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About Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 23, 1899)
o r-rr a EST. TALK ABOUT WOMSN. CONNUMAUTICa. , MIMMM Or INDUS TMAL COMMISSION. WlMt Our Say We Mm to Hold M SubjMtkMi. L. Uekwood Sayo HI Teetiaiont AttMklnc Combine Hu Been Thrwsm Out By CommlMion. My Boa. M Li. Lockwood, a wealthy oil of Zeilenople, Pa., aad pre- t of the American Anti-Trust is preparing a statement chare- several members of the industrial uoa with conspiracy and at- to Interdict and disguise his testimony dellrered before that during- the inquiry into the meta employed by the Standard Oil Mr. Lockwood claims that upon liferent occasions he was sum- to appear before the commis- sssn while in executive session, and aaaa each occasion was threatened and Btsaded with to withdraw certala por Meas or all of his testimony. He fur ther states that while the testimony was la type and awaiting publication with other reports of the proceeding of mw commission, he was called before executive session of that body and Ja aa attempt was made to Induce to allow the matter to be chanced, he refused to do snythlng of the he states that his testimony was n fully edited aad expurgated by ammihiis of the commission, without Ms knowledge, and while other reports tore been published, he claims that his attar has been withheld for several lis. aad It is hla belief that it Is She intention of members of the com sakwloa to keep it from the public ua M) after the fall campaign la closed. TVs statement, Mr. Lockwood says, wM be presented to the president and aa investigation demanded. The testi maay of Mr. Lockwood against ths Baaadard Oil company created some BBtag of a sensation at the time, and She evidence was widely quoted, but has never appeared among the pub amssd proceedings of the commission. Mr. Lockwood has obtained a proof teat of the testimony as it was given B the printers, after being edited, he without his knowledge, and as it y appear la pie proceedings of the amission. The proof sheet has been pared1 with the stenographic report I with the original, and the result I be offered as evidence. A com- shows that nearly all of the Ing statements In his testimony i been either cut out or toned down BBSS' this, Mr. Lockwood claims, wat emse by several members of the ln thsstrtal commission. Ike testimony aaent the Matthews as has been cut out entirely. In may places all reference to the Stand -saw Oil company has been taken out ami other words substituted. Figures M dates have been changed or elim tea ted. aad the censored testimony la a a weak affair, according to the wsraesB Some of the expurgated par graphs follow: "What is the remedy? The control of She public highways Is the most Im- psrtant duty of the government. Mr Chairman, give me the control of the aaghway over which the products of pwwr labor must go to market and let as tx the charges, and I can make you my slave. "Take the railways, the highways ot am) people, away from these corpora asms, make them public property, let he government own and run them. ' them what they should be. public sways for the people, over which man can go to market lust ss aa aay other man. Do this, and t great great trust monopolies that oppress us will lose their power for as they meet the honest eompe- i which will arise upon every hand. these highways highways Indeed, to every maa that no standard company, that no sugar trust, no combine, no coal combine, shall bsrre any advantage that la not open ss the poorest maa la the lead. Re establish the equality of our people ewer the highway of the republic. When yoa have done this, the people wm do the rest. "With absolute equality over the mBwaya of the country, so that every hatihir could ship a car of cattle Just as sheep as the Big Pour beef oombine as Big Four beef combine could not as a monopoly of the meat business eg America for twenty-four hours. To day, under government management, be letter of aa oil producer, a miner, er a butcher goes to Its destination wtth. the same speed, at the same coat, ssBt with the same precision as the let far of aa Armour or a Rockefeller, sad their oil. their coal, their meat Be market upon these same terms of aad these great trust comb!