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About Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (May 22, 1902)
$ r prison Press -Journal. HABRI8Q2ST, ISTHEECRABgA ,XEIXJKS3D.Tr 3wCA.1T 22, 1902. NO. -47 Mi HARRISON The wMt fMtef. Mi to Witt returned frees Illiaoie Billy Beidea to pelatiag K. Bah war's bop this week. Sept. i. B. Bartreis viatttog schools tlfe weak oa White river. i Kite Kunag, Um eoaaty surveyor, was i oar city yaeterday. abaert Beer fraai aaar Xarelaad waa on ow etreota Wade day. Baa Moltoraetd aad wifa wara m from Ptaaaaet Bidge Weaaeaday. 'P. O. Brawatar of Uhayanaa is looking atar bis stock totereete. Moat Bark started Wast last Tuasday Im expects to bs gone all tuaniMr CoainiiMioosr Lawia and son Loran wa at to Dawes county last Tuasday. ' X. Nicholson, tba barber, adds bis to our list ol reader this week. Moaday night wa had a slight frost but aa far as wa learned it did ao damage. Tha Conraarcial hotel now baa a neat, Now siga oa tba parlor and ofllos door. Just received: A nsw oonsigBOMOt of asce and boys clothing at OE8LACH& ' Cbaa, Newman, and family of Hewitt was transacting buisoaas in Harriaon Moaday. Jot Oeae Wolhater who has baoo sick for Um past two weeks m again able te bs on our Vnui 'Bill and Howard Shetto, from Pleaa- at Ridgs, Wyoming; wars io Harrison ' supplies Hands. J, 4Wlmn Bnaiirk, foreman of .'tha VT, at VaaTaassI was transecting busioaas Id Barriaoa last Monday Mors aad batter goods far tha at Oerlach'e stars than aay other UytlhMB. JO-tf Bra. baas Seaman who baa been tag aAdbadrea. oama ia oa tba isit-wast- I trass feet Saturday. Ask CarsteUar Bros, far tha "Star BluaCtbbaa eafee." M cte. value for M I always are goieg to giro awavfS la aash. ee their big sals of I Ctar Bum Btaaoa coffee M eta. Pea Balk-IB) Mm of laad joining tba pillage of Harrison; for furtbar partio- kra inquire aitbteofloa. 40 i BoiUaga worUi loft for Wyoming Weeaeeaay to taka oharga of lusrsoh. bshariac bsaa aiek for tba Mrs. Bobart Duoa wsat to Crawford Taeaday araaiag to mast Mr. Daca. who baa aaaa to lbs Hospital for ofbsioyaa . Laoaard Daat, of Harriaoa. waa ia tba eHy a few days tha past week. Walla ha was treated by Dr. Faray. ftJr. of Bostoa. fathar of U who works for .arrived here Tuasjkw to yi aafaatta' aaaa. MBMU ia whiaa oaa huadwd lUthaV 0o towa al BaattotoUyaasarsyad. 0.1T. Eistir rsaairad a ar IflMt of HUiWtakMdri iwdballa toCnoawaty Mms MEawarc hxtCaadsy for Last Tmaaiy tay JItUi aaUasifara wtUa. F3 C&bi-CMU CoMrc aetj arr (BaaVeaJea. la Ton HAPPENINGS Yesterday afternoon the citisrai of Harrison gavsboiit thirty dollata to Mxl Owiils Hester, trjy, hs bea sick for tba past three weeks, to his borne at Bayard, low: Ha went lost night Wa Tiaer-fsag, Chinese Minister to this couotry, has demonstrated his libsrality iiKt effectively. He is to deliver a lac imps for tbs benefit of a church. This is I a pleasant objsct leeaoo to our bios i bouod secUnsjis. fail Jordan was hurt quite bad this week. Hs whs riding ater soma cattta whan his boras stopped in a hols falling on Noil and dragging him quite a dia tonus. Wa did not laarn whsthsr bs bad any bonss brofcso or not. C P. Pinnso, the gonial lifs iasurancs agent for the Guarantee Lifs Fund As sociation, loft our city Monday. Mr. Pinoao did a good businsas here having written about twoaty-flvo or thirty pol- iciss aad was wall liked by all who mot bias. Wa we sorry to note that Mrs. Frank Lewis, of Andrew, is seriously ill of baart troubls. Dr. Pliinnsy was called Monday. . later. .... Wa learn that Mrs. Lswis is coosider abl bstter. Vwa nasi in the Ruhvi Stendard that U. H. Qriswold of Ckirdoa, formsrly of Harrison. seriouHly hurt himnelf last wask in removing a stove from the Bank building and was confined to his bed. Wa hops Mr. Griswold is up and around by thUtiine. V Mrs. W.O. Patterson would aaaounce to those needing suppties for, or a . new genuine Singer Sewing Machine;: that, having secured the agency of the same at this place, will keep at the hotose what you need in that line. Call aod examine our machines before purchasing and get the best. Las tfBu