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About Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 23, 1899)
r X HOUSEHOLD HINTS. To glaze pastry, brush over with yolk of ege just bt-foie putting In the oven. To destroy irmyg tin tree, paint with whKewach made of quicklime and wood shea. To make a rood flan sauce, take some plain, thick, melted butter and add a teaspoonful of munhroom ketchup with tat Mine quantity of pickled walnut, shopped finely. Rise set with valuable stones should always be taken off when washing: the hands, for the constant soaping- dis asters the gems, and also In many i loosens Mem from their getting;. Vs keep a kettle clean put a dean tyster ahell or a large marble Inside. These attract all particles of earth and stone with which the water is Impreg nated, and thus save the inside of the kettle from becoming' coated with them. A delicious orange drink is made as follows: Bllce three oranges and a Into a Jug with two ounces of candy. Pour over this a quart of boiling water; stir at intervals till old. This will make an excellent drink for your children at a small cost. t To keep the baby's little crocheted or knitted bootees on his restless feet fasten them wKh small safety pins to his stockings. These In turn being fastened In the same way to the napkin, and thie to the band, keeps all in place. If you find your salt in the salt bag as hard as the proverbial "nether mill stone," don't attempt to pulverise It with the hammer or potato masher, but, lifting the bag a foot or two from the table, drop it down solidly several times, turning it from side to side until the contents are again reduced to crys- To perfectly cook pork chops put m the pan a tablespoonful of lard, and when hot lay In the chops and then keep them turning constantly; reduce the heat as soon as they are browned on each side, and cook slowly until thoroughly done. Do not salt them until Just before serving. Onions boiled in milk and eaten In the form of a soup are an excellent remedy for a cold if taken Just before retiring, while onion poultices are Invaluable In all cases of Internal Inflammation, as well as In attacks of sore throat, bron ohttls and pneumonia. Lovers of whipped cream and they are many will rejoice In the statement that this delicious froth Is more easily digested than Is plain cream. So let there be whipped cream for the straw, berries and the chocolate and the pud dings. Whipped cream will cover, sometimes, a multitude of sins. Straw J berries which are small and In appear ' ance somewhat Inferior, can be served advantageously In a large bowl with an abundance of sweetened whipped cream upon them. When the hards are very dirty It Is setter to rub them thoroughly with cold cream before washing them. Then wash In warm water, using pure soap and a nail brush, rinse In cool water and dry thoroughly on a soft towel. Two-thirds of all women dry the hands very Imperfectly, and then wonder why the skin Is rough. A few drops of a good hand lotion should be rubbed all over the bands and allowed to dry In after they have been In water for some time, as so many housekeepers' hands must be so often, and always at night. The hands should not be exposed to cold air for some time after they have been washed. FEMIXINB PERSONALS. An International Congress of wo men Is to be held In London In June. Boston has a school for the training of nursemaids. Applicants must be be tween 18 and 30 years of age and must agree to wear a uniform. Mme. Nevada, the prima donna, who was a Miss Wlxom of Nevada, and Is now Mrs. Palmer, is a god-daughter of Mrs. Mackay. Mrs. Rudyard Kipling, who was Miss Carolyn Balestler and a sister of Wol cott Balestler, was born In Rochester, N. T., where her family lived many years before moving to Brattleboro, Vt. An American girl, Miss Rurdlett Dy name, iopes to make a good thing out of the coming Paris exposition. She has bought the Pompellan house built about forty years ago by Prince Jerome Napoleon. The house Is on the Cours la Relne, and Miss Burdlett proposes to transform it Into tea and refreshment rooms for weary sightseers. Lavlnla Dempsey, the rich New York woman who Incurred some ridicule at the time she was crowned "queen of the Holland Pames," has written a play called "Neutral Ground," and at her own expense will produce It at a Broad way theater. She will personally su perintend rehealsal and presentations, and the proceeds, If any, will go to charity. Miss Christine Bradley, daughter odf the