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About Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 25, 1902)
TO WOMEN I'M" tt h.i, ""'.ti,( i,r.3 f AaIINc tuilet antiseptic we will mail large trial treatment with book of instruction absolutely frte. Thi it not a tiny a.imple, but a larre packa"-, enough to convince anyone that it u the most micc-hful prrpara tion known to medicine as a cleatiHinir vaginal douche and for the local treat ment of woman's special Ills, curing discharge and all inflamation, also to cleanse the teeth, mouth, and cure catarrh. Send to-day; a postal will do. .14 ''"'' " "al a-iaaM b, aa, to mu .PXrO':9.,216Colunibu.. gMt0 u, Capsicum -Vaseline Put I'p in Collapsible Tubes. A for ami Su-nor to lo,irrW mi v?L'l "' '"" ''"'"' kin. 1 Ik) pa n i .yiiiB mi I ruriiv.. ,M., ,. . tl,i r. am ..,(, rlu. w, ,',,,., , fc cWtowv. I r.lrVn h,rl,-t. ,,', M1,jrl, Wn ro U,llo, U:n) ltt r.,l eo.,w Irv.U.ii k. ., , . ,n Mtl.r..., r. trf..r jk,i; ii i he rl.-n an.l ,.,,,,. ur,(1 , rli0in r tt-UM'SV, ami B..1IIJ- ! li Is A trial will pr..v mat .,. , u :u tor il. r,r It will l found to b luminal.! , lh h,.,,..,,,,) Man? i-opli nf ' It 1. tt,a oaatof ml jo,,, ,,ro,: tntiona, ' ' I'rl-a IS wot., at all druffitan, or other riVnlori or by foiling tloi amount Ui u in portage hiuujm'' will a,.,, i y..u tm bv nmi, ' thiuM I aooopo-d i y th- piiblio un let. tlieirirn-ii- on, JII, o'hi rwlsa it it CHCSr BROl G!J M.MJFACTIRING CO. 17 State St., New Vork City. In our mammoth VitrrVn we employ a Chrf whom an enrl m making rtvrirr i-. Me h cht.TL'c nf ip-ikint: all of !,ihhy' Mince Mrat. He v ti- ver choi-p. material. He ii fold lo make O.e BEST MINCE MEAT otd r.1 I" dr-. Oft a parkae at your Rrtrfrr'v-rfK.ij;rh fr.r two Ure pics. Vwi, w:H nrvrr tir k'.uAl.rt Lm. ar-am. I ihl.v'n1 Alia of tiir World, with 2 r.-w maps, i7 K 1 1 inrti", M-rit an where U-t lornth in stamps. Our t-oort, ' How to Make .noi Things lO F.AI,'' lUA-'i iff. LIBBY, mcNEILL & LIBBY, CHICAGO. mm. W! FESTER N CANADA ' Im-rur.r. UOMi.HtmmH- Hod,. t(.wHfH ol i'l.'l Amnrl' ran. h. wulH in ttn.mii run. ad. during Hi 6 ynr,. TtiT nr. ('oVll'.Vtf.l), IHfl'V AND fl'.OHI'KliOl H.niil ttuir. t room I .till (or JUI.LIOVS Uonil-rfnl rt.M.of Vi'tMMt.o'I ollinr rrnln 1 ti. t.t Grafting Land, on III. Continent, hi ak'oilioaiil irll matt., plunLj of a-alwaoa fii.l. (.iixwt a,-fioa., ac!lnl cburcnM, and .Iau4.d railwa? tiuriltllaa. A l in Ilia FREE HOMESTEAD LANDS OP MANITOBA, ASSINIBOIA. SASKATCHEWAN and ALBERTA. to th. fo'towintf for an Aria, ai d otti.r llt.ra lim t.Uiuit of Ilia ifia,.t rwajorr. of ll. country. a ali a. forl;llfalpa B'Onu ou rr'l lr.a rit!,: feui-oiiH.oHAut 01 I'pn. rf ..'loo. t '' '. i an.aa. or In W, V. fcni,' Hil tint Vork Hiag., Olualia, hob Aa'wwt t' i . of Canaaa. tfrwt'la ftwiiril hv Itll .Ti. The Shah of I'crsl.i ovus the b'g pest (liamond, the hult in of Turkey the tik'gcst ruby, aid the I'ope will hhortly possess the biggest tooaz in the world. It lloril A II, til roaa. The albatp ss varies frum 12 pounds L'i 2k pounds in weight. The Jaigtstever shut was 17'i feet oe tween the tips of its outstretched wings. IN. IN. U. 10. 751-52, YOPK NCB FREE Hotter keep on the wife Hide. Don't vine ft liniment you're not sure about. If you have an Injury, nn Ache a nerioun Cut or liruise, Lumbago, Neuralgia or anything that ia curable by a liniment, better get MEXICAN MUSTANG LINIMENT. It cured acht-n and injuricH of Man and HeaKt before many of you we'( born. It was found to he reliable by your nir en and grandnirpH; it will be found no by you. A MILLION GOOD FELLOWS have loarned that "a OA80ARET at nlerht makes you foel all right In the morning t" They have told other good follo-we, until the sale of CASCARETS Candy Cathartio la nearly A MILLION BOXES A MONTH Nature punlshoa every ezoesa, and ovor-eatlntT, over-diinking, undor-alooping