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About Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 16, 1900)
U A riA .RRISON CO JSJLoa "J U U KIN AL VOL. ZZXXX. HIAE&XSOnST, T53ITJISIDJL"5r, AUG Our Milf!i..-,M" iro-f im ir. fhpk n . . . IS, 1GOO. w , tvtd at i j lw u I IL IT 15 SETTLED RIGHT.'--""".. William J. Bryan. HARRISON PKESS-JOURNAL. yti!sfiiitini Price Official Paper of Gko. ). Canon, y:nu- re ini: 1;i,kimn INi-t Oihce as fexM rrauau-ittuea.'."is -tiESATCi:;. L. -JO. iii--JiJ -i. Ui'ii J. J. . iL L ViTLLTSOTOX. If the Pncw- JctitNAt should reprint a Democratic statement ns to prsi;!ent MoKiriley's war of conquer, imr.Hr.aliHii and militarism, Republicans would say It came from I'io "Yotj source to receive any serious consideration from tbo peo lo. Therefore, we quote Knnubl'cmi nuthoritv rc-lati ve to the AdministrAtion's lov and tender reynrd for imperial L'nglnml, and wilh nothing lul contempt for ! yie Uoers urn Fuilippinns in thuir death ItiiiJ what Junior 0. L. HVliinirton itttn to xiy aloiut Mr. JlfJunley's acts: I urn n.mltuMbly opposed to the re-election of President McKinlny, Bryan isn h-ft-1-m.tH in every wnv M.-Kinley, uwl I regard his election iw efi'tial to thi! Preservation "f tilts Republic. " tvgard tixi Philadelphia, platform as a grave dapjii-tum from the faith of our fathers. His tint the Kupublii-HOism of Lincoln, but an iudorsmeiu. of the in. imical policies fokntd upon the country by McKinley, "I aut aimuti-ioi riiili,-.t. I do not, talk one way in consre find Another Way on tha outside, nor d,I talk na w.iy and act another. I n,u not. I;lte old Hoar -abie to appeal to the pimt hiiJ tha future, und then stultify mysf. I oo only Iho present. The pn-.l l goua and Hid f uUirtt esin care for Ufwlf ; hut I'll help take care of th prm;nt.. I m convinced there U n secret alliance with enplatid Iwyornl any doubt.1 You remember the cry that was tuiwd nguiilst Ulevel.uid of Mibwrviency to Eng lnd. Thr was not oiw-quaru-r tha ?.uuntl for it that thore h far the samo cry iijCitiit McKinley, Hi would not darmlo a thing that' would hu unacceptoba to England, for tm is nothing niore than a F,oli.-ih proe.onut. "Piiwident jL-Kiiiioy litis Ixilrayed mo. I wan oppowd to tho Paris Peace Tr-ialy nnrt would never have voted for its ratificalion of my own volition. I told the rrs':detit so, fsu.l hu imluced mo to vote fiir it by solemnly pledging ma that it "-as not lo intention of hirnswlf or -the Covermiioiit to forcibly hold or perman ently Acquire th Philippine-. "Ht furthur twid that his pr4inal dosira wan to restore law and ordor in t he islands and Itwu fuh.tiit the matter to ConKrew, with the idufi of having it fjrant iilioliite (reedflin and .lf-KOvernineut to tho Filipinos. With tint pledge from PrtMid.-mt William McKuiKy I voted for tha treaty. Without il I never should have dufls so, - y "The resolution I offered !n iho senat, and which wan the Wis of my speech on th PJnhpp'no qoostion, pruvidxd for exactly what the President liiniMlf told me ho deird to brinjf Hlioiit "Bryan i uWiluiely rffrtit on the one frreat iue itrvolviid in thw camjmign iml with the mojey question t wt for four years, h-i is a "m-ar, a better and u Mifer man tb'u MuKuilty. Kven if the niony (uNtion were nor, ff t tied, Bryan i man of two inui!! Kne to tmdtrtake to Unifrr with the currenrp. Bryan is ',-Uin to be our nent President, aud I bhall ho glad to se him elecU'il. 