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About Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (May 29, 1902)
-yx I - - . , , 4 . v Harrison Press -Journal. ft VOL. XIV. EAjRRISQaT, THURSDAY, MAY 29, 1902. TJ O. 43 5 r.1 f 1 ', HARRISON HAPPENINGS Henry Lmdemao was ford last Monday. up from Craw- 'N. L. Tipton went day to shear sheep. West last Satur- 'George Olinger and family left for Delia. Olorado yesterday. f Ployd Clark is visiting at Andrew with the Mr. Lewis's family. Drs. Harry and Minnie Curry the two eye specialist who had such success on theirjast visit J?jll baat the Commer cial Hotel. Saturday, May 81 "They are known to be reliable. " Rev. VV. K. Warren, of Rushville, preached to a large and appreciative con gregation at the church Sunday nitrht. The sacrament of the Lord's supier was observed afier the sermon. iu:i..mi. vit .iti. hi. brother V A telegram was received at Crawford near Fu Robinson last Sunday. Ii4!,t Fri,ay fro'" Mav Fomi announcing J the death of her father while on the train I la Mevaua. His remains were taken to J. H. Sturdivant from East Springs was a Harrison visitor last Monday. yst ' State Senator Currie of Custer County was a Harrison visitor last Monday. O. W. Myers made a trip to Andrews Tuesday evening returning yesterday. Mrs. Evelyn Rose is visiting her mother-in-law, Mrs. Sarah Rose this week. Jutt received: A new consignment of men and boys clothing at GEKLAUHS. What about Decoration day, are we all too busy to observe the day this year? J. H. Bieser, assessor for Running wat er precinct turned in Ins books last Mon day. V Mm. Sarah Jordan s new house was completed this week aiul adds anolher neat builtdng to our town. Burt County. Nebraska for iutermeut. Marcus Valdez is all smiles this week over the arrival of a new girl at his house last Friday. Mother and child are getting along nicely only the baby has never cried, wonderful! wonder full! Chas. B, Cook will leave for Colorado the last part of this week. He has been working at the Pkkks-Jotknal ollice for the last two months, and is an up-to-date all around printer and we can truly rec commend him for the same. my fol- PUBLIC SALE twill sell at public auction at place at Harrison on June 14, the lowing described proprety: 1 span of Horses 1 bay Mare 2 saddle Horses 2 Mares with colts by side. t Wagon 1 s?t of double Harness 1 sbring Wagon, bran new . 1 hay Rake and Rack 3 Saddles 1 Mower 1 sickle Grinder 1 Grind stone 340 fence PoRts 2 cook Stoves 1 healing Stove Bedsteads 1 Dresser 1 bed Lounge Other tilings too numerous to mention. Terms-. Cash. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock. Robert Keel, Auctioneer. B. L. SMUOK iVe notice that the name of Hon. udge W. H. Westover is being mention ed for Congress from this district. Well we know there is no better or more pop ular man in the north-west than Judge Westover, and should he be nominated there is but little question about his election. Although we would hate to lose him from the bench, for it would be no easy mutter to fill his place, but we are with the Judge, whether it be tor Congress or District Judge. Servicesat the M. E. church. Sundav Jnne 1. Sunday school at 10:00 a. m. Junior League " 3 ' p. in. Epworlh " 7 " " ". Preaching Service at 8:00 p. m. Marsteller Bros, are going to give away 3 in cash, on their big sale of 3 Star Blue Ribbon coflee 20 cts. ' J. H. Wilhermsdorfer is now in hi new building and is readv at all times to meet his many customers. Mr. Wil- nermsnorier carrys everything irom a set of harness down to a shoe peg so don't be afraid vou wont get what vou want but call in and examine his stock. Ak Marsteller Bros, for the "Star Blue Ribbon coffee," 30 cts. value for 20 Be sure and save your tickets. cts, Fok 8aLE:-1S0 acres of land joining the village of Harrison; for further partic ular inquire at this office. Worth League Snnday eveniog June 1: Subject The Purpose of His coming. May Lewis; leader. George Ban nan who visited at home .i .,., inn MrtwlfH. went to the S. U. LI WO M3V " last Saturday. Mr. John C. Shipley and George Oil more were doing business at Uie Couuty Seat last Monday. vThe teachers, school children and number of patron of the Harrison school went to tl e gro-e in west Hat Greek lat Friday to spend the -'ay and all had pleasant time playing games, climbing iI.a hills etc. :ind Oale Parsons learned that a fellow will sink when he gets water over his head but he was in luck that there was some one by to pull him out or in all probability he would have found a watery grave. Be more careful boys for this old world is full of dnntrers and as a rule picnics generally find them. ' Public Sale. We will sell at our ranch 10 miles north-west of Harrison, on Tuesday, June 10 1902. the following described property ; 95 head of Cattle. 