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About Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 14, 1901)
totaraa will be deddedlv Ur m thaa Hoods, Mortgagea, Bilra4 and la MtrW8toekm. Compear managed by competent and rwSpobsible business toe. (Stock of 4.08 Mr value offered for a short time eAtS.CPf SHAKE. Dividend in the ear future. Further particulars upon aolieatioo to Jmwib arglFC, Besaerfa Invsesmanl ImwMm, m Wall at.. Maw Tartu Was asMkei la few Iww wfth mvtear ! cxtmct or sues neat ate uiiiiAaiiiirf ----- - - utKHaaaMt Gtrm tmm aw . and TO reduce a doable chJa constantly taa tt wtta the later. CKECBrTK I.0 we win seed se- HiM a beaellfaUs eeeae book of J0 pint, full I mm east beak everwtluea. French and Bull' Maoa. rroafMtaa ta mm cuanirlM. write M MM. MILWADUCB BOOK KXCHAJiiiK, aeaHvanevse, Was. f ia. For Tap Prices sain Tear am at am a raiitrii . W. Mn A IsmsoHar. Eat. Veal, Bides ana ran. oaioea ta Cor lead Lola. a IN 3 OR 4 YEARS a i::efec:ei;ce issued If faa taka ap Tatar ra wesierauto a land of meat. IlloMrated pamphlets, ! esperiencea Of wno Bare oe- altar In stow- wheal, report of antes, ate,, and full avtmuttm aa ui isuuoad raUwsv rates aaa ba fad ea seotlestlon ta law Superlotaudcnt uf lanlfcauoa, Department of Interior. Ottawa, Caaada, or te WTv. Dennett, HI K V. Ufa kiooV. dawka.Nak. . f " w I --'i --J rarmarn Tt:ase:ds of Acres tlewc thetteeof thsI.AG. X. R.R. especially adapted to geacrsl farm lac, rice, tobacco, grape sod (rait colters, aaa b bought as liberal Tfct Cstrater al Gccerd Narratcr published monthly by the I. A 0. N. B.K., eoatalat specific Informe tloa of lata rest to lbs prospsctit e aeular, and wlU ba Seit free aa receipt of 2Se to covers year's postsge, or 2e per aamber. Ad dress t. Palestine, Texas, Caemee Be HtaBBl appUesUons. ae they caaaot reach tka 4ieawd portioa of toe ear. Tkera la oalr one war to cure deafness, aad that la by contl tattoaal reeoediee. Deafness ta eaoaed by ac taflsraan eoaoUtioa of the snocus linln of tbe Eastaealaa Tuee. When t his tuba la lnflamf d Khave a rumhll&f sound or ImDcrfeet bsr aad when It la entirely rlowd dafnraa la tbe result, and nnlesn the inflammation can be taken oat sad Ula tube rastomd to Its normal roalttioa. bmrtae srlll be oVstroyed torerer; else eaees out of tea are eamrd-br catarrh, wklsh Unotbla bataa kJasaaed coodltloa of tke moroa surfners. wa wiiiciTsOne Hundred Dolls ra for any case at Drafaaas (eauaed by ealarrh) that cannot be eared by Hall's Citarrh Cure, ttend lar uwwro irw m-,M a rJj x, rHrEY CO. Toledo, a tie' A by Drmrginta. Tba. Ball's raatiJy fills are tio best A long face is very apt to ba ta pj-t- neranip wun a long r-nirlmkoa. Music and women but seldom undi ra tafJ Dyspepsia at tka baaa of tbe I WoWe yourself sainai lu tm at linen mi 'a Pepsin Gum. Too many culinary a iure to impair the lavor of aomme. Try Orala-Of i Ask your Gror apaVy to packatre of QftAlJO. the that takes t von a trid atnnlr taosasmos'oesfae. TteearUdren may drink it wilaaon imrw as wad aa the adult. AU wbotryt,t,ti wftAIX-Obas that rich seal bnwsai UoehaoP Jars, Utt It is made from para graia, and tbe moat dalioaU stomach reoatrw tt witbont die tress. V tbe price of ouaTss. UeaadiiSota. parpatdiaga &id bj all aroceri. If a man has short legs they can't be-long to Mm. SU2Qi5MEC5 WILL MAKE YOU ' ' wrmrt Twncti kates. CTaXAbTavaj to FlerMe, Kay West Cwba, erwud. Old Mesiee jadbe aiedtaRaaean and Xatae far the rouad trip te asaay poter eewh en aala first aad third TwavJay aaah saesith. Te Hex atortsue. Ark., tbe ta- naeeje waier reeeft es Aaaaassa an aala every day kt the year. Tickets aow oa sale to all the winter eeorta of tbe south, good returniaa vatll Suae 1st, 101. rcr rates, dsaarlptlre aaat tttferavittesv pun tar, pamphlets and all