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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (June 9, 1898)
1 HE IOUX UNTY J YOL. X. TAJ?HjTS02ST, XTEZBIESIKIA,, JUITB 9, 1S98. ur 'o,,NO QUESTION IS EVER SETTLED UNTIL IT IS SETTLED RIGHT. "--H". William J. InTO. 46 OURNAL. The Sioux County Journal. ttSTABUSHrD IS1??. Subscription Price, fl.00 OFFICIAL PAPER OF 6I0UX COUNTY. V-'fO. I). GUIOH, - - Editor. Entered lit tbo Harrison post office as recond class matter. 77 j JAvrxat, stands fairly and squarely on the Chicago platform, but will net hesitate to sn)'P0rt and work for the election of candidates for tht oil i;-;r,on Why. It is no wonder, England is anxious to form an alliance with our govern ment. show Kiilinli capital invested in the Utut l States: Honds ...:f I.i'A.aoO.fKin Miiii-s... l.VU)' 1,00(1 Brownos 3i.oo(( wh) Stock Yar.U.... .2'),(i'ni'.mi0 OulUm Flouraud liollu: nulls tO.nOd.biiO Iresed Ik-ef fomj.iios. id Ofiotoo I distilleries 5.i!l').IV.ii Mis'-elsneous ..siuW'O.bfHj Real Estate I ."(, l)0l.i,y.(0 lUfikincf buniiH'-Sn in i.'tnted Stat '....I'S'.fKin.fKXi uas and tit trio iiiit t.'omjauicii Intimate of EipcuiP'i. , If'trriMon, NebV May ;.. l-!j. ,1 Notice Is hereby Rive ri that, the e'-tliflale of Moux county's ep ne.for the yer V'M, ele Jun iri'V 1" is, me n loiio?. : rl-drirt l ulirt r-xpHnscs. - l:o'l ami l;i kli' Hl:irien Statieiiui-y Pn.itinjf and l'ul.lwliiiif. institute Imc.Ii ntsl Soi-pers "diet I 1 1(1 "f I'M J"V" H"MU1 D'jtl ,14 17 l,X,MO . W'.tW iG.m .i.nOl.W i(j...l TUiio I.OfOl M.J. l!LKr:rf, Count tlo3t STOCK BltANIiS. Total Investment f 2.0'j:.,(ioO,()00 TI.e above litires ate no doubt true or approximately so hi nee, it is good I reason whv. En;hinl should maintain tlia I single irold standard and then seik to Various offlCVi U) he Voted fur J form ail hIIihk with the United States, this fall no matter, whether ana thus help tho national bauUirif: fra ternity to foster and miKlaia toe gold standard in this country. It h safo to say wo as a nation to English capital annually on national, state, county and irti;iciKtl bonds cost to fiOI.OOI.fWO jr year in interest on bondo and j.rofj . of tiiuir i: i Mnjouls in the United States. We aro as a nation iaorl:a,red to Eng land and what they failed to do in sub- Tm Jnnns'AL will pn'ilWi. yonr brand, ike th' toHowin?, for xti. itr vpar. Kiicfi-fc;- InO.fKlfl.CtiO i '"UoukI nruii'l r.rernx. fcvi-ry or 1 I'lini'limt'ti iti ioiix utj'l ni ioiuiiiK I'.jnht. -h yuouht ti-lvrt inn !i.(-ir liruii'ly in Tjik JfK mlhh 1. t-irnulMit'H a 1 1 over Ihp. t.1uU;.Ht limy lie the uic.ausof enviUK mouuy lor J'pu. TJIK NEW YORK WORLD, THRiCE-A-WEEK-EDITiON.: 1 S Taes a Wi-ck -I.jG i'apfrs a Year they are Democrats, Populist or free silver Republicans, if emlortcd by all the reform par ties, corvlilioncl, however, that they advocate bi-mctalUwn the income lax law, opposition i natiotvil banks of issue, arc opposed to the retirement of the f "'"J0''! (' tl,is wm'Y with ' 1 shot and shell during the rovolntionary greenbacks and , treasury votes, peri0ll in l776) Uiey ar0 ,l0W WorkinK .f(lVOr ffOVernmeitt Control of under the cloak of a friendly alliance railroads, telegraph and tele- hichu ultimately bring about the , , , , desired rnltof tho money Bhylcksof hnflsi mul in p. iFtli.