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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 2, 1899)
Dartfaon 3ournaL . CASUS, rla mm4 Tr m&jtsisox, The Czar gum ri'Ui ahead uiikins disahnainont and war vessel. The Cnited States navy costs country a lot of money every year, t earns lu waijs. the but The latest arrival from the Klondike says that there is plenty of gold there. Tte thing la to get it here. There Is a man In Maryland raisi frogs for a living and be feast If keeps Dim on the jump. who con- A Kansas girl got a legacy of S.OO, 00 to cultivate her voice. This seems ft good deal to go for a mere song. Blanket and boots ar a new fash ionable fad for pet dogs. They are not ao warm, however, as their pants. summer I Don't scold ytur boy because be dics t know bis geography les.son. Sup cose be should ask you to bound the Cnited State? Mr. Zaugwill in quoted as saying that Che "4.W" are more dangerous to Amer ica than the Russians. Possibly but wWs afraid of either? A wctnan writer informs her read srs how a woman may dress well on 50 a year. Perhaps her next article will tell how to get the ?.0. Somehow, you never can convince Sie average married woman that Ilud yard Kipling's "bear that va.ks like a mau" refers to Russia at alL Spain has consented to the expansion mt the Cnited States to the extent of about 120,000 square miles and 0,000, 000 people, to say nothing of Cuba. Maybe Nicola Tesla might be able to ase the Keely motor to generate the electricity to work that device which la going to sink navies by pressing a button. ' A New York clergyman arose from fete bed the other night and killed a Burglar. The theory that a minister is necessarily not a man of action has weak spots in it. Now that the British Royal Agricnl tnral Soicety has forbidden the exhibi tion of horses with docked tails, we hope this barbarous disfigurement will gradually come to an eud la this coun ter. A social theorist has come to the front with another remedy for the ilvoree evil good cookery. The inter relation between dyspepsia and di- roce hi not half understood and ap preciated yet. We b-arn from a contemporary thai an estimable resident of that city died the other day as the result of a "serl us affectation of the lungs." There efnis to be a lesson in this case: avoid affectation, eveit In lung diseases. The report of the Land P.ureau shows that the United States' possesses S12. 17,000 acres of desert and grazing lands. Of this acreage there is a writer aropply for only TlJiOO.tytO acres. Like a certain land of fable, there Is a good Mt of area in this country that needs nly water and good society to make it a desirable place of residence. To live in Hawaii costs, It is said, lore than to live in California, one rea aon being that few of the ordinary articles of American 'diet are produced In the islands. Most of the meat Is Imported; eggs cost sisty cents a 4oien, aud chickens a dollar and a quarter aplex'e; and tl cheapest fish, the red mullet, sells for twetny-live cents a pourJd. These facts exdain he warnings which Hawaiian Masons and Odd Fellows have recently ad dressed to Intending emigranrs. Even In an earthly paradise men must eat. and a destitute stranger, set down lw tween a crowded lalior-tnarkt-t and a high-priced provision-store, would find himself in no enviable Kisitlon. Vegetable life Is Influenced much More by certain kinds of light rays than by others, and Flammarion, the