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About Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 10, 1899)
:.vlSaWJ(t.,' f, vsvir -SCr " 4 V rrison Press-JoIjrnal. ! VOL. ;xn IZJL&ttLQOlxr, UBBBASKA, TUTJRSIDir, -A.TTO-. lO, 1899. Or tto-. 'NO QUESTION 18 EVER SETTLED UNTIL IT IS SETTLED mOHT."-Hm. William J. Bryaiu. 3STO. 3. Jlanison Prass-Joumal. VBTAMU8UJD 1888. Bubecriptioa Price, f 1.00 OFFIOIAL PAtE" OF 6IOUX COUNTY. ro. D. Cauou, Editor. Entered at the Harrison poet office as second class matter. There is no doubt whatever but tliat Hon W. J. Bryan will receive tlie nom ination, for president oa the Democratic ticket next year but there is some talk io the papers of late that president Mc Kinley may le dropped out of the race and Hon. Theo. Roosvelt nominated io his stead. Out of 600 German newspnpers in the United Stateii, polled, by the Press Bur eau of the National Democratic Catn paiga Cotnmittee, with but one except ion, ftaey are oppose to president McKialey's conduct of the war in the Philippines and also the republican poli cy of foreign expansion and Anglo-Saxon alliance. The nearer the time comes for the national conventions of the two (Treat parties, the more desperate becomes the republican press, and indus triously begin their living1 method of trying to besmirch and befoul the .character of honorable leading men of the democratic party In the nation at .also in tha various tales. And without exception, the administration nud orjfiios have had to swallow a lis in every instance. Here are two or three of them which we call to mind: The Lincoln State Journal and the New York Herald, fabricated one relative to ex-senator, Allen of this stale, entering thousands of acres of laad under the national Reservoir act. Senator Allen compelled them to retract; Seator Fronts sniffling committee authorized by the republican state central committee, sanctioned by the Omaha Bee and the Lincoln Slate Journal, and legalized by the recent legislature, undertook to show up a altortage in exgovenor Moleombs hotise rent expenses, another instance where the lie has beeo shoved down the throats of the republican leaders And their slanderous mud-machines: But the most recent fabrication is a statement published by the N. Y. Herald, to the effect that ex-fovernor Altgeld, had made the statement that free coinage of silver at the legal ratio of ll to 1, would not be the ramont issue in 1900. But governor Altgeld refused the lie, and thus tbe Herald has been compelled to retract. Another, by the same metro politan Dnily was, that ex-governor Stone, vice-chairman of the Demo cratic National Committee, said in a speech before Ihe committee at Chica go July 20h, that he. was opposed to any alliance with any other party or ganizations bat n personal letter to the public denying the published state, went, attributed t; him, hus silenced their mud battery on that score. Ttiuh, iu the absence of truth and actual facts to carry on a .tunpaigri the Hanacrutic leaders are obliged to resort to their Using, mud slinging machines. Srvcsce From The Valley. j H i becoming "second nature" for us to writ items, this time for the only sur viving paper of Sioux county. , There was hard rain at Bodaro and tfdaity Saturday evening reaching, as far north as far north as the oio raoch, while at Ollchnst it is still not anddrv- Mn. Sarah Jordaa, took her daughter Ella to Crawford, last week to see the Doctor. Sho waa better Sunday, but on laoatfay nor mother took her to town to sNDr. Pbineey. C. F. Coffee is in Omaha at this writ ing with ft shipment of fat cattle. Mies Mabel Tebbet came home with Kiss Lizzie