governor of Kentucky, who christ ened the battleship Kentucky, and who Is still In her teens, Is studying law un der her father's direction and hopes when his term expires to become his law partner. The governor Is tired of politics, and when he goes out of office, In less than a year, will leave Kentucky and open an office In New Tork, Cincin nati or Lm Angeles. The Mothers' Congress expects a boon In Its membership owing to the exjeriesce of Mrs. Dubois of South Da 1444, Laat year Mrs. Dubois attend 4 tad congn . but she waa then un sMfrtsd, While In Washington ane - ---- ikikaia 4 a raeaaaea be ia n wswewsj. of this year's delegates proposed that mothers bring their unmarried daugh ters to future meetings and form them Into a junior branch of the congress. Mrs. Archibald little, an English wo man, who lived in western China for eleven years, says there Is a growing sentiment against the practice of crip pling the women's feet. While she was there they held drawing room meetings to discuss the subject, and about 200 of the best families In Chun King and 1,500 families in the adjoining district agreed to discourage the custom. Men are responsible for the practice, for the first question they ask in regard to a possible fiancee is about the sise of her foot The late Empress of Austria did very many things which appeal to the un conventionally of American , women more than they did to the formalists by whom she was surrounded. At the first state dinner after her marriage she horrified the court women by taking off her gloves. One of them remonstrated because It was a deviation from the rules. But the empress promptly set tled that objection by saying that the deviation should henceforth be the rule. The court women had another blow when the empress insisted on wearing a pair of boots a month or more. The rules had required an empress to wear her shoes only once. "Just think," said an American girl, "of being always In a state of breaking In a new pair of shoes! No wonder the poor woman re belled." VALUE OP BOGS. Eggs can be used as a substitute for paste or mucilage to seal a letter or a Jar ot Jelly. The white of an egg will allay the smart of a burn If bound upon It Im mediately, excluding the air. Half a dosen eggs given Immediately after an emetic will render corrosive sublimate harmless. The white of an egg beaten and swal lowed will dislodge a fish bone from the throat. When a mistard plaster Is mixed with the white of an egg. Instead of water, no blister will fotllow Its appli cation. The shells of the eggs should be saved at this season for Easter decoration. In testing eggs remember that a good egg will sink and a bad egg will swim; If It Is difficult to remember which Is which, Just stop to think that a fresh egg sinks because of the water In Its own composition. Another test of a thoroughly fresh egg Is the distinctness with which the yolk may be seen when the egg Is held up to the light. COOKINO IN CUBA. Frying pan and coffee pot are the Only kitchen cooking utensils known to native Cuban housewives. Roasts are unknown; even stews are rare. Soup Is a uncommon as In a New England farmhouse. This is the more strange, as most Southern Europeans make great use of soups. Cuba Is a hot place, which may ac count for the fact that no native will eat fat meat, though It is commonly fried in lard. The common vegetables are yams okra, rice and bananas. FEATHERS IN MEN'S HATS. If you chance to see a small feather showing from the bow of the ribbon band around a man's hat these days it does not necessarily follow that the wearer halls from the country. This Is the up-to-date fad among hat manufacturers, and they say that the Idea Is going with a swing. Young, middle-aged and old men appear to fa vor the feather, and many of the rep resentative producers are using the feather In order that their ruvmes will become Identified with the exterior of hats, and thus the feather will serve as an advertisement. LEMON ICE. Put three pints of water Into a sauce pan with one quart of cutloaf sugar and let K simmer over a slow fire until It Is reduced to a generous quart of svrun. When cold, add the strained Juice of five lemons and the whites of four eggs beaten to a stilt froth. If the syrup seems very thick a little water mav be added. Stir the ingredients well together and pour Into freezer to be treated like Ice cream. FRILLS OF FASHION. Shirt waist pins In gold and sliver, studded with seml-preclous stones, are shown. Shell combs, the edges of which