French astrottomcr. has Iwcn enabled to eotimate the relative vaUtes of the different rays. Four hotbous8, of red. green, blue and ordinary glass, were built, anil vegetables of the same spa des were cultivatec' in all. The ex periment showed that plants In the red bonne attained a much greater size than those In the bine house. The light through Mue glass rtunted the plants, Which thrive better under green light, CtUl better under the chemical Inflii Hct Of red rays, and best of all in wMt Hght ' William A. Jones. United States dMnmuwIoner of Indian Affairs, In hit aanwal report for the last fiscal year, ! firm an Interesting rticw of what tn Oorernment la doing In the way 0t axJocatlon at the various reserva ttoW, There ar aow U7 wHIl-eatilp-ftt boarding scliools, and at equal ember Of day schools. In which 23.952 IzTas reota art being educated. Al Cr oly a smatli pematage of the f - i were MOHestly adraaeed te ba ( flSaJ i ! east, were reported aa r i V ITTI, cr UMW; ra per cem. as Vt7 Cl'za. erty per cert. -'-airbJBi tbe beneflta of Cr Kxm& appreekble St;, ''.raMKBieslober ;"JIawi I oSacatlots of lmt i.ivi,i;c. ( liid'.au ptlpIN le tram-rer-( rid from their hc1iixi1 to larger schools In oiln-r Stan': and be further tie-) tl.iri ij tliaf the plan of placing' ludlnaj i children In thi public school. of the! country, for the i-octim-ation ui iue ruce. wa.s Dot a success. la resine to a Joint, resolution Congns approved in 1X4. Carroll of 1). of Wright, L'niud Siat s Oaum Mo Lat-or. has recently com; hted whit will doubtless be accepted by stud nis of sot-iolou'v as the most lueiJ and de tailed exposition extant of the rela tion of machinery to hand labor. Every new machine net up displaces a certain amount of hand labor, and Investigat ors bare been working for yearn to de termine bow many persons are forced aside by each new tuaehiiw, and b-w far media meal work destroys or in jures work hitherto done by manual la bor. After studying nearly V 0 ar ticle in which machine and hand labor could be contrasted. Commissioner Wright concludes that under the ma chine method there Is !ncrUMd de mand for labor; and that there U.ii been a large Increase In the numl er ; of person required for the pio iu ton , of the articles considered, in oruer to meet present demands, beyond that necessary to meet the demands under the old system which employed hand labor. There have been thirty: ministries In France during twenty-seven years. The average term of a"tnlnis;ry has In-en nine months. In England during the same period there have been n'ne ministries and four prime ministers. The English view of French politics is that these frequent changes of govern ment are fatal to the security of the re public. On the other hand it may be said that there have been sis French Presidents In comparison with foitr English prime ministers, and that the Republicans have rema ned the domi nating party lu France since the down fall of the Second Empire. Frenchmen do not take as serious a view of the weakness of tbeir ministries as for eigners take. They say that the repub lic is a political engine, run at high pressure by an excitable nation, and that a ministerial crisis is a safety valve. When a ministry is upset, steam Is let off and uo harm is done. The en gine remains, and a competent chief engineer Is always at hand to take cbargi? of it. There Is, however, a new element in the political experience of France. This is