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About Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 2, 1900)
-J OURNAL. 'VI VOL. iXZII. 5xJizsonsr, iNTSEKssiA, frz3:xjs,siDA.r, jura- 2, 1900. Our iIi:o---'NO OUnSTICr: I5 EVER SETTLED UNTIL IT IS SETTLED RIGHT."-:. William J. Kryan. 23 O. 5. - JiJL .JJL .Ji. JL S HAR K I SO X PR BSS-J OU R NAL NtiWriptioji Price Ier Year fJl.CO. K-vper of Sioux County. Oko. ). Canon, - Editor. ETM.ED AT TI1K 1aREN.K I'OHT OFHfT. AH SlOND CLAhS MATTER. 21 c.b o o THE PIONEER PHARMACY. t, i? O) o o o o Drills, Drugits Sundries, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, BOOlcS and STATIONARY. J. E. PHtNNEY, Proprietor. it K r EC JTk f 3' 3 k! i 4I HAHRISOW, NE3RA3KA. f-'.r. 'i ClfAS. C. JaXK:V)X. -tg.!t-.,g C. F..C01.TKE, 1DT1PJI: President. ICTOPuS. F. Vr. Clarke, Cashier. Call for Seuutorial (.'nvciitiun. The DtMiiocritlli' electors of tbc Mth Cena loriul dtrict of N'iriiskn, Hre lifrcby exil ed to liitfet lu delut-o convciitiou in th: village of Valeiitiiie, Neb., on the. 4th d:;y of Aui(ut, lyft), ut 10 o'clock u. ni., lor the pur pone of pliudiig Ut nomination a eaudi'itj for the oJUce of Stjtc Senator for hni'i dlct nct, and for thri trunnuctiou of yuch other buslnegb as mny properly come before the convention. The b.u'ia of representation Ki!lh(io!i(, df!lO!;uto at lare and one dele gate for ct'cli JfJ.J votes or major fraction Ihercol cunt J'or iioii. Silas A. Jio!'Oinb for SnprtrjiH yude at the Kencrul election of lS'.'j, which B'iys tha following by counties: l;ox r.utto (i ! Keyni'uha 5 brovn I herry liock ShcrhUm It in recommended th:it no proxies be al lowed but the dc!ej;ulm present cant tiie I nil vote to liich tliii dclenalioii is entitl Pd. M. C'IIiUTiEN, Kokkt (Joou, Soc'y- t'hairiuan. II. S. Clakck, A. ilcClNLKY, Thomas Jefferson and Andrew .Jackson, Were I')pf:n4r of tha "l-'etUriiliou of tMSi-)ru:ifMv'' iind .'i!ihliti:Uua''' of t'.ie l'ii!!t (l fiUiirs of Aiiri."ii. Stocicmen Ijavinf use for a bank at this point may rely on -'Urt to liandlu their entire JIanking buidnep. -:;AVo ar nrepared to l.nkft f-Rro of onr trade at all timest ICATroXAIj TICKET. For I'mldriit :-. VVI1J.IAM J. BHY.VX, Lincoln, Nebraska. lor Vice Preirlen. : AULA I E. HflSVJ3N.SJN, Blooniingt.on, His. 1 of rioidcntinl J'iecljiro- I'.'t.VNlC T. fUNSOM, Silver lmblican, Lkiuzlas, Co. I.OHKUr or.KIU'iLUJCK, Dumocriit ( heyeiine Co. K'N. WKNI) T, " U-ii-iisterCo. .'AilKH IIUC.KH. " O.lfax, Co. .lOIlN 11. I CLKERT, Populist Ctdar, Co. VHJJAM 11. OAUUKr, " I'heli.s. Co. V. (. tUVAN, " Johnson, Co. VfAEi'. E3BKSON, ' Ho ward Co. FUSION- STATE TIClv75T. I'ttr ('ovop.'io;: v:. A. 1'OYNTKR Coone Cf, Neb. Vor 1 ! ulciiMiit f.oK .iior: ""--. K. A. 01LOi:Uf, ....York, Co. lorf-KT iury of State: I.'. V. Svoboila, Howard, Co. Tor 'i re mircr:- !i. II. HOV.'AKIJ, Holt, Co. For Auditor. " Tlie-Kioro Urc-i, CIj.v, Co. for Atto. uev lieneral: W. i). f 'LMlAM, Uuiralo Co. Kort'oui'r fnh. Tnnd.ia liullijixs: 1. J. CAl.EY - - -- Saunders, Co. J or U t, l'ub. lintructUnK. C. V., B! 