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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (June 2, 1898)
THE DUTY OF MOIUEIW. DAOffbters Should bo Carefully Guided in Early Womanhood. What suffering frequently results from a mother' ignorance; or nor frequently from a mother neglect to properly instruct her daughter! Tradition says "woman must suffer," and young women are bo taught. There la a little truth and a great deal of exaggeration In this. If a young woman Buffers severely she needs treatment and her mother should sss) that she geU it. Many mothers hesitate to take their daughters to a physician for examina tion; but no mother need hesitate to write freely about her daughter or herself to Mrs. Finkham and secure the most efficient advice without charge. Mrs. Pinkhams address U Lynn, Mass. The following letterfrom Miss Masts F. Johhsom, Centralis, Pa , shows what neglect will do, and telle how Mrs. Pinkham helped her: "My health became o poor that I had to leave school. I was tired all the time, and had dreadful pains in my side and back. I was also troubled with lrresrularity of menses. I was very weak, and lest so much flesh that my friends became alarmed. My mother, who Is a firm believer in your remedies from experience, thought per hans thev might benefit me, and wrote yon for advice. I followed the advice you gave, and uied Lydin E. Pinkham's Vere table C ommi.:nd and Liver Pills as rou Greeted, n.vl am now as well as I ever was. I have gainon flesh and hav a poou color, lam completely cured 1 LivfularT." Faabloa and Fabric Bed and white foulards are shown among popular summer style, The ubiquitous shirt waist blossoms out almost daily now in ail sorts ol dainty forms. The very floe Anderson sephyr ging ham in check. and stripes appear in a any odd and dainty color mixtures thTl yeaT r Vienna cashmere in exquisite tones and emitone,aa soft of surface as India silk, is made into ideal gowns for deini dresV wear i'lrsa: TBE EXCELLENCE OF SYRL'P OF FIGS is due not only to the originality and simplicity of the combination, but also to the care and skill with which it is manufactured by scientific processes known to the Cai.ifohma Fjo Byrup Co. only, and we wish to impress upon all the importance of purchasing the true and original remedy. As the genuine Syrup of Figs is munu factored by the Califohxia Fio Svrup Co. only, a knowledge of thut fact will assist one in avoiding the worthless imitations manufactured by other par ties. The high standing of the Cau Fobhia FlO Svkui Co. with the medi eal profession, and the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs has given to millions of families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. It Is far in advance of all other laxatives, as it acts on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating or weaken ing them, and it does not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial effects, please remember the name of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. ri"V fj. . VOIIC. H. T. BstaMlslMS I7SS. Baker's Chocolate, celebrated for store J than a century as a $ delicious, nutritions, and flesh forming beverage, has osr f well-known Yellow on the froat of svery package, and our trade-mark, "La B11 Chochlallere," oaths bTT! HONS OTrlES. OBNtWaJ. BMOC om.v ev WALTER BAKER k CO. Ltd, Dorchester, Mass. jj AlootiQ Gold Fields 2?. 7! ZZi27,Z 1WU aaS fasts. Cm Star OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Sens lor tot "("iTflllTll B. OOOUItNOUOH.Iwn I 1111 I ft tin. Circulars Ires. ww sebe Car. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO K M. U. NO. 498-22. VOWK NCI W?3$$r tt St J FROM a rustic Kilile scene Ir. Tal uinge lu thin sermon draws practi cal aud Inspiring lessons for all classes of peoile. The text is Kxwlus HI., 1. "Now Mows kept the flock of Jetliro, his father-in-law, the priest of Midian." lu the southeastern part of Arnhis s man is sitting by o well. It is an arid ni.iuitrv unit water In scarce, so that a well is of (treat value, and flocks and herds are driven vast distances to have their thirst slaked. Jetliro, a Midiauite sheik and priest, was so fortunate as to have seven daughters, and they are prac tical girls, ami yonder they come driving the sheep and cattle and camels of their father to the watering. They lower the buckets Hii-I then : '.! 