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About Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 15, 1900)
1 -"resis-Jourria I " o ' Thtbsuat, Nov, lath, 1900. e. J. LYuoa, Editor and Prop. F.K.mYR.. June table, Going Vest. Going o- 8. mlied. 11 : So. . lulled g:K) g' North-Western ; ' ' ' ' LINE ' ' " " F. , H ' .V, R. B, is.' tlie . best to end from the . - . BLACK KILLS, UEADWOOD AS HOT SPitlKUS. SOUTH DAKOTA. THAXKSGIVIXO BALL There will be a grand hall in the court house Thursday evening, Nov.' 29, 1000. Everybody tovtted to tome and have good time. Tickets, 50c. ; N matter whether the Crowd is large or smalt, ' " By Order o Committee. Pridrick Nehon. wa,up from .Glee, yesterday on busings. , . . s ' The little Joy of Mr. ana Mrs. Chas.' jIwb, is feeling' quite poorly this w-k, De'.VlttVLittle Early Risers ore t'h 'beat "Liver pills ever made. Dwy to ' take nod pever gripe. J. E. PnjcsijY, . We wer;nite amused this week to learn that mir'wld friend Milfiafa,' Was 'taken for a batik examiner ', '.' :', When, you want prompt acting'- lit t le pills that- sever gripe . use DeWilts Go To Drug The Kendal family are dotn very well odr the care of Dr. Phtnnejr. Mrs. Craee ie-stayingoot tfiere with tliem. Oeorxe tfckman, left hist Friday evening for Oalva, Iowa,- where he ex iperts to remain; all winter. George is an expert corn shocker and will undoubted fly make the nubbins fly this. fall. Fancy. Lamps, ;at Drug store. :'':'t;''J,: . , WJty dont voo advertise your (Stock brawl with us, it may save money. Mr. Mitham an old friend of ye edi 'ttr wiis in town this week solicHint: r- iters for monnnsents. , It m not the most agreeable duty in th wo. Id to edit a country newfpiipar -nt any time, much more ilMiareealjJe is the task, whn hews items are scarce. -4ilr. and Mrs. Oha. Newman, who 'trnve been in towji durhtir the past few days, owing to their inability to moving tbeir sick child, left for hopje, yestlrday, much elated O.W the fact ttrat the little -one is out of dnnirer, smI their gratitude 'to Dr. Pldnney knew no Ihjuikis. Dr. is uii o. k. ,; : Toilet'"' 'cases 'Albums, .at Pioirr Phannary. rtterfeits commrt. frid. .Monest nwn wiii not deeeiv yov into worthless, counter feits at DeWitts'witfch Hze! Slve, The original is ittfivlllUe for curing piles inj uries ec?ma and skin diseases. Tbv B tnk 'examiner who has been in town the past three or four days, turns lit to Imj a hustling tomb stone nmn, he is looking after the dead and not the living Democracy nnuht to place an frder with' Mr, . Slilham that is bis itme-rfor ai. iineiense. monument, to ' mark the last resting place of the Demo cratic corw. 3d t3 Vsi2 Store for pic tures, A, paper pock,eta. . it ymt Mit aer eeh M rathe m&mj M tsrinrp yon ' ran realias how .frefttftfl tnot hers are for One 'Minute Vi(h Cure which etres 'relief as soon na it ie adninis4ered. ltqiuickly cures copglM, colds mid ail threat and lunf( trotiHea. Frflle by J. EL PHtsnrr. J. C. Alexander nnd family,' who hsjve been resident of Sions county, for a number f yeara. pamed through town y twttre'ey on their way to Wheatland, Tfyoimtoitg, where they I5I reeWe ia fyfiton. J.CL b purnheiisd a rapch eUCvteeeC vMij ef tbw. Urn cryL't Md aeqoaiaUaeee in thU K --Cclv tofftiim withyeedi- 'f.:: tee tkM fx out n lit l-& G&ift '&&t 1 lj ZM Z-J?A Id CLrrtcMh)' Teachers of Sioux County Take Notice. ."Hie north-western district association will be held ia Crawford the . Friday after Thanksgiving: ' And I recommend that all teachers that can attend will be present, I further recommend that all school board will allow this day to their teachers that may want to attend. There will be prominent Educators present and anticipate an interesting and instructive meeting. So attend if passible and help along with the work. ' ' " Respectfully J. B. Burke, Co. Bupt. Dr. PETERS' TALKS Tov Stockmen of Sioux County on Diseases of Cattle and Horses Yesterday Afternoon. As announced the last two weeks in Harrison and delivered a lecture upon fairly large and attentive audience, composed, mostly of stockmen of the coun ty. .,- '-.,.