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About Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 27, 1900)
t a alio Acain. MIm Olca Ncthersole opened ner American eaaon at Waliack'g theater. New York Monday night, Introducing that well known lady with a noisome past and doubtful present "Sapho." O. Harrison Hunter bas replaced Ham ilton Revelle an leading man. After two weeks In the metropolis Miss Neth ersole will start on a tour which will take ber through to the Pacific coast. Araerlran Ulrl's London Success. Americana In London ore pleased with the conspicuous success of Miss Eleanor Calhoun as Salome In Stephen Phillips' "Herod." Miss Calhoun is a California girl. She wa3 once a mem ber of Coquelln'a company, and was said by the actor to be one of the few Americans able to speak French without an accent. Chaperon for "Co-fed." University chaperons are the latest Viennese novelty. In consequence of the riotous and Insulting bjhavlor of the male students when the women tried to avail themselves of the newly granted permission to attend lectures, many others of women students have registered for the university lectures In order to accompany and protect th?lr daughters. HER HEAhT WAS TOUCHED. A Bonth Dakota, afoluer and liar LlttU Girl Kipreaa Their Gratltud la an Open I-ettr. FOLSOM, Custer Co., South Dakota, Dec. 15. (Special.) Mrs. H. D. Hyde has given for publication a letter ex pressing her unbounded gratitude to Dodd's Kidney Pills for the double cure of htTself and little daunhter. Mrs. Hyde has been troubled with pains In ber heart for over three years and tor a long time her little girl suf fered from weak kidneys. The grateful lady does not seem able to find words strong enough to express her giatitudo. She has written the following: I cannot say too much In praise of Dodd's Kidney Pills. They are tho greatest kidney and heart medicine I ever used. I bad been troubled for over three years with a severe pain In my heart, which entirely disappeared after I had taken a few doses of Dodd's Kidney Pills. I also gave them to my little girl, whose kidneys had been weak, and she commenced to lmprovo from the very first dose. Dodd's Kid ney Pills are certainly a wonderful medicine. I would be pleased to have this, my statement, published, a3 I feel It my duty to let others know Just what the Pills will do for them. MRS. H. D. HYDE. Dodd's Kidney Pills always cure. 60c a box. All dealers. The man who has but little and wants less is richer than the man who bas much and wants more. Sweat and fruit acids will not dis color goods dyed with PUTNAM FADELESS DYES. A man rarely marries the first girl with whom be thinks he is In love. Dropsy treated free by Dr. H. II. Green's Sons, of Atlanta, Gc. The preatttit drop-y specialist in tho world. Rend their adver tisement in another column ot tins paper. It Is perfectly safe for tho man who is blind to believe all he sees. Thrre la a Clasa of People Who are Injured by the use of coffee. Recently there has been placed in all the grocery stores a newpreparatlon called GRAIN-O, madj of pure grains, that takes the place of coffee. The most delicate stomach receives It without distress, and but fw can tell it from coffee. It docs not cost over one-fourth as much. Children may d'lnk It with great benefit, 15 cents and 25 cents per package. Try it. Ask for GRAIN-O. A woman's heart is like nothing so much as a Moorish maze. Mm. Window's Hoothlna- Bjrrop. for children tenthlnc. sortim ihr (turns, iwluret trr nauiiuaitua.aiiayspaia.uurei wlmlcoilo. Swabutu The modesty of true worth Is only equalled by the worth of tine modesty. Btatc or or io, citt or Toledo, f Hk ah courrr, I Fran J. Cbnnev make oath that be la the en lor partner of the nrtn of F. J.Cheney ACo., doing bualnraa In the Cily of Toledo, County and Slate aforraald. and that ald tlrm will pay Ihe turn of ONK HUNDKKD DOLLARS for each and every cane of Catarrh that cannot bo cured by the uae of Hall . Caurrta Cure Sworn to before me and aubacrlbed In my Dreaenoe, tola Ola day of December, A. D. 14 SlM Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Core ! taken Internally, and acta directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the aralo- Send for testimonials, free. ' P. J. CHKKEY CO., Toledo, a fir.M by Druffs'.sis. 7?. , UeJLl e Family Pills an tha best Office seeking Is neither a trade nor profession; It's a disease. I am euro Ptso's Cure tor Coniumptloa eared my life three years wo. Mrs. Thos. R )BBia, Maple Street, Norwich, X. T., Feb. 17, 1900. A man's wealth may be measured by his capacities, not by his coin. A dyspeptic la never on food tnns with htm self. Something l always wrong. UetltrlKbt by chew lug lieeman's lvpnln Uum. Fidelity to old truths demands hos pitality to new ones. $148 will buy new Upright piano on easy payments, Write for catalogues. 