'hem up. the water phfhing on the :..:( and chilling their feet, nml the tn.i i' - . " filled. Who is that i.iiiii on! Ilii- ..Ming unconcerned a ii. I looking o: V Why does he not come mid help the .v.. . v: in this hard work of drawing water'; But no sooner hsve the dry lips and penting nostrils of the flocks begun to cool a little in the brim ming trough of the well than some rough Bedouin shepherds break in upon the scene, and with clubs and shouts drive back the animals thst were drinking snd affright these girls until they fly in re treat, and the flocks of these ill man nered shepherds are driven to the troughs, ak'nc the places, of the other flocks. Now thai nian sPttiug by tf begins to color tip. and his eye flashes with indigna tion, and all the gallantry gf his nature is aroused, ft is nTospV who naturally bl a I'dclc teniier anyhow, as he dem (",I7".u.J on one occasion when he 'saw tin 'Inn oppressing an, 1$ Silll gave the Egyptian s suddeiT clip and buried hiru in llie sand, and as he showed afterward when he broke nil the ten Commandments at once by shattering the two granite slabs on which the law was written. But the injustice of this treat ment of the seven girls sets him on tire with wrath, and he takes this sheplw rd by the throat and pushes back another till he fulls over the trough and aims n stunning blow lietween the eyes of an other as he cries. "Begone, you villains!" ami he hoots and roars at the sheep and cuttle and camel of these invaders and driven them hack, and. having cleared the plme of the desperadoes, he told the seven girls of this Midianite sheik to gather their (locks together and bring them again to the watering. Cures of Home. The fact that it took the seven diutgh t.-r to drive tlie nocKS to me wen implies Ihnt they were Immense flocks and that her father was a man of wealth. What whs the use of Xipporuli's lieniejining her self with work when she might have re clined on the hillside near her fathers tent anil plucked buttercups and dreamed out romance ami signed liny io uie winds and wept over Imaginary songs to the brooks? No. she knew that work wa honorable and that every girl ought to hme something to do, and so she starts with the bleating ana lowing and bellow ing and neighing droves to the well for the watering. Around every home there are flocks and droves of cares snd anxieties, and every daughter of the family, though there be seven, ought to be doing her part to take cure of the flocks. In many households not only is Zipporah, buJ all her sisters, without practical and useful employ ments. Many of them are waiting for fortunate and prosperous matrimonial al liance, but some lounger like themselves will come along and after counting tlie large iiuinlx-r of father Jethro's sheep ami camels will make proposals that will be accepted, and neither of them having done anything more practical than to chew chocolate caramels the two nothings will start on tlie road of life together, ev ery step more and more s failure. That daughter of the Mldianitiah sheik will never find her Mown. (Sirls of America, imitate Zipporflh! Io something prac tical. Io something helpful. Do some thing well. Many hsve fathers with great llocks of absorbing duties, sod such a father needs help in home or office or field. Jo out and help him with the flocks. The reason that so many men now condemn themselves to uimfflaneed and solitary life Is because they cannot support the modern young woman, who rises at half past 10 In the morning and retires after midnight, one of the trashi est of novels in her hands most of the time between the late rising snd the Iste retiring, s thousand of them not worth one ,ipHirsk. ' There sr questions that every father and mother ought to ask the dsnghter st hreakfast or tea tsble, snd thst sll the daughters of the wealthy sheik ought to ssk each other: "What would you do if the family fortune should fsil, if sickness should prostrate the bread winner, if the flock of Jethro should ls destroyed by a sudden excursion of wolves sud bears and hyenas from the mountain? What would you do for a livlns? Could you support yourself t an you taae care or an in valid mother or brother or sister ss well ss yourself?" Yes, brin U down to what sny dsy might coins to a prosperous fam ily. "Can yon cook a dinner If the ser vaiits should make a strike for higher wages and leave thst morning?" ICvery minute of every hour of every dsy of every year there are fsmilies flung from prosM-rtty Into hardship, snd. slss. If in such exigency tb seven daughters of Jethro can do nothing bat ait around snd cry snd wait for some one te come and hunt them up a allnatlon