- i will soon be getting rid of their a year lawyers and their 2S,tM year managers, upon the proposition -- ut - riaaa sucn "It is because these eleven billions of saflway capital, together with all of the sssa which it controls, are in politics mar up to their armpits, and It is be- aaase the capital ana tnese men are in seatics for corrupt and selfish our pesos. Irrespective of the public wel fare, it la because these eleven bit saa of capital, together with aU of ths capital of the trusts, are corruot- bng ear public affairs sad debauching war pa sue men, that constitutes the Im partaat reason why these railways aawst oe taaen away from these cor para Nona The record of the last twen ty-Sre years has demonstrated that the SUM am us t must own aad control the aaSsaji, er the railways will own and tarn the government." ' la referring to the matter Mr. lock weed stated that he was going to fight hs thing out aad aee what rights a eMails had before this commission. "De you call this a 'nonpartisan com mfastoar " said be. "Why. It to noth any more than a shield for the trusts, aa it nas snown it in this case. Hen aaar Haaaa baa promised that the re- aatliaa surly would see to the trusts fa that party wins in Ohio. Here Is saw mstaaca of "earing for the combl- ZX C (Boor Isl V-A ara. farther aaval tacrsase which Will asked to antharlaa mt (a next aaaatoa for Immediate con stractloa lavolves eighteen warships, three of them armored cruisers of the improved Brooklyn type, but double the alas aad formldableaeas ot that ex oslleat vessel; three Improved Otym plaa, one-third larger and proportion ately more powerful than the fine flu. ship that led the way into Manila bay, and twelve gunboats of a type recom mended by Admiral Dewey as essential for the effective patrol of the Philip pine archipelago. The latter class, to use the admiral's own expression, summing up the re- suits of his experience in Asiatic wa ten, must be quickly built, must be able to go out to Manila under their own stesm, must draw less water than any gunboat now in the navy, must maneuver easily In tortuous channels and, above all, must have sufficient protection to resist capture if strand ed, such boats, In his opinion, are needed now and will always be needed to patrol the numerous channels be tween the less civilised Islands. Such vessels are Intended to replace the smaller gunboats which, in several in stances, have proved unable to take care of themselves when attacked In force, although frequently demonstrat ing their ability In the prevention of Illicit traffic between the Islands car ried on small native craft. This Is the program now under con sideration by the naval board of con structlon which was named by Secre tary Long several weeks ago to study the needs of the navy and to submit recommendations for the required ad ditions to the fleet. The board has shown some hesitancy about recommending a further Increase of armored vessels at the present time, as aix higher powered and larger ar mored vessels than have yet been built far the navy were authorised by the last congress and have not yet been designed, and because 20,000 tons of armor sre required for vessels al ready authorised, an amount which can scarcely be delivered in less than four years after Its manufacture begins. The necessity of more nrst-ciasa ar mored cruisers is. however, fuly rec ognised and the board today favored three of about 13.000 tons displacement, of a type Involving no marked depar tures from the Brooklyn In arrange ments, though of double that vessel's power and tonnage and defensive quali ties. At least one of the members fa vored a more formidable vessel, com bining the salient features of the best cruisers and battleships abroad, which is described as the "terrible, horrible, damnable" class, and this will have 'urther consideration. DEATHS IN THE ARVY. They Numbered 6.619 Between May, I8S8, and June, 1899. Washington. D. C Special.) Sur geon General Sternberg's annual report gives a comprehensive view of the health of the troops, on the field and at home, the casualties and losses In battles and in hospitals, aid extended to the sick and wounded and other in teresting "Information relating to the physical welfare of the army. General Sternberg says it has been his endea vor that the sick and wounded should be supplied wtth every comfort and restorative, and the surgeons with ev ery appliance that modern' science could suggest in the treatment of dis eases and injuries. The total number of deaths in our armies. Including reg ulars and volunteers, from May 1, 1898. to June 30. 189. were 6,619. of whom 496 were killed In battle. 21C killed by accident. 202 died of gunshot wounds and wounds received In action, 2,774 from typhoid fever. 