result in stomach, liver, kidney and bowel troubloe that are liable to become very serious. It la very unwise to wait until digestion is stopped, the bowels constipated, the tongue ooated, the breath offensive, and the nerves tortured with m racking; sick headache. Take a O ABO ABET just before going to bed, and wake up in the morning feeling fine and dandy. All druggists, lOo, SOo, 0Oa Never sold In bulk. The genuine tablet gtampedOOO. Sample and booklet free. Address Bterllng Remedy Oo, Chicago or New York. TO WORKING GIRLS rUF.E MKDICAL ADVICE Kvory workinpf jjlrl who is not wll Is cordially invited to write to Mrs. Pinkliani, Lynn, Mass., for advice; it is freely given, and lias restored thousands to health. Hiss Paine's Experience. "I want to thank you for what yon hnre dono for me, and recommend Lydia K. I'inkhatn's Vegetable Compound to all girls whose work keeps then htandinjf on their feet in the store. The doctor said I must stop work ; he did not seem to realiz that a girl cannot afford to atop work ing. My back ached, my appetite waa poor, I could not aleep, and menstruar tion was acanty and very painful. On day when suffering I commenced to take Lydia E. I'inkhatn's Vege table Compound, and found that it helped me. I continued its use, and aoon found that my menstrual periods were free from pain and natural; everyone ia lurprised at the change in me, and I am well, and cannot be too grateful for what you have done for me." Miss Janet Pains, 530 West 125th St., New York City. $6000 forfilt If orhlnat of abou$ Ittttr prmtnf fftnutntnttg cojh not tt producri. Take no substitute, for it 1 Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound that cures. A Soap ma Country. i In spite of British rule India Is still virtually a snapless country. Throughout the villages of Hindustan soap Is, Indeed, regarded as a natural luiiwany, duu il is idiuiy, ji cvui, Went In strict liv tho. nntlvp shon. keeper. A Problem Sol veil. I Ca libel. Kan., Poo. 2'-'. Tliis part of Kansas has solved the creat question. How can Kidney Troubles be cured, and ns Rheumatism, Height's DIsMse, JMahctes nnil other nllments resultlns from Diseased KI Ineys are coninmit to 1 all parts of the country the news is of I groat interest. I The cure Is Podd's Kidney rills. 1 Hundreds of people will tell you this of their own experience. Take J. P.. Cun nlnghara. for example. lie had Kidney Trouble of lonK fUandlnti. He sought relief In vain. lie had tried Doctors and Medicines of (lln'eront kinds. Finally he tried I tod i's Kidney Pills and he stopped rltrht there. No one who tries Itodd's Kidney Pills for Kid ney Complaint ever needs to look tiny further. Here Is what Mr. Ciinnln liam snys: "Dodd's Kidney Pills are nil right for Kidney Trouble. I have used them and know, for they have dune me more good than anything I ever use 1." Oxit'le Arid From Stiwilnst, Making oalic acid out of sawdust is the work of twelve British nianij factotlos, six German, one French and one liclgian. Yellow and while pine dust Is the best material. Ktlnrnlt g ('tiineai Women, Eight young Chinese women of the highest circles in Klanusu have been s 'til, to Japan for a ti ree years' edu cation. It Is the first Known case of the kind ANNUAL 10,000,000 Greatest Experience cannot be purchased at bargain sales. Wliater,r yn rlo, rloti't Mra. Anittlu'a The milliner should always feel In good trim. Whatever you Jo, d m't forget Mrs. Austin'! An aching tooth may be little, but it Is nervy. I Whatever you do, don't forget Mrs. Austin'! Silence Is gulden. Larue fortunes have been made from stills. Whatever you d i, don't furg-t Urn. Austin', Rome men try lo net out (if a di lemma by drinking both horns. Whatever you do, don't f -rxet Mrs. Austin' Hope must oe elastic. It springs eternal in the hunaan breast. Whatever yon do, don't forg-t Mm. Austla'a