ether in at c at at. u. it. av, Cltv (raartem t. U Office, MV Farnaas r write ,,., HAirRY E. nOORES, CP.tT. A.. Omaha. PM. B"sC 1 Litis fi I i Trt HF 4ayaia4oka"wol Ur lln-47 aad wo have asmiD if f-taSSi jt fK aa aw ot Mavaei y L 1 vl "jotatura. Onwawaaio fl A all Mtm wtasar kia U H .ttSS1 JfZ!" "M0oa.uf H XvV fSkt WMaofmigriianoat hay U t t,?naSrtJa!'t'SD -lftt.wmJ?T by PaSfoewe TeBs, B Ptt II kitt tzi ttls Ct!8t 1 fl Ltr. Hooro.lnol'oanol a atartllat food, I U tho Vloterta Rape Varrcl, Ua I W aataawlilM aw bethel per aora, f Tts. I U OeU. ate. In all. te sad aajaa tit WjA Pt faily wuHh CW twta t&aVSV t? P I aa3Mte,S5S OKLAHOMA LANDS Intaadhu aottlava ahnoid not trv ui locale t tmm CiOWA and C0MANCH1 liuotry. aooa to ba wasiuaaiani, wiuvut nafincan Aiiotmeot bowlaa the tocatno of luiaa lamia. 1 am as Al aaanad EST Uotment llao. aoowtajr Indian laada spaj vwanai isnoa. wiuo it jvu mar aaitio oo no Aililsiail. rnoe tl. 1 make oldtatn' bomoiioaa Mam by aswor of stumer, locioaa e for black aad null inn A. W. mrriN, auy.. Bum, Okie cumunauwicmm An address by Joaaam OaWir - basaador to Great BrHawwVml rear nl character of AAramaa Uncola b's early life hia aagy atrrC3l" with the world hia esWMCto an dereloped in tka later yeaya of U ( and hU adnilnttmtapn, wkiek Synced his name o high tka werLTs roll of honor and fane, taM published by the Chicago, KOwsMkasi ft St. Paol Rail way aad auy ba had by sending all (I) easts ia poajUge to P. A. Miller. Oraml riasiai'r Agent, Chicago. 111. PRISON FOB YOUTHS. Ollded laurel articles files coated away. with oil of GarSfld Tea purifies the teood and all forms of indigestion: gocd aaaltb and a clear complexion result from Its use: It is made from HERBS. It Is most unhealthy to sleep under a heavy cotton qu.... Passim' Ram UUDSBoesat, i he best care fur earns. Uets. Whoa tbe hair la thin sad rrsy, Ba!-am ranewi tlia sruwik and eolo'. The groom may lead the bride to the altar but bin leadership is apt to end there. Governor Nash of Ohio denied the application for pardon by Rosslyn H Farrell, convicted of murdering Ex press Messenger Lane. Farrell will, therefore, be electrocuted in the Ohio penitentiary on March 1. tTeaar ta Whom Hoaer Is Da The railroads have been greatly abused aa soulless corporations that were grinding the life blood out of the people. The great Oatveatan disaster has, however, revealed the fact that the managers of these corporations have hearts which are susceptible of being touched by the cries of distress. Their trains were placed at the dis posal of all those engaged In relief work on the coast Provisions and supplies were carried forward free of charge, committees from every sec tion of the state were furnished trans portation, and when the refugees from Galveston began to pour Into Houston and It became a serious question what was to be done with them the railroads solved - the problem by furnishing transportation without charge to all who wished to leave and to any point they wished to go. Orand Master An derson Informs us that but for this fact Houston would have been overrun with people who bad to be cared for, and that suffering and distress would have been largely increased aa well as the cost of meeting conditions which would have prevailed. Bro. Anderson desires us, through these columns, to thank the different roads for the great service rendered his committee at Houston. If it were possible we would ba glad to see parallel columns, in one ot which should .appear the acta of these railroad corporations in a time of great calamity and distress, and In the other the amount contributed by the little two-by-four demagogues who are always trying to array the preju dices of the masses against any and every kind of enterprise. 