476 from malarial fever. SS from pneumonia, 42 from diarrhoea and dysentery snd 1SS from yellow fever. As to food supplies. General Stern berg says he considered it wise to go slow In changing the srmy ration until experience has shown just what chang es are assuredly desirable. He refers to the agitation over canned beef and refrigerated beef, and says at that time there were on file only two complalnta aa to the beef supply. The only criti cism made by medical officers, he says. Is that the ration for the tropics should have less fat and more starch and sugar. The report recommends an increase of the medical corps, snd the establish ment of camping grounds through the country ready for troops when they are mobilised. men or oorrnrt advancbd. Calumhaa. a (BeoiaL)-The sot users of Oaas at i today ratified aa agreement to advaacs the prices oa cheap aad medium cas keta 10 per cent, the advaaoe to take place at once. The Increase la ths price of material is givea aa the res son ior the advance la prices. ARMT MULES FOR LUZON, Beams, wasn. (special.) The gov ernment transport Garonne, with a car go or M7 army mules for use In the Philippines, has sailed for Manila. The transport Victoria has arrived from Manila, which port she started from October 14. The Victoria took a cargo ot 4U cavalry horses and eight cav alrymen from this city. She landed 402 of the animals safely in Manila. The Victoria brought four civilian passen gers from the Philippines and had a rough voyage. ROCKEFELLER'S LATEST GIFT. Rochester. N. T. (Special.) Rev. Dr. A. H. Strong, president of the Roches ter Baptist Theological seminary, an nouncea-that John D. Rockefeller, pres ident o (the Standard Oil company, has ust made a conditions! pledge of 1150.- 000 to the support of the seminary. Mr. Rockefeller will give 11 for every dollar that may be raised In other directions until an aggregate of 1300,000 shall have been secured. COMPANY NOT LIABLE. Boston. Mass. (Special.) Judge Colt. In the United States circuit court to day, decided that an employe of a rail way Injured while riding on a pass given him by a corporation, even If It was a part of compensation for his services, could not recover damages. The case was that of C. A. Whitney, a baggagemaster, against the New Tork, New Haven A Hartford railroad. The plaintiff claimed he was seriously In jured in a wreck on May 7. ISM, and sought to recover 125.000 damagea Judge Colt. In his decision, said: "One of the conditions of the em ploye's pass sgrees that the company shall not be liable under any circum stances for any injuries of person. It follows that the plaintiff cannot re cover In the present case. E73P 12 KT. Of aU the earataaJs appointed Has tX eary four are now alive. The aasmaj wages ef laborers la ths textile Industry tn Augsburg, Oermaay, are oaly tl4 a year. A London hath house last summer paid tut a week for tl.0Os.Mt gallons of filtered Thames water. la UN Duluth will be able to handle 42.000,000 bushels of grain aad will be. probably, the biggest grain elevator center In the world. For the eight months ending with August ths United States imported 2,- ss4,4s ounces of sulphate of quinine. This was valued at ssoo.nt. A Vienna Journal declares that a lo cal electrician named Pollack has in vented a way of telegraphing 60,000 words per hour over a single wire. The season's pack of sardines In Maine is said to be likely to be some what less than It was in 188. when it reached the large figure of L200,006 TRAFFIC II WSm ESSIES. Louts Phi lips, of the Industrial ruled oa each occasion that should remain aa it stood be orated. Aad then what? Well. waai my testimony looks Ilka have gotten through it. . , "I am rastac : to Mew Tork. aad t win I eaa get my testimony recura. i wiu nrst se lf I am aot tore eamaahra rwswi as www i win say tarn taaa ibs asw V-bw was m my ueomeay rre 4 X IW art fi I T-Cl 4-Vt AM 11 A V- - tm i' V I i.tza M Undertaker Arrested In St With Pour Corpses- t. Louis, Mo. (Special.) -Four sine lined trunks, such ss are used by trav eling men to carry samples, each con taining a corpse, were taken from the baggage room at the Union station to day, and Frank Thompson, city under taken of Memphis, Tenn., Is under ar rest. Charges against Thompson are being formulated. For some time the police have been aware that a traffic In human bodies has been going on through this city and have been on the watch for the guilty ones. Recently a shipment of four bodies In trunks was made to W. H. Ham sen, at Keokuk, la., for whom those captured today were also In tended. The expressman who hauled the trunks from the Keokuk depot told the station master there that he be lieved they contained human bodies. An investigation was put on foot and the police of this city notified to look out for any other shipments, with the re- suit mentioned. When taken to police headquarters Thompson made a clean breast of the whole affair. He said be had the con tract for burying the city dead of Mem phis. For some time be had been sell ing the bodies to medical colleges tnrougnout tnia pan of the country. His method was to pack them with