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About Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 3, 1899)
n nuq ""a ernlsw. Inl M. WOBK AND BOARD. We furnish fg.wyH JfB 10 ,ofk w their bMri. Yoacaa attend tkUeoUafl for oo-hif . . . " wow.r. nH u MM7 raai a buali ."""I J!l t"i?X.'ilCt our eol'W wsskly one year i. Address, ROHR BOUGH 9ROS., Omaha. IM IO UfOM. BETTER THAN GOLD "Mamma!" cried May Stephenson as aha rushed Into the kitchen and threw her school books on the table with a ban;; "is there anything In the world which is worth more than money?" "Why, my daughter!" exclaimed Mrs. Stephenson, stopping her Ironing as ha spoke, "what put such an idea Into your head? Haven't we got money enough to live on? What if we are not as rich as some people are?" "I'm not talking about that, mamma dear," said May, as she pulled off her lacket. "It was Carrie Pratt and Win ifred Smith that put the Idea into my head. You know they have rich nar- cmp, arm iney mink that money la everything. Why, tonight, coming home irom acnooi, Mary White told me that came said that the only fault wit me was that my folks are poor. Sh aid that nobody could ever become anybody who Is looked up to but those who have money. Grace Bradshaw aays she Is not going to school with the common trash any more. She says ner uncie is going to send her to private school, and when she grows up nes going to ale and leave her all hi money. "Well," said Mrs. Stephenson, having recovered from the abruptness of th original question, "what started the discussion today? Why,' said May, putting on her apron so as to help her mother at he work, "Mary said there's going to be a Olograph entertainment at the hall week from next Tuesday. Carrie.Grace and Winifred came to school saying that they are going. One girl said her folks couldn t afford to let her go, bu aha would like to go very much, and mat set v innie talking about poor folks, and you know how those girls talk when they once get started." "Yes, I know," said Mrs. Stephen on, as she turned over what she wus Ironing to Iron the other side. "1)0 you want to go to the show? "Why, I'd like to," said May, look ing tt her mother's careworn face, "but 1 know It would be extravagant and foolish, and well, I don'tlare whether I go or not. What I want Is an answer so my question, 'Is there anything In the world worth more than money?' ' "Why, yes," said Mrs. Stephenson "A noble character, an unblemished reputation, a heroic act, are all worth many times more than money. People are no better because they have It. It Is simply good fortuni If they have It. Before Mrs. Btephenson could again mention her going to the entertainment May snatched the broom from Us cor ner and hurried upstair to sweep Once there she almost cried, but by force of her will she controlled her feel Ing. v t j "I want to go so bad!" she said to herself at first, but, clutching the broom and beginning to sweep rapidly, she whispered so only the walls could hear "Poor mamma, I won't ask her to let me go. She Is so tired and It would be so foolish for me to spend money to go anyhow." Bo she soliloquized and bus- led herself with sweeping the room while, downstairs, as the golden rays of the descending winter sun glided the face of Mrs, Stephenson as she prepared the evening meal In the dining room and the round face of the timepiece on the mantel as It Jovially counted the seconds, until Mr. Stephenson should return from his work at the store, to the home which the sweat of his brow had provided If everything there was not quite as expensive as the same things in other better furnished homes, there was a certain neatness and homelike cheerful ness within the little house which some of the finest and most fashionable resi dences lack. Mrs. Stephenson was a rheery, hard working woman, and had lived long and stood high In the village wherein she lived. Jack Stephenson, her husband, was as honest and conscientious a clerk as had ever worked faithfully and dili gently for eighteen years In field & James' general merchandise store. May was his only daughter and the sunshine Of his hearth. She was his Idol; his only child. Hut his finances kept him from doing for her everything he wish ed. This evening he was In an excep tionally good mood. His employers had told him he deserved extra compensa tion for the services he was rendering them, and they voluntarily proposed to Increase his salary. It was with extreme pleasure that he entered the house. "Where is May?" said he, while tak ing off his overcoat. "She's upstairs sweeping." replied Mrs. Stephenson. "There's a show com ing along and the poor girl wants to go. I can see she hates to ask me, but she Is feeling real bad