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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 9, 1899)
I 1 HE 5I0UX (UOUNTY JOURNAL "VOL. XI. HA.IS03ST, ITEBBASKATHTJBSDAY, FEB. 9, 1899. Onr Motto-.-'NO QUESTION IS EVER SETTLED UNTIL IT IS SETTLED RIGHT."--Hon. William J. Bryan. asro. 29. 1 : OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. STATE Or HCKKH: YV. A. I'oynter (Jowrnor rlward A. lillljert Lieutenant Covemoi W. V. Porter Secretary of Htulo John F. Cornell Auditor .J. K. MJ-ve Treasurer t'. J. Smyth. Attorney General ,j. V. Wolfe Land t'ouiiulsklonel W . K. JackiHin hupt. Public luitrucliou i CONOKOSIONAI. DELEGATION: .John VI. ThuriUn I'. S. Senutor. Omuha YV ui. V. Allen f. H. Senator, Miwlion .J. B. stMi', t oiiKicn-tiiiuu I'M-, Lincoln 1), II. Mercer, " 'ill " Omaha Suinncl Maxwell, ' 3rd " Iremoul W. I,. Murk. " t'i " Aurorn l. li. KuthcrlitiUl, ' " NelHon W. I., Green, ' till " Kearney jriiK lAUY : J. J. Sllivan Chief Justice, Columnim T. .('. Harrl-ou ..AW'-te Judge, Grand Island T. I.. Sorviil A-oclnte Judge, Seward Xi. A. Campbell. -Clerk iiml Iiepoi ter, Lincoln riKTKKNTII JCWJil. DISTRICT: M. I'. klitkiild Jndjfc, O'S 1,1 I W. II. Westuvcr XI. J. HlMWUlt ... " Ituhvl!lc .Clcl k, HlllTixOII 1 TKKMs OK ( OCItT: I-J4 ',? url, At I1.utii, coinrneiiec in U'l in May find, ull " -ed l'-'Hi .1'i'T H' . 'tity Court,- At llun Unii, commence rirt AiuiniaY "I fii' li month. Lkl.l.-i.ATIVr.: H i! 1 i So. M.( htH'roii 'Al! i. ... i ;-!. :.!.- .. v'ii..iJron I'urM'V !)( m Robert WiI-miu (oiiiity Judge H.J. Blewett rk Cum- Itienle Trc:isnrci 1'ulilk lnntriK-tlou ' XUle Jteriiuin .Xipt. "Uio Holly .1. (.. l'himiey sheriff Coroner j U.K. Thorn.. Surveyor M.J. lilewctt ' XT District Court M.J.OTonnell Comity Attorney JIUAKD t" lUMMIMO.NEKS: JfMV. M.-I.K crliuirmnn) Lit DUIrlct Aiulirw 1'iwunlw Krt Kohiror .M Vll.LA'iE OKKU'EKM: .J.K. WriKtil (chairman) ,...Trnto ,Jotm Havls - " J. II. Kartell J. k. MarnU-ller Sti. KohwiT W. H. lmvi 3wl liri-.u-h Clerk I'misurcr sciiikil iifucek.s: X.KCort liohnor Urector J. II. ttHrtfc-l Mterator 4.ei. oerlarh Treasurer CIU IM IIKH AND SOCIETIES. ltttodlt Smvduy Hehool meet evory Sun luy uiurnlni! nt in:o W.H.Davis, Viss H ktcix, Sii(erintendent. tots: reur; iXWOUTH I.F.A(.t E. Kfular Inulnen ineet(jr llrt Tuesday cvututf la iu ii mouth. Miss Tilmkh, O. Knuai.u rrrsktent. Sttrretury. lievotluaal mex-tliiij every Sunday evening mi i b. Mas. h.Isol.k, Leoler. JCNIOR l.EAfcl'E. HU eacli Mjadny sfteraoon at! JO. MBS. KIKDAI.L., Supt. .JKRRV Itl SR POST, No.MA.O. A. R. Muet eeoil Monday la each month In th ceurt tioowi at Harrison. ' K. K. I.lvermore, Com. WOODMKS Or THE WORLD. Mlarrlaan Camp, So. M, meet on each al iteroale Wcdoiwtay avenlrif. W.H. Di, D. H. 0iwoli, t'lork. Con. t orn. Munr.KN WOOIiMKN OK AMERICA. VrM on and last lurrtay evening h month t s o'clock. , J. W .binlth, V. V J. II. BtarKi.i. r'irk. .kH444j( 0 YEARS' XPERIENCE ' ATum UlHI x Tmdc Manns x Diaiawa Corweaerra Ac. AafMM MMa kHh and fmrttfUm m 4(ilr aMartaln er ,pnlin fr hi her It Mm anlra- Uommmu eonaaantlal. II llanUhnoll mi I'atenU mral roraecunni naieuia. Piiifiij imkan thruaih Munn a to. rtevif Mtal mMol without abarva, In tt Scitutific Jlcertcaa. A kanilanmalr lllntrtel waeklr. ; lfe elf- ovifX L'ji.v. u r .'wxitf .i v .a The Sioux County Journal. eSTABIJKHED 1S8. Subscription Price, $1.00 OFFICIAL PAPER OF SIOUX COUNTY. Geo. V. Canon, Killtor. Kntered ct the Harrison poet office wwond cIhbh matter. HEAD THE i This; Week, The ,epuhlii:..ns in aiiJ aroun l ChaJ i r.'ii, arj !iavin; a little war all their ow n at the expense of lion. A. t. Kisher, wli i S rfprevr.t I lie ppiipl of this .Wril Jistriut , ilowii .it Linvriln, i:i iliy stat-i legislature i a'. il all Lfi.'aii.