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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 16, 1897)
4 '- The Sioux County Journal fur HJiat t In Tlie 1NAL Now Is Tlie Time Tu NubM-rlL Tor 1 lie JOURNAL HTLRISOJST, JEBIRASIKA; TjHITTIRSIDA.'g', SEPT. 16, 1897. InTO. 2. - i i I IK it ' . OSTEOPATHY. E. Johnson, (Moopath eat;itientrt at linrri on Tuesday', Tlnirs and Saturday; at Clind Nebraska, Monday'.-, 'iFfday's and Friday of week. Sioux County Journal. ESTABLISH KD 1883. Subscription Price, fl.00 OTFICIAL PAPER OF 6I0UX COUNTY. 1). (anon, Editor. Mitrert at th HirrlBon poet office n j nd clan matter. l iisloti State Ticket. .r Jiidgi- of the Supreme Court, J. J. SULLIVAN, Columbus. 'or KesfMiU of the State UniTersitT, GEO. F. KENOWER, Wisner. E. V. FARRELL. Kearney, The republican papers throughout the ;t;iU are trying in .very way possible to oke it appear that the reform forces ns not united on the Btate ticket But 'von you read the reform papers printtd . ! over tlw state it is right the reverse. A hat seems to be hurting them niowt , because there i't discention amont,' hem or that they can't stir up some kind f btrife. The credit of the state has ecn redeemed and a lot of highway rob- ers apprehended and brought to justice ml tlie (I. 0. P. will frfanu no sliow thit all. Tim Chicago Record has, within the la-it six months eHjxmsed tlie cause of Jio Postal Havings Hanking system, A'hkh the Record thinks the federal gov 'riuudiit ought to estahlisli throughout the leugth ami breadth of our country, which is just tlie thing needed. But Ihe strangest tiling is that the Record, It tielng a strong jrotd bug and trut up jmrting par that it sttould be advoca ting pojHicntlic doctrine. Why not advocate the income tax law and other reforms more nedful than the Postal .SavmKH Bank, ami thereby become a 'public lieiiefuctor. The rtie it killing of thirty or forty of the striking miners at or near Haze It ,n Peun. is a paralell case to the crime miactet at Homestead Penn., five years tigoand, if jiossible more agravated be 4 ,ius in t!iO last instance the miners were peaceable and doing no one any j-ersoual injury. If reports as given l.y the metropolitan papers are true, ,fie shooting down of a lot of unarmed, .dfen:elew miners by tlie sheriff of llazelton was nothing mora or less than assassination. What can be said in de- of such a cowardly act. ' 'ertain- tl.e e can be nothing said condonin such acts. The repubheau party are making lAiceoutof tho civil service ' reform" as they call it. It is right too, as noilh er of the two old parties have any une for 5' vil service except to ingratiate them twlves if possible with their respective parties, and soon as the other party is successful at the polls, about the first thing they do after getting hold of the reigns of government is to begin at once und fire all those they dare from olfice nnd replace them with their own party candidates; and after haing provided for all their friends, they suddenly become the staunchest advocates of civil service reform. The old motto to the victor be longs the spoils, in our opinion is the only -correct solution of the matter. Tlte western "bronco" Is destined in ythe near future to become a great factor ,itt the export