'K,.... Eiiik, Co. For ' "o'lirrcwniKM lh IX .trirt. WILLIAM II, NEVILLE Cbevenne Co, IF,(; I S L ATI VE If CIC ET. I it Hnprei-finlrtlT, Mrd I?!rict : CHA3LKS F. COM EE.. ." Sioux Co. The slot-km'in of North-west Nebraska will have a r'jpresenttitive in tdo slto k'f,'islat uro down at Uricoin, n;xt wij ter, in the person of lion. Charles F. CofFefl of this count v, who is one of the largest stockmen in tho state. Mr. CoiTuo did not welt the office whit h he has hewn nominated for, and to which i without doubt, he'l be elected Novainher "ith. It is an instanco of the ollicu seek ing tha candidate. I Another star is darloned another foun tain of ge.jtnss and lirlit has pone drv, Mr. fiodkin F.. L. Oodkin lato of the Km -v York Evening post occ'fa tha apostio of riteousns is now utterly lost and self-consigned to perdition. Mr. Oodkin has alluded to "William Mclfin- ley and tho men who surround and act i with him'' as "a set of the most danper- ons si ouudreiy by which any civilized country was beset." Ergo Godkin la an- thema. Away with him! Call for Senatorial Convention. The eelctor of the Peoples' Independent Party of NetjiuHka, lire beirthy culled to meet in delegate convention at Valentine, Neb., on th.i -lib day of August, at 10 o'clock a. in., for the purnose of placing in nomination a c.-indidate ftr the olioe of Stato Senator for wiid dmtrict, and for tiie transaction of auc.U otiur busincfl us limy properly couiu bef ore tho convention. . The cvcrul couuticn will be entitled to vepre Henlutlon us follow; One delegate sit larjro from eaeii county and one delegate for each KKX) votes or uinjor fraction thereof ea.t f or Hon Silas A. ilolcomb for tiujiremo Jude at the. (funeral ejection of IxV'j, which ?ivej tiie following by counties: STuCiC 1SKAN1JS. The. (ottrnal will pubibh yonrbninrt, Ilka the l.llowieu', for $rl:0, per year. tech ad dilnjnul iiraud 75 cents. jvery raruiar or ranchmen iu bioux and adjoining eoaiitl' isiiuutd a.Jvcrtt-,K tbeir brands in THEjoUK naLis it circulates nil over the tate. li nmy be the means of suv-ic money for you. l 1 jjj !".'..'.""; .'jw.JiwaLjJ-j'yf CUAULKS tilFMJ.K. On left Hide or hii) of oattlx, j f2JrT On Jcf I shoulder ot horiics. i ft'Hant'e on the hciid ol Warbonnct iceilld :rck ' Address Itan ison, Sioux Co. Neb WASK U. Lewis. BUgJT jflUrnnded on laft ld Sof Cattl and on left dioiilder of Iloi'v. Eange ou l.uui ol u hite Uiver. 1. O. Address llnrrisoi, Neb. JOHN A. HANSON. Owns the follow- I?,..'' V. liiKbraud on ciih- 63 What is in a Name, Those pious aould who would justify the hideous uiasacre of tho rlnhppinos the plunder of their homes, the desecration of their temples and their altars and the violation of their women assure us that this is not imperialism. It is only expansion." So mote it Iss brother. Vo will not quarrel over a name. When we stx?ak of "imperialism," which you call "expansion" we are both of one mind Via both mean those ai-i I hit aa invadinj army pre cnnimittmir in those islands in the name of the United States and by order of President NcKinley. Will ifny fcial pleader for the accused please ay in what regard the sway of President MrT Kiuley over tho Philipire islun js differs from the relation of Queen Victoria to tin Indian empire, exr pt in the tr;filin-f particular of title? She is emprtsi of India Accordinij to a test vote of Manhatten Wand, Hew York citv made by the Nr. Y. Journal July D'J Hon. William J. Dryan will sweep (rreater New York city at the November election by 89,9Wj plurality. Out of a total vote 4,853 on ly 82 who had no voto for McKinley this year 23") indicate their intentions on signed blanks to voto for William J. Dryan. If the total vote of greater New York is as lar-o as it was in '9(5 thorn will be 51 "00 votes oast and if the Journal' forecast or the vote is as near correct as it was in the llayorality election two years ago, 'Williiarn J. Hry- an will r-ceive 301,010 and William Mu- KinleV will receive 211, 6'W. The democratic policy with reference to the PI. iilippinea is plainly stated in the Kansas City platform: We favor on immediate declaration of