- .. ... ...... . , rurot and merit (f pof.iat MiungS bank ing lystem, and also are op posed to the ismeing of nation al bonds in time of peac-e. i (In left M of cuttle anil ont't i,lioiiI(ler ol hoi acs. Hhii(?(! on Antelope crtek (., GlnlehTist, ioux Co., eb. I ( II 1KI.F.8 r,!KII!.l;. (n let t at'te or hi of cut l ie, I ) jvyianpe ou the hel ol Warbonii-'t Clk A(1'1ih Harriwrn, 8iolx Co. K. For One Dollar. PubJIslu'd every Alte.rnati) Day cxivtitSuudiiy Th Thri:e-a-Wic;k-"V'or!d Rlitiou of ThbNkvv Yuhk Woi'.Ll) ix first anions all tho "weekly" papers in WKi, fio iueney of publication and the frtshuess, accuracy and variety of its contents. It has all the men-its of u. frrertJO dollar dai ly, the price ol a dollar weekly, its pi htical news in prompt, complete, accur ate and impartial as ail its readers will testify. It is aaiDHt tho inouopolifcs and for the people. It prints tho news of all tho world, having special eorrfcsjxitidaiice from all important news points on tho Rlobn, It lia.s 'brilliant iilustratiuti-), stories by grea tauthers, a capital humor pafje, com pie te markets, ileparfments tor the liouse hold and women's work and other special departninnls of un;isual interest. We o'ier this unequaiea newspaper and The Sion fniMt Journal togeth er one year for f 1. 10 The regular sucscription price ol Uie two papers is 2.00 8. V. f -A.UKY. '. tin l"ft sjiouiuer of caltla n(lJ lUniie on Utile CotU-nwood. Crawford Nebr. ; NOTICE. Leave vod ij Watclu-H and Clocks atMai? i.dkr Pro:., Orocery Store or rt'iiairs. Kngravmg done at rca enable jiriocfi. All .w.irk ua rant eed to give Kitifac lion. Ilavo frrailuated from m Omaha Watch-makers in stitute, II run U. fcciiMim. Addrcfip, Ardmore, S.Dak. VirTORV Slslors Again. SCHLEY and SAMPSON still Pounding Away a! Santiago Forts. FixW rroof Xoticfs. Ainoi.wiiiAviiirjln:il nroof notices la HiU rumor will receive n. Tiiitk-l copy ol Uj liBlwr atid ar iwiiKwK"! to um!nn th4.r nuticc iin'l If snv irrorn eit'tt report tto au to ttild ofUco at ouud. BO YEARS EXPERIENCE Jh a. K Trade Marks Designs Copyrights Ac. Anrnno &en1inp ft HkMrb and rtwriptUn m,if inpei.Lifio iapnii;ntlv paU"ri1;iMe. Ccuimnnna- fro. iKJt injency for MMiurinje f.te iu. PfttoPtH (ikn tnrouwb Muna & Co. ruceiva $peeuti notice without ctiarKO. iii the Scientific Jfmericatt A hvidsomelr illDstratefl wfeVly. Tarnrwt Hr culmion tif any jcienUBf loumnl. Trrn, $3 a vwr: f-nir numthn, fL Sold tyall nswlaler8. !ySllNN&Co.36'B-d New York ilraacli Oflloo, (2S F St., WashluKtou, U. . 4R'i YOU A. WORKER - In WciJ cr n;ia) ? If so Bap.:cv Foe r I'OVitk MACKlNrifY. 1'th.nryi. 5tiinsc, rur:"llc. W. I".,n iiumvj! Co., Ig4 t-'ut-y St.. l.'