-. - .:: ... .- -. , , . . . . ,...', . However, before Dr. Peters proceeded with his lecture' a temporary organiz ation was formed, Andrew Christian of Kirtley, "Wyo., was made temporary chair man and J. W. Smith, of this place was made temporary secretary. Dr. Peters i-pok more particularly upon Bias kit g, Lump jaw, Abortion with cows, preventatives and cures of the above diseases. He alno, touched upon other subjects of Minority importance. . After the conclusion of the doctor's lec ture the temporary organization was made permanent. , ; . Co motion A. MeGinley was made president ami J.' W. Smith was elected permanent, secretary,, with F, Force vice president Dr. Peter. explained that be was not state vetermirjan, that what ever work be dona, was at lh expense of the federal government. He advocated the creation by our next state legislature the oiflee of state veternarian with an adiquate appropriation for the conduct of the office, with which we most heartily agree. We hope that our lion C. V. Coffee and lion. John E. VanBoskirk who will represent this senatorial and representative district down at Lincoln j.h winter! will do ail in their power to have such an oflls created, which be believe will be Store John T. Snow, was down from Patrick, the first of tiie' week, on busi ness. Hcssers Wasserburger aud Henry shipped a ear of horses to Wisconsin, on last Monday. We understand the new postmaster "elect" is very busy now a days cettins arat least striving to win favor with the theifs of ais party. 1'tr sialc. One Hig;h grade Hereford bull, two years old. , lis h-ciULT. Mrs Dick Simlar, daughter of Mr. F. Nutto who has been seriously ill during the past several Weeks; is slowly recoer-v Otto Tietze, was among us on last Saturday, performing one of the spiritu al and otrijOral works (f niercv, his visit ti the iep!e of Harrier., met with a most bountiful generosity.' Jewelry," Silverware Drag store. ' at M r. and Mrs. Tipton Sundayed at ti e liome of Sheriff elrt, -and Iwrey. t'X A. Puddv, and his daughter with her hustmnd were in town the lirst of the week od busitw . . , i Anna iloravek,. who lia-? bem empjetyed at Lusk, all -surtimer rvtuin-d Iwme on Inst Thursday evening. Hon. Chas. F. Coffee, was up from Chadrsn, the tirst of the week receiving the conf-'rattilalions of his friends. Mra. W, S. Johnson, of Glen, who has been sjiendinjf some tiiye in Colorauo was a Huh visitor the lirst of the week. Build it well, whate'eryou do: Buil.i it straight, aod strong and true; Bti.ld it clean, and high aud broad; B'lild it for the eye of fl,sl. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Warneka, of Running Water, are about to start on an extensive trip. et and south. They expect to be gone some time, meanwhile their interests on the rancrt will be look ed after by Mr, aod Mrs. Earnest Lyon. Sf. J. Blswcit, was ap from Craw ford, Saturday, and reports his boy is All o. k. and will cast his first vote about 31 years from now. Come to think about it we did not smeke the custom ary cigars on act of the occurrence. Xmas goods at Pioneer rnarmacy. V. A. Hester, returned from his two weeks business trip on last Friday , The county Commissioners aae in ear midst this week on special business. -The YOUTH'S COMPANION calend er, for 1901, is before ue aod Is a bemnty. It excels all previous effort of tlie