QaBBterinan on Saturday and uatod with her valley friends till Wed nagrjajr morning when she returned to town with the U. a mail. C C. Ron moved bis mother the first of ah week to Crawford, end Ed. and his family expect to start Monday for a point Ave biadred mile north of here, where they will mure charge of a ranch. August Beumfard traded ft horse, sad dle aad his bat, tePete Totnaeo last Fri- ay for like possessions, and Pete went Aorth la eearch of work. ,. Jae. MoCaon made ft trip to Slieep creek Jftat week aod found hie cattle do ing wall. We went to pick currants last week atad returned with three young hawks y about ewe third gro a. As w had not raised maay young chicks we thought wo would raise the hawks for pets, but they did act enjoy ihe ohnfge of pas tureeo all lied. 1 Him Melli. Reynolds end Kiss normce 0rook of ChftiliM, an it guest of -WIIID MILLS.- The undersigned is ag ent for the celebrated Di viD Bradley, Wind Motor, Improved Wind Mills, the best made. I am , also prepared to furn ish on ehort notice first class temps. Pipes. Weed A Sifel Towers, Tank or anything in the lino of pump repairs, AT LOWEST PRICES. Write me for estimates be fore contracting elsewhere. You will save money by it. Abdress-JOHX S. A6IITOX, Arclmore, 8. Dak. AGENTS WANTED-FOB THE LIFE AT Achievements or Admiral Jiewev," the world's naval hero. Hv Mnrat Halstcsd, the life lone friend and admirer of the nation's, Idol. Higgext and best boo k ; over flOO pages Sxlulncbe: nearly 100 pi;-.H hnlftoiiM illust rations. Only l,50. Enormous demand. HI Commission. Outfit true, thmieeota lifetime. Writcditlck. The Dominion Com pany, 3rd Floor l ax ton Illkg., Chicago. Every Stork Man in the County Should Read this Article. The wolf association, organized coup le of weeks ajjo, to be known as the Running Water Wolf Asseciation. hns heen extended as far west as Tom Bell's ranch, who has liberally subscribed !", for every wolf killed The houndry now stands thus, from Tom Bell's to east line of Sioux County, and 18 miles each side of Running water. All those having stock within that limit ghnuld subscribe to the wolf bounty fund pad wlientn H;rrisor, call at tins Com mercial bank and put down their name, for the sum which they are willing to e've for something; tliat will pay tliero 100 per cent on the investment. Follow ing are those who have already subs cribed to the fund: J. W. Earnest, f'J. A. McOir.ley. $5, F. For.-e, 2, Tlios. Bell, 0, David Colvillo, 2. Mi -is Blanc hie Coffee. They were me in Harrison, Monday , by Miss Blanch end her mother, who conveyed tl em to the Cffue mansion, where they will have an enjoyable time for several days. A good audience tuned out to hetr Riv. Kendall last Similar nnd all are cor liaTy invited to come and hatr him preach again next Suuday. The follow ing Sunday, the 30th Rev. Kioo will preach. Bodaro will have preaching each Sunday in Aug. Cuo. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Thomas, accom panied by their son and heir, were Har rison visitors on last Tuesday. Katrayrtli From Running Water, one Bleu Saddle Horse, branded U ' 1 Node on left shoulder and on Ilij right shoulder m ighsSl Any information as to the where-a-boutr, of the above bone will go liberally re warded by ItJU Jokdan, , Gilchrist, Neb. BO VtXARr XflllllNCK aft. Ta.u Unas . n 4 1 - De-wonts rereO Cootrmht Ac. ' Aflyeae sendwsf s stieteh sad srtntlssi nay aieklr aseartatn ar opinion fae whetfur an InvsnOna Is arobaUv sUltatM. Cossnimtea ttoasslrMtir sotiB dmrtUTli and book on Pat sals sent ne. OMeal Sfansr for aseertas saunts. Patents takaa tnroerh Wssn fTlii. reetwe tpeMml asMst, witboet