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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 27, 1898)
. , r r - . . , .. 4..-.m'mJtKJI!!mnVMW-pA. ...... M J! "VOL. 2C HABBISOIir, JSTBBSJSCg A. THXrE2fiCDja.Tr, J-AJST. 27, 1898. 3STO. 27 A The Sioux County Journal. ESTABLISHED 1838. Subscription Trioe, $1.00 OFFICIAL PAPER OF SIOUX COUNTY. Geo. I). Canon, Editor. Kntr at tlie Harrison post office aa Moond el&m matter. Mother is the name for hearts of little children. God in the Oovernor I'mree of Michigan in a re cent speech delivered at Buffalo N, Y. branded the retnllican artv (of which he has heretofore claimed to lie a inemlx r) l. as being the centre of corruption find I rottenets and as a party which have ttnd always will use fair or foul means in or- cularlydid he denounce Mark. Hanna, coidingly dressed as a workingman in a that father of t.nberrvand deception. In 1 dean but cheap suit, a white collar and our estimation Gov. Pingree is an honest shirt, red necktie, gray trousers, sonic upright man1, and a friend of the labor- j what baggy at the knees, but clean and ing class, and as such he isever alive the ; unstained; in a word, In was attired as a tries of the poor and snlfering. ! poor man might bo expected to dress on - "IKnowol no reason w tiy a person called to the administration of a public oce should not discharge its duties with as great if not greater fkUlity than those of private life, for in the one case the welfare of many is directed, while in the other the interests of a lew only are concerned. "Certainly no intelligent and disinter ested man would imperil his standing as a logician by asserting that with our mints ojiwn to th free coinage of silver the European holder would consent to sell for less than its coin value, less, of course, the cost of tratiHiiorution and insurance, because he could briti oar mints and have it coined into it to stan- dari silver dollars of equal purchasing and debt-paying power with gold. Tb men who are dealing'in money in - this nation are not all patriots. I do not m man becsuM he deals in money is honest and patriotic. He may and be an excellent citizen, and if is, I would say naught to his discredit, but the rule is that such men know no nation, no patriotism, and but few have koowledge of any God save the gold ttwf horde and worship. , Frora Senator Allen's Speech in Con frwJan. 7th, 189S.) , The Tyipcal Mill Hand. Mattin ofUng'ir, weaver in Aoushnet mill, highest earnings, week, $0. Regarded as a fair reprssentative the per of the mill workman. Family of wife and two children . This week only earned $X lives at First and Biiuth .Slreets, in upper part of house in three rooms; rent, per week, f. l.fiO. Goes to work at 6:15 a. m. and is through at 6 o'clock p. m. Usual breakfast of bread without butter chicory coffee sweetened with brown sugar without milk, and oocas tonally sausage. Has meat once a week. Cannot afford to buy coal for fire, but wife and children pick up wood and chips to burn. Not a carpet in the house. , Total worth of possessions, f 100, Jwen married fourteen years. (When married was earning ?35 month and running four looms. Now runs eight looms and earns V ft cent lees pay. wears a suit costing, when new, two jean ajro, fl. Worts every day in the year when possible. Wife buys two pounds of flour at a tint. Only meat this week was for soup and cost 5 cent s. Usual breakfast for wife and children dry breed and coffee. I a citiien and voter. This is a New Bedford, Mass., weaver. One of the most ludicrous an no unco -IMOta that ever appeared, perhaps was mad by m London newspaper in the earl ier part of the present century, to the offact thai Sir Robert Peel "and a party , f fteods were shooting peasants in Ire