8chmoller Mueller, 1313 Farnaa street, Omaha. There's always room at th top but few men care to dwell In an attic. Baentlfnl hair It always pieulna, sod Nuu'l Oils Bl,i eireis In proam-lag It. MMvaacoaas, the best sure for euros. Ucla. Modern murmurcrs are bitten with the Cjry serpents of their own tongues. To Cmm Out A Ilea's roet-KaM Frew. Write to-dar to Allen 8. Olmsted, Le Roy. N. Y.. for a FREB sample of Allen's root-Ease, powder. It cures sweating, damp, swollen, aching feet Makes new or tight shoes easy. A cer tain curt for Chilblains and Frost-bites. At all druggists and shoe r tores; Zee. ' No man knows what It Is to be a wonaa. "Well, well, so this Is New Year's day," said Mr. Spooner. "Do you re member how we quarreled this day one year ago?" "Remember! I think I do!" cried his wife. "Why, the cards were order ed when it happened, and I didn't know whether I could have your name taken out and Dick's Inserted, In case I changed my mind." "In caso I changed my mini, you mean, dear. Strange that I never sus pected how much poor Dora cared for me until that day." "I'm sure she had concealed It very well the way she ran after Dick, as if he ever had eyes for anybody but me! He never told his love, but a wo man's intuition was " "A synonym of vanity, dear. 01 course, I couldn't help knowing that she cared for me when I met her in the boarding hou3e parlor, with her eyes full of teara, on the very morning after you had told Marie, her dearest friend, that we were to be married in a month." "Humph, that girl would cry about anything; I've known her to cry when the villain in the play was killed as if a villain could expect anything else In the last act. But as soon as I saw Dick that morning I knew that he knew It. Why, his necktie had slipped around under one ear and his voice, as he wished me a happy New Year, was so sad, that I felt guilty, though my con science told me that I had not encour aged him." "You've forgotten how you used to praise the shape of his head." "As if that meant anything! A girl only praises the shape of a man's head when she can't find anything else to flatter him about. It it means no more than it does when she tells a small man that he resembles Napoleon. But when I remembered that you had once gone down on the floor in your new trousers to pick up Dora's hand kerchief I knew that I bad been oruelly deceived. So when you reproached rne about Dick, I" "I remember how badly I felt when she replied to my New Year's greet ing with the remark that happiness for her was over forever. And before I could comfort her Miss Mario came In and I could only go sadly away without telling her that I 'should al ways be a brother to her." .Seasonable faying. The new leaf that very soldom gets turned over is the one In the diary. Some men claim that they see the old year out and the new one in by getting so drunk that they can't see anything. ' By New Year tho 6llver plating wears off many a Christmas present. A good beginning is naif the battle except in the case of keeping a diary. The new date Is as hard to remem ber as the new leaf. Even thougn the arctic explorer never discovers the north pole he de serves credit, for he always keeps a diary. New Year gives us a chance to re ciprocate to those who unexpectedly gave us a present at Christmas. Seeing the old year out puts a man in a fit condition to swear off the next day. N. Y. World. The fieto year' Greeting. "You look worried, Brown," Bald Qreen. "Worried! I should say I am, Seo those?" And he drew out of his over coat pocket a great bundle of state ments of accounts. "Ha! ha!" laughed Green, "you will make Christmas present to your wife, will you, without counting the cost first?" The lines around Brown's eyes deepened and his mouth drooped sad ly. "No," he said, "that's not It. These are not for presents I made my wife." "Why, what are they for, then?" ssked Oreen, wonderlngly. "For the present my wife made me." And the men shook bands In tender sympathy. Detroit Free Press. Sott your Mirth. t It Is not wise to have so merry Christmas that you cannot have hafpr Nsw Year. Chicago