excelsior In drummers' sine lined trunks aad take them with blm aa baggage as far aa tt Louis. From here be shipped the trunks to their destination by express. Thompson says ae ass Been paid an the way from IM to tam per body. He said the name n. Hamaea, to whom the trunks andfisesd la Keokefc. to a ficti tious one. bat refused to state) who hla cooetgass to. la the truaka ara the bodies of three aigross. two men aad a haw. aad a white womaa. From appmraaeaa. they an died of niimwmaOun or seme other wast lag tlsiaas. The white womaa are re" aad her Mae. Ler iea-s aso ma a-jea. ah taa are maj WOULD ABOLISH REMARRYING. Albany. N. Y. (Special.) Bishop Doane In his address to the diocesan convention today, dwelt at length on the divorce question. He said In part I am most urgent that we should con sider the duty of giving a tone to so. clety. In the hope that when it can be induced to set its ban upon offenses against God's law, there will be a power at work far more efficient to arrest the evil than can be measured by its good influence on those who are determined to sin. Speaking practically" I be8" you to consider whether the exigency of the social crisis does not demand the he roic treatment of absolute and un varying prohibition. If this church can by any language. or by any enactment of canon, or ru bric, rid herself of all responsibility for remarriage after divorce, she will have set up a barrier against the foul tide of the desecration of marriage, of the degradation of the family, of thf deterioration of the home, which must turn the current aside until it finds ltt way where it belongs. In the sewage and not into the sources of supply." BUILDING AN AIR-SHIP. London. (Special.) Major Baden Powell, In a report describing a visit to a dockyard in which a German air. ship was being constructed, said: "I was Immensely Impressed on en tering a great, wooden building, erected on a floating raft, to see what appeared to be the slender skeleton of a huge vessel. This vessel appesred as big as the most powerful battleship, but was constructed of such delicate mater, Isl as to suggest a stupendous bird cage. This, which Is made entirely ot aluminum, is the framework on which the outer skin will be stretched. "Inside a number of large balloons will be placed. Underneath are a gal lery and cars, all made of aluminum. There are also engines which It is hop ed will drive the vessel through the air at a speed of twenty-two miles an hour. The total lifting capacity of the air ship will be about ten tons, which will be sufficient for it to carry stores and ballast sufficient to remain In the air for some days. "Seventy thousand pounds sterling (2145.000) has been spent by the com mission, which Includes the leading scientific experts. Germany has also approved the plans of a buoyant bal loon such as this. The great advantage ef a purely mechanical flying machine Is In being able to rise witn certainty and to preserve its balance wnne sus pended in mid-sir." MEAT FORTY CENTS A POUND. Havana. (Special.) Fernando Ca pote, mayor of Cardenas, has submit ted to Governor General Brooke I scheme to coin Cuban silver and cop per into currency, stamped with ths heads of the Initiators of the revolu tion. The local papers are sgaln eerciseq about the price of meat. Last month they say 25.000 head of cattle were im ported, but there Is no reduction In price. Many of the poor cannot buy meat at all, as a good deal of the meal Is sold at 40 cents a pound, while sll kinds could be sold at 15 cents a pound. Mayor Lsvcoete says the trouble Is due to the fact that as soon as the heavy tax Imposed by the Spanish govern meat on beef waa removed the import. era made a ring, raising the price of live stock, and tbua actually raising the price of beef. In his opinion, unless the municipality la prepared to aupply the butchers with beef there la no poa slble remedy. The complaint of high prices is general throughout the greater part of the Island. A largo cattle Importer aaserte that the average price ot live stocx in na. vaaa to about fit per lot pounds, and that the price of cattle has risen In Mexico, Colombia aad other countries from which cattle are Imported. This dealer dose aot consider the retail price too high. Itsa maatdaallty or i Cardenas In taada ta make lta police more of an atMal body aad la accepting sppllca- uoaa or inoss wno wiu an a iww year ooatraet. There to a rumor afloat that the bUb- ea ef Havana. Mar. San tender y Fru tea, baa teaderod bio resignation, but ho asanase to amrm or oeny toe awry. la a BeOarafv Australia, church spe cial aowemssnlsflna to provided for deaf wohlaaia. a dlaaaracm hariag been rtgmm aa ta the vtetalty ef the eJergy- urs retee