ensese, la the Scitctifit JlzMtcx JsanaSam H1lfe(taft, rj' Ten "A. r sVassssfiaa,Aa nBON TON BJSTAURANT.i P. B. BIGELOW, Prop., , ?Cfindies, Nuts, Tobacco, Fruits, Dates, ?Kigs, Cakes, Pies, Bread, Stationary ?etc. ' ' tST'A Good Lunch, Counter in Sold at Living Prices. BVBSJYTH1NQ NOTICE TO NON-RESIDENT DEFENDANTS. McKinley Lumitng Loan and Tmt Compa ny, a corporation, Commercial Investment Company, a Corporation, Nebraska Security Company, a Corporation, defendants, will take notice that on the 2nd day Of August, WW, Sarah Jordan, plaintiff herein, filed her petition in the district court of Slonx Coun ty, Ncuranka, against McKlniey banning I-oau and Trust Company, Commercial In- vestiuent Company, Nebraska Security Company, corporation, defendants, the ob ject und grayer of which are to foreclose the tax Hem hereinafter described. In lu cau-ie of action ttatcd In said peti tion the plaintiff reU u forecloso a tax lien upon the south eal quarter of Section twenty (20) Townsuip thlrty-thruo (3) north of range fllty llve (5S) west of the 6th prin cipal meridiuu In Sioux County Nebraska, that the taxes lnrolved in said cftnae. of ac tion are the taxes that were levied ten state, county and school district purposes In the years I8W, 1M, 1890, for which the same was said to said plaintiff on tho Hth day ef June IW, lot the sum of S3rt.W, to have an ac oohtitluK of the amount due therefor, anil tor tli" tnxes due therr-ontor the years, 18 I HOT, IH'JH, paid hysald plaintiff as subsequent taxes kimI tacked to her certificate of tax sale and said plaintiff prays to have said land old fur the payment and satisfaction of the amount found due' upon the same for said taxes Hivi interest thereon, together with the costs of suit and co-,tof sale, to bur fore close and exclude the defendants and each of them from all title. Hen or equity of re demption In and to tho Bald land and for aeueral relief, And you ami each of you are further notified and required to answer said petition on or before the II Hi dav of Sept ember A. I. IS'J. M. J. O'COWXKLt,, Attorney for plaintiff. IN Til E DLSTKIl'T tX)t"K t OF SWrtI X COUN- Tt, NKIIRBSKA. NOTICE TO KON-kKSlDKNT PCVRICDESTS. Conimerclal Investment Company, a cor poration, J. S. Lawrence, whose trna chrls tlan name is unknown, Nebraska Heuurity Company, a corporation, defendants, will take notice that on tlio 2nd day of August, A. ). IH'f, Joseph Hoffman, pj,ilntlff, herein, (lied his petition In tho district court of gioux county, Nebraska, against Commer cial Investment Company, s corporation J. 8 Ia rence, whose true christian name lsauknown, ;clraska Hccurily Company, a ciirporHtlim, the object and prayer of which Is to foreclose a tux lien upon the East half of the North-west quarter, South-west quar. tcr of the North-cast quarter. North-west quarter of South-cast quarter, of Section twenty-eight (2S), Township thirty-three (fl8i, North of Kanga til ly four Ml, west of thnfltli Principal SIcrldlan, In Slout county Nebraska, that the taxes involved In aald cause of action are the taxus assessed and levied thereon for state, county and school district purposes for the years Wn, 1M14, 1H9A, for which Ihe same was soldiosuirt plain tiff on the lt day of kluy, A. D. 17, for the sum of KHM, to have s n accounting of the amount ffne therefor, and for the taxes due thereon for the years tsw, 107, 1SW, paid by said plaintiff as subsequent taxes, and lacked to his certificate of sale. And said plaintiff prays to have said land sold for the payment and satisfaction of the amount found due upon the same for said taxes and Interest thereon together with the coats of stilt and costs of sale, and attor ney fee, to unr, foreclose and exclude the defendants and each of them from all title, lein, or equity of redemption In and to said parcel of laad and for general relief. eu and each of you are further notified and re quired to answer said petition on or before the 1Kb day f September A. D. ItjW. 11. J. O'Cossill. Attorney for plaintiff. THE OP-TO-OftTC LITTLE LIVER PILL 3lllousnts Constipation, DyiPtMlC. 