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About Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (May 15, 1902)
9 & : I;A'v-' k ! I J" ... BATTLE OF CIGARE1 WA8HXVOT0V SOCIETY WOXZN DIVIDED OVEB QUESTION. If others Whe Won't 8make, Nor Al low Daughter to, Denounce Those Whj( Encourage It. Washington letter: The tide of so cial tendencies of the hour in Europe periodically sweeps over our national &u . . ie su. uiiw- oroao wuo iub "o- ject of relieving society ennui sooner or later very often, as in the present case annnarra tiloti n r Vnr crh A nA . rn'aa . u vj siui.i..yi was wnat we may call a sat in this country and exploited, with . subject" (If it be not paradoxical t they are worth. Just now we are entering on a phase of faddism here which will perhaps, if we ars to believe the medical view of it, have more serious results on its de votees than the ordinary, everyday so ciety craze. We are threatened with an epidemic of feminine smokers. Not that the woman smoker is alto gether new in Washington or in other large cities of fashionable life, but that the present Invasion by the weed is more formidable than hitherto; because HIS HOPE IS Bathbone has appealed to the Cuban court of appeals for a reversal of his conviction and sentence by the lower court at Havana, but his real hope of rescue rests on the influence of Senator Hanna. The Ohio senator lias appealed to President Roosevelt without result, but he has not yet given up effort to save his former henchman. London society is doing more smoking ; than ever before, fashionable Washing ton must follow suit So smokingby this is meant the dainty, scented f cigaret is gaining fresh recruits every day among the women of Washington; not only the matron, but the debutante must ami ; does have her cigaret The doctors say stop in fact if they had known in - time, they would doubtless have said: "Don't begin." The local medical view is that the chysiological make-up of woman indi cates the. probability of her suffering .' Injury from the use of tobacco to be . even greater than it is in the case of men smokers. Woman's organization being the more delicate and sensitive of the two, is more liable to Impressions good or the reverse. The effects of tobacco remain in the system; they are cumulative, and if we take the case of the very young woman who indulges In her cigaret it will be seen that she is simply storing up in her system what will Anally prove a handicap on her forces of physical re sistance at a future period of her life when she will most need them. ' The young woman the society de butantewho must be in tbe swim who must copy her elder sisters in what they doabove all in anything they do that is of a risque nature, be- - comes a smoker at first through love or imitation and continues one because the has grown to like the sensation of smoking. probably before her certainly she fa most cases looks for ward to getting married at some time. Moan while she becomes an habitual smoker. Thus, the effect of the indul gence being, as has been said, cumula tive by the arrival of the period when she marries and in the course of natural treats becomes a mother she finds that instead of having husbanded her physi cal resources she has weakened her heart. Impaired her circulation and in flicted upon herself "nerves." Under these conditions she is con fronted with the necessity of supporting us araormai strain upon her system consequent upon motherhood, while the accumulated injurious effects of her years of Indulgence la tobacco oppose her efforts of resistance like a battal Bon of organised enemies which is just what they actually are. " Then there is another side to the question: Is she liable to transmit to bar offspring the evil consequences from which she suffers herself In oth er words, will tbe tribe of smoking women produce not only a race of wssksr descendants, bat ars they also TCsaif to transmit the passion for olco Os as that for alcohol Is transmitted fre-i parents to children? Will the woman smoker perpetuate i1 bey cigaret tend is the community T . is Kktfy to do so then ws ars f - to face wlii the proMst, altogether t : swrkmi than any which is offered if I -wtod by tfes existence of a mere t -1 swetstr fad. . :t t tars artoss smother gassUoa: Is r M trtsty shrm to bs rsfard- Us r ? a paacac fadf Or as - r tU crr ssoas to stay, bnt Is ' tt Ut r tommn i tts mmv -tt n ; .... tf -lti i ci- - :duw tiling, we alio commented on the tact that the English women's cigaret has become a permanent Institution and that today the habit is saining greater popularity and becoming more wide spread. Many other fads hare come, and had their day, and gone the way of pass ing things, to be known no more among uh. The cigaret for women. however, is not, it seems, to be number ed among these. Quettn Elizabeth became a smoker through curiosity, that peculiarly fem inine quality having been excited in i her royal breast bv her 0DBeTVatl0M c, 'hr courier. Sir Walter Raleigh "paying upon & pipe." The Virgin i rtm;en hnwovr in k .ff- r-h. : leiitAry transmission of her virtues or ' . to reier to a queen in that way) simply because she never married The medical critics of the smoking woman, although they on general prin ciples disapprove of her, qualify to Home degree their condemnation. If, they say, "the woman who uses tobac co has reached middle age and left be hind her the perilous period of