the nations purpose togive the Fillipinou first a sta'.ila form of government; sec ond, liuitpytidence, third protection from outsids interference. If this policy had been proclaimed by tho Hanna odniinistnittpB at the start, there would have beennO Philippine war wi th its attendanv corruption and loss of life and treasure Wo should have had n powerful friend oh ihe thres hold of China, ready to lend aid in such an emergency as the present, instead of requiring the ircsence of United States troop3 to preserve the forms of peace. W are quite confideet that candidate Deitrich, will be elected this fall to stay at Ifo no. The people of Nebraska want a man for governor, who wilt tw as dii'n'flnd as tho(Ilcd lie neeks to fill. Keep him iMakinjr a iiersonal canvass and he will t '..lected to stay at home. Box i: ut to Ul o'.i il (hurry Dawes Keva Paha iioi'k Sheridan 8ioux -v -I I Also on cat- I . H tie and horses V j cattle on lertsido V , "VSJ horses ou left if fj? Rani ito on Silver Pprinxs ami east of statJ ine. I'ostoilico Harrison Nob It is recommended that no proxies be al lowed but the dcictfatea present cast tha full voto to which the delegation is entitl ed. V. Vf. I'OTTEK, C. E. I.EAn, Sec'y. Chairman. The nomination of Hon. Charles F. Coffee, for representative of this 53rd legislative district, li v the democrats and populists at. Crawford last Thursday, means the utter route nd defeat of Hon. A. ti. Fisher, his opponent. Report conies through the daily papers by the .ower of the word and he is emperor of the Philippine Islands by the same that tho republican party, either through tlaim nnd method, This i:i imperiuhhni, call it by whatever name you will. North-Weslrn (Kioux City, la.,) C'atholic. Cur Popular Candidate. 1 Hon. Charles F. Coffee, on honored dtizen of our county was nominated for representative of lfn 53rd Legislative district by the Duiiinrratic and Populist conventions at Crawford, a week Rj,"J to day. Charlie, as everybody adreses him up in thin neck o-the-woods, has nover aspired to any official position that is iu tiie Klfl oC ,liu Pu,I',a of t,lu Hl!lt", fcut y determined and persistant urtrintf by his many friends both in the Populist and I democrat ranks ho very relucanily permitted them to llsu bis nanio Is- fore tha two convention w hich rvultot! in liis utianiinoiis nomination. C'harl- F. Co(fe wiis Uirn at Inde()cndence, Mo. in 1U;, when a umall lov, ha with his mii;r(inted lo (icorutown, Tex., where tie lived until 173, when ho eniitfranled ir, Nebraska and Wyoming, diviJinjf h.M residence U twn the two stated, the last twelve years being rpent continu ously in tbi couiity. lr, Coir. ba b.-rrn enjfed In tho dtock bUAiness iince '7:J and at irewi:t vvm jverl IhoiiKiind hend of cattle. He maleo interested in the Commercial fnk of Miirnsou, and tho ( Iwdron No tioel Bank und, while lie and his n'.im able tilyr cultured ami ablo m fir M this worlds goods nre conceineil, to live In afHunnc nnd gran luer every Ixsly whether rich nr r or are tluir frieudn, Mjmi noi0'hbjis aiid afcociftttw. tti."U state or national committee have bought up the Lincoln Free press the leading Oertnun paper of the state also the Pokroli the Kohemian pajicr at Oma ha which are to be run on republican principles, Webster Uuvis is today deservedly honored by all his countrymen who ad ruiro moral courage and mauly American character and the glorious example he CHACLK3 KEWMAN. rrws The brand wipresented in this nottce ami branded any where ou left side $ea o' Cllttlu, and over lp eat from tuo M Also the same brand on left thigh