trade. France, England and Russia are badly in need of cavalry liorses and especially, horses that can be relied on for endurance. According to .si test which has been made within the (last thirty or forty day a by the Bureau t Animal Industry, at Washington, .the western "bronco" passes all expec tations In regard to iU enduring quali fies. Two of the horses were caught aid near Sheridan, Wyo., which had .,vr ien broke to ride: they were sad- 'lled up and two boys, named "Kit" and "Jtni" Gabril as riders started on a jour ney of 2,!i00 miles to Chicago, making i... trio in fl'j davs or. an average of 45 in ilea for ea( h dav traveled. The horses wore feil no grrun but subsisted only on wlwtthey could pick along the routo when they were not traveling. If true, na reiiorteil bv tlie Bureau of Animal Industry at WBshinuton, I). C, tho north-west will be able to furnish mil lions of dollars worth of horses for tho Mxrtort trade. The old countries lave no other country to look to for that (i p i of horse ecept the Uoitud States. Notice 1 Lta-iii' of School LantL In Sinui I mint' Nebraska. Th" following described school hinds in SiuiiJt County will li! utTered fur lease at public auction Ht riie I rout door of the ouuly Ciiurt notion on Oetols-r 14th, 1st,", bi-iriiiine nt :() o'iock p. m. ttitit continuing uinll all ot .aid lands have been ottered. I ,lhe bur requires all lenses to draw, as an nual rental, si per cent ol the h )ru i-i ; v.lueot tli1 land Jeacd. jf more than one l-i r-on i.i.piii lor any tract, tlie same will i Id to i!w (ji.o ottering t Jjc niHiiUat uuiwui t ui tionns. i .n: '! ol theses land nre vacant by j vt't in ct ii.i order of the Board of Educa 1 lion;, I f.,ii:d- him! fund, making caucclla 't on, entered Augtit lltli, 111)7, mid Mime : in.iv lie redeemed, if delinquencies and costs are puld before the land in ieaseiL aii i .- .-i i All i-2r,-!a All ii; 'i-r,3 i All :j; atf-vt I All K ?7 r,:s w M 12-27 53 I Ir.-rr ;,3 K'i 17-27 -W n J '2a-v7 ."a All K0 27-M I All ,IH-.D M All HB-21-ft3 I All It-'.'S-M All , 3t.-S.VI n'-PlfcMW'H IB 30-UJ s-e 'tB o'tj :-w-5 All Kxc. exnw. All l-3l-3a E'i SB-S2-HI All lrt.32 5 All 16it4-fii All M e' jAnm., n w '4.1 its-Ki a(i ,.:v,-Xf'i All 24 M All M-'&M All. ...Sfi-W-. All H 27 M eHAHwH 'SK.'-M All :!-y-.'i4 All Kxc. a (;in- e'i l-3ft-r4 '! iB-m.M Afl K-IWi All 1R2V"A All lB2v.V aii ifi-rr-M All 10-24 IA All IH'iN All ir.5: to All 14 27 T4 All Hi-2-M All Ifi 'W M All wmu All l-32-.'.1 : All W'.-.'kVM ( All WJ-id-.Vi All art -2S-;.5 All ?l 'i;-f,.T 25-f,ji All ..JW-27-MI All Ifiasfi.'. All .-- All l-i-9 i All .1B-29-W I All KI-:iO-.V Hi'tll'V'-; W-.W -V) I All 18-3i-M ; Hn-wii 31-53 Ail Hfi-aa-fl'i , W'-jW1, Aik m-.v, .rt All 3-35Al All S4-M-SS All lli-21 .' All SH-24 M All lft2A-fl All , W-lf.W All y,-2i-W aii All 3B-27-M All 3R-2H-S6 All Hfi.30-57 All a;Hi-r,8 All SM'i-M e'i ai S4 -m aii n;-24-r.- All ll-2.-)-S7 All W-2H-57 All 16-17 -".7 All IB-2S-5T All lr,.itti-7 All l-2fl 57 All lrt-3l)-r,7 All :t-a)-f7 I.oti 1 4 l(i-24-5S All exc. na-n li-wU W-30-S3 All. lli-27-fi6 IH-2H-S6 ...lC-iSO-M KKIIM 1-!B V. in-:i4-r ,K5-:fi-rifi x "t-r7 ... S-2H-?i7 .'lfi-27 S7 All All All-T . All All AH, All Ail All All All AH exc. -wii wt r.