because those rich Pratt and Smith girls are going, and she knows wo can't afford to let her go.' "Well," said Jack, as he hung up his hat and sat down to supper, "I'll own I've been hard on the girl In keeping her awav from entertainments, and Broil wife I've irot my salary raised, and Just step upstairs and tell her to come down that I saiu sue couiu this time." 8o It was thus arranged. May was overjoyed when she learned from her mother that she could attend the en tertainment. She went Joyfully to sup per The time passed swiftly by, min utes flew into hours, hours flew Into flays, and It seemed but a short period had elapsed when the entertainment, accompanied by a stiff, cold wind, was at hand. The enlertalnment consisted pf a "Hlograph," showing war pictures, Dtted with tho customary film belts, and the big screen was placed a little back from the edge of the stage. It did not occupy the whole stage, but the rest of the edge space was covered by the cords holding the screen In posi tion. Of course there would be no music, but the piano and some chairs used by the orchestra remained In the pit Close to the stage. Like all opera houses are, the seats were a story above the around, and the front was partitioned off Into vestibule, box office, etc. Hut unlike most theaters, this was built of frame and had no fire escape. The orig inal builders of the theater said none was needed-there would never be a lire there. This description may seem at present unnecessary, but you will oon need It If you follow the tory. May went to the show and was given a seat three rows from the machine. The bouse filled rapidly. Ladles chil dren and young people formed the a a Slence. The three rich girls occupied a box at right side of the house. The KItt girl had her little -ry- brother with htr In the box. It wm the first tlm he had been trusted with hZ for a whol. "Si""?" w "" - - whs- he's l STtSStTl feta- 2E so ana sag rami or Tonne Monla our free. Our new catalogue neo. she asked her mother to let her take blm to the show, "Suppose there should be a Are," said Mrs. Pratt with a premonition dange "Why, there can't be a fire," said Carrie, by way of expostulation. "There never has been one, and there never will be one In the opera house," she continued. "Do as you wish, then, my daughter,' said Mrs. Pratt; "but be careful of lit tie Robert." So Hubert attended the exhibition. At 8 o'clock the first picture appeared on the screen and many others follow ed. At 10:15 the box office man and manager of the opera house left the theater proper, knowing there was but one more picture to be presented. So of the opera house people, only the man behind the lantern remained, and he was unused to the opera house. He said the last picture would be Fire on board ship." As he spoke film of the belt caught from the light instantly setting fire to the entire bel In a moment, before the spectators had realized what had happened, a huge tongue leaped from top of the lnstru ment, setting fire to the cur curtal over the entrance at the side. Instantly all was on fire and llttl streams of flame were licking at the woodwork. "Fire!" screamed the Pratt girl, and fell back In a dead faint. Some one opened a window and shouted "Fire outside. The wind rushed In and spread th names. In a moment all was confusion, but it was seen to be Impossible to leave the entrance, which was In the center of the fire. The cry of "Fire!" had sent the two men hurrying within, but they were slopped by the smoke and flames. The manager rushed out to bring the fire department of the little town. The ticket seller rushed around to enter by the rear door and returned with a face as white as marble. "Dick," he gasped, taking hold of the manager s shoulders to steady himself, "the department can't save them. They are doomed. "Why, what's the matter now.friend, you don't understand It!" cried the ticket seller in a broken voice, "fact Is, the rear door's bolted on the lnsldo and I I bolted It on the Inside myself the first part of the evening!" The manager almost fell, overcome by the Intelligence. "Why don't the hook and ladder come," he cried, to change the subject. "I told 'em to come all right." "The wagon's broken down," exclaim ed one of a crowd of persons now ar riving. "Something must be done Immedi ately," cried the ticket agent, "or all will perish." The town fire bell was now ringing wildly and crowds of frightened and agonized parents were arriving, only to learn that their loved ones were In a trap, crowds or men onerea to neip but no one bad the same Idea as the others. The passing of the precious time, the smell of burning wood and the muffled crackling of the flames was becoming oppressive. Frenzied