45 Cows 12 yearling Heifers 1 yearling Bull " 11 yearling Steers 1 3-yr. old Bull 1 4-yr. old Bull 24 Cows and Calves 4 Mares and Colts 4 yearling Colts 1 3-yr. old Geldeu 2 Rakes 2 Mowers 2 Plows 1 Corn Plow 2 Drags 1 Deering Binder 2 Wagons . 1 Carrige 2 Racks 2 doz. Jhickens TERMS OF SALE; All sums under 25; Cash. All sums over $25, one year's time given for bankable note with 10 per cent interest. Hale to commence at 9 o'clock a. m. and a free lunch will be given at noon. E. A. BioKLOW; Auctioneer. WITT BROTHERS vMr and Mrs J. A. Thaver took the East bound train for Chiulron lust Friday eve ning. Mr. Itiaver went to consult with Dr. Lougdson in regard to his health. We are sorry to say Mr Thayer has been in poor neaitn lor some time, but we hope he may be restored to perfect health toon. fhe Hirnson school closed last Friday there being only one graduate, Oscar Hanson. The following pupils attended everv duv school was onen: Dnllv Prulrlv Jesse Gerlach and Fred Bartell; Dolly Springville. and Fred were not tardy and Jesse was by E. Phinney only twice during the entire term. This it a good showing for these pupils. Whooping Cough. A woman who has experience with this disease, tells how to prevent any dangerous consequences from it. She says: Our three children took whooping cough last summer, our baby bov being only three months old, and owing to our giving them Chamberlain's Coturh Remedy, they lost, none of th-ir plump ness and came out in much better health .... . J:,l than other children wriose parents not use this remedy. Our oldest little irirl would call lustily for cou;h svrup between whoops. Jessie Pivkey Hatx, Ala. This Remedy is for Jens Jensen made us a pleasant visit last Monday. He seems welt pleased with his ranch life. yWe learn that Mrs. Dan Jordon and little girl have the small-pox at their home in the valley. More aod better goods tor the same mooey at Oerlach'i store than any other place, try UmHB. 10 -tf ,Mr. John Nelson of Olen died at the home of Mr. Kalstrom, father of the deceased last Monday morning, and was buried at Glen last Teeeday. What about;tbe 4th of July? Are we going? to celebrate, if eo it ie high time were making; arrangement. The best For chicks and setting heoi, Lee Insect Powder, For grown r.i. i hnn. Lees Lice and Mite Killer. Sold bv J. E. Phinney. I am now prepared to weave carpets. 10 eta. for hit and miss and 12 for stripped. Warp furnished at cost. Mrs. J. A. Thaykh. 36 tf The gtate apportionment; as certified ..n hv the state Superintendent for Sioux i raise of $143.53 from hut December's apportionment. ni. IMWej ' a. ia.t tVuinv niirht to viait a rgiyw eew - rlLh friends and relatives and Jim look ad somewhat lonesome as he started for 'home. -MissMarclaP.sKendnck Mi tor her at Marsland last Monday night A ,(. number of her pupils and friends t-A ilia deoot to bid her cniKraa-" - r good bye. . ssriisti fWvhart. assessor for Moot- rose precinct was in town Tuesday Urn- ing over nt Will ref iris everything all O. K l"n a his nUi M o Mrs. W.O. Patterson would announce to those needing supplies for, or a new genuine Singer Sewing Machine, that having secured the agency of the same at this place, will keep at the house what you need in that line. Call and examine our machines before purchas ing and get the best 45 success in the M. E. said some Miss Susie Tupper left for her home at Osmond. Nebraska, last Friday night A larire crowd of school children anil friends gatherpd at the station to hid her trood-bve, and with the wish that sne might be with our corps or teacners another year. We don't know whether Miss Tupper taken away any of our young men's hearts or not. but we saw one fellow that cast a long and wishful look after the departing train. Miss Tunner has made manv friends during .... .j herstavin Harrison who will ne giao to welcome her back again next Septem ber. nroviding the school board conclude iCarey Items." Supt. Burke was calling on friends in this vicinity last week. VChas. Saxton intends to start for the Big Horn Basin this week to look for a location. . M..