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About Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 25, 1902)
I, if, IT if; 4 r r- 1- STOCK BRANDS. tnJ'CIIilvUI hnblleb your brand. I Ik, tb (laawtug, for t- "0. per fm. r.acn ed like aJ Brand 7 nU. (.rr? ttrmrr or ranchmen lu Ktoux and adjoinlag counties ebenld adverliae their brands m liuJuH At, as it elnm.iM all over the stale. It war be the weaua ot aavmg iroiu r (or you S5C0 REWARD. , For the arrest and coeviction ot any purty or mi ties stealing or dial inuring any brands Moek belergiag to the ond rsisued par Press-Journal l'm-RsiMY, Ik-c. 25 1!MVS. C. C. lrke, Pr.' KNTKHKK IN T1IK I'OSTOrUCk: AT II 1! tUOX NKP.K. A'SKi uMi CI. Ass MATTr.R J H. I ENsLoW. OKKICIAL PAF-EH OF SIOUX COUNTY. One Dollar Per Yar. brej-av r. r.. jait. ok- !eft i!r riwJ en left Jaw.tSI on . eft hip of Cattle, l'oal Ullli-e, Hewitt, sleei C'ountv. Nebraska. Jiix y. snow. liorsea tiraar.' r Eft fin left felt mil brn.iitl.vj on U-ft hoti'!rr m, Cuttle on left aide Post Office Address, Patrick, 1 aramle o Vyo. GKOHUK SWAXSOH. Cattle branded Barges branded lllpj hi left aide Al on left aUoa !dr, range on feldier I reek. Any slock branded as above beina- estrny ed from my ra'ig, discovered ly y body a firing me luforniHtten will be rewarded. AUie, ft. HobliiHon, Mebriuka J. B fARgRR. Morse bran. led on Cattle same on left left shonldrr and I hip. Sheep baruded on Wack i aekofheep. Baaga oa Soldier Crack and White River. Addreaa. Kt. Koliinxon, Nebraska. DEKI'CRKKK LIVESTOCK Co OSp-JJJ Branded an left hip af Cattle - SttSt'itl and on left nheek oi Morse , JaMaiaM KunKaou Dep Creek. A arena, Deep Creek Lire Stock Co,. J. H. UalbiKT, Koreman, Ulan, Nebraska. CHARI.K NEWMAN. The braad repreaented in this notice and kraadd any where on left iide ef cuttle, and over-lap :ut flow the riKlit ear. Alao the aame brand on left thigh ol borava, belong to the nadereigued. "ileal eeaaty. tii.Ktwj, narriaon, Mebruka 2ca AMUEL KNORI. Cattle branded any where on left aide of the animal. Rang on Irai eg . nd Mon Creeks. Baaeaarik I roe ' Addreaa, Harriaon. Kebraaka REW iP.D. will par $5 00rward for nrh h:irl f Da Col villoma horses brandwij eiltier jiw or Ihij;" !urn orr 'jo John Bieaer on Riii.nm w.Ur, also $100.00 for pnof I. oict any person unlawfully haounng ay of .said borscs. VT. J. A. RACM. Owns the follow. trifiurtifiU un eilh JOHN A. HANSON A !o HG on rat (Ia miu hrtia ';;! K W on lftsiii- I DL on rijfiit m'r Hmiii tt. cut. AihI al-o I oh ngtit iiip. Ht It MKT A MtNi. t itttl- liraiH, -it hhiiiw n-i lhnt i cut IIU r h1 o hiiI- lloract bra'i ted on rl'iit Hhouider j And IoIIukIiir on jV$3 WW rjnar. Rv 'l'-r. ' j ef rattle, b&fi UpU (MAi or Dive Colville liincli. Willi. "ti. HimiUy 1 f i,en. .Vebr. I"'1 hia lllit ' '! of tck. NKII, JORDAN. 1Um-s ,'llld Cat tie lrHndnl on PUP ml thU t ',""4 en left ide and hip. Kwniri'On liiinuiiif; Wrttr. LllJ'r !'ol flic-':'Mrea, Ibrriem, N-braMk a. as on rut. I And 'atUe bmndeil kt, - , f'. JjB :eft ide, ai.d How., on l.t t V f .. J'i'd ,'-'"! ... ... -a. .-; 1 Kaitue mi nun x- Addrea-, IJimI-ii r, Nehr.tkt. I Aiidre Aifitle, Nfti. W-l Kange on Silver Sprin sr and eiwt ! autr line. I'oiitnfJice Harrison Neh. AMtRKW enuisTIAN I Cattle brand ed on luf t Hide same at cut aae hordes branded ou lei I aaonlde (A j mine a cut are the praperty of Andrew ( liri.xtian am rane tributary to Vaa Taxel Springs. Addr, Kirtiev, Wvo. HKNRT WAKStKK. Cattle brand- 9V.' ed on left aide. Range on Running Water Creeek. x-x P. O. Adlrejs HarriSijn, Nebraska. Cuttle branded also. oh lft side (-uHl. V,v..HrtneJ !l lift aide WVHKT; Cattle bra.ided k.'l m I.eTt Hip HK.NRT WEISK, roreman P.O. Address Glen, Neb PTBT1 Veraee araaded and on right thigb alder and kraaied oa right Jaw Alao, I bare eraee braaded aa left thigh feet Otti re Addreaa, Narriaon, Sloax Co, Nebraxki t. ati Tkia ea J 8. TI CKER. Branded on left shoulder ot anraeg md on left aide of rattle. 