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About Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 9, 1900)
i a ) ! Harrison OURNAL. 1 j ll VOIl-XIII. HARRISONPRESS-JOURNAL. , O Subscription Price Prr Year $1.00. Official Paper of Sioux County. Uk?- D." Canon", .. - Editor, or -quo- no cues nor, ,3 ever settled until it ,S settled hmmt ,..,L r.. 9' 9QO. Thorny ' Jf rewon and (AndW J ad, Wro 3Wra,lrs of ,us 'Dw IaifttWn cf ZmltpaaifeiK" and "CotwUtntlon" of the FhHmC Male of Amerln.' 0 CJOW3ooWtow) THE PIONEER PHARMACY: Drusjs, Dru gists Sundries, Paints. Oils, Varnishes, BOOlcS and STATIONARY, r J- E. PHINNEY, Proprietor, HARRISON, NEBRASKA. BIBECTOBS. P. Coffee, Preeideat ( F, W.Clabk, Cashier. Chas. C. Jameson. . H. anii. a ... ' A'iCVjrlA'LEY, XATIONAI. TICKET, 'r Pr-Wicnt: WILLIAM J. RKY.lN,LiDco!, Neb, C-"or Vine lread, " , A. E, OTKV ON. Ploomiitgton, III. tVor l'ri-dot!nl Klrefcnrs! FRANK T. RAJiHOVf, Silver Repub. ):0r. CBKIirrLDEK, feroorrat I N. v. E'ir, - VXIESHUGLX ' VOflN 11. FELISERT. Populist M'lLLI AH 11. GARRET, v. . SWAN, PETE!! EIJBESON, ! FKjiIOX STATE T1CXKT. For (lovernw: " WILLIAM A. POYNTSu..p0pulit. l or Lieut. Oircnior; E. A. GILBERT,. .Free Silver Kopnb. P.iri-e'y Hirsute: C. V.,!a Populist Tar Stabs Treairarer: 8. K. HOWARD,...' ForMat Auditor: Thwdore; Ure. " T-ir Atmrney Onerui: r W. U. OLUllA.Nf IWocrat Klflwil'f rilh. I,t B.! . J. CAREY ..Populist fr vr Hiipt. l'D, 'ritriit'ti!ia: r'. CEi K... Xur ruiiitriiw, ilt ltutrlrt; WILLIAM II, NEVILLE...... I.r.( J 1 8 LATI V K Tl CK ET, fnr li ir. iiitlr, tertl HUtrict; CU AKLKi E. i;,ocrmt SriiHUir MtLi1irlot: W. U MAY W AMD PopulUt. The repnWif-n vi presidrntisl enndi )aM is a tax JoJ-cr, and bewdes he now proi-lhin, to I lie world that nil Dcmo eratk'ttoMitra do maur what rank titfry fill in tins army, tbey nre cringine coward, wither at borne or abroad thu Owi rjl, Lju toi:, Wheeler Milen, and uuailw tberK, who have ihki uwir nvi ,i. n ror Uiir country f,d the f!nbve l.-n cringiny coward. Stanie on luch a vanrtiikte x :fr, Rvi velt, willmut iloubt. ho wifi nevr be permitua to nit to tbe ico preKirientu cnair. At ny rate a tsi dotlr tiould iiewr be ruside cue vf t!, imtioii's L'lhl.t. The A.lir.iniHtrM Mom ii,rouirh the cute iplomai'y u( Hm ,SfTirl:rv of Mtitte, John J 12,1V UiadiKINHtoill uf 2, OliO i:i ra mi of AI:i!(kiUi lerriforr to Hid British eov cinmei.t, H Uik a if Sir Julian Port '' llie la-ad n'uii i piiifHitfent Mc trr.. i i , . . iuuij mnnn, n w ill not ik loni' the wy it I Hik. notvtiiii.ii V.hs United Stale will ha a.l,ll iu the colonel pon no tion of Etifflao.l, nvr a 4 4-1.'.. . i . , Ul 1.111.1 IMIITir TTtiV Tdhr rt. Stoclanen h.avino- nsm w us to handle their entire. Bankinc bnirp? nre prgpanvl to take cara of onr trade n,f nil i i ii 1. 1 1 wiiii-h. , ""T: 'iv'tifj . JtUclic1 Win IlaUIe. Twenty-nine olliceM and men wrote from the Front to my that for mxatohr Bruiwii, Cuts, woundit, Sure Fret and huff Jointu, UiiPklen Arnica Sulve in the best in the world. &une for burns, Skin Eruption and Pilau, 25 cl, a. box. Cure fciiaranlesd. Sold by Dit J. E. PHiXNZY, druggist. To hIiow our reader tlmt Hon. William J. Bryan, the candidate of ihe peo. ile. ami who muiuIh for I lie "Declaration of Independence;" the Constitution ol le United Stale, ami a American Republic, founded upon tboxe principles ia ilniMiiii; proiiiiiient public men. nalioiml, a well ;n locally, we give a ft tiHue i'flbe ii. it-l 1 1 ii ii (it 1 1 ii i d (lu- i fL lit l uu-, ciirir.ilie cuipitn, lour