'From the Texas Odd Fellow. APPENDICITI that dreadful fiend that threatens the life of rich and poor, can attack and kill only those whose bowels are not kept thoroughly cleaned out, purified and disinfected the year round. One whose liver is dead, whose bowels and stomach are full of half decayed food, whose whole body is unclean inside, is a quick and ready victim of appendicitis. If you want to be safe against the scourge, keep in good health all the time, KEEP CLEAN INSIDE! Use the only tonic laxative, that will make your bowels strong and healthy, and keep them pure and clean, pro tected against appendicitis and ALL EPIDEMIC DISEASES. It'sCAS CARETS, that will keep and save you. Take them regularly and you will fmd that all diseases are absolutely PREVENTED BY . LIVER TONIC '. x. at w 'a. an aw ra.vw war s 10c 25c 50c. MJLtSJJGGSrn. U 1 1 tm laoeew, ta. awUaey, Manplee, pet,f aT4e eataaa". &ve trwai ale. aeuj e av eeMpleston ia4 Aaaawaasea. When yaa Wareia doejt mere reeja- hiM'f (W IM afciwiMa aases awd i- .S. .4 tow., 'aw.aan if Laatftsat SMarl NEVER SOLD IN BULK. GUARANTEED Wmm T 7 r. wm 9mm mmm nana 7 1 f" JrfW wf rTTaTj CSat wwao a B? s aasiliad I a. ewTeai ta haiadrtrrru-: Si. i .1 Vn Sd I few the Care of Kick US? waders. Under the Innocent looking title, "La Maiaon Paternelle," there exisU la Prance what might be briefly design nated aa an authorized, aristocratic prison for juvenile offcndcrs.gays Pear son's Magazine. It was founded by a legal luminary, M. De Mete, a man deeply interested in tbe tracing and welfare of the young, with a view to checking the growing spirit of insn bordinatlon to authority, both at home and at school, which had become spe cially marked In the highest ranks of society in France. One of the most salutary elements In the scheme of this Institution Is the absolute secrecy which is maintained in France, both a to the exact locality of this house of correction and the names of those who are sent there. On an elevated, some what bare, tract of country within a few miles of Tours stands a large quadrangular building known as La Colonic Agrlcole, which is a govern ment establishment, and behind the chapel, -which Is situated in the center of the west front, La Malson Pternelle is cunningly concealed. It is a rec tangular, two-storied building, adjoin ing the east end of the chapel, and the first thing that meets the eye upon en tering is a huge board bearing tbe om inous word "Silence." The ground floor is occupied by prison-like cells and offices; the upper one contains rather smaller cells and is surrounded by a gallery, which shuts oft all communi cation with the ground floor. When a boy or young man under-age becomes Inveterately idle, refractory or dissi pated his parents or guardians can ob tain the consent of a magistrate; which is sometimes seconded by that of a medical man, and after certain papers have been signed a list of questions re lating to the boy's education and pres ent or past peculiarities is filled up by the parents and the culprit, who, in this country would foe licked into shape In a healthy, outdoor fashion, is sol emnly handed over to the paternal care of monsieur le directeur. The main feature in the treatment is solitary confinement during incarceration, be It long or short. Three months is the usual time. But oases have been known in which it has been extended to one or even two years. GIFTS TO THE POPE. II U Holiness Receives Many Singular Preaeata from the Faithful. The Vatican has become a perfect museum of objects, animate and inani mate, as many of the faithful have de sired to give his holiness a personal gift, with in many cases strange re sults. For instance, a peasant from tbe Abruzzi the other day brought a pair of turtle doves in a basket and was highly incensed because he was not al lowed to