of KSSa bori"B3 beloiiKM to the unrtrmiffised. H-j.sii;e ur.r Kaat (ipnnps, south -part 10 Sioux county. Cuakles SEWJits, ; - Ilarvison, Ncbrnnkii. To put it bluntly the g. o. p. prefer the evils of tho McKinley regime of imperi alism t the sacrilico of tha Kld stan dard. Ve favor the abandonment of the Philippines and the othor island ac quisitions, but sot at the expense of frea-ni I vcr coinage or a llnancial panic and a collapse of "prosperity" From the pMgress of the world," in the Am erican Monthly Ifcvkw of Reviews. Houstwok is automatic and does not supply the needed amount and kind of exercise women roquiru. It is automatic and usually but one set of muscles are brought into action. The housewife should sock th? fresh air and- sunshine and take such exercise as will compel diep but not laborious breathing Aug ust Ladies Home Journal. The "American Law Review" pretty nearly if not quite voices the sentiments of presidant McKinley ond his party, if Judged bv his olllcial acts as president of the United staWs of America. Tho following pretty clearly indicates a pro-P.rilish secret nlliance letwnoil presi dent wcr.iniey ana u,tu twisbury read ..... his m)ul)ican fHnw citizens will it-- I Iw t fif puur-hintr ruiilt4 In thn rnmin' -Many of us leel mat sue is in a sense confji(.t ivcen American idoas and tra . i 1 our queen: and whenever sue wants tho ,.., ,.m ,)0 coldblooded slavery and American boyu lo light lor Her Honor, or barbarism of imported imperialism. It even for her political rights they will js wt. f()p tl ,)alio anlJ lh , wm;nir einitark or cross the uanaoian iront.ier for i,-.t w vt hrvv Ikivine that purios in such numbers as will tax a, Towres-mon who will nacrifice ev urilish resources lo arm and equip them CPVt,i,.r they noswsi even life itself lie- very one of them "spoiline; for a furB t)fy wij liUn9y yield up the birth fight, and they will acquit themselves riR,jt ipieathed to thrill by the heroes as gallantly as their Canadian cousins 0r Valley For'e liave done lu houtli Atnca. American Law Ilevicvv. On the strength of Ins being a gbrman. Candidate) IVtnch, 'is straining evtry Chairman Dick of the Ohio, republican nerve to pull soma jrerman votes but .-end-,.! -..r,mit fol.,.;i il.nt I.!. utu i alack I u las: our car man volirs win not fa I as! is in the doubtful column this fall. And vot lor nun on me w.-ore onus being then, ox-president Harriwin has made a K",n"' T,"y tinderHtand only too the public statement that his own Mate w wht imperislisin tnstans, lo support Indiana is uosafe for the g. o. p. this candidaW whoso sole aim will m if year. yiwuir 'Wellington, of Ueleware, has floppy) and will taka Ihe "Stump" for elected te biud the shackles of imperial i ui, around tho toiling musses and our german people read and are too enlight ened for anyone of I)eidrich' strlie to flon. WilliamJ, liryan.tbi fall. It U draw llient aid3 from theirduty to their the Welwter I Hjvines congressman John fas and K'nalor Wellingtons that are mkiii(f the w.l tiug riu for Urjao & Stevenson. home and family. Vote for the fusion nominees from governor d6wn to coun ty attorney, dont make a mark at any ones nam", vote it straight. The only bad trusts, is the tin-plate trust, Eccording to would-b iroveruor Dctrich, the republican candidate and that is over in Europe. However, Mr, Dctrich lulmits there are about 500 Mo nopolies in the United States, 60 'of which receives special priveleges as a re sult of tha tarilf. Tha republican candidate for Governor is fairly good looking, but he Im that peculiar look about the eyes which