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About Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (June 6, 1901)
'REACHING THE POLE. Herr Anschutz Kampfe Outlines His Own Plan. W At a recent meetln of the Vienna Geographical society Herr Aoscir.itz Kampfe described as his own a plan of reaching the North Pole, which, how ever, was suggested some years ago by a Swede, but for the execution of which he Is now having a vessel built by German murine engineers at WI1 helmshaven. His plan is to reach the pole by means of a submarine boat, passing under the Ice of the Arctic ocean. In Ills address, as reported by the Geographical Journal, Herr An-acbutz-Kampfe said: The main fac tors affecting the practicability of the scheme are: First, the extent of the separate ice fields In the polar sea, d, secondly, the depth below the surface to which the Ice reaches. From extensive study as well as per sonal observation the speaker had ar rived at the conclusion that the aver age maximum depth of the pack Ice may be taken to be 80 feet, while the mean thickness does not exceed 16 to 20 feet. Land Ice reaching in the form of Icebergs a depth below water sur face of several hundred feet may, he thinks, from its virtual absence from the seas In question, be left out of consideration, while our present knowledge of the depths attained by the polar basin justifies the opinion that reefs of rocks riHing towards the surface of the ocean are not to be ex pected. The proposed vessel will be capable of descending to a depth of 160 feet, at which It will be entirely re moved from the influence of cold, storms, and lee-pressure, and the way to the pole will be therefore open. The length of tlrrte during which it will be able to remain below the sur face Is calculated at a maximum of fifteen hours, which at the modest rate of 3 knots allows it to cover a dis tance of 50 miles, whereas the com bined experience of polar voyagers shows that continuous fields of pack ice never exceed a maximum diameter of 3 English miles. In the improbable case of no opening being met with within the fifteen hours there remains the possibility of opening a way by blaBting at a weak point In the ice, to be Indicated without possibility of mis take by the help of the manometer. The risk of collision will be minimized not only by the slow rate of motion, but by the great power of resistance to be poKseged by the ship, and in dispensable on account of the great pressure to which it will be subject from water. Its form will be that of an ellipsoid of rotation, with a major axis of 70 feet and a breadth of 26 feet, giving a displacement of 800 tons. To obviate rolling the center of grav ity will be placed as low as possible. The capacity of the Interior will be 3, 500 cubic feet, which allows sufficient air for five men for fifteen hours, the carbonic acid evolved being removed by combination with caustic soda. Propulsion will be effected by hori zontal and vertical screws, the former of 40, the latter of 5 horse power, this last being sufficient to counteract the tendency to rlBe; while the motive power is to be supplied by a petroleum motor through the medium of a 220 volt accumulator. One hundred and fifty tons of petroleum will be taken, or more than ten times the quantity needed for the 600 miles' voyage to the pole from Spitzbergen, to which, or rather to the edge of the ice, the submarine boat will be towed. On ar rival at the pack the direction of the first open water will be taken by com pass, and, the boat being submerged, a course will be steered for it. If, after an hour or so the light shows that an opening has been reached the vertical screw will be stopped and the boat will rise by its own buoyancy and In case of a wide opening or channel leading northwards the voyage will be continued on the surface, giving an op portunity for scientific work. Suppos ing no gleam of light appears when six hours have elapsed an ascent to the lower surface of the ice will be made with caution and the voyage continued slowly until by the reading of the manometer it is found that a thin place has been reached. Here at tempts will be made by blasting to ef fect an opening, which, however small, will be sufficient to supply air for an other fifteen hours; while in the case of failure there will be still time to return to the last opening that has been left, whence the voyage will bo prosecuted in a slightly different direc tion. But both assumptions made that of an uninterrupted ice field more than 18 miles In diameter, and of one so continuously thick as to defy all ef forts at disruption are entirely con tradicted by all previous experiences. Philadelphia Times. Rattled, PrMonuibly. Joseph Chamberlain usually says his little very well, but he was guilty of a bull" not very long ago when in parliament he was speaking against a bill proposed by another member and turning toward that person said: "The honorable gentleman shakes his head I am sorry to bear it." Hatred OfT Koraltjr. The king of Italy, who Is but five feet three inches tall, Is not the only short monarch in Europe, nor the king of Portugal the only stout one, for King Edward VII., in spite of most of his pictures, is but five feet four inches In height and weighs 257 pounds. Bullet-Proof Pasteboard