for which they have no ipiallfloStina. (t St something useful; get at It right swsyJ IV not say, "If I were thrown upon my own re sources, I would become S masle teach er " There are now more music teach ers than could I supported If they were aU Mossrts sad Wagners aas Ueaueia I)o not say, "I will go to embroidering Rliplcrs." There are more slippers now than there are feet. Our hearts are ev ery day wrung by the story of elegant women w ho were once a Allien t, but through catastrophe have fallen helpless, w ith no ability to take care of themselves. Idlers ' hould Work. There needs to Is? iH-aceful yet radical revolution among most of the prosperous homes of America by which the elegant do nothings may be transformed into practical do somethings. Ix't useless women go to work and gather the Hocks. Come, XipHirah, let me introduce you to Moms. Yes, the same Moses defending the seven daughters of the Midiunitish sheik, who afterward rescued all tmtionB. Why, do you not know that this ia the way men and women get prepared for special work. The wilderness of Arabia was the law school, the theological semi nary, the university of rock ami sand from which he graduated for u mission that will balk seas, and drou jinnies, and follow the cloud of lire by ui';it. and start the workmen with hhediug bucks among Kgyptian brick kilns toward the pasture lands that tlowr with milk and the trees of Camiuu dripping with honey, (iracious iod, teach all the people this lesson. You must go into humiliation and retreat and hidden closet of prayer if you are to be fitted for special useful ness. For Good or Kvil. No one realizes how great he is for good or for evil. There are branchings out and rebounds and reverlM-rations and elabora tions of Influence that cannot be estimat ed. The fifty or one hundred years of our earthly stay is only a small part of our sphere. The flap of the wing of the destroying angel that smote the Kgyptian oppressors, the wash of the Bed sen over tlie heads of the drowued Egyptiuns, were all fulfillments of promises four centuries old. And things occur in your life and in mine that we cannot account for. They may be the echoes of wbst was promised in the sixteenth or seven teenth ceutury. Oh, the prolongation of the divine memory! Notice also that Moses was 80 years of age 'when he got this call to become the Isrselitish deliverer. Forty year he had ljyed in palaces as a prj.nce, Another ftr- ty y'iTrs lielind lived in the wilderness" of Arabia. I should lioi wonder if he had said: "Take a younger ma'n for this work. Highly winters have exposed my health. Eighty summers have poured their beats upon my head. There are forty years that I spent among the enervating lux uries of a wlace, and then follow the forty years of wilderness hardship. I am too old. lx-t me off. Better cull a man iu the forties or fifties and not one who has entered upon the eighties." Never theless he undertook the work, and if we want to know whether he succeeded ask (he abandoned brick kilns of Kgyp tian taskmasters, ami tlie splintered chariot w heels strewn on the beach of the lied sea, and the timbrels which Miriam clapped for the Israelites passed over uud the Kgvptiaus gone under. Ho not retire too early. Like Moses, you may have your chief work to do after NO. It may not be in the high places of the field. It may not be where a strong n nil and an athletic foot aud a clear vision are required, but there is some thing for you yet to do. I'erhaps it may lie to round off the work you have already done, to demonstrate the patience you have been recommending all your lift1 lime. I'erhaps to stand a lighthouse at the mouth of the bay to light others into harbor. Perhaps to show how glorious a sunset may come after a stormy day. If axed meu do not feel strong enough for anything else, let them sit around in our churches and pray, and pcrhups in that way they may accomplish more good than they ever did in the meridian of their life. Labor a Preservative. Ix-t the aged remember that by Increas ed longevity of the rai men are not as old at t0 as they used to be at .Ml, uot as idd at 70 as they used to 1 at (Kl, not as old at bO as they used to be at TO. San itary precaution better understood; med ical science further advauced; law of health more thoroughly adopted; dentist ry continuing for longer time successful inns ticu lion; homes and churches and "ourt rooms and places of business U't ter ventilated- all these have prolonged life, and men and women in the