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About Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 3, 1899)
CES8A COS TRANSPORT HANCOCK PROM PHILIPPINES ARRIVES. sssa-imsnt New Numbers S40 Men- Governor Poynter Gives the Boy a Hearty Welcome. Sea Francisco, Cel.. Aug. 1. "Tes, we're all right. We're had a fine trip ever and are mighty glad to get home." So shouted Colonel Mulford of the gallant First Nebraska from the deck of the Hancock at 1 o'clock Sunday fcaorning to the anxious party on board Um steam launch, Governor Irwin, tied Up alongside. On that little boat were Governor Poynter, Congressman Stark, Adjutant General Barry, Hon. Cadet Taylor and two newspaper men. "We have 840 men and forty officers of cur regiment on board. There are ten or eleven men sick in the hospital and 110 sick la quarters. No one is in serious condition," he addded. The big white transport was anchored eft the barge office perhaps five miles out from the Folsom street wharf. It had been sighted off Point Lobos at 10:30 p. m., much to the surprise of the "wharfingers," who did not anticipate her arrival till sunrise. But she stead ily steaflted in and anchored. Soon af ter the World-Herald man was apprised of the arrival and rustled together the governor s party, every man of whom had retired for the night. Gathering at the harbor commissioner's dock where it had been arranged through the courtesy of the commissioners that the Governor Irwin should be at the serv ice of Governor! Poynter at any time, the start was rrrade shortly after mid night for the Hancock. HAIL TO THE HANCOCK. Arriving in hailing distance of the transport, the launch was challenged and the captain responded in a voice that might have been heard at Oak land: "The governor of Nebraska Is on board." Instantly there swarmed upon the deck of the Hancock over 200 wide awake soldier boys, who evidently hadn't retired at alL Then arrived sev eral more with unmistakable evidence of having retired. No one was allowed to say a word till the captains were through with their argument. "Vou can tie up alongside," shouted the Hancock, "but you can't come on board. The quarantine officers haven't been here yet." So a compromise was made on the tie-up, and Colonel Mulford. who was first to lean over the rail, was quickly queried. GOVERNOR'S HEARTS WELCOME. Then the bluff old captain of the launch introduced Governor Poynter, who said: "Gentlemen of the First Nebraska: On behalf of the state I welcome you home. The state Is proud of you and la prepared to give you a grand welcome- home. You have done bravely." Somebody yelled: "Three cheers for the governor," and they were given rith a will. Adjutant General Barry area recognized by a volunteer with a "Hello, General Barry," and he caused three more cheers. Then the same old septals announced Congressman Stark, ted Just then the whistle blew hard noughi to wake the dead. "So say we all, solemnly said a soldier boy, and rverybody laughed. Just then Major Taylor appeared in response to questions by his father from the launch, and recognising his father wlth-a "Hello. Bill, how are all ihe folks," settled down to a long-range chat. "What kind of a trip did you haver' was asked of the big crowd. SOME OF AIMER S BEEF. "Oh, It was fine sailing, but, say, we In't overeat ourselves with the grub, e had some of Alger's embalmed beef coming over. We're going back to Ne braska to eat enough to take the wrin kles out of our bellies. How's the crops there this year?" "Beet corn crop we ever had," shout ad back General Barry. "Good; we'll all get jobs this fall; that's sure." "Are any of you going to re-enlist?" "Yes, like . We'll go to Nebraska and shuck com first." "How did you like General Otis?" "Oh, he liked us," yelled one sarcastic soldier. "He Invited me up to dinner with him the day before we left," and then the whole crowd yelled satirically,"? es, Otis is a fine fellow." So the running Are was kept up for a few minutes, the boys being assured that a fine camp had been prepared for them at the Presidio, and they In turn, over and over, expressed their exceed togly great pleasure to get home. OUT OF BANDAGES. "Have you any more nightcaps and abdomlna lbandages for us?" yelled Colonel Mulford. "The boys are about set of gun rags." ' . :What guns have you brought back sTth you?" asked