Armor. Pasteboard armor Is the latest form of defense. Experiments at Copenhag en show that millboard three inches thick was impenetrable to carbine bul lets which pierced five-inch wooden planks. The Booming ns? Sovith i A R.em.rk(vblo In- ! crease In All Linos 1, 1 of Industry. ', Twenty years ago, by the census If ISS0, there were 10 small cotton mllH south of the Potomac and Ohio rivers. The 1900 ceniius sowg 800 mills with more than 4,010,0V) spindles and at least 500,000 spindles more to be added T7lthin the next few montiis in mills now under construction. The most rapid increase in the history of cotton manufacture In the south is now fin ing on. In Georgia alone 48 new milN with 26.1,676 new spindles and 5,000 looms, representing an Investment of 13,860,000, were put In operation lasi year. They nre all of the latent type, both in construction and equipment, and many of them are run by elec tricity. During the previous year Georgia built 1(8 new mills with 278.000 spindles and 4,710 looms, which repre sented an equal amount of capital. More than 75 per cent of the stock of the Georgia mills Is owned by local capitalists. North Carolina stands next to Georgia in progress, and on the line of the Southern railway alone today no less than 123 colton mills, repre senting a capital of 114.227,950, and consuming 340,132 bales of cotton ev ery year. Few people realize what this means to the south, not only In giving em ployment to the people, but In the sav ing of transportation charges, commis sion and other items that go to make up the profits of the middlemen and the export and import merchants who handle the raw product. This year the cotton crop is said to be worth $500, 000,000 as It conies from the gin. By turning it Into plain sheeting its value Is doubled, and in raiding the gradi of the manufactured product to a lit tle better quality the value doubles again, and amounts to $2,000,000,000. Nor are cotton millH the only manu facturing concerns that you see nowa days in the south. During the last few years the development has been very rapid in all lines of manufacture to consume the raw materials found on the ground. On the Southern railway, within four states, 1,062 manufacturing concerns have sprung up within the last 10 years. Sixteen are woolen mills, 96 are sawmills, 99 flour mills, 52 grist mills, 58 are furniture factories, 49 are tobacco factories. The furniture Indus try is one of the most Important In the new development of the south. Thirty-nine new factories opened last year in what is called the Piedmont section, where there Is an unlimited supply of hardwood suitable for cabinet-making, plenty of low priced labor, fuel and liberal labor laws. The average man can hear the whis per of a pretty woman farther than he can the loudest call of duty. Penn sylvania Grit. A Mean v y Deception Unkind Trick Plo-yed Upon an Unauapect- Ing and A voracious Woman. A flustered young woman, out of breath as though from walking fast, rushed up the steps of the United States mint at Philadelphia the other day and asked to be directed to the bu reau of information. "There Isn't any," replied the uniformed messen ger, a very fat man, "Perhaps I can tell' you what you want to know." "Per haps yo fn" m''1 lhe ylln8 woman, produtlng a copy of a frivolous -weekly paper. "I wuMto know l( this ! true." She pointed to a paragraph which read: "Among the curloltlcs of collecting Is the fact that liOl cents now bring about $19 In the coin mar ket." The fat messenger adjusted his glasses and scrutinized the paragraph. While he was thus engaged he began to laugh and howed to others In tho department the paragraph. Then fol lowed combined roars of laughter, through It all the young woman stood expectantly fingering four bright, new pennies she had brought with her. Fin ally the fat messenger regained his breath sufflcltntly to gasp: "It s a Joke. Don't you Mr II give you $10 for 1901 pennlaa, and I'll be a cent ahead of the game See?" A great light Mned to dawn In the mind of tb young woman. "I dare say, It's Try funny," sha aald, "but I dont For Protection to a flower. In an almost despairing effort to stay lhe dread extinction of the fragrant trailing arbutus flowers, the legislature of Connecticut passed a law forbidding any person to pull up the plants by the roots on land owned by another under a penalty of $20. Verdict Maant Death. Aldrlch, Mo.. May 27th. Four of the best doctors in the vicinity have been In attendance on Mrs. Mollle Moore of this place, who has been suffering with a severe case of nervousness'and kidney disease. Each of tbem told her that she would die. Hearing of Dodd's Kidney Pills, she began to use them, and Instantly no ticed a change for the better. Her Im provement has been continuous since then. She says that the disease first manifested itself by the appearance of dark spots floating before her eyes. Her nerves were so bad that many times they would collapse completely, and she would fall down as If shot. Th fact that Dodd's Kidney Pills saved her after four doctors had given her up, has caused no end of talk In this neighborhood, and all are loud In their praises of this new remedy Dodd's Kidney Pills which is curing bo many hitherto incurable cases, in this state and elsewhere. , Magnate Hill'n Ktart, James J. Hill, the railway magnate, was at one time a Mississippi steam boat "runner," and as such well known In the early development of Milwaukee. He was then accounted one of the best 'drummers" of business for river boats. Try Graln-O! Try Oraln-Ot pickaxe of OKAIN-O. tlie new f'od drink tiiat tukes the plnoo of coifeo. Tub children ruay driiilc it without injury as well as the adult. All who try it, like URAIN-Olias that rich seal brawn of Mocha or Java, t,ut it in made, from pure Rinios, and the most delicate stomach receives it without dis tress. the price of coffee. 