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About Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 14, 1901)
1 Preco-Journa 1 -o- . . ,T, las. 14th, 1901. Car. f . Editor and Prop. aVftawtoeis. , SBBaWest, flotagEi ..lasd. IS .-SSI Ha. S. mixed 7:50 North-We3tern II K unc F & M. V. B. K. is tfa bMt , to mkI. from tba BLACK HILLS, UKADWOOD AXt HOT (TBUGS, flOUTSI DAKOTA. fcd Front CcaCsrtd Choice, Frttb ud borne cared Msata aod boaM rtwUred Lard, salt pHb. fine line.of Grocer ies, Tobaoooo. Cigars ud Candies, Nuts and greea Apple. Highest price paid for Hides and Prodoee. at Smith's IfcA Twnt lumber, Harness, Saddle, , Grain and Feed, Doors and WiMbnrt, Meaty Hardwire. I -InmsW to day VaJeatlne'a day. I F. J. Witt baa baas quit poorly tha Warns baa been at Pieaeaat ' fidge tbta weak.: ;r -Jacob Marking and wife ID taws Friday doing; some trading. '! TbacrioUataiaoaoor ofc Several st aar people art afflicted with it. - JJeilis Tboratoa, is stilt very weak, few wa bop to bear bettor news woo. Om half of Febrnarv baa part away asd oompsretivei v, wa nave bad no win- tar yat. Andrew Johnson, Claus tad Jena C. Meng, wen Hub visitors the t rat of ttria wsek. -Fataer ItclCeaatra will ceUbmte rasas at tbe oonrt boons is Harrison, os Saturday, Earcb, Ha, 1901 . Faraosa who ems sot take ordinary UsAaditspieaeureto take DsWitt's little &riy Basra. Thevars the beat HtttoUvsr pills ever made. J. E. Pw- J. J. Diary, waa over from Most- Ms week, sad while here dropped ''fo tosses firieadly "aoWtoyn aditor. aai to rsaew to alrajisans to tba ; Caos enjoy a gaod IsagU Thsa sWt sates the Andrews school Lrtorsry, tasarde? erasing. All prsasst to as everything they ran, to Stoles the assaist s plsaatat ass, they srast absg, dasos, speak a pesos or pay a Lias bad dollars, all oxmterfeiu of tsars TTtafc SarriSadTe w w-rth-. visa . Taa orkfisai sstokly oares sgrstaad all skis r bssbbs -J. E. , '-sot."- . As aansaaja ears; K ; masil fcsw thaw tsstraetlosa they saver ga to any esvease to de- asa sattla: Bstnftasst stick of pot--' j saw sad arbas taa HttJa boras apaasr, . y ajatssasa tba rsuatie and that calf will aaaar kaew that aatore (steaded it to have horns. It b oartaialy worth try. Laak (Wya.) CaraU. ' 0 raw vast ta gat lata STawa ' starbarr aa t?aaysaayas baws the rar-l.H r't asd wa wCl i ii H tl1sMteissbsat UUO atir ateOof harass sad ' jKtlIatos,aiisr dlmislsgof !Cs wsr!y gaeas is Ciaaa con sty. ; We ityr.j( mash that aagood aoiaaas : ?.C-" vajsMtolaaaa, ffaMlm C 'iffOsrc:;tiMiiiwi4 Cadt&eoi to ba asai aiJtti :'r i CARD br THANK. I wish to tbaak tba people is general (or tbeir liberal patronage is tba past year as our business has baas battar the last year past thaa aver Were asd I will endeveur to merit tba same liberal pat- r twee is the f ature. by selling all goods in our Una' cheaper for cash than aver before. So come right along sad be convinced. Yours Respectfulr J. H Bastsu. Pstiuseala Pre res ted. This disease alwsys results from scold or an at'ack of the grip and may be pre vented by tba timely urn of Chamber lains Cough Bemadr. Tiwt remedy wss extensively used during the epidemics of LaOrippe of tba past few years, and not a ringle case has aver been nf-orted that did not recover or that resulted in poeu monta, which shows it to be a certain preventative of that dangerous disss ChsmberUis'a Cough Remedy has gained A world wide reputation for its mires of colds and grip. For aale by Dr. J. E. PanratT. Denver, Colo., haa a Luxow commit- to. lira O. W. Hester, has bean suffer ing of grip this week. -Jobo Herman, was in from Story, this week on business. James Nolo, was in from his Eck- ard ranch, this wsek after supplies. EmertBohwer. who was quite in- dispossd a few days lust week, is now able to be out aain. Hill Shatto, wss dowo from Kirtley the first of the week and reports Miss