com Amewg the latest acquisition to the Coyal aeigfebera, are Mrs. J, E. MsrsUll er. Krs& LCorvck, Krs.'L OtrUeb, and Ke-L. a Wrifat. Jehsi Cfcrietfcsn, re turned frea Bot Crlejs, tCw totter part of last weak, AMdi tacpe9eed.' w CUe l!ry Koeriecb returned front Ctept,t2t Vttef ewoliur to remeia UrtCaM si'tll ot feelirj very wcX .. -'., ( , tmmtix ewetoei Um r TJXti LlSCotl fieetf is-? For lies ip the rBDB-JoCTBMi.. Dr. Peters arrived the dibsases of cattle and horses, to a Tlfi chicken pie social given under the auspices of tha ladies aiil sTciety at Andrews hall on List Tuesday evening was a pronounced ssccews, especiully the fishing pond. The National Irrigation congress will meet in Chicago, Ills., Nov. 21,' 22, 2.) and 24, 1900. The governor of Ibis f tate M-ill have the Appointment f seven delegate at large, we hope that Gover nor Poynter can see his way clear to ap point ono of the shvt-n dlyale Troni Sioux County, Sonday morning, Dr. J. E. Phinney performed ' a urgicl ojeralion upon the person of Mr. and Sl:s. Charley New mans little boy removing a fatty growth from its shoulder. The tumor .mutt hiv weighed eight or ten ounces. W believe Dr Phinney is just as skillful phvsicinn and surgeon ns ttry in noil! Presents. .... ..i.rtitt., mat hi iiT t;triiuv,' Ht'itef's. advert!..! J 'r. Lmgson, of Chadron, one j jVnhan ls)ugbt 8 head of cattle thing certain, Dr. Phmnevschaiges wiii j inin I)ov,e be within the Winds of reason. i. , v,- I heaii. , OvPr Tn WwrninO- I ' Williams. teadunif UW Bog vVCi ill VV y UJLLLlIi.. i gie school, usd is jjit'iS thelsfsi of a'U o ! f: ti .n. Pr.v.'Ky. Mr, Editor, allow us tu uiui.e'ii few corrections. In our lat items you mav us sav sections rt and 7 instead of 8 and 17. Also the last item should read.'' ijzimiu?5 lirr- tirn iinjrtie-,- vit xxsnvntowitf insteail of 1 hemsejves: , . Won't you please allow us to hurrah for SIcKiidey and Rosve)t. Tiwy were elected by tho people and belong to the people. Eil. Hollingsworth, and wife and 3IiV ton Hollingsworth Sr. attended the ele ction at Kirtley, the 6th. After casting their votes they spwl a few hours at the residence of ye scribe, then went to Mr. A. Christian's where they stayed overnight. Mrs. Hollingsworth cast her first vote on tliat dav, and we are safe in saying it was a straight republican ballot. ; ' "' ' " Converse county, went rcpu'Jiain by ' large anajjonty. Every candidate came in with a (lu.h. - John M'-iiermolh, of Olenroek, brother of our townsman Chas. McDermoth, was elected Sheriff, and no doubt will make an efficient officer. It seems that the names John and William, predominate in our county ticket. In the republican ranks we Rod five John's and one J., but narry a Wil liam; while on the democratic side we read, the names of threeWilliam and three Johoa, It seems that John is not ft bad name to have when it comes to el ection. . -. ''' , '-'.-' ' There was a meeting at the east school, bouse, on last 8-Uurdxy night for the purpose of organizing n singing i-lew with Mr. Talmaa, a instructor. As v e scribe failed to get the notice in time, he wasn't there to report the suooes of Hie D. T. Duel expects to put in a pump aad put up a wind mill on bis farm ia a or so, ,-'-. We are oee of the numerous refabli. rho rejoice at C, P. Coffee's elect- ioa aa represenutive of the 53rd district. Wakaee koewo him for tea years, at Ma tfsn bataf bia nearest neigh hr and eaaaay thathels juat and booerable mi that there was tut mU4g la electing him to reprc:;:t fO?t rTTorthmof pobUoe. r:3e GatneUanted We want (lame many quantiy at High st M irket Price and Guarantee SATIS FACTION. " Omaha, Xelr aitd. Philadelphia, Pa. -Capital jKB.OOOl References, U. 8 Nat'l Ba.ik or Your Express