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About Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (June 6, 1901)
1 r' it? ss-Jourual Thursday, Jrse, ttsh, 1901. ! latum, Kill tor and 1'rop. F. E. Jl. V U. U. I mse tall'. Coins,' Wurt. Coin Kaat. Ho. . mUed, 10: I X"- u.ixert T 2 North-Western LIME E. M. V. R. R. is the best to ami from the BLACK HILLS, .HEAD WOOD AM) HOT SiT.lXLiS, SOUTH DAKOTA. dVKX VV, A V " From !:-'.;", VMn, until J "'.' first iSHlt. We vviil Rive a li kef, with every ll.Qf) cash pur. on a handsome tea set, 82 pieces in the t. something very 'hue. This beautiful will le display, in our wim!mv fur inspection, remember the date and save your tickets as some one U hound to le the lucky one Your for business, at Sarn's. Gc to J. E. PHiNNF.Y's for wail pap er. Mr. aril Mrs. Earnest Lyon, have moved into the Coffee house, just recent ly vacated by Judge Sclults' family. - A ucl.jiie future f 111 -iw.u fori tli. s time "I the vear was a small snort storm vtslerday. Tie count v "fwds" will 1 in sess- sion on the V'.h -We understand that J. A. Andersor hs 'ld hi interest in the Andrews building to Dr. Phinney and A. McUin ley. The sale of Mlk? Rowing's was inter i:;i!hI somewhat Tuesday, by the rain, hut not-u i'h-standing we thought the rattle sold fairly well. Wonder who will I our next County Jiu'.c? ("iim now don t all sneak at VAUDICTORY. Red From feat Market Choice, Fresh and bowe cured Moats and home rendered Liird, silt Fish, ies, Tobaccos, Citrs and Candies, Nuts irreen A pules. Highest price paid for Hides and Produce, at Snv'tH's Pi HrzrCz. Lr. C. (). I laid, ins Crawford den tist, will ba in li-n rison, June li, at Commercial hotel. Crown ami Bridge work a specialty. -ili- Mrs. nF thr? teacher, left for .their i i,q wpL-. to soend vacation J lJI I n v.. - -- , omnnp friends. Eead Miss Parsons, validictory which .., miwi interesting featuru of the 1 IWJW - m i-!inol r.icnic. on hut Friday. Mrs. J.ike Henry, and Mrs. Will Gay- i t f v.,iiir,iu snant Sundae, at the 1 1 ii i if J " - ; -i borne of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nut ta in the canvon. Let the wood store rest for the sum- mtr, and try one of those coal oil stoves at 'Barteixs" they are guaranteed to do the work and are perfectly safe comej and see tbein. A. P. Rosenberg, and Jamos Nelson of Adelia, were among the pleasant call ers at this "den" during the week. Boys j call again, our latch etring is always; out. " j ' Our better half is enjoying the sweet ; odor of a beautiful boquet, of flowers, the gift of the misses Noreisch. Many thanks girls we appreciate your kind Bess. Mrs. J. E. Marsteller, and her sister Mrs. Northrop, of Valentine, left on last Friday evening for Deadwood, Valentine and Kansas, to be gone a month. That s why John looks so down at the mouth. -Tne billious, tired, nervous man cannot successfully compete with his healthy rival. DeWitt'g Little Early Eisers the famous pills for constipation will remove the cause of your troubles. J. E. PllINNEY. Remember that Father Raybock, will celebrate. Mass at Harrison, on next Tues day morning, June 11th at 10 a. m. We learn that the bail storm w hi ch visited the Highland district Sunday, destroyed the entire strawberry crop of Mr. DeBock, which usually amounts to about 1200.00 every season. Mr. DeBock usually Hods ready sale for all of his email fruits in town which were always fresh and delicious. The railroad graders, who will put in their time for the next month or so filliuK in certain large culvrets and wid ening the track, will be here the last of the week or the first of next, which will make everythiug lively in and around town. It will, of course make business very much bettor for our merchants besides. George Grimm, and Frank Scott, returned from Gering, Tuesday where they went a week ago to work on the irriiratinz canal, but as the work will be completed in a couple of weeks, they loncludcd not to wait for the haying Mason, a it was a week or ten days to ansa for it. They My, however, there will be plenty of work there in about a month or mure. "A few months ago, food which I ate for Breakfast would not remain oo any stomach for half an hour. I .used om bottle of your Kodol Dyspepsia cure and cau now eat my breakfast and other .meal with a relish and my food is Ihonroughly digested. Nothing equals ICodol DTspepnia Cure for stomach trouble' U. a Pitts, Arlington Tex., Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests what you at. J. E. Phiksey. ' Omr Uleoted and efficient school - teacher, who bare done themselves pro4 in the conduct