Dora Christian as being very sick. The many friends of Hon. Cbaa F. Coffee will be much plessrd to hear of his receiving 9 votes for U. 8. Sens tor. Hurrah for Charley. . He's all right. rJTDr. Richard will be in Harrison, at the Harrison House from February 25th. to March 6th, prepared to do all kinds of Dental work. Extracts teeth without pain. While in town last Monday, Andrew Johnson, of Ardmore, purchased a qoar- ter section of land nearby the quarter wbicfc be has just acquired by right of contest, of Attorney Guthrie. Frank Dies ter, purchased a carload of young cattle of Virgil Better. last week, which the latter had just recently purchased at Sioux City,. Frank is one of our youna-stockman who is rapidly getting to the front. On the 7th inst, Hon. C. F. Coffee, introduced a bill io the house, amending the irrigation laws, providing the under ecretarv's with greater power, and fur nishing them with an official seal in tbeir office. Mr. Bunge, of Neligh, Neb. wboe half has bean bare during a couple of weeks, the guest of her moth er, Mrs. Weddermaa, came in on last Thursday soon, and on Friday waa drives down ia the valley where be will rusticate naul bis bettor half decide, they had better return to tbeir home. last Tuesday, wss the anniversary of tbsbtrtbof the illustrious Abraham Lincoln, one of the meat able and noble presidents of Use great republic of ours. Wa do aot believe Washington waa greater, yet unquestionably bis peer, yet far ba it from sa to detract from eJtaafef these great heroes otUmiiimf and gsnsiattos. May this nation of ours Is its history aarar ba too busy; to bait losg asoagfa is tbeir greedy ww of osoqoest, to smother freedom and inde pendence; to pay salutary tribute to the memory of 00a of tba noblest acions who aver lived. About a month ago Wilt Hough, made a basiaess tnp to Pierce CHy, this state, to last np a bnsJaisa proposition tor a baia ware store at that plans, aod swos Msaatarn borne ha baa finally 000- s deal araarab ba bseomeethe aslejhaivwsreataraatPtaroa WBl aadMe aattmsHa wife aad babe. sspaot to leave Stonx caaaty for their nest Satardsy. Tba Pbss- iocmiAt. regress to anaonnaa taair aa , bst wiefass thssa saoosaa Is thear af frtism m Harrises aaJ.vktoHy fad as we do, that aar aoaaty has lest a tat PcMif, sria faHow toaar saw scasatf 1 hasp astoi sa to taslr 'Irliila sad aiigfibira to Una part af tm Lotaa visa yarn.' : , ; OtJ C Cssm Cr JXi fl t :c- xz? m&m Cm. Cllzt jrrl rJ-a aaUl x tt Zi I ocU sat Ma f rnr rA ist I koa to asa Dr. :--Vzrmj scl was waofly x j. svrcs-ji bj sai sew test tj o trrt?E!3 la-asvar '" y'-Csy r3r, Cwa er cyji Attar a two weeks rest will try to write ap the Pleasant Ridge news again. 8. L. Kirtky, was sojoumiag in the settlement last week. . Sam Bolterfisld has bssa laid op with the grip for about a month. Ha is able to he OUt aW. BORN Tb Mr. sad Mrs. Ctas. McDsr- mott,onFsb.Srd,sgirt. weight 13 lbs. A Mr. Price, stats organiser for the Woodmen of the World called on ye scribe a few days ago, in tba interest of the order. Dr. Hall of Lnsk, held a nedricat-x-semination for the benefit sf oeodidatef for ths W. O. W. lodge, at J. J. Zum- Brunnen's on last Tneedsy night There were over 90 applicants and ha did aot get thru until 5 o'clock Wednesday mor ning. ' . Every body with their sons joined the W. O. W. lodge, last Wednesday nbrht. Mrs. Era Christian, is still crippling around with rheumatism in her feet. - L. L. Wilson, received the fed news a taw days ago, of the death of a brother- id-lawby brights diseass in Eddy villa, la. A letter from a brother of ye scribe, living ioPsnora, Is, of whom mention was roads a few weeks sgo; states tbat his family bad fully recovered from the Scarlet fever, but were still quarantined. Mrs. Carrie Nation has been making things tium in Dickinson county, Kan. tbs home of ye