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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 23, 1897)
ft r i 4 ' A n The Sioux County Journal Adut for Wbat Von Want In Tb JOURNAL Now Ik Ti.j. jti Sub'iTllw lor The JOURNAL. VOL. X. v OSTEOPATHY.! GUI. E.Johnson, Ostoepath will treatipatients at Harri son, on Tuesday's, Thurs day's and Saturday; at Chad ron, Nebraska, Ctfonday'a, .Wednesday's and Friday of .each week. The Sioux County Journal. K8TABI JWKD 1638. Subscription Price, tl.OO OFFICIAL PAPER OF 8I0UX COUNTY. Aivo. D. f n n, - - Editor. Entered at the Harrison pout office $a a.cund elaas matter. Fusion Stnte Ticket. for Judge of the Suprerre Court, J. J. SULLIVAN, Columbug. ror Kefrent of the State University, GEO. F. KENOWER, Wisner. E. V, FARRELL.. Kearney. The treaty of peace between preerjc .ami Turkey was digued iu Constanti nople, oa Sept. 18th. Toiifth characters aiid crooks of all kinds have flocked to the statu fair to fleece the farmers out of their money. Yellow fever seems to be ppreadintf and making its way North. It in ' thought there is a case of the fever in liosbun aad also in Kaius cily. More Cuban talk is beinjr revived at the national capital these d iys with lit tle assurance of doinjj anything for bleed ing Cula untf! all the women aud child ren are killed find murdered. The er -auditor of S. Dak. and thepre ent one both republicans, have been re cently fyund short in tfceir accounts. The former one about $1,200 and the latter live or six hundred dollars. And yet only for the reform forces being elected last fall they would have gone right on robbing the people. Dakota like Neb raska has been plundered for, the last " twenty eure by official thieves.' We h:ive the first complaint to hear ibeo made against the candidates on .the fusion kV'ite ticket ho far tin's fall. And, why should tjiere be complaint for, nil three candidate are given up to he .clean, honest and able men for. the posi tions if elected, that could be found in the state. Unless the people of Nebras ka are in favor of "government by in junction", they will elect the fusion ticket by art overwhelming vote this fall. Some of the republican papers in Ne hr.i.ska are making lots of fuss over the removal of Dr. Oillispie from tj) insti tute of the deaf and dumb. Yet, Dr. (iillispie is short in bis accounts some thing like $1,700. Every right minded man, whether he afiliates with the re form forces or some other party ought o-fneourage the governor in doing his lioundeo duty. No difference what party an officer belongs to, if he is dis honest he should - be aprehended and brought to justice-. The tax-payers of Nebraska haye been robbed within the past six years by the republican party to the tune of $1,433, 654. Only $134,000, of the abpvn a mount has been recovered and turned in to the public treasury. That is a won derful record for the republican party to go before the people with, in the fall ampaigo. Do the tax-payers want any more of that kind of officials to look after the people's interests? If not then turn them down this fall as far as the ticket goes in November. The silver Democracy of New York are to be commended for the fight they ,are putting up in opposition to such men a ex-governor Flower and ex -senator David B. Hill who, yvith thousands of others worked and done all they pos .sibly could one year ago to defeat Hon. W. J, Bryan for president besides, in every way they could, assisted in elect ing the map to the most important office in the nation, who has always been a friend to trust, and monopoly, No it is better to be defeated for principle's Mke than to win aod get sll the loaves nd fishes. The bankers gold bug, and self institut ed monetary commission at Indianapolis, Mm 12th of last January, will meet iu 'Washington about the time