15c and 23 ct per packugo. bold by all grocers. One tet of intellectual power is sticking to a thing until you have mastered it. WESTERN CANADA'S DECEMBER WEATHER Eqaal to That of May la Sflaaasota. To tbe Editor: Thorna Regan and C. Collins of Eden Valley, Minnesota, went out to Western Canada last De cember as delegates to look over the grazing and grain lands that are being offered at such low prices and reason able terms. This Is what they say: "Wearrtved In Calgary about the 20th of December and although we had left winter in Minnesota and Manitoba, we i were surprised to find beautiful warm weather at this point, quite equal to what we have In May in Minnesota. There was no snow nor trace of win ter to be seen, and the climate was really splendid. Horses, cattle and sheep were running out, in prime con dition, with plenty of feed on the prai rie, and really better than that of ours stabled in the south. We are Im pressed with this country as one of the finest mixed farming countries we have ever seen. The Immense tracts of fertile lands well sheltered and abundantly watered leave nothing to be desired. "Leaving Alberta we returned ea3t and visited the Yorkton district in Assiniboia. We drove out about ten miles at this point and were highly pleased with the splendid samples of grain we were able to see wheat yielding 25 bushels, oats 60 bushels. Roots were also good specimens. From what we have seen, we have decided to throw in our lot with the .York toners satisfied that this part of the country will furnish good opportuni ties for anyone anxious to make the best of a really good country." "Any agent of the Canadian govern ment.whose advertisement appears else where In the columns of your paper will give you full particulars of the new districts being opened out this year in Assiniboia and Saskatchewan. Yours truly. Old Reader. It Is easier to call a man a fool than It is to convince him of the truth of your statement. ftMmdMRm (Ned mii' I . not FOR OKLAHOMA! New lands ttoon topn. .Herady! Morgan Mannl. with minplrinenlnonlalnlnK prwlapiatlrm.mti Knowing allotment. (VmntY aeata. tu. $1. Kuppl-m-nt A Man, 50c. Ajfsou WaiiUKl. DICK T. SIOIUiA.N, J'erry.O. T. The basis of most indelible inks Is the ordinary nitrate of silver. Hall's Catarrh Cora Is a constitutional cure. Price, 75c. Gibbon says that sugar was first brought from Asia to Europe A. D. 625. Plso'n Cure cannot be too hlirhly spoken of ns acotieu euro. J. W. O'Hhiim. S2i Third Ave., N Mjuucauolis,Mlnu., Jan. 0. UKXL think such things ought to be printed." And she made her exit sorrowfully. .indent Street Mnslnlaa. Among the street musicians of Chi cago is a young man who plays to earn his living whilo he pursues his studies in a musical college. He holds a scholarnhlp In the collego and Is con sidered a promising student there, but the problem for him Is how to main tain himself In a city far away from hie little homo town In Michigan while he studies In the school. Ho has no private resources. Each evening he takes his vollln and on likely street cornets plays to the crowd classical se lections usually, and sends around the hat afterward. His dream Is to have a studio of his own and give lessons. Then he will give up the street play ing; but that can't be yet, "I don't care what people think of me," he told a reporter who asked him about his aspirations. "I'm not ashamed of play ing In the streets. It Is nearly the same as playing In a concert hall for a feo. Hut all the same I shall be glad when I don't have to do It any longer." The police don't bother the young musician, and hie teachers rather admire him for his courage than condemn him. Some day, be hopes to go to Europe to study. The Great Eastern has faded into the era of small things. IiVr tonnage was 10,300 below that of the Celtic, Just launched at Belfast. Sooth Dakota Farms Is the title of an illustrated booklet Just Issued by the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway, descriptive of the country between Aberdeen and the Missouri River, a section heretofore unprovided with railway facilities, but which is now reached by a new line of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway. Everyone contemplating a change of location will be Interested In the Information contained in it, and a copy may be had by sending a two cent stamp to F. A. Miller, General Passenger Agent, Chicago, 111. Throw physic to thn (lops- if you don't want lhe dogshut if you want fcoou ditfesliuu chew Ucciuan's lJcilu lima. A race horse traveling full speed clears 200 feet at a stride, an ostrich 30 feet. Hammer Vacations. Spend yours this Summer in Cali fornia. There is no telling when the trip can again be made so cheaply. July 