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About Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 20, 1900)
- - t . .. , ' f . ' .Harrison VOL. XIII. HARRISON, TEBR,LSICA,"l'I3:XJK,, 2DEO. 20, 19QO NO. 25. " uunw- lull C Jl I ST nM I VZ E-WE-D CCTTI Fn 1 w u 11 1 1 u 1 1 is SETTLED RIGHT. -Hon. William J. Bry". 'V- a Press TThT TI XT The Commercial Bank. HARRISON, NEBRASKA. idi:r,:ecto:r,s. C. F. Coffee, Preeident. F. W.Clarke, Cashier. Cms. C. Jameson'. H. S. Clarke, A. McGinley, Stockmen having nsc; for a bank at tlm point may rely on us to handle their entire Banking busines. -We are prepared to take care of our trade at all tiniest;- HARRISON PRESS-JOURNAL, EST A BUSHED Subscriplloii Price Official Paper of Geo. I). Canon, Entfj-kd at rim Hamuwn row A republican conres , is to bo com mended just at the preseut time, in the way it has dealt a severe, black eye to the Hay-Paunsfbrte canal treaiyand to Great Bri Won. J " - likely that Um scheme of Um British Lo d and hit accomplice in ,,cvs.uu AlcKiuley's cabinet, John Hay, will come to naught, and both gentlemen have been put to shame in the eyes of their respective government. In an interview to the public press, Hju. W.J, Bryan, informs ttw people of the nation that he will or or about the flrstof next month, commence the pub lication of a weekly newspaper at Lin coln and tlikt the paper is to be call.a the Commoner. A very appropriate name in our opinion. However the newspaper business is like overy other avocation in life "there is no room at the bottom of the ladder"' higher up the rounds there is room enough for all. "With loud ho-annus will Mr. Bryan be 'welcomed to the rsnks of the knights ol the quill but he will be expected to im prove on what U already in the field. The Commoner will undoubtedly have A wide rane of readers, consequently, will have to be seared by the unielent ingOre of ciitici.m. Among the tens of thousands who have used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for colds and lagrippe during the past few years, to our knowledge, not a sin gle caee hag resulted in pneumonia. tiio wnittieiu & uo 3-w vvaDasn av enue, Chicago. One of the most promi uenent retail druggists in that city, in in speaking of this, says: "We recenm- Chamberlain's Cou'ti remedy for la grippe in many races, an it not only Kives prompt and complete recovery, but also counteracts any tendency of la grippe to result in pneumonia." For sale by J. B. Phsinney. The caw of Jessie Mcniion who has been on trial for the past two weeks, for the murder of Mrs. O. Olin Castle, at Eldorado. Kaos. , couple of months ago, wee practicably disposed of the 14th inst by a disagreement of the jury, nine being for acquittal and three for manslaught er. Tba j udge released the prisoner on bail. Many persons have had the experience of Mr, Peter Sherman, of North Srat ford, N. H., who aays, "For years I suff ered torturte from chronic indigestion, but Kodol Dyspepsia cure made a well man of ma." It digests what you eat and is a certain cure for dyspepsia and very form of stomach trouble. It gives relief at oooe even in the worst cases, and can't help but Ho you good. J. E. Phuotey. There seems to be a great deal of spec ulation by tba republican papers of the state about the election of the two U. 8. senator to be elected this winter. There ie considerable opposition to the candicy of Editor RoeewaUr, who his done more than any other man in the party toward the election of a republican legislature. We opioe that Mr. Rose water will have to be reckoned with in the senatorial struggle that is to take place at Lincoln, anon after the law makers convene. The beat Planter. A. Mon of flannel dampened with Cliftioherlain's Pain Balm and bound to the affected parts is superior to any plan ter. When troubled with lame back or wins in Um side or chest, give it a trial and you are oertaia to be more than pleased with Um prompt relief which it affords. Pain Balm olso cures rheuma tism, Ooe application gives relief. For ale by i. E. Phixkky. , amamawsaefrseisisnisi muumtmmm. n, v. n. apf. eo. r-- - y IS Per Year $1.00. Sioux: County. - Editor. .. Or Fine as SmB CLAfa M ATTEK. What aro Laws for. T. ! : I .i . , . i" "-ry vviuent uini most laws are uofc inaue io oe Obeyed unless cenvnn. lent, for the reason that while tbey may ap.eir on first reading to be plain, a fur ther reading, or another law on the same subject, will introduce technical points io hinder its operation. If it is more con venient, to obey the plain letter of