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About Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 1, 1903)
"7i r - "i '. -- mwA r'-'-i ' t- - f ADD TCr. TVT Pi? 11 ATTD .T A T 4Afl VOX,. XV. HABBISOH, lNTEBIg,.A-SICA, 1-BITJB3I3.A.-Z-, JATSTTTABY 1.1903. N O. 27 7 H 1 'A V i- 4 f- J HARRISON IIAPPSMJtlS A Card of Thanks. Mr.Jame vohnsoti wishes to announce to t''e public th:il he is verv thankful to those who ko liberally contributed toward tlx' purchasing of a horse, hu losing one of Ins work hur.-s some time ago. Ami to Pat Lacy, who took up the subscription for the same, his thoughts are line xpressiide hut ho will say 'thanks thanks' lovou Mr. Ijicy. Mass was held in town Monday. James Rice from Pleasant Ridge was a Harrison visitor Mondav. Another glorious! hristmas has passed n. still tlm Auliii moves on. Sunday school at 10 o'clock; every body invited. W. H. Davis; Supt. J. H. Wilhermsdnrler went to Lnsk lust Saturday and returned Tuesday. You are invited to examine the Uee W'hizx Washer; Something new at J. H. Bart I Is. The Harrison schools took un their neial work, altera week ol vacation, A number of our town hoys are en gaged lit shoveling sr.ow lor Ui Y. L. 4; M. V. R K. Co. All merchandise to go at a cut price until the first of the year. J. I!. Kartell. All Vniok aeroimts mils', tie km led bv tai wr note, liy January 1',, 1003. J. H. Kartell. Cslray Natlsa. Si raved from Jolui Hanson's ranch, one led brm-kle laced jS cow, brundeu gj)vj i!so iH-ijj on leftside, and llirre yi . old. St raved KoniH time in Auel. tf.1 reward will lie paid for her where-a-ixiuts, Jaine Thornton, Harri.snn. Nrhr. B eazes from Glen. j LETTER FROM MRS E. L. RL E. The Christ mas tree and entertainment' '"'. (,'- riec. 17-1903. Kiven at the church Christmas Eve. wa-C Tha months :ome nround to lant for a ;tiinil nucleus in npite of deep hiuiw ami ni" ' 1'i'cks Journal letter ;etrt put had roads. Recitations were well render- 11 1'IIIh later each time In fact there eil by tha little folks. After music, "',"!s 'i'!'8., i tlj-a to nianufaciure a dialogues, and RonKs. the presents were i letter I rum except the weather. The distributed, and an abundance: of candv, doings of one family do not furnish nuts, popcorn und apples were passed moi'S" tlmt is of interest to any one but around. 'The eveninir was well enioved ! en, selves. I luive ts eu busily en'aed . by all. Evorv Botle of Cliamoerl&in's Couch Kemotly Warranted. We cmirantee every bottle of Cham iK'rlain's Couli R 'Mn'dyand Aill refund the money to anyone who is not satisfied nfter usitii; two thirds of the contents. This is the lst remedy in the world for la Krple. coughs, coll", croup and Miss Cora Sowers and h-r pupils ol Itist . No. 1 participated in the Christmas program. A Christinas tfift to Mr. and Mrs. Mor- lenson,-r-a r Our school is enjriyiny; a vacation now. We will return to our work Jan. 5. I JIM); I fee. lt,h, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Johnson, their baby bov, age 7 weeks. Friends of the family ex-; press sympathies. Mr. and Mrs. Fred filomliertf came from Wlutewood to Glen to spend the holidays. Mihn May Wctier is home for vacation. MAItmr.D Mr. Robert Johnson and Miss Grace fnddy, Ifec 17ih 1902 Tha wed ding took pU 'e in Hirrisois. In the eve ning Mr. and Mrs. Johnson returned to Glen, where thev entertained a party of relatives and friends. A K'd time was reported bv all present, and Ihe bride and Kroom received the congratulations and whooping coiiti and is (.leasant. and safe .o lane. ,t prevem anv o, a i )est wj-hes of all their rnanv fi cold to result in pneumonia. For sale by all ItriiKHisU. nr. i.rprence rrv nr.1 Mau'ie The slow bns be'-n civincr the trains Punlewn cani up lr m Ft K.d.ii.M n t,.,,Hid.rii.t tnmM- alt 1h pr.sent week Welnwttuy to attend tj, MaKUi-iuie ! Saturday's pass-ntfer was reported ten vDmII, ; j hours Ur-miv (if (lvp snow on the i Iji'U.' Pine divi-iiifi, niel lli--n when it did We learn this week that John T. Fit?. com it (stuck mi the Ms? lull east of town gr. A has disred nf bis Wvominir I until Sunday eveniiii;. 