Agt. WbolMftle, Butter, E?ff, Poultry and tiame. THE PIONEER PHARMACY. I o Drus. " o Drugists Sundries, x Paints, Oils, Varnishes, 0 liD BOOlS and t Sis Frightful Failures. SixtprriMo failures of six different doctors nearly sent Wm. II.' Mullen of Locklaud O. to an early grtve. All said he hrd a fatal lung trouble and that he must soon die.' Bui he was urged to try Dr. King's New discovery for Con sumption. After taking five bottles he's entirely cured. It is positively guaran teed to cure all diseases ct the Throat, Chest, La Gnppe, Pneumonia, Bronchi tis. Asthma, Hay fever, Croup, Whoop ing Cough. 50c and $1. CO.. Trial bottles frtw ni J. E. rtiis."s. lirug store. f"Vr3Lll! EC The wtrtfamutHt!- vsc T r" iTl S L. 8 C3ii-.r sa rr Mbtj tve -fnl met.w. TwtimsH cftnSdratfil. Cufwi 5r i:il Or TTm'i'w. Qnst!nn l.Un tti.d Uxthttm. UUuoria. pa.. WSIt'l ISVITUTE. 120H.SaiSUiit.UtsiS.lie Five Point News- County surveyor Ruffing, saw twenty sand hill cranes looking over his corn field last week. Ue got! out his rifld and brought them down, he rays-their legs measured 2 feet 8 inches long. Mr. B. F. Gilbert, has a new lath and shingle mill attached to his saw mill and is turning out first class lumber, laths end shingles.' ' Vill)anl.lIenry, was down from Sheep creek, last week, visiting friends in the valley. The dance at-Eugene Wohlheter's a' well attended, all present report a good time. Mr. Mike Jordan vjsited at the M. A. Baijnau home last Sunday Luiis Wohttieter Sundayed at J. W, Muliier. B'efKCd is tha ninory of an old f,it.b ioned mother. It floats o'oer nearlv all. tfW ll I ttti i in blossoms. The music of other voices may be lost, nut the entrancing memory of hers will echo in our hearts forever. Other faces will be forgotten, but hers will shine, until the light from heaven's portals glorify our ow n. When in the (ilful pauses of busy life our feet wander buck to tho old homustea l, and crossing the well worn threshold, stand once more in the quaint low room, so hallow ed by her presence, how the feeling ol childish days come over us. How many when the tempter lured us on, has the memoey f iIkmm saerd liours. and mother's words, her faitii nnd prayers, saved us from plunging into tho deep abyss of sin. -Our childhood scrap book. The TMlgUm of Christ Tlie great French savant ' and skeptic, Littre, when bis daughter was born, said to his wife: "My dear, you are d good Christian, bring up your daughter, in the ways of religion fnd piety which you have al ways followed; but I must exact one condition, and that is that when she is fifteen years of age you will bring Iter to me, I will then explain my views to her and she can choose for herself." The mother accepted the condition. Years rolled on, the Ufteenth hi rid ay of tlie child wn came' and the mutner in tertsl t,r h unhand' study. "Yuu remember what you said to me, and what I promised,'' sh auid, "Your daughter is fifteen years old today, She is now ready to listen to you with all tlie respect and coniideaoe due to the best of fathers. Shall f bring her im" "Why, Certainly." replied L'tire. "But for what specie! reason? To e piaifl to her mf views Oh, no, my dear no, ao! You have made of tier a pood affectionate, simple, straight forward bright, end Iwppy . irva'are. HapptT Yes; that ie the word which, ia a pare Mag. describes every virtue. And jou K.y thet lo.