 1 1 1 abois tsUimoaial, will prore its aoinlnte gnninns. IVVUUU Lydla K. l'lukksm Mcdtuiin Oss Lrss, sfasss I could never think well of a man's Intellectual er moral character. If he was habitually unfaithful to his ppoiutments Emmuns. What hai become of the custom of rebuking a child when it returned from a oelfibhors with a bit of gossip or criticism? Isn't It customary these days to lauuh, and quote tbe chllds saylog's as a proof of tbat it is observing and smart? Explorer bare reached within 238 miles of tbe North Pole, but no one ha yet appioacbed nearer tbrto 772 lilies of tbe South Pule t.U, to Women. --n--' It oi)f,'bt to he a fair trade to swop( reunions with anr Christian, but j whare will yu find tbe party that' Iz wilinir to do it? It has been discovered tbat tbe new comet bas three tails. It will J finally be found tbat t had only one, and some one bas stepped on tbat. 1 The new comet Is as overrated as the average woman's Kin back east. When we visit in tbe country, we like tbe hostess disappearance to re followed loomed la t lly by the sound of chickens sqauwklng In the back vard. I0i MX m If you dont get married until yot are twenty-five year old, you will e troublo enough.