tiir Hvo! (ieiil i. n Uendi-rM)ii, ex-U, S, aenntor, Repub. I'o. J. 8. Fowler, t-xneojtur, " Tfnn, Seiwitor VVilin;;tofi, ;(, V, A, CrofTut, J. A, Habercoiiib, O-inl. William Birney, OA. Cha. Jtue, IL F Keeinan, Cnpt. Put rick CFurrell. ex-Lieu teimnt (ioverr.or Felt, Judge V, I. Houtz, Chan. M. Stafford, Ch. F, lfeicon, E. L Oodkiu, Evlwin F. Walker, Weurter Davi. Jud,' P. A Lou! lo. E. M. OnUny, Jimcph Britiii(,'er, J. Uankiim Ilobaon, tieo M. llillimjtn, Judjje Tbomim. A, Moran, fieinjaod Ziler, J. P. U-,pkin. Uiy. Dr. Sila C, Shallow (a preiilnliiil nominee hiiinwlf,) John DeWnt Warner. (onl. John ii. Beatty, and Palrick Ean.', Tlieii ex-preoident Marrrieon, it itt reported in a special diepatch to IheilMily prune, will likely eufport the tlomociatic ticket. TIiuj, it will be Keen very reuddy that wliere we looee one from tlw Uemocrutio rauke, we tain more Uwn a dozen In their place. me uoove Rtotlemen are more than two thinl of lliera republican wbile tbe rest of them were Palmer & Buckner Deniocmt.i And tiiev are from Waeainj ton, D. 0. Mi-Mouri. New York, Illinoie, Ohio, Ma'yliwid, WaJ other ntaUn, Rev, J)r. Silas Swallow, formerly pro hibition cand.didate for picaiilent,' rciyg; "If we luimtchoode between the can didates of the old parties, I run t gay that X ehou.d eupport tbe mun" (Dryao) wno cling to principle and adheres ro wnat lie believe to tie ri-bt, ratber than tbe man" (McKinlev) "whom the peo,e never know where lo find on any vital iwsiie, who was ngmnst the Jiquor irctlic at one time and for it now; who wan for free oiiver and in now for !;ild; who was a free trader with Pono Kieo and tlieu for a Porto Eico tsrrif f. "Who will puUdpwn the flap?. The president and hi caninet have done so, tiere H waveit i.vnr 2.003 mjuare niilex of territory in Alnoka, and turned over to tb British government United States territory a lurjje a the state of Rhode Ldand, without any conwideration whiit ever, and has bought two aore Mohanj- meiUn inland .tf Hp-iin, ayinjf $100,000 for t bum. Anything that president Mc- Kinly enn do to accomodate the imper ml j.;ovrnmenl of the earth, the rcpub liian adminixt ration wilt do it, but where a people are rijhtin for liberty and In dependence, you can daftly d-end upon the rcfiubbcsin party oppofiing ft. It in unfenilemaiily, to. nay the leat to hear how "IIiiiij:!) ridor Ritonevelt" Mux la hm famoue war record. M'by bleM ni, bow mKuy tboownd of our brave noble goldieru, fought and bled in the ftpamnh war in Cuba, wl;oe bero- imi) if recorded would indeed make "Ted dy appear rough," but not a word of bmvo from them, uo it must all come from the great "I am." He seem to ft'iory in relating io almost every c perch Uo makes bow he met a Hingle insiirtrent and xparel oo time in dispatching: him. what a brave man is Teddy but our Am erican soldier gnts to war with a paople or nation, nob to murder one lone man. T,.. ,i ' . . -iiu uivpatcnH relate that Oover oor RoHevelt has been obiged to conwlt his physician on account of a trouble me sore throat." Tho keynote of liOieveLts pee hs on the trip which ban disabled his throat, was the declara tion that tbe Democrat stand for law . lessness arid dishonor, for "litjciinse and disaster at home and cowardly shrinking from duty abroad" uch barefaced lies made Eooseveits throat sore, yet this man is asking the support of our Fusio n vot ri, Wi ! hire he 1, GERMAN AMEBIC ANS. &eUing Into Line Habcrcorn Jolm Darin In Supporting Bryan. In forms I statement Mr. H, L. Hah rcoro, one of tlx nonet