congress con vents; they recommend in their plat form of principles the retirement of all lasses of United States notes and the roaiolttiaaaou of the gold standard. It js the plan of this commission that presi- pool MoKipley recommended to con grew in a special messagu shortly after he pushiige of the LXnglcy tariff law. his commission Is mado up entirely of Ujl j i:J r. 1 1 1 1 ! i 1 1 Everything is b oming at the state fair. The democrats of greater New York will put up an out anJ out Silver man for mayor of the greatest city in the world. Swift,venge;tm-e was meted out to the' miscreant on Sept, 17th who attempt-' ed the fife, of Presided Diaz of M-xum on ! thelGjflst. While leing examined m ' the charge of attempted irmrJ-r the in- i furiaterl populace overcame the police' and Kt:vt!)ed the prisoner to death. - - ! I If socialism is growing in the United States at a lively rate within the last twoor three years, it is for the reason given by ex-governor Altgeld at a labor day speech made when he said: So long ns there was cumetition our people preferred to let it regulate every thing, but competition is being entirely w iped out by pools and trusts, and our people will be devoured by vultures un less the Government conies to their rescue. The public is made to pay every form of tribute to these new masters and is helpless. The question of putting an etjd to this wholesale corruption, putting aii end to the selling of legislation, putting an end to the contrel of Government by corporations is a question 1 hat will de termine the existence of this Republic Unless we can check it there Is no Ik pe for this country. Xotlefl Leaning of School Lands In Moux County Srbratika. I The following (lefcritx'il xohool lands In Sioux County will lie offerer! for lensa at pulillo miction nt the front door of the ikniuty Court House on Oi'toher Ulh, Im'.:7, bepinlnit nt 1 :M) o'lock p. m. and continuing until nil of iwi'l lnwls have been offered. 'Ihe law requires all loasi-8 to draw, ns an nual rental, xix per cent of the iippiuised value of the land leaned. If more than one rerHou applies for an V tract, the saino will e let to the one ottering the greatest amount of boruu. A portion of these lands nre. vacant by virtue of an order of the Hoard of Kiiueii tlonal hands and funds, making eane.ella. lion, entered August llth, is! 7, and same may ta" redeemed, If delinquencies and costa are paid before the laud la leaned. All ir-:'4-a3 All 16-25-13 Ail ir,i-r3 All ;-w:-'i;i I All lfi-27 S3 w)i 77 5-1 1 w'4 IS-27-53 K'i 17L-7M1 ti iei--7-.'.3 All Wl'7 9.1 I All lii-2!' M All M ai-M i VII III ?s M All S3 n',Heswii 10 -tfX-3 H-eta-e'4 :v-:-: 3 j All Kxo. exnw All IH-JU-M 4 M-rsi-M e,.. -i e 1 i A n e n w . n:i -53 All., yf,:v-z All V M AM.., riv.M All..'. i l-f4 All Si-'.l-M e'-v'4 :I.'-M All U-iUlA All Kxe. n-e'n-el 16-SO-M All Ifl-.?' .Kt All KI-M-aS aii aa-M-M All Hi-- 4-' 4 All. ir .r..M All 1W-54 All...; 14 27-r4 All Ki-.H-M All...' KS.5KI-M All ,...3n OT-f-4 All III S All JW-iB-M All 3H-24-5A All :-! CK . IH-3.TM an i-:'4 m Ail m-v All.., 1-5- All a-:.i , 'i!5.'7 ,Vi Al' ifl V7-.V) Al! SH-17 5RI All IH'ASM All W-V-K j All lti '2-.V, All .H. 55 I All 1(1-30 55 mnSU 3HHO-55 All 10-32-55 s!in-wVA S1-31-M ( Ail ,.31-ffl V wv,wHee4..3.;-3'.!-Vi All 1H-: 4 S5 All 3!-J.'.-55 I All Sfl-34.5-! All II!.':4-5H I All SH-V4 M All is ii.5-Sfl All .liK'S-M All All SS-;'7-5fl All 3li-i'8-5; All S.3(hft7 All 3fi-3l-f,fi All 3A-32-M 3-34 56 All IA-V4-57 All 16-25-57 All IH-?fl-f7 All IB-CT-57 All lfl-?8-57 All lfi.-57 All i...-v9.V7 All lfi-3f--7 All M-30-57 r.ots 14 1B-24 58 All exc s'4n-e V-w'4 16J0D3 All m All 1B-27-5B All ii-? r-fl All IG30-5S All , 15-31 .VI All 1(1 32-.M All I5:i4 5fi All 3-:iR.? All i 24 57 All 3fi-25-.'