the influence of the army. For twenty-seven years minis tries have been subject to the control of the legislative chambers, and the generals of the army have Iwen the servants of the state. The friends of republican institutions nosv fear that ministries will be dependent upon mili tary control and protection. Holding office at the mercy of a praetorian f guard of generals will not be republi can In spirit ur In methods. It will be military dictatorship. What the South will do in the next few years along the line of manufac turing cloth from cotton Sber probably the most .j-:itnNtic cannot foretell. The day when the Southern people were satisfied to produce cotton for Lancashire and New England has pass ed awnf. There was a sentimental In terest attaching to the plantation life, even with its human slavery, but it is a distinct economic advance when the fiber can be spun and wovcb at home. In many cases in the midst of the fields of opening cot ton bolls. A few weeks ago an account was published of a Southern cotton mil! whose engine and Iwiler rooms were set in a coal bed. The II rein en ami stol;ers reached down from where they siood and got their fuel out of the ground. The latest d volopmetit in this Sou' hem wonder land is a realization of the Idea t li t the cotton bale should be eliminated and that the cloth should b made on the farm. A plant has just Ih-cii com pleted in Kdgetield, S. C, where litis Is j virtually the method pursued. The i cotton is picked and glutted, the "heed is j pressed and the oil, cattle fKd and i phosphate are put into a marketable ; ; form, the lint is spun into yarn, w hich j ! in turn is woven Into cloth all In a j 1 single plant. Here there is no ballnz, j j no shipping of the raw cotton to Kn- j gland or to any place. The South, from j i a producer of raw material becomes a producer of the litiished manufacture,! j . article, which Is ready lo take its place at once in tin domestic or foreign mar kets. If the Immediate fu'ure contains any such Industrial developments as have come to the South In the past few ( years. It will be hard to say what it J may not, achieve. The Southern manii j faeturers of codon goods have already j made very notable advances in the ex port trade nnrt tlieir ruture is cioseiy bound up with the question of our com mercinl progress in other lands. Flaic Incloaed in an It loir. A simple moiiiitalneeriiig anecdnti frooi the top of Mount Kgiuont, Ta ranaki, New Zealand. A party ot cliuiliers ascended the topmost rock of the sleeping giant, planted therniKD a ulae-ffoi pole aud hauled aloft tha union la-k. A fortnight later another party, prepared to shin up the pole and so claim a six-foot higher record than the first, ascended and found that the flag hail frojseu while blowing to tbe There H was Imbedded In w Tatar Inches of Icicle, the colors stand ing out as Id a looking-glass. Not only (Ms, but that Icicle extended right down to the ground. All this In the summer time! Doubters must not snigger, for (be party photographed the phenomenon. Sydoejr Bulletin. KIcM Mrda Kfoa. The eres of birds that fly by nigbt are generally aboit doable the site of those of da Mrda. Men of aklathi Intellect necessarily Cght-haaaded. are aet A ery ll.tuwui I'Uit,, decision was recently banded duru by the Indiana Appellate Court lu " n na tion with the Issuing of, theik and cards by employers itr labor done. The division Is oue of the moat sweeping In Its