1 he mil-road Co. cbri piiirj wocxJ the , bas Inr! a lar;re f Tree of men ll-trtsrinir j all wet ici tins seoion( and on Tuesd:i liip rolarv ptow c-.ini up ranch, Jake Mill, the s!cp rnnn purchnser. tlie hip rolarv plow c-.ini up to widen 'V.ilter WoodeufT nm ov r from ; the cus, winch in phu-t-s wre si narrow Indian creek Tm-sd iv and t,v.k tl n-nn that several iair indows were demolish that nir it for a short visit with relatives ed bv the snow. at, Crawford. j . " ' ! Croup- ,; The animal s ippec iven 1v Use Wood ten o the World will be oven on Jan. 1.1 1903. Th" .irr-r i!i le- i-xc! cs v. ly for it memliers, and their families. Mr. TCiemati lias been on tlie 1'eiui place. A rompa'iv of (Jlen's younr folks are orei,irin to take in the entertainment at Andrews, Ieo. 21). War Bonnet Topics. Wij earn t''a' Frink Avei v.a former K'ktiorn I'lrnnt. an I m'ire recentlv wcett pt Oriri .Tonctiori, fas ees'wfl ftrM rvt tn emjage husiness romewhere Colonidn, The perm I i r ou;j',i which indicates ;crr,ip. is usually well ki iwn to the ( mother of i-roupv cbiUlreu. lime j should bu lost ill the t t rient of it, and j for ibis purpose no medif-me has received ! more tmveial nurova( than Chamber 'nuns (oii'i It'tiie-iy. lo not wnste FX I valuatde tun" in ex"nment inu' with un " i tried remedies, no mittnr how hitftil v i titev u ay lw recomrnend'-d, lint ffivetbis ' medicine as directed anil all svmntouis of croup will (j inkly di.sipiiear. For sale by all DnisiiMs V, E Pnnttn. vr-n r.r Mr. an.) Mr F. F Pontius arri ved ' 'hrit niw eo'ht fror, Trinidad, t 'olnraito, wbprA tw rnv tiol , li f)sitinri vih t,e Cnlorido Siutttern Tor (i fw weeks viii a' home. I t iw commence ltit vear in dome . If yon want a nnr for yonr "mt ."! thn.uchom its VhI trTrl. or anvthinc flf in ""'rs' Vm r",'!r,ii"r"-"1 r?-'" Monday eveiim was a success anil enjoyed hv a t Andrew Happenings. .Mr-.r ,, .,.,,. ,. ,,. pfs,.,,,; Althou-b it seMMed the weather Williermwlorfer. All pOOtlf and tram,-, were worliiinr ii-niust it. An Warranted. ' ' j dreu is Imrd t eat and the cm! hen . .spoke arid sanjr beaut II ul selections. Cmnntv Mai.' j A I ter t he proyi amme I he presents were The P fSP-.Tori'SAl. has prie'd a lim-' distributed, and all enjiveila Ireit of : -.1 v ..r ,. it..;it i i i . , . . i i ,,,..-, , ,.., ..,..i .an.p:.uu,,upp.. nuisano eu:., arm aiiera , ,v were able Kimeet tofet her on Xmas. Twiard wtoch can tv socur"! ror eicli pusi time ViHitiuu with friends, all lt Thry will also be piven as a premiu n to j happy ahout 4 o'clm.k in the moinin. ew tnibscriliers. Christmas is over lint it will lonn be remembered bv tne merry time we bad at tile Christmas tree at our schoolhotise. A lengthy program was rendered hy the school under the uiannenienl of Miss (Jormun our coiupctent. teacher. We hint the hMior of M iss Man I Ian is. (a f . inner te;icher of this place), presence and she fa cored us a ith a few selections which we all Inlilv appreciated. Miss Harris is surely a luiu elocntionesi mil it is a rare ireat to bear her. 