indi catesatiick of principle, and that tho possessor while not absolutely dishonest is a raao who will take advantane of any moan circumstance that presents itsself to defeat or "get even" with an ndver sary. And the tallts that. Dutrioli put upl They were unspeakable: nside from vulgar stories bo seemed to rely most upon telling how much be did to defeat prohibition in 18t)0. On q nest ions of im portance we have heard of no-opinion ex pressed by hiiu while here. Ainsworth Herald. Oenl. Prinslo.i ol the Tansvnal has surrendered unconditionally with 5,000 troops to lord Itohert.s. King Humbert, of Italy was assassin ated, at Manza July CiHh by a Nihalist. liis son the Prince of Naples, will suc ceed tha (lead emperor. It Helped "Win JluUles. Twei4v-nine olllorrs and men wrote from t, Front to say that for scratches Hrtiises, Cuts, wounds, Sore Feet nrd fit! IT Joints, Uuckles Arnica Halve is tho hftxtinHie world, fianie for burns, Skin F,ruptlons and Pilos, 2i els, a box, Cure Kimranteed.- Sold by D;. J. E.' PBINKKY, druggist. DIETRICH. A more jolly and cotented lot of dem ocrats and populists cannot lie fosind than those iu Ainsworth since the visit of Dietrich, the rip-up-agin candidate for governor. Prior to his much advertised visit, wo were all a little bit worried, and feared he would injure our cause. but now wo are hoping be will como a- gain and stay a week a visit of that length would insure a majority of at Itast, a hundred for the fusionists. We learned by his visit that instead of being a finely-bred gentleman. Dietrich ii real ly coarse; instead of statesmen, lie is.. a cominoii'politian; we learned that he is lacking in respect fo- others, because he started for the saloon while in company with a prominent anti-s" loon-man; we learned he is selfish, because after being introduced to the "boys" be drank alone we learned that he is lacking in morals, because he told vulgar stories which hud not even tho merit of w it to make them acceptable. TVe dislike ver much to publish so plain a statement of facts, but the duty wa owe our readers demands it, and so does our conscience. We have said not hing untrue, and nothing which cannot lie corroborated, and by republicans, too. Dietrich asked that we say 'what we thought of biiii, and we have done so, mildly and in sorrow. It is a pity tha repulican party can offer no better can didate for governor than ha is. As the head of his party, he is a reflection on the whole parly, and the great majority of republicans are too good to deserve the reflection. Ainsworth Herald. FKASK NUTTO. On left side of cattle and on lef shoulder ol horses. p. o., Ohilchrist, Sioux Co., fceo. J.S. TUCKEtt. Branded on left .shoulder ol horses aid on left side of cattle. Uantfe on White River, near Glen. 1. O. Address, tilca, Nebraska. ',' DEEP CUKEK 1.1 VK STOCK Co. I Branded on left hip of Cattle I and on left cheek orUorsen, Range on Peep Creek. lAdrtre-JSrJJeep Creek Llic Sloelt Co,."" ' OSCAlt Clow, Snpt., Glen i Nebraska. (rev r f 300 HOWARD. Vot the arrest aud conviction of any party or parties stealing or disfiguring any brand on stock belonging to tho undersigned pat ties: f DAVID COLV11.I.E. Horses branded i on righ shoulder or branded jJ on right Jaw. Also, I bava Horsf.s branded oa left thigh. Post Oflien Address, ... Harrison, Sioux Co., Sebraska. V. E. JAKOT. Ilrauds 60, 117, - m on left hip ft' Contest Notice. l ulled Slates Land office, loft hip of Cattle. Sioux County, Nebraska. o on left Jiut,C3 on I Post Office, Hewitt, JOHN T. SNOW. Horses branded BJRSH n -i""-2,--i on left sliotil - Alliance, Nebraskn, I June 71 h, I'.'iKi. A aiifllcSent rnnte-it aflldavlt having been ll!i-d In this office by ( laus Christmiscn, con tcstant, against liomesleiid entry No. 1010, made October i'rd, lsfn, for Knet li-ilf south west li, !