-o Im il.irvd to exercise tlitr ' nt;iit to volu for whofvcr, in his own I jiiilfliitnt was entitled to his vole. It j seems a meeting of tlio " !' of Chai! rou was called for the aiqwi ol lassiug ; resolutions, to lent to representative i Fislier, instruviin him to contimm to support the B. &.M. Railroad's hr.iss- collard man for the U. S. senate, but the Eckles faction, who had 1hj money to bring about the election of Mr. Fisher, marshaled their forces nt the g. o. p. meeting and had a set of resolutions pas sed, exhonerating Mr. Fisher for support ing I). E. Thompson, for the U. S. senate, thus, turning down the other fellows. As there is little choice among the can. ! didates we believe Mr. Fisher displayed good sense in voting for who he pleases. ft MANILA LETTER FROM Harry Christensen Sou of Olio of Sioux Comity's Honored CIllens-Enlisted In (.'o. A, 1st Keg. S. I. Voluntfer lnfantrj. Manila, Philipine Islands, . Oc tolier, HO, Dear Father and Mother: As I am feel ing like I would like to hear from the outside world, and, as there is no chance for that, I will drop you a few lines. We came to Manila from Cavite, about one month ago. This is quite a city; one part of the city is walled all around with a stone wall. That is old Manila. But we are in Manila, just outside of the wall. Our quarters at present are in some rich Spaniards house; everything is the finest in the land. In front of the house is a fountain, and the iiouse is built so that there is an open space io the middle and there is another fountain, and tho house is all roahogny and fine workmanship. On each wall, hangs large mirror, each one of which would cost at least' $300, in the States, and the doors xre sliding doom with glass np- ier half, and that is all stained and fig ures of all kinds. And one room is a bath room; everything marble; there are tub baths, ihower baths and needle baths, So you see we are well fixed for bathing'. The city is lighted up by electricity, but not very well bh some of the lines have gone to wreck ince the war broke out. The city water works are con Klructod to bring the water from the mountains about, live miles out. But the water is bod and needs boiling before it ii fit to drink. Th city is very filthy on account of the town being no low that the drainage is very poor; most of the out-skirts of town are swamps. Here every body lives up stairs, and to get away from the mosquitos, I guess a there are plenty of them. And they are ho large it only takes a dozzen or ao to carry a man away. Well, you may rues they are plentiful when the U. 8. government furnishes mosquito bur for to keep them away. And is it hot here? Oh, no! just warm enough that we have to change clothes two or three times a day to have them dry. And as we wear white clothes alto gether it lakes lots of work to keep them clean, but our company has got a na '.,.( Ua; in S.U "M'1 ;'T '"f s JOURNAL I Peace Treaty Ratified. The Peace Treety, between the United States and Spain, was success- 2 fully rytified Minday 1VU 0th, ia the U. S. Senate, at 3 o'clock by a vote t J of 57 for, and 27 against, or 3 vots more than the necessary two thirds. C Thus a long drevm out debate over one of the most important Nation- al questions in the of our Iiepubljc for years is ended. j ? The treaty has been ratified as it should have bean which is just and 3 i right, and Congress han handle the subject of annexation later on. ? I A Battle At Manila. A cable report from JIaj. General Otis, Governor General of the 2 Philppine islands on the 5th irjst. says a battle was fought at Manila, xa S that day between the insurenf s and the U. S. troops, resulting in the kill- irig of 15 of our men, and many more of the Philipinfla It also reports that quiet is restosed for the present at least. . $1.50, Mexican money ih.t man, per month, and as one American dollar is worth two Spanish or Mexican dollars it amounts to aliout the same tiling nearly all the money here is Mexican a native gets about 40c a day for labor if he is a good worker, but an American can get 10 or 15 dollars a day, notasa laborer but in a store or slinging beer; every store, fruit sUuid and all oilier places keep liquor since the soldiers got here. ' The