results of any yet promulgated by a court, for w.l r tin- riling an employe who bad !;ecn pa d by the check or coupon , -"-icu cmiil, if be saw fit, re pudiate piy ueu:, sue and recover his uiouty in ca!i. Henry A. Valuer, manner of the John A. Salzer Seed Co., l.a Crosse, Win., sent i hm alma mater, the Charles City, Iowa, College, a New Year's gift of three thou ' saud dollars. I E ghty per cent of Portuguese peas ; tins can n-i her read nor t te. j The tents of the Bedouin Arabs are i osiihlly black. They are made of dytd zoa's' iiair ciot'i. A (lertuai tr al for f wind. tag with forced an'Oiiraiba of .Vartia La '.her brought out the fact that the ink used by Luther 350 ye hro i to go d that S'.ipiet can atili le taken from it. 8welen is Europe's greU timlfc field. Ktisw a has larger I.n-eta but t ey are much lea access ib e ti (.- jt Sweden, which are usually iear tiveri or the coast. How's TMil We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any cae of Catarrh that cannot be cured bv Hall's t'at;ir h Cure. V. J. Cl'KSKY A CO., Props. Toledo, 0. We the undersigned have known K. J. Cheney for the last 15 years sod believe bim pVriecrly honorable in all tmsinesi t ansaetio!!" and financially aide to carry ont anv obligation made !y their firm. WrT . Tki'ax, Wboie-ale Druggists, To ledo O. Waitixo. Kjnsix ft MaBVI Wholesale Drew ft. Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood nd nincoui nrfuces of the system. Price 75o p. jottle. 8o!i by "all Druggist. Teati moriialt free. A Nudil"n Turn. By a sudden turn we may give a twist md bring on lumbago. Pj a prompt use f SL Jacobs Oil the twist lets go and die muscle becomes straight and strong. The child labor laws are being rigid ly enforced in Mlchiean. All fabrics are left In the most deslra de condition afttr washing with Uia lumd '"C" Soap. FOR 30 DAYS YOU CAN TRY IT FOR 25 CENTS. For La Grippe Use "5 Drops." tad Jicrvons Catarrh smtbeuxd ITRADC MARK.1 XWAxaos KrcATic CP '.. Cmtna. July . f. I think "5 lt- OP " ' Bwlfeln in tii- "riil: u h tln fa- ' ! k-kmI. iwUn i- i'wI sro'iu l or alt up In Ix-d. I doo't kttoar wti was ib n.atter tlili un, but I w TOtertiif .i ibrnu-'ls re" 'i.d my Uxly au tvader that iwn of Uie lime 1 .M ll- on tii "tei I a. U liwVnfM n much 1 hv rwcmB,Ajiil'fi.t ) to tin nU'Ui r. T' ol n lni.slH'r biTtfttt l a f if "3 IIK'iHsi" Iki two of id v Uly frti U. Otw-t m )!niL-hra auttmiig terr l-'v wtiti fci-r i!i.i-li. ami wa all b'u.tH up antil i.M i-ili"j IT I MUtii. Ml after all Uwit " 3 I) nfS" ber i-i.'lit CTtiic-l'iwo to IMpouDii Ix-r leinuai . ihtiid !ie ta ail riut iftn. 6h. tbera v,r wa. .u,h ilciD.. I my.,.. '- M'''" MATr,tr. .-olthraa. . I Mr Ira frent. DnntMr fb.), also writ und'-r da of July . s t at . t cur d of Hh ni'tl m siomaeli Tmti. and surra. " 1 want to writ ou l wrd to u.y f sTOM .4Ctt TKOritt K and Rttl'l M fl ISM. I otriiBWKKd on jr a.o to Us " fil l)' t ,' and I run iU ya to-daVtli.t tbouch I am IS V MKii U) am) it. I f ) lik.