the law than to contort iho matter in .;ourt, it will be obeyed, but if obedience will inconvenience a porson more than a law suit then the law is disobeyed with im punity and the technical provisions are rwlied on to avoid punishment. This is tie exact sit tat ion with regard to oi r "corrupt practices" act. It clearly for bids certain tilings and the honest man obeys the law. The dishonest man lo ks farther an finds a lot .of technical pro visions of procedure behind which he can hide his guilty head (if he has money,) and he disregards the law and expects to go scot free. The Nonconformist. "Little Baf'ShoV at Crawford. Crawford, Neb., Dec. 15, 1900. -Batiste Garnier, known as "Little Bat" was shot about 5 o'clock this evening at O. IL Dietrich's saloon by James Hague wood, manager of the establishment, during a dispute over a bar bill. It was thought that the wound would prove fatal, the bullet having entered the body near tho juggler vein, but one hour after the shooting he appeared to be improv ing, Mr. Garnier is well known all over the western portion ofNebraskf, being employed as government scout at FU Robinson,. Uaguewood is under arrest. Daily World-Herald. Just Saved His lATc. It was a thrilling escape that Charles Davis of Bowerston, O., lately had from a frightful death. For two years a se vere luog trouble constantly grew worse until it seemed he must die ef Consump tion. Then he began to use l)r. King's New Discovery and lately wrote: "It gave instant relief and effected a per manenl cure. bnen wonoerrul cures have for 25 years, proven it's power to cure all Throat, Chest and Luog troub les. Price 50c and $1,00. Every bottle guaranteed. Trii.l bottles free at J. E. Piiismkys drug store. Over in Wyoming. o Miss Mabel Fluckey, spent Saturday and Sunday with her friend Mrs. Newlin, she had a severe attack of sore throat, but under the treatment of Dr. Z. she was able for school work on Monday, With sorrow we learn tbe demise of the Omaha weekly Bee. It has been a weekly visitor in onr home for fifteen years." When it came to us on last Thurs day, changed in form, name and style, it was too much. The Bee has merged in to the Twentieth Century Former, a 24 page paper; magi.ine form. Of course, it Is an improvement, but to the old subscribers they miss the open cosntenace of the old title page. There will be a Christmas tree, at the east school house on Christmas night. A good programme is being arranged ; quite a sum has beeu subscribed; and it i sex pec led that everybody will be there with their wives and cousins. There is to be a regular old fashioned "taffy pull" at the east school house, on Saturday night Dec. 29, under tbe aus pices of Miss Mabel Fluckey. Every body is invited to com and bring the little ones. There was no services on the Ridge last Sunday, on account of the sickness of our pastor, Rev, Warren. Than is to b preaching at the school house on Friday night Um tttn, also on Advertise Your Stock Brands in the PRESS-JOURNAL STOCK BRANDS, - ' The Jocrscal will publish your brand, like the following, for 02:00, per year. Kiieta ad ditional brand 75 cents, very farmer or ranchmen In Sioux and adjoining counties inoiild advertise their brands in TheJoub- al as It circulates all over tbe state. It may le the means of saving money for you $500 REWARD. For the arreat and conviction Of imy party or pin tles stealing or disfiguring any brands on stock belonging to the underalgned par ties: DAVID COM'ILLE. Horses branded on righ shoulder or branded on right Jaw Also, I have Horses branded on left thigh ; Post OfTlcu Address, j Harrison, Sioux Co., Nebraska. F. E. JANDT. 60. IJ7. m Brands on lnft Mr on lert Jaw, oil on left hip of Cattle. Sioux County, Nebraska. Post Offlce, Hewitt, -o- JOHN T. SNOW. Horses branded on loft shoul der branded on )pft shoulder t and Cattle ou left side. if Post Office Address, Patrick, Laramie Co. Wyo. t ' o . i . GKOltGE SWANSON. Cattle, branded Horses branded on left sfdc on left sliou ider, rouge on folriier I reek. Any slock brandod as above being estrny ed from ray range, discovered by any body on giving me tnfonnatloa will tie rewarded, Address, Kt. Uoblnson, Nebraska. J. B, PARKER. Horses branded on u ti ll0u,(ler and Cattle same on left Lmm hip. r Sheep barnded on back or buck of Sheep. Range on Soldier Creek and White River.! Address, ft. Robinson, Nebraska. Hon. W. J. Bryan Will Establish a Weekly Paper at Lincoln. "I have for several years had io contemplation th.aMl.h newspaper and this seems an opportuoe