of the Harrison mcI tools, during the acolastic year just lot, left for their respective homes where they will be in a recuperative WMition. restiiMC thvir tired noula and brain until the leginning of the nit cheol fear, ometinw in September We oVwre to say in behalf of the teach- mn Uatt It hns bn otir goid fortune to kaM littla, if any couiplaintagninst tbera m taaclwr. or in any other way that - mmU reflect etiecmlit upon them. The rrAioimtb. has notlung hut praise C;.i J(n4 wiU 'or them acd we believe V '.CjA mo eaftkke wouM b mad fliould fpicyz p fut' If amploysd J iJtr ytar. K.iaid lAnev, mother ol Kobtrt Neeoe, Wt for Cm ford f-n last Friday evening to remain for a while or uutil fche grows hoiuesick for ranch life again. The church social, given at Andrews Uall on last Tuesday evening, ut.der the auspicus of the ladies of town, w,-.s n most decided success. A full house, and a good neat sum was realized. There will be mass at the court hou?e, on next Tuesday, June the 11th, at 10. a. m. M. C. Itoane, and family, who left Bodarc. about four years ngo, for Bums Colo, have sold their interests in the lat ter place, and expect to start for this part of the Lord's vineyard, sometime wiihin the next ten days or two weeks Miss Lizzie Parsons, was the valedic torian, of the Harrison schools at the Mmnioncmpnt exercise, which were concluded at the school picnic, at the beautiful grounds of Charles Flyuipton, eight miles east of town ou Friday the last day of the term. Call at J. E. IHinsey'k drug store and get a free sample of Chamberlain' Stomach and Liver Tablets. They are an elesant ubymic. They also improve the appetite, strengthen the digestion and resrulate the liver and bowels. They are easy to take and pleasant in effect J. E. FlIISKEY. Jake Henry, of Montrose is an expert sprinster, and to demonstrate bis agility of foot, be gave chase to an Antelope one day last week, ana came out victor ious, as the Antelope tired, but Jake did not, and as his reward, he carried home on his shoulder, the trophy of Ins victory. Jake is much elated vith bis new pet. ,-Mrs. Geo. 1L Turner, was in town one day this week, ind us usual dropped in for a moments chat. She wasextrem ely happy over the fact of her brother being her guest for the summer, and possibly longer. She expects to start for the sunny south next month, to spend several weeks with her old friend Mrs. Jell Hewitt. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Coffee and their son Frank, came up from Chadron Sat urday and were the guests of banker Clark and his estimable wife until bun day, when they left for their Eawlnde ranch and were gone three or four days iir. Coffee informed us that while in Texas he bought 1,000 head of cattle and that they were on the range near his liawbide ranch, he will probably by some more soon. Dyspeptics cannot be long lived be cause to liye requires nourishment food is not nourishing until it is oigesieu. n disordered stomach cannot digest food, it must have assistance. Kodol Dyspep. sia Cure digests all kinds of food without aid from the stomach, allowing it to rest and regain its natural functions. Its elements are exactly the same as the natural digestive fluids and it simply can-t heln but do you good. J. E. PuJS- KEY. Merchant Kartell, last week complet ed the deal with Mrs. Basset and B. E. Brewster, owners of the Kanch Supply building which transfers the property to Mr. B. , who has a mechanic employed reuairinz it. and will, soon as it is in proper shape, move his stock of merchan dise into it whew be will be prepared to meet his customers from every quarter. It will take some little time before the building will U ready for occupancy probably a week r twe. At no time, since we came to Sioux county going on live years ago has the crass been as largo and thick on the ground at this time of the year as it is now. And old residents say there is a better prospect for a bay crop than there has been for years, besides utock of all kinds never looked any better at this time of ttie vear llun they do at present. Thus, we believe Sioux county is in the fore front of the slock raising districts of Nebraska. You mf van well enct to run ft ateam engine without water as to find an active, eneritetic man with n, torpid liver and you may know that his liver is torpid when he does not relish his food or feels dull and lanzuid after eating, of ten has headache and sometimesdizxinew A few doses of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets will restore his liver to it normal function, renew his vital ity, improve bis digestion and