Few men acquire polish frow the : grindstone of adversisty. The commission appointed to reap p irlinn Oklahoma has announced the total p"pulatiou of the territory to be 000,000. The bulk of the cranberries of this country come from the part of east ern Massachusetts which lies Dear Cape Cod. Trade la Germany has never been at such a low ehb, and the larger towns are tilled with thousands of persons out of work. After his marriage the rector of Kalkington, Yoiktire, England, sent a pound of wedding cake to every household in his parish. When the New York posrofflce was built its annual receipts were $2,802, 637' they are now $11. 070.. 674; in a year they will be $20,000,000. A collection of about four hundred and fifty different kinds of wooos found in North America Is now being arranged in the in .seum of the de partment of forestry of the Univer sity of Michigan. There are plenty of people who have become depressed and discouriitred, be cause that dry, hnckinif cough hangs to tlifin continually. They have taken much medicine, mostly of the advertised quack it.irt, notliinif like Dr. August Koenig's Hamburg Kreast Tea, the discovery of n then noted ticrmun physician til) years ago. We do not say that this will cure a case where the lungs are badly diseased, for it will not, tind up to this date there is nothing that will cure under these con ditions; but on the other hand, if the lungs are not hard hit, the patient should take Itr. August Koenig's Hamburg P.reast Ten, n cup full every night on going to bed, have it hot, drink slowly, then every other night, rub the throat and top portion of the lungs with St. Jacobs Oil, cover with oil silk, let it re main nil hour, then remove. Kat good, plain, nourishing food, live in the open nir as much as possible. I!y nil means sleep as near out of doors as possible, that is. windows wide open, except in very severe weather. Take a cold sponge bath evi ry morning; then immediately rub the body vigorously with a coarse towel. Take Dr. August Koenig's Ham burg Drops every other day according I M directions. Due can buy ihe three remedies for J1.J. of any reliable drug gist. Hegin the treat men t at once, end see how much better you will be almost within a week's time. Spit Jiltergi-n ll'aerletl. SDitzbergen belongs to no countty, and since the cessation of whaling, It Is deserted, even in summer. There are deposits of coal and phosphates, but it does not pay to work them. The sorrows of life enables us to appreciate the pleasures more thoroughly. JVi iiliroouia as fonl. It would coit a man $:jo a day to liVe on mushrooms. On the other hand, 10 cents would buy su'llcicnt flour to supply him with enough loud to enable him to continue at hard wotk. Coliauelo'a fine I'ark The park surrounding Iilenhclm palace is 2,700 acres in extent, and twelve miles round. flTQ rvriiiiio!! v Corcil an nu om.rf.iiirK r.M nn lliu fjri,tilar'r in. o, tir. klltt,'', Oroai orv. tla atonar av-rW."'! If Kl: $4 oe 'rial boU..uirt Lr-ai!i. till. H. H. KLl.Nfc Ud.. Ktl .-a Su J'liliaoiphi fa. SALE BOXES in theVorld - Os D FAVORITES -H--H- Tbe ISells of Hliandon. With deep affection and recollection 1 ofleu think of those Shandou bells, Whose sounds so wild would in the days of childhood Fling round my cradle their magic spells. On this 1 ponder, w here'er I wonder, And thus grow fonder, sweet Cork, of thee; WiUthy..