close of this century ought not to retire until at least fifteeu years later than in the open ing of the century. Io not put tbe har ness off until you have fought a few more battles. Think of Moses starting out for his chief work an octogenarian; forty years o' wilderness life after forty years of lsee life, yet Just beginning. No wonder when Mows scattered the rude shepherds he won Zippornh- heart. What mattered it to Moses whether the rattle or the seven dnngMers of Jetliro were driven from the trougns by the r'de herdsmen? A sense of justice fired his courage, and the world wants more of the spirit that will dare almost anything to see others righted. All the time st wells of comfort, at wells of Joy, at wells of religion sud at wells of literature there are outrages practiced, the wrong herds getting the first water. Those who have the previous right come in last, If they come iu at all. Thank God we have here and tlie re a strong ntfin to set things right! Coursge Is needed in religion, in literature, in statesmanship, in all spheres; heroics to defend .letbro's seven daughters sud their Hocks snd put to flight the Insolent Invaders. And those who do the brave work will win some where high reward. Tbe loudest cheer of heaven is to lie given "to him thst over come! h." (lod Knows Yob. Still further, see iu this call of Moact thst If d has any especial work for you lo do lie will find you. There was Egypt and Arabia and I'alesllne with tbuir crowded population, hut the man the Iord wanted was at the southern point of the triangle of Arabia, and he picks him right out, the shepherd who kept the flock of Jethro, his father-in-law, the price and sheik. Ho tiod will not find it hri to take you out from the 1,000,(KSI,(SSI of the human rsce If he wanta you for any thing esscial. There was only Just one man qualified. Other men had courage like Moses, other men had some of the talents of Moses, other meu had romance In their history, is had Mosea; other men wees Impetuous like Moses, but no oilier man bad these lltiiasl MseliUes k we exact proportion as hud .Mo-es. ami tloti who make" no mistake, found iln -igh' iiiati for t right plan. Do not fear yot w ill Is- nvi-ilo'.ked or that when yen ti wanted Cod canuot find you. Still furiher. notice lhat the call o" Moses was written in letters of fire. Ot the Sinnitie peir'nMilu there is a thort bush called the acacia, dry and brittle and it easily goes down at the touch oi the flame. It crackles and turns to asbei very sicUr. Moses, seeing one of thes bushes on inc. goes to look at it. At firs' no doubt it seemed to be a botanical curl osity, burning, yet crumpling no leaf parting no sietn, scattering no ashes. It was a suiernatural hre that did no dan age to the vegetation. That burning bust was the call. Your 'call will probably come in letter! of tire. Ministers get their call to preacl in letters ou paper or parchment or type written, but it does not amount to muck until they get their next call In letters of fire. You will not amount to much is usefulness until somewhere near you find burning bush. It may be found burn ing in tlie hectic Huati or your cnna i cheek. It may lie fouud burning in busi ness misfortune. It may be found burn ing in the fire of the world's scorn or hate of misrepresentation. But hearken to th crackle of the burning bush! (Ih, what a fascinating and inspiring character litis Moses! How tame all oth er stories compared with the biography of Moses! Oh, instead of imitating men like ourselves and circling round and round, let us look up and take some star ry guide like Moses and follow on until we join him amid the "delectable moun tains." You say you cannot reach his character. Oh, no. Neither can you guided by Its heavenly pointing. Copyright, 18!. Short Sermons. Nothing Is Small. No matter how humble your sphere, fill it full by pour ing your best and nobles! qualities of chaiaoferJi'to It.-Bev. G. H. Hehndlth, Congrcgafiouulist, New V. City. Carry Oil with you. I brieve In oil. Carry oil about with you. Some prefer vinegar, aud carry It with them to pour on wounds. But It Is good to hare oil with you always. iJwIght L. Moody, Evangelist, New York City. Vulnty. Philosophers, poets, essay ists, all meu of deep thought, aver that pure contentment Is not to lie found here, that tbe world Is all vanity a vaulty of vanities,. Rev.J, C. Yorke, Catholic, Sun Francisco, Cul. The Suprguie J;sson. The supreme lesson of all religion is self-forgetful-uess. If you will but get self out of tho world, you will at the same time get ', out all Iniquity.