-31-S7 W'l in-v't & v. ", ...IC-32-57 All eve. Ii-el4u- W'.A f-32-57 All V.15 W I All '; : ! ti All 2i',-M 5mV-,4.i.,ii-w'4uX-w4AnV-el(' 1S-3S-53 Sn-e',,t-i,"jH-w11i u1 ,s-w iin-jx c'4- -17-2H-53 WWu-w i.i&ji-e'in w1.,An-'Si,-e'iAs',H-P- A t) , w ' i A n w 4 a . w 1 6-: 53 SV-"i - lti-27-51 K-eUJtiiS u-w l4-e!n- bs-e'A- liiM-cUlB-31-M All exc. liS '"'' 'i- 38-31 M V 1 a.tii-einA w' , fi jSn t, 11 -ei, eHAs-e'j r I ii-es-f'VA wi;H ei.M-o,,36-33 SI S '1.n-e'.,ie',H-e'tAi W-eAeX 11- j Iwlai-M-S W"4n-wis-ein-wH';.. - MM-K, S---, !', e'4&u !,'', lli-iO-SB S-',n e'iii-e'&'in-e',."tii e'4-w',- I w'i. e:4At ei1ii-e14Aii;ii-ei.1fi-e',1&- I e i) .,! 5,':K-.'3-r-7 KsAe'in w',,Ae' j4 w-iAlot-i 14 16.34-M S-e!.ii.e,-n-wiw.'..s-',.4Aiis-w(,- K'.Ae'in-w'.Aei'.s w' .:a--J7 "h J . v . v 01.1 fe., Com. 1'. L. & It. A (iraiid rtpportunltr. There are today thousand of vnung people on the farms aid in the villages who are tied down by luck of education to work they heartily dislike. Are you one or them my lriemt; ir so, trie Grand Island Business & Normal Coll age can put you on the road to success if vou are ambitious and willing to study. It makes no differ nee how backward you are provided you are plucky and mean business. We teach everything necessray for a successful start in 'life. If you are short of money we will accept a good note without in terest for tuition or if necessary we will furnish everything tuition, board, and boks and give you time to graduate and prtv for sanv; Afterwards. Business, Normal and Shorthand courses. Board il..riO per week. Established 12 years. College Record sent free or catalogue for 6 amis in stamps. This is your chance of a life time. Will you let it slip by? Adress, A. M. Haruis, President, Grand Island. Nebr. MONTHLY SUFFERING. ""Thousands of women arc troubled at monthly inter vals with paiue in the head, back, breasts, shoulders, sides hips and limbs. But they need not suffer. These pains are symptoms of dangerous deravgements that can be corrected. The men strual function should operate painlessly make menstruation painless, and regular. It puts the deli cate menstrual organs in condi tion a Ho tbeir work properly. , And that stops all this palu Why will any woman suffer month after month when Wine of Cardui will relieve her? It costs ft. co at the drug store. Why don't you get a bottle to-day f For advice, in cases requiring special directions, address, giv ing symptoms, "The Ladies' Advisory Department," The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Ten n. Mrs. ROZIIU IEWI,' . I OtnullU. Toil, ssytl " I est lrtul si atoathlj Mentis ttlrh ttrrlWs stlatlH stf haaS and back, ai hat keen slirtli rsileuM kf Wise I Cwdal." 1'iual Proof Sotice. All persona having final proof notices thin pA r will receive r marked copy ot ti.J paier and are requested to examine th"r notkn and li any erron t iist report tli naiuo to tlii h ollic tt at 'once. j , :.4 TiMBkii fi'LTUHE, Final Vwmiv.Sotk I'OV I'CBLH'ATIUN. L . S. Laud Office, Alliance, Nrh. ' Aug, II, 117. t ' 'otii-c is hereby given Kdward Soln of Jx-nlHon, loa, ha filed notice of in t tlon to iiiakc fintil proof ljeloro M.' J. lll'-j- ctt, clerk Dlxtlrlct Court at his office In Ij.r rieifm, Ncbr.. on tin; lnt day of hcptiml.r, IW)7, on timlier culture application H. i."5, for the H Vi of miction So. 15, lu Township No.SINRaliKeM W. He iiunii'H an wltnenses: ' Johu t.'