-iiAfl-nl. lliuo;5. M "ANY LADY can geta valuable seKaet I ttiat cott tm sod rubber ihlcld for 30 oeot. Mh3. V. M. A PP. CO. 822 VJ.NT- fiTK"F;T, ST. I.OTIIH, 1MO. ApacSagoof OTir trwiitmenlj foi . . . e ( i Ettom decay, nervous debility and lost vltalltv cent free for 1J cts. postaeo. tJli.WAJUil3iSl'. m B.9!i St., ST. LOUIS. E'J. Tho war revenue bill passed the U. ficnale last Satuniy with a majority of SO. The JotriiNAi, is opposed to bonds in any form. A direct tax is preferable, m time of war or peaoe. Thers are a few men in the U. H. sen ate who cannot be bulldosedby tb(;old bus; republicans and baunacrits and one of them is Senator Allon from N braska. When the PopulinU oegia to talk about vhat thoir representatirea in congress are doincr for tho dear people, lust point to the acts of senator Kyle of South Dakota in voting to loud the feople of this cation another generation or two. mm i a sr& i NOXICKrOIt PUB 1. 1 CAT! (IS. Land Otl'.ce nt Aillanco, Neb. May K, i-fe. V Vnticn Is lieretiy Klven that tlic follow!"! mined settler has IHed notice of his intc-u lion to iii.iUc tlrial proof t:i support of 'U cli lin, Bind that nald proof will Ve miuloS Ti to re M . J. Clerk IHxtriet Court ,t llurriaoji, Net)., on July 2, !S8, viz: ThWaria ;eisi-r we Meier of Ardmor", S. X., wba mnrtfi II. E.JSu. 41IM. for tlw . Ki S-RVl, T,i, S!j S WKatul N-W!, Slifj Sec. 33, Tov ellip iiS, !U:v,-e ,t w. j' lie the following tvltneaacs -o provx his conltaii jua resilience upon a', d cultivation of suM land, vlas: Frank J. Miller, Peter Hlornnck, John AV te i aul Jotin Oftrarnler, all of AKiinor. S, U. ' J, w. -,Vei.-s Ja , fu-Kihtcr. Sheriff's Sale, Fy virtuo of tin order of sale '.sailed by tho Clerk of t!ie District Court of tho county of Sioux, and btutnof Nebraska, upon a decree rendered by hu Id Court in favor of Horace C. Stantoo plaintiff, lr(tizo H. Ifnrmon, A. L. Orrnuby, trustee, Frank Iaily, Isaac A. Pratt and Pranci K. J'ralt defendants, J will on tho asth day ol June, A. D. ls'JS, at the hour 'of 2 o'clock ji. ru. of mild (lay at the cast f runt door of the Court honxe in Ilarri eon, In said comity, offer and sell the follow lri(?1eserSbed real citjite to wit: The s-WSj of Section 5, Township ;t Ilatie S3, in Siouj county, Scbroslta, at public auction to the bii,'hst bidder for cash, to satisfy said or der of sale lu the sum of tVilW, with later est thereon at tho rate of ten per cent, per annum from the 6th day of liccemher, 1H07, ai d cent and acerulriK costs. I'lIOMAS lioi.i.Y, JH-13J Sncrifl' of said County. Ms?" Ml v h Bi a a .zv. 'a m ki X B IKE tiZWM tiM&im -i iT'.r . gKW&VtLy-'lK S r s .Ncv)l i tne.JL.H m take those waasjrom your barns" a coiy.- ti:e MortU1". loo lnrre wfjes, fllut mU"l. not a d.Vil fine in ? it. H i f tfi:tni vof.r it dewrves vmr snppovt. One fliv--ra y:"-ir, :ooot:r THE TIJS, 6G Fifth Ave., CHICAGO t A PROSPECT OF WAR- As Ijiilicateil by the daily Press. Accordii(; to the opioiou of Eeaator Wolcott of Colorado, the people of Neb raska area lot of ignoramus. Tho chances are that Mr. W'oloot will be turned down by that tamo class of i'iiar amuses in his owo state at tho expira tion of his term of misrcpresealatinfi the people of Colorado in the U. H. (Senate. By direction of Admiral tho collier Merrinac was sunk in the entrance to the Santiago bay which place ) Only 100 feet wide thus blocking the isarbor in such a manner Cervera's fleet could not escape thould they so desiro while our main battleships can do effec tive work at some ether point Jun'k S. It ir reported the American Ileet entered San tiago harbor reduced the fort and sunk two Spanish vowsel?. .r tlions'ind.