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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 2, 1899)
The.. Sioux County Journal, TOL.XL HA.ieKisoisr,NrBBi?sK:A, tutjisidjl'Y', fee. 2, 1899. Cor Moltu--NO QUESTION IS EVER SETTLED UNTIL IT 13 SETTLED RIGHT." Hon- William J. Bryan. N0. 28. t v X OmCIAL DIRECTORY. , STATE OFFICERS: W, g.. foynter.. . ,(iovernor Mvuit A. Gilbert Uevteniurt Gavernoi W. F. Porter... , ,-..!crlary of Stat John r. Cornell.... 1 Auditor i. , Moeerre Treaurer fl I Amy til- - Attorney General J. tf, WoUo I.and Couunuudonci W.Jl. Jukwu- Hnpt. Pubtlo Instruction CONGRESSIONAL DELEGATION: JOlui M. TharsUm,U. 8. Senator. Omaha WU. V. Allen V, 8- fconatorj Madison J. B. Strode, Congressman 1st Idnt., Lliieoiu I. U. Mercer, " 1 " Omaha Hmoel Matwell, ' Srd " Fremont W.L. Stark, " h Aurora K. p. Sutherland, " : Mb " Nelson W. h. (iroen. ' h ' Kearney Jl'DICIARY: j j, SIHvw. . Chief Justice. Columbus t'O.C. Harrison .-As'te Judge, Urnd Inland T. L. Herval Associate Judge, Howard D. A. CampbellClerk und Reporter, Lincoln FIFTEENTH JCinCIAL DISTRICT: K. P. Kinkaid .- Judge, O'Neill T. II. Weatover " Rushvlllc M.J. Blewott - - Clerk, Harrison - TERMS OP COURT: lUntrlct Court. At Harrison, commence Fprlnf term May 'Mud, Vail " Sept lth Jury Wtli. County Court. At Harrison, commence! flrttl Uondnv of each mouth. LEGISLATIVE: W, H. ReyneId?.Konator Dial. No. H.Oartron Alton G. flaber. DIst. No. M.Chadron COt'STT OFFICKBSs . Jtotwrt Wilaon ....County Judge M. J.31ett..., -Clerk ( baa. Blehle . Treamirrr KUrte Merrlaiu Supt. Public Iriatraction Tbtte Holly . Sheriff j z. Phlnney Coroner B.F.Thoma. ....Surveyor J, ltlewett (.norkof Plstrict Court M.J. O'OouneU-- County Attorney IIOAKU t CMUfiSIONEES: Jena C.Men ..(Chairman )...lt01slrict Andrew Procuiiler 2'1 " Ejlgert Rohwer -3l " VILLAGE OFFICE 09: T , Wright (chairman) Tmxtee Jehn ' DavU " J. II. Bartell J. E. Marateiler . " ,K. Koltwer . V. II. tlavU c''-rk j.U Gerlarh.... Treasurer , SCHOOL OFFICER?: Bohwer -.- ....Ilreftot J.H. Barttel Moderator l.,.l. GertKh Treaaurcr CMCKCIIES ASD SOWETIEfl. klcthodlat Sunday S&Uool meets eroiy Sue i .day moral ng at 10 :00 W. II. luvis, SUM B wett, Superintendent. Bocrctary EPW'OKTll LF.AGI E. Regular buaineita meeting drat Tuesday evening In each month. Miss Talker, O. KeiDt.i.. rre.ldent. Secretary. Devotional meeting every Sunday evening jit :. MB. Kbudali., Leader Jt'NIOH LEAGUE. MMU each 8uu4T afternoon M i-TO. ' MR. KMPALU.Hupt. JF.gikT U8K rW, So. M5, 0. A. B. lUeU aecond Monday In each month in the caort houee at Harrtaon. E. E. Llvermore, Com. 1 : W WDM EH OF THE WOULD.' ' HervUon Carnn. So. , met on each al ' ternete Wednesday aventng. W. n. Davis, V. II. Gaiewoto, 01rk. Con. Com MODES WOODMEN OF AMERICA. MeeU on Indand last Saturday evening ah month at g o'clock. J. W .Smith, V. V 4. H. BAhTgLL Clerk. A4 90 v f 4 rFraagO OoTMMT Ac A na6W a ahtaab aatj The Sioux County Journal. ESTABLISHED 1688. Subscription Price, fl.00 OFFICIAL PAPER OF SIOUX COUNTY. lo. D. Canon, - Editor. Entered at the llarrlaon post office an teond class matter. READ THE JOURNAL This Week. The state legislature seems now, to be no nearer electing a U. S. senator to succeed Hon. William V. Allen, than it was two or three wks ago, or when it balloted the 'first tune. Capt Van Etten, an Attorney, who hat been disbarred from practicing before two or three of the district court judges in Omaha, has prefered charges against Judge C. R. Scott in the legislature, ask ing for his impeachment. The slate legislature of Montana, has eleted a United States senator to suc ceed Hon. T. II. Carter, in the person of Hon. Conrad Clark. M r. Clark i s a democrat; he favors free coinage of silv er at the ratio of 18 to 1; he favors pro tection to a certain extent aad iB opposed to expansion beyond the western Hemis phere. Wflh an anti-truft law oo the statute books of the United States, there has never been time in the Jbistory of this great Republic when trusts have materi alized so rapidly, as in the past year, The trusts formed during the year 199S, represents the almost incomprehen aihle sum of $1,200,000,000. Whatacot.