mater nity, or if she be one advanced in years, the dangers of indulgence are lessened, if not altogether, removed. But, again, it is largely a matter of con stitution and temperament whether to- NOW IN HANNA. COTES' G. -fWHSONEl. bacco will seriously effect the health or general physical well-being of the user. It becomes a question of individual peculiarities. Here, therefore, is solace for the smoking matron, the old maid, or the out-and-out 'old woman." Let them blow their smoke-ring Into tbe air with perfect sang frold. There have been hints already heard here hints that fell from tbe lips of some noted clergymen that the pulpit may finally take a hand in this smok ing controversy. Then the fanbionab!e cccupants of pews may be obliged to "sit under" during a bad quarter of an hour, some wrathful divine who will expatiate with scant wympathy on the evil practice of feminine cigaret smok ing. As yet, however, the outspoken utterances against the weed have come from certain coteries of exasperated mothers, who are themselves not suffi ciently modernized to set the example to, or Join their daughters in the en joyment of a social cigaret Only the other day one of our Wash ington women who are the subject of so much criticism was overheard say ing, as she lit a second cigaret: "Oh, my dear, you know what Lady Ran dolph Churchill declared, "that all the nice women in England smoke now." FREDERICK WATSON. His Objection. Baltimore American: "Prisoner," said the stern old Judge, "the Jury, by a vote of 11 to 1, has found you guilty of smashing all the windows and raining the stock of ton millinery stores. Bave yon anything to say before sentence is passed upon your "I bave." announced the prisoner, rising to bis feet "Say if i "I protest, your honor, against this verdict I was not tried by a Jury of my peers." i "On what do you base that objec tion?" ? ."Why, only one of 'em is married.'' The custom in Francs of posting on the dead walls of every commune throughout the country the speeches of ministers is to be discontinued. Every time It k done it costs the government KV.OOO. OFFICE SEEKS HER. Oae ac dm ttM before ta sars stabs to ttk tat A mrrt -ip) smsst tmaortaat ass Issttasi tt a prool- MACHINFRY ON FARM. HAS REVOLUTIONIZED THE LIFE IN THE COUNTRY. The Farmer's Work Has Been Ren dered So Much Easier That he is Almost Independent of the Rural Tyrant, the Hired Man. It is certainly a pleasure to drive out in the country1 these days and talk to farmers about the outlook of crops. The ground was never in bet ter condition for working, nor have iliey ftr a great manr-. years . been, able to get into tbe fields at so early a date. Practically all the small grain is in and they are sow getting things in shape to push tbe corn when the time comes. Wonderfully improved machinery has made it possible for a farmer to get his crops in quick and with less expense than ever before,. It is an every day occurrence to see a seeder operated by a small boy Just big enough to sit on the scat and drive the horses, while his father is run ning the disc right behind him, and in this way a man and his smaller boy are now doing the work in three days that formerly took from a week to ten days. The advance in the price of land is in some respects to be accounted for from the fact that a man in figuring the expense of farming a quarter sec tion finds out that he can run the whole thing himself and make money on his investment, even at a high purchase price, where 20 years ago the expense of running his farm wiah hired help and high Interest would leave nothing with which to pay the principal. The amount of work one man can do on a farm is remarkable. There Is a man living near Grinnell, who owns 800 acres of land, has 600 head of stock and operates this large farm alone with the exception of about three months in the year. He has two of the largest barns in Powe shiek county, one being 112 feet long by 48 feet wide, and 48 feet high; the other is 112 feet long by 56 feet wide, and 54 feet high. These two immense barns stand close together, conveniently arranged so that when he puts his feed away in the fall it is easy to get out in the winter. He has a running stream on the place which is a great help to him. This man started 25 years ago without a dollar to his name, and Is wealthy to day because he worked to that end. When, he built his barns he hauled all his lumber himself, in addition to looking after his farm work. He would be at the lumber yard at 6:30 in the morning with, two teams, one tied behind the wagon of the other, and would make the trip home, seven miles, to return again in the after noon for two more loads. In addi tion to this be sometimes had to do his own cooking, as he has never been married his "neighbors say that he could never take time to find a wife. He is up in the morning at 2 o'clock to commence bis chores, and just as soon as he is through he Is In the field. He trots his horses to all the work, oftimes changing horses three times a day, as fast as ' they wear out. He ' himself never seems to be tired and can not realize why the people who work for him can not "get a move on them," and, stranee to gay, this man takes the daily news papers, sometimes when men say they are too busy to read a dally newspaper tbe face of this farmer comes to my mind and I wonder what they would think about being busy if tney followed him lor a day. The Improved