- EV..l l.. IT 1 ,.i.:m r w "no. uniim iiikici auu .llliucc(l ui Colorado are here visiting with Mrs. J. E. Arner. Mrs. Dick Boesl. of Pine Ridi;e Jagency sent word that she and her children would lie here in a few days. ,R. Z. Stewart and family lelt for Wyo ming, Monday. They ex;ect to make their home there in the f uturt-. VLast Saturday Mrs. K. W. Otey and children of Douglas, Wyoming, arrived to visit relatives and friends here. Mrs. Esther Arner came .town from New Cnstle where she has been visiting for some time with her son Jesse. She will spend the summer on Cottonwood. Last Thursday Mrs. Rice's former pu- ptlsgathered at the parsonage to spend the day, giving her a genuine surprise. There were 28 present, The table was spread in the new tent ami (airly groii-i ed with good things. In the evening all went home iigreeing Hint they had had a good time and Mr. and Mrs. Rice voted that they had been royally entertained. Timothy. 4n Wyoming. I We are glud to know that our old friend Gene Wolilheter is able t be out, again. We understand that Church seaviens and Sabbath school will be held in the hall from now on. Miss Eva Church is quite sick at this writing She has been confined to her led for several days so we hear. Quill, of the L.usk Herald was a caller at our home one day last week. Call again Bro. Quill and we will swap yarns and find something new to tell. Rev. Youngmon reports soliciting money to repair church at this place. We time ago the people would respond if to retain her for another year, which we called upon, and we feel quite sure the hope they will amount necessary to repair the building can be easily raised by presenting the condition of the church to the people. The singing class will meet every Sat urday evening at 8 o'clock. All mem bers of the class should be present and ever befell the human raee-grnstor 1 I .. ii l...ur l iii-t.ln Iff ll any desiring to join the class are cordial ly invifod. There was a good interest last Saturday night and all we want is a little pluck and staying qualities for we can learn to sing only by our own efforts. We learn that Homer Priddy has been appointed post-master of this place. A. J. Bogart resigning. We are sure Mr. Priddy deserves the same at tlie hands of his party, and as a citicen he is worthy of it and we feel sure Mr. Priddy will will make a good and accommodating post-master. Success to you Mr. Priddy And accept our congratulations. THE VOLCANO'S DEADLY WORK from the Fell of Pom pell to the Des truction of St. Pierre." by I'm'- Charles Mnrrli. L. L. I). Most Intensely interesting tir over nutillslied. Complete, thrilling UK-unite account of greatest disaster that even i... Th Is how Martinique, uno ol the most hnantlful iHliiurtsln the worlrt wiin suddenly transformed Into a vertliiln hell. About 600 pages, profusely Illustrated with phoU)nphs taken before ana alter lUKSter. Practically oniy "i"H Book" In the Held, for everyone who insists ,,n havlnit I'rot. Morris' book and no other. Heat author, largest book, best Illustrated clentmcally accurate I'rtccfl.M. Agents ur.....j Rtmrinous nroltts for those who .etnulcklv. Most liberal terms. Outfit ...i. linn't lose a minuie. neuu 1MMKDIA1 KI.Y, sd be at work. The chance ot a llfe-tnne for making money. CLARK & Co., 222 8. 4th St., Philadel phia, Pa, Mention this Paper. 