- Kev. Paul V. Sut phen, Presbyterian, Cleveland, Ohio. Exclitslvencss In Churches. People who think the church is for n select few for their own enjoyment have failed to hear the Master's cominund to launch out Into open sens. Bishop William C. lioune. Episcopalian, Albany, N. Y. Safeguards. A intin may get to heav en without the church, but his way is beset with perils. The church is (l safeguard which one may not with Im punity overlook. Rev. E. B. Leavltt, Congregational 1st, Washington, I). C. Well-Bounded Character. The well rounded earthly character should not have only justice and mercy, but the enrichment which comes with the Christian faith. Bishop William Law rence, Episcopalian, Cambridge, Mass. Science and the Bible. The time has come for a large Infusion of common sense Into the Interpretation of the Bible. Science and the Bible will one lay walk side by side In the sweetest fellowship. Bev. R. S. MacArthur, Baptist, New York City. rncbanging Love. Let the human will, weak as the reed, pass Into the di vine will strong as the mountain still It Is will. Let love make Its throne In the highest heavens It Is love still and ever tbe same. Bev. George II. Combs, Christian Church. Kansas City. Mo. Architect of Character. Each man is the architect of his own character, and, according as his structural Idea Is true or fnlse, be erects a beautiful building or brings Into being ilistateful elements of life. The chisel Is iu our own bauds, guided by our own Judg ment, and we uiake our lives a thing of beauty or a thing of shame. Dr. Kerr Boyce Tupper, Baptist, Philadelphia, Pa. Bovine Valor. The editor sa w a deed of valor lately that was worth recording as well as weing. A herd of cattle, among their two cows accompanied by their calves, were grazing in tall, dead gTiws when the calve became separated a little from the reft of the cattle, and sons wolvew (darted la pursuit of them. After ruuaiirtg about 200 yards the calves came to a hitch, Ave-wired barbed-wire fence, and,' beting small, managed to get through It. On the other aids Of tbe fence was an open pasture. The wolves quickly followed tot calves through) the fence and were rap idly running tihem down on tbe other side, when the two cow mothers dis covered what was going on. Each ut tered a kwid bellow, hoisted bar tail and started for the rescue. It appeared to be a hopeless chase, for the wire fence Intervened, and ahs cows were certainly much too large to get through it. They knew well enoufh that It was there, and could, beside, see It plainly; but Ixith cows plunged s-tmlglit Into It. The w atching editor, horrified, looklsj to see ihein hurled back, frightfully wounded; but, Instead, one of the posts gave wav under tbe onslaught, the wires mi nk down, aiid In another mo ment the mothers were on the pasture side of the feiK-e, badly cut sad bleed ing, but still iible to charge the wolres successfully and put thein to flight Soon tlie cows were licking the res cuwl calves arfovtloiwrtely, snd the coy otes were howling a disappointed dust from the summit of a knoll near by. Condon Olobe. ' Tbe people of the United States sup port and read more newspapers than Knglaud, A bUiOOL l.lilL'.S UAllLli rrn J'ei Mau, Miord, rid. Miss Emma Bbolt, a prepoMsesaing school gl, of Milford, Ind., is of more than usual intelligence, aud is ambiUoua to rise iu the literary world. "lu the full of lS'.Hi," said Mrs. Ityliolt, 'Eiuuiu was takeu ill. She wan a close student aud her work begau to tell on her. She grew weak, pale sud nervous, aud complained of pains in her back, chest and limbs. The doctor said she was a victim of nervous prusiratiou, aud should have beeu takeu from school weeks ear lier. She grew worse, her nerve were so tense that the least noise irritated her and she had a fever and a continual twitching iu her muscle. The symptoms were muck like St. Vitus' dunce. A year p a 8 S e d , aud, under a change of p hysii ians. Liuiuti be came some what better but s oon was as bad as ever. One day I read of a case similar to hers fcr Battle. which w a s cured by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People and I decided to try tlicm. "Emma had no faith iu proprietary medicines, but decided to try the pills. It was alsiut the first of April when site be gan, ami by the middle of May, after tak ing ulsiut eight boxes, she was entirely curni. "While ill she lost twenty-eight pounds, but now weighs more than