men pushed for ward and a force of firemen now had arrived. They had brought some appa ratus from the injured truck. Work against the flames now began In ear nest; the men were cheered as they commenced entering the vestibule. Hut after a short Interval of heroic work the firemen were driven out. "Can't get in that way," said the chief. "We didn't get here soon enough. I'm afraid we can't save 'em. Matey, tell three others to go back and bring the extension ladders Just as quick as you can." It was a terrible business, the truck s breaking down at a time like this. The manger's hat was oft and sweat, not merely of nervousness, but of ter rlble anxiety, poured down his face. "What, aren t the ladders here? he cried. No," said the chief. "We didn't know how serious it was." "Then they are doomed," exclaimed the manager. "Those people will suffo cate from the smoke before the ladders get here." Meanwhile an even greater terror swept over the Imprisoned audience. From the moment of the cry of "Fire!" pandemonium had reigned within the opera house, and as the fire spread the renzy was terrible to behold. Women fainted, children screamed, and. to cap the climax, the few men present had he wildest Ideas of the way to escape. When it was found that they could not scape, they asked the lantern man what to do. He could not help mat ter's, however, as he knew nothing of the theater's mode of escupe. By this time some seemed dazed, others seemed almost crazy with fright and fear, which Increased as the seconds passed. May, of all the audience, was cool and collected. She did not at first move until the smoke nearly drove her from er seat. A plan formed rapidly In her brain. As she saw the fire increasing she saw that something must soon tie done r thev would perish. Although but a short time since the fire started, the rear woodwork of the room was almost covered by the tongues of crackling flames. The three rich girls had fainted away, and, unnoticed because of the scream ing and groaning, little Kobert, attract ed by the flames, had escaped from the box and was toddling straight toward the crackling fire. Hushing from her seat, May pushed her way through the crowd, seized Hobert and raised him Into her arms. The attention of the crowd was occu pied by a man in the other end. "Let's prepare ourselves for the worst," he cried. "We cannot esca)e." May usually thought before she act ed. She had now no time. A moment, and the dense smoke would suffocate them. The man's cry emboldened her. "There Is a way to escape," she cried, and the audience turned as If run by clock-work. "I am a young girl, but I am sure of what I say. He cool and keep up your courage and follow me!" She was the only one not thoroughly frightened. "It Is no use waiting longer for them to rescue us." she continued. "Just make way for me, please." , Magnetized by her cool movements, the crowd mado way for her. May, bearing Robert, rushed down tho aisle, mounted a chair, then the top of the piano, and from there sprang to the stage. She then unfastened tho cords holding one side of the lower part of the screen and passed through. Tho crowd, picking up those that had fainted, pushed their way alone; and followed her. They wer wild to be safe once more. She led the way thro the wings, down some dark steps, and ih.n vrnmd along until she found the wall of the room, men sue imi ner waV uatll .ha had found , door, riad- wall of the room. Then ah felt her in that It would not open, she found the bolt, and, pushing It back, aha open the little door and reopened communi cation with the world. Hurrying out Into the alley, she met a party of men Just coming to break down the door. They were astonished to see the audience Issuing from the rear of the budding through the very door they were to beat down. In front, Mrs. Pratt, in a carriage, was openly blaming Carrie for taking Robert, when May, staggering under her burden and followed by the rest of the audience, handed Robert to his mother. Before that astonished lady could say anything. May had rushed off Into the darkness to her home. Hardly had the audience entirely got ten out ere the Interior partition fell with a crash. "There's no use to try to save It," said the Are chief when he had seen the blaze. "The best we can do is to protect other buildings, and that our men seem to be doing pretty thorough ly. What I want to know Is who that girl is that rescued them all? She's true heroine; the kind you read of I stories. She's the first living specimen I ve seen. "She saved my child's life," said Mrs. Pratt. "What was the matter with you, Carrie?" "Why, I fainted away," replied Car rle. "A pretty time that was to faint! exclaimed Mrs. Pratt. Just