odsy niicht aod Monday fore noon 8kux county wss blitd with a Doe rain. This is the time of year whan raias are needed and as thia waa a good- one the stockmen aad farmers aow 'wear a happy smile on . their faces. A fe mm wiuif num ) ishti on win. insure . -1-Mi ; v I m i.i i ' Sioux county pleaty of. hay aad good crops, v "' . , Tbs eVily papers last? weak gave tha osecrtpuoo or a oead oody that was found floating io tha Misaourl river Houth Omaha that ailed the description of the Bsv. Smith who disappeared some time ago. bat upon examination by H. C 8mithand L.C. Wioberly it was not tha body of Mr. Smith, ao tha mystery remains yat unsolved as to what became of him. We see by the daily papers that Al pboaao baa bean formally crowned aa the king of Spain with maY-h p np and cere sooay. It ia said that tba ceremoay was on tha whole lukewarm aa most of Uie people wara there either through curios ity or aa sight seer. It waa reported that aa attempt had been mads to as sassinate tha king but later it waa fouad to be only tba actios of a Tbs ktog is sixteen years of age. With tbo miliar of the crosier Dixie aa ths Uth last., freighted : with the charity of our country to relievo tba suffsriags of ths people of Martioique, was gtvea another rlemoastratln of our ability to sink politics to the ieterest of a sentiment. Tt la traertbare email very small opposiUon to tba pro- possd rsapaasi to the cry for kelp. No one envies tba poaitioa of tbase would-bs obstroetioeists, who wsrajdsaf to the ap peals of huasaaity aad mercy, yco contest ones has been gofag aa at the land offios atooa Weoasaday. Tba laad Involved ia ia tba vWaHy of Craw oaahoassatarslaadaaltort Uato after wards deeded it to t2A Kwwbaak Alfred Moody oaatiatii tt eatry al lag- tog that Ksaps ooatt t to sOI the toad reosiviag aart pyatoK,tl V fatbar, T. f. Moody before proof wm aaada, F. Faaaiag la noaassl forXra-a, tha trymaa. J. B. Porter for ody, aantoat I oat, aad Alloa O. sisbar repraaoeTta Swssbaak, wad baUa ths Oeed to ths tteatir. Ok ami William Ciasjar, Frad Kasoa aad Joseph lur1. ar. tUkb probably worth U? tttaaato tlKM BV WU aiwbaaly awMtost to tbraa tiatea UmO ataoh. Al The Harrison Shooting Ctab saaoivad a bluetone shooting ootflt this week and they are enjoying the ovoalngs la practiaing shooting, j I am now prepared to weave carpets. 10 cte. for bit and miss and 13 for', stopped- Warp furnished at cist. , Mas. J. A. Tfunm. aetf Last week ths Harrisoa Houaa wss made more' nesk aad comfortable by having some of the rooms upstairs pap ered and the parlor papered aad the wood work repainted. Ctoktong Offers While you are thinking of subscribing or your vsarly reading matter, rem em bar that the PbbsWovmul will take subscriptions to atiy pnper on earth aad save postage aod time for you. CALL FOB BIDS, hwled bids will ha received by ths Village Clerk up to and including May 87 1903, for attending to tha town, wind mill aod pump from Juae 1 to May 1. 1908. - By order of Board of Trustees. . W. H. Davb. Village Clsrk. A young lady asked an editor this question: "Do vou think it is right for a girl to sit on a young maa's lap even if ahe is sngagedT" Wherea-on the deitor told this extraordinary lis: "Ws have ro expsrienoe in the matter referr ed to, but if it were our girl and our lap, yes; if it was another fallow's girl and our lap, ves; but if it was our girl and another fsllow's lap, never! never! I oever! ! Boomer Times. Services at the M. E. church. Sunday May 2.1th. Sunday school at Junior League " l p. m. , Epwortli " " 7 '. Preachiag Service at 8.-00 p. m. Tha third quarterly nieatiog will be laid May -2H. Tha Sunday morning services. May 25 will be held at Pleasant Bidve, Wyoming. Ts evening service atHarnsoaat OjOO p. iu, Bev W. K. Warren of Ruahville Nebraaks, wlU'ooa- duct the services for the Presiding Eider. Whoeeing CoufH. A nnun who has aXDerieoce with this disease, tells how- to prevent any dangerous coiieequMioas from it. she says: Our three children took whooping cough last summer, oar baby boy being oolv three months old, aad owing to our giving them Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, they lost none of their plump oess and cams out ja much batter health than other children whose parents did not uas this remedy. 