Tribune. "And poor Dirk, I asked him if there was anything 1 could do for him; he replied: 'Yes,' but Just then the maid came In with a note for him, and he fld he must go at once I think he wiBhed to be Uone with his sorrow. Then you cams In, and, Instead of sharing my pit for him, you accused me of flirting Hh him!" "I er don't remember that. But wasn't it odd that before I left you for ever, Miss Marie should come in and tell us that Dora and Dick were en gaged! I've often wondered how it happened that they decided to console each other." "And so have I. Why, here is Marie now perhaps she can explain. Sit down, Marie, do. Tom and I are Just going ovar old times. Do you remem ber last New Year's day, and" "Indeed I do. I've Just been to sec Dora, and she waa talking about it. She and Dick quarreled last New Year's Eve about the date of their marriage, and almost parted forever. "SHE AND DICK QUARRELED." They think you both must have guess ed it. I remember that Tom was in the parlor with Dora, when I ran in on New Year's morning to tell her of your engagement. She had been on the point of asking him to help her to make up with Dick. And when she told me about it, I wrote him a note telling him that I believed she would forgive him If he came at once. That note found him at your house, Irene, where he had gone to ask your aid a3 peacemaker. Odd, wasn't it?" A. Happy Jfetu year. A nappy iew year! How many people realize the meaning of the words as they go about with this familiar greeting upon their lips? "I wish you a happy New Year!" Does ! 11 not seem that tho wish carries blessing with it? And I believe It does when spoken by friends whose words are always true and sincere. For the benefit of those thoughtlesa ones who never read between the lines, let us analyze this significant greeting. Jr. tho first place wo v.-ish cur friends happiness, and the next question which naturally suggests Itself is, what con stitutes happiness? A little friend of mine tells me that It is to eat all the candy he wants and not to so to bed until he wants to do so. Another friend of more mature years says that she would be perfectly happy if she had all the money she wanted to spend as she liked. Another desires fame, another social position. And so we might go on asking and finding out that almost every one bas a different definition for happiness. If the young lad were allowed to follow his own sweet will and surfeit himself with sweets and late hours, I think the result would be anything but happy. As for wealth, who can blame anyone for wishing for all that one cares to spend, and especially a wom an to whom a separate Income Is the exception rather than the rule. It Is the spending of It which decides the happiness or unhapplness of the possessor. I do not believe that any one was ever really happy who used wealth merely to gratify selfish am bitions. Fame, too, Is a good thing to poj ipss, but how many who have gained this high pinnarlo will tell you that It brings happiness Social position is also something after which thcro is much striving. Yet when the coveted place Is reached It Is so often found to bo barren, and happiness has no resting place there. Soclnl position brings heavy responsibilities with It, and social duties are hard ,and labori ous without the happy results that follow labor In more worthy causes. It seems, then, that there must be some special way to happiness not enslly found. There is, but It Is easy enough to be seen by all who care to follow Its winding way. Wiser heads than mine found out long ago that only In trying to make others happy Is real happiness ever gained for oneself. go in wishing our friends a happy l;w Year, we really obligate ourselves to do all that we can to make tha wish come true; and for this reason the words rh(A;!a iever be spoken idly, or used as a Erff matter of form. On the other haViJ, to be sincere in the greeting and to do what the words Im- plv, is certain to bring happiness to all. And now, let us go on to the next word In th analysis, "new." Everybody likes new things, un ices an exception may be made to the so-called "new woman." New gowns, new bonnets, new personal be longings of all sorts appeal especially to women. While "clothes do not make the person," every one has learned that appearance in this world goes a long way toward success. ynder the inspiration of knowing that one is well-dressed often one has done his best and the key note of success has been touched. It Is