Oer- inan-Anvncens in the United States, who iimnaeMl the Rernnin n-publican vole in lite llrst, uarnaun ainipulini aal who wee until recently In charge of tle Oerman Dureau attached to the republi can national imvI congresiont commit' tteeii, anuounoMi that lie lias left the re j.nhlimn party and will give hi support to the democratic ticket. Mr. tlabvrcora won one of the auditors of the trenaury depurtineiit under Harrieon, and is the ewrootl olfb ial of hifh rank lo make a public declare tio.1 of 111 ir.UPtiene lo support Mr. Wryea. Weboler Davie beiiijf thellret. Mr. lie her com say ne lias beei driven row the repuWtoen party by Imperial - , ism, which ha oHMkler the most xerious itMfinun that tnt thimloMil I ha lifa of tiie repnblic, Coallnumif his eUtatuant t yi! 'I leit Um rauUicaa CMfraMiaaaJ rommittee la Mitv. nnrtW barau I iMwded more time for my private businese Boa ianceiy necatise I wu not In full ai cord with the party, and especially could not delloe and promote iu expaoeioa and iri(,u policies. "A government with imperialism over our possessions cannot long remain a re public at home. At the government con Id not :iv half slave nod half free, so it cannot live half Imperial and half re publican, "TImi republican party now stand for Imperialism, and t already busy culti vating Um spirit of militarism. TIm Democratic party has earnestly, clearly ami forcibly pronounced against Imperi alism with lu resultant evils, ooa stands forth preservation of the republic and tbe constitution." Wlw will be next to proclaim fidelity to principles and love of country par aotft to pviy favor or blgli uonorsf Oail; Wvrld femld. The (icrmaitH IoubIy Strong, . o The Rochester Democrat assert that there is no 'German-American vote." There is a thoroughly American vote by American citizens of Oertuanbirtb and doceut. These citizens know what Imperialism is. They had it in the fath erland and do not want any more of it. They know what "Americanism" Is. They learned it from the declaration of independence, the constitution and the farewell address of Washington, Bo we have a true "German-American' rote. It is anti-imperialist both by reason of Its Qerman experience with im perialism and its American study of the documentary expositions of Americanism. The "German-American" vote is doub ly American. Its knowledgeof militar ism ic Germany make It tbe mora ear nest to bold America te true American ism. A Word to IloowveK, "They stand for lawlesynvsH and disor der, for dishonesty and dishonor, for lic ei and disaster at home arid cowardly shrinking f,oduy adoad." Governor lUxwevelt speikinf about the democrats. Come, coniej Colonel Roosevelt, you don't beleive that. You dont believe it and rs-publicans generally doi.t be'eive it Wha t you beleive and mwuit to nay is that the ix or seven million American citizens ho will vote for Mr. Bryan next rail are law-abiding and, orderly people honest and honorable, favorimr liberty uudet proper restriction, aud gen eral prosperity at home and manlv and unfliiefiiiitf facing of duty abroad but they have what you believe to be a mi- ceneplion of the proper policy of the government. That's what you think, Colonel Ron - volt. Than why not say so? . Mere au-1 ue Is easy. Sometimes it is amusnlug for a time. But it is never convincing aud even when it is clever, it 'entertains only for a little wbile. Ko mud Is im mortal, sriij tbe American public soon Uret, cf a mud throwing campaign. If there are six or seven million per sons in this country who