-Jvov,raltli nees and owrHy wilh my uVm-r . pair :Wt my Ijaaiw gv4 rwwgii for atat hMii..tri'-tbf uM be fpwd f -ffcert X:he ' I it Ue mt.i" HUNTERS AND SHIPPERS PERRY. BAUER & EfJKIS, STATIONARY. : i J. E. PHINNEY, Proprietor. g o "I have used C hamljerlnirs Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea-Remedy and find it to be a great, medicine," says Mr. E. S. Phipps, of Poteau, Ark. "It curtd me of bloody flu x. , I cannot speuk too highly of it" This remedy always xvlns the gooj opinion, if not prmw. of those who use it. Tho rjuick cures whi(-h it effects even in the most severe cases make it a favorite everywhere. For Kile by I)-.. J. E, PuiKSEY, Editor sees Wonders. Tailor W V. Barry or Lexington, Tetm.. in exploring mninmotli cav cou t meted a severe, case of Pil-s. Ills quick cure through using Bucklen's Arnica Sslve convinced hint it is another worlds wonder, (.'urs Piles. Injujies, Inflamntion an-i all B'Klily Eruptions. 9nly 2W"at J. E. FinjiNEY's. work? BWng her in so that I can bless hr, and you in her pre ence for Ml ihnt you have done for her, and so that she mav love you more than ever." There it something so divine about a Christ.ittnity incarnated into a human life that it can not Iw denied or gain yid. National Rural. A Pleasant Surprise. A pleasant surprise was tendered the Royal Neighbors, by tho members of the MtKlern Woodmen's lodge, on last Fri day evening. A bnuntiful spread was enjoyed bv all and everything was under the immediate supervision of the Camp's most ex:rien-ed "cheffV' who know just how to do thiiiiis to a turn. When all thiugs were in tsidin'jsi for the feal they reiwii-ed in a biiy to their sister lodge room, who were in secret conclave at the time, and agreeably surpris them, by inviting and escorting them to the court bouse, to enjoy an oyster sup per and sjwmd an hour or two as 'their guests, the ladies all declared, that rare ly, if ever did they e'yy themselves, as on last Friday evening, and they hope thfl Woodmen will note the fact, aud invite thaiu soon again. l(s to (lio People.- Less ihan a ytEr rernEins in wbtco gather facts, and information that will infiuence your vote for,.Uie next a-fsitfcnt cf the Ur.iteU Sutcs. Tu-it grievous w.-csrjs have been cominitteu, j.nd grave errors allowed ," cxi;:t wiiho'Jt ctfort'at correction, is '. vi Jjcccd Iy tl: speech, writings, and ;;iin;caw cf eminent latesmen and j.;n-; cosortssmea r.r.d kzding men 4" lysine.; profecsors and clergymen in every stite. Pin cfj&liAtlfins have been ignored in tin:-outcry against tl.r-.saug aside !c -i i.'V-jrr.ard.s cf our fcthers anu .2. vy. !.l!-tr.e!i into the aJ.irs of Europe. ".'. tita-i'O'i is a deplorjL'e ere if : al-;rr:;:r,f;,as is also our doxestic doniiaitcd by granite Trusts. . Tlie evils cr-j not of spentaneous fji-owtfi 1 They sre the result of ycara ' f l.ibor end expenditure of millionj i" ri'ilLira! Ecfjnninj widi the dis- v,-ii'.'..'.iei.r: rf American cilvcr for I'-V1'-" cold, the cunning of Eng i.n.1'3 ilijilun-.acy in thaplng tlie dc ii of our E.epuMc is spparcnt tc 3 ordinary observer scclucg tbf . i-e inv.njficsa cf events. T!ie Cincinnati Enquirer ha fre 'i'ltntly called attention to -each and a ery move as it vat trannpirissg, and 1irinj rhe campaign cf jooo wiiJ p eser.t i'.s re.iders wuh a truthful ;u ay cf Gets tUt will be extremely in' "resting aod startling. ilo American, be he Pa mbi'can, Democrat or tf other nolticil fpth, can afTord at :h critical timj to ignore the truth. - Parrisad prejudice, with the TniHtt as dictators, u a fr more degrading Klnvcry than that which existed previous to the Civil War of '61-64. Trauj f:i the United States alone have a represenf.ttive capital renter tha.i all ttw o!.I and silver in Ihc world, Thc:e tvi!) tpend many rnore millions of dollars to sttppreu truth and facts and mitlcad oil who fail to '.ooli bevond their , plausible dep oont. xetui the Iuiqurrcr ana you will be able ta dijeem the truth n. liiPl-JtW4bat falsehood A victory , fat Trmts r.nd HwVitKMev Admmt. tfrHci la M .wf.l nd ihc ' era i jritert ryxi tt jn-rtti-st let. . Wii drifu!' fha . , c:;..",-!'