machinery, where everything is built to ride, makes it possible for all of the family to help at the work. Near Kanawha is a farmer who lost both his legs by be ing ran over by the cars. In settling with the railroad company he got enough to buy a 160-acre farm. This farm be runs with a boy about 16 years old. The boy does the chores and hitches up tbe horses, but all other work he can do (with his arti ficial legs) as well as any one. He rides the seeder, disc and all other machinery. Most all farmers buy machinery. but only a small per . cent of them bave any place to keen It They let it stand out in the rain and snow, winter and summer. A few have mi- machlne houses, but not many. I asked one farmer who owned a big farm and plenty of barns how his binder happened to be left out in the field where he quit, using it last fall and be said: "Oh, I have to buy a new one every few years, they are improving them so fast, that if I didn't let it rust out I could not keen no with the new machines." "Well," I said, "supposing you kept It well you could sell It to some one." He laughed. "They are all like me; they want the latest kind and I could not give It away, and If It was In good shape I woum nave to tnrow it away, so I smother my conscience by having them wear out quick, then I have to have a new one, so In that way I am alwaya with the latest. George F. Thayer In Marshalltown Times-Republican. A PENSION PROBLEM. Provision for Old Man Suggested as a Nssd of the Osy. The constantly Increasing difficulty which men of middle age experience" In securing employment is spreading from the larger cities to the smaller towns. Some time ago worklngmea In Chicago were aroused by the fact that young men, children even, were supplanting their fathers In factory and mill. - Jollet has mads the latest effort to solve the "old man problem." Alder, man Comlskey sought to have Jollet municipal authorities employ on tbe streets only nwa who nave passed tbe age of 60 years In order that tbe com petition of the younger generation might bs withdrawn and the old men given a ebaaos to earn a living. The plan though it failed, has attracted much attention. A system of old ago pensions Is the nggeotlon of Dr. Charles R. Hender son of the University of Chicago as ths boat way to relieve present condl Os. eMstiort,' said Mr. Henderson, Is sot cm for dinrltnbto instttationa is tel nV sffi us aid of a homes is needed In the cases of the destitute. Germany is working to effect a proper system for the man aaement of tnts plan. England is confronted with the same difficulties as tbe United States. In the system of .old age pensions, enforced savings should be required of the laborer dur ing his days of employment Then the government should come to the old man's assistance and add to the sav ings. Ours is a great country, and it should be too great to allow its people to live in want after a life usefully and diligently spent "The old age pension Is not, I think destined to be regarded favorably as a political measure for some time, un til the people eee its need. In the meantime, the problem of finding em ployment for men who are not worn out entirely but are supplanted by younger men Is to be met. Farming colonies, where men of 50 or more might engage in agriculture to sup port themselves, is one plan that has been suggested. But this would mean a lonely life to many a man to whom existence Is growing more and more cheerless. "The farm suggests Itself as a rem edy because the percentage of farm ers in the country is steadily growing smaller. One of the great causes of the lack of work for the old Is that the young men are crowding in from the country. "With the unskilled laboring class es Hhe age of defective effort comes earlier than in cases where a trade has been learned. The workman of this age works until he is worked out. When his strength for the task to which be has given bis better effort goes he Is without adaptability for anthing else. When the younger gen oration will have grown up and pass ed Into tbe years of middle life, the same difficulty will not be experienced in such degree. Tbe manual train ing and the different work in tfie schools of today teach the children adaptability which will be to their ad vantage late in life. "A great effort is put out by horne Snding associations in large cities to place young children In homes in the country. In a small way this guards against so much overcrowding of the cities. A child after it has spent as much as its first five years in the city can rarely be induced to spend its life in the country. Chicago Tribune. THE MORMON PROPAGANDA. Some Surprising Statements Issued by the Secretaries of the Home Mis sionary Societies. Some surprising statements con cerning tbe propagation of Mormon- ism are made in a circular on the sub ject issued from New York by the secretaries of home missionary socle ties which are working for legislation for the suppression of polygamy. The churches interested in the movement are the Baptist, Methodist Episcopal, Congregational, Presbyterian, Reform ed, Cumberland Presbyterian, Disci ples of Christ and United Brethren. It Is asserted the ambition of Mor mons, which they even do not conceal, is to secure control of state after state until, by means of tbe balance of pow er, they may make national legisla tion against Mormonlsm impossible. Their approaches to the people are made the more