- a . rs n 1 d"iTi pt t M w ttiout '5 lilon-,' '5 llOls iia t!lf ir.w of -to .' It." I',; fnf -tl-lli" tl (lie llmrVHt. it j hM cured a il - of CAT KHH b"i. nd bk nwbr aiiwt ar.l. I'J. v- am pi my tlwaka for tan favora 1 bv rwitiwd at your bamla, l Saw-sst.' ! if on hv nt ii!t-iTOi tnniweoin, a '"-r nUini O1" l!r t" ' tr ttirw l.iri-c bottle for 2o. ti!r t v .1 .o rp vol oii'ii wia 'i'f a 5 DROPS' nrftcp'il. tisw'te In ;eH'itt-, rhf tn'hms. II IV tfvir, WenUii", TimIIi h. loi n. Hint KiO'ireo ,-.fl . iirf ojii'.f- ai 'i j "5 PROPS ext'.na: tLiO- to '.u, a, AOI.XTS Al t'OlNTtO IN SKIV Tf.KIMlOItV. WKITIi IH-IIAV. SWANSON RHEUMATIC CURE CO., t67 Dearborn Street, Chicago, III. O BStl&&a8 3tCCu; ASK The Tin Tags taken from Horseshoe, "J.T.fM Cross Bowt Good Luck and Drummond Natural Leaf will pay for any one or all of this list of desirable and useful things and you have your good chewing tobacco besides. Every man, won. an and child in America can find something on this list that they would I ke to have and can have- IHl'M I Write your name and address plainly and send every tag you can et to us -mentioning the number of the prefront you want. Any assortment of the different kinds of tags mentioned above will be accrpttd as follow: f TAG tm- 1 Mith rVtv. q. taint dizn. p rrtted firm .... V 1 Knif". w bUd', j?d rW .... 3fr S ;i'r. W-inih, gvl rrl ... TJfi i C:.iLi't St', rvnifc, Pjrk and Spoon 2i 0 awl Pepper, ti'K eacK, osiad- ruile pi ate f rral ... 60 0 RM'jr, hollow ground, fine LtagUb ii , W T nutter Ki if'-, triple plate, fce! trJ. S0 H Siifcj'rHjtriplr plate, bertqiwiity AO 9 tajip Hok, fttchns; wlvff ...... 70 fi Kn. "Kem Kn I'"," two hlAt 70 Jl Butcher Knifr, 4,Kc Kuitei," H-inch hUde W Shrars " ltr.n Kuttrr," inch, - nKikd T8 t NiiSct,CrcIceTandl PsCivt.wWer HI 14 Nati r il tHjog wlver, jsmrthytt vi, 6-inrh . ..... WO 15 Tooth H-iuh, fttvrfing tlver, ajne thyt rt, fl-Ki' h 109 lit Paprr Cutter, alerting ail vet, ame- tHvm rt, 7ivh 100 17 Rt (ijifl, "A-.wv miifHi.' hcwtqual. 109 18 Watch, wm tnd and gursn- td god lime keeper ..... MO This affer czplrit loviffibir 39, 1333. f Addreis all ymir Tag snd tbe correspondence abotit thrm to DRUMMONO BRANCH, atLoula, Me. "Brevity Is the Soul of Wit. Good Wife, You Need APOLO that Pimple On Your Face Is There to Warn You of Impure Blood. , I'ainfiil consequences may follow a neg lect tf this wsruiug. Take Hood's Sirsa- pat-ills and it will purify yonr blood, cure all humors' and eruptions, and make you feel better in every way. It will warm, nourish', strengthen and iiirigorate your whole body aud prevent serious illness. Hood's Sarsaparitla Is America's Greatest Medicine. I'li-f 1. food' Plllgf"!! Ur.-r Ma aiainlt Pler-ed a the intbi nee ofM-tr :, lowiig human mmI on another.- tieore E iot He 'a but the counterfeit of a man who I as n t t:.e l;fe of a man. Shakea pare. One ungrateful man l e8 an injury to ail who sta' d in need of anl.-Publiua iyros. The more we do the more we m sy do; tue more busy we are the more leisure w' iiave. Hazlitt. A tri.e and genuine impudence is ever ihc elieci oi iicuurauce without the least periHo of it. -hleel. You week, week. use soap In the hmndry every Try Diamond "C" Soap ueit Kirlki- In. The chill of frost strikes In and car ries with It aches and pains. St. Jacobs (til will follow close behind and drive them out of the system. It will search and cure. 9C ?'3M90&9eOC3 ItM-M R FOR 14 CENTS -ViL W.ih lo mitt tblt r Z)."0 vStZSrA lPas. y'M'.f li.i o,'iii-o iue L. , ".llr-' thl i.iii 'n'lii U'ulribr..i'i f'l'iJPi-?! HlW)-l 1 lie if. .lUAtl. 'ft CalOf rnia I 14 J xntta.. 1 " Kar liu'i"r)in n Mo 9 j.riiii.i'i x i" w i-t3".. ., Worth $1X0, JorH Cts. tuh Abw in pi(jf.. frnrih ! .'JO, w will nmii yw fri- I'fjftN h'-r ?tJ. our trrw Hi'.-I .'f h.iUi!'i. utcu w- fJrt Oi UU BOlV Willi I If jOtMitt you wn- trj ulrt-r' it 4n oa will m rtt ft! -i mlln'MU ihwn. ' Ion rfM H!" Mi l Uf (' " m JUi A. 41-X il(-0..i.i'rwr4tVk Proslralion, IllicniiialLsni, and Slcmarh Trouble. D.K;iiTi:ns am i;v -5 nrars, isi.oo tMiitie. v i h ff-.'a e... 