'I be Christmas tree wasiaiden with toys and Hoodies, and ul I t h e cbildre n were ov r j ived when "OM Sarita'' appeared on the seen an he in to pas them around. lie was a fine funny old fellow, and as he is an old am tmnei r be kept up a lauh most -of the tune. At last, when all was over every one went home with a Kood supply of candy, nuts and pres ents. Mr. Keel and f.imilv, Mr. V ml '. rti-' and laniilv, Miss Harris and M iss 1 lorman spent 'bnstmasat Mr. John Plunket ts All r- port. a fine dinner and a pood time, i Mr. (instave .oreish and family sp-'tit Christmas at their li ucih'er'.s, Mrs, , Sam Knon's to celebrate the arrival of that new ho v I s'ippose. Mrs Belle Dunn and family and Mr. Jack Finley and family spent Christmas will) t lieu- sister Mrs. F. S. Scot l and i deep snow, i 1 family; they enjoyed themselves as it was the first time in rnanv year that I u..r,,l liin.r 1., 1 U li u .. Uiiy, and improving, arranninjf, and dornin) the new home. The men folks have lieeti linishini; and inovin"; into the cellar, prepirnic; for stable building, liauhne- wood, hav. & etc. Roy has assisted to these op :ra lions on Saturdays I but Ins niiiin business 18 goinJ to school with rabbit shooting for a diversion. As to the weather we are having winter. We had several clays a couple of weeks apo w'en the thermometer wtnt to tha vicinity of Zero every nipht, and now lor three nights there has been the same record. lietween tunes tere was a week of warm, lovely weather, and all Ihe tune no wind whatever. The snow came nearly six inches deep Friday niht but lias not blown a particle; the little branches of the bushes and weeds still have their loads. This perfect quiet is a marvel to a Sioux county pilgrim 1 judye by tbl remarks of the neighbors, that so much cold weat her and snow this lime of ear is quite unusual. Roy re ported that the yo'injf men were fixing up sleds and planning for sleiphridiiiii. Yes. M. A. C Colorado at least is very glad to know of the pood meetinps at liodarc, and I think it is safe to prorvise that both you and 1 'tin will c,et letters Irom 1 fotchkiss before many weeks. hope nmhuip very distressing "ill happen to us !k fore another month rolls around, but il some one would J.leave uu a fortune or some oilier equally astonish ing thin", come mir way there would bt somethinp to write about. Failina L. Rice. The team tieiup completely played out he left it with us and went on Jus way on foot. As we haven't seen lino since we uon'l know how lie made it. Now Mr. Pkkss Jouh.NaL we would not sii, .aUju iour -wi iH er here bu t your reiiders wiio live in warmer climes may not know that we are havinp smjw here. Tlie snow is now from 1 to 8 feet deep and cattle all have to he fed, as the range is completely snowed under. W. II. SMITH Buys, Hides, Tall nv. Pelts, and Kurs, and will pay h'piiest market price. I-enveat Mai'st-ller Bros, or at my restdence east of i-chuol-hoiise. Professional Cards- SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of an order of alu issued Ijy tlie clerk of the District, foart or t-iotii ! (DUuty, .ebrunka, and to me directed Uj,o ! a aeernn rendered by auiu court, in tavor ot Wijlis li. I'ulleii us plaiiitill and ia aiu.,t M. K. lietzner toriuej-ly M. t.. ciaacy Iiose true eliristluj name is unknown. M. il I'-ctziier licr hiiBhand wtio-je true flirisiiun name in uakaoivn, NebrasKU Aung ie In vtttuieut eoiiipauy, Churle It. Coiiins lie- ceiver et .Nebraska Investment eoiupani ; ' 'I'liat 1 will on tlie ISitli day oi January A. 11, i 1W..I alone o'clock in tbe id tcr-iiuon of a:d day, at tlie east Ironi door ol tlie. oiul House of said county in tlie village ol ll.u i i j boa in until county, sell iu public audio i to'! tlie lMKliust bidder fur e.isli in baud, tin- j to.loiviiiif deseribnd real est.ite in s.od ;-iuu i: county, Nebraska, to-wit: The east (,, ) i ui uu: suuinwi-si ipi-irter (!, j and the m,u;u half oi tin; i-uutliiaat nuurti-r (i, 0j suction twenty two t; in Towii.