-orbiu, William C. O'Conncr, l)av4 liartlelt and John JI. Kurtell, all of Harrl- son, Nobr. J. W.WtHS Jr, 1 Keitintttr. Notice For Publication. I.und Ofllce at Alliance, Xeb Aug. Mill, lrta7. Notice In hereby giveu tlmt the followirg named settler lnw flied notice of his Intt. tlon to make llnal profrf in support of !iU claim, and tlmt said proof will Is; made be fore M. J. Ulewett, Clerk District (;ourt at Ilarrinon, Neb., on September irtli, vl William Jiuiimifard of Gilchrist, Neb., wlio niiwlo II. E. No. H7.'i6, for the E"i of Ji-EH, of Section No. 34 and N14 of N-W'i of Section V a Tow n h h i j i N o . in N Knnfre 5iW. i , He names the followluK witrn-nw to profl hi continuoiM rexl(ince upon and cultiva tion of, said land, viz: (lerhard Keinder!, of Motitrone., Neb., licrnard llaaw, K.W. Ivuolt and Johu Thomn, all of i.iilehrixt, Neb. , J. W, Wehn JH.. Keiciater. Notice Vor I'nhllcaHuii. Land Oillee 'it Alliance, Neb. j Aug. 20, wn. Notice is hereby piven that tho folinwlru named settler lixs filed notice ot hi" inten tion 10 inaki. final proof in hu pport of hJti claim, and that said proof will be made ue fore w. J. Ulewett, Clerk District Court i t Harrlnon, Nh., on October rwl, lS'iT, vii: .Ihiiich McCann of Harrison, Neb., w ho mud II. E. No. 3.M4, tor the IJts No. 1 and 2 and EH of N-WVt of section No. 18, Township No. J.3I4 lianRc No. .V.W. He names tho following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of fluid hinda, viz: f'. W. Knott and Eugene, Wohlhctcr of (illcbrist, Neb., and Joseph C. Parsons ' of Hnrrifon, Neb., and Joseph 11. Montgomery of Hodarc, Neb. J. W. WEh.v, Jk., Register.' ; Notice to Non-resident, Iefeiuleiit. In the District Court of Soinx County, Nebraska. Wilbur V. ltennctt, plaintiff, 1 vs Perry Yarrington, defendant ) To Perry Yarringtou, non resident edfen dant. You are hereby notified that on the 23rd dav of August, 1hU7, the plaintiff herein filed his pet'tlon in the above entitled cutis., in the District Court of Sioux County, e h rusk 11. niralrist vou. fhe above named i- fenibmt, the object ami prayer of w hlet: U to set aside ft warranty deed executed ti ¬ the plaintiff in the above entitled cause, .. you, the defendant, herein, to Uit Numb. tw C2), and S-W14 of N VM of Section 11 1 1 1. Towrhip twenty- fix (2fi), fifty three (!W west, 1. M., Sioux County, Ne braska, on the (rround of frund and misrep resentation made by vou in making nr. rhaniin of a certain in 'crest in a cert.ii i patent to ninjinfacture tivdroRcn pas, cover Itiir State of Iowa, for said wbovo desiribcd bind. You are required to answer said peti tion on or before tlie 4th day ot October, 1W. Duted at narrlson, slonx County, NebT".- Va. this 24th day of Anruf , 10. WtLBKK V. UKNSKTT, Tlalnt'tf. IS THE COUNTY OOI RT OF SIOUX COUXTT, NEHEASKA. In the Matter of the Administration or llie Eatiite of Henry Itelster, Ueccased OltOKH KOR IIF.AlilNO OK FIAb ACCOMT Now, on the "111 day of September 17, came George II. Turner, the administrator of the estate of Henry Deister, deeeniod ami prays for leave to lender an account im such administrator. It is therefore ordered fiat th" 4Lli day of October, IHii7, at 1 o'clock p m .atmvotsiee In the Village of llurri son. in said county, lie llsod as the time and place for exiiminimf and allowing siiM uc eonnt. And tlm said heirs ol said dneemed iiil all ocrsons Interested in said estate nr reuuirwt TO at uiu time ami i.inen ai tesli;nnted. and show caiixe if such exists, why said account Should not be til- '"iVls further ordered that said C.corirt II. Turner, administrator, t?ive notice Ui all persons Interested in said estate by caiifling a copv of this order te be published in TUB Siocx'CocnTV Journal, a newspaper print ed and in ueneral clrcnlntion In said -county, for four weeks prior to tlie day st for Bald liearlnif. . : ' ,., EOIIBHT WtlJiON, f ' - County JiUfe. ipe SKA I, IS THE COUNTY ( Ot'IiTOK SIOUX ( 1NTT, NEBIUSKA. In the Mutter of the Ailinlnistnitlniliil Hie Estate of.lulin H. Jirown, Dcci.'intl. NOT ICR KOlt THE PHKHE STATION OK MS. Notice Is hereby irlveti that all rtams havlnK claiuis ordemands aftnlnst it II, itnnwK. deccaseil. that the time II ai for nilnir claims nifalnst salil estat b- six montlia from tho 8th day ot Hcpteml iM7. Ail snoh persons arc required to tukont their claims with the vouchers to tl con ty JudKO of said county, at his ofli b-tb Village of Harrison, In suld coun before tho Sth duy of March, !, or nd all 11) day clulun to fllol will bo heard on th of October 1S97 or afterwarda on th i day of each regular term of said cou Id ii r I iik the time limited for filing claims tforo, aaid. And notice Is further ulven th AfflK Urown, widow of Jons II. IIiiown, (ci'ttsi'd, ha filed her petition In the alio ii'imed runted court prnylnir tha. a allowanqo b for the nialntalnance of tho fnmll uf an Id deceased out of the estate and tin aid pc tltltion will be heard on the first d of the next regular term of said Court D per sous Interested In aald estate arl iiiUlreil in apis iir at time nnd place to day of October, 1HSI7 at 8 o'clock n ii ahow cause If such exists why aiiee should not bo granted, Dated this th day of September KOBERT WlLSoW.t'OUul SF.AI. ai 1 1 ft inr" nP STOCK HIIAKDS. The Jovkkal will piiMUh your brand, Ike tin: following, for per ye:ir. Kach ad- dltional brand "j cents. Every farmer or rain liiiien in Sioux and adjoining counties siiould advertise their brands in The Jour nal a it einulMtes all over She state. It may be tlie nicuun of saving money for you. iihve Ni'-rni f On left side of cattle and on left wi KhuoldiT of horCH. IfX"! Uimie on Antelone creek 1. O., Ohilchrist, Sioux Co., Neb. CHAKI.ES bier i.e. On let side or hip of cattle, I On left shoulder of horses, i HaiiKe ou the head 01 Warbonnet crek Address Harrison, Sioux Co. Neb. S. W. CAKEV. On 'left slioulder ot cattle, uud horpes. UaiiL'C on I.lttle Cottonwood. l'o. . Crawford Nebr. OFriCIAL DIRECTORY. STATE OFFICERS: Silas A. Holcomb Governor James E. Harris Lieutenant Governoi W. V. Porter Secretary of State John F.Cornell . Auditor J. II. Mcserve Treuaurer U, J. Smyth, Attorney General J. V. Wolfe T.and Commissionei W. K. Jacltsou Supt. Public IuBtructlon CONGRESSIONAL DELEGATION: John M. Thurston U. S. Senator, Omaha Win. V. Allen U. S. Senator, Madison J. IS. Strode, Congressman 1st Dist., Lincoln D. H. Mercer, id Srd 4th Bth Gth Omaha Fremont Aurora Nelson Kearney Samuel