scribe from April 1377, to 1881. The town of Enterprise, in which (he destroyed two joints and was rough ly handled by the jointists, Mrs willism Shook and Mrs Shilling, was well known to the writer (20 years ago- Tbetowo of Hope in which the two jeiotists Gil lette aod Lash escorted her to the train was then a country store nod post office, Mr. Gillette is a brother of the cattle king and absconder, Grant Gillette; and wss but s small boy during our time there, while Grant was about 16 years of aire. H. W. Lvsh was an old ime friend of the writer ana at that time was lead ing the honest life of a farmer, while Mr. and Mrs. Shook lived in the town or Abilene and were honest iadusrtrious people. Rev. Warren came out to the Usage. the middle of last week for tbe purpose of holding a series of meetiags, but as the weather baa bean so bad no service until Sunday; after which be went home as be had not been feeling welt for seve ral days and was not able to bold pro tracted meeting. . Mr. and Mrs. Harry Duel, Miss Plucky and Mr. Tatman called to see Dora Chri stian on last Sunday. We understand tbat a lodge wss or ganised with 23 charter members. Tbe society , will bold its meetings in tbs west school bouse. ' ' Eollis Christian is quite sick at this writing, but we have not learned wbatl tbe malady ia. Miss Dnra Christian has been very low for the past ten days, but ui tins writing Sunday, is resting easier. For the past Us days she haa been confined to her bad almost 'continuously and ia vary weak.' ' ' Last week waa a good one to harvest ice aod those who bad ice bouses made good uss of tba time. Well, well: so Uncle Bab" ia still on earth, ba baa aften told us tint be iu not expect to die, but would just mumi fy : Wonder it ba hi s traveling mummy now? Zbtol. Eatrayed or Stolen , One white saddle horse branded f f cs led thigh weight 1009 lbs. I f .One brows crop eared saddle horse branded Pon left shoulder: eraicht about 0 las 9 star in forehead. One bald faced saddle bona whit hiad font, saose a little, aebraaded, weignt about 880, lbs. A liberal reward i will ba gives far say information of thsif wnsraabosto, iafpesrd from my oraboottae Cla, or 7tb, of February, 1551 Aliraaa H. a aUsjrsjr, Harrison Eatrayed or Stolen. Kstrsyed or stoles from wty pises avee asllee norta-wset of of Hsrriseo, aabent foor weeks sgo, s bay mare com ing tares years-old, wits strp in faoa and weight about 980, breaded A aaitable reward will ba gtves tor brt irmaUoa af aar H. B. Lacr. fcr. 199 acres, 8 milee frees tows all as dar fence, wires aad cross rsseai, 5 acraiasderlrrigsUoa. More ana aa pat aaiar ditch. Oood atosa boats, tan aadoatbailaisga, for terms ttN ar address. TMjtmtstsAi .i' ae ' j Ta all rtrtr rtt tm f tJkirr- rtoi to tttr-V-cj afrrurr. azlltH m$;i ,e '3 Cl-7 si9. Lt. Annual Report of J, B. Sarka, Co. superlntoMskaaA Coax County, Xebraska. To tbs CItlssns of Wool Ceaaty UlssMes It Is my deetre, In Um brtef staesassst W- tow to live yoo s tree eendlWea of Um Kdacstkmsl work In the Com I have toaad It U v letting tbe different scboai IMststets, aad I bops no tescber wUl take effeass as tbeir work being given to tbe pabUe as It extits or tbat Is as I hsvs found It, aad as inie to my trat report I will try aad not be too severe on tbe tescber. School Distbict Xo. 1. The arst term of this District wss taught by aire May smith Kims, sad t feand the eebool la very good eoadliloe, considering theobiteeies that both lex her and pupil had to meet and o vet-coma, while much might be saklk I thlak tba toast Is tbe easier mended, wui Benssed to disagree with Mrs. Kerne on certain ttlsgs, bat I think ths majority, will agree with me that Mrs Kims to a capable and eosspetent teacher. Distbict Hal Tbs first term of this school wss taaght by Mias Klla Stnart, and as the seheol claeed before I could visit it, 