then a mait Interrupted their conversation. "I propose three cheers for the girl!" he shouted. And they were given with a will May went straight home that night to her sobbing mamma. Her papa had been at the fire, but had Just missed her. She told nothing of her brave deed. Those whom she rescued, however knew her and told the proprietors of the theater. Then the manager secretly called at Mrs. Stephenson's, and then Mrs. Pratt did likewise. The result was that one fine day a box from the Jew elers containing a bracelet, "Compll ments of Carrie, Robert and Mrs Pratt," came to May, but she that day also received what she values even higher. It is a gold medal, and it bears the Inscription which her mother fur nished to the manger when he asked her for one, and told her his plan of giving May a medal: 'The Senecatlon Opera House com pany to Miss May Stephenson, as slight token In memory of an act which was Worth More Than Gold. CHAUNCEY L. WILTSE. Horse Clipping. In tho old days, with comb and shears, it took a man eight hours to clip a horse, and he had to be an ex pert to do It In that time. With the Introduction of the hand clipper, such as Is used for clipping men's hair, into this use, the time required for clipping a horse was reduced to nan a aay Later these clippers came to be oper ated with hand power, by use of a crank, and then the time required for) clipping a horse was still further re duced. In one of these hand-power clippers the clipper is attached to the end of a flexible shaft, which Is made up or short links of steel wire linked together like a chain. To keep this flexible shaft from kinking and twisting when it Is turned it is Incased and carried In flexible tubing. The shaft Is made to turn by attaching one end of it to the axle of a wheel, which Is turned by means of a belt from It to another wheel, which is turned by a crank These wheels are supported, the larger one, to which the crank is attached, on standard resting on the floor; the smaller one, to which the flexible shaft s attached, at the end of an arm sup ported by the standard. Turning the wheel turns the flexible shaft within Its flexible tubing. The shaft Is at tached to the clipper with an eccentric. When the shaft turns the eccentric works the clipper Just as an ordinary clipper with handles would be worked by hand, only many times faster. The operator simply holds the clipper ana guides It over the surface to be clipped. Nowadays this sort of clipper is oper ated also by machine power, a gas en Klne being used for this purpose, and with power clippers horses are clipped In less time still. In a horse-clipping establishment where machine power is used the gas nglne Is belted to a shafting made fast to the ' celling, from which the power Is transmitted by belts to two ullevs. one on either side or tne room, attached to the celling by hangers In the usual manner. Hanging from eacn f these pulleys Is a long flexible shaft Ith Its flexible casing, wnn a cup per at the end. i nese nexioie inaua, he tubes that Inclose tnem neing an nch or two In diameter, and about as evible as rope or Hose of like size would be. are each perhaps eleht to ten feet or more in length; long enough to enable the operator to go all over ne side of the horse with the cupper anglng on that side without shifting th animal's Dosltion. The operator throws the clipper, on whichever side he starts, Into gear at its pulley and begins work with It. When he has nlHhed one s do of a norse ne snuia ff the Dower from the clipper usqd on hat side and goes around on the other Ide, throws that clipper Into gear, and Ith that clipper begins on that side oi the horse. now long it takes to clip a norse now enends very much on the horse. The majority of horses take kindly to cllp- ng, but some ao not. ii oesn't like to be clipped It may take hours to clip him, but ordinarily in these days, with power clippers and the horse willing the clipping Is done forty minutes to an hour, a norse a hAin c mnen in iwtrii-iuui m...