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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 3, 1898)
taia4e t 7- r I Wimw'l iiilit. Bow ol braid, araoi ouly on on edV to represent tuckl, trim toaio ol the loth ikirU. Pique gloe, with one or two buttons and heafily titched, are the fashion lor itreot wear. A new table cap? ia . nisde ith the ' aCtni,placed horozontaliy, so that the 'Mark atripea run around. Pelade grant is a new and aupj.le treat material which regembles p. tote, made of wool instead ci en. TILL THKKK I MONKV IN IT. Cart Vollen aohl S3S0 of ttahwr's Cah feafe. Labor, seod, rout and all did nut coet him $50, profit Von can beat that and make lota of uiouoy on Early ftadlahea, Peaa, Lettuce, Mushrooms, Onlont, Sweet Corn, Tomatoes, Pota toes, etc. Salzer warrants bit bmiIs the earliest in tbe world. Potatoes only fl.60 p barrel. Millions of Kastiber titt, Cherrie, Apple and small fruits. Catalogue tells till about tht'iii. Band 16 Cent In Slampa to tbe John A. gaiter Setnl Co., LaCrosso, Wla., and get free their big Plant and Heed Cata logue and 10 packages vegetable and flower aeedt, novelties worth $1. c.n. The twifteet fich ia the dolphin. It tan wim for short disUnc.-B at the rate of 25 mi lea an hour. Tbe penalty of buying cheap clothes It like going to law the certainty of toting your mit and having to pay for it. A newborn giraffe measures about 6 feet from bis hoof to the top of his head In cold weather We need heat. The blood must be Warm, rich and pure. 1 Iood's Sarsaparilla Keeps the blood In perfect order, Sending it, in a Nourishing stream, To every organ. f t 4 v-5 f Prattle IJl Bend ynorn rtieanest eTer (rrown1 BEST in t he world :nonc 'ithnr an COOD; war ranted to lie hv fnr the CHEAPEST. f Prattled book Inr-fjpp the worm Isanti up for large parkeiH ra and ni-iirhbnr naniM for JL lmy I Beautiful llltntfalfd Catalogue, 8HUMWAT, Rockford, in iiiiimiiiii itiaattMiat? FOR 14 CENTS: Wwiib toln IS4.000 nw co- I ft. i. way K4v.ii.ti, ion : tkjK. KtvrlF rprio Turo.p, 10.; i : Jantm UiDt Onion, I-c , III Above 10 par-, worth tl u0, wa will 11 aittti fDti frB, together with ar , III gmt PUnt -nl Hfrl 0tjnHt . f J BP0 fC.Ct Of thift Di'tlf ISil Tie. 7 I II iidw whn e iaotuje try Hfticer I I . I 1 roa wil! nvT ift amufr wit h- g1 ion 4. tALAxa ru., la tbom, wra. j Tkt Bt Joiepb and Grand Isiaad Iabiu City and Omaha Railwaji ill TMS IHORTEST AND QUICKEST ROUTES TO ALL r01KT - NORTH WEST HAST SOUTH 5,JVu"m Union Paoiflo Syittm 111 Till rtVoaiTf LIKRa ft Callforala. Oragen an i att Wwiiern FnlaU. for latormatlon ragariltng raiaa, aic. ealt an tr tdilrcM neartal aeui or t. M. Amen, W, f. BOBIKaoM, Jt., Oaa. raa. Agt. Hd'I Manager, gt Jnaeph, Mo. aMkiWMpVWWWf POTATOES Iillg.Hl taa4 rTATO jgrawara la aaiet Ta aUrsi Aaw.T srhrr "jt,M Kalaar'a I: Wtjuaala a lrl4 r TIC k.Ji. l. a erla. rl, rHaaa airt -. r wai a Haak, I I ana taaula rtttlirtt !, tmi -aa mi u., m( rM. wit. l 1 I m AIM OPEN LETTER To MOTHERS. WE ARE ASSERTING IS THl COURTS OUR RIGHT TO THE EJICI.USIVK LNE 0.' THE WORD " CASTORIA," AND "PITCHERS CASTORIA," S OUR IK AUK MARK.. , DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, of Hyannis, Massachusetts, mm$ the originator of "PITCHER'S CASTORIA," the same that has borne and does now srf n eVtTy tear the facsimile signature of CSOcU wrapper. This is the original "PITCHER'S CASTORIA," which has been used in the homes of the mothers of America for over thirty years. LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see that it is the kind you have always bought STp sfjJZi! on and has the signature o7 wrap per, Jie one nas auinorny jrom mo i u-so my mv The Centaur Company President. March 8, 1897', of Do Not Be Deceived. V not endanger the life of your child by accepting a cheap substitute which aome druggitt may ofler you (because he maket a few more penniet M It), the ingredient of which even he does not know. "The Kind You Have Always Bought EARS THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE OF Insist on Tho Kind That Mawa , ft m ' 1 1 '"" i aaaaiae- aiiaai aaaaaaaiaaiaaaaawa