m earned m taeea to tae e of sbw of hto Seek , aUotat wtui a hartaim of aMr IB CM There are upward of 1.000.000 shippers or produce In the United tales, and It Is believed that from their ranks a strong national organisation can be formed. There are seven young lady conduc tors on the electric cars of Chllllcothe, O., and five at Vlncennes, Ind. They work nine hours a day and receive 14 a week. It took- twenty years to build the statue of Victor Emmanuel, recently unveiled at Turin, and the frequent dls putes over It have made It a byword aii over Italy. Near Worcester. South Africa, is a Brandolei mineral hot spring, having s temperature of 146 degreea It has three outlets, which are utilised for ir rigation purposes. On the Queensland. N. 8. W.. boun dary line, on the edge of the Austra lian desert, an artesian well has struck a yleld'of water of 4,000 gallons a day. Hrltlah census reports of family names give for England and Wales 253.608 Smiths. 242,100 Jones, with Wil liams. Taylors. Devines and Brovm following in order. The latest grievance of the "made- In-Germany order comes from the Eng lish brewers. The growing demand for lager beer In London and the leading provincial cities has raised the serious question whether the lighter drink may not, In time, supersede the heav ier English ale. Certainly, the popu larity of lager during the recent hot speel has been something phenomenal. Among the numerous things consid ered sacred In India is the banyan tree, one of the fig genus, remarkable for Its vast rooting branches. The hor izontal branches send down shoots that take root when they reach the ground and enlarge Into trunks, which In their turn send out branches. General Boulanger's famous black horse Tunis has met an ignominious death. After the fight of Boulanger the animal passed from hand t hand and finally descended to the Inglorious service of drawing a cab through the streets of Paris. This proved too much for Tunis, and he was sold to Arm and Delogue, a well known dealer In horse flesh, by whom he was duly slaughter ed, cut up, and sold for stewing pur poses in the market place of St Anne. A queer case of cannibalism la report ed as having recently taken place In me soiomon islands, says the London Daily Mall. The Jeannette took from Naumea a Kanaka, who had acted a orderly to the Immigration office there, and was on his honeymoon with his wife's tribe, intending to land at Aabo, where his wife's tribe live. He, how ever, made the mistake of disembark ing with the wrong tribe, and was at once seised by the natives, overpower ed, killed and eaten. The widow was provided with a second husband by the tribe. It Is stated by a French scientific Journal that the surgeons of Austria and Germany, on motion of Dr. Hube new of Breslau, are considering wheth er or not to make It a rule that sur geons should be clean-shaven. Hair ! a nest of microbes, some of which are pathogenic Of course, there Is an other preventive of danger to disinfect the hair by washing It before per forming an operation. A Hungarian Hal bb I nag, who baa prsaldsd o borne of the sears tary at the sayv for two rears, baa the degree of bl u. nam jeaas HepHaa Mm Agnes Smith Lewis of Cam bridge. England, who discovered ths yriac gospels In ths Mount Blnat mon sstery. has received the decree of doc tor of philosophy from Halls univer sity. Mra Ellen M. Henrotln. the president sf the National Federation of Women's Clubs, speaks fluently French, Spanish, Italian and German. Of all these tongues she Is said to be such a mis tress as not to speak them with any trace of foreign accent. Miss Lillian Tracey of Troy, an em ploye In a collar factory, finding when her trial for slander was called that her lawyer was too 111 to appear and that she could not get another one nor secure a postponement, decided to con duct ber own esse. She did It so suc cessfully, cross-examining the witness es for the prosecution so clearly, that the was acquitted promptly. It Is proposed In France to establish a court of Justice run by women and for women, to which may be carried all those cases concerning fvhlch the most learned men know nothing. This will relieve a man Judge, for Instance, from determining questions ss to fit In suits brought by dressmakers sgalnst their clients, and It ought to do away also with much expert testimony In such lases. Miss Louisa Aldrlch Blake of the new Hospital for Women Is the first woman master of surgery In London university and It Is worth recording that the Roy al College of Burgeons of Ireland four years ago conferred a fellowship on a woman. Miss Emily W. Dickson, the daughter of a former member of par liament. The first womsn dentist In London was Mlas