General Barry. "Oh, the same old Bpringflelds. And We have Just as much trouble In keep ing the numbers straight as we used to have, general." - "How manyUtah boys are with your was asked. "Two hundred and sixty-two men and twenty-six officers, in charge of Major Brant," was the reply. "Did any one else come with your' "Tes; fifty-seven discharged men, representing every regiment In Manila." By this time the conversation thro' thirty feet of fog and air, with hissing Steam and splashing waves to make It uncertain in the darkness, the old cap tain of the launch decided to pull out, end the launch left with three parting ebeers for tho governor. Early Monday morning. the govem snent health officers boarded the trans port, bet since there were no contagi ous diseases on board the Inspection was soon over and by noon the boys were once more marching on American smL en route to their last volunteer eamp at the Presidio. Baa Francisco m i ji k.i nmud on the occasion. The Oregon boys marched to the wharf to meet tne ieorB." . regulars about San Francisco were or mouthy -'RMAK. - , - MARTYRS OF THE FIRST. . iu. w.h Auar. 1. From the ree- ZJm ik. aittutmnt seBsraJ's office the the men and officers of the First 1ST. ei mm action a. a aswewleaav WW Ves salAsefes. 11 Ssn ylSim hole ead "there . V. mtMtm iiffinars' UM: F. S. Clever, privets. 1 UM, Dies of woueda daosfjs, M. Andrew private, February 17. Ut emwsn u. nay, psiva , jrs senary it, list. KUled la actios faargesau Wal ter A. Peer, Mareh , UN; Milton r, Lunde, Marsh aO. ISM; WUMam 8. Orr, private. March 30. int. Company B: Died of disease John Black, private. September 16, KM. Kill ed In Actios Gustavo E. Edlund, pri vate, February a, lsrt; Roacoe Toung, private, March 7, 18M; Quartermaster Sergeant Joseph B. Btorca, April 21, ltM. Died of Disease Sergeant M. O. Stearns, April SO, ISM. Company C: Died of disease Ser geant George L. Geddes, June 21, 1898 Sergeant William Evans, July 24, IBM. Drowned Frank Knouae, private, De cember 16, 1898. Died of wounds- Bruce E. Macy, private, April 20, 1899, Company D: Died of disease Harry E. Fiske, private, on or about June 27, 1898. Died of wounds John S. Alley, private, February 24, ISitS. Killed in action John J. Boyle, private, April 29, 1899. Died of wounds C. M.Cwartz, private, April 24. 1899. Company E: Killed in action Wil liam P. Lewis, private, August 2, 1898 Royal M. Lawton, private, March 21 1899. Died of disease H. C. Maher, private, September 19, 1898; Earl Os terhout, October 28, 1898; Ira Giffen, private. October 20, 1898. Company F: Died of disease Horace Falkner, private, September 28, 1S!; Arthur C. Sims, private, October 23, 1898; Corporal Walter M. Riley, April 9, 1898. Killed In action William Chil- pot, private, Rebruary 6, 1898. Died of wounds Warren H. Cook, private, Feb ruary 18, 1899; A. H. Vickers, private, April 4, 1899; H. C. Hoover, private. May 5. 1899. Company G: Died of disease Walter W. Hogue, private, September 21, 1898. Killed in action Guy C. Walker, pri vate, March 7, 1899. Died of wounds Captain Lee Forby, March 29. 1899. Killed in action J. H. Spivey, private, May 4, 1899. Company H: Died of disease Albert H. Burd, private, October 11, J898; Geo. R. Smith, wagoner, March 15, 1898. Killed in action Sergeant Charles Mel lick, April 23, 1899. Died of wounds W. O. Kustonborder, private, April 24, 1899. Company I: Died of disease Alfred J. Erisman, private, October , 1898; Frank Schley, private, October 23. 1898; Louis D. Passmore, private, October 4, 1898. Killed In action Edwin F. Peg ler. private, February 5, 1899; Henry O. McCart, private, April 25, 189t. Company K: Died of .disease Theo dore Larson, private, October I. 18M Killed In action Second Lieutenant Lester E. Sisson, April 23, 18M. Company L: Died of disease Fred Taylor, private, December 19, UM. Died of wounds Ralph W. Kells, private, February 6, 1899. Killed in action Charles O. Balleriger, private, Febru ary 6. 