'McKmiey t totally unlit for the oilier of Prejid:nt, because ho is no weak una vacillating that he caut stick to an tfiwn inilid and be consistent for twenty-four A thin is impossible with him, and for that From the speech of Senator Wtlling-ton, in Straw: Showing v. Wind jrKisLirrs cousin for uPvYas. F'tton H. HcKi.iley, aco isin of Presi dent McKmiey an( a wtaihv .stock rais er of Free port, Harper county, Kaa., has w. cording to an iuUfrvievr in tho New Yurk .fnurnal, rejected the republican licknt nod declartiH his purponi to vote Jor ltryau nnd BtnvHrihtin. He Hayit ha svould ralhr have Prince of Wales presi dut of the United States than bis cous in. He said: "In 110 I was willing u bfuik my cousin to the extent of 00-", and did so winning. I thought lie wmild make a better president than he has, but I (hid lie cater too much to European style which 1 and every other true American , do not like. I believe Trlnce of Wales known better how vo conduct this repub lic than doe my cousin. I should latll r vote for him anyhow. "McKinluy aud Imperialism will de feat the republican party at tha polio this fall, and J am willing to bet good money on it. I will vote for Bryan and Stevenson in ordor to help navo the re public." BOURKE COCHRAN. A Chicago friend of Hourke Cockran the distinguished New York orator, re ceived a Uttter from him yesterday, nays tha Chicago American, in which Mr. , Oockmn wild he would not uphold his npnnrt of the Kansad City platform, ltecause of Its 16 to 1 declaration. Con tinulii!,' hu said that the great preponder ating rjuestion was wheatber tl) repub lic hhould live or die, and ho feared the re-election of McKinly would lie the Vinnint; of the end of the republic. He said he would make (tpeechen in favor of Bryan and 8tevennon during the cum iKn nd hoped1 to have an opportunity to ftdibfM a Chicapo tuidience. 10M WATSON ALL UIGIIT. Tom Watson of Georgia, who was the middle-of-the-road candidate for vice president in JHflfl, has writU-n to an in rjuiriut; friend that he will votn for firvnn nni 8tevnson. Mr. Watnon has retired from active politic, and i deep in the practice of law, , ITH1CA00, Aii, 12. En-Miyor '! Khsoii of aunounu'S here to fy ttiat he will Nupport Hryun. LAFAYETTE. Ind., Aug. 1?.-E. lieutenant (iovernor Nye, who hi (Hirotofore (ieii a htuunch Repiibtinm, ill slump thiiktate fur Uraa. IVr Year 91. CO. Sioux County. - Editor. .'OAVU'.R. WELLINGTON. fclruggle for Li! erty ar.d Jiv!e(?ii(U nce opinion over nitht, fhe could know his hoursat a timo he mifrhtdo, but such reason ho is unlit to tie President." the New York World. Which Way the Blows. VvISCO. DEMOCRATJTC TUIS YEAR. James Fisher, Jr., of Kutraan, Wis., chairman c( the Crawford conuty t!ein- orrnt.ti! comniiltee, baa ofl'eruU to lt fl,0(W with any republican that Brvan wilHwat McKmlov. lie offered to bet ?o00 that Bryan will carry Wisconsin by more than f,000 majority. He will bt.t $100 even that '.trym crr!ei Wisconsin by 10,000 votes. These bets have Ixieu posted in Wisconsin for bo vera I days without takers. Mr. Fiaher is a breeder of Fancy Mock nnd a man of wealth. FOR BRYAN THIS TIME. TERttE HAUTE, Ind., Auir. 0. Col William E. McLean, First Deputy Com missioner of Pensions under Cleveland's Administration, who slumpod for Mc Kinley four years, ago announced to- nlRht that he would speak for Bryan this fall. He said:' "I am opposed to tho imperialistic policy of McKinley and am not afraid of the silver issue in this campaign, al though I am still a gold man." " "Militarifin will, if successful, in lime ctaatoa monarchy. I think, therefore a standing army is a menace to peace," PaulO. Schuh, of Cario, III,, bead of one of the largest drug companies in southern Illinois and a life long Republi can, Is out for Bryan. Ha is an old sol dier, having boen a privule in the Ninth Illinois infantry. "I cannot indorse tho pplicv of imperialism udopted by this administration and which I fought against in 1301," he nay. "Militarism and nil its attendant evils would be the ruin of this republic," ' M. U. Church of Parkersbur, W, Va one of tho founder of the Republican parly, and who established and for four years edited that staunch republican or gan, the State Journal, Iih announced In un omiii letter that he will support Brvan tlimyear. In his let Ur Mr, Church ny: "There Is no republican party in mi the old sense. The cycle of use cleu wit h the ruling power buck of the throne the modern UrMMterof Imperialism, mat erialism tnd McKinlcyieui, Jliuk liati- NEW YORK, An. lr-Ilohort R. Roosvelt h cousion of the governor, him announced that