seductive because their appeal affects to be based upon commonly accepted Bible truths. Only after entrance has been gained and the door closed against retreat is the awful system gradually unveiled to its converts. Though often denied, there Is no doubt that its practice of polygamy continues, In defiance of all the prom ises made to the United States when statehood was granted. By means of colonization It has so affected the states of Idaho, Wyoming, Montana, and Nevada, and the territories of New Mexico and Arizona as ill soon secure, if It has not already secured, practical political control in all that region. It claims to have now 2,000 mission aries on the field 1.400 of them in the Southern states and to have made last year 20,000 converts. At a con ference recently held in Berlin and presided over by Hugh Cannon, son of George Q. Cannon, 125 Mormon mis sionaries were present who were working In tbe German empire. They reported 2,000 converts. In Norway and Sweden Mormons have for many years been gaining a continually in creasing number of converts. Similar statements concerning the bad faith of the Mormons were heard on the occasion of the expulsion of a polygamous Mormon from the con gress of tbe United States. Congress felt obliged to take notice on that oc casion of the open defiance of the law. It can not, however, be alarmed Into proposing a constitutional amend ment for tbe suppression of polygamy. The force of public opinion should be sufficient not only to prevent the spread of polygamy but also to abate tbe practice of the Institution by tbe rising and future generations of Mor mons. If public opinion can not be depended upon a constitutional amendment Itself would be an uncer tain reliance. Dubuque Times. Male Tastes as to Woman. Health: , Maidens who have passed their 30th year may now claim that they represent the most perfect and ad vanced type of maidenhood, and look down upon girls who marry before 25 as very much more akin to savages, for It Is a well-known fact that the age of marriage advances with civilization. Everywhere the more mature woman is to the fore. The tastes of men in this regard seam to have undergone a complete revolution, and Instead of flut tering about tbe Inexperienced girl. talking pretty nothings, they are match ing their experience, broadening their horizon, sharpening their wits, In clever conversation with some brilliant and beautiful woman. Walter A. Payne, instructor and sec retary of the university extension de partment at the University of Chicago, baa been promoted to the rank of asso ciate professor, and put In charge of the extension department, of which Prof. James was formerly ths chief. King aMward's fund for cancer Inves tigation Is growing rapidly. The Gold smiths company, one of the old guilds of London, has contributed $15,000. Two other subscriptions of Ilka amount, s numnsr or snssasr UPTON'S PEERAGE. ST7BE THIKG FOB TBI TAOHTTMO XMIOHT, IT But Must Succeed Because There Is a String to It Sir Thomas May Wear a Coronet London letter: Sir Thomas Llpton is to have his peerage with a string to It That is to say. the enobling of Sir Thomas is contingent upon his winning back the America's cup from the hither to Impregnable Yankees (in England all Americans are "Yankee" as by no means all Americans at home are aware.) The truth about Sir Thomas's peer age has leaked out among certain inner circles of the British yachting world, a certain well-known associate of roy alty having whispered it into the ear of a fellow clubman at the Traveller e, a night or two since, and from this par ticular clubman it was that your cor respondent got the tip. King Edward, as it is well known, is not only a friend and patron of the ir repressible and enterprising contestant for tbe great cup, but he has taken a degree of interest In the grocerk night's repeated essays to win It back, of which the "man In the street" has but a faint Idea. The king, in fact, earnestly de sires that the yachting trophy which formerly bore his own august mother's r.ame shall be restored to British hands. Himself an ardent yachtman, the king Is well aware that in Sir Thomas Llpton he has discovered a very unusual man, for it had grown problematical wheth er, after all the disappointments that have awaited the different competitors for the honor of restoring tbe cup, any others would come forward prepared to risk the expense of building more rac ing machines. But Llpton has not backed down; he still sticks to his col ors he may almost be said to have nailed them to his mast. He still breathes defiance and determination. Therefore it is that the king justly enough regards blm as an unusual man. I'pon the return of Sir Thomas to this side after last season's fiasco, he the king had many consultations upon the subject of making another trial. The general result of these dis cussions was that both parties came to an agreement upon one point a very vital one too-that Llpton had undoubt edly made progress; that the yacht "that could really win" was much more a practical possibility now, since every time that Llpton had had a new yacht built, a good many steps had been taken towards the construction of an ideal cup conqueror. The time and thought and money had not been wasted, some thing more was learned each try, and if only the thing were persevered In there was no reason to suppose final victory to be Impossible. Of late the