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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 2, 1899)
PRECIOUS NEAR A CONFLICT Oulf CoolneM .f AiurrlrHn Olflorr Pre TcaU no Outbreak. Manila. Un j3,via lung Kong, Jan 21. T e Ainericin4 and Fili inos were probably neirer a conflic' this afternoon than at any time since the occupation. Forto' ateiy tb nia- er - amicably settled. A Fili: in') lieut'i ant imag n tn;r that hi moo d I ee n in nlted by a me Am ricn troop, marched a com p nv of forty urined natives t- the line ' f the Americ no, and the sentries f ur in number, back of the Montana rcgi ni -nt, in obcdi. nee to orders, were com pelled to retire t.i ti e oirp't in order to avoid trouble. As tl e Filipinos dis oy 1 the com man I to halt, depl yed in the cane brake and ae-uui d a iieter K n d, threatening atii iide, Lieutenant Jar sen, who was in c mm nd of the post, tidficrapUd to bnir de hea'qnsrt erg and General Oiis invesl gated the mutter The Kil pino lieutenant was moft ex ited a"d General Otis insisted upon interviewing his superior oflioer. Oon-equ"otly the Filipino captain was summoned arid he was fomd t be ex cite i. As a limit i f 'he ctnfertmehe admitted that the Fiiip'-o lieutenant badrxceedel his auti.o ay. Hi-men were drawn up in line, painted, court' eeie were exchanged an 1 tbe Filipinos ttt red. The iucil-nt is significant, as it shows the tendency of the Hlipinos to disre paid pickets, knowing that H e Ameii can' are not wm! natocommence hostil- ities, a; d it, also is! rates the dan-' ger id irrespouH b!e ju ior officers of the Filipino army precipit. it hu t.oubleat any moment. ANOTIIKIl I'HOCHMATIOH. Ano her pro aoiai on, purporting to be i?ened by an Anoriean ami signed 'V. T.,'' ai ji ared no frid y a 11. 1 ap pled in broken Knclii-h to hrotht r Auier en ami c iiiihiIi b 10 let the Fi i pinos clone, and thui "ii il.eir cfliccrs compelled ih m to tire, ti p!ea4 tire in the air." The proclamation alto j a pflaieil to Am- mans to tl iregard Filipinos, "who pretend to favor annex ation" and alleged "that tiie Amer;ran u;ri anon to hold tbe islands is f istt-red by at f. w officers who aie making money thereby." The proclamation concluded with paraphrasing ihe Monroe doctrine in the words 'The Philippines for the Filipinos." A native dentist here named Arevelo has been arr sled, lie denies the hu thorrhip of t' e docu nent, hut admits connection witli it. lie ms foimerly an aid of AiMiinahlo and hid arrest caused constcri.ation among the Fili pinos. The native pi-per lu 'epencia, whxh i now puhi-hedit Malalos, was'un usual y vindi a'ive today. Comment ing up n 'hi; si UAlioii, it nays: The Americans are trying al the time to excite ihe Filipnos to com mence botilitbs, in the meantime tricking the natives f r the purpose of 1 gaining time neces a y for brb g rig out reinforcement." The paper adds: "The p-oc'aniation which wai euipre'd and for which Arevelo wan arrested, apt ears to have iiit the t ail on the head. 1 he Fi ip n s need fear no'lvng. The American sol diers sre comph't' ly demora in d. They are unwilling to fight a free people who re only demanding their rights. " Tl e Malo'ot vovernment is inflexible (riilnftldii'u ilMtcrnitripft fllnil seems to have temporarily welded al' 1 fat: ions toelher. lliink Kvcrjr due IVrtalied. Nkw Ohi.kans, Jan. 23. lawrerce Jones, owner of the ill-'ated hunch Paul Jones, and Mayor Ta-'eart of Ind ianapolig.fa'iher tif Mi-gTgart, arrived in the city Friday night. They have received word of more wreckage p'eked p, such as pi'lowsam) cuihions Indong ing to the yacht and are firmly con vinced of the vi-tS'Ts !' wi'b all on botir.l. They will re ain here a few days to hear reports from the numerous rescue parties now 0'it. Advicet r aciiirig this city leave no further doubt as to the 1 0m of the yacht Paul Jom s. Mini of the wreck age and elfi-cts of t' e boats and th' se on board have been picked np