horses here are a small class of poney; smaller than the Indian pony. It is all one of them can do to carry a malt. Iist pay day 1 was mounted on one of them with a government saddle, as pay master General, you ought to have sen me, it was k sight never to be forgot tt a by a western man. I was glad when te diy was gone. Jf they had wanted rie the ne.xt day I would hav played sick pr probablv have got fciok. They use the-' mostly to drive to a two-wheeled ha. tho hack fares are regulated by the gov- eminent and all they cau charge is 87 Mexican cents the first hour and ISc (or every following hour. j All the heavy work is done on a two- wheeled cart drawn by a water buffalo, they can haul quite a loud. We hardly ever see a four-wheeled rig or one drawn by two horses, as only the rich could af ford them heretofore. The buggies and carts were taxed according to the num ber of wheels and so it was that if they could have run on one wheel they would have done so. Besides what soldiers, natives and Spaniards are here, there are a few Ger mans, French and 3 or 4 English, yes, and about 50,000 Chinese and Japanese. I used to think chickens in the house was a sign or uncieanuess, out, mat is nothing these natives keep chickens, cats, dogs, hogs, lizzards and if they are co' sidered well otf they have a pet snake or two, so you can immagine how clean they are. But their places are palaces compared to the Chinese dens. I can't begin to describe them, the only thing I can say is, that you know I could go most any place, but I cannot stay iu one of them places two minutes at a time, so you can immagine what they are, This is a great tobacco country ; every body smokes, men, women and children, all the same. It is nothing new to see a child five or six years old smoking a cigar as large as a hoe-handle, a cigxr you would have to pay 13 or 20 cents for can be got here for two or three cents. There is do chewing tobacco here, only what we get at the Commissary. Tlie natives all chew a kind of berry, I have not tasted any of that yet, as I do not like the looks of them. When we came here we had nothing to do, but now we have to do out post duty and guard the penitentiary one day out of every six. The guarding at the penitentiary is not very hard, a man ia on guard two hours and off fouHioura, There are about 1,500 prisoners in the penitentiary. But, they are all dead tn love with the Americans. When the city was taken there were about 500 of them in irons, and welded on, but they are all taken off now; it took considera ble work to cut them off. The prisoners are allowed 30 Mexican cents to live on; their allowance before was 15, so they don't get very fat. In the prison is an old strangling (garroting) machine that looks like it had done quite a little work in its day. The out post is stationed a short way from the penitentiary, on the road leading frun Manila north; about 20. men go out thoro and one of them stands guard one hoor t"'! ,n rst nrn ft reserve. All :" it (; ".i4':r:j (?0T p '.'' out into the country and keep any mobs from corninir to town. Ijist. nirrht nn of the guards got a little jxcited and done a little shooting at nothing, at least when llie'rest of the guard got out there there was nothing in sight. The Americans have moved cannons outside of town as the insurgeants sav thev are going to take the town, but. they may change their mind after they find out we have come here to stay as long as we please. You asked if I had joined the sharp- sliooter.s. ; don't need any now, but if any trouble comes ofl' that's where I will be, so the Captain told me a day or two ago. I will close, hoping to hear from you TOOU. Harry Cabistknsbn, 1st Co. A., 1st Reg. S. Dak. Vol. Inft. How To Flud Out. Fill a bottle or ramrrion glass with your water and let it stand twenty-four lours: a sediment or settling indicates an unhealthy condition of the kidneys; if it stains your linen it is eviden ce of kidney trouble; too frequent desire to pass