- utes, but probably about an hour would be the time usually required. In the old days It cost $20 to J30 to get a horse clipped; it is done nowadays for $2.60 to 13.60. He Paid 94,000 For a Kls. A well known and beautiful Eng lish actress, having heard of the ex ploit of an American sister of the stage In offering a kiss at auction, and being asked to assist at a charity ba zar, announced that a caress from her own rosy U pe would be given to the male willing to pay most for It. The bidding was brisk and had advanced to (150, when the sum of $4,000 was offered. This put all other amorous competitors out of the race, and the blushing actress turned to the pur chaser, the colonel of one of the Brit ish line regiments, who came forward, but Instead of sipping the sweetness himself, presented hi little llve-year-old grandson, explaining that he had purchased the kiss as a birthday pres ent for him. Th actrssa took th child In her arms and discharged th debt with Interest, and the charity. In which th colonel was Interested, waa th richer by $4,000 for th granddad' whim. It la said, though, that th gal lant colonel did not go Useless after all. DEWEY PREDICTS WAR BAYS OUR NEXT CONFLICT Wl I BE WITH GERMANY. Declares Himself In Favor of a Lai ger Navy to Cope with Any Power. Trieste. (Special.) I had a conversa tlon with Admiral Dewey on board th. Olympla yesterday. In reply to my re marks that Germany had Intended to Interfere at Manila, he said "Yes, Prince Henry of Prussia is man of the type of his brother, the Lrerman emperor. "And Admiral von Dtedrlchs?" asked. "He was relieved from his Manila post In accordance with an arrange ment of long standing and because his time was up, not as a concession made In friendliness to the American govern ment Germanys policy is to prevent pther powers from obtaining what she : an not acquire herself. Alter we had spoken or Samoa as evidence of her policy, the admiral said: "We need a large and thoroughly equipped navy that can cope with any Dther power. England is our natural illy, and differences such as these about the Venezueland border and the fisher ies do not interfere with a friendly un derstanding existing between the two nations. Our next war will be with jermany." Admiral Dewey remained on board the Olympla today and received Mr. Hoesfeldt, the United States consul, and a number of other callers. The commander of the Trieste garrl- lon offered the band of the Eighty' seventh regiment, and sent an armed escort to the funeral of Isaac Kask, ;he seaman of the Olympla, who was ouried this morning with military hon ors. The offer of the band was da. Mined, because it was thought thai Rask would have preferred to have the music furnished by his own comrades U though the compliment paid by the ;ommander of the garrison was highly ippreciated and the offer would oth- srwlse have been accepted. Fully 50,000 persons witnessed the ;ereraony. The burial service was per formed by Pastor Edicus of the Lu- :heran church, to which denomination Rask belonged. Admiral Dewey sent a wreath of flow .rs several feet high, and the colors were at half mast on the Olympla. When the Olympla leaves here on Tuesday she will sail In the evening. The first port touched at will be Naples, where Admiral Dewey will be received is he was here. The Olympla may coal at Leghorn, ind then proceed to Gibraltar, remaini ng there several days. She will then for Madeira, where she will make another stopi and then proceed to lew York. Ten Thousand on a Strike. Chicago, 111. (Special.) Ten thousand nen were thrown out of employment md work was stopped on 200 buildings n the course of erection in unicago luring the second day of the strike of :he union brlckmakers of Cook court ly. The tie-ups came first on the imailer Jobs, on which the contractors lad made precaution to increase the mpply of bricks In anticipation of the ttrike. The bricklayers and hod car iers were forced to quit for the want if material, and following them the urpenters were compelled to lay down Jielr tools. An effort will be made for an amlca- Jle idjusment of the difficulties be :ween the brick men and the north side nanufacturers at a meeting which has een called. All the interests will be epresented that are interested. Un ess one side or the other recedes from Ji position held, little will be accom llhhed at the conference. The strikers itlll assert that they will stand firm mtil all the north side manufacturers ilgn the union agreement, and the man ifacturers say that they will stick it ut If their yards are closed all season. Bad Man with Bills. Washington. D. C (Special.) Chief iVilkle of the secret service has recelv k! a telegram announcing the arrest of lames L Scott at Laird, Ky. It ap pears that last April, Scott, under an issumed name, advertised In one of he Cincinnati papers for a companion. "he advertisement was answered by a Cincinnati man, who then received an nqulry as to whether he was an en- jraver. The latter suusequeniiy were urned over to the secret otneers, wno ontlnued to correspond. It developed Jiat Scott wanted a man to engrave $1 md $2 silver certificates, and after he ad fully committed himself he was iirested and held under bond by the Jnlted States commissioner. He will e tried for using the malls for pur poses of fraud. Must Give Back the Coin: Washington. D. C (Special.) United ?tates Minister Merry was today