by the logtrer George, grd Mr. R 8. Leavy, a prominent nltixen of the loner coast who is in the city tolny, ha seen and Inspected the art ic es found, and some of which was brought to the city. A pillow cushion and one of Mist Tag gart'i handkerchief', in addition lo that lady's bunch of keys, bug been recover d. Parties ate now hunting for the bodies of the unfortunate yachting party, and the helief is expressed that some of them will be recovered. Trim to Kill C'hoirm. ' ToLsno, O., Jan. 23 Mrs. 8. J Mo d Hough, wife of a well-known man of this city c tnimitl' d suicide last nht and attempted to kill her family of th-ee children before she took the drug. Tbe woman waa undoubtedly inane. Four of the children were violently ill yeeterday caus'd by eating diseased meat. One child died ye-terday after noon and, the mother attempted to give tbe I'vlng children, all of whom are in critical condition, a dote of carbolie Mid. Wrrkd ty Npraattlna Rail Pro.UMANNA, Pa, Jan. 23, A bad wreck ore 11 red at Great Hend, Pa., near here last evening. I lay express train No. 8. on the Erie road was thrown from the track by the spreading of mill, and the 'locomotive and two ran want down twenty f tot embank nt Flieman John J, Freely of Owego, who wat riding on tbe loco 1 live, waa crushed to death. F.ngi Mer Wrlfh and Fireman Smith, both rfOorMvilra, wm badly Inturad. J OUDEd IN I'OItCE RESIDEN; A o OF SANTIAGO NEW GRIEVANCE HAVE Inttllifut rwttvefl Much Worried Ovrt the Mmloo l')iiulalut MAtl Tlml Cubttu Mre Killing; KpliiHr(ls Tli Matter Kept a fcftcrvt. Santiago Db CVm, United States mi itary Jan. 21 T. e authorities in Havana I ave ei p rl merit an or tied ttie Pantiao de er directing taut nut a cnt of the cu toms r eipts of t'ie de partment is to he'l without the permission of (iovernor (ibneral Brooke. The oide' ulso di ect that tbegretb-r part or the catiitary wurk jerformed shall be done wi bout money pay and for raltot s merely. The directions regarding the customa funils hve not, yet b en made genetady known, As tuost people, r lying upin a recent diepitch Irom Dr. Joaq un Oattdlo, now in Washing on, have re ardeJ th.s point as detb iteljr settled in f ivor of San ia;o, it - ha been con iidered advieahle thu Isr not to al ow tbe Older in question 10 become pnbl c, leant tin re le a renewal of the pipu ar sc tment provoked by the issuance of the original order foi the concentration of c atoms at Havana. Intelligent, who are in posses sion of the fai ls, however, are greatly worried over the situation, as are a'so the Americans, I r this and other recent orders virtually reduce the military governor of the department to a mere a'lt mutton. Such a policy as is now sug-'estel re Zarding the work of sanitation miht lnve been applicable in Julvuni Ao gtist last, but is certainly not under the iha.nged ondition yts erday. ( nliiui- KillliiK Ni.inlltril. Havana, Jan. 21. lien. Jimir.ez Castellan s, lormcr cap'ain-tieneral of Cnha, now at Ci nfiienos, has com- p!ain 'd to (iov-rnor (ieneral Brooke I that, the Cuharg in tne province 01 Santa Clara are murdering Spanish ex-volunteerg. flu eays that elbt have been killed in one week. Tbe governor-general referred the matter to Ma jo--General Bates, mili tary governor of the depart nient of Santa C'lura, witti direcliona that prompt measures be U.ken to pnnisu the guilty and prevent the recurrence of similar act-. Ge11er.1l Brooke appointed Thomas Vicies today to b-t hei ret.iry of the su preme court, lie also apiio.nted three jii'iges for the province of Piiur del K o. Nwtw ithstanding the unpopularity of Ihe Spanish, and the attacks up m the policy ehch il to collect hack and p e eut tuxes, the sum of f 100,000 was de;oited in that institu tion yesterday, largely fcy hpaniardn. ' li is said that such deposits will increase lb-cause of tbe knowledge that tie bank's funds cannot be man pulaied by the Spanish government. The cru Ber I'.roiklyn