human nature that womankind should love pretty new dresses, new bonnets and dainty surrounding, so let no one accuse her of vanity for desiring them. New ideas are sought after by the philosopher; new conditions by the scientist; new inventions by the in ventor. Editors eagerly examine new matter; and that which Is truly origin al or opens a new field of thought is never found "unavailable" no matter how poorly it ma7 be written. There i3 a constant hunt going on for something new to further stimu late the energies, ambitions and de sires of the world's people; and never was this craving so apparent an now when we are closing the nineteenth century. Everyone seems to feel that we are on the verge of a new era which in spite of the inventions ct the past Is to be the most wonder produc ing period in the world's progress. If the inhabitants of Mars continue to signal us, as has been stated, who knows but what some shrewd, enter prising Yankee will put on his think ing cap, build a flying machine that will overcome all atmospheric con ditions and go sailing over to the planet one of these coming days? Perhaps the North Polo will be dis covered in the same way, although why so many people will risk life and property to find a spot that is almost certain to contain nothing that, will sustain life or hope, can only be laid to their insatiate greed for something nev;. It is to be hoped, however, that while these greater things are going on, seme one may invent an automatic servant that will get up in the morn ing without being called, never let the fires go out, wash our best china with out breaking it, and, from the ve7 nature of the invention, cannot "'alk back" when we happen to go into the kitchen and scold a little Household Realm. The fnnuat Creeling. "A Happy New Year to you!" This is the greeting which will be heard on every side as we cross the thres hold of the new year. It has become a custom to repeat it. In many cases it has little meaning, and is nothing more than an empty compliment or an idle wish. How much do you mean by It? It Is very easy to repeat the form ula. It is a very simple matter to buy a New Year's card and enclose it in an envelope. But when you send this greeting, or speak it, do you regard it as a pledge or promise that you will do nothing to make the recipient ot it unhappy, and that you will do all in your power to relieve his anxieties and brine gladness to his heart? Baptist union. Crowned evermore In endless light she greets The New Year's dawn, While we, with heads bowed low and dull heartbeats. Live sadly on. Visions too grandly bright for mortal gaze, To her unfold Blossoms each noble deed of earthly days, In beauty's mold. The glory of our Lord her eyes have stcn. With undlmmcd sight, Safe In His presence dear, she dwells serene And knows no night. She clasps the hands of loved ones waiting there On Heaven's shore. With them she treads thoso streets so wondrous fair. In rapture o'er. In glad surprise, joyous and pure and free, Her soul so blrst. Solves tho deep mystery of eternity And perfect rest Isabel L. Boardman, In N. Y. Ob server. Merely an Official rerm. He wished me a happy New Year; The words would have tickled me, but I knew from his bearing austere I whs booked for a salary cut. Chicago Record, DRS. DREVER RECOIIENDS FOR GRIP AND FEL1ALE CflTAr3. The floncsof Mrs. lizzie M. In a letter to Dr. Hartman concern ing the merits of Pe-ru-na, Mrs. Brew er writes, among other things: Westerly, R. L "Dear Dr. Hartman I find Pe-ru-na a sure cure for all catarrhal affections eo common In this part of the country. It cures a cold at once. There is no cough medicine that can at all equal Pe-ru-na. As for la grippe, there is no other remedy that can at all COm Tinro with Pa-H .Til. "I am among the sick a great aeai in our city and have supplied many invalids .with Pe-ru-na. Eimnlv be cause I 'am enthusiastic in my faith ns to its results. I have never Known it in fall in nuirklv nnd Dermanently remove that demoralized state of the human system which follows la grippe, "in nil casPB of extreme weakness I use Pe-ru-na with perfect confidence of a good result. In cases of weak ness peculiar to my sex I am sure tnat no other remedy can approach in good Try Magnetic Starch it will last longer than any other. There are two kinds of silliness the silent and the garrulous. The former Js endurable. Don't Get V oat sore 1 ties 1TOOT-EASE. A certain cure for Swollen, Smart ing, Burning, sweating reei. nnd