1 Our oldest little girl would call lustily for cough svrup between wtooopa. Jaaan POKcr uaix, aonaarville. Ala. This Remedy ia for sale by J. E. Phinoey. A man who 'did odd lobe in a certain country school resigned tbs otherday When asked what waa bis reason, he replied: I'm honest aod I won't stand being suspected. If I And a pencil or tauMlkercbief about tba floor when I'm sweeoimr. I five it uo. Every now and again, however, the teacher, or soma one who is too cowardly to face me, will puts slur upon roe. Why, a little while ago I saw wrote' oa the board. Find the common multiple. Well, looked from the cellar to the garret for multiple, aad I wouldn't know the thing if I mat It. Last night, in' big writing oa tba blackboard, it said, Find tha great commoa divisor. Well, I says both of tbaa things are lost now, and I'll be accused of Waling them. So I 'off." Ansley Chronicle. Couaty Treasurer Oavta took his Sun day School class to Bodarc last Friday aigbt to atteed tba revival meetings that wara betag bald at thai place. The following are tba members of bis clam that want: Misssa DoroM Patterson, Maud Bartoll, Delia Haasoo,!da Moravak Nellie- Scott and Edith Burke aad;the young raea were; Job Burke ' Will Bartoll.Howard Burke, Archie Davit aad Moat Burke. Barring aa aooideat aa tba road back ail had aa enjoyable time. Wa are glad to ey ao oaa was seriously hurt aad tba trip will bs long remem bar ed by both , teacher aad eiees bat wa waa id lias to offer a suggestion to those youag todies who got .dumped out to aavar laava toaa aloaa and eapsmlly wbssi at muob iipiaas aa your safety for maa is ia his ugliest bkms when left We first osaeured ths driver but waoa we fouad oat that he waa . sitting. there all atoaa aad evaa after Miw Lillto CmiiiirauB had siieiaatil that there waaaeyasaifortasaatiafrootaad tba youag bates aUll persisted ia oatm BrtothaaMeaBS, wathealetur syav )tklai rati with tba driver, for wa wan oaaayoaagaad wa faal dan that Vtm MtbaaM tba girls wlUagray with aa. A. Hester returned home Wednes day. He has been up io Wyoming too past week looking after bis stock. BANCS CALL 8'rateyerpardners! Let 'or got Balance all an' do ss do! Swing yoor girla an' run away! Bight an" left so gents sssshayl (toats to right an' swing or cheat! On to next gal an' repeat! Batonce next aa' don't be shy! 8wing your pard sn' swiog her high! Bunch the gals an' circle 'round! .' Whack your feet on til they sounds! Form a basket! Break away t Swing an' kiss an' git away! Ail men left an' balance all! ' Lift your hoofs an' let 'em fall! Swing your oposites! Swing again! Kiss the ange bens if you kin! Back to pardoers, do as do! All jins baoda an' off you go! Gents s'luto your little sweets! Hitch an promenade to seats! Anonymous. Alliance Herald. An unknown author has written: People kiss their dead who oever stoop to kiss their livings they hover over open caskets with hysterical sobs bat fail to throw the great wealth of affection about those loved ones who are iurhtinir the stern battles of life. How unbeedinic we permit the opportunities for currying the sunshine into. the lives of those we love to pass by. A word ol cheer to a struggling stiul iu life is Worth more than all the roses in Christendom piled high on caitket cevers. The dead cannot smell Um fragrance of the flowers but the living cuu scatter tliem broadcast in tlttir pathway, therefore, and pick out the thorns. A welcome smile, a cherr well done, an affectionate look, will cauiie a rift to break in lowering cloud. d permit ths glorious Huoshios to glad- deaths lives of thore you love." The Frontier. . ,"" STOCK REPORT. The past week saw the .highest cattle prices ol the year. Monday's receipts wore light here and heavy in Chicago and the market was slow, but steady. Today, receipts are light both here . ami in Chicago but prices are ooly steady, which indicates that market would prob ably decline under moderate receipts. We quote 1330 to 