Maxwell, W.L.Stark, K. I). Sutherland, W. L. (ireen, JUDICIARY: A. M. Post Chief Justice, Columbus T. O. C. Harrison Aa'te Judge, Grand Island T. L. Norval Associate Jude, Seward D. A. CampbelL.Clerk and Keportor, Lincoln FIFTEENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT: M. P. Kinkaid . Judge, O'Neill W. II. Westover Kushvilk 11. J. Blewett - Clerk, Harrison COUNTY OFFICERS: Robert Wilson County Judge M.J. lilewett Clerk ('has. liichie Treasurer W. 11. Davis Supt. Public Instruction I). Bartlett ....Sheriff J. E. Phinney Coroner 15. F. Tunuuu . ...Surveyor M. J. Jlwett CJrJtof DwtrictOourt (Jrant, tJirttirie County Attorney BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS: frank Tinkham IstDlslrict M. J. Webr(-(;hairman). 2d '.' James F. Young Sd " LEGISLATIVE: Otto Mutz..Senator, Dist. No. 14, Sprlngvlew A. S. Bhcldon... . Dist. No. 53, Chadron . i. VILLAGE OFFICERS: E. Roliwer (clialrman) Trustee J. W. Scott . " D. II Griswod ' W. B. Marateller . " N. D. Hamlin " W. II. Davis .Clerk Lewis Gerlach Treasurer SCHOOL OFFICERS: J. W. Scott Director It. L. Smiick . Moderator Jx'Wifi Ix-rlaxdi Treiuitirer p TEI1MS OF COURT: District, Court, At Harrison, commences Spring term April l:ith, Jnry14th, Full " Octobers, Jury 86th. County Court, At Harrison, commences first Monday of each month. CTTURCIIES AND SOCIETIES. Methodist Sunday School meets every Sun day morning at 10:00 J. E. Maiirtii.leb, W. II. DAVIS, Superintendent. Secretary JERRY RUSK POST, No. 84", G. A. R. Meets second Monday In each month in the court house at Harrison. E. E. Livermore, Com. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD. Harrison ('amp, No. f. meets on each ai termite Wednesday evening. W. H. Davis, 'J. A. Hanson', Clerk. ' Con. Com. ' MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA. Meets each alternate Saturday evening at B o'clock. A. Ii. Daw, V. C. J. W. Smith, Clerk. EPWORT11 LEAGUE. Ilciriilar bnslness meeting first Tuesday evening In each month. C. h. Mabstklmcr, W. II. Davis, . President. Secretary. Devotional meeting every Sunday evening at 6:45. I). J.Ci.auk, leader. JUNIOR LEAGUE. Meets each Sunday afternoon at 2:30. Mns. 1). li. OKISWOLb, Supt. t'nll for People's ledi-pcndcnt Primary lor Montrose Prceinrt. There will bo held on Sept. 2.1rd, )8fl7, nt 2 o'eloee p. m., nt tho Montrose School house People's lndeendent Primary for the pur- osu of electing four delegates to the Conn. Conciitlon to lie held In Harrison, Sept. altondltig to such other business irouerly come before the mcotliig. J. C. AMtXAiwnr.a, Pruciui't Coniinlttecmnii. IBB) IHUjl THE NEW YORK WORLD, THRlCE-A-WEEK-EDiT!ON. 18 Pages a Week 106 Papers a Year For One Dollar. I rulilislied evry Alternate Day except Sunday. The Thrioe-a-Week-World Edition of j The New Yokk Woki.d is first among1 all the "weekly" papers in size, fre quency of publication and the freshness, accuracy and variety of its contents. It has all the merrits of a grert $6 dollar dai ly, the price of a dollar weekly. Its po litical news is prompt, complete, accur ate and impartial as all its readers will testify, It is against the monopolies and for the people. It prints the news of all the world, having special correspondance f :0m all important news points on the fj'obe. It