6th to 13th inclusive, Round-Trip Tickets will be sold to San Francisco via the Southern Pacific Company'3 routes at rates lcs3 than the regular one-way fare and will be good for the return until August 31st. These tickets cover first-class passage and will al low holder to Btopover at various points of Interest en route either go ing or returning, or both, and can be purchased for passage going via any of the Southern Pacific Company's three routes, Sunset, Ogden or Shasta, re turning the same or either of the oth ers. Through Pullman Palace and Pullman Tourist sleeping cars. For partlcuJars address W. G. Nelmyer, G. W. A.. S. P. Co., 238 Clark street. Chicago, 111. Ask your grocer for DEFIANCE STARCH, the only 36 oz. package for 10 cents. All other 10-cent ptarcli con tains only 12 oz. Satisfaction guaran teed or money refunded. A woman is sick some disease peculiar to her sex is fast developing in her system. She goes to her family physician and tells him a story, but not the whole story. She holds back something, loses her head, becomes agi tated, forgets what she wants to say, and finally conceals what she ought to have told, and this completely mystifies the doctor. Is it a wonder, therefore, that the doctor fails to cure the disease ? Still we cannot blame the woman, for it is very em barrassing to detail some of the symptoms of her suffering, even to her family physician. This is the reason why hundreds of thousands of women are now in corre spondence with Mrs. Pinkham, at Lynn, Mass. To her they can give every symptom, 60 that when she is ready to advise them she is in possession of more facts from her correspondence with the patient than the physician can possibly obtain through a personal interview. Following we publish a letter from a woman showing the result of a correspondence with Mrs. Pinkham. All such letters are considered absolutely confidential by it ii:..i.i.. o.wi qta never rmhTishfid in anv wav or 111 IS. J. XllJVllllIia. . r. it. i "u.,4- manner without the consent m writing of the patient: but hundreds of women are so grateful for the health which Mrs. -r- it j i v, r, VrT nhlf t.n TAstnrfi t,n them rinKnam aim aw nwuiuuc ua.iv " , . , r. iT I that they not only consent to publishing their letters, but write asking that this be done in order that other women who suller may be benefited by their experience. Mrs. Ella Rice, Chelsea, Wis., writes: 'DEAbMks Pinkham : For two vears I was troubled with falling and inflammation of the womb. 1 suffered very much with Wing-down pains, headache, backache, and was not able to do anything. What 1 endured no one knows but those who have suffered as I did. I could hardly dratf myself across the floor. 1 doctored wlth the physicns of thw town for three months and grew worse instead of better. My husband and friends wished me to write to you, but I had no faUh in patent rnedi Sne. AtlautI became so bad that I concluded to ask your advice. I recced an answer at once advising me to take Vegetable Compound and 1 did so. liefore 1 had taken two bottles I felt better, and after I had taken five bottles there was eo happier woman on earth, for I was well again. I know that your. Vegetable Compound cured advise every woman who suffers as 1 did to try Lydia fc. Pinkham S Vege tab2Tcompouna. Believe me always grateful for the recovery of my health." Mas. Ella IUce, Chelsea, Wis. REWARD Owinu to the (act that some skeptical people have from time to time questioned the feiiuincnesi of the trstimouia) letter we are constantly publiihing, we have .leocrtited with the National City Bank, of Lynn, MaM., 5.oco, S will be paid to any pc'" w' anow that the above UadmoJal is T.OI genuineor wa. puHUhed before obtamm Ask vour grocer for DEFIANCE STARCH, the only 16 oz. package for 10 cents. All other 10-cent starch con tains only 12 oz. Satinfaction guaran teed or money refunded. George III. had the family taint if lunacy, and for many years was insane. New Zealand has 6,438 factories with 48,933 employes. Ask your grocer for DEFIANCH STARCH, the only 16 oz. package for 10 cents. All other 10-cent starcn con tains only 12 oz. Satisfaction guaran teed or money rerunded. Piles Cured While You Sleep You are costive, and nature ts under a constant strain to relieve the condition. This causes a rush of blood to the rectum, and before bng congested lumps appear, Itching, painful, bleeding. Then you have piles. There are many kinds and many cures, but piles are not cura ble unless you assist nature In removing the cause. CASCARETS make effort easy, regulate and soften the stools, relieving the tension, and giving nature a chance to use her healing power. Piles, hemorrhoids, fistula, and other rectal troubles yield to the treatment, and Cascarets quickly and surely remove them forever. Don't be persuaded to experiment with anything elsci Atcbuon .lobe. "I raOfcred Ibe lortnrcs of tba 4unn4 with protruding piles brought on y constlrattloo wltb wblcb I was Olicted tor liriti years. I ran acrCM your CAiCA UET3 (a the town of Nowell, la. and never found anvt.hlna to equal tbem. Tp-lf I am enUrall free from piles nod feel like a u maa." C H. Kbit. HI! Jones St . Sioux CUy, la Woman's I -; Salt. BEST FOR BOWELS AND LIVER. THIS IS feet) THE TABLET JOc. 25c 50c NEVER SOLD IN BULK. DRUGGISTS IVlff 1