stand for "law IcSMiieM and disorder, dishonesty and dis honor, disaster at home and cowardly shrinking from duty abroad." God help the country. It Is worse cIT than China. But tiifio aren't. Chicago Juurnul (iod. rep.) Li 3 Among the latest converts to rally to tbe support of Bryan and Stevenson is Perry Belmont, brother of 0, II. P. Bel mont of New York city. Four years ago Mr. Belmont was one of tfr. Bryan's most bitter political antagonist. Still there are mote to follow, Chattel Academy. Oiailom Academy minoucpg to its muny frteiiits tlntt a fuJl eo.jia or tfachtirs tins bei-n einri;i for the ensuing m; boot year, hil l) I.Kgius T!5pluy, Scj,t. 4, iiua. The Jfuealty is In-A y J'rin. i,. It. Cter kott.r, A. U., graduate or Ui Geneva IKfc-h Scliw!, trrcts Academy, and Ijosn toilers, wlio litis traveled ejrtiisi.n'iy !nc IiIh graduation, h.ivtng eonipletea a Journey around lUe world, and -rvJ for two yefiv. MSU'i'Kffor .KUh In the g-overnnint Kulu-olti ,f.Jajn. l;ortnjf the List threo years, Mr. Oberkottrr h U-.en assistant prinelpat of Wenptng Water eendemv, imd comos with exet-llent recoinmetiditiOHs ns a ins a and a a teacher. Miss Hlrnelte K. finch, A. T! frradeate of illpor Co'df-irii, wlio hits tiuth here for some years wish marke t ncrcw, wl!l reiiiiiln , preceptress.- Wins finch needs no introduc tion to the fitTidunta and friends of the acad emy, atl of whom no favombly know hr. Mr. rieorgM C. Snow, A. II., who was fn. fiti-d this yew from lone follego and hid ceeskfiil expcrtRroc Ma tosfhor wilt hire Charon of tb5 co:mnrc!I department. Ur. Snow co-ni-s htphty recomniendnt. Miss Habel Dnren, who was edacated nt Abbott Acndoniy and Carloton collie, hfls tflr.ght hpre for some time, nd her mnny friends will be rl'ul'to know that she is to uontlnnn hrr work tn the Academy, " The Cbfiflron aeadetny whooi of rnimie tll rontit'iiH under the e.blo and eelnnt rtlrec t!o of Mrs. Emma K. Price and Vise T!fs. b"th I'rles, who represent also the Tutor ftM afwonliite 'intvernitv of innxh al tn'if.rn cHmi. Hre. frieeend Miss frlee are Ntb accomplished muo'ns and the Instruction Ij not excelled tn Worth west Scbrira. M!s Kvtner Usson, tTmluiite. of the Colnro bin. School of Oratory, wilt elvs Instruction In rhytca! Mitfnreand Klocutlon. Itv tbe executive committee of f bailron Academy. Prevented a Tragerly. STOCK ItKAKIM. TH!.Iormitwil! pnb,ib yonr brand, like t lt followinst, for 91 M, ur vear. Kacli ait dttionsl uruud 75 cent. Jivery Tanner or r:Mi. hiiiHii in Woux und adirilnliig connthM s'nould bttrertlMK their brand in Tee Jack kaliu it eircalnte all over the state.' It m be liie mi-au of avtnff money for you. Timelv information riven trs. Gorrr Iwr, r( NwstMitsvillfl, Ohio, snved two lives. A frightful ennsfh hid looff kept her nwake ery nitrht. She bad tried ninny remedies and doctor but stenr'ily frew worse until ursred to trv Dr. King's New discovery. One bottle wholly cured her; and she writes, this marvelous medicine also Cured Mr. Ijontr of a severe attnek of Pneumonia, fluch curs a-e positive proof of its pow er to cure all throat. chet, and lung troubles. Only 50c nnd $1 00. Guaean tesd. Trial bottles free at J. E. Phis HFT8 Drug store. , Contost XotJeo. CltAHl.ES KIKHtK. i, . ..., . , . . ... ,?2y On let t ebon! icr of tje?. Lis fciy;reeli on the head ol Warbonnet Addresi Harrison, Sleux Co. 3fet I-swis. Branded on left side f Cattle aud on left .boulder of Hors. eu til iHnte itiver. I. O. Address Ilnrrisoa, Keh. r axis c nanite on l; JOHN A. HANSON Owns the