make him feel like a now man. Price, 25 cents. Samples free at J. E PumcY'H drug ton. once. Wonder, huts the matter with Mat-tin V.V'r, being called Jud.'e for the rnst of the term'? Mr. C. ltolbngsworth, did credit to bor sex in her attempt at riding thu goat" at the meeting of the R. N. of A" on last Friday evening, nnd we under stand it is rather fractious too. Flmer Smith, has Iwug1. :t the Avery barn and moved it onto a lot east of the Jerry Wills house and will remodel find convert it into a dwelling house which he and hi wife will occupy soon as it is complete! and ready for occupancy. Robert Crews, of Grapevine Texas, and a brother of Mrs. Ueorae H. Turner is a guest at the home of tlie latter. Mr. Crews, expects to spend the summer at the, and later may tjtke up his abode in Sioux county. Mr. Geo. C. Beiser. mother and his j brother, of OdoMt. la., arrived on u week or so'a visit with John Bicser a brother and bis family of this place. Mr. Beiser was here little less than a ye-ir ago and bought a place which he still owns. The post ofllce inspector for this di trict, unexpec.edly dropped into the Harrison office yesterday, and of course checked up the present incumbent No doubt, however, but that postmaster Bogarts accounts will be found to exact Iv balance, and everything else all 0. K. "Tha Doctors told me mr cough was incurable One Minute Cough Cure made me a well" Norns Silver, North Stratford, N. H. Because you've not found relief from a stubborn couch, don't despair. One Minute Cough Cure has cured thousands and it will cure you safe and sure. J. E. rm;;EY. McGinley r.nd Hester sold the cattle they recently trail-id from Ruck i'r.f-U. Wyo., to Robert Neece, the first of the week. There was something like eight hundrend or a thousand head, which in creases Mr. Neece's heard to over two thousand head, making him one of the largest stockmen in North-west Nebraska. Will Hough, a former citizen of Sioux connty, and now a prominnt :md prosperous Hardware merchant of Pierce, Neb., and a son-in-law, of Puter EJourett, of Running Water, came in en last Thursday noon, presumably to lnU flf'or liis cattle interest which be still hold here. To a reporter of the PltKss JotT.SAL, Mr. Hough, siiiJ be was pleaseJ with his new home and hisbusi- n w- "nnrt. which " ill s ms" friends, wi' I be g'tad to bi'. He re turned to Pierce, on Saturday evening. Charbis E. Shilts. and family left the first of this week, for California, where they expect to rraVe their future home. Judge Shilts like bis predecessor, Judge Wilson, resigned in favor of S;oux Coun ty that be might hie himself away to the land of flowers. Mr. Shilts and bis esli niabla family leave a large circle of friends, io Sioux county, to regret their departure, and among them is ye scribe yet they are ail obligt-d, tho reluctant to wish them a God s)wl. To day we come to this grove to spend our la-.t day of school. The llowers, the tives all seem to wel come us and say "Happy be tiy vaca. t ion." We uelcome vacation with song and l,mif. but vet it serais Sad to have school close. For the fleeting hour bids us depart. The (Kirting hand be given We hoG to meet again, as now, If not to mi et in heaven. 1 Kiiid teachers you do not know how much e scholars do appreciate jour kinclnes in the past nine months. We never can repay you for nil you have done for us. You have not only benefited us in the school-room but in many other ways. You have benefited all those you have associated with. And ns to our teacher, he has taught us one great lasting lesson, that is "kind ness." Not by preaching to us on the subject hut bv the dailv examol-i ho set before - j w , us. Manv timet we nere discouraged, but with kind words and willii g liuuilr, V.o toiled from day to day To guide our wayward feet aright, In learnings rugged way. Often in si h.xd we scholars were mis chiu'vous and did things we should not have done but 'l:is not done to try the patience of the tcaclwr. And the school asks forgiveness. We n. av never see him nuain, but we all know e shall hear of him. Not only the school, but others say that he is on the road to success and fame. We hate to see the teachers go, hut it is not fair for Harrison to l.'-ep them, tmt let them ifyt forth and tcai h ct'ii-rs tho great lesson of truth and kindness j they have taught us. I We will soon be forgotten among hun dreds of their new pupils hut we will not forget the teachers, who have done so much for us. Accept the tlmnks ' one to thee Kind friends and teachers too, (J ever grateful nre we To those so irnod and true. Mi-h U;j.:r. Parsons. !Tlie Commercial HAnrSISON, NEBRASKA. Bank.