R. G. Halllday, a fully Qualified ednte! surgeon. Miss Halll day, who assists her father in a large practice, has very few lady colleagues in England, but America, according 40 the last census, has considerably over 300 womeiyTientms, Chicago alone now boasting fifteen. There are many wo men In England, however, who carry on successful businesses as chemists and several London hospitals em play female dispensers. The latest women's club in London li to he formed of nineteenth century Am ssons. The first rule of membership of the new club Is that every woman must be six feet In height. Amazonian proportions will obtain in the club house. The building la to be of mam moth size, the suite of rooms to spread out In vast distances. Nowhere will the gigantic size of the fitting so strike the eye as In the gymnasium. This Is to be unique with every modern appa ratus for development of the human form. Horizontal bars, rings and verti cal ropes, trapeze and all will be one tenth larger than those used by ath letes or ordinary proportions. A writer In an English Journal observes: "It has been only too apparent for a consider able time that our girls were growing taller and our men shorter." FRILLS OF FASHION. Thai love to sighted to pesaiMy oae of the why levers ertea mass themselves. Whoa a wife asks bs mooev aad be says aa, her flrst am putee to to wish that aha bad said the same thing to blm wbea bo asked her to marry him. A beautiful stonr comet from T oadsa fabout a young American girl who bad promised to marry aa Bngiisamaa oa condition that ha smea to South Africa and exposes himself to the deadly peril that earns the Victoria Cross. It to safe to bet that be hasn't a title, or bo would not be asked to take the risk. Assemblyman Robert Maset of New Tork. who has corns Into such promi nence by reason of the Investlgatloa of municipal affairs In Nsw York City In stituted by him. will be married to Miss Elsie Moore, dsughter of Chief Engineer Moore of the United Btateo navy, now retired with the rank of commodore. Hamlin Garland, the author of eterleo of western life. Is going to bs married. the prospective bride being Miss Za lema Tafft She Is the dsughter ef Prof. Don Carlos Taft, formerly of the r - r inno and a lster oc Lorado Tafft, the sculptor. She la aa irtist of ability, having studied abroad, under Raphael Colliar and Luc Oliver Merson, and waa a favorite pupil of Macmonnlea A newly married couple la New Brunswick, N. J., circumvented their mischievous friends by starting on their wedldng tour by way of the roof. The friends, well supplied with rice and old slippers, stood at the foot of the stalra The pair ascended to tno roer. walked to the adjoining house, them down and through the rear door to a back street, where they entered a wait ing carriage and were driven to the railway station. PERSONAL AND OTHERWISE. surgeon would not accept as pupil womsn doctor with a fine head of hair. unless she cut It short, and, strange to ssy. sne aia. Dr. Dabbs of Shanklln. medical prac titioner, dramatist, editor and friend of Tennyson. Is not enamored of modern Illumlnants, says the Westminster Ga zette. He plumps for candles. "Win ter early-morning work, day after day he writes, "makes me and is making me) consider the question or eye-wear Iness and proper and bearable and un tiring light. On the whole, I plump foi candles. I am sure the Incandescent to too hot to be at all near one, and even though we have It not I never found the electric light good enough not as a quality, I mean. And candles now sre both cheap snd good The unusual sight of a bishop ad dressing a congregation of bicyclist was witnessed at Dover, England, lart week, when the bishop of that see preached to bicyclists from all the country round. The Austrian minister of commerce it contemplating the Introduction of mo tor cars for conveying mall bags to snd from railway stations, and also for the collection of letters from the mall posts. . Two British members of parliament, accompanied by two English veterin ary surgeons, have been sent to Mos cow to ascertain the present condition of the export Russian cattle destined for the English markets. Various devices hsve been used in Europe for the ventilation of tunnels. In some cases oil-burning or electric locomotives have been substituted for the trip through the tunnel and in oth er cases artificial ventilation has been used. According to an English clergymen the East fcJid must surrender the un enviable reputation of being the worst section of London. He says that South- wark la "the festering cancer of Lon don's supreme misery, the Black Hole of the metropolis." Sixteen windows In the dome of the new capltol of Colorado st Denver