land. The words misprinted, of course, were "friends" and "pheasants." And the tame paper thus chronicled distreesiof accident: 't$h "A m4 accident happened to the fam ljf of Mm JCIderton of Main street, yes terday. One of bis children was run ov- mt fagr a market wagon three years old ' With ore eyes and pantaletts on that ner fUnraru.n WELL WORTH READING. Something in ;ti, Column That Will Intercut Every Body. TIip I'oor not wanted In the Churches of the Rich. The Rev. Henry Frank D. I)., is a man whose briliant mind is only second to his freat heart w hich goesoutiu profound love to all God's children. I have known this gentleman for several years, and the more I have seen of hini the more impressed have 1 been with his line, loving, sympathetic nature and his broad spirit. A few weeks ago this earnest and con scientious clergyman determined to prove the truth falsity of the statement often urged, that the poor man could find no welcome in the rich city churches that did Christ Himself attend many of the most fashionable churches attired as a laboring man neat and clean, hut with coarse and somewhat worn clothes, he i Ir. Frank, ac- Sunday. In the morning ho went to the ! j fs,jnable Broadway Tabernacle in j xBW yul.k City. But I shall let him ; give hls own ft.0tlt f tw treatment accorded him there: j wa, 1:0 liv tt ,,,,, nm at tc)t? ,loot. j who, I 8iipKise, was an usher, to r for ward and I would find Kime vacant seats where I would lie comfortable. Simple hearted foot that I was, I went forward. 1 had comfortably seated myself and was thinking, "Oil, well, it is all a liction after all, I knew it was. I was sure that any rrsoti of decent appearance would lie welcome here" w hen suddenly 1 fell a heavy weight, on my shoulder. Aston- j ished, I turned and beheld an austere, dignified usher at mv Ride. His method was more brusque by far and more un civil than that of any uncouth theatri cal usher I hud ever encountered. What are you doing here in this fceatf he exclaimed in tones of smother ed accent. I was sure the venerable minister heard him. "Why," I s'ammord, "I was told to take this scat." "Weil, you have no business, air, to take a seat until you have lieen shown to it. You will hive togJtout." I seized my hat, and, walking .shame faced out of the church, I felt that I had at last learned why men curse and take the name of God in vain. Oh, what a curwi is wealth when it hardens the heart, when it dries up the streams of human sympathy and leaves but a de sert was to. In the evening Dr. Frank and a report er on tho World took a carriage and went to a number of churches on Fifth aven ue at none of which would the usher notice or even see Ir Frank, dressed as ha was in poor clothes though these great churches had but a few hundred souls within their walls. Tho reporter, dressed in the latest style, with silk hat and lorldly air, was treated far differ ently. In one church with great deffor ence he was immediately shown to a choice seat, from which he however es caped in a few minutes and reporterput on Dr. Franks coat, vest, hat, etc., and went ta another fashionable church. Here, the ushars would not seat him, no matter how close he approached, after they had glanced at his coat. His treat ment was similar to that accorded to Dr. Frank so long as he had on a poor coat. Oh! what a travesty on the teaching, the life, and the religion of the great Nazarene who had not where to lay his head, and who taught so earnestly the Fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man. New T.nie. Mistakes Of The Printers. Found on The Editors Round Table. A few years ago the journalist who is widely known as "gath" wrote a Fourth of July article. With a fervid eloquence he told how the effete