in- itructed to represent to the govern- nent of Nicaragua that, In the opin ion of the state department, the $9,000 ollected by General Torres from the American merchants In Blueflelds be ellvered to them. The merchants were required to pay this amount of money n goods that had previously assessed jy the revolutionary party, wnne tne alter was In control at Blueneios. uur government objected to this douoie jolleetion and the money was pioceu in scrow with the British Consul at liiue- Selds, awaiting the decision of the le gality of the last collection. WILL BR A HOT RECEPTION. New York. The committee on plan nd scope of the Dewey reception com mittee held a meeting today, it was ecided to have a display of fireworks In all of the five boroughs at points to be designated, with an electrical dls- nlay for three nights at the New xor and Brooklyn city halls. A renort having gone out that news. oaner men from other cities would be treated as guests of the city, the com- made a report to the effect mat hlle newspaper men would be treated Ith everv courtesy, that would not mean the city would assume their hotel bills or other personal expenses. Replies from fourteen governors ac cepting the Invitation to take part in the parado were received. STRIKERS ARE DETERMINED. New York. The striking freight han dlers on the Pennsylvania and Lehigh Valley railroads held a meeting today. The strikers to the number of about 200 decided to follow the lines of the strike as already adopted, and said they would keep up the strike for six months If necessary. They declared If be found necessary to have further aid the freight handlors on the Balti more ft Ohio would also bs called. ot. BANDIT ACCUSES ACOSTA. Saysth Cuban Officer WaeChlei In Safe Robbery Plot. Havana, Chief of Police Galla ol Ouanajay has captured Knrlque Rl vere, the ringleader of the banditti en gaged in the recent safe robbery at Marlel. Rlvere was taken in a ruined building near Guanajay. In telling bis story the bandit chief aays he was asked by Major Jose Acos ta of the Cuban army to help raid Marlel, and was told that there was nc danger in the enterprise. Acosta, ac cording to Rivere's tale, took him tc the Cuban barracks, where the plot was arranged with Sergeant Formln o! Acosta's regiment and five or six oth ers. Arms were supplied the men and the telegraph wire was cut by order ol Acosta. The party arrived .at Marlel at 8 p. m and all hands assisted in carrying the safe some distance away, where il was opened with an ax, each man help ing himself to some of the money it contained. On their return the party arrived at the Cuban quarters at Guanajay at ! o'clock m the morning. Rivere sayt he delivered a portion of the money he had received to Acosta and some tc Major Bulnes, and believed others ol the party gave money to Bulnes. When the first man concerned in the raid wae arrested Acosta ordered all the mem bers of the band to get as far away from Guanajay as possible. Rlvere says Acosta stole many mules and horsee and also had a plan to rob the hotel at Guanajay. BALFOUR'S FIRM ATTITUDE. Transvaal Must Come to Time or England will Force Issue. London. (Special.) The aspect of the South African crisis has been little changed by the latest news, but the question seems to have arrived at a deadlock. The blue book issued today, which brings the history of the case down to July 23, is chiefly interesting as showing that the Cape ministry ap proved President Kruger's latest pro posals as adequate and that the Trans vaal refused friendly consultation with the British government before passing and promulgating the franchise bill. It is understood that negotiations have ceased since this period, between Great Britain and the Transvaal. The firm speech of Mr. Balfour, at a conservative luncheon yesterday after noon, which was the subject much dis cussed in the lobbies of the house of commons last night, had a double pur pose to Impress President Kruger with the necessities for further concessions, and to silence the rumors of a lack of solidity in the British cabinet on this question. The South African debate comes on In the house of commons today, and Mr. Balfour's strong lines supporting Mr. Chamberlain, is meant to discount any indiscreet speeches that may pro ceed from the liberal side of the house, founded on Lord Salisbury's reticence, which has been interpreted as a disap proval of Mr, Charnhoi'ittln's policy, MAY GET AFTER FLOUR TRUST Minnesota Officials to Test Effect of Anti-Trust Law St. Paul, Minn. (Special.) The state of Minnesota may undertake to enforce the anti-trust law that recent went into effect A conference with that end In view was held In Attorney General Douglass' office. There