sa led yet t rday foi the United Stales. Tt e Auieticni hoard of pardons yes terday retouimcii led f'.e release Irom jail of seven men who have been Con liiied here without tr al since fr the al ege I tobberv from a safe of funds belonging to the 11 vy paymaster for Han Juan de Pur to Kico. The prisoners declare, and information from San Juan tends to rimain them, t' at the alleged f,0'H!rf . a plot upin the part of Hnanish (hi ial to cover up their de- I nquencie' and to obtain scapegoats for the Kpanihb paymaster at San Juan, wlio, it is further ass r ed, was probably a party to the dishonesty approp iaiing the funds, rollo-ving the diaapearanc of the money at Kan Juan some 200 suepecjs w ere arretted and they were all releaped except seven who were tortured f. r the purpose of ubtaininga confe-sion an 1 were fhippe ! to Havana in March 1897. They now show the i-flect of the torture upon them. The board of pardons has txamined many other prisoners and has recom mended lo General Prooke the release of lixty-crven who sre in confinemen. l.ieiitenant-Col inel Lewis M. Mans, chief mrgeoii of the Heventh army corps has decided, after a conference with the mayor of Marianao, to open a dispen sary there for the free distribution of government medicines to the poor of the district. Rations will be issued to the needy, and the who e community forcibly va cillated. A fresh supply of 100,000 vaccine points has arrived. Nhol Down by a liur(mr. Nsw Yokk Jan 21. Chief of Police Crow of Somerville, N. J., was shot and perhaps fatally wounded early today while chasing a burglar. The chief was in ids home when he heard Ihe noise of an explosion. Going out to inve-tigate he lean ed that the office of Swift A Co., wholesale beef denier, had b en blown open with dynamite. A Chief Crow reached the ollice of the company lie skw a man coming out. Tne chief chased him for n block, when the burg lar stopped suddenly and fired at Chief Crow, the bullet penetrating the lungs The burglar then r.n, being pursued by the chief until tbe latter fell exhausted. The burglar got away. The thieves, of whom th -re were tfire, did tint have lime to rifle the safe. Nlirk lo Hi Old Onlor. Wakiiinoioh, Jan. 21. Labor eaving device are not wanted in China. 'I his is clearly shown by Consul General Ooodnow in a report to the slat depart m nt, made in reply to an inquiry of an export association in New York. "I cannot give you any iicnnragement," he lay, in regard to the shipment ol wheelbarrows, acrapera, duinpcarts and the I ke to China. The wheelbarrow nred here hal on lar whaal in tin middle and a aeat on aitber aid. SPOKE FOR HIMSELF Koivkrr lenlc Bep fwnl liig- I lie PimI dent. Wasiiivoton, Jan. 20. The senate li-tened ni'ter yea erday to disimsnion of the policy of expansion. Mr. Turner ni Wtihhii gt-jn, populi t. deliv-ieda i-arefully j rej areJ ejusech m the Vest ,e?otut:on. The s . ech was for the mo-t ptrt a constitutional argument in winch Mr. lurnertook ig-ue with bena or Piatt and Senator Forak r upon their recent utteianc 8. He opposed .iurai quiring the Philippines and denied ibn contention t .at the acq'iis tion of far di-tant country had been fo ced up on this country by the arbitrament of atms. Tnisco i try was at liberty to re tain such foreign territory a-i it h ig con quered if it sj desired, and such of it was suitable in boQ, clim ite and inhabit ants, we might want to keep, but he denied that our only other recourse was to give back tbo oonqnered territory to tlu enemy. "If we may keep it ouree'ves," sa'd he, "we may r-quire it to be given to the people who inhabit it, for the pur I we of i dependence and liberty." This, he believed, was tbe proper course to pursue iu the case of the Philippines. Tbe sovereignty of th 1 country ould not be impeached by such yen' r us acti n. Mr. Turner adverted to the statement of Mr. Forakera few days ago that it was not the purpose of the United States to