3 na mis a.-! trt r'lirtit atltlfs &1 right side of cattle loo. aaegana White River, nearfjlen. Tost Ofllce address, Uleii, Nebraska. A. T. IU GIISIN. arsnd eABnht dnnhleaaaeaaaai ram ' mf eat tie. Norses aaaiekvUa fcHf pi'wii'ifr. fa if at "' r1"h' yV Cattle all dehonJ ffl on left aide n right jar eattle. sge an Kyi Craa, fost, Glea Nebraska BREWSTER Co. Cattle braad ' eel vine as that ' est eat, either art kl ar aa V left ioaldrr. 7 a (rare braaded with any of above brands. Addreaa, 1. A. Aaaiaawa, arrieon, Nebraska. A Good Cough Medicine. Fiiim th, Oitzt tir, Tot iritmtliri, AunlraHn 1 fimH h.iri!r!uur!t i kiuli Keir.eii' is an -xulletJl (neiin-ine, I have m-n snll nin; from a severe ctili) for tli last two nx'nl lis, and it lifts effeeted a cure. 1 have pieat p!ea-.ure in reuomfner.-dng it. W. C. WOCKNEH. This Id th (iiiiniin i "f on of our oldvat ami tn it res-j.tpil ret.idenb. and lias ln voluntarily given ' in tfood laitli that other may try the ; remedy hi1 rw la'nettietf, :is vai Mr. S i r.-r, Tiuh remedy la yold hy all 1 isriifwix. 1-1 wn flute -'iH liH WATCHMAKER & JEWELER All kinis of Golil aii'l Silver work done. Kinp made to ordfr. All work guaranteed. HARNESS, SADDLES, and RANGE GOODS. Harness made to order. Saddles re-covered. SUCCESSOR tc G. W. HESTER, 4DEALEE IN(w Lumber, Dooih, Sa-h, Limr Coal,':-Wagon", aTid Ma''liiii"ry of all kinds. Al.o Wind Mills, Towers, Pis)i;i, Pinnps, ami everytliiiii in t hat line. I 'alto carry a lartre stock (,i feed, ground and Tirifrround. 1 make a Hptt ialty of retiring Wind-mills. Mail Orders will receive prompt attention. Knr.i:i!T V NT.'T.. fS-' .-5"V"1 Caitle llraitiled fvH :. ':f J i left aide Hatia oa i. T. WITT. oa laft eld. Kartawa. Kabrasta. KZi PLtr-JcyciAL 11,00 RHEUMATISM CUREDAT LUST. Good Scwm 5-or All Who Suffer With Khi uniatiKiu Frfr. To all who auirr with Rheumatism I will wsnd free lli wonderful Ury of how my tuother waa cuied aftr years of auireririKt together wiln the rnoet elal)or,itetrvalise on Kiuniaiim ever puhlishel. 5o matter what your form of Rlieu inaliem is, vi hether acute. runic, tmm tular, inflamnialiiry, d lurmant, H;ia!ic, meralgia, nout, lamh.itjo, etc no mat ter how many doctor have failed in your case no mutter Ikiw many soriiiled "sure cures" ou have tried I want yon J to write to me and let me tell you how i mother was c ured. I am neither b I oct"r nor a Professor imply a plain m:'n of )une hut I I hnva (JUKE for Rheumatism, and 1 1 want to tell everyone who autfers wMhi R! euiuatisni all atmut it. I wish to he" t clearly undertoKl,Hnd trust that all wri nre sufferinj; with this terrible deease, however apparently Iwyond the reach j of cure, will write to me this, day and I well send you by return mail this work of mine. I apieal especially to the "chroiiu-allv ill" who are weaned, and! discouraged w,th "diw t'" and th'menho have lieen cast iisiih, as"m-j curahle." All you hav Ihoiu'ht alioiit ' Rliciimatiam may he wronir ly mej tell you our eXiericnce. Surely, if you I have Rheumatism, or have a sulfe'imfl fneixl, it will pay you to invaatiRat my offar, anyway, and prova for yourself lletsa