h.i vvill work for. llryan Mils fall. Ho vid for Pal uior jmd Duckner in l'i'Jt. THE PIONEER Druses, Drugists Sundries, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Books and STATIONARY. J. E. PHINNEY, Proprietor. John F. Finerty, former Republican congressm-ao and leader of the Chicago Irish-Americans, lias also announced his intention to support Bryan on tha anti imperiu.1 issue. Mr, Finerty is the edi- tor of the citizen and president of the United Irish societitH of Chictigo. , He says: "No pelf-r--Mpectfnjj Iriwman can support th'j foreiB'a policy of President McKiuley." Alexander Elias, who represents one of tha largest manufacturing companies in New York city, aud who has been on the road for tlfteeii years and voted for McKinley in 1899, nays: "I have jimt completed a business trip through Michi gan, Indiana,, Illinois, Wisconsin and Minnesota, and from what I have heard from my .customer, and ot.hars I believe Bryan will carry every one of those state. I am for Brvan," Former District Judsje J. A. Barnelt of Caldwell, Kan., a life-long Republican has left that party. "I hope to live long enough, he sav. "to see an American president elected and ths last vestige of imperialism forever crushed out of this country." Dr. H. Z, Leonard, consul to clifton Falls, Cauada, under President Harrisou appeared at Indianapolis on Bryan day wearing a Hryaei hadffe. "I am for Bryan heart ami soul," he said, "and shall do all in tny power to aid in his el ection. McKinley has been a failure.. He has no backbouu and ia completely under the domination of the trusts," ' BRYAN SHURE OF ELECTION GOV. POYNTEll PREDICTS VICTORY. Governor Poynter of Nebraska, is more confident than over tnat Bryan will be elected president. Speaking yes terday at the union depot, ha said he was firm in his conviction that tha Democrat ic leader would po iu by a large and de cisive votu. "He will be elected. I make the prediction. My faith is in creasing every day. There have come to me evidences from all parts of the country of a movement which will have become irresistible before November. To my mind there is no doubt that lie will carry Indiana, Maryland and Ken lucky. Republican claims of those state are absurd," , ' "I believe that Nebrasjja. will give a majority cf 20,000 for Bryan," continued Governor roynUr. "We are harmonious thero. No differences between Populist Democrats and Bilvor Republicans exist. No, I do cot. maintain absolutely that we are certain of New York state, but my belief is that wo will carry it. . The coutest heivheeii eX-8tliu tul' Hill SU'id Jul', Crocker will not hurt. I dent tbink that they will work in harmony, because their personal differences are great. But both of them will work earnestly for the ticket Hill in the stale and Crocker in New York city, "Tho Kansas City convention did ex actly wliat wns wanted. Mr, Bryan, by compelling tho convention to handle the silver convention has won many new aduiirors. His firmness, honesty and in dependence were never before so well brought out. And that speech of accep tance at indianapoils was a great effort. I believe that it will go down in Ameri can history as classic Daily ' Denver News. . j .. It is said that Capt. Allen O. Fisher dislikes a cerUia beverage named cefTee. "IK ttEPVBljt'ANS SAT lr'PAYSTOSAO RKK'K Of It HAM) IE KM 1ft GAIN TItADK, YOD TK1.I, TA Kit YOU AUK SOT WIM.INO TOTftADKONK AMKHK.'AN HOY KOK ALL THE TUA.DK OK THE OKIKST'-W, J. nutAS. We have wondered liow ninny of the voters of Sioux county have read care fully Mr, Bryan's notification speech he made at Indianapolis, Aug, Hth. It will pay every voter to read it nnd then eorti Pm it wilh the imperial speech of Mr McKinley July 13th at Canton, O. Hon. Chan, A. Towne, formally with drew ns vice presidential candidate on the Peoples Independent Parly, lost week, giving, we lielieyo good an4 siifll cient reasons for declining (he nmnimv lion. In nil probability, Hon. Adlai E. Htev.inson, the Dwinocratin mnnitu will be liuU.ii luted