.!, Si-' 7 , i "l r . - , ft h i Sociztiss. Vt. R. Warriw, Pastor Jt, E.Cbflrch. HAKKISOV - X FXK ASU A. . I'reacMng every Ntimlsy evrnlng nt p. to., ami every slternatp Kuudsy at 1 1 a- m ' fimidnv Vliwd 10 or lurk s. m. fjiiM.rtU Leapu" 6 :30 p. in. ; Prayer Xeetln? Tfctmday evening at 1 :80 Conie oaf, tmue all AutAliarp Soto Sunday evening at the HP 'hurcli !.wujuj i lju xmom. Proffessional Cards. J. E. PH1NXFV. M. I). . I'livlMlan mid Knrpeon. Alt chIIh (fivei) prouipt ittioution. tuRce in liruif store. -HAKUIMOS .CBIIASKA. .GRANT GUTHRIE. Attornay-at-Law. Prompt attention given to all legal matters in Justice, County and District Courts, and before the United States Land Office. Fire Insurance written in reliabh 3ornpanies. JlLegal ptipers carefully drawn. HAismso.v. - Nebhaska. M. J. O'Coimoi!, - - Co. AtUrnej , -;e . Will Prartlro iu All (Courts. Special Attention (iiren to Land ON iltv Business. , I'ulliuUous snd all business entrust ed lo me wi 1 1 receive pi'ouipt attctitloii. iiAimwo.s - Niu(ssh., Michael Ruffing, flt'NTV si;ivevor. -o I am prepared to do all kinds of Civil KiiKiiiccrliiif wurk. fc When in need of tho Surveyors Services, give me a call its I have a full and com plete outfit, together with exeriens to do the work with neatness and dispatch. ADDHKSS, MICHAEL RUFFING, HARRtSOM, - -. - - NEBRASKA. Village Blaclni'.th saved his lltlhs KOIllllfc. Mr. II. II Black, the well known vill age black smith at Grahamsvilb, Sufti van Co. N. Y., says: "Our little son, five years old has always been 'subject tt croup and so bad have the attacks bwx that we have fwared many times that he would die. We have h.t I tit d'tctor and used many medicines, out Ctwim'wr ain's Cough R.iuiejy is now our fli ru lliance. . It seems to dissolve the tough mucos and by giving frej')ent 6o-i when tho croupy symptoms appear we have found lhat rtfdrtaded croup is cured before it gets settled," Thire is no danger in giving this remedy for it, contains no opium or other irjurius drug and may m givenscoofidenily ton tH as to an adult- For sale by Dn. J. H. FiO.'il-V. Wheo you feel that life is hardly . 1. . 1 . . ji. i berluio's stomach and liver Tablets. They will cleanse your stomach tone up your liver and regulate your bowel making you feel like a new man. Fir sale by Lb, 3. E. PlU.NXKY. To remove a troublesome corn or bun ion: First soak the corn or bunion in warm water to soften it. then pare it down as closely ns possible without drawing blood and apply Chamberlains Pain Balm twice daily; rubbing vigoi ously for five minutes at each applica tion. A corn plaster should be worn for a few days to protaet it from the shoo. Asa general liniment for sprains, bru ises lameness and rheumatism, Pain Balm is uneqoalsU. For sale by Dr. J. E. IIiiskey. Msdn Young raln. "One of Dr. King's new Life Pills each night for two weeks has put me in my 'teens' again" writes D. If. Turner of Dempsey town, Pa. There the best ii tlie world for liver. Stomach and bow els Purely vegetable. Never gripe. Only 2 k! at J. E. Phuixey-r Drug atora. Many people worry becausa they I e lieve they have heiirt diseam. TI chances are tha llieir hearts are all right but their stomachs are unable to digest food. Kodel Dyspepsia Cure digest what you eat and prevents the formation of gas which makes the stomach press ag ainst the heart. It will cure every form os indigestion. Kold br J. E. PmXVKY. eA-fe rN isi eti 50c Tr'ls-'lri'r.rUrfss?.SndcSnd ra Wilis n 1 j-iili.U arai.t.ful .fei. Una b eir s l . O. II. to.i-tWeTit.iLi!'S- lt:M lilt a tn.f sarewat'i'ivq to 1 ret -sr u, ieu'"ein rri I ,'rr.. i-re,isifcewl'"J v larPi i4 " eea -f s malar Mlete- ae. e3tNT -Q r -.IS 4 -n vr-ewunwi i H-e eel sre esv -e r 1 - 9 f ,