time for undertaking it ..B ,UJ , w ine have Chosen thla mall.r.1 L,,,.. it :n . . ' " .v mr:; w,u ,i,,e z;:z rry ' """" UOTn e " "I expect to lecture occasionally, .., ..., i uij pnuuipui wont should say, with the pencil. The paper will be called the tam paper will be called tbe forth in the Kansas City platform. "The first issue will appear in Jautkry place of publication will be Lincoln, j at par - ""'P1'00 U T at the following Sunday. Mrs. Eva Christian is expected horn from Jlendly, Neb. this week. Miss Dora Christian, who has been so journing in Las Vegas, N, M. for the past month, is expected home tba last of this week. Chas. Christian, is expected home from University Place to spend the holidays with the rest of tbe family. The Pleasant Ridge literary associati on is a thing of the past. At tba last meeting it was decided to adjourn indefi nitely on accouut of tbe small attend ance. Zocul. TirMonllu. While the following may seem old to a great ruaov of our readers;' yet for the benefit of our younger ones, as also for the interest of any of our older readers who may care to puruse it, w. ra-haah it: All of tb. months were named by Romans a great many years ago. One of the montns looks back on the old year and it looks ahead to the young, or new year, so it was named for a god whom tbe Romans worshipped. He was reprv entl as having two faces looking in op posite directions. On. face was old and the other young. HI nam. waa Janus. Another month waa named for Um god of war. May waa named for Mala a god dess who waa Um mother of the god Mercury and June waa named for Jubit rs wife Juno. While most rooatha alt ernate with SO and 81 days, Jul and August doom together with l daya. FRANK NUTJO On left side of cattle sad on lsft shoulder ot borses. Kange on Antelope crctk P. O.. Ghilchnst, Sioux Co., Nb. CHARLES B1EHLE. On left side or hip of cattle, I On left shoulder of horses, j , (Range on the bead ot Warbennet Vrek Address Harrison, Sioux Co. Neb Fuahk C. Lewis. Cattle Branded l"J-J on left side and Horses Branded on left shoulder Hauge on bead of White River. P. O. Address, Harrison, Neb, JOHN A. HANSON Owns the follow injf brand on ell n cr: Also HG on cat tle and horses cuttle on leftside horses on left shoulder. Range on Silver Springs and east of state In, PoBtoeiw T-rrrjso:i Ncu CHAKLKS NEWMAN. The brand represented in this notice and branded any where on left aide of cattle, and over-lap cut from tbe right ear. Also the same brand on left thigh of horses, belongs to the Undersigned. sge near East Springs, south part fo county. Charles Nkwmn, Harrison, Nebraska. J.8. TUCKER. Branded on Jeft shoulder ol horses and on left side of cattle. Range on White River, near Glen. P. O. Address, Glen, Nebraska. DEEP CREEK LIVE STOCK Co. 9 " - " Branded on left hip of Cattle and on left check of Horses, Range on Deep Creek. beep Creek Live Stock Co,. Ckfhas Ro's, Supt., -. Ulen, Nebraska. ROBERT y, NKfiCE. Cottle Branded K mJt I . J on left Side. Range on I II l 3 Running Water. P. o. Address Agate, Kebraska. 5t Of I iuay ftn() dlllcussiou of b. tj j i.. . .. ' " lunuvus, 1 wi accompiisd the purpose which I have me t,me' if "cefui, provide an in. m aii.,w ie more um. enjoy ror several years post esneeiallo n- ' . win be done with the pen, or perhaps I moner and will defend tbe principles set I shall be publisher and editor. The d"ar year' and beaccepted Tlliu IK LJ1 I , I . uuui montns were named for two emperors, Julius and Augustus Caesar. It would not have done to give one a longer month than me other, these two were civen 81 days. In early times the Romans had only ton months, with names that meant first month, Second month and so on. Four of those names are now used, for inst ates: December really means "tenth" olUioitis the twelfth month. A man .named Numa added the two months of January and February, shortened tbe others to do so, ,t is said that February is a name tak enfrom a Latin word word which means topurify, because, during that month thiy held what was called a feast of publication, and that April is derived from the Greek, to open, because at that aton fie buds began to open. How To Cure Croup. 