retain the Philippines permanently, but be stid he was forced to differ from tbe Ohio sena or because he found in the treaty which had been negotiat d under the direction of the president "evidence of such a character that it must override the opinion of the distin guished senator from Ohio. He re ferred to thai pi t of the treaty, he said, which made . nly a cession to this country of sovereignty over the Philip pines, l-ut an acceptance by uh of that sovereignty. It was impossible to for get, 400, ttiat the treaty was negot'ated in th--midst of a clamor for an ex'en aion of our dominions. As further proof of tiis poduon, Mr. Turner re ferred to the. president's sueech at At lanta, in which lie a'ked: 'Who is there that will dare to haul down the American flag from the toil noon which it haa once been planted?" He said the president had madetfnt m-.ning of the administration too pUtiu r con troversy. I'OKAKKK TAKES EXCKITlONS. At the .oticlusion of Mr Turner' argument Mr. Foraker took some sharp exceptions to etatements made in the speech, especially the?e ref'-rritig to him personally. He explained : ength the nature of his i-tatemcii'o, declaring, among other ib ngs, that he t.d Fp ken on y for hims'lf, nd hd had no in j tention or des-ire to poae as the re ' preaentative. of the administration, so far as his utterances were concerned. t Referring to tbe interested comment 1 which had been aroused in Great t Britain by hi statement, he said : "I waa n l sp aking for the adminis tration, and tbe chtll that went up and down t ,e batks of our friends in Lon don whb due perhaps to a mi-appre' hen-ion as to which of the Ohio sena tors was speaking." Mr. For d:er niaintaine 1 that neither he nor any ottier member ha.l held that congress could or would lefd-hte for its ' territories without reference to its obligations k t' C constitution, j "What I said," be continued, "was that ihe constitution was not operative in the territories as to the political 'rights of their inhabitants until the 1 legislative luachiicy wass.t in op 'eratioti thereon. The coiit-ti'u ion ail ! not apply to the territory acquired by j the Unitee States g vi rnment, but that I while the dominion was a territory con j gren had plenary power to desl with the conditions there. Mllcln to Ilia First htorj. Paiiis, Jan. 20 Th) Soir Thursday published another interview with Gen eral Mercier, who was minister for war at the time of tbe conemuation of Dreyfus. General Mercier teiterates bis former statements .-ml reasserts thai the bor dereaa was "certainly tbe work of Dreyfua and not oi Esterhazy, a ho was net aware of ita existence until long subsequent to th) trUl." Under the plea o. professional se crecy he declined to explain bow the war ministry documents, fully proving the infercmes deduced from the hoi derean. Tbe suggestion that it con ta ned letter from a foreign sovereign he characterized as "a pure invention," as was ala, be declared, the statement that M. Caitimir-Peiier resigned the pre dencv of the republic 011 account of tbe Ureyfus affair. Regarding the motive that prompted Dreyfut to commit the treason imputed, Geneial Mercier said : "Dreyfus was loo fond of the society of women of a certain class. Had it not been for bt reputation in this respect he would have left the military college among the lirst three of bis class, bin owing to his immoral proclivities be waa placed elevent h. I think he recent ed this and that hit treason was prob ably an act of revedge for it. "Dreyius whs alto in the habit ol talking unpatriotically." Irosiths at IUmi, WAsiiisorOrJ, Jan. 20. Gen Brooke, at Havana, yesterday reported the fol lowing deaths among the Report of deatha Pi; Private Jacob W Dexter, hospital cor,),mailpoi ; Piivai Arthur D. Christ, company F, Forty ninth Iowa, hernia ;Oorpo al Fraud V. Oreena, company E. Fourth Illinoii drowned; Private John F, Keliher,oom pany C, Third Nebraska, injury fton railroad tn;ina, all Havana; Corpora Michael tt. Kppes, company li. ilb Ohio, pntnmoiiia at Oisnfuagoa. DANGER LURKING lieporU froui (liieral Utiif Judliaiit Am ety "W asiiikoton, D. C, Jan. 25. Senor Lo;x z, ee. r iurv to Airoueiilo, the Wich ington representative of Ayuinaldo, call d an the state department veati-r-Jay aiteruoou and ioged with the chief ;lerk a con muuicjtioii w hich accotdiug to toe couim n exje : aiion, marked the critical ttage in the Phil ppme que tion. l lii.