has bii;iiant illustrations, stories by grea tau thers, a capital humir page, com plete markets, departments for the house hold and women s work and other special departments of unusual interest. We oiler tins unequaied newspaper and The Sioux County Joubsal togeth er one vear for $1.70 Tlie regular sucsenpuon price 01 me two papers is $2.00 IT'S DANGEROUS To lmv s: 1, (rmtrantee- "AJ4 ;)) AM l'AlERAMs ,ii,r less ,, iwy can I P mad. lonH tuy. unleis you yi'l, lit?, het. A tlli-ap KcMle la til" most ripunslin Im'e.uin'nt you can ui.:c; It H unrclhiliic. sud mcatia thai Boonrr orltacr voa must 1 , ti v ft's'n. iSny oiy a cfHUltle. latest lisipi-nved trAIUit AM KM which wbl 1-tst you a lifetime, anil prove thu cheapest lu t he end. No one cum i hen depute your weights. 13 S4 .VAitUt OV IMI'i'A'i'HOMSH 1102 Famam St., Omaha, Neb. lOia Sicilies ltej:ii'ert.l GOVERNMENT POSITIONS. It you with one of the lCO.OOC positions in the government ser vice, this Bureau can advise you how to proce'd to secure it, and tit. vou for passing the required Civil , Service examination tt-.eretor. hnerpy, tact audi cojriroon school education are all the requirements nccUtd. - T S Ji , .iM PATENTS, PATENTS. rhi Korean i,a the best facilities possible for ob- i,;r,;,r mi.nt. ami convrichts in this and foreign countries. The chief of this dept. has had 90 years experience ai Chief Examiner, CommisMoner ol Patents, and Patent Attorney, and is very success ful in securing bro:id patents and in the prosccuuoo of all patent litigation betote the courts. : SCHOOL OF LAW. ' This Bureau can fit you for dmisinn to the T!ar a! prep.ire von fnr arnve -acoce id two years, without materially interierinjf who your uwn um. tirs. Our instructors are the ahlest, onr system,! our charges reasonable. 1 hree cours es are taught: University, Business and Special. Send for particulars, terms, etc. NATIONAL INFORMATION BUREAU. 1420 Nxw York Ave.. Washington, D. C. MARSTELLER BROS., They handle every thing usualy handled in a gen eral department country store. SUCH AS DRY GOODS and GROCERIE, BOOTS and SHOES, HARD and TINWARE; also FLOUR, FEED and GRAIN, KEPT CONSTANTLY ON HAND. , YOU CAN SAVE MONEY BY GOING TO MARSTELLER BROS. THE- COMMERCIAL BANK. ESTABLISHED 1888. Harrison, B. E. BRXWSTMt, President. D. H. ORISWOLD, Cashier. " AUTHORIZED CAPITAL. $50 000. Transacts a General Banking Business. CORRESPONDENTS! American Exchange National Bank, New York, Omaha National Hank, Omaha, First National Bank, Chadron. Interest Paid on Time Depoaita t7pBAFTS SOLD ON ALL PAT8 OF tVSffi. (JKANT GUTIIKIE. ftttorney-al-Law. Prompt attention given to all legnl matters in Justice, County and Bi.-.trirt Courts, and before the United Suites Land Office. Fire Insurance written in reliable :ompanies. 3fLegal papers carefully drawn. IlAIUtlSON, - I3ltASKA. But still on deck to do wagon work and blacksmithing. Third building south of livery barn. HARNESS SHOP. First door north of tlie RANCH SUPPLY HOUSE. Prompt attention paid to all repair work, also boot and shoe repairing done. : L. E. DICKIXSIN. DO YOU WANT JOB WORK DONE? , THEN COME TO THE JOURNAL OFFICE. Nebraska. C. F. Corro, Vice-President. DROWNED? $ 5' i ,. 'A ''4 us 1 ' ... Av ' i i " ' L tr, It ' A S. L - , ' .... ' ' it'Ct