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About Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 8, 1900)
1? ? Press J Harr OURNAL vol. xm IHI-IRIRXSOISJ-, 2STIUEE,SIC, THURSDAY, 7JOV 8, 1SOO ISO. 19. Cnr aiotlo-.-'NO QUESTION IS EVER SETTLED UNTIL IT IS SETTLED RIGHT."--fon. William J. Bryan. ISON HARRISON PRESS-JOURNAL. "35F.STAJ'r.TSTIFP 188V?r l Subscription Prieo Per Yrnr ?1 .00. Official Paper of sioutc County. Gko. D. Canon, - Editor. Entkiu.d at the IIawuson l'(r 0fsck is Second Claps Matter. J- .'JJ1 -?-?!'-! .V I1 XX 1 i'!.l' ' ... u ' i.i.wh. .n j J . ip DeWitts Witch Hazel naive will quick ly tlie worst burns aud scalds and not leave a scar. It can be applied to cuts and raw surfaces with prompt and soot hing effect. Use it for piles and sUin di seases. Beware of worthless counter feit. For Sale at J. E. Phixneyh.' R STARVE The hall of fame for (Treat Americans which has been given to New York Uni versity mwl concerning which so much misinformation lia-t got into the news paper press, is the subject of an authori tative article hy Ch incellor MnrOnukeo in the November Umvhw of Heviews. The v. hole k'Iiiiib of selection of randi dittes for this Arueircan Valhalla is des cribed in this article, a careful reading of whii-h should remove many ni'wou cejitioim. Portraits are presented of all the 20 famous Americans chosen on Oc tober 1(M3 for commemoration in the hall of fame, and a view of the edidice itself is K'ven. There is no pleasure in life if ynodread f,'0in to the table to eat and can't rest at night on account of indigestion.' Hen ry Williams, of Booneville, Ind., says he n!fercd that way for years, till he com 4uenced the use of Kodol Ihspepsia Cure und ndds,"Now I can eat anything I like .and all 1 want and sleep soundly every flight." Kodol Dyspepsia 0nr will di irest what you eat. Bold by J. E. PlUNNEY For llepresentatlve. Special dispatch from Chadron gives Hon. Chas. F. Coffee for representative of this 53rd disti ict a majority in the following counties: Dawes 200 Sheridan . 150 Sioux 113 Box Butte 50 513 in sc. t:w;?r tw deceive! By well-worded flea. Pca-J Urn (rum. It Bill pay ru Qmzy.. f It? E I ts:at is the alternative. TO-TA Y thlt inomoiit yon are tln roMmd of tfl l v . a)-n. How Uiueh f Not lefts than 11,090 paw. uu il Low I Co oo know wliy I Head Formerly NEW OCCASIONS. TJmj Best 5 Only FwfcrruM3gazinu X One Dollar a Tear In L;. World, i ft cents a number. XI mnt My Eight Mape. rt.., ( O. rihw, Fonndfr of the Arena. LDITon' xrre4Vk IT. AtUttn, Ed. Hew OcculoM. fif Timr t!ie frlpiw fiwotrnfeot the Ikitiatitk mm ' r.vTiPRHt vm. Majority llUJe, Fclantitlo UoTernment buueUtry i-efoiut and Plidcei aad Culture. 4 moutj hundred of brttUatU writer whm i- . wAbiriu cotLtriuQu to it poffe ar Prof. Klht d T. Ety. Swnfttor Till mm. Herbert K. CasROti. Francee E. WlllarJ. rre, Georfre A. Mate. Mary A. Livcrmore, A,hy Morton Uiax. John P. AHfreld. Helen CaeipbeU, Bmatcr PulUgrrew. Trnt. FVonlr Paraoua, li'-nry l. L)"yd. H'r.ator riutlcr. lvrci Pomeroy. i.Hitcfe Waiter Ciark. liiiirrrto v. Ve'tm, juv. n. s. nuicree. Ulllitn Whiting. A. U. LcwU. PECTAL Tt TOW lestf IB two cent rtaaoi and re enlve VAE NEW TIME three aonthi &a4 PRtHIDENf Jf d:t aallTH. tht fltory of a Feaxafal Rrvolution, by Frrdzrick 0. Utu, ui illortrsted booit of 220 peg! && idea oa rtry pg. WWe to-day. Ctarlcs B. Kerr Compaay, Puiiishers n A FKih Avenue. CKICA0O. A proud and overbearing woman once Rsl.ed