1899: James H. Whit more, pri vate, March 30, 1803. Died of wounds- Martin O. Legg, private. April M, UM; Francis E. Hansen, private, April XI, 1899. Died of disease Maynard E. Sayles, private, April 26, 1S9. Killed In action W. O. Belden, private. May 4, 1899. Company M: Killed In action Guy H. Livingston, private. Rebruary 6, 1899. Died of wounds Nat E. Sims, private, March 28, 1899. RECAPITULATION. KUled In Action Colonel ,1 Total 1 COMPANY A. Killed In action Died of wounds S Died of disease .. Total . COMPANY B. Killed in action S Died of disease .1 Total . I - COMPANY C. Died of wounds 1 Died of disease Drowned 1 Total COMPANY D. Killed in action 1 Died of wounds Died of disease 1 Total COMPANY E. Killed in action . ....J Died of disease 1 Total COMPANY F. Killed in action ..... 1 Died of wounds I Died of disease ............ I Total COMPANY G. Killed in action ;. 2 Died of wounds ....1 Died of disease ..l Total COMPANY H. Killed In action 1 Died of wounds .....l Died of disease 2 Total - COMPANY I Killed In action , t Died of dlsesse Total COMPANY K. Killed In action 1 Died of disease 1 Total COMPANY L. Killed In action Died of wounds Died of dlsesse . t S a et Total itiiiiM eees e COMPANY M. Killed In action Died of wounds Total.. Grand total ., 1 ...1 WILL BE A HOT RECEPTION. New York. The committee on plan and scope of the Dewey reception com mittee held a meeUng today. It was decMed to have a display of fireworks in all of the fivs boroughs at points to be designated, with an electrical dis play for three nights at the New Tot and Brooklyn city halls. A report having gone oat that news, paper men from ether aUes weald be treated as guests of the rtty. tts oota arittes made a report to the effect that whits newspaper men would be treated with every oosrteey, that weoM I act mess the city would sesame their hotel bills Ills or ether personal expanses, Keplies from fourteen governors ae- rMteg the invitation to take Mart Ml the parade were receive. PEACE CO.'.'GRESS ENDS CONFERENCE OF NATIONS AT THE HAQUB ADJOURNS. While) all Desires Are Not Satisfied th Results Accomplished May Prove Par Reaching. The Hague, Aug. 1. The Internation al peace conference met lor Its last sitting Saturday, when it was announc ed that sixteen states had signed the arbitration convention, fifteen the oth er two conventions, seventeen the de claration prohibiting the throwing of F'"j".uic ur explosives from hallrwma sixteen the declaration prohibiting the use of asphyxiating gas and fifteen the ueciarauon prohibiting the use of pansive bullets. A letter was read from the hum f na io me pope, asking his moral support of the conference. The pope's iv'j, wmcu was reaa. promised co-operation, recalled the fact that he had many times performed the function of arbitration, and assured her raMli that, in spite of his present abnormal' position, the pope would contiau to sees: tne advancement of civilization. Baron de Staal delivered the farewell. thanking the representatives. He said the work accomplished, while no so complete as might be desired, was sin cere, wise and practical. The great principles of the sovereignty of individ ual states and international solidity. apparently so opposing, had been rec onciled by what they had accomplished. e amrmed that In time to come ln tltutiona which had their origin in the ieed of accord would be the domlnat- ng influence, and that thus the work of the conference was truly notorious. Minister Esturnelles and Dr. Beaufort followed, the latter saying that if the conference had not realized Utopian dreams, nevertheless it has disproved pesalmistl forebodings and the moral effect would more and more Influence public opinion and aid governments to reduce the limitation of armies, which still remain a source of grave consider ation for statesmen. Baron de Staal then declared the conference closed. The three conventions dealing with arbitration, the laws and customs of war and the adaptation of the Geneva convention to naval warfare were not signed by Germany, Austria-Hungary, China. England, Italy, Japan, Luxem burg, Servia, Switzerland or Turkey. The United States signed only the arbitration convention and that under reserve, Roumania, also made reserva tions. The three declarations prohibiting the throwing of explosives from balloons, the use of asphyxiating projectiles and the use of dumdum bullets were not signed by Germany, Austria-Hungary. China, England, Italy, Japan, Luxem burg, Servia or Switzerland, and the (United States signed only the declara tion regarding the throwing of explo. sives from balloons. GENERAL NEWS. FTVE ACRES O FSHIN'GLES BURN. Chippewa Falls, Wis, Aug. L A fleiee Are destroyed the shingle block lumber yard