1500 beeves at $6.70 to $7.20; lOSato 150, ft 10 to 6.70; 900 to 1050, 6.80 .to 6.10 Choice heifers and cows up to 6 00; good 4.50 to 5.50; com mon, down to 1.75; calves 8.50 to 6.25; goou feeding steera 4.75 to 5.85; stackers, 2.50 to 5.25. Hog receipts for the past week have been moderate. Prices were up to ths highest point for oiue years. Monday and Tuesday of this week have shown a sligbt decline and lbs prices now range from 6.75 to 7.25. ' Receipts of stwep have been light aod the market 10 cents to 80 cents higher. We quote choice, wooled iambs 6.60 to 7.25; clipped, 5,80 to 6.00; clipped weth ers, 5.50 to 6.18; clipped ewes, 4 80 to S.6U; spring lambs, 6.00 to a 00. Nye and Bucbaxan Go. INDIANS CAV8B LIVELY ROW. Hom Taey Afford aa far Cttaevott Ciasens. Cbadroo, Neb.. May 19. Yesterday a band of Stoux Indians from Pino Bulge reearvation were tamped just outeide the city limits of Chadroo. It ia their custom to come over in small bands to Chadroo to trade, and usually they are very orderly and inoffensive. Yesterday, however, something start ed a free-for-all fight amooic them. The tght lasted until evening, and one of them, who seemed to be getting the worst of it, started to town for tba marshal. Another Indian, called Black Horse, who seemed to be the leading mam bar of the other, faction, also starv ed for the police to order to have tha law oa his side. They made a pretty race, and Black Horse arrived Srst at the bouse of Night watch Samson, being armed with bia.billy ooly. The fight waa still on, aad the officer attempted to atoo it. Ia the fracas Bamaoa waa struck by a pieos of bone, which be ward ed off hn head with hU hand. He Immo late I v took a whack at the . Indian with his billy, aod a general mix-up followed. Bbomoo went to towa for Ma aix-aheotsr aad returned with the inteoUoa of put- Una- the Iodiaa under arrest Bat, the ladiaa walked ioto the bald adtotoiag and, brandishing tua revolver, dared Mm to come on. At this point Chief of Police Sperliog arrived, Be waauaarm ai, aad welkodp to the Indian, aad by bm coolness aad bravery succeeded la sbowieg him thtt be would da no barm to Mm, sad sacoeeeed to quieting the aaattordowB. - ., saJ iJiui bfl hasa tida anofaiaa. and p aot thought there will be aay further trouble,- World HeraW. , ftemt. The youag folks who attended tbs dance at Ardmore report a floe time. Nsls Blom is now employed on the Adelia section. He says it ia hoe work. A number of people from here attend ed the Stock Association at Crawford I . M m. . . ..... rot meduay. ;ney report it Doing a great surcess. The school in District No. 27 will be out next Friday, then the children and teacher will say "hurrah for jolly vacat ion time has begun." miss Helen Baxter wlio has been en gaged as teacher of the MoasfJeld school for 'he part year will return to her home in F remont on Thursday evening. T. P. Moody, his son and Nela Rosen burg went to Alliance last Tuesday for the purpose of seeing about some land which teems to be causing a great deal of coafusioa. ' A. P. Rosseburg seems to have very bod luck with his cattle this year. The last week he lost ooe fine cow, a two year old steer, and two calves. He has lost considerable number before this. James Nelson who advertised a public sale to be held in Crtwford last Saturday sold about thirteen head of cattle, one liorss. and a few other articles. I, doo't know what was Lite matter, the people did not turn out better. Tne next time he has a sale we hope lie will have bettor luck. " Qreenhgbn. Mefceas Qraaddae rbter Mamd Enld Dickens, a ginddaughter of Charles Dickens, waa married In Lon-, don recently to Ernest Bourcbler HawkaWy, a SOB of Cecil Rhodes' oltoltorl 1M young woman has won fame Jfc literary and art circles. The "Psaae IU ' P. D. Owaltney of Bmlthfleld. Vt, known aa "ths peanut kinx." owns tbo largest peanut farm In the world. He, was In the Confederate army and nf:r the surrender at Appomattox be pan tbs work which baa earned him the nlc'.a same quoted. Fainter Whe Imm rtU Art. J. S. J. Monks, the celebrated Ameri can painter of sheep, has pursued his favorite