Ij.'J .11 m . i J THaiai.?iJim im .w i in iLiaanay ii i i H J "ij! "1 'aMrlnni T., j'iC '"i J'oililail i'aiKiMclia. Tbe bone, i f conieation usually b but little meat on it. Full men and empty pocketbook. w'll be in evidence Christ mat. Peace on eartb a good will toward all of Uncle Sam'H pensionert. Children look upon the Christmas' toy dealer as a wan of rare gift. Tbe ruler ol a nation, like any other ruler, ihotilri always be straight. It is better to give a ClirintmHt box than to receive one from a Tmgili-t. To Make.Carpeta Last. Good carjx'ts should be brushed dally with an ordinary ..weeper, and once a week with a common broom. The oftener a carpet in taken up and shaken the longer it will wear. The dirt that collects underneath grlnda out the threads. This is also true of matting. Matting Hliould be swept with a bruHh, and occasionally waahed with salt and water. Tea leaves should be pressed tightly after they have been ued and put aidde to sprinkle over tbe carpet Just before sweeping and preveut the dust from flying and soiling the furniture and paper. While air and light are neoensary to the well-being of the members of the household, It Is not necessary that the sun should be allow ed to stream across bright carpets, fading their delicate colors. Teach Pie. Bake a shell of dainty puff paste, fill ing It with rice to prevent Its rising; la bubbles, or shaping It on tbe outside ot a plo dish. When the shell la done put in a half-inch layer of stewed and sweetened peaches, to which three chopped kernels for every eight peach es cooked have been added. Fill up the crust with uncooked peaches, the rip est and sweetest to be had. Add sugar enough to sweeten them well, and set the pie In the oven for about throe minutes to melt the sugar; then stf it cream before serving. Ctiili fcauca. Forty large ripe tomatoes; eight largt white onions; sli green peppers; six teen tablespoonfuls of brown sugar; eight of salt; nine and a half cups of vinegar; a teaspoonful each of ground ginger and cloven: one grated nutmeg and a tablespoonf ul and a half of cin namon. Scald the tomatoes and re move the skin. Then cut in pieces; chop tbe onions :id peppers fine; put all together in a kettle and boll un hour and a half. Bottle and cork tight ly and keep In a cool place. Knocked Out. It knocks out all calculations of at tending to biiKlnesH In the right way for a day when we wake up In the morning sore and stiff. The disappoint ment lies in goiug to bed all right and waking up all wrong. There Im a short and sure way out of it. (lo to bed after a good rub w:th Si. Jacobs Oil and you wake up nil right; soreness and stiff ileus all j,one. So sure 1h this that nn'n much exposed In chang'-ful weather keep a bottle of it on the mantel for use at night to make sure of going to work in g'Mid fix. Effective ornaments for the hair an gold filiets studded with brilliants and Cfboci on opals. Sin window' SoorHimi Rvsnr tor child ren teeUjIin", W ilms lie sums reduce Inflam mauon, allay afu. cure iHi collo. 2oc WKtte . Jewelers have supplied an infinite variety of baoirle to meet the growing demrnd for these ornaments. It it rumored that old fashioned cameos ar' coming into favor again. It Keepi the l-'t et Warm and Dry And Is the onl.i cure for Cbilblaiua Frost Kites, Da op, Sweating Feet Corns and Bunions. Ask for Allen'i Foot-Ease, a powaer to be shaken lnt the shoes. At all druggists and alio, stores, 2fc. Kample sent FRKK. Ad dress Allen H. Olmsted. I.ettoy, N. Y. Jeweled but tei diet and Louis IV bowi are fads of the moment, being much worn in the hair; alto i.n the cortage. Piso'n Care for Consumption it the onlj cough medicine used in my house. D. U. Albright, Milllinburg, Pa., Deo. U, '9j. The forests of the United Slatee covei one quarter of the entire country, and over $1,001) ,000 of timber it cut every year which Chas. II, Fletcher is . M Havinir Never Failed You? arata. aaw imi am. k . mhO CHARACTER. W hut the IViIal I'.xtremltii-M Ncveul to One Who Known. The person who had his character read by the palmist muni now go to Ilia first eouln of