were present Congressman Towney, who drew up the original bill; Representative Dwln nell, who worked for the passage of the measure In ' the house, and Is Interested In the case as an attorney; W. S. Edgar of the Northwestern Miller who has the Information regarding the organization of the milling trust in Minneapolis, and Attorney General Douglas, upon whom will devolve the duty of beginning the prosecution. The object of the conference was to prepare the way for bringing action against the milling trust, and It Is expected that this will be done within a few days. No final decision was reached, much time being given to the consideration of the anti-trust law. the provisions of which according to some of those present, had no bearing on the case under discus sion. Will Parallel B. Si O. Springfield. 111. The articles of In corporation of the St. Louis, Spring field & Vlncennes Railroad company certificate which was issued today by the secretary of state, say that it is in tended to operate a railroad from Vln cennes. Ind.. to St. Louis, and from Shawneetown, III., to Springfield, 111. The contemplated line parallels the Baltimore & Ohio Southmestern, and it was thought at first that the Baltimore & Ohio Southwestern was reincorporat Ing under another name, but I? rank W. Tracy, former president of the Bal timore & Ohio Southwestern and still a director of that road, stated this even insr to a representative of the Associat ed Press that the new line was not the Baltimore & Ohio Southwestern, ana that this was the first he had heard of the new company, and he was not acquainted with any of the gentlemen who are named as the incorporators or directors. Marcus Daly III. St. Paul. Minn. A Butte, Mont., spe cial to the Pioneer Press says: General Alarm was created In business circles In Anaconda today by the report that Marcus Daly, president of the Amalga. mated Copper company, was seriously 111 at his home In Anaconaa. iasi night he was taken with a bad attack of Indigestion, followed Dy neart ian ure. A special train from Butte car ried Dr. Turner for consultation with Mr. Daly's family physician, Dr. Spell- man, and they remained witn tne sick man all night. Today he was much better and this afternoon had so much Improved that he was removed to nis nrivate car and taken to his summer home in the Bitter Root valley, where his family Is. It is thought ne nas al most recovered. Ask McKlnley to Undo It Beaver Falls, Pa. At a mass meeting of tho Women's Christian Temperanc union held here today, resolutions wer unanimously adopted protesting 'gainst Attorney General Griggs' decision ir reference to the canteen system anc appcalin gto President McJCinley tc carry the anti-canieen law inio iui force. The resolution concludes as fol lows: "Resolved, That In case this decision of Attorney General Griggs, maintain ing the canteen system, be sustained and carried out, we hereby express oui firm belief and deepest desire that th( temperance people, and all Chrtstlar people, determinedly oppose In this an at every point, such an admlnlstratlor of the government of this country." Washington, D. C William O.Smith on of the late Colonel Smith of thi quartermaster's department, has beet appointed as second lieutenant In thi regular army, Jct to examination SAII do:.:ii!go .EXT. AMERICAN WAR VESSELS SENT TO GUARD OUR INTERESTS. May Finally Result In Annexation of the Republic Germany May Take a Hand In the Squabble). Washington, D. C. (Special.) Amer ican men-of-war will be on hand to look out for American interests in th event of a revolution and any undue foreign Interference following the as sassination of President Heureaux of. the Dominican republic. As a result of the conference between Secretary Hay and Secretary Long telegraphic orders were sent for the cruiser New Orleans to sail at once from Newport and the gunboat Ma chias to sail as soon as repairs are com pleted from St Thomas for San Do mingo. The New Orleans is expected to reach San Domingo about Tuesday of next week. The Machias is having re pairs made, which will require about eight days to complete. She Is not expected at the seat of threatened trou before about August 5 or 6. No specific Instructions have been given either of the naval commanders. Telegraphic Instructions sent them sim ply directed the protection of Amer ican interests. The New Orleans la commanded by Captain Edward Long necker, a capable and discreet officer, in whom the department has the great est confidence. The commanding officer of the Machias Is Commander Leavltt C. Logan. Officially the authorities say that the vessels are being sent to the Dominican government solely as a precautionary measure; that the press