carry them into 8t. Peter's and present them personally, then and there, to tbe head of the church. A woman brought that is, carried to the station a young and lusty pig, but was obliged by her horrified parish priest to leave it behind. Alfredo Mancini, now in Rome, has, however, made the pon tiff a present whlcb is most Interesting and valuable. Not long ago he brought with him from tbe Holy Land two magnificent goats taken from Mount Carmel. They are splendid beasts, dls tineuished from their kind by their black coats, unusually thick and soft, and by their ears, which are large and fall like those of a hunting hound. The pope has inspected them personally In their pasture in the Vatican gardens. The other day as he stood looking at them he said: "How they bring back to me the days of my childhood, when scrambled about the hills of Carpi- neto like the goats, going in many places where only a wild boy or a goat could gain foothold," These goats are as yet untried to the climate of Rome, but as they are hardy animals it Is hoped they will not suffer by the change from Palestine. SEE 'ZZZUED C7i; t TT?I? 'A " I am so nervous and wretched." " I feel as if I shonll fly." How familiar these expressions aret Little things annoy you and make you irritable. You can't sleep, yon an unfit for ordinary duties, and are subject to dizziness. That bearing-down sensation helps to make yon fact miserable. You have backache and pains low down in the side, pain in top of head, later on at the base of the brain. ' Such a condition points unerringly to serious nterine trouble. .If you had written to Mrs. Pinkham when you first ex perienced impaired vitality, you would have been spared uiwo uuurs ol awitu sunenng. Happiness will be gone out of your life forever, my sister, unless you act promptly. Procure Lydla E. Pinkhara'a Vegetable Compound at once. It is absolutely sura to help you. Then write to Mrs. Pinkham, at Lynn, Mass., if there is anything about youf case ybu do not uhdefstn& You need not be afraid to tell her the things you could not explain to the doctor your letter is seen only by women and is absolutely confidential. Mrs. Pinkham's vast experi ence with such troubles enables her to tell you just what if best for you, and she will charge you nothing for her advice. Mrs. Valentine Tells of Happy Results Accomplished try Lydla E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. " Dear Mrs. Pthxhaii r Itis with pleasure) that I add my testimony to your list, hoping it may induce others to avail themselves of the benefit of your val uable remedy. Before taking Lydla E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound, I felt very bad,1 was terribly nervous and tired, had sick headaches, no appetite, gnawing pain in stomach, pain in my back and right side to weak I could scarcely stand. I was not able to do anything. Had sharp pains all through my body. Before I had taken half a bottle of your medicine, I found myself Improv ing. I continued its use until X had taken four bottles, and felt so well that I did not need to take any more. I am like a new person, and your medicine shall always have my praise." Mas. W. P. VALEjmifi, 66 Ferry Avenue, Camden, N. J. -ivsllij lhR5WP.VALHTwD Owfef to the fsrt that I people hare f roat liex to tana the renuhwaeas of the ti we are constantly psMiahiac, we REWARD i ..... we are constantly paMnMac, we have deeotltad wrth the National City Bank, of Lyae, has. a. which will be paid to any peraoa who ess shew that the Maws teuinrauel ia not ctnuine, or wa. pnhliahed, Man tolniiig ts wnter's .pecial pcrmiauoo. I.TPI S. rMKBAaT KsasOad Oa.' A fashionable tailor Bays that many of bis customers dwell In the land of prolae. Ask your grocer Tor DEFIANCE STARCH, the oaly 18 cz. package for 10 cents. All