Spnrgeon if ho really believed that kImj and her servant would occupy the snme si.hir in heaven. "Not unless there is a irrfat change in you, madam wan the groat divine's prompt and prop- r npiy. No matter what the result lias been in Nebraska. We have made a hard and honorable fight in Sioux county, and won out on every candidate on our tick et from Bryan down, except Co, Attor ney. Many peopje worry heca use they be lieve they have heart disease. The chancos are tha their heart are all right hut their stomachs are unable to digest food. Kodl Dyspepsia Cure digest what you eat and prevents the formation of gas which makes the stomach press ag ainst the heart. It will cure every form os indication. Bold bv J. E. PniSNEY, The Chinese punish offenders by cut- ing off th.-ir queues just above the col lar button. MCKINLEY &R00SEVELT " " M ELECTED. ItfiNBIIBi tlocay, nervo package orotic Now that the year is drawing to a close and more especially as the holidays are at hand, when almost everyone lias at least one gift to bestow, what is more appropriate than good reading matter, in the perusal of which you become fa milar with current events, ns well as the writings of famous authors. It is in the. YOUTH'S COMPANION only, you will find the most unique magazine and highly illustrated Journal combined. Young pieople and scholastics should be come subscribers of this bright educator. Address The YOUTH'S COMPANION. Boston, Mass. You can't afford to risk your life bv allowing a couch or cold to develop into , .njsnmoniu orconsuniption. One Minute ; nigh '.lure cures throat and lung trou 1 ! quicker than any other preparation (wn, Many doctors, use it as a speci fic for grippe. It is an infallible remedy tor croup. Children like it and mothers endorse it. Sold by J. E. Phlvney. THE Davis M.Co- ill ssb3k, iiilii 1A I 1' H HIU imim HARRISON, NEBRASKA ! Bank.- DIBECTOBS. C. F. Coffee, President. F. W.Clabke, Cashier, Chas. C. Jameson. H. S. Clarke. A. McGinlet, Stockmen having use for a bank at this point may rely on us to handle their entire Banking busines. KftWtj are prepared to take care of our trade at all times STOC'K BKANDS. Tne JouitifAL wilt publiHh your brand, like the following, for f.l -M, per year. Kach ad ditional brin d lit cents. jivery raruier or ranchmen In Sioux' and adjoining counties hould advertise their brands in TdkJoUR kaluh It circulates all over the state. It may be the means of uaving money for yeu eatment for weakno9 BD3 tlucay, nervous debility and inat vHhiiit rr-r.t; free for 11 cts. oogtaKe. aa. wakd inst. 120 1. 9'i sl st. lodis. ea WAT FOIvK Steduend l' to poundi per mooth. Wo itartiog. no lncjnvfciitctit ro bid reuil9t no nDrni diiiB. h rntmwt iwrftrlly harmlw end trictlr coafic doutiL Question ill ntt hiH H''k (tm. C'ftll or "te. Drop Cabinet Liberty $22.89 Sterling 29.85 Crescent 18.45 WARRANTED FOR 10 YEARS Boy Direct end Sara the Aftent' Commission. If Machine is not as represented a t.r. will rpfund the nioncv. Or i. o. I)., with orivilcco cl 0 1SI receipt oi S.UU. vm or i.a.ui. The most Handsome, Light-Kunninj; Noi?e kss Machine, adapted to ell kinds of v.'ori. SeK-thrcadins cylinder shuttle, double ied. automatic tension release Strictly up-to-date in every way. The be3t and most durable line Ct attachments, and made by one of the oldest and largest sewitg machine Co's in the world. Deal with a first-class house and get first-class goods. Send stamp lor our special SewiBg Ma Ctine