- is thi third at empt made by tbe Fihp no repreeenta'ive to secure official tecogmtiou from the United 8 ales government. Secretary Hay, at tne line the touimuuication was piesenttd, was attending a meeting of the cabinet tt the White house, so (hat all chief clerk Michael could do under tbe circum stances was to receive the paper as he would any other handed in to him. The advices from Manila which have reached the war department are far Iram reassuring. It is understood that jeneral Otia reports an expectation on ais part that the insurgents are about .0 lorce an bsue, and if thia should be 90 the r-ult cannot be foreseen. Manila itself, and Uoilo, as miht at first be luspected, is retarded as tbe danger p i t just now. Orders have be n given for the rwenty-second regiment of tegular in iintry at Ft. Crook, Neb. to leave there )n the 27th inat., for Manila. RttlTIIIIK AN ACTOMCI.IhllKO FACT Maiihid, Jan. 25 A dispatch from Hong Kong says a letter teceivel from .he Philippine islands under date of January 20, announces that the rup lure between the Filipinos and the Ameiicans is an accomplished fait and that the lives of the tSpaniard-i in the licliipt'la.'O are endangered. The minister of war. Genera) Correa, received a cable dispatch yesterday l.oin Geiii ral lio, the Spani-h com mander in the 1'hiiipjiineH, aniiouncing ihat all the sii k and maimed c.ivd and military prisoners were released by th F lip nos yesterday. The general added that he hopes the remaiude' of the prisoners will he at lilier y st ortly. Konii, Jan. 24. The members A the Filipino junta here have issued die following statement: "The purchase ny the American au thorit e- at liottg Kon of a number of steam launches for rive.r work in the Pliilippi -e islauda is high-handed, un mcessary and Vexatious, "Domieiliory v sits throughout Ma nila are exasperating the Filipinos. Toeir suspicions are i roused hy such ictions. The dispatch of the reinforce ments: is incompatible with peuce, and :,he aiiK)irunienl 01 a commission is only pretext to Ka n time. The American secret police its acting offensively towards the Fdipinos at Hong Kong, who are British Nuhjects. "The Filipino con;;re89 at Malolos has unanimously vetoed aniiexatton." Ilnrtflttr J'lr; r'lal .Shot. Niiw Youk, Jan. 25 After being limited from houi-e to bouse, fired at, from a dozen windows and by half a Jozen poiicen.en, a hutglar turned at b.iy and shot George Kverhart, a pluinher, throiiLb ttie aUlomen. Kver hart will probably aie. (Jas Steel, a bowery di-n reu, is under arre-t on sufpicion of heing the burglar. The htiruhir bad rigged up a rope ladder to the room formeilv occupied by Jo-epli Young, reputed to he a rich pool room man, woo always kept, a large am unt of ca-li and diamomlH in hi.i room, young ;s at St. Aiiutis ine, Fia. 'Ihe burglar was di: covered by Ut arles Frank, who lives next door. Kverhart was heating the burglar wi'h a board hen the latter drew a revolver and tired 0110 shot, which took cilect iu 1 lie aodomvn. j I'miff. Much recited. ' I Pana, 111. Jan. 25. The excitement ! Tuesday I as been int' iisified by the fiet i(:iit appearance of negios on the 1st reel?, 'i 1 er.' im, been no work in the ' 11 nous today, whicti is vi-rv exttaor lin 1 .' u tiflideriug tne urgent deimind for y nl. ihe union 11 11 e- on the alert in,: arc prepared for .ttie v. 01 St. A num ber ol ciiiz'tiiM h ft the city y sterday for places ol safety. In Hoiicipatioii of trouble Captain (ion h h ? h s men stationed ovi-r the cityan 1 heavy provost guard is doing iiut.y iu ti.e business sec tion. 