claims 1 make. Send m your addreaa today a postal car J will do and I will mail you thi wonderful torv. If yon hav any frienda suffering with Rheumatism no matter where lia'ut- d, send ma their addreaa, and I will mail thatn a conv. M.v nddreas is VICTOR BAINBOI.l , Uloomflald, lod. AUo cslt'e branded ft; M tin ielt hip shoulder or side. f,'3 -'i Uaiigean t-J Kllnnllig VYiiter. I. . Address Ag'Hc. cliraeka. J. j.KVrR. J. R. IICVTEB. rlifh stock Vrandi-d-.; tuUeM alrle or liip. Address, i:J lia-iier. l oieinan Harrison, Neb. Cattle bniiide.'r -a' ft ! .x I.KtTMln: fo tOl- dlrese.ttiadroe Silcanka. " '' OC'.Wk llAIMfl-, ii'. tie braiideij as ,(iwu on leit side with on left :V4 ' j -1 "v,'r u'1 Mi;g on Kiiu- nlng VValr, V. it. Address, W.irsland, Nrbr. rzitnaWa Ctlekem futpta. Eatluc $50 worth of chirkpu potple at ou mutl la an eitravu, aut way of living, enpaclally for a resid'at of Weet Maiiiyunk, where ruiiiiiiDalrea are scarce articles. A few yesn ago tbete lived at Pencoyd a young man who wag just inaklnj h!i tart In the world, but has alnce beccmo out of tie KOLeyed men of tba r.oi;ntry. In Lis early career he became very fond of game chickens and Invested J50 In a gamecock of the eboiceet lighting ttrKln. He turned th cock loowo with a lot of common h-ns. aa4 In Liii Idle bouri enoyed many butt let witU birda owned by neighbors. He cacao home from a buatnesa trip on day and en Joyed a chicken dinner prepared by hi wife that he thought waa the beat meal be bad ealan for many day. "XW chicken," ha remvked. "Yaa," replied the wife; "I sot Jama to kill a coil pi of old rooelera down at the barn." He flnlahed tb meal, took a troll out to th barn and found hl pet bad disappeared and that be had eaten a M potpl. Philadelphia Record. tlaaar frealJeot RaoeavelL Prealdent Rooaevolt baa ba:n unaal- 1 tnouily elected an honorary member of : th Union League club of New York. He haa ben an active member of tb club for about eighteen year. Freat Cent Harriaon and McKlnley were the only chief eiectitlvea almllarly hon ored by the club. VH THEY V.EKE CHSAf. rrMldeat MeKlaler t'sed to Tell a XU,r with a MrmL President McK'inky ls'H to tell w,U, good deal of a:mjsrcer.t a aim which related to h'. early dy. In tne law. On the wy to (tad from his o.f.ct te wo ai.cuatcn.eil to pa.'i a bj:rc.'' shop, and for a lonjj t!:r. wrj yvuiie . t.y a ctrUIn noUro' which be there Id the riorr.'.ng he wov.l j, "Ooo-i pork taiiaag'. -;u cent." On hie rettirt In the eveuitg he would K'iri'.tiuv. find those rau:-age utril 10 rents a j.itind, but n;or of'en tl. not:ce was ciiangKl and the nlgu rend: pork aausagra 12" or aoactimti 10 "wou." The matter, he ld. usud to worry him. Sausages were not of o perliti Ah'.e a nature that they would not ic-cp till the next day. and be could not understand it. rio one eveniag he topped at tb (hop, lead tome cait.iui reewtrk. and then lcqtiired the price of aauhagejs. "Ten nta," aaid the Bliopkeepet. "not," replied Mr. McKlnloy, ' tliej were X0 et tbli mnrnlnB." Bo they wer, Mr. McKlnley." re plied the butcher. "So they were. Then I bad m, now I haven't. Nius. ag' at 10 rents It simply to gm mn t reputation for rber.pnese. See?" The future prenideat fgw, i.nd w? la the habit of Raying that a many reputation wr mado ta tiii.t way.