-iieiIs,f ..Sliatidun, That sound so grand on The pleasunt waters of the Kivcr Lee. I have heard bells chiming full many a clinic in, Tolling sublime in cathedral shrine; While at a glib rate '.trass tongues would vibrate, Itut all their music spoke naught like thine; For memory dwelling on each proud swelling Of thy belfry kneeling its bold notes free, Made the bells of Shandou Sound far more grand on The pleasant waters of the Hirer I,ee. I have heard bells tolling "old Adrian's, mole" in, Their thunder rolling from the Vatican, And cymbals glorious, swinging uproari ous, In the gorgeous turrets of Notre Paine; Iiut thy sounds were sweeter than the1 dome of Peter Flings o'er the Tiber, pealing solemnly O! the bells of Shandon Round far more grand on The pleasant waters of the Hiver Dee. Diere's a bell in Moscow, while on towe and kiosko In Kt Sophia the Turkman gets, And loud in air calls men to prayer From the tapering summits of tall min arets. Such empty phantom I freely grant 'em, But there's nn anthem more dear to me: 'Tis the hells of Shandon, That sonnd more grand on The pleasant waters of the Hiver Iee. -FrinciB Mahony. Twickenham Ferry. 'A hoy! and O-ho! and it's who's for the ferry?" (The briar's in bnd and the sun's going down.) 'And I'll row ye so quick and I'll row ye so steady, And 'tis but a penny to Twickenham Town." 1 he ferryman's slim and the ferryman's young, With just a soft tang in the turn of bis tongue; And he's fresh ns a pippin and brown as a berry, And 'tis but a penny to Twickenham Town. 'Ahoy! and O-ho and it's I'm for the ferry," (The briar's in bud, and the sun's going down), "And it's late as it is and I haven't a penny Ob! how can I get me to Twickenham Town?" Bhe'd a rose in her bonnet snd oh! she looked sweet As the little pink flower that prows in flif wheat, Willi her cheeks like a rose and her lipf like a cherry "It's sure but you're welcome to Twick enham Town." "A hoy! ami O-ho! You're too late foi the ferry," (The briar's in bud and the sun's going down). And he's not rowing quick and he's not rowing steady; It seems quite a journey to Twicken ham Town. "A-hov! and O-ho!" vou mny call ns you "will; The voimg moon is rising o'er Petersham Hill: Ktu, with love like a rose in the stern ol the wherry. There's danger in crossing to Twickcn ham Town. Theophile Manuals. NEGRO GIRL LEAVES WELLESLEY. Hooker T. Washington's daughter who recently was reported to be dolnj well at Wellcslcy College, lias now, r transpires, been forced to leave the In Mittitlon and go to Ilradford Academy It la said she fulled hi mimic. Whlli . Miss Washington was taken up ant made much of by the Northern girls it' the college, her reception by girls froit the South was, It Is declared, of n nn tare to' give the faculty some embnr russmcnt. t'tiiinges in Milps. The rapidity of Improvement In na val matters nowadays Is shown bj the fact that the Krigllsli ships Har flettr nnd Centurion, built Just Hint years ago and much praised at the tinx are now so obsolete that they art to be reconstructed at a cost of $500V 000 each I When s woman baa nerve, a msi tss't ss it. THE SON 1 1 O MIMIDTrDTi.ri.IPI A Mil OF EX- u.o.Mimoi C inmends Peruna to Hon. Loals E. Johnson is the son of the late Reverdy Johnson, who waa United States Senator from Maryland, also Attorney General under President Johnson, and United States Minister to England, and who was regarded as tbe greatest constitutional lawyer that ever lived. In a recent letter from lOOC V street, N. W., Mr. Johnson says: ' No one should longer suffer from catarrh when Peruna is ac cessible. To my knowledge it has caused relief to so many of my friends and acquaintances, that it is humanity to commend its use to all persons suffering with this distressing disorder of the human system." Louis E. Johnson. Catarrh. I'oiaons. Catarrh is capable of changing all the life-giving secretions of the body into scalding fluids, which destroy and in flame every part they eomc in contact with. Applications to the places affect ed by catarrh can do little good save to noothe or quiet disagreeable symptoms. Hence it is that gargles, sprays, atom izers and inhalants only serve as tem porary relief. So long as the irritati'ig secretions of catarrh continue to be formed so long will the membranes con tinue to he inflamed, no matter