'i-' i. i. wf-li in to i't T:ilf Ufa in- t'ii'li en-ra o tl Utm rtfi.i'i'.- IItw.Fii-! r to njrU'P tflvi .! ' eiM.'tnt .i-ie't 'm to i iiiBnent etirp fnr rlnnm:itwm. -.-'tl ie, Ni-untlei. laurill, .kan.. .ri ! ami .ein a 'Rio I irulii', rotiji, l.a l.riite. X, ill. in, t rrrpilig t.otti ;um tlw I 1 .o(i, prepaid I mall or . wiw'i"irjw r fi o everybody you Know to save their tin tags for yen 8 TA;t 19 Alarm Oovk. fiirlef, war'anted .. 'inO '0 Luryrft, tmt,khfr hjndW, jjood tcd .. Vl 't Pi Ui4er Tcavjfr i?i, b"M quid. '2 Kmvcand I-trfkt, vx eatb, lutk- Iimnindi 260 28 Clock , (Way, OVn-lar, '1 hermoro- etrr, Hutnm&ur . , . W)0 'H Stovr, Wtlxjn Hester, iue No. DO nr N a. 40 WO VI T&A Set, not playt)ib((t, but real t'Ktit 060 Toild Sri, decoreifd porwUia, very hjnd"tn. . . ... .... M0 V Wttth. ar.Id Mhr. full nfM . 10U0 24 Sewing M.H, firrt caw, nitli i ttar(iment 1MW W RvJwf-r, t nlt, hef qtiahry . . . ,ff) Mi kft-r Wim better. 10-hot, 2-2-Cil I MM 31 Sbol frun, dfMiJtfce UaTirl, hfnincr. nu' twiat . .'. WtO 33 Guitar WaJibum), rrwoi, in- bid with mot frr-of.5ar1 , , yjnO 33 BtcyUe, M&ndxrd oiitke, U'iie' r rent' , . 4M0 B'XKS JO choke aelertionft am at laJ year' i liM, 40 lagi each. ( ) () w () M RAILROAD CARS Methods I ant Ur Die omounlr to I'revent Contauiou Mula.lirv. A great epidemic of contagious or in fectious disease must tiinUe many per sons wonder what the utlieers of rail roads do to prevent the spread of dU- iCasie by the constant uiov, mem oi I trains back and fonb. (I'.Uoiisly, a i railroid car is well adapted m conv ey irerms. The tdilsh cu.liiotis, the hang lugs, the carving, and in the case of sleeping-cars, the bMd'.ug, all furnish good lodgliig-placc for dust or any line material which may bd flying alsmt lu be air; aud the c;miuou use of the tumbler or drinkiug-cup is' very elli cieut in spreading tf.seascs. A railroad surgeon has lately report ed a o Instance uncommon, let us hope -of the scattering or Aliphthcri.i through a wide region. A child havlog diphtheria was carried two hundred miles in an ordinary day car. The uext day a number of sctiool-tea -bets, re turulug from a teachers' lust'mtc. trav clcd In the same car. Shortly afterward diphtheria broke out lu the schools In four different places along The line of that railroad, and the evident which the railroad surgeon was able to collout noiuted to the sttread of the disease by these teachers, who, when examined, wer.? found to have diphtheritic orjiin Urns in their throats, although they did not actually have d pittheiia. Perhaps the child had left infected saliva on the arms of the setts, or on ! the window ledges; or, whnt is more probable, the Infection may have been conveyed through the drinking vessel on the car. j In fact, the railroad companies take ! elaltorale and costly measures to pre vent ti e spread of (list ase. One meth od much resorted to Is the its, of for maldehyde gas. , When a car arrives at the cleaniiis yard all apertures are carefully -cIdm-iI. i the toilet-room doors are opened. -a ml if It is a sleeping-car the In!is are let down, and then formaldehyde gas is ' Injected through a keyhole in an out aide door. The car U Wept closed for i four or five hours, then opened ami j ventilated. Then the floors, water j tanks, etc., are thoroughly scrubbed. ; Many