3lok-Mad-jcho anti Llvor Complaint. fttnMR ftOATftB. . ioopillo f CTO. Bold by an'anriste erseatey Bjaii. . Cakaja IN MU8IO Connection and Every Thing - POST OFFICj: BUILDING, Harrison, Xeb. A BEAlTllfUL ATI ACRHEUT IHTATtfta 8TReED IITElE7rTS ' hai been added to the well known Hospe .1 wmm mm i TTSt 125 CASS, i20 EOKIELT. With Stool and Scarf. BADJ W tAl, WAtKUTaad sUCOaANT Write For Particular. v NOTICE OF PfiOBATK OP W1U.. state of Nebraska, County of sioux. 8S. To all persons Interested In the estate of Pstrtok Murphy deceased: Whereas, Ullzebeth Murphy of said coun ty baa filled in w efloe an instrument pur porting to be he last wiU and testament of Patrick murphy deceased laui ui said coun ty and a petition praytiur to have the same admitted to probate, which will relates to both real and personal estate, whereupon 1 have appointed Monday, the 4th day of Sept ember, 18U9 at one o'clock P. M. at my office In said county, as the time and place of prov ing said will, at which time and place you and all concerned may appear and contest the probate of the same. It is further orde red fliat said petitioner give notice to al person Interested In snid estate of the pan dent y of the petition and the time and place set for hearlnc the same by causing a copy of this order to be published in the Sioux county Puisss JoUKnal. a newspaper publis had la Hal risen Sioux county in said stale lor Uree w.svka successively previous to the djf set for said hearing. in testimony wnereor i nave Hereunto set my hand and ftfticial seal this 7 day of August - . . - KOI1EHT WtLSOK, St L ( County Judpe. w. ' f A true copy. ) 4 NOTICE TO NON-RESIDENT DEFENDANT. IS THE DISrUICT CSUaT OF f IOCS CollHTT KEBHASKA. William W1. Wood, pqtiiiUff, ' vs Ksth B. WKht, defendant. To Ruts 11. Wlght.non resident, defendant. Your are hereby tiotiflod that on the LUth day of June, ISfiS, Wlllinm W. Wood, plaintiff herein, ffled his petition in the above entit led cause, in the District Court of Wou comity, Nebraska, against Ruth 11. Wight, the object and prayer of which is to recover from the detendant the snm of ssl.13, duo and payable Iroin defendant to plaintiff for fees, costs and expenses caused and expend ed in the prosecution of tho case of the Commercial Investment Company, trustee, aslnvt Is'.ulor Itlcteln et al, in the Dist rict (Hurt of Sioux county. 'JHoa are further notiilcd that an order of ettltchnitint has been Issued in this cause nd the slime has been levied by the Sherlll upon the NVJ of the S-W 1 and N-W'4 of the S nf8-ct'.oti 45, and tho N-K of the 8 K), of octlon 21, In Township S3, N. KangeW west of theOth P. 111., In Sioux county, Ne braska, and this action is in part to cause a sale n( said tract of land under said order of Atachmont and subject the same to the payment of said debt that Uiere la now dna and payable on said debt tho sum of ssl, is, with Interest at thete of 7 per cent. per annum, from the 17th day of June, 1809, for which sum, with interest, plaintiff prays for a Judgement against defendant, and that In default of the payment thereof said miscs may be sold to satisfy the amount ftfeni4 dr.o under said order of attachment. fob are required to answer said petition