of the Northwestern Lum ber company at Stanley, Wis. About five acres of wood and shingle blocas enveloped in flames, and the Ore advanced rapidly toward, the fy The mayor of Stanley wired tl thlsVA' for help and a steamer with a crew mt men were sent KOTBD PICKPOCKET IN LIMBO. Boston, Mass., Aug. 1. William A. Gilbert of Kansas City, a criminal well r inuva inruugaoui tne west, ana nis wife, Clara, .alias Cora, ..Gilbert, of Spokane, Wash., were arraigned In the municipal court and held to the grand Jury, charged with larceny. The woman was seen by the police to pick the pock ets of a drunken man on the streets and she and Gilbert were arrested aft erward while dividing the spoils. Much valuable plunder was found In their rooms and on their persons. YOUTH'S RASH ACT. Greenaburg, Ind., Aug. L Att 11 a. m. , Saturday William Randolph, IS years old, residing near Clarksburg, ten miles northwest of this city, shot his stepfather, Wesley Beckover, in the left breast. Young Randolph then placed the muzzle of the revolver to his tem ple and fired a bullet Into his brain. He died Instantly. Mr. Jleckover'a condi tion Is alarming. EDITOR ST. CLAIR IS DEAD. Chicago, 111., Aug. 1. William D. St Clair, an old-time editor and publisher, died here 'today. He was at different times connected with newspapers in different parts of the country, and was the founder of the first penny paper In San Francisco. Of late years he has been living in Louisiana, where he built the town of Happy Woods. DRIVES OUT FISHERMEN. St Johns, N. F.. Aug. 1. The British warship Buzzard is driving the colonial fishermen out of the treaty coast waters along the northeast coast of the island, at the Instance of the French fishermen, who claim that the colonists are Interfering with their fisheries. A number of colonial vessels are return ing southward, their fishing having been spoiled by the Buzzard's action. BAXTER RELIEVES ME ASTER. Boston, Mass., Aug. 1. Commander W. J. Baxter has taken charge of the naval construction department at the Chariest own navy yard, relieving Cap tain Joseph Measter, who retires, hav ing reached the age limit of 82 years. Naval Constructor Baxter Is a graduate of Annapolis, class of '81. He comes to the yard from the Mare Island yard in California. REJECTS HOT SPRINGS SITE. Washington, D. C Secretary Hitch cock has declined to permit the use of a site on the Hot Springs reservation In Arkansas for the construction of a federal building, unless congress so metrically authorises. He holds that It Is not desirable that the postofflcs building should be constructed on mis permanent reservation In close proxim ity to bath houses, and that a mush more suitable site can be obtained by purchase, DESERTER'S HATES' DEATH. San Francisco, Cel., Aug. 1. The story sent out from Kansas City pur porting to describe hew Oregon troops punished deserter Hayes Is pronounced by ths Oregon regiment entirely untrue, was a member of the California regiment ana wms loana-asae i in trenches captured by his own reeiMswt fStwrT No Oregon or Kansas mmmtn engaged n that eloMJsy. THEV LIKE POYNTER. Nebrssks's Governor Makes a Goes Impression In California. San Francisco, Cel.. Aug. 1. Goern rr p lyntsr has become the hero of th western olunteers at the Presidio, aa not a man there but knows him as thi plurky governor who said to ths legla- latare of Nebraaka "I cannot atultlf) myse'f and ths calm Judgment of th thinking people of this common wealth by giving official approval to the state m nt that the war of conquest now be- m carried on In the far-away Philip 1 1 ea is In defense of the principles ' our government and Is adding new I ! ry to our flag," and they glory In hea Governor Poynter came here, qjieuy and unattended, to Join judg K irk and Adjutant General Barry, who iuA been doing effective work for the r- caption and comfort of the gallant Nepraska boys, he did not count oa be is; brought prominently to the notic f any but Nebraska volunteers. And ( frtaln republican critics said Govern. r Poynter would wish he had stayed nt home when the Nebraska boys met h is. Hut two erring gentlemen from th u terior of Nebraska, one C. O. Whedon and one ex-Supreme Court Comml noner Ryan, with the accent on 'the x, walked in where angels feared to t ad. With a flourish of trumpets that t tokened great quantities of