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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 30, 1897)
The Sioux County Journal UtrrtHt fur What You Wnt In The JOURNAL Now Is The 1 " c t 'i j Sulrrribc l r 1 h- j JOURNAL. J "VOL. X. JAISOlsr, 3STEBEASK A, THURSDAY, SEPT. 30, 1897. Z.TCK -i. The Sioux County Journal. fE.STABU.SHED lSS. Kubwriptioii 1'rir.e, tl.Ofl OFFICIAL PAPER OF 8IOUX COUNTY. urn. IK (lliiou. Editor. hutirwl at thH Harrison jxt ofltce as ftjiui class mutter. Fusion Staff Ticket. K r Judge of the su preme Court, J. J. KU1.L1VAN, Columbus. ror Regents of the Mate University, CEO. F. KKNOWER, Wisnor. E. V. FA RKEI.L. Keanwv. l'u.-ioii County Ticket. County Cb-jk. M. J. BLKWETT. oiiiitV Treasurer, CHARLES BIEHI.K. Couity sheriff, Tl'OMAS HOLLY. OiulitV M:p r ntcndetit. MISSELS1B MEltflAM. oimfy Judge, KOBEKT WILSON. ountvt Surveyor, It. F. THOMAS. 'oii'.ity Coroner, Dr .JULIAN. E. PHIMNEY. We the Iiemrvrats of Sioux County, Seb., In convention luwiuljlfi), renew our devot Inn to the principle of our pai ty at taught by Thornsa Jefferson, ani Andrew Jackson., and fully, exactly and clearly define! by the i.nwraiK t onvention at l liicago in jHjr,, t( work tjy )eartlv djs,-e. ., riiuwwi hl iiiv puu uy nun e i n uu si millions of voters of the Unitel States. We also assert that the struggle described by Hon. John G. Carlisle 1m more bitter to day limn it wan In ls's, mid that -'entaiictpa tlon from the. beartlcsa domination of the A firaml Opportunity. There are today thousands of young people on tins farms anil in the villages who uro tied down hy ;u k of education Are you one of lliein my friendr It so, the Grand Island IJusiness ic Normal Odl atce can put you on the road to success if vou tire ambitious and willing to study. It make no (lifXernc) how backward vou are rirovided vou are syndicate, stock exchange and other money j r,,;kv and mean business. We tench corporations in this country and Europe." j eVervtlnnif necessray for a successful are moreimpeantive thun tver before In the KUrj; jn f you are short of ,)Kmey history of tills nation. j we will m-rept a tfootl note without in- We congratulate the Democracy of Nebras. I iPrel for tuition or if necessary we will kaon having furnished t the allied silver I f,lrI,js!l every tliin?-tuition, board, and force of the nutlo;i, thu irreat leader lion. ar1(1 pj ve yoll time to graduate and William J.Ilryan, who so met the re.-mon.i I ,,av fr ham , Bf,er.wards. Business, billtiesof the campalxn of liw, and who, i ormf) and Short hand courses. Hoard The Union Pacific railroad will Vie sold under fore-closure, mortgage 2ov 2 is');. Enirland refuse to confer with the i United States in the BehrinK sea. confer ence. Salisbury the English premier wants to rule or ruin everything ha lias tl do with. The statu duuiocruiiu convention !t.-lire,. for the Chicago convention W J. Bryan and the free coinage of gold and tiilvcr alike at ,'1S to 1" und oppose the retirement I classes of U. S. Money. "Ooverniuent by injunction win also t ondtMDKlf. Tim Mate oi Miine'ius uien shaken up j )uite severely with an earth quake. The Republican party of Nebraska have-llled a protest with the M?ereta;y or fsiate against the silver Hepublimn party ijsing the name "Uspubtiiii" for their iarty naiiie. It is too kid (h it a number nf fur itizens urn dragged down to f)iwaha . .i t ..... r very now and tlion on me cnarge oi c utting tiudier on government land just to gratify a few person in getting a lit tle Judas money every time they get strapped in order to savethein from hav ing to work tlrt aaw as otln r people. Editor Iavi at the lirst opportunity tries to convey tl impression to tne Peoples Imlep xnlent Party that the Ix-mocrats hud got all the best odlces vo 'tll anything. The fact of the matter is, all tl e Democrats asked wasce k, sind that was with the consent of the J'eople'H Party. Thesheriir wu unsol seited and came as a surprise to every body in the Democrat convention. South Dakota's ex-auditor and the pre-i.