monarchies of the old world trembled in their boots when they read the immortal words penned by Thomas Jefferson: "Thrones reeled' wrote the impassioned "Oath" , The next morning he saw in type "Thomas reeled." In the telegraph column of. a New York newspaper some years ago appear ed the following statement: "The Uari baldians are throwing up retrench ments," and Instead of saying the "solu tion of the Roman question" the words read "salvation of the Roman question." A newspaper in Wisconsin made a ludi crous blunder through a mistake in punctuation, as follows: "'The proces sion at Jutge Orton's funeral was very floe, and nearly two miles in length, as was the beautiful prayer of the Rev. Dr. Swing of Chicago. 1 i ' 1 i . -, i hi Com in Ins loners Proceed i ui;h. Harrison, Neb. Jan. mil, li'jo. Bo:ir! of county cthuiIhj loners inet in roKUlnr hpshJoh. 1'reuent, commissioner Mettleu, Muug, I'rocuuler an cli-rk. On motion tile minutes of last meeting Wf.rc read and corrected to rend bs follows: On motion the county Treasurer l hereby orcbTed and lnstnu ted to transfer the sum of t-i. 17 from the county lio;id fund of Is!', 1 .61 from the county Itoud fund of IsjO, ts.ll from the county ltond fund of Jsan, S4.2" from the county lioud fund OI 1W4 to the tleneral fund of ls'.i", und$:S.iJ3 frotu the Brldtre fund of 18S9, H5 " " " " " 520 iw 7X1 ' 21.07 ' " " " 1808 16.CS " " " " li4 1S.87 " " " " ' H'.l5 to the (ienerul fund of iW7, and 117.21 from the sjieulal debt fund of lMtl 11VS9 " " " " ' " lHliU 10(1.00 " " (ieiieral " " lM.i 10O.U0 " " " ' " ISM - 49.7H " ' Adevertlsinif to the Gen eral fund of lxfl7. j On motion commissioner Wo her is hereby lUuthorl.od to count tlie rush mi hand in t lie couniy "1 rensnrer'a ollico lit the clems of ' hli business oil Jan. Sth, IMls, uud tile Ilia report with the comity clerk. i motion the county clerk is hereby j nutherl.ed mid lnstriii ted to purchase a Typewriter, and equipments for use of same for tlie clerks office. On motion minutes of last meeting were j On motion tho action heretofore taken by j the llourd relative to the establishment of ' a county lioad petitioned for by II. S. Turks and other also county ltoad petitioned for ', by II. S. t'loiiKli mid others be and the vfline i is hereby reconsidered and all papers rclat- inif to the ot.iib!Whuient and alteration of said roads taken up and alter due consider- fiition the Hoard hereby reject, all petitions j mid applications relative thereto for the ; reason that the statu tiry requirements ; have not been complied with. I on motion Hoard adjourned till 8 a. m j Jan. li. It!. SI. J, ISl.SH ETT, I , Clerk. Harrison, veh,, I Jan. I:!, lH'.:s ( I'.onrd met pursuant to adjournment. 1'resent, commissioner Mettleu, Sienff and Proeutil'-r and clerk. On motion the Hoard decided to have a settlement with the county Treasurer and proceeded to check the records of his olliee. on motion Hoard adjourned till s a. m. Jan. 13, ls'.n. Si. J. BLKWBTT, Clerk. Harrison, Nbif I : Jan. I;i, Is'. Hoard met as per adjournment. I'resent eoinnii ioncr Mettleu, Sieng and I'roennjer and clerk. On motion Hoard continued to check up tho records in the county Treasurers otllee On motion Hoard adjourned till 8 a. m. Jan. 14, IH'ih. M. J. ISMtWETT, Clerk. Harrison, Neb. Jan. 14, lsStH Hoard nipt as per adjournment. I'rcscnl commissioner Mettleu, Jlengaud Procunicr and clerk. ' Hoard continued to check tins records of tlie county Treasurer's office. On motion Hoard adjourned till fl a. ni. Jan. 1.1, WM. M. J. Hl.F.wr.TT, Clerk. Harrison, nb. Jan. ir, In!'