wind tney proclaimed themselves the "only :f fichu welcomers" from Nebraska T: governor and the military repre tentative in congress and the adjutan general were just simply rank outsld era But there was a daap. dark and villainous plot in the governor'a action In coming here, which was exploited at nearly a column's length In a morning paper, according to the Ryan-Whedon Hew of things. RESULT OF THE ATTACK. Governor Poynter was here particu- tij-ly In the forlorn hope of trying to square himselr with the volunteers Ut winter, they asserted. Last winter 'allfornia had troubles of her own Ikewlse a legislature. She had nearly orgotten those Nebraska resolutions and but few of the volunteers from Manila had ever heard of them. The upshot of the vicious attack was hat Governor Poynter's version was Iw-n by all the local papers, the reso- utlon and veto were published and i wo-daya' newspaper controversy fol owed, during which Kyan confessed Jiat he came here for political motives. rhe "only official welcomers" are out lust now. with the temper of California at its present height from the stories of the eUirnlng volunteers, nothing better ould have happened to Governor ?oynter than ihn "expose" by Ryan ind Whedon. That veto haa become Ac talk of the town and Poynter Is roted a trump. Now every volunteer it the Presidio knows the story and is roud of the governor of Nebraska, and isBgratulate the Nebraska boys upon lira. Last evening at the Orpheum theater (ccurred a little test of the soldier sen timent, told in the Examiner thusly: CHEERED AT THE THEATER. 'Three hundred pinched and pallid aces were aglow with excitement at he Orpheum last night. Sufferings were orgotten and voices that have long x-en accustomed to whisper grew .trong and volleyed forth the words of he war songs. For last evening was 'inivalid night" at the Orpheum, and !V ry disabled veteran of the Phllip ir e war who returned on the Morgan 'it y and was able to leave his cot in hi hospital was the guest of the man ig ment. In addition, Governor Poyn fl of Nebraska and party occupied a at In the big playhouse. They were rtily cheered by the soldiers." uring the past two days the Ne- raska officials have taken turns keep ng open headquarters at the Palace, hat the others might accept the na nerous invitations to go driving, attend llnners and other social functions ten lered by various officials and clubs, vbo, despite Ryan and Whedon, regard he governor and his party as quite ifllclal enough for them. At least one visit is made dally to he hospital. Today the governor and tdjutant General Barry and Cadet Taylor, of a party which included Sec retary of Agriculture Wilson, Governor Tanner of Illinois, President Mills of he state board of trade and Editor De foung of the Chronicle, for a drive ibout the city and to the Cliff house. There luncheon was enjoyed. Governor ?oynter speaking to the toast, "No raska," referring to her great re vources In corn and stock and polUL :lans, giving the nation two chairmen, f national conventions and a candidate lor president Thurston, Allen and Hry in. Best of all. he asserted, ha could ipeak for the whole state and point vith pride to Its brave representatives, he volunteers of the First Nebraska, WAITING FOR THE HANCOCK. Each day the Nebraaka colony here n creased, as fathers, mothers and :riends gathered to wait for the Haa ck. To those who had been here for leveral days, the suspense and the ex pense together were wearing on the lerves while waiting for the siren, whls le.. Since some of the Nebraskanshad lever heard a siren whistle, they con-' itantly feared that every unnatural found was the siren for sure, and ac cordingly rushed to the windows and tsked foolish questions in tba desire :o satisfy curiosity and conceal lgnor ince at the same ttme. Among Saturday's arrivals were Cap sin Claude Ough of Geneva and Mrs. I, D. Hassell of Columbus. In response 0 Adjutant General Barry's suggestion .hat chest protectors be provided for he returning Nebraska boys, three .ompanles have been so far provided. James Stockham of Broken Bow tele graphed Judge Stark to supply com pany M throughout and charge the ex pense to him, so seventy-six were pur hawd. Captain Ough at once followed lult by purchasing from his own pocket 1 like supply for company B, bis old company. mm White of