In place of Mr, To woe. PHARMACY. :ATIOXAL TICKET. For President: WILLIAM J. BRYaN,.. Lincoln, Neb. For Vice I'resiileat: A. E. STEVENSON, Bloomingtcn, Ills, ror Presidential Elsetors: FRANK T. RANSOM, Silver Repub. ' ROBT. OBERFILDER, Democrat L. N. WKNDT, I JAMES HUQES, " JOHN II. FELBERT, Populist WILLIAM H. GARRET, " W. O. SWAN, PETER EBBESON. FUSION STATK T1CKKT. Kor (Jovf-rnor: WILLIAM A. POYNTER,. ..Populist. For I.ieut. Governor: E. A. GILBERT,... Free Silver Repnb. ForSpe'y or State: C. V. Svoboda , .Populist For State Treasurer : S. II. HOWARD " For State Auditor: , Theodore Gress, " For Attoruey General : W. D. OLDHAM,.. Democrat For Com'r Pub. h. Sc. B.: P. J. CAREY, Populist For Supt, Pub. Instructions: C. F. BECK, " For Congi'oss, flth District: WILLIAM H, NEVILLE " "LEGISLATIVE TICKET. For ItrpifseutaMv, 5'lrd Iitrlt: . CHARLES F, COFFEE Democrat Foa Henstor Mth District: v , . '. W. L, HAY WARD '...Pdpnlitt Tt seems that "Teddy" the Rough Riding end of the republican national ticket, everytime he opens his mouth puts his foot in it. This time, while at Santiago. Teddy wrote the secretary of war that R. A Alger, telling him that the Rough Riders were three times bet ter than the state troops., thereby insul ting every volunteer soldier from every state in the union. That statement was too rank for the secretary of war and Mr. Alger delivered sucli a severe rebuke to "Teddy" the terror, its only a wonder that he ever broke loose again, but he did. At fit. Paul when he addressed the national association of republican clubs, Teddy insuped every naval and army soldier in the nation, who was a demo crat, by making the following dirty fling at thorn: ' "The domocrats stand for lawlessnes for dishonesty and dishonor, for license and disaster at home and cowardly shrin king from duty abroad." The repulieaa party in this part of the Lord's vineyard, are Wowing and very iiard about McKinleys prosperity, say ing not a, word about imperialism, mili tarism, McKinley 's prosperous trusts hhwiHr robbing the people, who of iceity are compeled to use trust wares and the murdurous Philippine war, for Which the president is morally responsi ble for the death of thousands of Ameri can troops, as well as the Filippiuos, who are lighting for liberty and Inde pendence against an American George the HI. It is safe to sav that tho coun try is no more prosperous to day than it was in 1800, whon you take iuto consid eration llie fact, everything one is oblig ed to eat, drink and wear and which he must buy are controlled by trusts who have increased their cost to the consum ers from 5 to ISO per cent. On the other hand wages are not one whit better today than they were in 18 (W. God only knows what a condition lb country would have been in had not a C uba or the Philippine Islands been Ighting an oppressor for liberty and in dependence and the U. S. government had not appropriated $450,000,000 which has gone iuto circulation and s'arted up Urn gun and ordinance, fikctories, which the administration is now engaged In using these same guns, powder, shot and sliell in trying to prevent (he Filippinos, from obtainin American "liberty and in dependence," Ob no! the railroads are not In politics this yeur! Listen to Brother Kimmell of thn Mot'ook Tribune: s "General manager Holdrr-ge wus over the branch Wednesday in bis private car, Nebraska's nxt governor 0, H. Deitrich $1 HjsUiiiji, (i ( 'Ovipanied him. Cur wan Attached to regular branch train No. 175." -Null ceil. Prevented a Tragedy. Timely information given Mrs. George Lontj, cf Newstraitsville, Ohio, saved two lives. A frightful coiiRh bad long kept her awake-every nifjht. She had tried many remedies and doctors but steadily prew worse until urged to try Dr. King's New discovers One bottle wholly cured her; and she writes, this marvelous medicine also Cured Mr. Long of a-severe attack of Pneumonia. Such cure;, are positive proof of its pow er to cure all throat, chest and lung troubles. Only 10c and 1.00. Guaran