subject on two continents, la the New England hills and the Swiss mountains, and bat 1 slept with the shepherds and lived with the farmers hi his efforts to study this most du fleult of anlaals for palatini. .., r maiden BeoisreU. President Roosevelt has been anaal- mously elected an honorary member of the Union League club of New York, He baa been an active member of the club for about eighteen years. PresJ deata Harriaoa and McKlnley were tha onhr chief executives similarly non- brd by the elub. aottsWe ajraaiisa Wmgnf. The eagaf ement of tba earl of Lyt ton aad Mtos Pamela Ptowdea Is aa aouBoed from London. The earl la tbo bob of tba second earl of Lvtton, better kaown as "Owea Meredith." aad tba graadaoo of Bulwcr Lytmn, tba aovallat. It la aald he has inher ited much of the mental capacity of his fatbar aad graadfatber. Oreot Aa ef BSeaeBeege. Julius Caesar bears witness to the astronomical learning of the Druids. Btonebenxe to accepted as a solar tempi by moat archaeologists, and Sir Normaa Lockyer has calculated Its age ob tha hypothesis that It was built so that the priest at the altar would just perceive the solar rays at ths summer solstice. Granting bis nypotnesis, it appears that tha date was about 1.6S0 years before the Chriattaa era soma thirty-six centuries ago. OLADSTONE'S GREAT NINO. AeUvMy of His fatellee at Tlsses a leases- ef caaaees. ' James Bryce, the Eogliah parlia mentarian, whose loag Intimacy with Gladstone gave him unusual opportuni ties for studying that statesman, . has published some ; realalsoences which show the almost unhealthy activity of OladstoBO's mind. Somettmea," says Mr. Bryos, "he felt the activity of hU dad prase too hardly oa aim. ' I re member one misty evening between 10 aad 11 o'clock to have aaaa hit re markable tgnre a few yards before bm la St Jamas' park. There was bo mlataUag him svsn at alght. so pt eallar waa has walk. Thinking It hard ly safe for hha, famous as he as, to be awtta la ao aolitary a place. I overtook klat aad asked him If I might watt with aim. aaologlttag tt I should be disturbing bis thoughts. 'My wish.' be aaswared, arlth a touch of sad aeas, 'an4 my dlflculty Is to avoid tbraktng, ao I am gtod to be disturbed." Aad a pear or two later he told ma that to rest aad dtotraet We atlad hf had formad the habit of ooaatlng ths emafbaaai he met betweta als aafj deaee la Dowala atreet tad the bcaM at efftif , eo as to see whethsr as -a-ve it. q avaraa of them - - Baatbat tat nated aaaa CyJi Prcf:::lcr,:l Cofo . J. O Ceaaeil, - - (X AtUraryT Will Prarttos la All Coarta. Special Attoatioa tilyea to Laad Cf See Business. Collection aad all baslaass oatnait- ed to aw will race! re pi empt attoatioa. Hakubon - NnaAsEA. J. E. PHINNEV, M. D. Pbylsrlaa aad bargaaa. All ealli slven prompt Attention Office In Hruc Store. -HARRISOll - irESKASKA. GRANT GUTHRIE. Attorney-at-Law. Prompt attention given to al) matters in Justice, County aad District Courts, and before the United State Land Office. Fire Insurance written ia reiiabif aompanies. WLegal papers carefully drawn. Harrison, - Nebraska. THE PERCIIEROd Buck Diamond and Sir Archard. Registered Stallions will be at my horse barn in Harrison this season and one of the above stallions will stand at Hill Shatto's place at Kirtly oh Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays, also one of than? will stand at Bodaio- Thursdays and Fridays. Stockmen wishing the npe of a Registered Shire or IYi cheron Horse should consult their best interests by seeing these Stallions before breed ing elsewhere. Terms: To insure ma e with foal, $10.00 Owned by, J H. BARTELL. HARRISON, - - - NCBRAK8A ' " ' County Pteae. The Prbh-Journal Ims printeil a ited number of map on Mumllii n-i board which can be Mecurvd for 10c -). 1 They will also be given ss a premium t new subscribers. North-Weatem LINE F. E. M. V, tt. R. is the to and from the hs4 BLACK HILLS, DBADWOOII AMD MOT aPBJBWS .SOUTH DAKOTA. ' F.r.B.Tl.CliBMBiUa, West. ' cetsaKAsa ft a aa.(.ialaaa..iamiKa, f A r17 1 .4 4 A ft 4 a! . H iff-' v' i At. , if- v i ' S l. ,it ; 1 i ' fajr' "4T- MSS4 -. . - -" t ; -,