art to have portraits of leading citizens of ths state, and the women have sud denly sprung a demsnd upon the man sgera that their sex shall be represent ed in at leaat nve of them. It la not generally known that the re mains of all the caars of Russia sine Peter the Great lie In a memorial chapel built on one of the Islands of the Neva. All the cenotaphs are exactly alike, each being a block of white mar ble, without any decoration whatever. Adrian, Mich., enjoys t-cent street cat tickets. The management has long sold too tickets for U. Single fsres are a nickel, but anyone can buy 100 tickets for M. And the company makes money by It, for people ride five times where tney would once were the tickets I cents. It Is arebable that time was flrst di vided late the year by observation ol the movements of the sua among the other heavenly bodies; that the revolu Ilea ef the moon about the earth de- elded the length of the moata. aad ths rang aaa setuaa of the sua maraes the daiaUea of the day. Dead gold in flower deRlgng Is the fashionable thing for buckles and belt clasps. Neck scarfs of Chiffon, liberty silk and velvet, with silk fringe on the ends are worn with street gowns. Some very smart gowns are made of a dull, soft black satin trimmed with narrow stitched bands of black cloth. Pheasants are the fashionable birds for millinery purposes, and In comb! nation with the new soft shaggy felt they make a very stunning hat. Beaver cloth Is one of the newest lhades for cloth gowns, and still an Mher pet fancy Is a beige color com blned with a blue shade of light green. Meshed chenille net Is a feature of dress this season, used as an overdress and bodice over silk and covering white bengallne for a short carriage wrap. Long coats of broad tail, made with one deep flounce rounding up narrowly In front, have a conspicuous place In the coat department, and the finish Is a deep collar and cuffs of chinchilla. An tique paste buttons are the fastening. There are new graceful models In both five snd seven-gored skirts, the backs cut to conform to the latest man ner of adjusting a certain amount or fulness at the back In one very deep box-plait. In two narrower ones, or In a number of long tucks or French shir- rings very closely massed. Just about one woman In 500 appears to have screwed her courage up to the point of purchasing and wearing a long. tailed box coat, and the frank admis sion must be made that the loveliest figure Is utterly lost and forgotten when swathed In one of these bed- sowr-ed shape daffalrs. Apple green, a rich shade of reddish plum color, rose color and Jet black velvets are much en evidence as ac ressorles on evening toilets of cream or ivory-white satin crepe de chine or net over taffeta silk. The velvet decora tions are almost covered with cut-work In satin or point applique lace. Some of the more expensive woolen dress fabrics are so woven as to glv an effect of a surface alternately plain and corded the havy rps looking like a tiny tuck taken in the ('mh ns nar row ss It could be stitched, although no stitching Is visible. Thin material Is used for entire costumes,. Jackets and capes. It has alresdy been discovered that the pipings and appOque designs ar ranged on fancy capes and Jackets cut and wear badly and give the rir"nt a worn appearance before Its time. This applies not alone to the medium, but the higher-priced wraps so deco rated. But where a roll of silk braid outlines the applique designs this trou ble seems to be averted. PRATTLE OF THE YOUNGSTERS "Bobble," said the teacher to a small pupil, "what Is the meaning of the word 'lazy? Lazy," answered Bob ble, "means what a fellow ought to do himself, but coaxes another fellow to do for him." 'Mamma," said the little 4-year-old Ethel, "may I hsve a piece of cake?" "Walt until I'm ready, Ethel," replied the mother. "Why, mamma" exclalm Ethel In surprise, "you don't have to get ready. It's me that wants It." The boy with the freckled face pro posed thst they forge written excuses from schol todsy. "I csnnot do such a thing." protested the boy with flaxen curls. "My father spells too well!" Say ing which, be proceeded to school, snd after that grew up to be a great and good man. This shows how seemingly trifling circumstances sometimes affect our Uvea most profoundly. A Memphis S-year-old boy. who I sporting his first pair of trousers, "got away with" his mother several nights am, Hla nurse, who Is so black that charcoal would make a white mark on her. waa going to church and the lad wanted to go too. "You can't go wld . chile. Dem niggers ud put you out. Teu'se too white." This ended ths matter for a time. After a few min wtse the boy broke forth again: "Bar Jfaaate." bo