what treatment is nsed. There is but one remedy that has the desirable effect, and that remedy is r? HUB -i'f WHAT LIQUID KOAL ISi It is a black, oily liquid obtained by the dry distillation of S3 coal and embracing Hihorate of sodium, calcium, sodium. oobasNium 3iB and extracts of resinous materials Xylol is a hydrocarbon taken JlU nlrl J ti the empyreumatic oleon sin of Pinus Palustris. Creosol and quaiacol are two of the main constituents of creasote. Riborate of sodium is prepared by iixtviation of earth, which is strongly impregnated with Utrax evaporating the solution and crystallizing. Calcium, Sodium and Potassium are elements of nature. The question mi.-ht occur if these properties are found in Coal, why not use coal? The answer Is First, eot! does not contain all the constituents: second, those if, does contain are only yielded at a temperature of over 320 degrees Falironlieit,and it is plain that if a hog's stomach generated this am mot of he.;lt, the hog would become roast pork seas', tied with frie 1 parxsitcs of ho,' cholera. Thousands of farmers are using this remedy with great suc cess. Our limited space forbids us giving hundreds of testimonials as we could, which will be furnished you on request. if- J'ti J b n't it't it i'H JB J'U -j-rl J ii J . Li m i J'L J" is -i'r j'ti rji'ff J'L. Vf! J'Li Vr; J'L Vf- .-IT is an article which ymi will hud dai!y use for. II' you once adopt its use you will find it to be indispensible, and as the price is so reas onable no family should be without, it. Liquid Knal will cure Corn Stalk Disease, Hog Cholera, Swine Plague, lilack Leg. Lump Jaw, Scans in Sheep, 1'ink Eye. Guar anteed as a Lice Killer. PRICES OF ONE QUART CAN - (1.00 ONE GALLON - 3.00 FIVE GALLONS. $2.75 PER GAL y'O 32-Paire Book on Diseases of Animals Mailed Free on Ap 'M plication. If no Local Aent. Order Direct 370 From Us. We Prepay Charges. -i p NATIONAL MEDICAL CO., CAPITAL $250,000.00 Vf? YORK. NEBRASKA. ainatrtfrTitK-urrfc:! The red headed man doesn't mind getting bald. Km. WlmloWi S001IIINO SYKUP far rhlUrcn tf thing, aoflatia th mm,. ri',tli ea Inflnnialton, allay, pain, etiroe wind choltr. t.V bottle. It Is well to remember that sun shine without shadow eventually would become monotonous. I'oti ie fin h In Toklo. Toklo ought to be the cleanest town In the world. It has 8U0 public baths used daily by .'100,000 persons. I'oloOoea Itnik to II. ('. Ilnya. Polo is probably tho oldest of ath letic sports. It has been traced to 900 H. 0. Hy Coat of Armaraonta, ' Tbe armies and navies of tbe nine largest European towers cost alto gether Just over 1,0 K) millions yearly. tn I UCIMULHUU Al! Catarrh Sufferers. Peruna. This remedy strikes at once to the roots of catarrh by restoring to the capillary vessels their healthy elas ticity. Peruna is not a temporary pal liative, but a radical cure. Send for Dr. Hartman'g latest book, sent free for a short time. Address The Peruna Drng Manufacturing Co., Co lumbus, Ohio. If yon do not derive prompt nnd satis factory results from the use of Peruna, write at once to Dr. Hnrtman, giving a full statement of your case, and he will be pleased to give you his valuable ad vise gratis. Address Dr. Ilartman, President of The Ilartman Sanitarium, Columbus, O. wit h xylol, quaiacol and creosol. by destructive distillation from LIQUID KOAL TEN GAL. KEG, $2.50 PR GAL 25 GAL. 1-2 B8L $2.25 GAL 50 GAL ONE BBL., $2.00 GAL SHELDON, IOWA. ffod Laws In 1 no Countries, Neither in Fiance nor in Austria are ptuper children permitted to en ter the workhouse. They are board ed with peasant families. Mi lib I'nya ttecnnl I'rle.o. When the Shah of Persia visited Drury Lane theater In 1873 he paid the record price of 500 fo his. box. ; Did you ever stop to consider how many times you might have done; a kl'.dness and did njt? Ely's Cream Balm WILL CURE CATARRH DrmasUta, sect