- oentration of wealth? What a reduction of Ibe priviliges and advantages of the laborer and the wealth pn ducing class )f this great Republic, the "home of the free and the bruve." Can any one view hese figures with any consideration whatever and then say that within the , .. . .1.. t ..,;il t 1, O XI OecaUO lllill ino peop enw iiuv within the grasp of greedy trusts and mormrv) leis? One has Od'y to read hat Governor Pingee has to say in his message to the state legislature of Michi gan about trusts, monopolies, combines ra Iroads, department store ft to compre hend what a predicament the peopl are in to-day and how much worse off they will be in the near future if their law makers do not be-stir themselves and pass some wholesome laws to restrict the money power from enslaving the labor er and wealth producer. An Honest Medicine for La Grippe. Oaorge W. Waitt of South Gardiner Me says: "I have had the worst cougn cold, chills and grip and have taken lota A trash of no account but profit to the vender. Chamberlain's Cough remedy is the only tbing that has done any good whatever. I have used one 50-cent bot tle ard the chills, cold and grippe have all left me. I congratulate the runufac turw of an honest medicine." For aale by Dir. J. E. Phioney. Hisgen Bros, the popular South Side drutreisU. corner 69-st, and Went worth Av..aav : "We aell a great deal of Chamberlain' Cough Remedy, and find that it gives the most satisfactory re- sulU. ecpecially among children for so vere colds and croup." For aale by Dr, J. E. Phinney. $M0 For We can ask Snit aar SMaaure Pine. AU-Weol Laimt City atykw UrgeFMh. tf lrii J V 111 The Davis Machine Go., Chicago. Baby The cheapest house in tius line oa earth. Send Stamp for Special Catalogue. I'arsnlu Complexion, It does not require an expert to detect the sufferer from kidney troub'a. The hollow cheeks, the sunken eyes, the dark puffy circles under the eyes, the sallow parsnip-colored complexion indicates . A physician would ask if you had rheumatism a dull paio or ache in the back or over the hips, stomuch trouble. desire to urinate often, or a burning or OUT vua a luvg tssitfietto mjr rr elect Ireau Lx I f . "$3.50 W AB A Part of Governor Pingree's Message Delivered to the Michigan Legislature Just Recently. I A Complete Exposition Of its Business Methods Whilo the trusts have neither souls nor hearts, they are ruled by men, not angels; men, too, who, in tiieir greed toward the customer, and their hsartlessiiess toward their neighbor, are freed altogether from the per. sonal responsibility, 'which, in spite of himself, controls and modifles the selfishness of the individual munufaeturer and employer. FEAR OF 1MPLOYERS. " No imployer who does business in his own name dare stand bofore the community in which he lives and iu which his reputation is a part of M capital for such heartlessness toward labor as the very small man will calmly and even conscientiously exercise toward bis dependents when apkaking and acting as the representative of a corporation toward which he regards it as his duly to grind the i4st penny for the benefit of the stock holders. - ''i..r H"' v .!-...; z--r.--i HIGHER PRICES tJiE INEVITABLE END. ' When the process of concentration has worked itseif out to comlet ion, the law which governs both prices and wages will assert itself with irresistable force. The consumer wilf be charged the highest price that can be squeezed out Of him; the laborer will be paid the lowest wages upen which he can keep life in his body to perfom his daily task. jr. This result has not yet been quite accomplished, but it is sure as that I ni;ht follows day, and as cerUiin tt the law of human selfishness. t There is no salvation for the consumer except in free competion; there is no dignity, nj manhood' for the Laborer except in the comparative S independence he derives through the free competition of many employers A who seek his services. ' -, ! O When there can be but one source from which the consumer can O obtain his supplies, t ut one employer to whom the laborer can oiler his O services, both consumer and laborer will be slaves. , 5 When each great staple slttUJ have passed into the hands of one cor- S poration or trust, thise who have that control will have become masters, J not alone of the price to the concumer and the wage to the laborer, but J wlwtis more appalling, of the price which they must pay to such individu- J als as still remain in the country, including, possibly, the farmer. g When a tlmusand men make $10,000,000, the money is scattered and y the wants of a thousand families are to be gratified, and others are profit in to their wants, but when one man accumulates this am- ount, there is but one family whose wants are to be supplied, tut one fami- 5 ty to look to for the consumption of the products of labor, and the other O 999 become tab jrers themselves. X Take, for instance, the money accumulated by John D. Rockefeller. O If the three hundred millions of profit that has been extorted from the peo- J pie of this (Country had been divided among 80,000 men scattered over the X United States, the effect would not have been so disastrous. No one of them A would have