'Br. R. Gray, who lives near Am.nia, Drnhess county, N. Y.,ays: "Chamber- buna Gbiiirh Ramariv la tlia taut iHlin. ft bnve ever used. It is a On. children's rensdy for croup and never fails to cur?' When given as soon as the child bscies hoarse, or even after the Croupy ooudi has developed, it will prevent Um attatk. This should be born, in mind and bottle of the Cough Remedy kept at Mid ready for instant!, as soon as Um symptoms appear.' Tor al. by J, S, pXXIT. HP gi W-l J - Address $100 Reward. For proof to convict any person of steal lng, altering, running off, or In any way damagings stock branded! Sjon right side or hip. Address, JaJses Fobce, Harrison, Neb. A.T. nUGHSON Brand combl doubl left side right ImkiI of cattle. Dorses same Sal kH shoulder. r3cut out right J S X Cattle all ilniirJlaZfy of cattle. Dorses saniekaal Mai ear eattle, Range on Kyle Creek, '. Post Office, Glen Nebraska. LARS PETERSEN Cattle branded on loft liln also Cattle branded on left islde. Range on Soldier Creek and White Blver. Address, Glen, Nebraska. 1 , Foremau, Fbbo Mason. IN THE COUNTlf COURT OF SIOUX COUN TY, NEBRASKA. In the Matter of tho Estate of Joseph J, Moravek, Deceased. Notice of Probate of Will. Whereas Jonh Uoravek, of Box Bntte County, Nebraska, has In accordance with an order heretofore Issued of this court f il ed In my office an instrument purporting to ire me inni. win anu testament or Joseph J Moravek, deceased, which will relates to both real and personal estate whereupon 1 have appointed Monday the 17th day of De cember 1900 at one o'clock in the afternoon of said day, at my offlce In said county as the time and place. of proving said will, at which time and place, you and all concern ed may appear and contest the probate of the same. . It Is further ordered that notice to all persons interested In said estate be notified of the pendency of the petition, and the time and place set for hearing the same by causing a copy of this order to be published tn the Harrison Pbess-Joubna'l, a newspa per published 1A Harrison, said state, for three weeks successively previous to tbe day set for said hearing. . - In testimony whereof, I bare hereunto set my official seal this 27th day of November, 1900. j SEAL f CHAILES SCHILT. v-w County Judge. Sheriff Sale. By virtue of an order of sale issued by the Clerk of the District Court bf Sioux 'county, Nebraska, L pon a decree rendered by said Court in favor of Sioux county and against Edwin C. Lockwood, Mrs. Edwin C. Lock wood bis wife, christian name unknown, Wright S. Lewis, executor of the estate of Mary A. Lockwood. deceased unknown heirs of Mary A. Lockwood, deceased,, defend ants. I win, on the 12th iay of Jaaairr, A. O. 1901, at two o.clock in the afternoon of said day at ths east front door of tbe Court House of said county, la Harrison, Nebras ka, sell te the highest bidder for cash in band, the following described real estate, situate in said county, towit: The South-east quarter, of Section twenty s!x, township thirty four, north of ii,ge nf ty-flve, west of the Sixth principal merid ian la Sioux County, Nebraska, to satisfy said order of sale, in the sum of One hund red and eighty-four dollars and eighty-nine cents, interest and costs and accruing costs. Dated December 11, 1900. ALEX Lowrt, Sheriff of said Co u n ty . A Dastardly Outrage. , Don't use any of the counterfeits of DeWitt's Witch Hazel salve. Most of them are worthless or liable to cause injury. The originalDe Witt's Witch Hazel Salve is a certain cure for piles, eczema, cuts, scalds, burns, sores and akin diseases, J, E. Phmsey. Read The PRESS-JOURNAL. Sheriff's Sale. r,iByi.T'lt.'Le n order of sale issued by the Clerk ot the District Court of Sioux oounty. Nebraska, upon s decree rendered by said Conrt In favor of Slonx county, and against Walter Eden, Mrs. Walter Eden, his wife christian name unknown and Benjamin F. Johnson, 1 will, on the lltb day of January. A. D. 1901, at two o.clock tn the afternoon of said day, at the east front door of the Conrt lleuso of said county, in Harrison, Nebras ka, sell to tho highest bidder tor cash In band, the following described real estate situate in said county, to-wlt : . The north-west quarter of Seetloa twenty two, in Township thirty-one, north oi Range fifty six, west of the Sixth principal merldl. an In Nebraska, to satisfy said order ot Sale In the sum of seventyone dollars and seventy-eight cents. Interest and ooeu and se eming costs. Dated December 11, 1900. ALEX Lowbt, Sheriff of said County. Help is needed at 000. when a parson's life is in danger,. A neglected cough or cold may soon become serious and should be stopped at onoe. One Minute Cough Cure quickly cures coughs aad eolds and Um worst eases of crottp, breochitis, grippe god other throat a4 lime trouh- Us.W, B. E ranrsT. u THE NEW YORK WORLD THRICE-A-WEEK. 0 ,,, t Almoxt a Daily at tbe Price of Weekly. The