are set with colored stones of different kinds, are popular. Wlde-strlped silks covered with polka dots are made up In shirt waists, and so are large plaids. Light silks and thin French materials of silk crepe or some fleecy material, are found In hat trimmings. An exquisitely wrought brooch In the shape of a dragon fly has Its wings studded with brilliants and emeralds. An opal serves for the back. Polka dols are everywhere on our parasols, In the millinery and scat orfi over the new dress goods, In all colors and slues, woven In or embroider ed, as the case may be. In clplent bustles are worn with the newest spring costumes and toilets. In cases of extreme slenderness they seem Imperative, when the dominating sheath-skirt models are adopted. Picturesque hats of chip and leghorn are to be worn. In big hats there are strings and the hat Itself Is bent down Into all sorts of shapes, as they are most becoming to the wearer, Many of the new silk shirt waists are mads In the true Garibaldi style with no yoke at the back, a few plaits at the belt and tucks forming a partial yoke on either side of the bos plait la front AGRICULTURAL NOTES. THE QUINCE A VALUABLE FRUIT. From American Agriculturist: There is evidently a profitable field open for orchardlsts, as for farmers, in growing quinces. One thing about fruit growing of any kind Is that too many trees for home use or for the local market and not enough for shipment under con tract with city dealers Is an unhappy medium to strike. Take into consider ation what use Is to be made of the fruit and plant trees to meet that end. Quince trees are very hardy, take up less room than any other trees, unless it be the plums, and are easy to pro pagate. Yearling trees are best, but two or even three-year-olds bear trans planting admirably. Trees fruit the foourth year. .Well-rooted scions, oi side shoots, may be taken off and set out each year. They will make fine trees. This self-propagation is decided ly in its favor, as from a few quinc trees bought from the nursery an or chard may be established. - Quince orchards are comparatively rare, when they should be given a place upon farms In all sections. Even a few trees are profitable, small and large orchards proportionately more so. The fruit has ever been considered one of the most valuable of all kinds for Jelly making, preserving and canning. In fact, the quince Is an ideal fruit for housekeepers. It ripens at the close of summer and beginning of' au tumn, wW.-n the rush of summer work is over. Housekeepers have time to handle quinces then, and, as the heat of summer is over, the preserves, Jellies and canned fruit are sure to keep 'well. The edible qualities of the quince are not so much to speak of In the un cooked state, but the flavor and quality when cooked cannot be surpassed. It Is sugary and sweet. HORSES WITH HEAVES. There Is no cure for heaves, as the disease Is caused by structural changes In the air cells of the lungs, but Indi gestion very frequently accompanies the disease, and that can be relieved by proper feeding of sound, clean oats, good, coarse whole wheat bran and fine upland meadow hay chaff, which should be free from dust, dampened and sprinkled over with table salt. Once or twice a week, says Farm, Stock and Home, a mash should be made of the feed and a pint of flaxseed meal added to It. This will soften the contents of the bowels and tend to prevent In digestion before it becomes chronic as well as the heaves. Watering is an other Item to be attended to In these troubles. Water should be given half an hour before feeding, never on top of breakfast, dinner or supper. When you do this you wash -the food out of the stomach before the gastric Juices have prepared for the first process of diges tion. This produces Indigestion. Af fected horses should not be allowed loose hay, only hay chaff of fine quality mixed with bran and oats and given dampened. This diet often brings bo much relief as to seem to effect a cure, and Is one that Is sometimes recom mended by the sellers of heave reme dies, and the alleged cure gets all the credit. TRANSPLANTING TIME. From Farmers Voice: If trees are lone and slender or are rather large for transplanting, it will nearly always pay to set a good, stout stake Dy tnem to nrevent the wind from swaying them around and loosening the roots. The tree should be wrapped with some soft material when It Is tied to the stake, In order to prevent the cord from Injuring the bark. The best time to attend to this