it or pain in the back is also convincing proof that the kidneys and bladder are out of order. What TO Do. There is comfort in the knowledge so often expressed that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root the great kidney remedy fulfills every wish in curing rheumatism, pain in the back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of the urinary passages. It corrects inability to hold water and scal ding pain in passing it, or bad effects fol lowing use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to go often during the day, and to get up many times during the night. The Mild and the extraordi nary effect of Swamp Root is soon realiz ed. It stands the highest for its wonder fill cures of the most distressing cases. If you need a medicine you should have the best. At druggists fifty cents or one dollar. You may have a sample bottle and a book that tells more about it, both sent absolutely free by mail if you send your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Uingliam ton N. Y. When writinir be sure and mention that you read this generous olier m the sioux county journal. The Liejrlslatwrf. The session of the legislature will be one of the most exciting held for years. The contest for United States senator will be a warm one. Nationally there is mora to interest our citizens than at any time since the great civil war. Every man who thinks for himself and wants his boys and girls to do the same should have such a paper as the Semi-Weekly State Journal in his family. That great est of great western papers, published at the state capitol, is more in touch with the great masses of the people and the questions of the hour than any of its con temporaries. It is the true and able ex ponent of western thought and enter prise. Its facilities for furnishing legis lative news surpasses all other papers. It is located on the ground and no matter what paper you take at other times, dur ing the legislature you should read the Journal. Twice a week, it only costs $1.00. Send $1.00 to the State Journal, Lincoln, Neb., and you will never regret It. TRVWT FOLKS H.4.MI4 ! 1. W lim.4l 'r Mo HirriBI, o!iirfi, nn bud mulM, no n.uni!t Atmtm. TrMtment Btrfetlly huriati M .ad (tUiI. "onfl imllll OuOTtlon Bl'rk nook lr. Call sr wrll. Ilk. H. B. BCTTI, U I'm. Ulrfet, M. LouU, Me. r A N V LA 0 Y can net a valuable secret al t m iJ, an i a mtlw ihl.14 f or M na Mm. V. M. APP. CO. f HYt.;irT, I".-. I Ot TdtA PTCK'K J IRA MIS. The Joohnal will publisl) your uran1,llke the following, for 11-00, per reur. Knell ad ditional brand 75 cent. Kery or ranchmen in Sioux and adjoining counties niiould advertise their lirands iti The Jura NALas it circulates all over the utate. It may be the incaus of navini; money for you. FRANK XL'TTO. On 1-ft side of cuttle and on left viiuiiuler ot horses. Kange on Antelope creek J', o., ChilthrlBt, Sioux Co., Neb. CHAKI.ES niEHI.E. On left side or hip of cuttle, I On left shoulder of horses. 1 IHaiitfe on the head ol warbonnet crek Address Harrison, Slous Co. Nub. S. W. CAREY. lOn left shoulder of cattle and ShorfceM. Hunifeon Little Cottonwood. i'O. ., Crawford Keur. ADVEKTISE'YOUR STOCK BRAND THE COMMERCIAL BANK. ESTABLISHED 1888.1 Harrison, Nebraska. B. E. BRSWgTU, President. D. H. 0RI8W0LD, Cashier. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL. $S0 000. . Transacts a General CORRESPONDENT American Exchange National Bank, New York, Omaha National Bank, Omaha, First National Bank, Chadron. Interest Paid on Time Deposito. IVDBAXTS SOLD ON ALL PARTS OF EUROPE. Notice to' 'Sioux County Txa- payers. Distress warrants will be issued on nil delinquent personal taxes ia Sioux coun ty, including those of the year 1808, dur ing the coming spring and summer. No further notice will be given. Tax payers knowing themselves to be in ar rears will save costs of levy by settling at once. Charles Biehle, Cou nty Treasurer. Sheriffs Sale. Kotlce Is hereby given that by virtue of an order of aale to