on or before the 4th day of September, 1IW9. U-4 William W. Wood, Plaintiff. County Convention; A delegate convention of the People's Independent Party of Slouz County, Neb raska, is hereby called to' meet at the Court House In Harrison, Nebraska, on Saturday, August It, IMS at one o'clock p. m., for the ramose of selecting delegates to the cou- Igraaslonal, judicial, and state "onventlons, for piscine In nomlnstion candidates for the various county ofBoes and for the transaction of such other business as may properly come before tbe convention, tbe various preelnots In the county will be en. titled to representation la said eonventlon based upon the vote for Hon. W. A. Poyn tar for governor In the general election Of tsM. One Delegate being allowed for each ten votes and major fraction thereof sad one at large from each precinct, which lakes the f ol lowing apportionment : Aadrsws Bowen Hat Creek aaake Oraek Whistle Creek Whits river 1 Antelope 2 . 6 Cottonwood t 4 Montrose 1 Hugar Loaf ' t 1 Warbonnet I ( - ' Total delegates: 40 It Is recoinesended that tna primaries be Ibeld at the usual polling place In each pte einct oa Thursday August ittn and that no prexles be allowed bnt that the delegates present cast tbe tell vote of ttse precinct. ; futrsOiraisTairiae, obalrmsn, 0IAKT QtmaiK, secretary. J.W.SMITH, Manufacturer and dealer In Harness, Send in vour Harness and Shoe re pairing, and a first class job is guaranteed. FINE WORK A SPECIALTY STRICTLY CASH.' NO EXCEPTIONS. The Commercial Dank INCORPORATED 1888. Harrison, - - - - Nebraska. pCAPITAL STOCK PAID IN - --6 SURPLUS AND PROFITS - - -o- DIRECTORS. Ii. Fj. BrtiWstbr, President. Chas. C. Jameson. D. H. Gbiswold, Cashier. CORRESPONDENTS: INTEREST PAID ON Final Proof Notices. All persons having tlnal m-oof notices in this paper will receive a marked copy of the paper and are requested t examine their notice aim 11 any error exist report tue same to this office at once. TIMBER CUI.TITM, FINAL PR(X)P-NOTI- CE FOB PUBLICTION. U. S. LNB 01 fice, Alliance, Heh., July , 1HU9. Kotlce is hereby given that EDWA HI) E. LIVE It MO HE, of Harrison, has filed notice of intention torn like tlnal proof before County Judge, at his office, in Harrison, Neb., on the iMth day of August, 1H99, on timber culture application Ne. MW, for the 8X of N-E'i and Ni of of Hoc. No. 33, In Twp. Vo. 31, Hange No. 5L He names as witnesses: Duvld llartlett, Charles Cammensind, B. F. Johnson unit Alex Ixiwery. AM of Harri son, xeb. i M. DoSBIsuloN, Register. NOTICE FOK PUBLICATION. DEPARTMKVT OF THS IsTERIOR. Land Oflice at Alliance, Neb., Aug. R, 1S99. Notice 1s hereby given that the, following numed settler has tiled notice ot bis inten tion to make final proof in support of his claim, find that said proof will lie made lie fore Clerk of District Court at Harrison, Nebraska, on September 18, HAKl, viz : JOSK1MI W. KAKNr.ST, of Harrison, Nebraska, who made If. E. No. 44S, lor the H W14, N-K H-W, and H-KJ N-W'i, of Sec. Twp. N. Range 56 west. He iiumes the following witnesses to prove his eotinuons residence upon and cultiva tion of said I11H1I, viz: Samuel 1'. Coffee, John E. Mnrsteller, Dwlght H. Urlswold and Lewis (Jerlach, all of Harrison, Nebraska. f. M. D0RBIMGT0N, Register. notick run prtincATioN. DCPARTMrNT OFTHK lKTKRIOH. lud Offllce at Allliance, Neb., Aug. 8, IR99. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has Uled notice of his inten tion to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore Clerk of District Court at Harrison, Nebraska, on September IS, HHS, viz: GEOKGEr. PHILLIPS, of Harrison, Nebraska, who made H. E. No. 40ne, for the SS 8 E, 8-E'i S-W'4 aad Lot 4, 8ec. 3L Twp. 31, N. Kange 54 west. He names tbe following witnesses to prove bis continuous residence upon and cvltlva tlon of said land, viz : Peter Miller, Walter Pitt, Henry Rose and Nefs Englebrecht, all of Harrison, Nebraska. F. M. DoBeiNOTov, Bcglster, NOTICE TO NON-BESIDINT DEFKNDANTS- IN THE D1STBICT COUBT OF SIOUX COCS TT, NEBBASKA. J. T. Castle, plaintiff, against Metta L. Mains, alias L. K. Maine, George W. Hestar James O. Sargent, Defendants. To Metta L. Maine, Silas L. B. Maine, and James O. Sargant. Yon and each of yon will take notloe that the above named plaintiff has filed her pet tltlon in the district cenrt of Sioux county Nebraska, the object and prayer of which petition Is the foreclosure of a certain tax lien on lots numbers 20 aad tl of block num ber 7 of tbe village of Harrison, Nebraska, for ths delinquent taxes on said lots for tbe years im, ISM, 1WI, 1M2, M 1804, lf and paid by plaintiff aad bier assignors, and that the said lots may be sold to satisfy said tax le In. That you and each of you may be foreclosed and barred of all right, Interest, Hen, or equity af redemption in or to said premises. Ton are required to answer said petition on or before tbe lltb day of September IR90. . J. Y. Casth, plaintiff. Giant Gvruaii, Attorney or plaintiff. Saddles, Bridles 4c. SI O.OOO.OO55. O) 8,000.00 cT5 C. F. Coffee, Vice President A. McG inlet. WESTEEN NATIONAL BANK, Nkw Yobk. OMAHA NATIONAL BANK, Omaha, Neb. TIME DEPOSITS.- STOCK BRANDS. . Thk JotTBNAL Will pnbllsh vnnr brand. Ilka the f ollowing, for KM, per year. Kaon ad- ajuoiiHi oraiici is cents. a very laruiar or ranchmen in Sioux and adjoining eountles should advertise their brauds in ThbJock- ai. as it cireniates au ever tfce state. It may be the means of saving money far yoa CHABLB9 injEHLE. On left side or hip of eat tie, 1 On left shoui'lerof nwraes. i I Range ou the bead 01 Warbaanet creek - Address Harrison, Sioux Co. Neb. CHAHLES UMPHENOTJIt The braud reprsentcd ki this notice and branded any where on left side of horses and DC Also the L L brand any where oa left side of cattle belongs to the undersigned. Chaklbs UmphExour. Harrison, Nebraska. C'HABLKS NEWMAN. The braad represented In this notice and branded any whereon left side of cattle, and over-lap ut from the right ear. . Also the same brand on left thigh of horses, belongs to the undersigned. Kange near East Springs, south part le Sioux county. Charles Nkwhan, ' Harrison, Nebraska. S. W. CARET. JOn left shoulder of cattle nnd Ihorses. lUangeon Little Cottonwood. , Crawford Nebr. PRANK NUTTO. On left side of cattle and on left shoulder ot horses. Kange on Antelope ereek , Glnlcbrist, .Sioux Co., Neb. JOHN A. HANSON Owns the follow- ingbraud on eith er: Also HQ on cat tie and horses cattle on leftside horses on left shoulder. Rangoon Silver Springs and esat of state ine. rostomce n arrison Neb $100 REWARD. FOr proof to convict any person of steal ' Ing any of mj stock. Cattle branded same as cut. Horses branded same on rigbt shoulder B orO on left thigh. Sheep, paint brand same as cattle and Are braad c on right side of nose. ... Address, Da vis coLvitu, OlenRebr., lt . Eetrav Notice. To Whom It aur ooKoaaa. That James Boarett tbe anderslgned did on the 7th day of July UM n kl( molosed land situated oa Banning Water, BlouaOo.. aebrsaka. One dark brown mare was taken up by mn as estrayed, said stare belog mere par tlcularr described as follows: One dark brown mare, aboat three yttBre old, branded; , Jem left skealder. Dated at Harrison, Neb., tMs r day et Aag. isw. f jAMUBeS n. V, I 1! 1 1 1 t 4 i if V 1 .1 i. , . 1 1 ft 1 1 : ' , 1 -