the chiropodist iu order to learn whether the markings on the foot agree w it!) the prognostications of the hand. According to the adi'pis, a small in Mep denotes religious temperament, while, If It is high, it suggests nelf-cou-eloign -vx. If I 'ch 'd. i i n-:i('- a love of lusnry, while, if il is tnin in addition. It not only demonstrates the desire for approbation and applause, but the possession of honor and lofty Ideals. A thick, heavy instep, which the bootmaker would deseri!? as min er high, is the mark of the individual who is capable of great exertion contin ued over a long time, the Instep, in fact, of the worker. The hiH'l is another of the great diag nostic poluts. If it Is smooth and round, and without any prominent out lines. It dei-lares the individual to be long to thai common place order, which never achieves any distiuclion, and who, though pleasant enough in his or her way to live with, Is yet devoid of any special talent. If It Is small It shows that the owner is callable of go ing heart and soul into any work which he undertakes. Ioug toes suggest artistic capacity, Just as do long lingers of a certain shape, while short toes Indicate selfish ness. If I hey are crooked as well as long, they demonstrate the Hsstisloil of good common sense and ns- little business capacity, while toes separated by a distinct interval, in spite of the compression to which fashionable of great exertion continued over a long bits compel them, are Indicative of emotion. If they curvedowu wards, they Indicate an amiable tun: of mind, and different portions of them denote dif ferent characteristics, as do the so called "mountains" and "valleys" ou the palm. Iu addition to all these characteris tics, the markings on the sole must be carefully considered, for they may modify certain other peculiarities. It Is impossible, however, to lay down any laws for self-guidance in these minutiae, but the broad facts will no doubt furnish a sufticient stimulus for further Investigation at Hie bands of the w ise women of the world; for they must be Indeed wise who can read, as In an open book, character which may b'1 formed by the constrictions of a fashionable hoot. Whatever else may be done, however, it Is safe to say that great toes which are pressed out of the straight liitf", and which are, therefore, in hideous con trast with the U'autlful feet of Trilby, bespeak an egregrlous vanity In their possessor, and proclaim a belief In the proverb, which stales that "to be beau tiful one must suffer." This, however, was the old-fasliloned idea which it is hoped the vogue f Mr. Ini Maurier's heroine will have done a good deal to eonnleract. Hhoes! rirms. fvhiHtrings are made not onJy In ciioi'iiKius number, but al.o in very great variely. Thcr- are factories de votod solely to their production. They are made principally of cotton, but also of calfskin, porpoi.-.e hide, silk niwl mohair. There Is an elastic shoe string made of a combination of rub Iht and cotton and a tulnilar cotton lace that ha.s a linen cord running through it. In sh;is- slioewtrlngs are nmde In a solid round braid, of cord twlMi-d like rope, of Hat bnild and of tubular braid. Tlwse aje all made In various sizes. Flat braids of the klmhs um1 for line shoes are made in width Ringing from fourteen to twenty-four line. In col ors Uiey are inside lo nialcli all the va riola shades of letither uwl In shoe. Most mIhx-hi rings are still made with the tips of the kind iliat are clamped on, but the use of the spiral wire Is in ftreaing. These are made In lengths) ranging from throe-cpiariers of a yard to two yards and a half. The longest Ince.s are n-w-d for women's bicycle 1hs1s. Itefitre the Introdiiillon of the bicycle the longest shoestrings iu reg ular use were a yard and thrtie-qunr-tcrs long. There Is a shoestring a yard long thai can be sold two pairs for a cent with a good profit ; there are ah'Wstrings sold at 5 cents a patron which the profit. Is prrtioiiatt'ly less. Shoestrings are gohl at various prices up to i!0 cents ami 'S cents n pntr, depending uixm mMterlal, nuality and length. A