ever Is'fore. Her nerves are strong and she is in perfect henlih. We are all confident that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People cured her, aud I cheerfully recom mend them in all ur.MT cases. "MBS. E. A. HYBOLT." Subscribed and sworn to before ine, this t bird day of September, 1S1I7. CALEB BAKER, Notary Public. These pills will cure all disease arising from a poor and watery condition of the blood, will build up a ran down systenn and arc a specific for paralysis, locomotor ataxia and other diseases long regarded as incurable. The black satin blouse heads the list of stylish and useful waists. It is tucked up and down or around according to tlie figure it" adorns, and with a satin belt embroidered with jewels the effect t charming. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken internally. Price 76 cents. Pears need better land and more thor ough cultivation than apples. PImus reinrmDn' that Glsnnl Sulphur Soso ptmsbO) ll tits dvntiH or u!phur hnih. ai a 'heap rsie. Hull Ualr sua IV iawu bn. lilac or brown, boa. High I.lglils. A mnn-coward gets only abuse, but a woTian-coward gets cuddled and en couraged. When son e nen go to war their wives know it will kill tjiem to take brown sugar in their coffee. Children look upon their father as a man who never puts gravy where tliey want it on their pUtes. Cynics think they can reflect human nature coirectiy in the cheap, twieted mirrors of their embittered souls. "IRONING MADE E&SY TSrVtM INVEN r DFfil !IDF wn HbvmiihJ nv MAKES COLLARS AND CUFFS tJ- AS WHEN FlKofBOy ONE POUND OF THIS STARCH WILL CO AS FAR AS A POUND AND A HALF OF AMY OTHER STARCH THsJ.C.HUBIN6ERBR0SC9 KeokukJowanewhavennn 4flihW:iimi athar aubatanm fninriooa to lloaa and This stareh I preparad on scientific prlnclplss by msn who have had years of praeWesI ezpsrieoc In fancy lannderins. Jt . "nn n! f"ff LlCi.'SfcSX natural whiteness and Imparts a bsautlfnl sod lasting finish. It to the oaty SDufaetnrad that is perfeetlr harmless, containing Bsitber arsenic floss or sag For sale by all wholesale and retail grocers. SAPOLIO IS LIKE A GOOD TEMPER, SHEDS A BRIGHTNESS EVERYWHERE." CURE YK'XSEIF! 'oUsiraX 1 1 1- U r.T oimatarsl fit I w fc I dtti-.aarurt, liinaDiiuatlaaa, yuM u irrnaiioat or tnraraiiva 1rn,.M mMM. rainir... .ml i,. aatrw IStbMiCHiaiCUCO. "t i.uuuim. I u..'.r,. of iii ii c ii II . it. i' iiit.aM. kstomsTi.o.rn ii by rmartaSa, o. a . 7. r 2' "" ,n ' Ii cr a I... i it. .., n. xiri'.. firf-pata tor wircviar arm on I nnnriUA The Uiit Red (tops RooAnclor K 111 1 1" I N ll lrsq, ft., caps and lulli IIUUI l lU included. Bubniiulo lor INaa tr. samples ires, inn mu iiooi'Inm '., nni. y. J. THK TAW MANILLA 1,P1. tMUm IT V V wmint) iivw yr SKLW "Every morning I bars bad taste in my mouth; my tongue is coated; my head aches and 1 often feel dizry. I have no appetite for breakfast and what food I eat distresses me. I have a heavy feelirg la my stomach. 1 am getting so weak that sometimes I tremble and my nerves are sll unstrung. I am getting pale snd thin. 1 am as tired in the morning ss at night." What does your doctor say? "You are suffering from Im pure blood." - What is nis remeoyr You must not have consti pated bowels if you expect the Sarsaparilla to do its best work. But Ayer's Pills cure constipa tion. have s book on Paleness and Weakness which you may nsve tor tne asiing. Partups yoa woald Uks te esaaalt nhvaisfftna Abaut Vonr eDSl- tlou. Writ u fTHlT sll ttat part!ciilrt In your cue. You will ncatvs prw AddTMS, DB. . O. ATEK. -Lowall, liuf Tbe Bee-hlvs. Bees should not be allowed to clatter on the outside of the hive for want ol room to Btore honey. If a ewarm is hived in a clean hive, well ventilated and placed in the sheds, it will seldom desert it. If the ma'ing is delayed beyond 21 davs, the queen becomes incapable oi m .'ing and will lay only drone eggs. tVorker beaa reared in tbe spring will usually wear out in three months, snd when most buv in hull that time. 9 rnnKiNn wwaaw STIFF AND NICE 41 fTrH IF viw t in? w Mil I 'V psrfeetlr harmless, containing Bsitber arsenic, aioa can Im nsed evea lor a naor powosr. IT 7CC3 C1GYCLES MrrM o.t from un waaa Itek SraSa, all strMs, ail aualpmaal, awai SS.rstssi7.on fMiafciJi IMaa all ankM. SI .SIt. 8MMMrw row Mat nni a't f.Tainapaj in lasals. BICY rxr. rs a. BlSav t rasr.1 r.iav leuon to advarttea tkaaa. Baas for on. wamao. Uaimaww aa assalMarsassssaaS I.. C. JSKAD UYCUa COh CSsrP. Ill Si ...JsrllM Josaratnssv TasuslMoa. law. MtaJra-'-t -N2ear.-rt,