follow Innlji'aud cu eith er: Also HQ on cat t:o and horsex cattle en leftside horses on Ivft xnouiuar. Ranie on Silver Sprlnic end east of state Jim. fossoiiico-i-narrlson Neb ; CttASi-ns sewjian, The brand represented tn this notice Wjs? nd branded any where oa left side JPjJgjg of cattlo, aud over-lap eut froia the 'Kn vax. Also tbe same brand on left th!n of hor, belongs to the undersigned. Bange near East prlnK. sentb vsrt fa Blouxeounty. Chaiilis Hiwmav, Barrlson, Kebraska. - FRANK NCTTO. On left side of cattle and an lef shoo liter ot borsee. Range on Antelope creek P.O.,GUiicurist, Sioux Co., Xeb. J.8. TUCKER. Branded on left shoulder ot horse und on left side of cattle. Range on White River, near Glen.. P. O. Address, Clca, Xebraska. According to Monday daily paper, the army of the allied Powers now on their way to Pecking China, to releive the beseiged representatives of their res pective governments, engaged in a bloody fight with the Imperial force on the 4th, resulting In the Ion of 1,200, men, mostly Russian and Japanese troops, tbe dispatches report that probably three or four time that many of the enemy troop were killed. United Land Office. Alliance, Neb, June, K, 1000. A sntfljlont contest affidavit havluffbeen filed in tills ofltce by Clufidia Heater, contes timt, against Homestead entry No. 3114, made May. Kth, latld, for X. H N-E.!4 8-W. M K-E-X and S-W. 8 E. 'i Section SI, Township S2, H. range, 6tl TV. by Hones K. Will Contest, in which It IS alleged tSsat said Hones K. Will hss Jailed entirely to establish hta re- tideuce thereon, or to cultivate any of snld tract, that Snid defects continue ct thednte of this affidavit, further that affiant is la formed and believes that the said entry- man wits not at tue time of making bis up' pllcatJou for said land either tweuty-one years of asro or the head of a family, and that skUI alleged absence from the said land was not due to bis employment In tbe Army, Navy, or Marine Corps ot the United States as a pi ivatn noldier, oftlcur, seaman or uiar Ine.during thu war wlthPputn or daring any other war iu which the United States may be engaged. Said parties are hereby notlited to appear, respond and offer evidence toneh injr said allegation at 10 o'clock a. in. oa Aug nut 20th, 10OU, before Grant Gntbrle, a notary Public, t hi office la Harrison, Kebrassa, and that linal hearing will be held at 10, o'cloc:, a, in. on Augnat 2.1th, lyoo, before the Itoeistcr and Receiver at the United .Stat es Land Offlco in Alliance, Nebraska, The said contestant having in a proper aflldayit, (lied May i5th, 1000, set forth facts which show that after due diligence, personal nor. vies of this notice canuot lie made, it Is here by ordered and directed that such botlco be glvea by due and pi o.ier publication, . f. II. I)oiiJiitrox, Register. DEEP CREEK LI VK STOCK Co. M5Sn tlrAtiilAit an lTt hin if rt Aim I J and oa 1 I cheek ot Horses, icange oa veep creek. Address, Deep Creek Live Stock Co,. OSCAB ClOW, Supt., Glen, Nebraska. $300 EE WAltD. For tbe arrest and conviction of any party or parties stealing or disfiguring any brands ou stock belonging to tbe undersigned par ties: , DAVID COI.VILI4C. Horses branded RM on righ (boulder or Nasi , branded Bfaf on right Jaw. Also, 1 have Horses branded I on left thigh. Post Office Address, Harrison, Sioux Co., Nebraska. o P. E. JANDT, Brands 60, 117, r Hjj n-ieft on left Jsw, fjfi on left hip of Cattle. ... Post Office, Hewitt, Sioux County, Nebraska. -- JOHN T. SNOW. Call fop County