.. Hoard met ai per adjournment. Present, cornnilnnloner Mettleu, SleiiK and Frocunlor and clerk. Hoard continued to cheek tho records of the county Treasurer's office. On motion Hoard adjourned till 8 a. m, Jan. 17, lS!is. M. J. Hu:weit, Clerk, Harrison, Neb. I Jan. 17, SViH ( Hoard met as per adjournment, i'resent, commissioner .Mettleii, Jleng and Procunler and elerk. Hoard continued to cheek tho records of the county Treasurer's office. On motion Hoard adjourned till 8 a. m Jan. Is, lKtis. M. J. IlLLWETr, Clerk. Harrison, N'eb. ( Jan. IS, ISM i Roard met an per adjournment. Present, commissioner Mettlen, MmiR and Procunler and Clerk. Hoard continued to chock tho records of the county Treasurer's office ' On motion Hoard adjournad till 8 a. in. Jan. 19, 1HM8. M. J . Hi.EWEtT, Clerk. Harrison, Neb. Jan. Hi, irfjn. Hoard met as per adjournment. I'resent, commissioner Mctllcn, Men; and Procunler and clerk. Hoard continued to check the recorda nf the county Treasurer's ofllce. On motion Heard adjourned till 8 a. ni. Jan. 20, 1H. SI. J. HlkwstT, Clerk. Harrison, Neb. I Jan. lid, Ihim. I Hoard met i per adjournment. I'resent, commissioner Slettlon, Menu and Procunler and clerk. Hoard continued to chock the. records ol the county Treasurer' ofllce. On motion Hoard adjourned till 8 s. m. Jan. 21, IBM. M. J. Hlkwett, Clrk. Harrison, Neb. Jan. HI, IHlrt. " Hoard met as per adjournment. Present, commlsalonnr Muttlen, Mong and Procunler and clerk. Hoard continued to cheek the record of the county Treaniirer'i ofllco. On motion Board adjourned 'till 8 a. m. Jon. , law- M. J. Hlkwett, Clerk. Hurrlmn, N'eb. Jan. l, inns, j Hoard mot ss per Adjournment. ITnaent, commissioner Mettlon, Menf snd Proounlcr and dark. The following Offlolsl Bonds were present ed and on motion approved 8"0, W. Rodger, Hoed Oremenr In Hist. Ko. (Continued on Local rajfe.) How To Kind Out Fill a bottle or common glass with urine acid let it stand twenty-four hours, a sediment or settling indicates an un bealthy condition of the kidneys. When 'fnno stains huen it is evidence of kidney tumble. Too freijuent desire to urinate r pain in the track, is also convincing proof that the kidneys and bladerare out of order. What To Do. There is comfort in the knowledge so ori-n expressed, that . Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Itoot, the great kidney remedy fulfils every wish in relieving pain in the back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every partof the urinary passages. It corrects inability to hold urine and scald ing pain in passing it, or bad effects fol lowing use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of lieing com-H-lled to get up many times during the night to urinate. The mild and lie extraordinary effect of Swamp Root is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the nlost distressing cases. If you need a medicine you should have the best. Sold by druggists, price fifty cents and one dollar. You may liave a sample bottle and pamphlet "both sent free by mail. Mention Tub Sioux County Journal and send your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co. , Iiinghampton, N. Y. The proprietors of this paper guarantee the genuineness of this offer. Trees and Plants, licncral Assortment of Nursery Stock. Rest varieties for Nebraska. Millions of Strawberry and Raspberry Plants at wholesale and retail. Our plants have been irrigated when needing it therefore very thrifty and deep rooted. Buy the best near home preventing loss by delay and saving extra freight or ex press from eastern points. Write for price list to NORTH REND NURSERIES, North Bend. Dodge Co., Neb. STOC K niiAXDS. TllF.IoUR.VAt, will publish your brand, ike the followinir, for fc.ixi, per year. Kueli ad ditional brand 7j cents. Kvery lurmer or ranchmen in Sioux and adjoining counties should advertise their brands In Tiik.Jolr N a (. hs It circulates all over the state, it may be the means of