48 vMiss Amy Christian, who has been quite poorly for some time is feeling bet ter and her many friends hope that she may soon regain her former good health The writer last week visited with Mr. and Mm. Robert Harrison of Adelia and J. I. Davis and the writer visited the Sundav school tn Warbonnei precinct u.i A.mdav and found a very Interest- enjoyed Uie privilege that lias not been g Sunday school. This Sunday school granted me in six teen years; that is to was organized last winter ny miss uhid walk among the spple trees and see the g. Harms who taugtit scnooi in uiav young apples setting on, and some In district and it has been quite interesting bloom. It made me somewhat home- aVer since. Mrs. Paul Zerbst is the sick for my old native state, but the hos- Surintendent. and from the Interest pitality of my host and hostess soon dis- Hhown by ber and all present. Is that it l led Jill such feelings, for all that have will continue to prosper and grow, and . ever visited the home of these cordial the seed that Is being sown in his name and kind hearted people can Ustlfy to n0w, will bring forth fruit abundantly the same. If there Is any one In Sioux County that thinks there is not an orch ard in this part of the country all you will have to do is visit Mr. Harrison' place and he convinced that there is such a ,liiu in years to come. This Hunnay scnooi meeU at 20 p. m. and is only a pleas ant drive from this place and we know that any one that might want to visit , this school will be wdcume. Andrew and Chris Christian have each put in about fifty acres of corn. The click of the planter was new music to the bovs who have grown up in this neighborhood. No Walter; we wont say anything about it this time bot the next time you en horse hack ridine with that school CI------ maara don't let that fool Zekiel see you or he will put you in the paper sure. MOn last Saturday evening as Esther Ttumlin was nsinif an ax it flaw olf the handle striking her little sister Fernie on the head inflicting a bad wound. So far it is not considered dangerous and if no bad results follow she will be all right soon. Junie tells us that there were ome scared people at their house for a while after the accident. y"'On last Saturday J. J. Zumbrunnen while In Lusk received a telegram from rrancis Deuel telling him to have some one meet him n Lusk the next day as he was at Casper and quite sick. John Deuel and Ray Znmbrunnen went down and orought him home. He was quite sick but able to lie around. We hope he will soon be all right again. Quarterly meeting was held in the W. O. W. hall last Sunday. A large crowd was in attendance. Rev. Warren con ducted the services, assisted by Rev. Youngroao, taking for his text, John 18 chap, and the last clause of the 83rd verse, ' But be of good cheer: I have ov ercome the world." At the conclusion ot the sermon the rites of the sacrament was administered and a large number, we are glad to state, partook thereof. We are always glad to meet Mr. War ren and hope that he may come often. . Zkxiel. Apropos of the coming meeting of the Eikorn Valley Editorial Association in our city in the near future I would like to say a few things so that you will not be disappointed in the quill-pushers. In the first place they are the homhest aggregation of genius that you ever set eyes upon. These moulders of public opinioo are so homely that when they met in Ainsworth some" vears"ago" the band couldn't play until a curtain had been hung up between Hand the editors. The bandsmen said the audience had the same effect on them that a man sucking a lemon would have had. It is thought by many and said by some that editors are an unregenerate lot and don't care a cuss for the hereaft er. J Ins is a base slander, at least so tar as the members of the E. V, E. A. are concerned. So that you will know what you are going up against we will tell you ai- near as we can the religious and political complexions of a few of the un regenerates we know. There's Church of Atkinson tall and skinny a goodly man although a Repub lican. I think he is a Methodist. Then there's Bob Good of Newport, a Democratic EpiscopalUn and Sunday School superintendent. Bob used to be the Beau Brummel of the Valley until his hair fell out and he joined the church. Luke B;ttes of Long Pine Republican, Episcopalian and a lawyer on the side. How's ihat for a combination? Then comes Burleigh strenuous, bald headed Burleigh who let Brown county gO to the Pops and joined the Methodist church. He has l?en in suck cloth anil ashes ever since hut will probably come; out purified about next fall. Then there is George Miles, Burle'gli's esteemed contemporary, I clout know what church George is al!iliaied will, probably no, any, ;s he is a Populist. He is the largest and best naturud man