Catalogue, which tells you (ill about it. and .iow we send a Diacliine on JdULh. The Davis Machine Co.; Giiicaco. after S0i!ajs I r we vill ship I sjb' trial, on l FRASK NUTTO. On left side of cattle and on lef shoulder ot horsed. Range on Antelope creek . (J., GUilchrlst, Sioux Co., Neb. 300 REWARD. For the arrest and conviction of any rtr or parties stealing or disfiguring; any brand on stock belonging to the undersigned par ties: DAVID COLVILLB. Horses branded 'itn; on righ shoulder or IMS branded iX on right Jaw Also, I havo 4 Horses branded 6i4 on left thigh Post Ofllcu Address, HarrUon. Sioux Co.. Kebraka, THE HOSPB PIANO. Unequalled in Stvli on Disian of r.Aee. - - j"-. ' According to the claims of the Republican national committee McKinley & Uiosvelt, were elected as president and vice president respectively, Tuasday last for the next four years. Consolation in Defeat. While Democracy has beon defeated in tho nation yet, in defeat we have n-reat consolation over tha election of our state ticket, md sicially (iov.Poynlers r.h:tion and. comine on down to our representative and county ticket it is joy and crladness to our waiting souls. It shows conclusively that our people insdo no mistake this time In the nomination of Hon. Chas. F. Ooffee to represent this 53rd district in tha legislature down at Lincoln the comine winter. As for County Sheriff and commissioner in the 2nd District, no better men rould have been out up for their respective offices than Alex. Lowrey and L. C. "Lewis. Tnev are all clean, und honorable men and reflect credit upon the wise judgement of the voters. The World-Herald, throueh the state and national committies, conc-e;ls Mc Kinlev A Raoaayelt's election for president, hence we Uke it for granted as bein ni. llowaver. while w are sorry the common peoples friend and c hampion was defeated, we are as confident as ever the principles of Democracy as advocated '... n ui. pumn in riirhr. and in fnvnr of tha ixoules interests. No Uf . . . . matter what the president' foreign policy may be. HON. L. C. LEWIS WINS OUT IN 2nd COMMISSIONERS DIST. Following is tho vote for L. C. Law.s, and Nals, Egnbret for Cornmissioner io 2nd District. Andrews Cotton wotwl Hiigur Ionf Wbita Hiver I C. Lewis, Precinct, 7 28 10 20 Kels Eucbret, Andrew Cotton wood fingar Loaf Whi la Iliver Tolul Precinct, 71 1H 8 13 V:.'- : m . i f-,1 ''V '.! ... ' '. y-.-'.i -t -l t ".'J v: im in fumtoh tha Bs Blaoo i, . sad so svll U at Uk loweactsiMilMa 'Pll'eiwHptton of ei:r atyto R ' CnWnal 7 i-8 (Vtnvi-. I rniM.) i-. rfiifnr P.-. r Vol i lr. ii:i.i.., ISmaMd u4 Orn. pi'-4 J-,.-, f.-l 1 F'.i;.' w1 it ,K. :1..',1-S"ad T71nn ' V ' ci 'Brvrt !'-1" t iwu.ii V.ii-iu '. . (; rV.IUs ' p.,..,- 'ivrf Licit e-jiit.hi--nk r,Ml J.'.,; ...- , f .t-.'. r' -H.'i -l . .t' , 1 -1 v.. trt.ti 1 i- .V1.....J- ..w-r. V!"' ..i:-.",i"- hi' Wit .'! I'.'aiJai. Wit- fur t'cl um H'd J'r'w. J.A, liQSPE, Crnaha, Reb. .. OFF1C1C8: 1518 DoniilM Street I I VAOTORT: 1614 Iiard Street. w W UH fr W tuai', f.'-ttjSl s-UL ; ''ry 'iif t'il ' yr.r, .c ' 'I' t- K-W..T INTtwe-Tiit A mult n.m-t u-ul nT wonfH ly piyi.'iti- will .-ti'-j .. of aplui-did uUim. f jruur Uo-oo. A Dronil tJMtw winwIuliK ialRl ' prU- and full deicrlpil'.u of Mtr eJiJ payment piau irw uiiuu . ir ) VAOTOBT: 1614 Iiard Street. L W Celbrto Our 25tlt iJnM AnnivcrMry October 23. 