Hebron, who repre sents the intereata of Geneva and He- aren In company O, at once Dougm heet protectors for that company, Irawlng on the 11.200 reception fund at Geneva for the amount Bad Man with Bills- Wsshlngton, D. C (Special.) Chief Wllkie of the aecret aervlce has recelv ?d a telegram announcing the arrest of lames L. Scott st Laird, Ky. It ap pears that laat April, Scott under an iseumed name, adverttaed In one of the Cincinnati papers for a companion. The advertisement was answered by a Cincinnati man, who then received an inquiry as to whether ha was a en rraver. The latter subsequently were turned over to the aecret officers, who continued to correspond, it devsiopea that Scott wanted a man to engrave tl and M silver certificates, and after he had fully committed himself be was arrested snd held under bend by the United States commissioner. Ha wsi ba tried for using tn poses of fraud. C3YC0TT ti;e ltiutia CLEVELAND ALL STIRRED OVER THE BIO STRIKE. UP Msrchsnts Refuse to Soli Goods to Troops or Patrons of tho Big Consolidated Road. der has been practically restored with- Louisiana and MlaalaslppL capital ta in the city, the railroad strike has re- t .nrf Mann- aolved Itself Into a general boycott of furlng company organized at Leb the big consolidated company and ev- anon. Pa., with a capital of 130,000,000, erybody who rides upon Its cars. to combine a number of bolt nut and Apparently the strikers have the sym- path y and active co-operation of all the labor organizations of the city, and not only are merchant, being punished for uiiiB uii uw udwi cars, uui are warned against selling goods to other people who do ride on threat of losing the trade ef union men. Instances are given where druggists have refused to sell medicine to people accused of patronizing the Big Consoli dated, and physicians have been boy cotted for riding on the cars whils go- Ing to see their patients. The boycott Is most severe on the small dealers who do business streets that are populated largely by union men and their sympathizers. A number ef these merchants have pub lished advertisement offering rewards ranging from J25 to i00 for reliable evidence that they or any of their clerks or relatives have ridden on the mrs since the strike began, and a num- ber of communirfltlnnn hnvp hepn Rent to the papers by physicians, grocers ind others protesting their Innocence Of the charge of having natrnnized the aiiroad company. As yet the big retail merchanW have Dot felt the effects of th bovrott se- verelv. thoueh It la said some of them have been requested to forbid their lerks to ride on the cars.. Thousands of workinc neode are eo- ng to and from their homes In busses 3t every kind and description, from buckster waeons to tally-hos. and in certain sections the cars are run with few passengers. This is not true of the Euclid, Central and Wade I'ark lines, arhich run throne-h tho hft mirta of :he east end. There the cars are pretty well filled. The boycott of the troons has raised he Ire of Adjutant General Axllne.who leclares there Is a state law to punish xople who Interfere with the militia. There is one section of the law which provides for $1,000 fine and six months' mprisonment for every person who Ties to persuade any member of the tatlonal guard to desist from respond- ng to a riot call duty. General Axllne says the boycott and -hreat of certain employes who turned Mit with the militia are covered by this ew and he threatens to Institute prose- utkms against dealers If the boyecit Is continued. He says, also, that actions may be egun under the civil rights law and le sent several soldiers to a restaurant or dinner with the express purpose of M-glnnlng Buch an action against the roprietor If he refused to serve them. The police have begun to deal with he rioters more severely. Heretofore hey have been arraigned for misde meanors. Herearter they will be ibarged with felony. One prisoner was tound over to the grand Jury on the harge of stone throwing. The maxl- num penalty for that offense is three rears' Imprisonment In the penlten Sary. Two other prisoners were arraigned m the charge of placing obstructions n a street railroad track. The mail num nenaltv for that offense is eieht rears In the penitentiary. This action was taken by the police m. the order of Mayor Farley. JPSET BY DEWEY'S