parts are cleaned with tt solution 'of formaldehyde gits in water, i In other cases an antiseptic wasli Is j used for the floor ami woodwork, then ' a solution of formaldehyde Is sprayed by the use of compressed air into the i surface of the plush and into accessible places It) the case of sleeping ear ! great care is taken to wiisli the linen j after every trip, and to air the berths j and mattresses. i In suburban service, however, the ! proper sanitary care of railroad cars is i much mtue dllllcult, becntme It is Im i possible thoroughly to clean and disin fect them after every trip. They can j only receive this care at considerable Intervals, and meantime, h j fin is tm ; doubt often done by the d'.sti ibution of disease germs. Then? are some precaution which travelers can easily take, fled ought nl ' wavs to take, for themselves. If the Journey Is short they need not drink i : during the passage. If the journey Is j : to be longer, every traveler should pro-1 vide himself with a driuking-e up. or i else abstain from drinking while on j the car. If be expects to spend the; ntirtit tn o Mr tt ts wise for liiin lo car-' ry his ow n soap and towels. I'.ad cases of ophthalmia have been traced to the toilet loom of a slet ping -ear.- Youth's . Companion. AECUT PONIES. t bet hi ml -i Not Ki Cumnum im 1 her i;tii to iu.-. Tlif Slic'.Inud ii!iU' lire not ho nun- mon, It SM-tns io tntv :!i-y used t ( In tin' Siai' ii. says )tir Aniiiiiil I'rii'ivlx. j lYrbnp tliis" I Ix-caiisn tin; raiiiiili.m pouli-s ar a ihi'iui, iiud nn- hroiihtj liiT; In gn'at iiiihiIh-is. Tlie lii-ni i)t:i ( , to w-p Uie Rbftlaud pony ih m his owd' native roiiiid. As one we ificm lin-re I .,oiniii4 In lo sown on m.-irkvi 'l.iys. luey are fto well lirokcn tli;it im larl.ll. i. needed and a sn-iiijf nniund ivie link Hi-rvcs Uie iurii!c of a rein, fjciii llielr luirk'j they have pack jeidilii-.i. whleh are ofien so well filli-d with peat and jsr:i- that the load kih iiis loo I1.3 and heavy for the lluie feilows. It k pleasant to nee the pride which the owners take iu theiu; wii'.le (he ponies for tlieir part fiem to slmw n''nu!ne affection for tlieir mantel. "llvf hltn bis bit of fee. I every day." the oivie r will tell you. pointing lo hlf meek look ing friend, "and he'll ;:. alntis a!l day." In leeland there are plenty of ponleit. They have tloiirisln'd there for many Beneratlollif and form a Hpeelal breed. They nre lined for many klttds of work, and, belli; HirotiR nnd linrdy. th. y are. very servleealde to tin; Itihaiiltalitu of the inland. The country U roncli and billy, hut the jKinieit tire aiin fooieil and have jsreat enduranee. Tin4 Island of tlemd. one of ilie l;ir-tit In th Italllf Sea, han II own special breed of ponies; louh. sturdy !nle fellows they are, and highly firiz-d for their beamy and oilier more valuable qualities. What lie Wanie t. "Didn't yon know It Is nifnliiKl Hio law to botf for money?" said the lady to 1 he trnuip nt the buck door. "I wttsn't ifoln' to Ih-jj for money, ma'am." was iha rspty of the humble wanderer. "It's Just as bad to Ik( for bread." 