king and Sir Thomas have ben at it again, and designs and every detail and aspect of the question earn up for consideration. Sir Thomas has grown abnormally enthusiastic, even for Sir Thomas, and has at the present moment rose-colored visions of that hour of triumph which, be fondly and firmly believes, the future holds In store for him. Llpton will undoubtedly become re- MRS. HUNTINGTON IN CONTROL. Mrs. Collis P. Huntington, it Is stated, has purchased ths Colorado and Southern railroad through an agent stock is pooled until 1904 and is voted lug-ton's purchase gives her ths direction of this trust. sponsible for the cost of construction of another cup yacht the net result of his deliberations with his monarch. Sportsman to the back bone as we all know Llpton to be, be now has one more Inducement to win his spurs, for he has the roysl promise that when he brines home tbe blue ribbbon of the. seas he will be In line for a peerage. A conversation for which your cor respondent's Informant vouches took olace between King Edward and Sir Thomas Llpton recently, during which tbe king was extremely compllmentaryi in his remarxs, saying mat ne bad never been slow to recognlte the merit of staying qualities In a fight, and that he was anxious to show his practical appreciation of Sir Thomas's display of them. To quote his malasty'a words al most verbalism: Tsu have the money. Ir Thomas. There. Is no mason why yon should not produce the sblo." fie than added that the eastara of ths America's mp wovU bs si aaalsvtinant .Mmnl(aM which Mr .,ii k MiHtlaA to a mark of wvwav vv - tlngulshed favor, and that taken In con nection with his highly Important posi tion In England's commerce, there would be nothing Incongruous or unfit ting In the making of him a peer of ths realm. After all. King Edward's views of ths . matter do not appear in any way . strange. We have long since grown ac customed to see big brewers elevated to tbe perage: why should a great grocer be held Ineligible? Besides, similar honors have been bestowed before now upon citizens for their Inauguration of large charities, and there are few who do not know of tbe remarkable altru istic experiment set on foot and sup ported by the wealth of Sir Thomas Liptoh the admirable system of cheap London restaurants where an excellent meal may be had at a penny a portion. ARTHUR FIELD. , QTJEEB 8TBIKE. Demands Made by Patrons of a Cres cent City Barroom. New Orleans Times-Democrat: One of the most peculiar and novel strikes ever heard of In this city was settled last night. The strike lasted for 10 days. In this instance a crowd of about 50 young fallows, who frequent a bar- room on Frenchmen and Grant streets, in the rear of the 8eventh ward, de manded a larger Beer for 5 cents. They wanted the usual size, to-wlt, "an elec tric globe." That was only one of the demands. Not only did they want an Increase in .the size ofthe glass, but they also demanded that the proprietor of the place, give them three "checks,", as the strikers seemed to terra it, for' 10 cents. In other words, they wanted' a glass of beer, a package of clgarets or tobacco, and a sandwich. Heretofore they paid 15 cents for these articles. Tbey complained of "dull" times, scar city of money, and what not But the proprietor turned a deaf ear to all their cries of "hard times." Tbe young men who play pool at the establishment or ganized a sort of union, and about 20 of them walked up to the proprietor and made verbal demands. "Submit your demands in writing," said the barkeeper. The "strikers" left, very much dis couraged. But two or three of the wise one, who had been "tipped" off a day or so later, ciiSje to the rescue and for mulated a "scale" of prices. The de mands were written out, and Leon Gril lot, who acted as the "national" organ ized, constituted himself a committee of one and handed tho demands to the proprietor of the saloon. The owner of the establishment said" he would take the demands "under ad visement" The demands were "pigeon holed." as it were; and, for six or seven. days following the first notice that there was going to be a strike, the men re mained out The strikers were deter mined, and as they considered their evening beer one of the necessities of this life, they rushed the growler, send ing to another barroom several squares away. The "growler" was rushed very frequently. The union was strong,' and the men decided to hold out for an in definite period. After about 10 days the strike was called off. "Tho strike Is off," said the and is now sole controller of it Ths by a voting trust, but Mrs. Bant barkeeper. "Your' demands will be . granted," said he to the "national" or ganizer, and the men are now playing , pool and "putting" away large "globes" ' as If nothing had happened. . A report from Natal to the effect that an extensive field, containing a first class quality of bituminous coal, has been discovered In Natal, and that a company will soon be formed for tha purpose of exploiting these deposits. It le said that tbe field li so rich that ths coal outnut for manv nun will ha clent to supply all tbs railroads and mines of South Africa with fueL Henry H. Edes, at a recent meeting of the Colonial Society of Massachusetts. ,.Bpf ' Mid that Prof. John Wlntbrop and not Ooorgn Wash Intton was the first person to raeetm from Harvai490sthaa0f to tor of tows. , ... nr. , ,,, .. i .. f '.. 1 .'.V, 4- i , . ,A . -.Ik;1 V...