me directed, issued by the Clerk of the District Court o f Sioux county, Nebraska, in an action wherein Hel en T. Campbell, ia plaintiff, and "Charlca Sexton, and Orvllla Saxton, hi wife, and W. J. Bowden, are defendants, I will on the 11th day of March, 1899, at 2 o'clock p. m., at the eaat front door of the Court Houso, in Harri son, Nebraska, offer for sale at public ven due to the highest bidder for cash, the fol lowing described real estate to-wit: Tho South-east quarter of Section 33, Town ship 33, Range M, west lh Principal Meridi an, In Sioux County, Nebraaka. to satisfy a decree of foreclosure entered In said cause by our said Court at the regular November, 1898 term of said Court to wit : On the 19th day of September, A. D. 188S, wherein the said Helen T. Campbell recover ed ot the said Charles Saxton, Orvella Sax ton and W, J. Bowden, on the consideration of our said Court, the sum of WW 65, with Inter est at tho rate of ten per cent, per annum and costs and accruing costs. THOMAS HOLLY, Sheriff, Sioux County, Nebraska. OUR CLUBBING LIST. The Sioux County Journal, and Mississipi Democrat and Journal of Agriculture $1.75 The Sioux County Journal and Thrice-A-Week (N. Y.) World. 75 The Sioux County Journal and TwiceA-Wkkk (OinaJia) World-Herald $175 lVDUII It? Tbewanl If mi4. SI fut' ml msaSaUbMXI. Cm fa..ih!l nr.ct:. Traiti or mail or cmr.. C.U . , ,u f.fl. )W(f;,, M!f iTUTt?, l ftwa i! .. uoh.o. J.C. L. R AIU.AMI, Tho brand reprseuted in this rotiee and branded any where on left aide of horses and Also the L I. brand any where on left side of cattle belongs to the undersigned. J. C. L, Ragi.and, llarrixon, Nebraska. JEURV A HENRY WILL. We have 2i!7 cattlo branded 5 any where on riRht side which wo expect to pat eur own brand on soon as possible. The brand herewith represented la thin notice uti& branded any where 'on right side of Cattle belongs to the undersigned. Jekky Hekby Will, Harrison, Nehraeka. CHARLES NEWMAN. The brand represented In this notice and branded any wheve on left side of cattle, and over lap -mt from the right ear. Also the same brand on left thlgb of horses, belongs to the undersigned. Range near East Springs, south part fo Sioux county. Nkwman, Harrison, Nebraaka. THE SIOUX COUNTY JOURNAL. F. Coma, Vice-PretMtal Banking Business. IS THE DISTRICT COURT OF SIOUX COUN TY, NEBRASKA. Xotire to Non-Resident Defendants. To I'atrick.W. Dunn, Thomas Dunn, Rich ard M. Dunn, and Mrs. Richard M. Dunn, first name unknown, Joseph Dunn, and John Dunn, uon-resldent defendants: You and eacb of you will take notice that LnclndaC. Conn, plaintiff has fllnd her peti tion in the District court of Sioax County, Nebraska, the objoct and prayer of which petition is the foreclosure of a certain mort gage made by you and Phillip D. Dunn upon the foilowlne detcribed real estate aituato In Sioux county, Nebraska, to-wit: The west half of the north-eaat quarter, and the west half of tho south-east quarter of Section nine. In Township thirty-three, north of Rango fifty-seven, west of the sixth principal Meridian. That you and each of you be foreclosed of any right, title, interest or equity of redemption in or to the above described premises and for general relief. . Yon are required to answer laid petition on or before the fllh day of March, 1899. LUC1NDA 0. CONN, Plaintiff. M xixle A Gaines and Giant Gvthbib, .- Attorney! for Plaintiff. We Need Our Money. 1ST Parties who are in arrears on subscription to the Journal for one and two years are requested to settle by January 1st next. It costs us money to run the paper and we feel the price of one years subscription $1.00, is not much to pay for the Journal and it will very materialy assist in makinpr the paper better for the next year. We hope to make some improvements in the ma chinery of the oflice the com inf? year and we will need what is due us to do ho. Wo have over $500, on our book and we must ha ve them bal anced up by the end of tho year. Geo. I). Canon. 3 ii' it f