in the bunch. Bill Barker of Vaien'.ine is a, Presby terian and a Republican. He is now in New York City attending Lhe general as sembly of his faith who are trying to tix the burial place of Adam, etc. Heath, of the (dy Cow Boy, is inde pendent in politics. He is creditel with being a Christian Scientist, but he runs pntent medicine ads. Lyon of Gordon, is a Republican. He should have been a preacher. lie is a M'-thodist. He and Burleigh come from such dry towns that they will proliably gu.zle all the lemonade and soft (V; drinks in Chadron. The Rushville and Hay Springs editors are unknown propositoiin to the writer. Here ill hfuiron the gentleman who presides ever the destinies of The Journal is a deacon in the M. E. church and a God fearing mail in everything except his politics. The editor of this pa per is inclined to he a follower of Mis. bddv but as it re quires considerable effort we don't tie- lieve he'll ever be rid of his earthly pains. Burke, of Harrison, is a Methodist and his contemporary, Wright, is saia to ce Mohammedan. Up in Crawford we have Con Linde u, populist; Col. Ketchiim. republi- 1 ,T. -(! 1 1 l.ll..,.n Tlin can, and wuiguei.i, reiuuiuu. last named is a Congregationalist. So you see the editors of the E. V. E. A. are not such an unregenerate lot as is erroneously supposed. They are a whole souled and for the most part a broad minded lot of men whom it will lie a pleasure to entertain, and we hope you will do your best to show them a good time. Chadronian. Professional Cards. JM. i. 0 Touuell, - - Co. Attorney, W1H Practice In All Court. Special Attention Given U Land Of flee Business. ' ' Collections and all business entrust ed to me will receive prompt utteiitioW Hahwson - Nebraska. J. E. PHINVEY. M. D. -Pliylseian aitd Surgeon. All calls given prompt attention Onlce in lrug Store. -HARRISON - NEBRASKA. GRANT GUTHRIE. Attorney-at-Law. Prompt attention given to all legai matters in Justice, County and District Courts, and before the United State Land Oflice. Fire Insurance written in reliabls sompanies. EU"Legal papers carefully drawn. Harrison. Nebraska. THE PERCH E RON. Black Diamond and Sir Arc hard. Registered Stallions will be at my horse barn in Harrison this season and one of the above stallions will stand at Hill Shatto's place at Kirtly on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays, also one of tham will stand at Bodanj Thursdays and Fridays. Stockmen wishing the use of a Registered Shire or Pcv cheron Horse should consult their best interests by seeing" these Stallions before breed ing elsewhere. Terms: To insure ma.e with foal, 10.00. Owned by, J H. BARTELL, HARRISON, - - - NEBRAKS A Notice the Witt Bros, sale advertise ment in this week's issue of the PRESS JOURNAL. Bodarc Gleanings. Mrs. Eugene Wohlheter and children came down from Harrison Saturday to visit for a while with Grandma Wohlh eter and other relatives. Services will lie conducted at the Bo- darc church, Sunday by Emery E. Zim merman at 11 a. m. Lunch at 12 o'clock' Services of a business nature at 2 p. m which will be presided over by Mr, Bice. As this in all probability will be the last time the people of Bodarc will have an opportunity to meet with Mr. Rice' all should try to be present. The late rain has made the valley green and cheered and cncoiiroged the folks to rush around and get in their gardens and their corn planted. Dr. Leash of Chadron is the guest of John Code this week, his acquaintance with the Coffee family adds hack to the days of the Civil war. r .Inhn Thaver. who had a severe attack of heart trouble on Friday last, went to Chadron on the train Saturday evening for medical treatment, A few representatives expect to leave here Tuesday for Cottonwood to attend the Sunday school convention to be held there Wednesday and Thursday. ! I I County Napa. The Phhks-JotrnaI. has printed a lim ited number of nuips on Manilla cni lard which can lie secured for 10v i They will slso lie given as a premium l new subscribers. North-Westeni LINE F, E. M. V. 11. R. is the to and from the BLACK HILLS, DKADWOOIt AND HOT MT.INU, SOUTH DAKOTA. r. E.tV.V K. A. lime table. Going West. Going lent He. t, niUl,....IO;o Mo. , mlsed Ji V 4fi VWV, '1 ft Si. j 4 1 1 if, h "A ' i 1 V. r ; r u v -.