Bunions. Ask for Alien s r uui Efise, a powder. Cures Frost-bites and Chilblains. At all Druggists and bnoe Sttres, 25c. Sample sent a lia.. aq drress Allen S. Olmsted, LeRoy, N. Y. Wise is the individual who prepares for the future by studying both the past and the present. Best tor he Aowels. Nf matter what ails you, headache to a cancer, you will never get well until your bowels are put right. CASCARETS help nature, cure you without a gripe or pain, produce easy natural movements, cost you just 10 cents to start getting your health back. CASCARETS Candy Cathartic, the genuine, put up in metal boxes, every tablet has C. C. C. stamped on it. Be ware of imitations. Originality blazes a new track while eccentricity runs on one wheel in an old rut. Garfield Tea produces a healthy action of the stomach, liver, kidneys and bow els; it purifies the blood, thus protecting the system aealnst disease. The common mind may be deceived by the fact that vice and genius often produce similar effects. Important to mother. Exolno carefully every bottle of CASTORIA, a safe and sure remedy for infanta and children, and see that it Bear; the Signature of fa Use For Over 30 Years. The Kinfl Von Have Always Bouffht A very little child may open a yery large door in heaven. Best BREAKFASTS have PATENT STtEL-CUT urnmsTFittinMiuiiiEca. aKWUSmm rxtaTtaWaTn CJg. " iiMssaaaasjJ- 2 lb. package costs 15c Two packages for a quarter. Your Grocer Sells It. A lean Shirt well laundered i a thing of beauty, but you cannot do good laundry work with inferior starches. MAGNETIC STARCH ia prepared cnpeclally for uae In the Home and to en able the housekeeper to get up the linen equally aa well aa the beat ateam laundries. Try a package. All grooera Mil It at too. Brewer at Westerly. R. I. results the action of Pe-ru-na. H meets all the bad symptoms to which, females are subject. Tho irregulari ties and nervousness, the debility and) miseries which afflict more or less tha women from girlhood to change ot life, are one and all met nnd over come by this excellent remedy. I wish every young lady in our city could read your book. "Mr3. Lizzie M. Brewer." Pe-ru-na will cure the worst cases of catarrh. La grippe is acute epi demic catarrh, for which Pe-ru-na la a specific. Mrs. J. W. Reynolds, New Lisbon, Ohio, suffered for man7 years with, chronic catarrh of the lung3, head and. throat; continuous cough; many, physicians failed to cure. Permanent ly cured by Pc-ru-na. Thousands of testimonials could be produced. A. valuable treatise on catarrh sent free by The Pe-ru-na Medicine Company, Columbus. O. Magnetic Starch is the very best laundry starch in the world. A suspended street car conductor gets no fares. If vou have not tried Magnetic Starch try it now. You will then use no other. A stumble sometimes prevents a fall. Your clothes will not crack If you use Magnetic Starch. LOW BATES TO THE SOUTH. Excursion tickets at reduced rate, are now being sold by the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway to the prominent resorts in the South, in cluding Jacksonville, Fla., Mobile, Ala., New Orleans, La., Savannah, Ga., El Paso, Tex., which are good for return passage at any time prior to June 1st, 1901. Information regarding rates, routes, time, etc., can be obtained on application to any coupon ticket agent of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St Paul Railway. Use Magnetic Starch it has no equal. WINTER TOURIST RATES. SPECIAL Tours to Florida, Key Wast, Cuba, Bermuda, Old Maxlco and the Mediterranean ana Orient. HALF Rates for the round trip te many points south on sale flrat and third Tuesday each month. PATES To Hot Springs, Ark., the fa- inous water resort of America, i or. sal every day In tha year. ; Tickets now on sale to all the winter resorts of the. south, good returning; until June 1st, 1901. Fcr rates, descriptive mat ter, pamphlets and all other Information, call at C. & St. L. R. R. City Ticket Office, 1413 Farnam St. (Paxton Hotel BWs) cr Trrlte - HARRY E. nOORES, ' C. P. & T. A., Omaha, Neb.1 as a foundation. Nature's own food. Pure appetising, satis fying. Healthful for young and old. Made in Iowa of choicest Iowa wheat. Not made by the Trust. Save coupons in each pack age of Wheat-0 and get the famous Capitol Cook Book free. Requires no Cooking ill KAKtJMUAKl' CUFFS out aauMIMfitJ STirf-lrCIWr1IH riRST iOUOrlT NEW trURM'MMAr PttPAMP TOW LAUNDRY WRW$OoT7 MANU'ACTURED ONLY BY tttttTIC STOCK &tftfJiT3 a . OMAHA. flErv