1S09. THE " NECESSARY " MAGAZINE , The beit-lnfonned men ami women In the world use the AMERICAN MONTHLY REVIEW OF REVIEWS to keep well informed, end Mil It the " neceiMry " and " lndlepenuble " nugAiine. In tbe busy rush of to-day ambitiou men and womea matt know about the important queetlone of the month, and not onlT tiif , thef want to know about them at the riiht time. When the whole country it pnnled otm the firaitlc combination of trueta, a wall-Informed artioU it printed in the AMCRICAH MONTHLT, firing the facta, and itt editor Ciacuiiet the theory ; when the Dreyf ut affair la ta tferyone'a month, the belt ttory of Dreyfut and the great cate comae ot In thia magailne. Irery month, in " The Propota of the WoiM," Dr. Albert Shaw firee a comprehenaira picture of tha world'! fcUtory during the pre iout thirty dayt. In the department, the TalMble rticlee aid booka that have beta publithtd during the pait mouth are reriewed and quoted from, to that the raadera of the AKEEICAH MONTHLY can get the gist of them. In every iitua nearly a hundred picture are printed, including the portrait of tha man and womea who are making tha hietory of the month. , . , To be thoroughly weU intona atlpt any man er womu In hit or her work. A eubterlption to tha AJlitRICAIf MOKTHtY MVW OF REVIEWS repreeentt an inrtttment for the beet kind of prolt, at well at entertainment. One eubecriber hat Jutt written s "Count ma a life eubecriber, and when you aaad ma number beyond tha limit of my tubtcrlption and aecure no renewal from me, conaidtr It aouca of my death.'' Price 15 centi per number, 8a. to a year. ' A aample copy will be seat oa receipt of tea centt la etampt. THE REVIEW OP REVIEWS COUPAHr 13 Aitor Place York CUAKLES BIEIILK. On left side or liip of cattle, j On left shoulder of horses. I r- crenk Address Harrison, Sioux Co. Neb Frank O. Lewis. Cuttle Branded FZ7K1 on left side and Horses lirarided FrTj! I on left shoulder Ituuge on head of White River. T. O. Address, Harrison, Se'o, JOHN A. HANSON Owns the follow- lnsbrand on eith er: Also on cat tle and horse1 cattle on inftside fmrstis ou left shoulder, Ranite on Silver SprlnRS and east of stata I ne. 1'oswfBce 1 arrtson Nob CnAKLF.S XEWMAN. Tha brand represented In this notice and branded an; where on left aide of eattle, and over lap eut from tho right ear. Also the aamo brand on left thigh of horses, belongs to the undersigned. nge near East Springs, south part fo county. Charles Newman, Harrison, Nebraska. mm J.S. TUCKER. Branded on left shoulder ot horses and on left side of cattle. Range on White Itiver, near Glen r. O. Address, t;tcn, aem-asca. DEEP CKEEK LIVE STOCK Co. 1 Branded on left hip of Cattle and on left cheek of Horses, Range on Deep Creek. Address, Ucep Crek Live Stock Co,. CEl'HAS lio s, Supt., Oleu, Nebraska. F. K. JANDT. Brands 60. 117, or j on left hip "3 on lef t hip of Cattle. Sioux County, Nebraska. on left Jaw, Tost Office, Hewitt, JOHN T. SNOW. Horses branded Ea-vj on left shottl " dap branded on, left shoulder of I Cattle and FIX on left tide. . Post Office Address, Patrick, Laramie Co, Wyo. J. B. PARKER. Horses branded on left shoulder M Cattle same. on left I-hip. Sheep banidedtOl on back or I back of Shep. Itange oh Soldier Creek and White River. Address, Ft. Hoblnaoa, Ncbruka. . flOO Reward. For proaf to convict any person of eteal. lna;, altering, running off, or in any damaging9 stock branded side or hip, right Address,'JAMES Force, , Harrison, Neb. A. T. 1IUGIISOX. Urini ccmtl tl0I1.ti",'''',"-o', trt; vfn of cattle. Horses samelBia Mn right