teed. Trial bottles free at J. E. Phis neys Drug store, Content Xotlce. United Lund OBleo. Alliance, Neb. June, a, K-flO. A sufficient contest affidavit having been filed in this ottlc.e by Clu-udia Hester, contes tant, usaiust Homestead entry No. 2614, mode May, IMC, 1899, for N. 4 N-E.X S-W. N-E.X and N-W. 14 8 E. y Section 21, Towuslitp 31, N. ran(,5G r. by Hones K. Will Contestce, In which It U alleged that suid Hooes B. Will bus failed entirely to cslubiiab his ra sirlatice tl)reon, or to cultivate any of iaid tract, that Bald defects "continue at thedate of this affidavit, farther that affiant is in formed and believes that the said entry 111HI1 was not at the time of making Ilia ap plication for aaid land either twenty-one years of itge or the head of a family, and that said ullejfed absence from the said land wis not due to his employment lu the Army, Navy, or Marine Corps ot the United Etates as a private soldier, officer, seaman or mur ine, during the war with Spain or daring any other wi'.r in which the United States may be engaged. Said parties are hereby notified to apiiear, respond and offer evidence touch ing said ullegution at 10 o'clock a. m. on Anjr- ust 20th, lfiOO, before Grant Guthrie, a notsry Pnblic, at his office la Harrison, Nebrassa, and that filial hearing: will be held at 10, o'clock, a. m, on August 20tb, 1900, before the KeKister and Itecelver at the United Stat es Land Office In Alliance, Nebraska, Tlio said contestant having In a proper affidavit, tiled May 15th, 190S, set forth facts which show that after dne diligence, personal ser vice of tills notice cannot be made, ills here by ordered and directed that such notice be given by due sad proper publication. , K. M. DosniNcro, : Register. Call for Cotiiity Codrcmlon. A delejrate convention of the Democratic party of Hioux comity, Nebraska is hereby called to meet at the Court House, in Harri. son, in said eoauty, Saturday, Sept. 1st 1900 at 1 o'clock p. 111. for the purpose of placing In nomination a candidate for the office of (.'ountr Attorney, and for the transaction of snob other business as may come properly before the convention. The representation of the various pre cincts of said county, in based on the vote cast for Hon. Kdson Rich, for Uegcnt of the State University, &t the lust general election of 13S9. Following are the number ol dele gates apportioned to each prociuo- Andrews 2 Antolopo . 1 lio-wen ! 3 Cottonwood 4 Hat creek 5 Montrose S Kanultig water 1 Snake Orfiek 1 Sugar I,of 8 Warbonnct...... 4 Whistle ereeK i White Kiver 4 It Is recommended that no proxies be 1 lowed bat that the delegates present cast the full vote of the Precinct, and that tbo prlmarlos bo held at the usual lolling places Tuesday, August 27, 1900. Geo d. Canos, John E. SIahstellir. Chairiuau t'en. Com. Secretary. Tliut Throbbing Headache. Would quickly leave you, if you used Dr. King's New Life Pills. Thousands of sufferers have proved their matchless merit for Sick and Nervous headaches They make pure blood and build up your health. 'Only 25 cents. Money back if not cured. Sold by Dtt. J. E. Phinney Druggist. ShcrlfTs Sale. a Tly virtue of an order of sale Issued by the Clerk or District court of Sioux County, Nob rusks, upon a tfecroo rendered by said court In favor of J. Y. Cn-itln, plaintiff, and Mctta I., ilitlne, Sllws I II- Maine, James O. Sargent George W Hester defendants; I will on Satur day, tbo Kth, tiny or Augm-.t. IOOO, at 4 o'clock r. m. St the east front door of the Court House in Harrison, Nebraska, In said county sell tho following described real estate to wltt: I-ot No. 20, and Lot No. 21, P.lork No. 7, ot the Villngo of Harrison, Fonx county, Neb raska, at public .nrtlon to tbo hlghert bid der f pr cash, to satlsO said ordor of sale in the sum of JtHli with intcrnst, costs, and accruing costs. THOMAS HOLLY, Sherrln o' said county. Bbfilfru 8ale. l!y virtue of an order of Sale lsnnd by the clerk of the district court of Sioux nonnty, Nebraska, upon a doerne rendered by said eoiirt in favor of Sioux County, 1 plaintiff, nd Pierre P.b-wott, Sarah F-. Ulcw ett, wife of F.dwsrd K. Mr-welt, fleceaserl, Johu Doc, hT husband, rest nsme unknown Michael J. Illewett sro defendants. 