1 esa report onlr, as I base received It from tbe Vetroaa and ths teacher, Mlas Stuart. This Is not a very large school bet hss somewhat of a repata SHm throogbeat the county, but 1 mm glad to note the fact that the patrone were very well pleased with tbe manaicemeiit and mode of lortmctloa prases ted by Miss Stu art. Distbict Xo. a. This school to taaght by Miss Gertrude E. Greenwood, and was at one time a Urge cbool bat at present U small In comparison to former year. While tula Is Miss t, recti -wood's flrst expertonre ss s teacher, she ssetued to be gulling along very well. I And where school have been large In form er years there does not seem to be tbo in spiration that there are lu amsii scboois that bare never bad a large enrollment; and I am sorry to say, teachers, have this to contend with and should be taken Into coastderatlon by both patrons and the board wnen they come to foot up tbe quail cations snd work of s teacher. Distbict So. . This school wss taught by hartley Kaxton, and is a; irge school. I found the school lu very good condition aad tbe attendance Was very good and Mr. Saxton, seemed to be getting along very well with only, one ex ception, etxl I find from looking over tbe Dally Record, tbat tbe ones tbat were ab sent had in farmer years absented them selves from school a great deal. I will say here tbat Parents can't bs too careful about tbe Education of tbeir children. It to due them and Parents antra ki see tuat Utey get it. It Is natural tor a child to waut to stay away from tbe school room and we have to nan a great deal of dlsrresaion, or we will offer tbem encouragement uotbuughtedly, so let ns be careful that our children re ceive what jastly belongsto tbem. will touch upon this subject again in my general remarks . Distbict Xo. 5. This school to being tangut by George Y Williams, and be seemed to be getting along very well considering, It to his flrst experi ence a a teacher. The school is small and the school roo.n Is In poor condition and tbe surroundings do not uilcr mocb of an insil- ration for fupils to ream out and grasp what they rhould. Mr. Williams, reetued very inaeb'lnteresud In his work, and I aui sure If be couUhbw Iu Educational work be will make s success a an educator. -r lis bict Ko.s. This scnool to taugbt by Miss Grace E Mvers, snd has always been ons ef tbs larg est school! la the county, snd haa always been considered a hard school to teach. Hi is srhuol is in f.iir condition to what it was oie year ugo. TtiU U ilt, iy i' fliet Uperieucuas a teaclior. th.relur, He uiut not be too severe In oar crlcleUw, but bote that all will take warning from past experi ence. Distbict Xo. 7. This scnool to In three rooms, tbe Princi pal, George W. Meyers, has tbe school under good control, snd discipline, assisted by Miss Geneva B. West, la tbe intermediate room, snd Mtos Maud X. Stewart, la tbe pri mary room. ' - I And In Mr. Myers, s very bright snd ap te date lesehsr. snd also tad his work very thorough. Xo doobt Mr. Myers, has bad some discouragements to meet, but f am gisd to my be is equal te tbs occasion sad I flod his room s place ef work .and In terest fer every pepu, sad feel assured if present work eoatlaees ss It Is now. pro- greeslsg, toe school board will never regret the sslecttoa of Mr. Myers ss the prlBcipal for Uselr ashoot. M tas Intermediate room taught by Mtos West, I found everythlag mevlng along la flood order aad a very good Interest shown by the pupil. Mtos West deserves n good deal of praise for her work In tuts room, for ss I sndsrslaad eebool work this room re ceives the pupils from toe Prlmsry depart ment, and if the work baa not been properly taaght er laid dowa by the Frinwry teacher It makes a double task on the t eschar la this room. As tots to Mtos West s arst ex perience ss teacher, I take great pleasnrs la