said, "det dot tove potlsa aad bmek my face; era 1 tea de wl' pea." The hey treat to chare. All true men and women, too, win respect Admiral Dewey's request te bo let alone. Under present circumstances more than two is a crowd. Cleopatra's needle In Central Park ia wearing and withering away In that debilitating climate. The ancient retlo must be housed to check the ravages ef (ops and frosts. The Boston Globe reveals one of the secrets of that shop In an article "How to Lie in Bed." The writer finds the task an easy one with an adequate staff of stenographers. General Passenger Agent Daniels ef the New York Central Is going against the real thing now. He proposes to abolish tipping on sleeping and dining cars. The audacity of the man is amazing. The grand master of the Loyal Or ange Lodge of Maine, Just over from Canada, Is inconsolable. He declined te sarrUon Admiral Dewev - A T Ur o a Catholic woman. And Admiral Dew ey "has gone and done It." An English woman, a visitor, has grieved all Boston by Irreverently ask ing a citizen, as she walked through the Common and saw the cherished gilded dome of the state house: "Bob pardon, sir, but what building Is that with the brass top?" One of the grave dangers confront ing the government is the possibility of some of Its agents precipitating American notions in the Bulus. Sup pose some enterprising milliner should interview the sultan's collection of wives with a stock of modern head gear? An Increase of pay or war would follow. It behooves the country to ge slow. A Chicago Judge had the nerve to . haul down the flag law and demolish a thriving Industry. He held that the provision giving to Informers one-half the fines Imposed for violation was con trary to the constitution and Inimical to good morals and public honesty. Since the ruling, spies and Informers have lost their zeal for the flag. RELIGIOUS NOTES. Seventeen baptist missionaries sailed from Boston recently, the largest com pany sent st one time In many yeara The first Jewish congregation In the Hawaiian Islands has Just been formed at Honolulu. Last year the receipts of the mission ary society of the Methodist Episcopal church amounted 11.253.218. This year the receipts will probably be in the neighborhood of tl, 250,000. The Irish Presbyterian missionaries In India have appealed for help from their friends In Ireland on behalf of the famine sufferers In Gujarat and Kathlawar. where there are 30,000,060 Inhabitants. The Society of Foreign Missions of the Roman Catholic church has suc ceeded In having beatified forty-nine of its members who were put to death In China. Ten of these wre French mis sionaries and thirty-nine were native converts. Last year the British and Foreign Bible society circulated 60,306 copies of the. scripture In Manchuria. Of this number 68.S05 were sold and 3.500 were given away to students who assem bled for the government examinations at Chin-Chow. William R, Moody, a son of Rev. D. L. Moody, has resigned the editorship of the Record of Christian Work and will become editor of Northfleld Echoes. which will be the monthly organ for the evangelical work at Northfleld aad Chicago. The new archbishop of Prague In suc cession to the late Cardinal Brhonborn is Krelherr Leo von Rkrbenskv von Hklstle, who Is 36 years old and has been a priest for ten years. The Czechs feel sure that no German will be able to pronounce his name. Kev. Elijah Kellogg, the author of "Spartacus to the Gladiators." known by all school boys, Is now nearly 90 years old, but he continues to minister to the little church In Harpewell, Me., where he went In 1844, after his grad uation from Bowdoln and Andover. The Moravian church has existed since 1727 and at present numbers 1 . 617 members, t,725 of whom live In Ger many, 5,27 in England and 22.34S in the United States. There are 91143 baptized converts snd 450 missionaries and 1,914 native helpers are employed. i ne receni installation of young wo. men ushers at the Fewsmlth Memorial church. In Newark, has caused a mark ed Increase of attendance. So far the young women act as ushers only st the evening services, when. If ever, the young men attend. The plan Is to change ushers frequently. THE OLD TIMERS. Fix-Senator Henry P. Dawes of Mea scahusetts celebrated his 83d birthday on Mondsy evening, Nov. 4. by enter taining the Monday Evening club a literary society, at his home In Plt'ts fleld. Mr. Dawes read a psper on "The Puttee and Functions of the United States Senate." . HnrL?hpB,r4 of 'nj1'" "f" rf. has Just taken a horse, sack trip of ltt miles, covering a week's I1. lh rough the valleys and over the Western Massachusetts m4 Norther Connecticut That u JS! oldtraosfanr. eerenet, aad pMiosoak- (