Is when the tree is set out. Be sure that the stake is set firm, so that it will be a support to the trees rather than make the tree a support for the stake. So far as can be avoided trees or plants should not be left out of the ground with the roots exposed to wind or sun. The drying of the roots by such exposure Is very Injurious to the vitality of the trees. If the trees come and cannot be set out Immediately, the hotter Dlan In every way Is to heel them In carefully so as to keep the roots molBt, and then when ready to set out take un but a few trees at a time, and even then It will not be a bad plan to have an old piece of carpet or a tow sack kept wet and spread over the roots so as to protect them until they are put In the ground. If by any means In shipping the trees get delay ed, so that when they arrive they are dry, the safest and best plan Is to bury the whole tree under the ground, cover ing completely, letting remain two or three days. If, after doing this, they do not resume their natural condition, It Is a waste of labor to set them out An other plan Is to Immerse In water, but this plan Is not so good as burying them. The better plan Is to have them as fresh as possible and to keep them out of the ground as little as possible, and while they are out of the ground protect the roots as much as possible. TEST THE SEED CORN. It Is not difficult to test seed corn. A good plan we think the best plan ts to take a grain from each of one hundred ears at random and plant them in a box or two or three crocks filled with good earth. Keep the earth moderately moist using only tepid wa ter and keep the bos where the tem perature Is agreeably warm In the kKchen Is a good place. Put the box near the stove at night or In the oven when the stove has cooled off. If less than M of the 100 kernels germinate the seed should not be used. It Is the seed that was thought to be good that falls to make a good stand. It seems easy to be mistaken about teed corn, com that goes Into winter waiters In apparently first -class coadU tlon msy have a little moisture lurking cbout the germs, though the outald of the ears are quite dry; and If this corn is subjected to much freezing weather the germs will be injured. The only safe plan Is to test the corn before It is planted. To plant a field with poor seed is a serious matter. With even the most favorable conditions the loss is not small, and circumstances may easily make the loss a serious one. RAISING CALVES. The poorest disposition that can be made of a calf is to sell It to the butch er. The man who makes a practice of selling his calves for veal is injuring the whole country by destroying a pos sible source of considerable revenue. The calf that is sold for veal Is forever lost to the world, so far as the im provement of stock Is concerned, and because so many have been thus sold within the last six years the stock of cattle in Illinois Is much lower than It might have been and the improve ment In herds now on hand has been In the wrong direction. A calf should be raised on skim milk, giving it seven or eight pounds at a feed. This is the natural and best feed for the first weeks of Its life and after that It may be fed grain, the weight of opinion being In favor of whole corn. This is put into the calf's mouth at first and It soon learns to chew It and look for more. To teach a calf to drink a little milk should be put Into the bottom of the pall at first, as it is easier to handle than a pailful and the calf learns to drink sooner if it can get Its nose on the bottom of the pall. Cows should be bred so the calves come In the fall. Then It can be fed on milk through the winter and learn to eat a little grain, and when summer comes It Is ready to wean and turn on pasture, the most natural feed it can be given, and will continue to grow and make a larger growth than one that comes In the spring and must be wean ed at a time that It goes from dry pas ture to drier hay and grain.' As it is best for the dairyman to have his cows come In in the fall, this works well both for the profit of the dairy and the growth of the calf. Where a herd Is built up from a se lection of calves born bo It improvement Is made more rapidly than It can be when the calves are sold for veal and the herd kept up by purchasing the cows some other man wants to sell, for no man wants to sell his best cows. HORTICULTURE IN NEBRASKA. From the World-Herald: The fruit growers of Nebraska are greatly en couraged In the prospect of the