sulfic ent capital tocontol the iron mines, and the lake-carrying I trade, to crush out and distroy those with small capital invested in mines T and boats, and to turn loose thousands of men in search of other employ- y tnent. , ' t ' Capital becomes moro powerful as it increaces in volume, and more dangerous as it becomes mor powerful. A man backed by $300,000,000, 2 influenced by ambitien, greed or avrice, holds in his hands the fortunes and J happiness of tens of thousands of people, and he should not be permitted to increase this wealth and power by coatinued extortion, if the power of the C Stale can prevent it. , C THERE MUST DE REMEDIES FOR THESE EVILS. There must be remedies. -The law was made for the people, not the people for the law. We have done greater things, bolder things, before. Other peoples have accomplished reforms which seemed quite as difficult to the lawyers and the court. If technical construction of the Constitution stands in our way the Constitution can be amended; or a more summary method may be adopted by electing and appointing judges who will construe these instruments ac cording to the eternal law qf justice and humanity. REFERS TO THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY & CHICAGO PLATFORM OF '96 One of the great political parties of this country, has already made this latter suggestion in a Nattaual Platform, only to have it denounced by the promoters of the people's degradation as anarchy and revolution. WILL NOT BE RESTRAINED BY FEAR OR LNTIMIDATION. There may b those who" will so denounce me for krtimating that there is ne divinity-hedging about judges which makes them superior to their maaters, the sovereign penile. I am content to suffer this penalty if I must, but no penalty shall restrain me from raising my voico on all proper occasions, sven against courts which foster, what I believu to be a n .V... .1.. f. I scalding in passing it: if after pa ging there is an unsatisfied feeling as if it must lie at once repeated, or if the urine has a brick dust deposit or strong odor. ...,v.. .v..;,, ,,w.u4..v .. . , 'of should be lost in removing the cause. 1 biy tiny lend to gravle, etanh of the bladder, inflammation, causing stop- rage ana sometimes requiring tne araw tig of the urine with instruments, or may run into Bright's Disease, the most dangerous stage of kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmer' j Swamp-Root, the great dis -every of the eminent kidney and bladder specialist, in a positive remedy for such diseases. Its reputation is world wide and it is so easy to get at any drug -store that no one need suffer anv length of time for want of it. However, if you prefer to first test its wonderful tnerits, mention The StOCX COCNTY Journal and write to Dr. Kil mer & Oo. , Binghamton, N. Y. for a sample bottle and book telling all about it, both sent absolutely free by mail. TRUSTS Destroying and Influences. f !,. rr,l. O STOCK IiRAXDS. TUB Joel kal wi!) publish your brand, like the followl iK. for 2 :00, per year. Each ad ditional br md 7D cents. itvery farmer or ratwrnmu i;i loux And uiijoinluff counties ,iou)u advertise tUeir brand. in TMa Jock sal as it circulates all over the xtnte. it may be the menus of aaviiiff money for yoa. FRANK KUTTO. On Wt aide of cattle aud on left t noulderot horses, liange on Antelope creek tihilchnst, Sioux Co., Neb. CHARLES BIEHLE. On le(t fdde or hip of cuttle, j On left shoulder of horses. ( IR autre on the head ol v arbonntst Jcreek Address Harrison, Sioux Co. Neb. S. W. CAREY. On left shoulder of cattle horfies. RaiiKeon Little Cottonwood. and Crawford Nebr. ADVERTISE YOUR STOCK BRAND P.O.. po. ., THE COMMERCIAL BANK. ESTABLISHED 1888.1 Harrison, B. E. Brewstml, President D. H. QRI9WOLD, Cashier. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL;; $50 000. Transacts a General Banking Biisinecs. CORRESPONDENTS. Amep.ican ExatAsm Nattonal 1akk New York Omaha National Bank, Omn ha. First National Bank, Chadron. Interest Paid on Time Deposito. OTDRAFTS SOLD ON ALL PARTS OF EUROPE. We Need Our Money. t5?H Parties who are in arrears on subscription to the Journal for one and two years are requested to settle by January 1st next. It costs us money to run the paper and we feel the price of one years subscription $1.00, is not much to pay for the Journal and it will very raaterialy assist in making the paper better for the next year. We hope to make some improvements in the ma chinery of the office the com ing year and we will need what is due u to 'do so. We have over $500, on our books and we must have them bal anced up by the end of the year. Geo. D. Canon. Editor and Propietor. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF 8I0LX COUN TY, NKBRASKA. Notice to Non-Resident Defendant!. To Tatrlck W. Dunn, Thomas Dunn, Blch- ard M. Dunn, and Mrs. Richard M. Dunn, first nainn unknown, Joseph Dunn, and John Dunn, uon resident defendants: You and each of you will take notice that LucindaC. Conn, plaintiff has flljd her peti tion in the District court of Sionx County, Nebraska, the objeot and prayer of which petition is the foreclosure of a certain mort gage made by you and Phillip D. Dunn upon the following described real estate situate In Sioux county, Nebraska, to-wlt: Tbo wett half of the northoaat quarter. and the wett half of the south east quarter of Section nine, In Township thirty-three. north of Range llfty-seven, west of tha sixth principal Meridian. That you and each of you be foreclosed of any right, title, Interest or equity of redemption In or to the above described premises and for general relief. Yon are required to answer aald petition on or before the Uh day of March, ISM. LUCINDAC. CONN, Plaintiff. MHKUt ft Uaisea aud Grant litrTiiitiR, Attorney! for Pialntitr. J.C. L. RAG LAND. The brand reprsented in this rintlrw and branded any where on left ald.j oi'horseHand G ra aramr any where ti:i left iiide ofeattl helnriirj n... underaigued, J. C. h, Eagland, llarrlaon, Nebraska, JERRI ft HESRV WILL. We have 237 cattle branded 5 any where on right side which we expect to put ui own brand on soon as possible. The brand herewith represented In this notice and branded any where on right side of Cattle belongs to the a&deralgned. jehkt ft hekbt Will, Br.frison, Nebraska. CHARLES SEWatAS. The brand represen ted In this notice and branded any where on left eld of cattle, and over lap ut from the right ear. ' Also the same brand on left thigh of horses, belongs to the undersigned. , Range near East Springs, south part te) Eioux county. Chaeles Nkwman, Barrison, Nebraska. THE SIOUX COUNTY JOURNAL. Nebraska. C. F. Corm, Vice-Presioeat The: Legislature. The Rewaion of the legis'ature will n one of the most exciiii.g held for v-ear.-. The contest . for United States snatoi1 will lie a wnrni one. ' National ly there is mors to interest our citizens than n' any time since the great civil war. Every man who thinks for himself and wants , his boys and girls to do the same should have such a paper us. the Semi-vv'teklv Stat Journal in his family. That creat e-to ot great west-.rn papers, published at the state capitol, is more in touch with tha great musses of the people und the questions of the hour than any of its con temporaries. U is the true and able ex ponent of western thought and enter, prise. Its facilities for furnishing legis lative news surpasses all other papers. It is located on the ground and no matter what pnper you take at other times, dur ing the legislature you should read tjw Journal. Twi'-e a week, it only costs $1.00. Send $1.00 to the State Journal. Lincoln, Neb., and you will never regret it. . t , Sheriffs Sale. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an order of sale to me directed Issued by the Clerk of the District Court of Sioux Coutttv Nebraska, in an action pending in s.ild court wherein Asbury K. Hobsim in pialntitr, and Count It. Wadsworth, Girlie M. Wadsworth, Louise P. Wodnwortli, Joseph i. Morris, Charles J. (Arable and Aiiltinan, Miller A Co., are defendants, I will on the 28th day of Jan uary, lNllfl, at 2 o'clock P. M., at the East frontdoor of the Court House In liar unn. Nebraska, offer for sale at public vendue the following described real estate, to -wit: The West Half (w) of the South Kt Quarter (set) and East Half (O'J) of the South-West Quarter (s-wH) of Section Nine (0 In Township Thirty-one (.11) .V. Bang" Flttvslx (M) W of the Sixth ()!, M., In Sioux county, Nebraska, to satisfy a decree of foreclosure entered In said eaute by our said Court at the regular November, 1W2, term el said Court to wit: On the first dsy of November, IMS, where in our said court found due to the defend ntAnltuian, Miller ft Co., on the cause of action set out In Its cmes-petitltlon the mi of 170.40 with ton per cent interest thereon from said dale and adjudged aamu t he a first Hon on auld premises. The aald Court also found dne the plaintiff on (he csusa of action not out In bis petition, tho sum of MO. 79 drawing ten per cent Interest frem said date, whioli tu declared and adjneVrat by the court to be a seoond Hen on sail premises with coat and aeorulng eoste. Said premises win be sold for the purpee- or satisfying said anion in the order named. THOMAS ROLL F , M.w) SieMJof StouxCeuety ra a ; i 4 '.-rs " M 5 1 'i ,l& I' $ ii. Ki 1 w V''" "'ft! tt.Wai ijiv-v. tK S'J ;i L':y-h