dispatches in dicate political intrigues which may result in a revolution, and that as American interests in the little repub lic are paramount to those of any oth- er country, it is a part of prudence to have ample force at hand to see that full protection is given to those inter ests. As to the possibility of annexation us an immediate outcome of the assas sination of, Secretary Hay and Secre tary Long think that it Is going too fast to expect such a result, and rather dls-i courage this kind of talk. They do noti deny, however, that the United States may be forced to serious responsibili ties in connection with the future gov srnment of San Domingo. While no definite information has been received here regarding the plot) which resulted in the assassination o President Heureaux, it is believed to be probable that it was planned and exe rted by partisans of Jiminez, the rev- jlutionary leader. It is known that! Heureaux had lived in tear of assa-i isinatton for many months. He had? frankly announced that he proposed to jontinue In the presidency as iong as tie lived. ''' i German interests In the republic are ;onsiderable, and President Heureaux? was strongly backed by them. The fu-; ;ure of the republic may depend largely' upon the course taken by the foreign jlement in this crisis. The course ot .he German government in the present) :risis will be watched with considerable nterest by the American government. The finances of San Domingo are in a Dad way, and merchants doing business :here have little hope of any material mprovement, unless this government n some way takes control of matters. GOMEZ ON HIS DIGNITY. 3aysall Newspapers Lie and Denies Interviews. Havana. (Special.) General Gomes nas declared that a majority of the al-j leged Interviews with him, published n the local papers, were entirely with-! ut foundation, and that he has decided. io write, himself, anything he may nereafter have to say to the press. "I believe all papers He," said Gomel, 'and that those of one country are in ihls respect no better than those of an ither. In future I will give over my( iwn signature, or through the Associ ited Press alone, anything intended for publication." General Gomez refused to discuss the presidency of the dominican republic, :lalming to know nothing regarding the natter. When uestloned concerning the ru nors circulating in the cafes as to his isplrations regarding a Dominican re public, Gomez' actions proved his con empt for the Rtories, yet in the clubs ind cafes he is seriously accused of onspiring to bring both Hayti and uba under the dominion of the United States. In alluding to the cafes, Go--nez made use of a contemptuous term. Ahich Is used among Cubans to signify towards, and said that he did not be ieve many men belonging -to the army would have anything to do with such people, who, he said, do not represent uba, yet cause much misrepresenta- :lon. He also classed a number of papers in the same category. General Gomez' wife and family left Santo Domingo on board the Maria Herrera and are expected to arrive in Havana on Monday next. With regard to the rumor that Gomez will be the next president of the re public of Santo Domingo, it is stated) nere that the most popular candidate s Senor Juan Jiminez, who took part n the attempted Insurrection of June, 89S. and who Is now In Havana. It Is possible, however, so it is reported, that f a revolution takes place, Senor Jlm nez' opponents may offer Gomez the eadershlp. El Diario de la Marina and La Lucna ;xpress the opinion that, considering the present expansion policy, the Unlt- d States may lntervent in Santo Do mingo. SYMPATHY FOR DE NEGRIER. London. The Dally Chronicle's Paris correspondent says: Though no move ment has followed General de Negrier's resignation, I am bound to say that hough he has not received the open ipprobatlon ot the other generals, Gen- ral de Negrier Is overwhelmed with xpresslons of sympathy from all parts Df France. He was evidently one of ihe prospective "saviours" of Francs ind he made no secret of his disap pointment when M. Deroulede's attempt failed. It was General De Negrier who de moralized President Faure by predict- ng that the Dreyfus revision would lead to the collective resignation ol ?corea of generals and officers. His popularity in the army is undoubted. STEPS FOR OIL EXCHANGE! San Francisco, Cal. The recent de velopment of the petroleum fields la Fresno county has so Interested th apltallsts of the coast that steps an being taken for the organisation of ai oil exchange In this city. Within tht past thirty days soma twsnty odd cor porations have been organised la tail city for the handling of oil and th tmr- Ing and selling of oil properties.