-lilp uni ty two i;W; nortli of Kanpe nfly four (ji; went of I lie sixth pnncip.u :a i ndiaii ; lu satisfy saiil order ol n-ne hi tiie uiu ot sixty sew n dollars and twenty seve.i ceuio (vii7.J7j and c,sts and accruing cwstj. 'irt.t, December lsih l!rfi2 ,Ai.i;x l,,nr, Sheriff vl said co.inrv. J. Yj. PHINXEY. M. 1) 1'iiyisciiui ami .Snrpcon. All eUii, friven luonipt utti-nyoi-Hfiice in liriii; siure. -HAKKMOS - KEUHASKA. M. J. O'CoiitK 1! i - - Co, AtWruey, Ti!l PrncJice in All Courts. Special Afi-.-hfImi CJivcn to L&ui Ot lice Itusiness. ( ellwiimiK iiud .! hMSM eHU-aaU edlotntsttill receive ))'otttpt ttetio, IlAiomsoN - Nebraska. GRANT GUTHRIE. Aifornay-aMaw. . Prompt attention piven to all;r i Matu-rs in Ju.stice, Coroty and Districf ! Courts,, and before the United Stale Lr.nd Odn e. Fire hiM-irarice written in reliable jompanies. i'Ij-pal papers carefully drawn. iiAi:l:iS(i;. . Nebhaska. J In Wyoming, 3 ( Crowded out last week. .As every one is snow- iKiund it is verv liatd tn ;el. I'eius. The little ch ild of Mr. and Mrs. Mmu li n's who has liten very low with spinal nieiiiupitis is now on the road to re covery. She was Very low for several days, and her lile at one time lump by a thread, but under tiie care of l)rs. Finn ney and Sparlinp, she Is yettiup alotip nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Hial Church, who have been in Omah i for some time, are ex pected hour Christmas. We understood that, Mrs. Church stood tne operAtion for cancer nil tiplllund is fealu, duile. well. Charles Christi vu who is teaching in M.iuville, was expected li'iine on last Saturday, to spend ihe holalaxs, but up to the time these iteini are written he had mil arri ved, and wh infer t hat he could not pet out from I.usK on account of the Clubbing Offers While you nr thinking of suUorifunp , ,a-v PVcHiiip la( f.r your vearlv reid'tig mattr reviem. j ber that the Pbkss-Joi k.vai, will takn nttscriplion to nny papT on earth and postage nnd lime for you. A merry partv of yonnp people nt to Van Ti-ssft II nn the pnssciipi r, Cbrisl ina, to erjoy n few hours skalirp. The party coniposed th": Misses Mamie a id Oissln (lerlach, (eorie nod Josie Sherill nnd Messr Rigau, Webster, Iliblieln, Earnet 1'hinneV and Archie IHivis, Lilian Harris returned from her visit among friends at Warlsiiiu t Mon- Friends came . I so on the same train viz; .Vis. b F. I'onlios. Mr, Caiioli, Mr, lnik JuiiLii, anil Tom Plunket t. The programme da) not begin until they arrived. The school-house was crowded willi anxious friuss awaiting their com ing. Miss Fduibelb Harris, M ty Weber, Mr Pete (id n'lie, Huns Jensen, and Chris Hanson came up from Glen to attend the programme. Miss Harris spoke the "Scpiiru Haw kin's Story'' winch was ap preciated by alt. School will liepm im :'. M indij- anil we hope the scholars luu had a good rest so Jmi Merriam find family spent Christ mas at Grandpa Garretsons on the divide. Our almanac nay s that winter begins the 22nd inst., but it was not made for Wyoining, as our winter began the 2nd. On that day our rjrst snow wort by of notice, fell and from that time on we Mr George Grimm went to Harrison ' have had a snow every few days. On ' hristiii-as. I the 14th there wan a heavy snow fall, John Anderson was out to the S- K ' 1Uil1 "ndast Friday a heavy snow storm looking after his stock lust week. There wa a large attendance at Ihe fitrlHiiini rit Cliri! iiih lrn on i .... . . . 