-nt one who s'iie?ied in by the tikin of his teeth last fall have just turned in JU8T9, ot which the ex-auditor had stolen $2331, and tbejpeeot incumbent $43.50. It ha been i stealing game with the re publicans in that state ever since it was sulmitted to the Uniorf. In that state! tbeysccmtfl le built that way some thing on the same plan the republicans tdate officials of this state were. J'reccilins oftlir Dcmorratlr Convntlon. Harrison, Seb., hhp. With, IsliT. M per order of county central coinmlteo the Democratic couiityconvenllon met at : o'clock p. in. t thefXnirt h6ue, snrt was alel to order by Chairman M. J. Oayhart, ho read the call for the eonentlom. On motion Jullua H. Hurkn wan chosen tem porary chairman and Geo. U. Canon tcinpor Kry ecratary, after which the reifular com mlttce'H were appoint" by tbo cbalr, con fNlliif of the folliiwln' ( om.on eredenUalii.Thoa. Holly, H. Zlmm 4 rmnn.and Ci. Kelndera- Com. on resolntlon" 1. M. Sutton, John J. Allcorn, and llcnry W)nrbiirfer,oniltln(i eommlttee on order if bunlnnss. On motion a committee of three were ap pointed to confer with a like committee of (he people' lndpedenVnt Party, which wm In nesslon In another unrt of the Court honso t the name time, conaltlng of M. J. Gaybart, .fnim Scrrea and J. T. Mwtoo. On motion convention adjonrnedone hour In order to give commit U' time todcllber ute. At :n0 o'clock convention reconvened with Vhalrman llurkc In tho cluur. Tlin orwlentliil's commltK-o report'' n ont and Ihelr report wan accepted and committer dlnchnrKcd. Coiifen-nce committee nJt reported, an iindcrsUndlna hurt lieen are't on which win, Uut the UeinocraU ahould nominate ihc cintv Clerk and the rent or tne coiiniy offlreri would be nominated by the People' Independent Party for nomination. On motion th convention accepted th )ropoltion nnd dtchnrKth" committee. The commltteit .h '.' '' '' "' . " -' though defeated 1 stronger lu the heart ot the American people, than bis victorious op )K(nent, who wbd elected by fraud and coer cion. We denounce the maufcel attempt of the ; republican administration to secure the re j tlruuient of the green backs and Treasury j note under the pretence of currency reform J and e urge, our representative in congress fcto use every honorable means to tiruvent i such disreputable scheme?. i We tiffer our hearty congratulations to nil j the people of Nebraska, on the pushing from j and power of the last, of the hut cor rupt hoard of republican plunderers, who destroyed the credit of the state, stole the! people monev und made the Capitol build ing a veritable den of thieves. lcolved further, that we heartily endorse the fusion State ticket nominated by the throo (Treat reform force of Nebraska, at Lincoln, Sept. 2nd, 1HW. Resolved further, that we heartily endorse the administration of Gov., silo A. ilolcomb for conducting the public affair of atite i,f j Nebraska, In the performance of hi , official duty which comand both honor and respect from the people of our slate. i D. M. HUTToN. I Committee. Jons J. Ai.coRs- I IIEMIT WASSBIlIIUBOr.R. I On motion the above platform of principles m read were aicpted und thecoininittcedU- c barged. i On motion the convention procesd ed to nominate County olhcurs, reultlng as lol lowa : County Herk.M.J. TtLEvr ktt- tounty Tie isur jr. Cfim u County Sherltr, Thomas HolLT. County Judge. ;okkht Wilson. Co. Superintendent, Mrs Ki-sib Mkhbum. County surveyor. B. Y. Thomas. County Coroner. Ur. Julian K. I'iiinnkt. On motion the entire county ticket was g;ven a unanimous vote of the convention. On motion It was decided to rot.iln the old central committee Including tba secratary and chairman: On motion the convention adjourned slnl die; , ' i JULIUS B. BCBKE.