Convention. Horses branded jjjj on left shont- der Mfben such distinguished men, a Et paaker Ueed, ex president Harrison, U. H, senator Wellington of Maryland, and 8ilaC, Hwallow. who have been life- long repnblicans and partisan too turn their back upon president McKinlcy It begin to look a if the British, imper lal president, of the United State of Am erica, would he ignoralnously defaatexl for Mm second tarm, Peopla fought, bled ami died during the aarly history. and tha birth of thU notion and Uiay will aot now immit Hark Hanua, who, lo natity hi Um praaMant, by prosy to fell out. Secretary of the navy, John D. Long who was a prominent candidate for vice president at Philadelphia, and Hon. Sen ator Hoar, of Massachusetts, have been Invited to" make stump ueeclxm in Maine and Vermont for the O. O. P, for the tat election which take place tbera in September, but both have courtesly de clined to aasist Mark Uanna in bis effort to sustain and maintain tha administra tion policy in the election of state otllci- als in that state. Tbe republican na- nioaal coniroilta are very much alsrm- d over tha apathy of it public, party BBafl binder In taking tha atutnn for the A delegate convention of the Democratic party of Sioux county, Nebraska is hereby called toneet at tho Court House, in Horri- son, In said comity, Saturday, Sept. 1st lfoo at 1 o'riock p. m. for the purpose of phirlntr In nomination a candidate for the office of Couiitr Attorney, and for the transaction of such otber business as may coino properly before the convention. Tbe representation of the various pre. clnets of said county, 1 based on the rote cast for Hon, iidson Rich, for Brgsnt of tbe State University, at the lat general election of 1SUQ. following are the number ot dele gates apportioned to each precinct. Andrew s.,. .-An tel ope ..1 llowen ...5 Cottonwood ... Hat creek A Montrose. 3 Hiinnlng wate r......l Snaie Creek 1 Sugar l.onf - 3 Warbonnet.....4 Whlsllo creen 1 White Klver it Is recommended that ao proxies be al lowed but that the delegates present east the full vote of the Precinct, and that the primaries be held at the usual lolling places Tuesday, August 27, WOO. Uso t. Casok, John E, Mirstrllir. Chairman Cen. Com. Secretary. Tlutt llirobhlng Headache. Would quickly leava you, if you used Dr. King' New Lifa Pill. Thousands of su Here re have proved their matcbleaa merit for Sick and Narvoua headache They make pur blood and build up your health, Only 29 cant. Money back if not cured. Sold by lHu J, & Druggist- branded on left shoulder of iu Cattle and M I oa left side. Fost Office Address, Patrick, Laramie Co. Wyo. J. B. PABKKR. I Horses branded on 11 if ft shoulder and Cattle same on left lJ hip. nrw Sheep bsmded tOl oa back or I rJr LJ on back of $heep. Range ou Soldier Creak and White Mirer, Address, ft. Bob! neon, Nebraska. Story of a Blare. . To be bound hand and foot for year by tha chains of disc is tha worst form of slavery. Georg D. William of Manchester, Mich., aays: "My wira has been so belplss for Ova yanr that aha could not turn over in bad alooe. After using two bottla of Elactrlo Bit ter aha la wonderfully Improvad and abla to do bar own work." Thlf upra roe remedy for female diaaaaaa quickly curaa nervousness, sleeplanaaa, nMlaii choty, haadacha, backacha, falotiBf and dizzy Hpslls. It ia a tlodaand to wart, sickly, ma down paopl. Cun gr.EM taad. Only OOo. bold by D S, k. PHTKNgY drugsiat. sTAiaf lAsf ssaswae,sesislasi am. 1 4' :4 Ii vj i '.i Ma'" ftrty this fuil, sf.'i i4 t?,.y