-i troops Sampson j W(.n! JlCn aU(.l(;d Without much opposition. MilK F. Kult PUBLICATION. I. and Office ut, Allimioe, Jieti. ) : May 4tli, IW. t : Notice I? hereby fri?o that the followiti: naii.e-l vtCi i- hss fiii'-i mil .J his iuV" . turn to imike fliuU pruof fu xtippoi-t of 111 i".;iim, and ii--1 utd ju wt ft'ill tm uimi" bi, (me K'ib'-i't tli, o-Miiy iu !i',o hi. U.ii I Una, Neb , on June UtH, IKis viz: Clim-ei-M.Hu".ell, ni UmrritoM, Neb., w lio m.idc 1, K, No. iM. for tue 'S-i N-V Hoc. 31, am. ! Nm fi-TV $ Klic Kl. h romnsliip K-uiKU -'-l VV. He iiHif.ct tho followlnir witnesses to prt his eontii'Uoti n-yij.Hiee upon and cultiva tiun ot a.s. hind, via: A T. Ilnfho-i, fru.nkClatiiIfclter,CcfHi:s eiU. and l.inei-v Cillu.or. 11 of (."u. Srb. Also iluriuy li. Uu.-iell of ll;ir-iwn, Ne'K, who mitdc II . K. No. 31, lor the W 's N KH S-K1 N WH S-KiW H Sou. 'J'DWhHliip .11 ! e e 54 .V . He names the toliowiac witnesses to prove bin iron tin uou-, M'idenc-e upon and cuutv.t tiou ot snid land, vi,: A,T. Iluriiso'i, Knuik ( laudfelter, ()enfr Scott and Kmety lullcior. All (jfGIen. NtV. W. J. Wins JR, Hefcistcr Mr. Ix-iter, the Chicago yvbeat king within the laht six moutlu 3.r),000,(KJ0 bushel of wheat which neted him a hansom profit of $-1,500,000. Leiters monthly average profit was.. 730,000 His daily average profit was 25,000 Prophets for each hour about 800 Or, for each minute about 015 John P. Rockefeller the bead of the Klandnrd Oil corupanv, and who has amassed a colossal fortune out of the oil business principlv and connected with the iron and coal trade until now his vast fortune reaches 2 hundred million dollare with an income of U dollars per minute, declares through his agent that tho company will fight against paying any of the war revenue which is placed upon Hr. Rockefeller' com pany. Thu the people of these United atates can mm the kind of patriotism the Eitflionair-js ut tabued with. Jr.NK 8. Tho in.Hurgentti have heen actively engaged iit the Phillipine island!, killing many and taking pris oners 1.800 Spaninh t-oldiert and Gfty oiiicern. JcnkS. It is the intention of -the administration noon as Porto Rico Phillipine island and Cuba are subjugated to attack the capo verd and Canary islands possessions of Spain and then pmh on to Spain and lay siege to the mother country if they do not come to terms sooner. JuNif 8. Sampson has des troyed all Santiago forts and sunk one of tho Dous u'rst class cruizera, tho Maria Teresa. NOTICE KOE PUBLICATION'. Laud Ollice at -Mlinnce, Kehr. I , tay 27tu, Vc'-ti. S s Notice U hereby given tiojt the followlnif nni) ed settler hue filed notice of his ln'en' tion to make Iliuil prool in support ol ids claim and Unit