other 10-cent starch con tains only 12 oz. Satisfaction guaran teed or money refunded. wool Flea Ilnndred Kinds of Trees. With the light thrown on Philippine affairs by the American occupation comes a greater knowledge than was heretofore possessed ot tbe many valu able products native to tbe soil. Under old laws forestry was almost unknown, and the most valuable rubber, gutta percha and ylang-ylang tree were al lowed to be cut down at will, says the Philadelphia North American. These old regulations are now changed, and licenses must now be taken out. For estry Director Ahem estimates the total number of tree species in the archipelago at 600. There are no pure forests of any one species, but all grow together in. one discriminate mass. The forest lands of the Philip pines are estimated at from 20,000,000 to 40,000,000 acres one-half of thu lslandsarea. Chicago News. To Ksploro Venezuela. An exploration mission, bound for Venezuela with the avowed purpose of exploring districts of the great for ests of the lower Orinoco, recently tailed from Bordeaux-Paulllac. The mission is composed of, Dr. Lucien Morisse, Its head, and his wife, as well as twelve others, whose rpeclal stud ies or profession eminently fit them to accomplish the end In view. Dr. Morlssc Is already known for thg suc cessful fulfilling of former missions to the same region. An avant-garda of tba mission left in September last with a complete outfit for exploration and scientific ends. Paris Messenger. A square of losely knitted makes a good floor cloth. Plso's Cute is the best medicine we ever used for all affections of the throat snd lungs. WM. a KMBeunr. Vsnbnrea, lnd.. Feb. 10, WOOL Black shoes and stockings reduce the apparent size of the foot We refund 10c for every package of PUTNAM FADELESS DYES that falls to give satisfaction. Monroe Drug Co., Unionviile, Mo. Clean your child's the second ones will first teeth, profit. and Ask your grocer for DEFIANCE STARCH, the only 16 ok. package for 10 cents. All other 10-cent starch con tains only 12 oz. Satisfaction guaran teed or money refunded. ; Some men gravity and their levity. rise because of their some sink because of What Da the Children Drink Don't aiva tbem tea or coffee. Have Tea tried the new food drink called GLAIN-Of tt Is delicious and nourishing, and takes tba place of coffee. The more Gntin-O you give tba children tba more health you distribute through their systems. Grain O Is made of pure grains, and when properly prepared tastes like tbe ctoice grades of coffee, but costs aDout m as muua. Ueanditto, lisuwv U4 WeAeswj, strua, Ail grocers sail it, , The memory reservation. is a sort of mental at A NX RATfcS a. p.. tola Stove From Cbnreh. Columbus, 0 thieves reached the limit the other night when they enter ed St. Peter's Lutheran church and Itolo aa Immense stove which was feted for heating that structure. Half t dozen man must havs kasa ergage la the work. ..29.20 .. 131.25 7th In- Sl'KCIAL via OMASA A- ST. LOUIS New Orleans and return... Mobile and return i On sale February nth to elusive. Tourist rates now on sale to Arkan sas, Florida, Cuba and all the winter resorts of the south. Homeseekers kxcurstons one fare, plus 2.uu for '.he round trip, on sale first and third Tuesday each month to many points south. All Information at City Ticket office, 1411 Farasm St, (Partoa Hotel Block), or write Harry B. Mooret, C. P. ft T. A., Ornate, Neb. Cures all Throat and Laag Asfeethma, COUGH SYRUP Get the Trails e. Rtftneael ilHaasa, JS SURE Mvatlea OU cures ioanmaatmaw ag A syjaea. DROPCYrSSS&lwS xfB-ja in HiiiBoiiaji maM itJ wmww ABSOLUTE ! SEUTY. Genuine Carter's UttteUvorPHls. Vary eaaaal anna aa ea 1 ITTlt ii mm fwl CdriTrZ:. e fMa ?amn. ours ttcx kzacxc:. W.N.U.-OMAHA. titw;ri r t .1 hi .1 i 7tt ..