-C'IIAM. Geo. D. Canon, wo. lH.r0 per week. Established 13 years. College Record K;iit free or catalogue for 6 cents in stamps. This is your chance of a life time. Will you let it slip by? A dress, A. M. IIaUois, President, f. Omnd Island. Nebr. - STOCK ltUANDS. Tiir Journal will publish your brand, ike the following, for $i:00, per year. Kach ad ditional brand 75 eeut. Kv. ry farmer or ranchmen in doux and adjoining countl-'S siio-ld advertise their brands In TmbJoLB SAL lis it eirculaU- all over the state. It may bo the means of saving money for you. IX THECor.NTY cni l.TOF MOI X t'dl'MV. ItJKANT trUTHKlK, HfNK NUTTt). On left side of cattle und oa left sliuolder of horses. Itango on Antelojie creek y., Ghilchrlst, Siou Co., Neb. la the Matter of the Administration of KsUiU' .of John H. lirown, Iiieeased. Ine' Attorney-ai-Lsw. iH - 'ial Proof Notices. - All p.ron having final proof notices in this paper will receive n marked coy of the paper and are rcque-ted to eramine their notice and if any errors exist report the same to this ottlce. at once. Notice Knr I'fliMcnfimi. Lund office at Alliance, Neb. I Aug. Ml, 1MI7. i Notice Is hereby given that the foUouing named sett ler ha filed notice ot his inten tion to make Unal proof In support of his claim, and that salti -proof will be made be. fore M. ,1. Hlewett, Clerk llistrict Conrt at U.irrlson, Neb., on October ?ndr is7, viz: James Mcf'atiof Harrison, Nob., who made U.K. No.:t 14. for thlf'lio No. 1 and 2 and K'i of N-W v, of section No. W, Township No. 33N Ifange No. -pW . He name the following witjiosses to prove his continuous resilience upon and cuitlva tlon of said laiids. vlz: V. W. Knott and Eugene Wohlheter of Gilchrist, Ncbi, und Joseph C. Parsons of Harrison, Neb., and Joseph II. Montgomery of Jioduie, Neb. . J. W. WEhn, Jh., t '. " Keglster. ( 1IAKI.KS IilKHI-E. . On lei I sbl or hip of cu ttle, j On left shoulder of florae. ( IRango ou the head ot Warbonnet 4cre-k Address Harrison, Sioux Co. Neb. 8. W.CAItKY. fOn left shoulder of cuttle I horse. lljiniKeon Little Cottouwood. I'O. ., Crawford Nebr. and OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. STATE OKKICKKS: Stlas A. Ilolcomb Governor James E. Harris Lieutenant Governor W. K. Vorter - Secretary of State John r. Cornell Auditor J. K. .Mesi-rve Tre-niii- C.J. Smyth lt"". v J. V. oil'e iii ' W. H. Jackson r.upt. I'.-b '.- . I . CONGRESSIONAL liKLKGAflON : John M. Thurston U. S. Senator, Omaha Wiu. V. Allen U. S. Senator, Madison 3. 1). Strode, Congressman 1st Hist., Lincoln Ejff Legal pajiers carefully di- inn. IIabiuson, - Ni:ms.v-iK t. NOTICE FOE TUB rKKSENTATlON OK CLAIMS. I Notice Is hereby given that all persons! I ronifit attention given having claims or demands against John H, 'matters in Justice. Countv Hkown, deceased, that the time fixed lor r filing claims against mid estate is six Courts, and before the Unit-jd m months from the 8th day ot S-ptcints-r, !'!".'...., niK.-c Ail such persons are required to present! their claims with the vouchers to the conn- Fire Insurance written in r-h i ty judge of said county, at his office In the! .0mii-inies l-iii...... II......;...... 1.. ..f.i ........... .... ..... . liiiifK ... iini'iouu, in no.'. v, u.i v. before the Kth day of .March, lWs, uml all claims so filed will be heard on the 4th day of October 1SB7 or afterward on the iind day of eiudi regular term ol said court during the time limited for tiling claims as afore said. And notice is further given that Annus Buown, widow of John H. Hkown. deceased, has tiled her petition in the above named court praying tba a allowance be granted for the miiiulaiiianee of tho family of said deceased out of the estate and that said pe titition will be heard on the. tirst day of the next regular term of said court. All per sons interested In said estate are required to appear at time and place to wlt the th day of October, isti" at Bo'cloeka. m., and show cause jf such exists w hy said allow ance should not be granted, Hated this sth dav of September A. P. 1W. lioiiLur Wilson, County Judge. DROWii? SEAL But still on dec': to do wagon wTork andblacksmitliin: . Third building south of livery baru. . Notice ol Leasing of Ketmnl Land In Sioux County Nebiai-ka. The following described school lands in Mints County will b offered for lease at