INTERVIEW Officials Doubt the Admiral's Senti ments as Quoted. Washington, D. C, Aug. 1. Official Ire leg were considerably upset by the ntervtew published In the New York Herald with Admiral Dewey at Trieste, which serious reflections are made jpon Germany and the statement at- ributed to him that our next" war 1 v.. ,, M..iin nth,i.h here Is enough In the official reports uade by Admiral Dewey while in tba Philippines to bear out the observa- 1 lone reported In the Interview, both Secretary Hay and Secretary Long ln- list that there must be some mistake. They cannot btlleve that Admiral Dewey, who has been so discreet in all f his public utterances up to this time, vould comment so boldly about Inter- latlunal affairs, especially while he la aaaing through a European port. There Is no doubt that Admiral Dew- ry was suspicious of German lhterfer- nee for some time after he first took lold of affairs In the Philippines. His rfficial dispatches published at the una and since clearly Indicated this. But the authorities Insist that a de. Idedly better feeling now ezlsta be- ween thla country and Germany and hat Admiral Dewey, knowing the de- re of the administration to encourage hia spirit, would not Intentionally say r do anything to promote discord. The call of the German minister, Mr. Von Mumm, at the state department rave rise to the report that he had ;ome to make some representation to iecretary Hay concerning the inter- irlew. When I ssked Secretary Hay he Jeclared that It was not true, that the minister had called upon an entirely Jlflerent matter, aao mat tne uewey ntervlew was not mentioned. He said hat no official action had been taken by the department and that none would be, certainly for the present, for he :ould not believe that Admiral Dewey had been correctly quoted. I am satisfied there must be some mistake," said Secretary Long, "Ad- mlral Dewey could never have made the statement attributed to him, I feel quits sure. Then I do not see that there could be any official attention given to the matter. Minister von Mumm aecunea to dis cuss tho Dewey Interview In any way. A member of the diplomatic corps with whom I discussed the matter said: My opinion la that the German gov ernment will not take any official cog nizance of the Interview which Admiral Dewey gave to a Herald correspondent at Trieste. It differs vary materially from ths utterances of Captain Cogh Ian, of which the German Government complained. In this Instance Admiral Dewey has simply expressed an opinion. The German government and the Oar- man people and the people of Admiral Dswey's oountry as wall, may regret that the admiral entartalas aaos as opinion, but I do not see that ths Oar. man government would be JasUAsd la teals aay action. " THE TRUST' RECORD. Now Consolldstlons Effsotod Dwr Ing Past Week. St Louis, Mo., Aug. L The weak! trust record Is as follows: July M The various compressed air power companies and affiliated concerns to be reorganised and consolidated with capital of $100,000,000. The Whitney In terests will be In control. The Continental Cotton Oil company. organised to control the manufacture of cotton seed oil. This will be composed of eight or ten companies of Texas, The Mount Vernon Wood berry Cot- I ton Duck company, incorporated under the lawa of the state of Delaware. Four. 0. thr.nUon: I which will control the entire cotton I duck output of the United States. Cap- itallaatlon, 22,500.0XiO. pany of iioston, combining eleven con cerns, with capital of Ijo.OOO.OOO. July 25. The amalgamation of twen ty-eight large plumbing material man ufactories of the country Is perfected under the title of Central Foundry com pany. Capitalization, ii4.ouu.wu. A gigantic trolley car manufacturing trust Is projected, to Include all the car companies In the United States. The arrangements have not been made pub lic. An oil well trust formed in California to monopolize the oil land of that state. Capitalization, 20,u00,00u The beef trust shows Its hand ny rise In price of meat of 33 1-3 per cent The hard coal trust, headed by J. f. Morgan, extends Its operations and I threatens an Increase of 50 to io- cents la ton. July 26. The American Linseed Oil I company and the National Linseed Oil company adjust their difficulties. July 27. The Mccormira nimraunii company propose to erect one or tne argest