'Ihe blacks and 11 n union white miners Will meet tomotrow to p. rlect, their oran z nion, which came in'o existence last Sunday ami is fc b kri'iwn as the Afro-Annlo-miitud lienelit ajM)i:i ation. It will be a secret order and only ne;r,ri,s. Hyn he Has Seven Wlvm. Pkokia, III. Jan. 24. George Peres Foyle of thin city wasarrewted yesterday at Davenport, in. , on a bench w irrent n-siie.l at lies Moitos. lie is charged with ti h i 11 ceven w,ves scattered through the cities of this C'jiititry and Canada. His newest wife, who lives here, left last Friday to meet her bus band at Des Moines. Coiialftctnt Itelurn Hami'ton, Vs., Jan. 25 The trans port Port Victor anived at Old I'oint toiUy with thirty four coiivulesceut soldier from tbe Fifth regular infantry and the Fifth and the Ninth volunteer infantry and alxuit 200 furloughed or dischargeil men. Ttie convalesce" ts were discharged here and taken to the Josh Simpson hospital. The remaining men were taken to New York. Niiiio-il tVreck Vlellni, Miami, Fla., Jan. 25. The richly dressed body of a young women, prob ably one of the party lost in the wreck of tbe naphtha launch Paul Jones, was found Sunday morning at Boca Ratone. The gulf stream swing in clo-e to the shore at that point. The dress is of (oft woollen matetlal with narrow stripes, gray, red and black; the jicket is striped in blue and purple. The underskirt was of red flannel, the stocking black nd the boots lacod. CUBANS ACTING IT BAD REPORTS SENT FROM SANTI AGO PROVINCE Credit Given Soldier on Guard tor Eitln gulliiiIS: (he Fire.-r unUer iirpuru of I utlairr In .Majuri IJi.tnct Trying lo linn. K.iu.u Santiago bk Cub, JJn. 24. Lieut enant Colonel R,iy, who is in command at Guantauamo, cables to headquarters bete th.v.a eeton i ttiemptbas been made by-dieaff, c ed Cubans to burn tbe coe on the Komeli plantation, but that little damsge was, owing to tbe promptitude of ihe Unit d States sol diers on guard in extiiiguirhing the fir a. He believes that an organized gang is endeavori. g to burn tbe cane on ad the plantations in bis d strict, and he is using every eff,rt to di cover the perpetra ora of thes, outrages. The Unit, d States authorities refuse to confirm or deny tin rumors that a band of men have been committing murders and robberies in tbe Mayard dislr ct, but the reports are persistent. Col.-nel V;v iente, chief of General Da mcdi, has been instructed to raise an extra company of p di. e fur that part of tbe province. Much difficulty u how experienced in communicating with the iioUh coast of the p.ovince owing to the fact that no boat is avail able. The health of the troops through out the province is fairly good. - All the Meat wits Had. Wahiiinumon, Jan. 24. Ti e board 01 iurvey appointed by Secretary Algef to pass upon the question of the proper condemnation of a large quantity of beef de-tined for the mops iu Porto Rico, has received from Barclay H. Warburton of the Pennsylvania vol unteer hattallion of artillery, a sworn statement 01 the condition of refriger ate t beef on board the transport Mani toba, which was at Ponce from AuguBt 10 to 25. In the course of this state ment, Captain Warburton says: "1 ate of the beef which tbe transport Manitoba brought to Porto Rico. It was served to th9 offioerh' mete on the tranpport Misnii-sippi, which brought my c.mmand back to New York, Sep tember 10, 1898. When I say 1 ate the meat I mast qualify my statement by saying that I tried to eat the meat. It was so bad that it was impossible to swallow it. In my opinion the meat was not good, nor was it fit for issue. 