passage of the bill providing an annual appro priation of $2,&00 to the State Horti cultural society In carrying on the work of horticultural Improvements and dis play at the annual exhibitions. It Is a fact that the Influence of the work of the State Horticultural society haB been the means of bringing thousands of good settlers to the state that other wise would have located elsewhere. It Is not alone evidence of the adaptation of our soil to produce big crops of corn that influences Immigration, we must have the other requisites neces sary to home building. A great agri cultural district of country rich in soil properties, with climatic influences suit ed to general agriculture, Is the demand of the present day. The time of special crops has passed by, that Is, conditions of sail and climate that direct the tiller to one line of production. Such dis tricts of country are regarded as the uncertain lands, because failures must come to all soil crops at some time, and when this happens the special crop district suffers a hardship that is diffi cult to recover from. The general character of production on Nebraska farms.especlally that com prising such a wide scope in horticul tural Interests, makes the Nebraska farm one of the most desirable prop erties to be possessed for a home. In dependence In the work of soil produc tion Is the great Incentive to man In choosing the occupation of farming. The fruit orchard Is one of the great est sources of profit and pleasure that the common farmer can enjoy. The horticultural society Is doing much to bring the attention of home seekers to this feature of production In Nebraska. NOTES FROM THE) FARM JOURNAL. All root and fruit pits should have good drainage provided. If they are not on a naturally drained site. In burning all weeds, trimmings and other rubbish In and around the berry patch, many insects and fungi are hap pily disposed of. A mulch of manure on the raspberry natch Is good for next season's crop, but It should not be so heavy near the plants as to furnish a harbor for field mice, beneath which they can dig down and eat the roots. CHINESE TEtLEGRAPHY. The Chinese, owing to the multiplicity of the characters of their written lan guage, have solved the problem of tel egraphy by using numbers instead of characters for transmission over the wire. The numbers have to be reinter preted Into characters when received. To facilitate the operation types are used. On one end of each type Is a character; on the other end Is a num ber. By reversing and Imprinting the types upon a sheet of paper the change Is readily effected with a high degree of accuracy. EFFECT ON LEECHES. Leeches, when spplled to persistent cigarette smokers, drop off dead, dis til,. raa nf the danserous empyreu- matlc oil given off by tobacco being found In them. Btrangely enough, the same eiperlment tried upon excessive pipe smokers resulted In no apparent injury to the leeches. MK(ilMli fiOHRBOOGH BRO'S. Proprietors, 1611 aid Douglas Sti PROr. W. H. SADLER, of Baltimore, Vlllatfa a fua, Hu Ban bsI 'l'l...... u ... Hit tweeu Baltimore and Ban Krancixco, ana toe umana commercial uoiie is one oi wavj Why is this the opinion of the leading business educator of tbe United State.? 1. BKOAjNa of its equipments and facilities. 2. HKOAUSEof its comprehensive courses of study saw progresalT policy. 3. BECAUSE of fu wise management and its success la leoaUng Uel traouaies in positions. PCUCDII mCnDtilTintl Enrollment last year JOSS, students. Present ULrlEnAL IrlrUHMAI IUH. ment. the lanes, it has ever been. Over 300 si placed! n positions last year aa book-keepers, periencea leacners are empiojeo. nigra discipline u eniorceu. lxicairu in in own u city. Employs up-to-date methods of instruction. Secures poslUons for it graduates. Pig vldee ever student with work for board. Educates noor bors and fir la. Caters to ad nationalities. Has no creed aave that which been run fifteen years under tbe same management. FulSllslUobllgataaniand redoes I nromiu. It ta ine.trnnollt.An in character and now has students tntm twentv-foav SYl ine union. Btnaenu anter anv 1 1 earn, worn (Ins January a, catalogue and elegant specimens of Penmanship will be sent free to aar ending name and address. Write ROHRBOUGH BROTHERS, 1 6th and DotifLa Streets. Piloo-Fistulo AND tHI Elitist off thi Rcf!3 CURED WITHOUT UIFE, LIG1TVBE OB UOfflX Beadtsstlmesl-l: PROMINENT BUSINESS MAN CTJR'D Kansas City, Mo., Oct M, 1887. Drs. Thornton ft Minor, K. C, Mo.: Dear Sirs I