single twine mills in tne coun- try. It is believed that this will have I a considerable effect upon the Cordage trust. I Manchester. N. H., Aug. L It has developed from the sale to the Clti- lens Trust X Deposit company or uai- tlmore of the Columbia Mills company of Columbia, S. C. that a combination, of all the duck mills In the country has been formed. The capital Is 116,000,000, I and there are thirteen mills, mostly lo- sated In the vicinity of Iialtlmore. The president of the Columbia mms is ma Hon. Frank P. Carpenter of this city. me sale will be completed next wees. MYSTERIOUS DOUBLE MURDER South Omaha the Scene of a Mid night Tragedy. South Omaha, Neb.,Aug. 1. Two men ere found in a dying condition In this city near Duffy's saloon. Edward Joyce had a bullet In his lung and an itheP , hllJ .,omach. He died, almost .nstantly. Edward Callahan was shot In the lungs and fatally wounded. Belated pedestrians heard a volley of pistol shots shortly before 1 o'clock at 'Shanahan's corner." When the fusl- -ade had ceased an excited mob Im mediately surrounded the wounded sen. Apparently no one had seen the booting, and none knew whether there Uad been a battle between the two dy-' .ng men or whether they had been shot ay others. A third man, who was said- :o have received a wound, left the icene at once, and was not seen again. For some unaccountable reason no police were on hand to Investigate the murder for over an hour after the mooting occurred. 1 ne two woundea men my in ineir 010 upon me pave- ment and the hysterical mob seemed onable to grasp the situation with suf Jclent deflniteness to know what should 'je dope. After a bit some one who rec- gnlzed the wounded men dispatched, i messenger for Father Judge, who ar Ived In time to administer the last rites if the church to Edward Callahan. Both Joyce and Callahan were em ployed In Armour's cellar. They went much together and were regarded as pals. It finally was whispered about that lohn Shanahan, the saloonkeeper, had ione the shooting. Thera were those who said they had seen the fight, but -ney were unaoie to give a conereni lce at Iwin arrlved on lhe ene. ind got wind of the Bhanahan theory .hey went to the back door of his sa- I loon. As Policeman Montague ap proached the dwr a shot was fired ia I :he saloon and the search for Shanahan s'as hastily abandoned. The police took another tack, and at 3 o'clock la the morning Shanahan was still at arge. It was generally accepted, at that hour that Shanahan was the one who had fired the shota which caused tba loath of Joyce and the fatal wounding of Callahan, but there was no one who could atate at first hand that such had oeen the case. The police are making headway slowly and expect to find wit nesses to clear up the mystery which invclopes the extraordinary affair. Ten Thousand on s Strike- Chicago, III. (Special.) Ten thousand men were thrown out of employment ina work w PPG oa 200 buildings In the course of erection In Chicago Jurlng the second dsy of the striae of tne union brl kmakers of Cook coun- ty. The tie-ups came first on the maller Jobs, on which the contractors hod made precaution to Increase the Uupply of bricks In anticipation of ths itrlke. The bricklayers and hod car- riers were forced to quit for the want of material, and following them tha carpenters were compelled to lay down ijieir tools. An effort will be made for an amlon- ble adJuatmcnt of the dlfflcultlea be- tween the brick men and the north aid manufacturers at a meetlnr whinh haa been called. All the Interests will be represented that are Interested. Un ions one aids or the other recedes from th position held, little will be accom plished at the conference. The strikers till assert that they will stand firm until sll the north aide manufacturers Ign the union agreement, sad ths man ufacturera say that they will stick It out If their yards are closed all 1 STRIKERS ARE DKTBRMINXD. New Tork. The striking freight haa lers on the Pennsylvania and Lehigh Valley railroads hsld a masting today, Ths strikers to ths number of about 200 decided to follow ths Unas of the atrtks as already adopted, and MM they would kesp up ths strike for eta months If necessary. They declared If It ba found necessary to have furthev Bid ths freight hsadlers oa the Bulla pore a ufeM would use so snJiad 1 l':.i. ': ' , "