great many sImx-m plugs are given away. Silk shoe laces are nswl mainly for Iowcui shoes. Th"re are half a dor.i fac toriee In this oouiHry rodutng noth 1ng MM (MM-potae-hlde sheentrlngii, ud maiialy (W hrognns. Formerly many mllllona of the who ttrtng annmilly eonsuiiied in thli country were iniMrtsl, chiefly from (iermany. l'retty much all of the cheap shoestrings used here, which Irtcludt rather more than half of he litol con suuiptiioti, were made here; of the bet ter grades altout, half were imported, W1h Ihe adoption of the recently en d'ted tariff Uiwn In this country the 1m lort tt'l ton of KlioMtr1ng ha piiictlcal. ly ceaaisl.--N"ew York Sun. Insurance Axalnat Want lei Age. Th report of the llorlin otllce for tbe insurance of working people against wnnl In HUM'S or old age shows Mint th number of recipients of old age an nultlet between lStll and the end of lWNl was 1,.'U"s), and the total amount received by them was 5.12, tWi marks. The annuities flven on account of dls sblenient due to other cause than old age wife and the total expendi ture ou this account 4X1,812 marks. Crime in Germany. Ia the period 1W to 1884 the crim inal reeord In the Herman empire In creased 22 par cent., or 12 per cent mont Una Um population. f'uluted f ajntg-niphA It it A wiso nah that can read between he lines. Gabriel will play the laat trump in the 'HUie of life. It's a poor article that can't get a teg iuionial of some kind. Love levels all things with the possible 6tim nial of t ime kind. The iron gripof proverty iaapt to make i man's clothes look rusiy. Straws iu the hands of the small boy ihow which way the rider barrel it. Colli COiinomuie. To prepare cold consomme, chop and pound a fowl and put It into a Jar with :hree pounds of ruineed beef gravy. Add to It a cleansed calf't foot, a car rot, an onion, six cloven, six pepper rorns, salt to taste, and pour ou two juarts of cold water. Cook for four nours by standing the Jar In boiliug water. Ktraiu, season and pour Into imall cups to cool. Bnow Cream. Peat the whites of three eggs to a froth; add gradually three rounding :ablesioonftjls of powdered sugar. Beat until very Btlff; flavor with one :ables:-:)onful of sherry and half a .easuoonful of vanilla. Add gradually aalf a pint of whipped cream, meas- tred before whipping. Stir It In very arefully and serve Immediately In rlasses. Old-Fashioned Johnny Cake. One pint yellow com meal; half cup if (lour and one ami a half teaspoon 'u!s baking powder; one ?gg; two ta despoonf uls of sugar; half a teaspoou lul of salt, one cup of milk. Bake in a n-ell-buttered square pan. Kitchen Kconomr. A stationary wire soap dish attached o the side of the scrubbing pail will ireveut bits of soap wasting in the. .rater. Some heavy unbleached muslin hould always be placed over the flour )arrel, under the lid, to keep out dust ,nd Insects. Soft soap, made from half a pound oi lard soap and two quarts of boiling vater. Is more economical for laimdn lurposes than ordinary washing-map A variety of bags in assorted s!ze abeled and fastened to the pantry doo o hold kitchen towels and dish cloths M-epnred and ready for use, is a featuri n kitchens where the cook't couvenl nee Is attended to. Tbe yolks of eggs dry almost as soon s they come in contact with the all nit If dropped at once Into a cup o old water will keep In good condition n the refrigerator for three or fou; ayt. CHRONIC RHEUMATISM. From ths Industrial A'su, Jackton. Mich. The subject of thi sketch is fifty-six rears of age, and aMiTeJy engaged in fanning. When seventeen years old he uirt hid loul(l(r, and a few yeors after nnmeneed to have rheumatic pains in it. Dn taking a slight cold or the least, he trouble would start and he would wuf rer the most excruciating paias. He suffered fojover thirty years, and Ihe last decade has suffered so much that uo was unable to do any work. To this, frequent dizzy apell were added, mak lug him almost a helpleea invalid. In all Sorti of W'athtr. lie tried Hi best physicians and upd several specific rheumatism cures without being benefited. About one year and