- C. Y. Coffee, Presi.lttit. r " .Clahke, Cashier. Ciias. C. Jamkhon. II. S. CtAEKE, A, McG INLET, Stockmen having use for a bank at this point may rely on us to handle their entire Hanking bnsines. wiV nre prepared to take rare of our trade at all timestfr. Professional Cards. GRANT (JUTHRIF.. ftliorney-at-Law. Trompt attention given to all legal matters in Justice, County and District Courts, and before the United State Land Ol'.ice. Fire Insurance written in reliabb ;omp:i nies. f,-r,Legal papers carefully drawn. Haw.ison. - NKMtAjA. 31. S. 0 Coi.iti II, - - Co. Attt rncy, -.Or Will Prnetir? in Alt Court. jm-m! .Mtrailim t;h:-a t I.-vid Of. S-.'f iltlMi'.e-l. Collection f nJ all bui'mess -ul rust ed to vrill rm'iTfc prompt attention. llAIlltWoN' - NKUKAsKA. J. E. PHINNEY. M. I). I'liyisiian and Surgeon. All calls given prompt tiltimllon. tiltlce In UruK Store. -HARRISON - KEUUASKA. K. HOIIWEIt, til i'l. U.l.!! S - l'Ptt Lumber, IIuriH'ss, hinMics, tJrain and Fci-d, Doors hikI Windows, Heaiy lliti'dnnro. Rranded iJ'&S'SK". 'J Decoration Day. The attendance, at the G. A. R., decor ation exercises a week ago today wre not so large as usual, but the weatuer j was very unfavorable and therefore, e are not inclined to believe the small at tendance was because of the wniiiing of respect and good will for the oi l soldier nor any less patriotism for our country as a nation than has always been mani fested by our people at these annual love feasts. We notice, however, that with out an exception, all the old veteran, who lilca Isaac of old was offered up as a living sacrifice for 1 he salvation of tins great republic in n time of peril, are now treiriblintrly sttndiiig upon the brink of the grave and will soon be summoned . i t . i. .. f . .. . f w ttjieiir iwiore w uruw xiu '(.. 1,1, I our silvation, whom we believe wnl , , , out all bis horses, he offers bi-t Imported give them an iibunduiil entrance mto . the promised land, wliere they will be KhTIIAYKl). Kitrayed seven head of saddle horses on bit hip or and all have mTTon riKht thiirli and other old brands on them, I will pay a reas onable reward for their delivery to me at the KJ ranch, or information leading to t heir recovery. Deep Creek Liv Stock. Co, J. 11. H.i!.Bi'!rr, (roreman,) (jlvfi, Nebraska. FOR SALE- young again and never grow old. And we say God bless them in their last day s. After the closing of the exercises ttt the cemetery the old soldiers and their invited guests held a banquet in tho court house where all enjoyed them selves some of thorn perhaps, for the l ist time. We acknowledge a kind in vitation, and though we were unabl-i to be present as a result of a very busy day in the office we appreciate the invitation of Commander Livermore In befalf of the Post, we thank them very cordially for the same. Clydesdale SLallion Whiston, for sain nt a hurgiiin. Whistm. stand. about 17 bands high, and weighs li' out .VK) lb, und is n good a foal getter ns llxre is in the stale, and is sound in every particular. M. J. Uayi'art, Mc.ntro, Sioux Co. Nb. leeo watch of this SpaGe. o SUM CD k 3 'A o Z CO Q 0 Don't forget to watch this 3 ENGLISHl SHIRE ' num. -o- Will stand at our barn at HARRI SON, this season. TERMS-?8.00 .to insure colt to stand up and suck. DEICKMANN & LACY Harrison, Nebraska. Hatr Tro Frtin DcntU. 'Our little daughter had nn almost fatal altck of whooping cough mid bronchitis," writes Mrs, W. K. Huviland, of Armonk, N. Y.. "but, hen all oilier remoiUes failed, we saveil ir life with lr. King's New lJiscovery, Our nii-e who bud Consumption in itn ailvuncrd stage, also used (his wonderful mdicine and tcsl.iV she is prrfectir well." I)ev A 'J'crriblr K spin ton. "Of a gasoline stove, burned a lady here frihllollr." writei N. E. Palmer. of Kirkman, la. "The lie jt doc tors j (x-riite I liroat and lung diseases j lul l to could nt heal tpe running sore that fol- Dr. ev wiscovery, us ir no oiri owed, but Buckletis Arnica silve entlrj r mwheine on earth. InfalliaUle for cay cured bor." li-UUable for Cut, Cough nnd Colds. 50c in I tl 00 bellies Corns, f-iores, Boils, nruises. Skin Diseas-1 guarmUed by J. E. I'HI.vxiiV. Trial Jiund Piles. Si.'utJ L I'liXEY'j. 1 OuttltJ frue. STALLION Will make the season at my place on Monroe Creak 7 miles north-west of Harrison. 0 PEDIGREE. WISDOM JK. Sired by imported CLYDH. Dam " eights KM HK-weight l,fU 11m. PKICE: 5.00, to iiirtiin? living colt. Th:; money for ser vice of ptallion will be due and payable at onc in caso inare are fold or removed from the county. ROBERT KEEL. ct i3f--- i!