said proof will l made be fore M. J. liiesttt clerk district court at Harrison, Neb., on July 9th IsHHtIs: Joseph ilo.Tiiian of Hodarc, Seb., who DiaJc II. K. No mt for the S-W USec. 21, TowaaUia 33, S riarnje M w. lie names th followln( witnesses to proy hiiccoiitliinous residence upon snd cultlva tion of xlid land viz: John H-rren, Jacob Marking. Mlelmol lluf flna and a. B. Cod ee nil of BoUitre, Neb. Alfo-Notice is hereby ftiven that Hiram Ulchiinlfon of Hodarc, Neb., has lllcd notice of Intetitloii to iimke flnul proof nt sumo time iiad place on timber culture iippllt'i turn .So. 171 for the S W w of Section No. 2i, n Township No. 24 H kange No. S5w. lie natiies ss t. Itucssci : Jucol) J. W'tts.-ierbunjcr, of Montrose Neb. llriiry Plckeubrock " ," ' Sleplien Serrci " Hodnre ' Michael Canaan " " " J. W. WKIin Jrt. lteglstcr. SlieriiTs Sale. By virtue of an order of sale iutind by the Clerk of tlie Id.strict Court of the county of Sioux, and slate of Nebraska, upon a decree rendered by said Court In favor of Jaae E. WoodvulT plaintiff, and John Meiniiirt, fMri .Metnhart, Lw'.s RutQin;, Mrs, tl IsulStog, wife of lewis KulMnswlu.) tru christian name Is unknown, and W.J, BoWtlen, defendants, I will on the Kth day of June, A. I. IS88, at tlio hour of 2 o'clock p. rn. ofjald day, at the eaat frontdeorof the Court lioQac, in llarrlaon, n said comi ty, offer and sell tli followtnjt discrtbed real estate to-wit: The S K'4 of Section '(:, Township 33, Range W, lu'$ioux county, Nc br:i.'ka, at public auction to the higheit !.idlcr for cash, to satisfy said order of sale, In the sum of $3S0.4'S, with Intercut thereon at the rale of ten per cent per annum, from the dsy of JJtectnbcr, lsw, and costs and accruing costs. TMomH, Sheriff of said County I am selling Harness & Saddles at cost for the next 30 days. If you want to buy AT COST, . . Call on EGGERT ROHWER. Itottii Notice. To ALL VfuoM It Mat CokcebW: Tile Commissioner appointed to locate a rood commencing at tho south-east corn of ti e north east quarter of the north-vest quarter of Section 21, Township 3:1, North Kattgo S", west. Thence diagonally across the south half of the north-east X of suld section 2), to the south-east corner of said north cast quarter of .Section 24 thence south 60 rods, thunceeast Ml roils thtneo south Ml rods, to Intersect tho road running east be t.veen Sections lllsnd .1'), Township Range '. Also tliat the road now established being road! Ko. on, be vacated between the above named point has reported in favor of the establishment thereof with the following change to-wit: Comniesciti" tit th south-eaal coracr of li-e north cast of the north-west rpiartur of section !1, in Township S3, Kange 57, llvjiien south on old road el;;hl.y rods, thence east one hundred and live rods, thence north nf teen rods, thoneo east twen ty rods, thence south east alioitt thirty-one rods thence tr follow tho line culled for in petition, and that the old road now estab lished be vacated tielweeii the points where changed bv the'i si, and aii ot) j iecttouH thereto or ciai-ns lor datnsi-s .nuit be (lied in ipo county l lerk'a ofllce on ' or before noon of th" ;;tb day of July, lsos, j ni- such roiid will be established witliout reference thereto. .M.J. lii.ewitTr, ; County Clerk, Mioux Co. Neb. ' Dated Harrlsun, Neh.,.May lHlh, Isvs L GERUCH Says its so. If you don't believe what he says go to the RANCH SUPPLY HOUSE and take a look at those 500 pairs of Boots So Shoes just arrived last Tuesday, and you will see he is warring with everjr store in the north-west. You can buy foot-wear of him cheaper than at any other store in Harrison. r Sale. rresn yaraen beons tq also, Head-quarters for HARD-WAKE, TIN-WARE, DRY-GOOLS and GROCERIES, FLOUR and TOED and everything needful & useful. LEWIS GERLACH, Prop. -THE- Ordrr tif Hearing on Petition for Ap pointment of Administrator or Administratrix.. Statu of Nriihakka, i i ut..,i I-..,-., ry I ha- At a ConntvOourt, held at the County Court Room, In andor said County, on the 6th day of June, A. I). IM18. Present, Kobert Wilson County Judge. IK TltK MATTKB or 1U( ESTATE OF 8. W. Kemp Iikckassd. On reading and fillnu the petition of A. K. Gates, praylnjr that Administration of snld Estate may be granted to M. J, Weber as Administrator. Ordered, That tho Jth day of July, A, D, WAS, at 1:00 o'clock p. ra., Is amlirnod lor hearing said petition, when ail persons In tereated in said matter may appear at a County Court to bo held in and for said County and show cause why the prayer of the petitioner should not be granted; and that notice of the pendency of laid petition and the hearing thereof, be (riven to all per sons Interested In said matter by publish Ing a copy of this erder in the Hioux C'oti.N tt Journal, a weekly newspaper printed in said County, for four successive weeks, pi lar to said day of hearing. CA true copy.). - . J seal, j RonetT Wu.sov, ' ' County Judgo. Hi ZC CtNTS (i.urU Hr lit! -f (hi: ud.WMy and Nrmii RV c''-(i limn if fh! laid fcmte, Uualulou of 1( .(nuri, itiiu MvJkii'u. j".ttTij tvwtriUtf t,i fmf,rnrrtctrjn J f - Jri thr u-i r'i'M j ti trn- (duo rtii i Ki-.irf.i,f- vtWey, I hp lftk rr-f.mi. Ii .'t.iii.K U'.im K.,' rK-d lv l(it- tlnm o1 ( ,ih' M .' i'H 1411 SiitniJur'l lliimj, it fid i'.l Hic,v'7, I 'iM'ii r-'itd..htfti and Uiuujtli Unie ! ' ti 'if !u nil ultif! (;! Jiiim. : H(iirriiiof (,o vc. P8 0T wtm cop. j 'HU AlVKil U UMhWAY nUlDB CO., M: t'i ' . 1 An i-.of Hif't. tVilfay.. til. COMMERCIAL BANK. ESTABLISHED 1888.1 Harrison, Nebraska. - B.t.M(l in to W p'lnntlf pF MOBtli. K ir.rvlBK.n4 lDtuiiTniii(w, tto bsil maultl, no bmmii Trs.twi.nt jwffpetly htrwlcst ud rtrldl tortflV uiitwion mill, ana noo. irM. u.11 or writ.. ldkU.ll. Hurts, au riot Mrwt, It. Lw, Me. B. E, BpjwSTT.r, President. C. F. Co: Vioe-Preaident. D. H. aHISTVOLD, Cashiet. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL. $50 000. Transacts a General Banking Business, CORRESPONDENT "; American Exchange National Cank, New York, Omaha Nationai, Bajhc, Omaha, FiBiiT National Bank, Chadron. Interest Paid on Time Deposits. i - m 1 . 'ft 'i, k . t 1 i ' - J- t! f , . . . - - JJJi- "-its, --"-