commending her In her work sad feel assured tb.l her school work will be srowa ed with saoeesa. . The rrlaery room, la taugbt by Mtos Stewart, aad I ess glad te say I found syery thing ta tuts room, moving right along, set bv fores, but by love, I aot only foe ad la tats ream bees lesrates. bat I found levo sue) eaeracter buUdlag as wsll. It s good essay years siaes I looked la npoa as toaa bright yomag fans, sll near tbe um Sta.sssisd,wtttse4 will sad sffsetioa for thetr tsseser, sad eeah ether, fals Is rstpomat sstst u s skilda afs for tolasd not ealy of Ms bat whether they ars te to swats! sasa at wss to years to eases. UtaeHtalesxdMtotosgatbr feree bat,ea taa ether hand s? taa essst toasagMayteve tbey esa be tuied brieve, Tsasssnypar- eajtotaaiaarsTtotcs' toy toa Btele Waat this gases stowsMsassato Say fa ssere tove, saiasa,aaateiss tuseOeamssiroeayvw aary assess aaa mass tot totmiatfaa. ty etotot torn yea aaa ese esa ersrssleti tas y " Ms toatbet ftosa assar aar- -it raw tsAailet.' iiftjallCis- icr, aaJ ttofCi. j tfjswaistb. nat j crrtsito at actf f'l t siararx 1 ' 1 1 mmm ! THE PIONEER PHARMACY. ' Ia Drnura. . 6 IX Oil ' I fa Dru gists Sundries, I I Paints. Oils. Varnishes, V BOOkS and STATIONARY. I Q)j J. E. PHINNEY, Proormior. VTlie Gomiiiercial Dank. HARRISON, C. F. Coffee, President Co as. C. Jastesox. H. S. Stockmen having use for a us to handle their We are prepared to take eaaaOaaXrOe4ao ... .- y. we are Smashers Too. While Mrs. Nation is smashing saloons in Kansas, MARSTELLER BROS., wl iuivu, iicuiaciut. When the quality and quan tity of our goods are taken into account, all who trade with us do not hesitate to say that our goods of every discription are better and "cheaper than can be bought any where in town. We are head quarters for Dry GoodB & Groceries, Hardware & Tinware, -'.s.,aBo4st ie -Brwagay1'" 7 ' ... Hats & Caps. Flour & Feed. Fait & Crockery, Lumber &c. fcc. -Mail orders promptly filled. We can, and do sell goods cheaper than any of our competitors and for a verification of what we say we cordially invite every body who are in need of any thing in our line to come in-and examine stock of goods and obtain prices before baying elsewhere and be convinced for themselves Very Respectfully, . Marsteller Bros. Proffessionsl Cerib. GBAKT GUTHRIE. Prompt attention given to sll legal matters in Justics, County snd District Courts, sad before tbe United State LandOflBos. . Firs Iaaaranoa written In ralmblf C7st paters emrefally drawn. Htwam - Ki M. i. 0 Caasall. - - Attorney, TOllrVsatlealsAIICosrU. Itoattol jUtosUoa arts to Land Of Caetr"iai ! I'l ttalta af toctitsrr7t atttoltos. - FsataaSa. eta af ty, sad that should bs the af all taaetors. ..,' MtsssVeste BjesnaatoDeweeCa I did sot imlWsMtaieeseaa4 befers It etoato bat rasa taa Dirrsict so. W -. .. tUamsitaaf artoat aad waa totjbt by rlaaatoWaCala, Tatossasetetos li t 'x I gat asusss te vtoti It, tot from fat. . aatat af. toa raarsSs 1 araesaw ffCCOACKA. F. W.CLiaxtv CaihisT. Claeke, A. McOntunr, bank at thin point may rely on entire Banking busines. care of our trade at all timesd . a-.-.-.--- . are smashing prices in Har- S 7aI a Michael Ruffing, itok. . 1 ass prepared to do all kledaafOlvlV ' Engineering worn, -..' When Is saed of the 8orvevon Servaa give ma a tall aa I save a fvli and eom tieU oatflt, together with aaatHaaoa lc do tba work with MICHACL BOFflKO, (NsJUtlSON. - - NCttlUSKA. J. E. PEtXKiy. at D. all sails given iwsarM attaatlas. OfBeelaUragl Tb- ana Vla4toamsssHt fMiot tt B. CSsrgfc. ' ; litraw Kciatat. rraarUsf awary tstliy eveatsg to I O a- a and svery sltusaii asaay ntlla s tsjsssy aasf i Vrlerft a, av tmft IsffM9ft9a.t. ". - . Sa...SMss !.., '..iltri . agtaat,UrcU , ' ' V, v,crrtjt;ixti ire rtaT"" T t ! r" I ' f .TtvatyXaaaatasav . ,'.. . A Jttrrtt if. M . a. t Crt3, 0 aerxtotendeat. fit I A i 4.