.7 All 3ti2-57 All Sfi-27-87 All JH2S-5; All exc. w!is- w(4 3S-31 57 wVn-e'iAw...lO-3;-a7 All exc. n-e'in- w4 I0-32-.T? All 3-35 57 All 3S-25-.-.S All :-w-M S,Vnei,4s',n-w'4n,s-w'4cUs-eW '6 2S 53 SXncI4As4n w'4An'4s-wl,t iC,s-Of..-17.2 53 WJii w'iAa C'in-w'iAn-wli e4As's-o. i JAsUs w'.A n- a WJ416-3S-5') P.V 16-tt-M S cHnX' w.'is e'n-w14AuMii' -'4fts- , e'4H.e'4l-31-54 All exc. n'4-win-e.4 i-31 54 W Au e!Aw;-jS eAnXn-e'as eAss-'i n-e' rHAs-w4s e"s-e'436 33-61 8-wi4Ao-euAe4S'eWAu-iKi4-ewAeXn- wV334-M Wn-wHAs-eUn-wHAs. Ifi JI 5 N-es-nAnHsoUAn-eAw l-a-o6 N-w'nA'i en-eitlsHn-eiiA l-e's-w'iA- I Hs e! " lii-n An n es-eiA- Xii.e4eK36-rO-r7 K'4Ao'4n-wViAe'4swAlots 1-4 16.34 -17 eWAn.eSsin wWAwUe wAa-e'is wA- fH-eis e"t38-fi4 56 N-en-wn-es-ee)taR-wkn-wn-w!4n- twswH . M-24-S9 E4AeV4n-wHAen-wi4 . 3fi-a7-r, KV4fc-e)4e-w!4n-e)4wU-'-et4 .au 28-58 j;v. woLfx, Com. P. L- A B. Final Proof Notices. All persons havlna; final proof notices In thin paper will receive a marked cony of the paper am! are requested to examine their notice and If any errors exist report tun same to tlila office at ouce. Not Ira For Publication. I4tnd Office at Alliance, Neb. I Aug. 14th, 18'J7. ( optica la hereby glvon that the following naped settler has Died notice of his Inten tion to make final proof In support of bl claim, and tbat said proof will 1 made be fore M. J. Hlewett, Clerk District Court at Harrison, Neb., on September 25th. isu7, via: William Rauimrard of UllcnrUt, Neb., wljo ma1e II. K. No. S7SA, for the V. of N K4, of Swtton No. 34 and N'4 of N Wlj or Section No.35, Township No. S4N Kan (re 55W. He names the followlne; witnesses to prove hi continuous residence upon and caltlra tlon of, said land, viz tJerhard Itelndera of Montrose, Neb., Bernard Haas, K.W. Knott and John Thomas, all of GlUirlst, Neb. J. W. Wchm Ja., Kciflater. Notlre For PuhllratioB. Land Office at Alliance, Neb. ( Aug. , W7. j Notice la hereby given that the following nanibd settler has filed notice of his inten tion to mako final proof In support of bis claim, and that said proof will tut made be fore M. J. Klewett, Clerk District Court at Harrison, Neb., on (letoher nd, 1K07, vln: Jamea McCann of Harrison, Neb., who made 11. V.. No. 3514, for the Ita No. I and 9 and Ki of N WW H Section No. IS, Township No. &IN Kaiifte No. 55 W. lie names the follom lns; witnesses to prove his contlniKius residence njani and cultiva tion of aald lands, viz: K. W. Knott and ,fciiren Wohlheter of (lllrhiiat, Neb., and -tosi'ph Parsons of Hsrruo-.i. Neh , and Joseph II. Montgomery ut ItO'lurc. Neh. jS. W. ) Kill, Jll.f - Register. AfJrniK Opportunity. There are today thousands of young people on the and in the villages who are tied down by lack of education to work they heartily dislike. Are you one of them my friend? If so, "the Grand Island Business & Normal tall age can put you on the road to stic ess if vou are ambition and willing .to study. It makes no difl'ernce how iKii-liward you ;ir provided you are plucky nnd mean business V"e teach everything necessray for a rut-cef(iij start in life. If you are short of money we will accept a good note without in terest for tuition or if necessary, we will furnish everything tuition, board, and books and give you time to graduate and pay for sani afterwards. Business, Normal and Shorthand courses. Hoard $1.50 per week. Established 12 years. College Record sent free or catalogue for 6 cents in stamps. This is your chance of a life time. Will you let it slip by? Adress, A. M. Harms, President, Grand Island. Nebr,' r ALL WOMEN JrmvrwTHs of all the pain andsicknesafrom which women suffer Is caused by wsakflsss or derangement In the organs , of msnstruatlen. Nearly always when a woman Is not well these " organs are affected. " But when they are strong and healthy a woman la very seldom sick. Is nature's provision for ths regu lation of thy menstrual (unction. It cures all female troubles." 