-Yotilb's Companion REMEMBER Marsteller Bros, Handle thrke op as hood hranih ok SIHKS as are made AMERICA. TlIK SKLZ SCIIWAIJ SIIOHCO. OFCHKIAliO Is thp largest manufacture of Shoes in the world And the old reliable line, of M. IX WELLKK. of ('hicago And F. Mayer and Co. Shoe of Milwaukee And a full line of Mens', Womens, and Children' Over Shoes, And we carry a full line of Dry C-oods, Duck Coats and Caps, Groceries, Hard-Ware, Flour and Feed And a nice line of Xmas. Candies. Come and get our prices, which an; always the best in town. MARSTELLER BROS. i-Ths Oomoiercial Bank. HARRISON. NEBRASKA. DIRECTORS. C. F. CiKFEE, President. F. W.Clarkk, Cashier Cas. C. Jameson. II. S. C r.AUKK, A. McGiwlht Stockmen having use for a bank at this point may rHy us to handle their entire Hanking busines. -Wr are prepared to take care of our trade at all timeMt- e" . LI. .'."! laag I THE PIONEER PHARMACY. Dnis;: j Druist's Sundries, 1 Paints, Oils, YVi rn in lies; BOOlcS find STATIONARY. Qj) J. E. PHINNEY, Proprietor. j A. R. KKwgOT. Cattle Itisaded ' V71 Also wnne or ilia norses it y"A mi'i'm. tie are bl mcd on lde t - i't A te siitiHidcr s-iiiie as di-scr.u- . jA el lor Ilia side and sariie an .ler "f hur-wss. alove baund. Addiess, Harrison, Netiriisk", iittii:,!!r,inrled ak r. ). Address, Crawford, Meter ,. os Ittirbl ;a Shoulder WORK vKS!-.The Puess-Joi.rnal does Job Work. Neat, q r, First Class and Up-Tod)ate. I Call in and get our prices on Hushies"- Cards, Note f " II cads, -Letter Heads, l-nvelopes ;tc. i ha Prfiss-Jmirnal i l.k V V sn w WVaf IIMIl fj OTFICIAL DIRECTORY. r a. SKSATOIM .Jo"ii'H It. Miu.Ar ( a is. Ii. I'J'.IKIf h CONi.UKs-.mkv I''.wer J. tit Bkr.rr, Hep. 1st lit, IaviI Ii. Mi:irin, l.'ep. iiiu! ln.tX J'H J. Kokihson, fas. Jrd hist. WM. hlAKK, t'us. 4Mt l-Nt. A. ('. k'HAI.I.IEMir.RoEa, Vila. 6tll Jllst. W M. StULl.t, ril,ltll Dl.t. WATK OKfll MIS K P. hvur, (,o:mor C. If. str.l.r., I.lent, Aovernor i.r.o, W. Marsh, .cn taty of sute Cm as. Wkston, Auditor r.uh. Aids. Vi w. STUi rKK, Trennarer V'. K, Kowi.ra, snpt I uhllr Insljuclloa fkAUK M. I'koi T, At y liencral tiKoBOk,( 0111. pah. lands and hido IUhiiman, l.llirarian (XH'MTV (IKHI EIW . J. A. Rat, Clerk . Jomu I. tuns, Treasurer AI.RX Ixivtkt, sheriff I W . J. A. Rai n, ,.,k of fiistrlet Conn J. H. HfHKk, enpt. of I'ublie Instructed J. II. R,Kril.i., J.idre M. J. (I'l onr.l.l., AIUiney Id friao, Mirveyor Pai Lact, coroner ni irtu uf 'd v rr 1 mm.o t i.. Jits c v ti, l.t ; ..- j, t I. l.wi, ?m.i M-:ri, , T..A. fii(ii,on, .n tustrut. w have made arranrmeiiU will, iha publishers of the Younu l'aopla'a Weekly uiie id the lsl periodicals of Us class, aa that we can runii-li aaid paper in con oect. ioii Willi the Press-Journal each on tear f..r tl.esu.ali kuiii of fl 25 lur Uith papera r t I linen in urrers on aulnu riptinu who will pay what Ihey ow and 2.i tenia extra ws, will aend the Yoonj: Peobl' on year- Tine who have paid mi h lvalue for thv Press-Journal ami want a first cl.Ms paper f.r th youn, I di.a nil come, in on the deal also, ,y paviux cents extra. The Yourijj People's Weekly has rH, V ed it niiirvelmiSRUccess and atlam.d i in .iiaunn 01 over illU.HW copies a we. M '"" its coiilen's inieresi vonng read er. Its is.piil ,nt. rxtemis to thought. fill whorei oiiize in il on.f ih hesi aula in krrpiiiK tiding folk la heallhy touch will, l, ai l,, , , trivinir fhem taat for clean, vigernti leading, uiiil preaenliiiK Irulna m NJ oifst iittraiiive form. "CIKserrattoa Atnmahwaa.- A Una of "observation - ' V . fa to he r a la Tjo a . hi-...- r . 1 - .-, u, t., lor the bonr-nt of vlaltora. Ba'h vhlc;i tarrir twenty-two pwenrem and will ' o accompanlad by kcturar oa puloti ! mteraat at th capital. Taa fa i .,roKna and tha uotlv power ateaa i e I i I J s .v, " " 'aaaaaiaaaas-'"'' " ''trlt 4 "'f"