saviuif money for you. Fit, NIC NCTTO. On left side of cattle and on left , shou lder of borscu. Kango on Antelope creek I'. O., Ghilchrist, Sioux Co., Neb. CHAHl.Kff IUKIff.E. On left side or hip of cuttle, ) On left shoulder of horses, j lliange on the head ol Warbonnet j creek Address Harrison, Siou-r. Co. Neb. f. W. OAUEY. ijMnn loft shoulder of cattle and r4aWi horse. isara ivitnire on i.ittio cotionwoou. I'o. ., Crawford Nubr. Final Proof Notices. All persons havinpr final proof notices in this paper will receive a marked copy of the paper and are requested to examine their notice and If any errors exist report the same to this ofllce at once. TIMHEtt CtJr.TlTKE, K1NAL PIIOOF.-NO-TICEFOK PUBLICATION. Alliance, Neb., I Oeo. 21, 1V7. j Notice is hereby Klven thut Kohort Math er of Cedar Haplds, Iowa, has filed notice of intention to make final proof befote M.J. lilewctt, Clurk DIHrlct CJonrt, at his office in Ili'i-rlson, Neb., on tho 7th day of Febn ary 1WS, on timber culture application No. lr,3l, for the fi,K of S-Vi, and S4 S-W of faction No. 20, In Township No. 3i North Kango No. t West. He names as witnesses: K. A. Bioelow, V. B. HioEtow, Grant Octii IK and ti. W. Hestek, all of llurrlson, Neb. I , J. W. Weiin Jn, " Register- ' ' - )M.4f ,'lXAlW)WpjtM Mff SIIJ o foeq p)i4ff Ktn 'ravpr 'fl W9t q 'aorttia jo ton t-rt HXIKi HHOf anatnu na utu mix tmi w i rmt ttftavK hum oj n -mi-'ui (M ITuajS Jm,l JoiTOog -?T H 'T foni'iM uiciiin 9tMJtu U R AO Vto -"uiwaj .si"r pujf, unnnn jniinn JotKWg pisiiv a "tor "ta uowon Xqqv OUMSU.lAn 'V -tl wno t ejoof) 'r"iii a "omj.t "W";i N wijh '13 X Wne-ia jm tit )tMtntM J1JU tlH 'ajnttn.i iVQfTri'f pirr rioptl.l P oijoifttl Jtuwi'Tt ViMiai'tA'tr) ouiiaiM 'oiiii Aifjnfvii 'aauNmiajxH tpwt SAttVuiai qt io ? m s aaix mm m fuotmjoo T3 'mntnpr 'It I.PM 1 -ewJT m jo jupaauj 'wmij .0 ( ,""t" awavaf JHMStlllMM -PIMMMI1UI ml C nt1I(HI 8D0 I 5D!IBTlDJOJ3a V I A i not 01 mob mntrff nnt cvf -jwi tot'tf il Ml "M I qinai on uj not rim ft M'l (q M nui' )uuioai ll1-AVa-OX 1AIXV0311V 3H1 SI 1VH1 wis no urn 'impia- nai m m ii 'smn n ph 111 ppmrtm It, ptqwf 1 mImi ou ea JUST ARRIVED: A car-load of Wheatland Flour at the RANCH SUPPLY HOUSE, at prices that will defy competition any where in the state. The RANCH SUPPLY HOUSE is Head-quarters for DRY-GOODS GROCERIES, BOOTS & SHOES, HATS & CAPS, HARD-WARE & TIN-WARE &c, &c Our Mono is, "LIVE and let LIVE" We need money, and the people need our goods, bo coiro in and see how cheap we can sell you goods for cash. LEWIS GERLACH, Prop. r"frimii in Mi'lrimii,-ifTixt THE- COMMERCIAL BANK. ESTABLISHED 1688.1 Harrison, B. E. Brewster, President. D. H. ORI8WOLD, Cashier. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL. $50 000. Transacts a General Banking Business. CORRESPONDENTS! American Exchange National Bank, New York, Omaha National Bank, Omaha, First National Bank, Chadroo. Interest Paid on Time Deposita. OT DRAFTS SOLD ON ALL PARTS OF EUROTB. HARNESSES 1 SADDLES SOLD AT . ' ROCK BOTTOM PRICES, I ALSO HANDLE Flour and Feed of all kinds at my harness shop. . Third Building West of J. H. Barter's Grocery Store. EGGERT ROIIWER, Proprietor. Vc . iV ? I .jcy'l l, f ;. -"'-li In Fatly I'ciw writo rs; for Description it cvjt it. Wo liave 1oen telliujf our Address, ''to' ,-iVirisi"-' J mi a Ha s; a 8 z ii' It P! 2 Ssiwc "bu8'b.& Nebraska. C. F. Corm, Vice-President. pay the ircJ.:t ON THIS O ORGAN EJMBALI Nebraska and Western Iowa. You Get $195 Organ tor 8H. YOU PAY FOR IT WITH A FIVE DOLLAR DILL down and 15.00 per month. Guaranteed for 8 years. and Catalogue We will tell you ali friends about this now 21 your. A. HOSPE, cmaha, r- ; 5 b Jl-S -i:- it i.i r- ji .li. " H ndl ' n. V R e a t- r a 1 k i mi I") ' r r 6 ' 1 - ff v. v. : s ft . -A, -I