shoulder. nSI I III ICut out right II I ear cattle. , Cattle all dehorned. Range oa Kyle Creek, Post Office, Glen Nebraska. GEORGE 8WANSON. on left side on left shou Cattle brandee Horses branded lder, range on Soldier Creek. Any stock branded as above being estray- ed from my rango, discovered by any body on giving me Information will ba rewarded. Address, Ft. Robinson, Nebraska. Bravo Explorers. Like Stanley and Livingstone found it harder to overcome Malaria, Fever and Airue. and TvDhoid disease terms than sivage cannibals; but thousands have found that Electric bitters is a wonder- cure for all malarial disseases. If you have chills with fever, aches in back of neck and head, and tired, worn out feel ing a trial will convince you of their merit. W. A. Null of Webb III., writes: "My children suffered for more than a year with chills and fever; then two bottles of Electric bitters cured them," Only 60 cents. Try them. Guaranteed. Sold by Dr. J. E. Phjnnky, Druggist. ROBERT F. NEECE. Cottle Branded fern mmi on left Ride. Range on Water. Running . o. Address Agate, Nebraska, IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF 8IOCX OCT KIT NEBRASKA. Patrick Lacy, plaintiff vs (Notice to Non-Resident defendant.) Uaggio Lacy, defendant To Magiri Lacy non-reeldentdofnndant; You will take notice that on tha 24tli day of Octotier, HMO, Patrick Lacy, plaintiff, filed his petition In the district Court of Sioux County, Nebraska, the object and pruyer of which petition, Is to obt iln an nlwolnte di vorce of the bonds of matrimony existing between you and the sold plaintiff. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 3rd day of December IIW0. Patrick Lacy, plaintiff. Grant Guthrie, Attorney for plaintiff. Dyspepsia Curo Diaests what you eat It artificially d IgesU the food and aldfl Nature In etrenutbenlng and recon tructing the exhausted dlgaattve or gaoi. it lathe latest dtacoTereddlgMt ant and tonic. No other preparaUon can approach it In efficiency. It in itantly roll vet and permanently eurea Tiranamia. Indlsettion. Heartburn. Flatulence, Soar Stomach, Nauaea. Sick Headache, Oastralgla,Crampaand all other reunite of Imperfect dlgettlon. Price Mc. and l. UrpetMOMtejMaMtoet) MtU Ee. Book tAlaooutdrtpepeltiaellaBirae In Tho County Court of Sioux County, Nebraska. IN THE M ATT F. ft OF THE ESTATK OF FRASZ P. MUELLER, DECEASED. Now on the 46th' day of October, A. D. ltd), ciuno Frank J. Mueller, the executor of CM last will and testament of Fran V. Kmrfier and prays for leave to render an accoi.ut as such executor. It la therefore ordered that the Uth, day of NovemlMir. 1WX). at ane o'clock p. m. at iny office in Harrison, Nebraska, be flwxl e tha time and place for examining an nllowliul sneh account. And the helm of eald deceaa ed and nil persona interested In eald eatato ara rnnntrel to annoar at the time ana puwa designated, and show cane If eneh exlet why aald aooonnt should not ne aitowwi. 1 further ordered that aald Frank. J. MUllei executor, five notice to all person Interest ¬ ed In eald eatiit by earning a copy oi order to be pnbllshed In the Harrison Pacas journal, a newspaper printed nod oC fane ral circulation In eald county, for Urea weeks prior to the day net fo aald baarinf . Dated October, e, 1N0, . ( Coaiutr Jndy 7? 'I 'I i ''i It. i-wafesjjsl if 1 1 v4 'f 5 1 i iff. f . 'r'.t ; i i ,,y v - ' ;'.'t; ,fVJ 1 --sr ToUl 67 t ' i . i f- .;V'"'-vv'-r'-' 4, , :. Praeered y g. C Of WITT e. ChiiiM.