cannot recommend your treatment for piles too highly, you hav ing treated me very successfully. I waj afflicted for years and you effect ed a permanent cure without a day's loss from my business. Very truly yours, J. J. BWOFFORT. Pres. Swofford Bros. Dry Goods Co. We guarantee to cure every ease. Don't take one cent until patient Is well. Send for free book to men; also free book to ladles. Address DRS. THORNTON & MINOR, Ninth and Wall Ste., Kansas City. Mo. BUREAU DRAWER PERFUME BAG. A delicate perfume for the bureau drawer Is made by mixing one ounce each of cloves, nutmeg and tonga beans with three ounces of orirs root, all finely ground. Put in bags of thin China silk and lay among the clothing. BEWARE OF OINTMENTS FOR CA TARRH THAT CONTAIN MERCURY, as mecury will surely destroy the sense of smell and completely derange the whole system when entering It through the mucous surfaces. Such articles should never be used except km prescriptions from reputable phy sicians, as the demage tney win qo is ten-fold to the good you can possibly derive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney A Co., Toledo, O., contains no mercury, and Is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genuine. It Is taken Internally and la made In To ledo, O., by F. J. Cheney Co. Testi monials free. Sold by druggists, price 75c per bottle. Hall's Family Pills are the best. Wash-A-Lone Reqaires no robbing of tbe Clothes, Saves from one-third to one-half the time usually occupied with the family washing, and one cake goes as far as two of ordinary Laundry Soap. Ask your grocer for it. Ottcriptiui circular muled on application, Wash-A-Lone Soap Co.,. 802 Lemiwortl St., OMAHA, NEB. SOAP To Chicago and the East Four Through Trains Daily from the Missouri River to Chicago. To St. Paul and Minneapolis Two Through Trains Daily. Ths direct lins to ths Black Hills in. to Csst Fcrdx ni Graziij Uxd is Ciirsski. Gonoral Offices: Omaha, St,Poul,Chic:. while maklne a visit at the Omsba ( A va .nnim.rlUI u.'hiuil. 1 kat I stenographers and telegraph operators, ggj annUas to a succrwful business career. Mag lor roara raaranteen. ins mow wna OMAHA, NE3. Or. HENBERSOH 101 aad 10S W. th KJUttAB cirr, est AH I J. tail, vknk fn from sm tarioas Ifieniat uatd. j tsatina fawirKSnass at a alstaaee wanteds Mat. a. fraa tram case or hreakaee. as. or braa nigs, aesss. MTV VTW WeUMf (UrMe ohm my m anee are imp-stent. Stoat your esse and a- lor terms. Coasnltettoa ttee sad eosasatsteasy psrsnnnlly or by Water. pimpt'bVbM onfft Til ofC3 fetbakaad. pains ia back, eeafessd Ussseaf femes, eto-t eurea fps iita. A esaaapy ste arain'powar, aslam andrtmctbaa WMk ant make von B for matriaat. Stricture B5SSi'WS and Gleet afcramento, no pain, no dstaf tJoa from business. Cue guaranteed. Ml sadllrtof uestioBe fme-ssaled. ' tUlOOCtU, HrMOClU,miH0tllKae aflldsdJ Private Disease M3 book .rrfffijag above diseases, the affects and em, seat sseM & plain wrapper for cents ia tompslej should read this book for tbe lnfonBStloa H. B.-8tate ease sad ask forlistof ow Wr jrMun ef-tastswg, tor saaa FARM LAND IS THE SAFEST INVESTMENT Do you want a farm in Nebraska? Then write me at once. I can fit yen out in any sized farm from 40 acres to 10,000. Write me, telling me wheri and what you want and give all partla ulars in first letter. I have lands at from $1.60 per acre up. I am agent for a great many eastern owner who de sire to clean up and will make prices and terms to suit. I handle all kind of sales and exchanges, and if yon want to buy or sell any kind of col lateral I can find you a customer, t have farms In Iowa, Kansas and Mis souri, both farming and fruit land. Real estate la advancing all the tiros and the shrewd Investor will buy now. Lyman Waterman, Real Estate and Fi nancial Agent, New Tork Life Bldg Omaha, Neb. Stammering Omaha 8tant TTierers' Institute, RamgeBlk..Omfr ha, Neb. Julia . Vaughan. Dr. Searles Searles Care All DIMS of Private Nature. No failures. Weak men caused by errors et iTmiih, exoestes and 4 flbllltatlnf drains cured w Bbaj vurvu. wnw rhoea and syphilis cored In earliest possible time. Write, if can net call. 119 So. 14th St., Omaha, Neb. Dr. Kay's Renovator, IVfiZXA sample, free book and free advice how to cure the very wont eaeas ot eaeae.ta.gnsUs tion. bilious headache, liver, kieneye eadlutg discuses. Remedy by mail for M cents and tt Dr. B. J. Kay Medical Co., Saratoga, N.V. COUNTRY PUBLISHERS COM ft OMAHA. VOL. 3, NO. 7-,. 8021 MILES THOROUGHLY EQUIPPED RAILWAYS A X