1 hud no idea tt at this meat had been suhjec ed to any chemical process, but believed the beef to have decomposed on Recount of f e lack of proper refr g erntmg facilities caused by the clogging of the machinery used for that purp se on tbe Manitoba. "Iu reply to your request to give tbe board a iy other ev dence or information ir my po-s. wdou or acknowledge, my answer in general is that all be f issued to my bait ldon was bad and had to be buried immediately upon delivery at our camp, wh en, was about two miles beyond Ponce. On the day in question Private Hack ot the Pennsylvania vol unteer artillery was sent to the com mi sary depoi for an issue of beef. On his return 1 uie. the wagon aud while it was yets . me hundred and fifty yaMS from n e 1 noticed th most ternlle td r, which seemed to me to Fm!l some ttnn like carrion. When I gotaUng s de of the wagon I looked into it and raw tbe ni at h;ch had hi en issued to him. It looked white, nb .ut tbe color of the belly of a flounder which bad be n coverc d with green blime. I in structed him to present my compli ments to bis comin, tiding otlicer. lieu tenant bean, with instructions to have ttie same buried iuimt diat. ly upon its airivtil at camp." Captain Warburton gives the names of some witnesses whose testimony miy be of vaiue. Cet Caught In an lee Flue. Niagara Falls, N. Y., Jan. 24. While nearly one hundred persons were on the gi eat ice br dge in the goiceof the Nugaia river ttie icy mass was broken loose from the banks at either end. There were thousands ot Sunday B'glreeers in the parks and upon the upper steel arch enjoying the beauty of the crystal-like structure. They htard tne cracking of the ice and saw the ret.t maes as it was moved by the Bwift current of the river, and hundreds shotted warning to those on the bridge. Some of these vem utcsome peri-ODs had only eone a short dii tance from the river ba k, while others were out in the iTeiii. r 01 ma nriugo ana were cro eing i me river, iiiohe near the end soon found fafetv, but further outtoward the center were a numher of small boys. Before they were fairly started for the shore the gr. at bridge wag loosened from its lastenings. then it became a race for lite, but the youngsters, amid wild shouts, finally rear e l the chore. It wag then seen that all except three persons had reached places of safety. One was a man not far out from 1 he New York side. The others were a man and a women, who were fleeing across tbe ice toward the Canadian side. The man near the7 New York shore kept his courage well. His eyes were directed toward the steel arch, under which he would pass, if tbe ice continued to move down the river. Onward it went and just as he reached the bridge be leaped from the ice and caught the arch as it rises not l ir out from the abutment. Thu man and women reach ed the Canadian shore. Concerned for a Nhlp, Naw Yonx, Jan. 24,-Condderable com men', is being made among thipping men as to the whereabouts of the British freight steamer Almida. which has been out thirty-five days from Shields for New York. It sailed from fhield on December 19 on ita way from Hamburg to New York in bsllast and vas re,ort ed passing Dun net head, Scotland, on December 21. Since thei nothing has been heard of it. The weather on th Atlanti : has been had. I NEBRASKA NOTES, j vsH--4-r4""W In the int. rest of Dave McMurrie member of the B.air bind, who baa for s me time teeu on the eick list, the b,.nd gave a concert at ihe opma bouse Tiiurrday evening. .Alter p.s; in a 1 ex P' 11 C, th. y were able to pieccut Mr. McM urrie f 25. One of the social events of the season was a b inquet given at Table 'Rock by the husbands of the lady member of ti.e W. S. A. to their wivt. Ninety pi, ilea were laid aud ihe banquet lasted irom 8:30 p. m. until mtdn ght. The postothce al Friend was broken into Friday morning about 2 o'clock by two unknown men who wrecked th safe in tbe office by means of explosives bur, so far as now known got no money. About the time of the explosion No. 1 on the Burlington arrived and tbo passengers getting off the train near to p stofiice frightened the robbers array. Ihe safe was blown to