-'-ection 6 and Knst-half )i, North-west Section 7, Tuwnshlp :il north, range U wost, by Mary Koole- coiitostee, iu which It In alleged that the Bald Mnry Koote lias n holly Mh.indoned sn'd tract, that she lias changed tier residence therefrom lor imnc tlian six months since lucking said entry; that said tract Is not Kuttled upon und cultivated by said party as required by law, that said delects continue at tho 'dale of tills nni.lavit and lire not nor were not caused by service of S lid ciitryiuuii In the Army, Navy or Marine Corp ol the I'nited Hliilea during the lute war with Spain or liny other war in w hicli It may have been en gaged. said purtlc-s sre hereby notified to iippeor respond and offer ovldunco touching said allegation ut lOo'clock a. m. on August nth, l'.K), hi lore Grant Outline, a Notary Public at Ms Ofllee lu Harrison, Nebraska. (and Uiat final hearing will be held at 10 o clock a. ni. on August lllh, IV'ti before the register nnd receiver at the Tailed (states Land office la Alliance, NeMunL The said contostant biivlng, In a Jiroper afildnvit, filed Juno 7th, IMKl, set forth facts whlcll sliow thut nf tor due diligence person al -ervlen of this notice can not be nuidn, It Is hereby ordered and directed that auch notl'-o bo glvon by dim nnd proper publica tion. V. M. IJosuixot ;s, lieKlstur. i . deror reversod, boiizontully on left shoul" r-iM der of Cattle, and YW on leftside. Post Oltlcc Address, Patrick, Laramie Co. Y yo. Contest Notice. ot vitHllty fient, fruo for 11 rt. postage, Hii, WAR!) LST. 120 1. 9 SU ST. LOUIS. Kl Apaeksirnof or, triMitinent for woaknose ai.ri ncay, nnrvnus debility ami fnitcd Land Olllce. A II inn ce, Neb. June, 2t, 11HKI. A suflicient content affidavit having been filed In tills otlice by Claudia Hester, entites lant, against Homestead entry No. 2011, iniido May. I.Hh, IS'.iH, for N. N-lO.'i 8-W. U N-K..V und N W. S-K. 'i Section l, Townships, N. range, 5f w. by Hones It. Will Conleslei , . In which It Is ullegeU that said Hones K. Will has failed entirely to establish hU re sldnace thereon, or to cultivate any of hh Id truct, that said defects continue Hi the duto of t Ins affidavit, further that uttlant la -formed und believes that the suid entry 1,011 was not at I lie time of making his up. plication lor said lund either twenty-ono yeitra of uge or Ihe, liead of u f-iinlly, ami that said alli gcl absence from the said bunt w as not due to IiIj employment In the Army, Navy, or Marine Corp ot the Culled State a a prl vato soldier, oillcor, "eamui nr tm r Ine. during thn wur w ith spu.u or during ai, y o1. her wnr In hicli the I lilted Sstatea msy be engnged. Said parties are hereby not ified to upjinur, resjioiid and oiler evidence touch ing xnld ullegstlon nt 111 o'clock a. ui. on Aug ust, I(ki, b' fore (, rant Outbrle, u notary Public, ut his oflleo In llurrison, NehrsaS", and that Und hearing will be held at lit o'eloek, a. tn. on Anvust rvth, 1W0, before the l(Klslernnd Iti celvcr at the 1'nlUrt sVt ra Lund Office In Alliance, Nebrusks, l'be s-ild con test unt having In a proper aOldxrlt. tiled May lAtb, HKM, set forth facta wlilek show that, nfter due diligence, personal Ice of this notice cannot m made, It la lent by ordered and directed that such noMM fcf glvun by due and proper tmbUceUam. r, m. uouaiyoTOK, rkmibt l-'A,, 'J - . .,. .....