4t ts equally effective for the girl In her teens, the young wife with do mestic and maternal - cares, and " the woman approaching the peri4 known as the " Change of Life." ' They all need It They are all benefitted by it F0r acrtee In easts raqtrfrlnr ipeeitl 4lraetlons, address, rlvlnr symptoms, h " Ldle' Advisory DepsrtmeBt, . The CtMttanoot MsdlcltM Co., Qattir soocm. Turn. . , f TOM. J. COOPER. Tupsto, Mitt., saw " My sister sulltred from very Irregular and solnlul eientlruBtien end doctors eeuM net relieve her. Wine of OtrSul aUrely eared her end also helped mt swtAsr ttireus U Change l Uts." OAVaTara. TRADE SSARICai OISION PATENTS), wr- mwn m. sasl For information ana tree HandisKik write to SfU.NN ft CO., Ml Bboadwat, Maw Voaa. Oldest bureau fnr seenrtnK patrnu In Amsrtra, ETerr rsfnt taken out by us Is brought before the pubuo tf a aotlca glTeo free of charge Is the) frictttific mcriCM buvest etrcilsfton of anv scleattflc paper ta tbe world. Kniendldlr Illustrated. No Inlflllrent man ihould be without It. Weeklr. BS.O0S Kir; tl.90 six months. Address, MliVlTft .CO. atmaxss, 801 Bruadway, Ut York CUT, Notice to Nan-resldcnt, Dcfnulent. In the District Court of Soiux County, Nebraska. Wllbnr V. Bennett, plaintiff, s; Terry Yarrlngton, defendant To Perry Yarrlngton, non-resident edfen dant, You are hereby notified that on the 2ed day of August, 1H97, the pialiitift herein filed his petition In the above entitled cauts In the JMstrlot Court of Hloux County, Ne braska, against vou, the above named de fendant, .the object and prayer of which la to act aside a warranty deed esecuied bv the plnlnt'ff In the above enf Itlcd c oise, to you, the defendant he eln, to lot Ninnbnr tw (S), and S-U'n of S-VM of Section om ( I ), Township twenty- six (2(1), Range fifty three (53) west Bth I". M., Slonx Connty, Ne bruckn, on tbe ground of fraud and mlarep resentfttloii made by you In making change of a certain Interest In a certain pHtent to manufacture hydrogen gas, covftt Ing state of Iowa, for said abovo descrtbtd. land. You are required to answer ssld pet! tlon on or before the 4th day of October, 1K07. ' Dated at Harrison, Sioux County, Nebras ka, this 24th day of August, 1SP7, WlLBEK V. HSKKIITT, . . ' PlalntlsT. IN THE COUNTY COPRT OF SIOUX COUNTY, NEBHAfiKA. In the Hatter nf the Administration of tbe Estate of Henry Delstr r, Deceased. oanr.a con hiarino or fihai. accodnt. Now, on the 7th day of September MPT, came George If. Turner, the administrator or the estate nf Henry Delster, deceased and pray for leave to render an account as audi administrator. It la therefore ordrm I that the 4th day of October, ISS4, at I o'clock p. in., at mv office In the Village of Haiti son. In said county, lie fixed as the tlineoad place for examining and allowing said ee Count. And the said heirs of said droeaaed, and all persona Interested In aald rstaVe, are required to appear at the time aad place so designated, and show canselfaneh exist", why said account should not M al lowed, It la further ordered that said Oeorga M Turner, administrator, give notice to all arsons Interested in auld estate bv cantii a copy of this order to be published 1h n Sioux Coi stt Journal, a nowsiatper pfsav el and In general circulation In aald efti ty. fnr fonr weeks prior to tbe day nd fur aitvi iienriug, RonCRT WJI.SOW, County Jwltf j r.,tL MM jt 8oientlflo American ff Ajjency fora i mil j mi m e STCK'K BRANDS. The JorusAL will piiMlub your brand, ike the foiiowine. for 82 :(. ner veur fuel, -a . ilitionui brand 75 cents. Every furmer or j ranchmen in Houx ami adjoining counting moiilu advents, their l.randa in Thk Jolb it ctrcuUte u)J over the state. It may be tUe 111c aim of giving money for you. TT7? FRANK NUTTO. On left side of cattle ai,d on left huolder of horses. Range on Antelope creek V. O., Gbilchrist, Sioux Co., Neb. CHARLES P.IEHJ.E. On left side or hip of cattle, ) On left ahonlder of hovaes. i Range on tbe hend oi 'arbonnet :rek Address Harrison, fioux Co. Neb. S.W.CAREY. iJJOn left shoulder of cattle .Verj horses. and Kunge on Little Cottonwood. i'O. ., Vrawford Nebr. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. STATE OFFICERS: Silas A. Uolvoinh Governor James E. Harris ..Lieutenant Governor A'. F. 1'orter... Secretary of State John K. Cornell Auditor J. R. Mescrve . Treaaurer o'. J. Smyth Attorney General J. V. Wolfe .. la.nd CoimniMsionci W. H. Jackson Supt. I'ublic Inatructiou I CONGJiESSIONAL DELEGATION: John M. Thuxston C S. Senator, Omaha Win. V. Allcu L S. Scniitor, Miulwou J. 15. Strode, Cougrcssnian Int DiHt., Lincoln I). IL Mercer, ' -2d Omaha umiel , Maxwell, " 3rd " Fremont i- M-rtt, " 4th " Aurora i -ii. ; ni hen : 'id, " Mh Nelaou v . "... (..!, . ' nth " JCDICi vliY: 4. M. Poat ( hief Justice, Columbus T. O. C. Harrison ..As'te Judge, Grand Island f. L. Norval Associate Judge, beward I). A. CampbellClerk and Reporter, Lincoln j FIFTEENTH JUDICIAL IHSTK1CT: JM. P. Kinkuid Judge, O'Neill ;'W. II. W'cslover " Ruahvlllc I M. J. Ulewett Clerk, Harrison j COUNTY OFFICERS: Robert Vt'ilson County Judge M. J. Klewett Clerk i has. ilhjhle.. Treiisurei I W. II. Davis V-upt. Public Instruction U. Bartlatt Sheriff j J. E. Phlnney Cotoner B. F. Thomas , . Surveyor : M. J. Jliewett Clerk of District Court Griint Guthrie ...County Attorney HOARD OF COMMISSIONERS: Frank Tinkham IstDisirict M. J. Webcr(Chairman) 2d " James F. Young 3d " LEGISLATIVE: Otto Mutz..Senator, Dlst. No 14, Springview A. E. Sheldon ,.Dist. No. 53Chadron VILLAGE OFFICERS: E. Rohwer fchnlnnan) Trustee J. 'W. Scott , " D. 11. Grlswod , W. B. Jf irsteHer " N. . Ifainliu , " W. H. Davis ,. Clerk In ls Gerlucb Treasurer SCHOOL OFFICERS: J. W. Seott Director B. L. Smuck Moderator Lewis Lcrlacb Treitsurer TERMS OF COURT: District Court, At Harrison, commences Spring term April 13th,, Jury 14th, Fall October 2"i, Jnryith. County Court, At Harrison, commenoes first Monday of each month. CHURCHES AND SOCIETIES. Methodist Sunday School meets every Sun day morning at 10:00 J. E. Harstellrr, W. II. DAVtS, Superintendent. Secretary JERRY RUSK POST, No. 345, G. A. R. . Meets second Monday In each montb In the court houso at Harrison. fi. E. Livermore, Com. WOODMEM OF THE WOULD. Harrison Camp, No. 55, meets on each al tcrnate Wednesday evening. W. II. Davis, J. A.Hanbox, Clerk. Con. Com. MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA. Meets each alternate Saturday evening at 8 o'clock. A. It. Dew, v. C, J. W. Smith, Clerk. EPWOItTll LEAGUE. Regular business meeting first Tuesday evening In each montb. C. L. Marbtkllkr, W. II. Davis, President. Secretary. ' Devotional meeting every Sunday evening At 6:45. D. J. CLARK, leader. JUNIOR LEAGUE. Meets each Sunday afternoon at 2 ;3fl. Mas. D. II. Grikwold, Supt. Call for People'! Iedeprndcnt Primary for Bowea Precinct. The electors of ths People'g Independent party of Itowen precinct are hereby called to meet at the Court Houre, In Harrison, on rrlday evening, Sept. 24th, lf7, for the pur pose of selecting delegates to the county convention of said county, and for the trim sac Hon of auii other business as may properly come before the meeting. . Lewis GRKLACir, C'oiiinilttcemon SEPT. 23, 1897. i. Tin: cou;.tv o Q-jlllT 0? SIOL'X COt'NTV Iu the Matter of tlie Admliiistratttn of tl Kslate of John II. Brown, lieceased. VOT1CE FOB THE PRE8EKTATION OP CLAIMS.j Notice is hereby given that all peraus Jiaving claims or demands against Joux !,' Known, deceased, that the time fixed tor, Cing claims against said estate is sixi mouths from the 8th day ot September, 181C. All such