presidential campaign is aver but the world goes on just the same and it is full of news. To learn this new, just as it is-promptly aad impartialy alt that you have to do is to look in th. col umns of the Thrice-a-week adiUon of the New York World which comes to the subscriber 156 times a year. The Tbrice-a-Week World's diligence) as a publisher of first news baa given it circulation wherever, Um English langM age is spoken and you want it. The Thrice a-Week World's regular ' subscription price is only $1.00 per year. We offer this unequaled newspaper and Press Journal together ooe year for $1.75. The regular subscription price of the two papers is $2.00. Dyspepsia Curo Digests whit yon eat. It artificially digests tbe food and aids Nature io strengthening and iecon tructlng the exhausted digestive or gans. It is the latest dlBCovereddigesW ant and tonic. Ho other preparation can approach it in efficiency. It in stantly relieves and permanently carea Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nantes, Sick Headache, Oastralgla.CramDsana raJlotherresultsoflmperfectdlgestton. fricesoc. and S. Laws)MeeJttalaafliNMS small site. Book aUabontdftpepslaBiansaiiWe Prepared by E. C DeWITT COCfrlsegS. Sheriff's Sale. , By virtue of an order of sale issued by tb. Clerk of tbe District Court. of Sionx county. Nebraska, upon a decree rendered by saM Court in favor of Sioux county and against John Koncer, Johanna Koncor, Showalter Mortgage Company and S. K. Humphry. I will, on the 12th day of January, A. D. 1901, at two o'clock ! the afternoon of sold day, at the east front door of the Conrt House of said county, in Harrison, Nebras ka, sell to the highest bidder for cash in hand, the following described real estate situate lu said county, to-wit: 1 The south-west quarter of Section twenty one in Township thirty-four north of Range fifty-fiye west of the 6th principal meridian in Sioux county, Nebraska, to satisfy said order of sale in the sum of sixty-three dol lars and thirty-two cents, interest and costs and accruing costs. Dated December 11, 1900. ALEX Lowrt, Sheriff of said Oou nty . Sheriff's Sale. By ytrtne of an order of sale Issued by tba Clerk ot the District Conrt of Sioux County, Nebraska, npon a decree rendered in said court in favor of Sicux Coaaty against Xd ward Maloney, Duel oh Maloney his wife and ' A. D. Wood, christian" name unknown, I have levied upon the follewiag described ' real estate as the property of said Edward , Maloney, Buelah Maloney, his wife and A. D. Wood, christian name an known, to-wit : ' ' The north-west quarter ot Section twenty-' ' eight of Township thirty-four N of HaMaja " nrty Ave, and I will on the IStb day of Jaaa . 1 ary A. D. ;1901, at two o'clock la the sfter- i . noon of said day, at the east front dear of. the Court House of said county, in Harrison, .. Nebraska, sell the said real estate at public, . '. auction to the highest bidder for cash, to , sails! y said order of sale, tbe amount dun thereon being the sum of 1187.(7 and costs ' aud;accrulng costs. Harrison, NebraskaDecember 10, 19(0. ALEXLowba, Sheriff of Sioux Conn ty. Contest .Notice, United States Land Alliance. Nebraska, ) December 11th, 1900. A sufficient contest affidavit having been, filed in tbis office by Andrew Johnson con testant, against Homestead entry No. 41M, make December 16th, ISM, for South wees quarter Section 10, Township St M, Brag. M W, by Levi C. Mathews Oou teste, In whloh It is alleged that Sold Levi a Mathews ke entirely failed to establish kls residence on aid land and bas entirely failed to ealM vate any of eold land at any time, that the sold defaults continue at Um date of this affidavit and are not nor were not cianseq bv service of said entrymaa In the Army, Navy or marine Corps ef the United States daring the late war with Spaan or any ottkar war in whloh it mav bare been engaged. Said parties are hereby notified to eppea respond and offer evMeaee tooohlng salt, allegation at 10 o'clock a. m, on Voseware lltb, 1(01 before Grant On tana, Salary rs He at his office, in Harrison, Raetajsm, ' aad that anal bearing will be batal at N o'cloek a. m. ea rebrnory, la, MM, afcarc tba Register aad Reoelver at Mm eaNat Saata Ind ofloe In Ailtanoe, Ssbsaalss, ffcaenil ooatsstoat having In a sister fJVfC"-A Jnne4l.ltmastfanhramwtLrr after doe diHgene. sesseswlasrtrs rf i r, notice eaaaMtosassKHIs CtCJc andMlieaasst that Bask a si 1 w.r" v t v- V 'j Mil due sd amaw -ssMl--e, J , . k A ; 7 :.) -TV) '1' J 'A ;V5 . .''1 . J A v- ... i 4V - " i (