i. nionttat ao h read in this paper of i case aoiuowhaJ aiuular to hi which war cured by Dr. Wllllama' I'inlt I'illa and concluded to try this remidy. After taking trie tir-,1 rx he folt aonie what better, and aftr uaiag three boxes the petal entirely disappeared, the dizzi dm lfCt hjui, and lie has now for over a yearben entirely free fnwn all his former trouble and rajoya betier health than he he haa bad siiice hi txjyhod. He ia loud in hia praiaes of Dr. Will iams' Pink Pilla for l'ale People, and will gladly cornrWate the abore atateuieiila. Ilii postofhee addreat U Lorenzo Neeley. llorton, Jackaoa County, Michigan. All the element! neceasary to girt new life and richneas to the blood and realore shattered nerrea are contained, in a con densed fonn, in Dr. AVilliaina' Pink Pills fur Pale People. All dmegiata se.ll diem. Mrs, A. G. MeCrae of Chicago bat regularly es al lithed hr-rtelf at a land- tcape gaideder, ow't Tan. We offer Ont Hundred Dollart reward for any eae of catarrh that can not be cored by Hall'at'atarrh (Jura. F. J. CHtNiiY k CO.. Toledo, 0 We. Ihe undaraicnad havt known h . J. Chtney for the last 1ft years, and belitr him pertectiy Bonoratne m an Duiineas transactiont and financially able to carry out anvobllf ations aiada by tnalr nnn. Wear " Isoai, Wholeaalt drugists Toledo, O., Witeise, Kiha A Mabvin A boleaale dmRKiata, Toledo. 0. llall'a Catarrh Cur if taken Internally acting directly upon thn blood and muooim urtac-a ot tlx syttem. TemimoDiala suit fret, frice 7o. per boitlt. bold by all Uruggiita. The elephant can neither trot, canter nor gallop. Itt only pace it a walk, capable of being haatenee to a fatt tbuf- lie. Do Ton nance To-Mght? Shako in your a hoe Allen'i Foot Base, a powder for tbe feet It maket tight or New Shoes feel Easy. Cnret Corns, Bunions, Chilblains, Kroat Bltet andHweatlngheot. At all druggist and time toree, 25c. Sample tent FREE Addreat Allan B.OImfd.Dt Roy.N.T The lightest known solid it laid to bo tht pitch ol tht nnfjower, with atpocilc gravity of .OM, ar akoat OM-aigktb that of eork. TO CVH A COLP IN Ml AT. fata laaakaVa I 4 Au-lilwi (lul Sljlila. Amobalwayi drawl the line a', a lynching. The man who losea bit ahado.7 gett ahead of the detective. Tight shoes might be properly clasced as articles of bard-wear. Beauty draws more than an ox and is easier to get une'er the yoke. The wire-workers' union Bhonld em brace politicians and telegraph operators The small tumbler is retoonsible for many of the alipa attributed to tbe cup. BEWABE OF 3I0RPHINE. Mrs. Pinkham Asks Women to Sack Permanent Cures and Not More Temporary Belief From Pain. Special forms of suffering lead many woman to acouire the morphine One of these forms of suffering is a nersistent nain in the side, accompanied heat and throbbing. There is disincline tion to work, because work only increases the pain. This is only one symptom of a chain of troubles : she has others she cannot bear to confide to her physician, for fear an examination, the terror oi au sensitive, innrtAwt. wnmpn. The physician, meantime, knows her cannot combat her shrinking terror. her supplication for something to relieve the pain. He gives her a few morphine tablets, rrrv nn.nt.ion as to their use. Foolish thinks morphine will help her right along ; she be comes its slave I A wise and a generous physician had such a case ; tia -ifii-;t.r 1, frmlrl rtr Tn1 h i n cr for her. as she. was too nervous to undergo an examination. In despair, she went to vistl a friend. She said to her, "Don't give yourself up; just go to the neareat druggist's and buy a bottle of Mrs. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. It will build you up. You will begin to feel better with the first bottle." Sb did so, and after the fifth bottle her health was re-established. Here is her owi A A J XllUUU WIL-" S A friend advised table Compound ; the best medicine like myself. my head, but rat inn of the. SN pains, since meuicme. -,i tn bottle will prove what it can do." Mrs, hver Peaslet, Derby Center, Vt. j "The Best Is Aye the Cheapest." Avoid Imitations of and Sub- stitutes for SAPOLIO There it no long waiting for help if Ripans Tabulei are taken fof dyspepsia and headache. Relief comes quickly. One Tabule (abort the size of a small button) will relieve distress in the stomach withim hfteen minutes and the headache will shortly disappear. There was a industrious, hard-working woman of Cooperstown, N. Y., some lixtjr years of age, who for a long time had suffered greatly from dyspepsia and dreadful headaches. Her stomach tormented her so that she could hardly work at all, and, although she had tried all sorts of things, the got no relief. A friend sent her some Ripans Tabules and she felt better as soon as she took the first one. She felt more like working. " I have continued with the Tabules erer since." she says, "and they always help me." a now atria ae"t aontajalaf nmirini rtwm.m troa rtoMa eni of 'H nentrr i"-. rblrM', " iu Inil ' ' Li luA, .SOU vik;-jf i tiw BETTER THAN FUSION. Doa'tmonkey with polttiej and neitleot the (arm. Aloni with your other oropa this Kprlnf. a mine well nelected r lai Seed on your new around. NoihiiiR will pay ao w"ll. Tha aeraaira U roint? to he llKht, and tha prh e ought to be hlah. There will he a better market at yonr Soaf than ever before. Di-vernlfy your crops, aad ha? more than oneitrlng to your bow. PRIME RUSSIAN FLAX SEE0, For aowlnt purpoae, will br ottered by n a lone aa the supply laiu. Our mill will Makm orara half mll lon butheli In I? Write tor prlcee mid how to nw U. ol.ii vitoi KSx tiround Unived CaVe, for atoek, alwayi on hand. W alae raanoratlau the celebrated Woodman Unaeed Oil, Polled and Raw. K.t.bilahed VVtOIMA!f I.1NSEF.D Oil. WOKK1, Omaha, Nab. CURE YOURSELF! Um Bic Ci far iHnitinl IriiUMuBt or ulcratltti f aictai nnibrit, TftliltM. tvsid nut Mtrlm iTHEEviUlOHrMIOlLCC, Cantor poitoBtui. or twnt In putt) rrftBfr. hf HirNi, prftDftisl. for Circular imt oa rMtjM PENSIONS wt Vaar f ! DOUBLE O QUICK 1 rl Stft. O ralULL, fwliiatt,WMaUtw, t.t Life! Life! Life! Catlar'a rarkwlat t IMIaa rawkat I lar. rhttla. l Wra ar mail ll.oo aaanw , W. VTSailTh a to, rra, Baa-ala, M. 1 wmJTu sjm to fwwiiri, EswSmtnnM saBMCia. IIS Wf aciTi, I 1 J lolke'f Mot. The football playert ol Chicago will be apt to kick goal from the field, with Podgy Plotke in tbe role of pigskin.. Keokuk Constitutional Democrat. If Alderman Plotke of Chicago were a. memoer of the Georgia legislature, he would lead the rush line on a nti loot bU legislation. Nashville Banner. Chicago alderman cannot be accused of being reformers, but one of them in irnilncdl an to prohibit foot ball playing. New Orleans Picayane. a I habit.l dull,! by of condition, but He yields to with very woman ! She VmlK TwiiiJK--J I IPX I 11 ' ri letter about it : " I was very miserable ; was so weak that I could hardy get around the bouse, could not do any work without feat lug tired out. My monthly periods had stopped and I wal so tired and nervous all of the time. I was troubled ver x. ;tv. .Jitnnf tin. nrnmti and bearinc-down DainaJ v me to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vega 1 Have taken nve uot,ues, uuu main iv w I ever used. Now I can work, and feat I used to be troubled, greatly wiw I have had no bad headaches or palpi heart, womb trouble or bearing-dow I commenced to take Mrs. PinkhavmK xgiauiy i cvmmeuv. ...... pwru Knfferiiip' woman. The use of onaf ia a pap" e r"aa"! ia "w mr mmm eoononaaal. '.-Till I T neii'lili . thft RiPAifa or'K)Aa. 11. - .'.- nnt- M .t'.iU'''"'- BAfiritJnTB bat Red Hop fa KlIaJrlNll 10 -Vnn. ' P aaai IIUUI 'Unclu,led BuUtttaMa tor rta TI1K tAI MANILL4 KOOFIMi CO,, Camden, N. J 2,0O0.Q00pS rar thonnand ana ap. 12.0(a) Peach T id ap. Ouri Oraan Hadga, li- P and Aah Baad'lne 7.' iw-r tho nana. aupply ol all kliidj uf (Mdln(ly wU troa to numa, ai. i atnetiy Brat-iaat tAoak. Wrltator Prlr. l ilt W nOMKBtlAN M0HKKias, STAY HOMK But maka Money by buying alaak ad taa 31EKL0NDIKE?3 Far aartlaalari, pmapectna, eta., i CHAS. T. DOUGHTY. n Kaw York Balldtn, Saatila, Waahlafla N.HU, NO. 476-6. YORK, NO Want WaiTIMd) TO Aat?aVTUaUlt adaaaa aaj rmm aaw aaa linmaiaaaW f 3 facta!