1 will on 1h S" th day of A ngtist, A. I). Woo, at 1 o'. clock p. in. at Itarrlsou, In Said coiiaty sell the following described real estate to wit: The Nnrtn-wrst rjuartsr, of Section 4, Township C:i, North of Bange 64 west, in NPhrnskn, st Harrison, In iwdrt comity, at tkr? wml front door of t'1 I'dtirt Il'insn In ttuvrbon Nebraska st pulilic auction to the h!gb'o.t bidder for cash hi satisfy sstd oritur nf sain In the sum ol tl'W4n.j, with interest, cost Slid seeming col. T1IOMA9 IIOI.t.T, suf.rillf sail County. 1 1 Helped Win Battles. Twenty nine officers and men wrn'n from the Front to say that for scratd.i-s Bruises, Cuts, wounds, Sore Feet, and Stiff Joints, Buckles Arnica Salve is li best in the world. Same for hums, Sk 11 Eruptions and Piles, 25 cts, a U x. t'nre guaranteed. Sold by Dr. J. E. Phi.nney. druggist. STOCK BRANDS. Tng Journal will publish fee the following, for t2:Q0, per year. JSsw nd ditional brand 75 ceats. r.very tarnier or ranchmen in Sioux and adjo.ning coniie s'aonld advertise their brands in TheJouv.. kalhs it circulates all over the state. It may be the meaus of saving money for you. CHARLES ItlKHLE. On left side or hip of cattle, ( On left shoulder of hore. iRange on the head 01 Warboiinet evreek Address Harrison, Kioux Co. iel Fi-akkC. Lewis. Branded on left side of Cattle and oa left 'boulder ef Horses. Range oa head ot White Kiver. P. O. Address Harris, Keb. JOHN A. HANSON Owns thf follow- innia ttuu oiiiiii r: Also HQ on cat tle Rnd horses cattle on leftside horsrs ou left shoulder. Kanse on Silver Springs aud east of state Ine. Postoftice Harrison Neb CHABLKS KKWMAR. The brand represented ia this noUce and branded any where on left side of cattle, aud over lap out f rom the 1 right ear. Also the same brand on left tlilgb of fjj liorsas, belongs to tho undersigned. Kunge near Bast Springs, geutk part fo Sloax eounty. Chaelbs Niwman, DarrUon. Kebraika. FKAN1C KCTTO. On left aide of cattle and 00 lef shoulder ot borscs. Rangoon Antelope creek P. OUkilcururt.SIUwx Co KoH. J S. TUCK Bit. 1 Branded ou left shoulder of horses and on left side of cattle. Range on W bite Kiver, near Glen. P. O. Address, Glen, Nebraska. b3 DEEP CHEEK LIVE STOCK Co. Branded on left hip of Cattle and on left cheek of Horses. Range on Deep Creek. address, Deep Creek Live Stock Co,. , OScab Clow, Snpt.. Glen, Nebraska, $300 TIE WARD. For the arreat and conviction of any party or parties stealing or disfiguring any brrjids ou stock belonging to tho undersigned p.u tles: DAVID COLVILI.K. Horses branded on rili shoulder ov brandod IK1 on right Jaw. Also, I have Horses brandod on left thigh. Post Office Address, , Harrisou, Sioux Co., Nebraska. . o ' F. K. JANDT. 60. K7, S Piiands on left hip mm on left Jaw, left hip of Cattle. Post Office, Hewitt, Sioux County, Nobraska. JOHN T. SNOW. Morses branded on left shonl- tier branded 011 left shoulder of FIX Cattle and on left side. Post Office Address, Patrick, LiiramleCo. Wyo. J. it. PARKF.H. Ilorsvs branded on li ft shoulder and hip. Cattle same on left Sheep banided tjCf on back or I back of Sheep. Kaiigeon Soldier Creek and White Kiver. Address, Ft. Robinson, Nobrasks, Htory of a Slave. To be hound hand and foot for years by the chains of disease is the worst form of slavery. George D. Williams of Manchester, Mich., says: "My wif has been so helpless for live year that she could not turn over in bed alone. After using two bottles of Electric Bit ters she jf wonderfully Improved not! nhki to d'tior own work." This supre me remedy for female diseases quickly cures nervousness, sleeplessness, melan choly, headache, backache, fainting and dizzy spalls. It is ft Godsend to weak, sickly, run down people, Cure guamn td.' Only 'lVfe. Sou by Ism. J. & Phinnky druggist , ,'.', Maltese 113 Cross I fmM m pre.-.