atoms aud the st impj and money were badly mixed togetner. The power for press work in the Pilot printing offi e at Blair, will here after be fnrniBbed by a gasoline engine, a new one having been put iu. Tbe frequent cumber of new cases of measles and chickeupox that have de veloped at Sutton this week, occupied the attention of the board of health Tuesday. On Tuesday afternoon tbe sci ool board waa convened and decided to dismiss school tor two weeks. A fight took place a' Swaberg Men day aft.: rnoon in which Peter Peterson come out second best in a terrible con dition. He was set upon by Andrew Linu, jr , and Charles Encksun, two young farmers oi tnat v.cinity. They not (.nly pounded their victim but took bis money, a sum of about $16. Peterson-swore out a warrant for their arrest, bad blood has existed betnetn the trio for some time. Mrs. Oe.irge Bi euhbel of Syracuse, who as ser iously injured in the receut railroad accident near there, in which her hiibbaud was k'.be I, is lepor ed as improving and hopes ot her recovery are entertained. Kev. J e .lonea is holding meetings in the 11 w M. E. r.i'ureb at Syracuse. Much interest is matiilested and the building is crowded every night with eaer listeners. Tuesday night when George Arm strong, who lives six miles south a est of Beatrice, returned home from a revival meeting, be was shot at by someone concealed in the house. The ball barely missed bis bead. He quickly picked up a revolver that was lying on a table and tired aibotin the direction fiom whenc be was shot at, when the would-be murderer Hied atiain. This t ine the ball struck him m the leg be low the knee, making a dang, rous wound, fears being . entert uned that amputation will be neces.aty. Two young men from the town of Ragan, ten miles west of Wilcox, came to town' Satuiday evening and pro ceeded to get drunk. It terinina ed in a fight in which both young men were terribly beaten. Brickbats and billies were the weapons they ueed on one another. ! For two weeks past families in the eas t and north parts of Wy more have been bothered by some man who makes a nightly practice of vini ing the homes in the e neighborhoods and peeping in at the windows about the time tbe little folks are in the habit of retiring. He is described as a young man of medium height and of rather heavy build, who wears a dark suit and a slouch hat. The Kellerman and Prttisht fa m; lies of Daykin, who were infected gome wieks ago with trichinae from eating raw sausage, are reported by Dr. Heath as improving slightly. The children with one exception are much better. One hoy, twelve years old, is quite low. August, Kellerman, father, is about as reported a week ago, Mrs. Kellerman is very low. Her d-ath is expected any time. Tbe Patlisiit boys, aired nine and eighteen, sre about the same as a week ago. Mrs Ches Chinn of Elba; died Bun day at 12:40 p.m. She leaves a hus band and daughter about twelve years old, and a large circle of friedda to mourn her loss. Considerable excitement was caused at Rising City Sunday by word received from Columbus to the effect that th four jail-breakers who had been eon fin' d there for sometime past, had broken jail Saturday and been tracked in this direction as far as tbe Platte river. 80 far, however, none of th men in qnestion I in evidence, and it is thought that they must have gon ti some other point or else sre still in hiding north of there. The fellow who stole three horses, a couple of boggles and a large number of minor article ner Fairhury a cou ple of weeks ago, has finally been run down and arrested In Kansas, with to olen propertv in his pnMeulon, and the owners of the property in now flsnrins on the best method of gtttlag their effects without pnrchanlng ttlMs outright of the Kansas officials. The divorce cat of Emily Oresnlaat against her husband, Fraacis, wbkh wm heard Hattirrtay'' evening by Jtidsw Grlmlsnn at Fremont, was takm and advisement.