1 that they can take up '.heir s! udn-s wit li C'hnstinus v. Th entertainment win; , , . ,1 reuewesi vigor, KO(Mi ami iiiif liood speeclies were sjaik- , ' n by the childien. After the exercises j Andrews lirsl graduate was Miss Pearl Wr over Old H in'ft made Ins appear- j Jones, She co.ipletnl tlw Hib. prade (UU- and with assistance iti'diila. ted Ihe i.rk having pissed in all tne brunches ywments & etc. The clotdreii seeeied j ieipi,red liy Supt. Hurke. V wereorry Verv glad to see him. and he nsu j'djy ' that Im was u t le-re to give her the fellow, diploma. Iel other teachers t ry to urge . j thtir pupils to work wnh this in view, DiJlocatcd IUr Shoulder. j v' w, 1 1 t b mk Mi s. .1. It. Hunter Mrs, Job nun Soderholm, nf Kerirus i for her delicious dough nuts given at our Frflli, Mum , fell and dislocated hershoiil- j entertainment, Dill Hunter was at our Christmas tree. I don't know what the attraction is for Hill nut here, Ihe tree 1 suppose. El Scott trad an idea he would like to Ilea hrnnoho busier like many other bovs of his ape, he pot on a 2 yr. old colt the other dav and took a bucket in Ins hand' nnd lite colt Is-cume iintnnn-ipeahle and na' be run, took a half-mile circle! round and luck, nnd tben made for a! three wire fence and went right through j ami runabout, it quarter of a mile farther! turned iieound and fell fiat. F.1 swung! tn (lie Ian ket, and staved riiiht "mil" be began quite early in the day accompanied bv a In.ti wind, which soon turned into a regular blizzard such as eastern people talk about. Il was the nearest a blizzard of nn thing we have ever seen, and it I isted about il() hours. Andrew Ch.-istian Jr. aad his Cousin James Christian went to Ihe P. O and pot lost in the blindinp storm, but, after wandering around awhile got home all right. Chris Christian w ent In thn school bouse after hischildrr n nnd lost his benr inps, but, ns there was only a wet ion of Mis Lilian was visiting In-r sister at (Slen last week uihI rejsirts no enjoyable time. W. 8lie had a surgeon get it back In ilsce as soon as possible, but it wasquiie Kr ami pine l her eery nincli, tier son f flrutiolied that he h id seen 'hnitllierlain y' Balm' advei tisi-d for sprains and r.r oriie, and she asfcisl bun to buy her a j " tMtli f it. w hich h did. It. ijn-cklv j , CsSIved her sod enabled tier to sleep! 'tWlt'"" Mie li t not d.sie for several days. We desire to congratulate U-e children J'lfct ooit was so much pleased with the ' in rendering of their selections last "V feUaf it ave his molle r (but he ha since iy night and tlie wn.lher t nd $ , iniubd it t i inuiH ollirm, Vor cjrs will let Andrews have its way after Mr. Jonlan Mr. Carroll and Tom Plun ket! staywl ver inpht at Mrs. Junes last l-nday evening hiking the passenger for 1 larrison Tuesdav, g-.f up got on the colt'again (without the onei. praine he event ually got home, bin ket) iiud re mi ii led his j iiirney ; he dull Mr, ZumRrunnen had not, come for his not git a serali Ii, the colt, got a few- hut: children when our Henonent left, so the not bad so Ed has the I rem do levi r ; teacher, Florence Christian remained nl worse than ever. the school house with them. Whether Tommy Plunked, unfurl timitidy wns they stayed in the school house over thrown from his sleigh while goinpdoivn ; night or not we have not learned. Monroe last Tuesday week i:i cou pany j 0 Wednesday mnrniiiK of last week with Miss Hams. Ho became eiilangled Jmw r, f,kM. ( ;,,(r(.(, rom hiH nomt on in the lines, ami w.ia H.ftgge.1 quite a , M,..-U.g p.., tf) , Harrison; Ho distance down grade hut fortunately no j fyiH n(,m f volp eorresndent. harm was done. Tliev n su.ued their j H,Kllll 8 f). ,(1(,u p ' i,!., changed bin journey, and st'Tp,d ami n.ade Miss , . . hM onfi ., Wtf. on expect ing to be kack next day. C'0-MlIIH.SltlNliU'S PiiOCKKD.NO:-;. J Harrison Sioux Co., Nibr. Ifec. 21) 19UJ , j I'lie count;; coiiiinisniunurs u et as it-r i adjournment. Present comniissioue is ! Meng, Lewis, iiipelow, and Win. J. A. i lt.iuui i ,0, cterk. Tne following oliicial Bonds were taken up, examined, and on