1 wasn't goln' to twg for bread, ma'am." "What were you going to lie for, then, prayT "Only for one nf jour picturea. ma'am." Yonkers Hmteamnn. Tns women say there never wa h kusbaad and father wlui was noi about money. What tbo chrysantbeniutn winls i It a handsomer flower, Is bon t hair plna. it r"1 y A teifiv i mp What docs it do? It causes the oil glands In tiie skin to become more active, making the hair soft and glossy, precisely as. nature intenc'cJ. It cleanses the scalp from dandruff and thus removes 'one of the great causes of - baldness. It makes a better circu lation in the scalp and stops the hair from coming out. II PPCVB!S M I! cores mm Ayer's Hair Vigor will surely make hair grow on bald heads, provided only there is any life remain ing in the hair bulbs. It restores color to gray or white hair. It does not do this in a moment, as will a hair dye; but in a short time the gray color" of 'age gradually disap pears and the darker color of youth takes its place. Would you like a copy of our book on the Hair and Scalp? It is free. If rott do not olitain alt tba hrflta yon aiotw-ted trotn f lo" tit of tla Vtfcoa Adilreia, int. J. r AVER. ixtwail. MaaaL tuiw tit i roloriur Lift. Dr. W. K'nntar, !n the Hiimttoitar'an, says that right living will prolong hu man life aliiDSt Indefinitely, and suais up a long aud able argtunent on th subjec s follows: "To sum tip: Avoli all foods rich lu the earth soils, us much fruit, especially juicy, uncooked; apples, and take daily two or three turn blerfuis of disillled wa;er,witu abou' tea or fifteen drops of diluted phos phoric acid tn each gia -sfut. Thus tviU our days be prolonged, old age deiayed. aud health itiStiftU." Trifling ttiMt I'iwH. There is a way of trifling that cos'i a heap of money. Neglect rlieiimatism and It may put one on crus hes, with loss of time and money. St. Jacobs Oil will cure It surely, right away. No botcher. In weijrtiirt meat for customer, las a rig It vu'Ijrh hs hatjd wllb it, No man ever aliowf hn whiter to grow lone enonjth to com- 1 A diamond T nrvcr uspd no otiirk a Cnre tor PonaiiiptioTi - J. 1171. htnute. N adi , Nov. Z iaJa. It in only when nmn dies that alt l.t pood (pinlitieH coine lo the unrface. Oh, That DelU lotm Oo(Tet ! Co!s but le. per lb. to trow. Sri!' r has the seed, tierman r.ffe- llerry, pUs, loe.; ,dti foffee .ke. " . Salz-.-r'a Nev Anierieali Chicory J."k'. I'.it ltd mil aa l send lo.-. fur any of above pai kaij.a ot send Stic, and get all ; pktts. and ureal C'stsloKiic free to JOHN A. SAI.ZIiH HKKIt '., l.a ("ronne. i. ic. a.) 'lliaivn uaed your vuluatitr C'Ai A" HF.'I!! niJ Unit lii.m tx .lttt. K.u ilu'. ! without th.-m. 1 tuve uinl ihf m l;rv-ne im o for Hid gnteio are fi'l.oinei"..!, uttdumno ' p!rtly curt Iti-i ierme 1. Tiiieiii. U rvrr ii. Once trte.l. voo will never l: r.n. nut llitm 10 IDs tamli. KijW. A. MhX, Aiuiugr, N. Y. Pljamnt. PalAtADI. I'otent, Tante OoM n Ootid. Nstrr Xl'u. Wraaan. or Urlee. i ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... aariit s.wi i r.ur. rt,i.M. MMtiw. a t.. an MTrt Daf ""Wand iiBiii.i1 b, allflru- Mia. Wlnnlow'a xooTMIxn rftser lor ruiel rts tselblm. aottena the Kinna, m-Iik-mi Inllaun) nation, sllaya wlii, rurea ttot R..IIC. 'lric rnitu ' "WasTEu" tnf iimfTwuMt th.TTt ( A K S will c tmt.rnt hi'iiil a enrea 10 hlnaCiimfl Co., Yorfc. tut luarti,lraari'l lti4jMtmllHK'iea.a. CURE YSURSEIFI Dm Hia M lm ....laid j Six Ima-a, ltSaa,aiiia, I ar ukarsiiuaa ol uiucaat aMailaa lauiaaaiamnaiBSL a"i or ajaaM kyl fa la Ms trtmr, ' sasraaa. Brawls. M a. or WilOiaiP ' rmlar aaal as faaaaat. DlTCHT"r'n sr SMSr IStSfSst nrr In X m I EH I Cllaaa a C. a f m. Waatoa.a.U rraw wwViW'Sf OOUZLI O OUIOK I tm im- rta L. Iiimi Hi aaaen t i B housness I fj CATHARTIC a ! tsc au toTfsto f hlktiwA SSlfiMia lauana. 1 j r t i