persons are required to present; their claims with the voucher to thn couii-l ty judge of said county, at hi.s office in tha' Village of Harrison, in said county, on or before tbe Mh day of March, lsus, and all claims so filed will be heard on the 4th day of October 17 or afterwards on the 2nd day of each regular term of said court during the time limited for fl."ig claims as ufore said. And notice is further given that Annie Rhown, widow of John il. Hkown, deceased, has filed her petition in the above named court praying lha a allowance be granted for the miiintainaucc of the fkuMly of said deceased out of t he estate anil thatsiiidpe titltion will be heard on the first day of the. next regular term of said court. All per sons 'interested in said estate are required to appear nt time and place to-wit the 4Ui day of October, 17 at H o'clock a. m., aud snow cause n such exists why said allow ance should not be, granted, Dated this HI h day of September A. D. 1-807. KoiiEicr Wilson, County Judge. bltAM PliWlfS. Eclipse snd FalrbsnHs Wind njllis Tuwcrs. Tttiilu. lrriga tloD OiilOts, Hose. 'Belting, (irindui's.Sbelleri.Worjil hawe, Drive Points. Pipe. HltlnK. Ilrasn goods and IKalrbnnlis Standard Kcaies. p ee low. (let the beu. 6enJ inr Catalojjuo. - PUMPS I CF ALL KINDS, IS, WORSE St CO.. 102 Farnam Dt. Omaha, We!, GOVERNMENT POSITIONS. If you wi-h one of the 150,000 - poiilions in -be government ser- 'V vice, this Bureau can advise you ' now l" pr)ct'd to secure it,atid tit f ' ijL -i'StS V"u 'or pawnff the required Civil Q''"f5H??r 4'Tvice examtoation therefor. .S'A l-ncrn-y, t?ct and a common school TC. If! cr.utauon arc all the requirements SJhM)M"I needed. W niTfi'TO niTrttrc Tins liuieau lu3 the: befit facililies possihle for ob taining patents and copyrights in this and foreign countries. The chief ot this. dept. has had 20 years experience as Chief Examiner, Commissioner ot Patents, an 1 Patent Attorney, and is very success ful in securing broad patents and in the prosecution of ail patent litigation before the courts. SCHOOL OF LAW. This Tureau can fit you for admission to the Bar and prepare you tor active piacuce in two year?, without materially interfering with your other du ties. Our instructors are the ablest, our system thorough, and our chanres reasonable. Three cours es are Uu-lit: University, Business and Special. Send for particulars, terms, etc NATIONAL INFORMATION BUREAU. 1420 New York Ave., Washington, D. C j SEAL J ' nanm is. 2 w iVWCIIt li.u,f 3 W00O ! Cjt0 MARSTELLER BROS., They handle every thing usualy handled in a gen eral department country store. .SUCH AS DRY GOODS and GROCERIE, BOOTS an (3 SHOES, HARD and TINWARE; also FLOUR, FEED anti GRAIN, KEPT CONSTANTLY ON HAND. YOU CAN SAVE MONEY BY GOING TO MARSTELLER BROS. THE COMMERCIAL BANK. ESTABLISHED 1888. Harrison, 0. E. fiRIWSTMt, President D. H. ORISWOLD, Cashier. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL. $50000. Iransacts a General Banking Business CORRESPONDENTS! American Exchange National Bank, New York, Omaha National Bank, Omaha, First National Bank, ChaJron. Interest Paid on Time Deposito. larDRATTS SOU) ON ALL PARTS OF EUBOFfc Into. a. ,;CPAT fiT'TI 'P!1 Attorney-at-law. Prompt attention -given all :e.'.: matters in Justice, Comity and l.'iMcict Court):, and before t&e United Slat-f Land Orice. . Fire Insurance written in relifthie 2ompaRis. t3pLegal papers carefully drawn. .Harrison, - Xkbr.vsa. But still 011 deck to do wagon work and blacksmithing. Third building south of liverv barn. HARNESS SHOP. First door north of the - RANCH SUPPLY HOUSE. Prompt attention paid to all repair work, also boot and shoe repairing done. L. E. DXCKINSIK. DO YOU ' WANT JOB WORK BONK THEN COME TO THE JOURNAL OFFICE: Nebraska. C F. Ccrrm, VioeFrid4Nkt. DROWH? - v 5? sr 1' - al 4k il