iiiotioti ap. proved. Oren Talley Ove-scer ,,f Hie,W;(s Nel..daiusoH ' Paul Zerhsl " Mike Bcil'er J. O. Eih-r.sllecller Assessor Clans Iii isIkiisoii Patrick Lacy Joun iJiomoerp , Friink lewis O-Car Ward P. L. Raliett Henry S, Parks Constable Tim pi titicn of John Pluiikett and ol hers, asking that a public road be es tablished, commencing at the SW corner of Section 34. Tw p. 33, Range 5 and running thence east on Correction Line to the IsE corner ol Sec, 4, Twp. iiange 0(1. and terminating at that point and all other documents tiled lu connect ion with the op-nmp t,f s.nti puhp,. ,,,,.; .were ptenente.1 and after due consider ation by tha Board the readiest ol toe petitioners was granted and the Line as retained and r cuin meruit d. hv commi,, loners, declared to be a public road and dauiupes Were allowed as frdlnw-u t,. i... paid out of tha general fund of tlie ari 11102. " j John Sclmllze James Johnson On motion Koard adjourned until 31-1002. Wm. J. A. Ram,,, Clerk. Ilarnsnn Sioux Co , Nebr. 1'ec. 31-MlrtJ riin B unt of county commissioners met as per adjournment. Present com missioners Mellg, Illl,-, Ulpejow, ,,l,d Wm. J. A. K.iiiiii clerk. The count v t'n.a.surer is instructed and hereby so ordered t,, traosler the billow ing amounts to Ihe general fund 'j:)2. North-Western- LINE K. M. V. 11 n. in to and from the the beet BLACK HILLS, DKAlUVoiib AND HUT SPKIXUS, SOUTH DAKOTA. V. K. & M. V. R. II. Time Table. New Schedule of Trains. ' 7.k:.lg eil'cc'i bu(,i!:iy "Nor. S3. - WvM, Bound, Morniu; No. 01), Fi t. . ii, r.sgr. l'i;55 Fast Bound, Evening. No. CO, Fn. ,2:35 No. 4, Pspr. arrives I (i:35, departs 7:00 liotl) trains carry passengers. JC. .10 I ec. i ROHWER. DiCALEK in; Harness, Saddles, Lumber, Grain, Doors, Sash & WIRE. . k. . .sv--,'ai2 Adverttseiiig'lutid Sp -nil debt fund It-ill 02 U., DO 97 Miscellaneo. Bridge s fund ' 'OU hj ,.11 In (Jistn. lrij ttist uiHiui-ja altuiaJ lie At tune. Dormans schnol a visit which they all en joyed very much, SiimUy school at our school house at 2 o'clock P M, if weather permits. All are invited to attend, Mr. (Instave Noreish and daughter (iussiu were iu town buying; Christmas presents last Tuesday week. Wishing you a linppj" New Year. Well time passed and just at noon on Saturday he pulled in at our home on his way buck. He hud slaved Wednnnday nnd Thursday nights with Uorhert Lncy nnd on Fridiv managed to get to Lo Wilson's where lie put bp until Knltirdriy morning when he Marled on home. In coining from yi's to our place he got stuck and ahoveled out five times, nnd was more thaa I. oiir coming ? j m.lns distance. General fund 1SJ no ftl 02 !; fil 0" Od ST 13 fifl hiod 1001 isfd) tn si 2 14 5 M 07 .l 00 1000 $12!) (10 Pi i 20. 1 11. s, 32.11 411 Mj 17 r, 1 .32 5 ; i 0 in 3 ; i t 1 -V... r. 4-4 If ' -Of i-.. ! ,vil Br.,:i:r CVri, 'Jlff I uii'lioo it -jectrd. The following daunt against Sinn x county were taken up, ex amine I, audited and allowed, and Ihe clerk ordered to draw warrant on the brnl:e fund 1002 for tlss same: N'els Rosenberg 3:)..V( 27.33 3d (s,j (12 OS 00 0.') 04 8.) 2o 03 20 ) 00 7 03 7 01 1 i 01 7 77 7 trt if) 71 n in 10 13 11 7i) 31 Oil V, 30 County road 4"i 52 nji8 Apphi alii-n of M, J. V. Uir r for .tnnfl .inu:f. li addod Xn-41 1 ! i.ii f i-o ii nriYr j n ut wa on tbijuniicly uniit to driak. U .In-r?. Keel Fundi Ijvwis Jnsep;i Koiirlli , John i:loio!ierr 1 -. r. I If T" . . . I . . rr. ,i i a r s I bourns Hiues Hi id for taxed J. il Proctor O- nrge Wi'ber (i 'oiitiiiupil next -x-eek.) 12 50 8(Kl f.00 10 25 6011 M7S. 12 OA 18 5(1 80 00 Alcohol for FneL In Frani-e thn exr,lB duty Ii takes iff alioliol if It he etiown that It il tf) lii iif.i d ftrl for motor car. For pnrpo. hlfthly naiieoti making i Is- J -A i-