nubile auction at the front dour of the t oiiuty Court House on October 14th, lst7, heglnlng si 1 :oft o'lock p. m. and continuing until all of said lands have been offered. The law require all leases to draw, us an nual rental, six per cent of the appraised value of tin- laud leased. If mure than one person applies for any tract, the same will be lei to the one offering the greatest umount of bonus, A portion Of these laud are vecant by virtue of an order of the Board of I'M ucu tional Lands and funds, making cancella. mm. entered Anitust lith, lsi.7, and mine may lie redeemed. If delinquencies und costs are paid belore the land is leased. All.. K.f 1-53 I All 16-25-M All . lfi.-W-M AH All wW, 12-27 .VI w'.', tft-27..-B Ku 17-27 53 I n ; I'l-ii-M AH MZI-M ! All 11--t-!M AllH aS-l!ll-53 I Art lii-2s-S3 All : s s:i I nuseusw. 16 30-.'.3 S-e'i o'a All Lac eXnw All lfi-31-M has demonttrated ten thotiiand times thai it is almost Infallible FOR WOMAN'S PECULIAR WEAKNESSES. irregularities and derangements. It has become the leading remedy for thin cls of troubles. It exerts a wonderfully healing, strengthen ing and soothing influence upon the menstrual organs. It cunt 'whites' and falling of the womb. It stops flooding and relieves sup- KU aB-58-SB e' vAiie'iHWi4. 5.1 All :-s.v Ail :-2-M All flrtiVM All 5-l-M All M-WM eUAswU .'(H.'is-.M All VrWA All Kx. n e'n- el. 16-SO-M ei 1 -Kt-M All W.-Hbh Ail ir.av.vs All - AH lS-27-.Vi aii m-Tiht spi-m-M in.:t? .1.1 io 74-r if. ;,.: ir-. .vi .14 27-M .lll-'JS fii 1! W !A .v.-rio m i:r'-fti W.-iWi-M . miiM-.Vi :ii.,'-r!5 1 All 3H-i-rw M'i -iO.-II-O.I All K12S.W k All All All All All All All All All All All All All All Pressed and psinfnl menstruation, or Change of Life it is the best medicine made. It is beneficial during pregnancy, and belps to bring children into homes barren for years. It invigorates, stimu lates, strengthens the whole sys tem. - Thl great remedy is offered to all afflicted women. Why will any woman suffer another minute with certain relief within reach t Wine of Cardiii only cotts 11.00 per bottle at your drag tore. Tor advite, in fntn rtqnlrint tprctal Hrw ffcml, oililrfw, (rftSnj tymplrmt, f.w "Ladin' A'loiinry fv-wrtmrnt," Tin Chattanooga bttA Ulne Co., Chattanooga, Tois. Rev. I. W. SMITH, Comilen, S. C, tsyi: " My wile used Wins ol Csrdul at horns lor falling si the womb and It ntirsl cured her." M 3rd 4 th Sth GtU Omaha Fremont Aurora Nelson Kearney All . Wt-S l All lli -M-n.1 All" JSt-WM All 16-)-5.1 s',nA'i WW! I All 1 WW aXn-wkAsH-J-3I-M I All 33:ift.i wHwHAe),eH...W SI M I All '"i '. All 73t;-3:MI All. 3f-fl4..VS All M74; All SH-WM All - IA25-MI All- '. V.1VI All... .vi--i-m All i-i;7-fw All -Tl-W All. M.Snf7 All 3fi-;ii-r,fl All r,-M eS JB-S4-M All lfi-!i4-A7 All. I2r,17 All l'.'-17 All All All All IS '.W-M All IM1 All IH-2SW All Ifi-Uh-M All lfi-31 .V. All IB32B6 All l All Wllil-.'S All a2t-ft7 All JH-iV.'i7 All SS2H-57 All. 8H-27-57 All S6-2H-57 All exo. s wit- w i 31 117 wUueAwH lfl-32-6" AlleiC. n-en- . wit 16-32M7 All )-3."i 57 All..., 3S-2.VM All...: .-(Km.-w IN THE COUNTY COPHT OF SIOUX. COUNTY, NKBKASKA. In the Matter of the Administration of thr Estate of Henry Ilelster, Uecessed. D. II. Mercer, Saxmel Maxwell, 1 W Li Stark, K. V. Sutherland, ' W.L.Green, 1 JtrillCIAKY: A M. Post Chief Justice, Columbus T.I). C. Harrison ..As'te Judge, Grand Island T. L. Norval .Associate Judge, Seward D, A. Cumpbell-.Clerk and Reporter, Lincoln ; K1FTF.ENTH JUUICIAL DISTH1CT: M. P. Kinkald Judge, O'Neill W. If. Westover " Hnshvtlle M. J, lllewett Clerk, Harrison COUNTY OFFICERS: Robert, Wilson.. County Judge M. J. Blewett Clerk C!.a,ilieile . Treasurer vH.fl. Davis Rupt: Public Instruction D. Martlett , w-8herlll J. it. Phlnaey w Coroner II. f. Thoinas..v. . . Surveyor M X lllewett Clerk of District Court Grant Guthrie. Couuty Attorney r BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS: ' Frank Tinkham... , IstDIsirlct ii. J. Webe.r(Chairman) W " James F. Young 3d- " ; LKGISLATIVE: Otto Mutz..Kenator, Uist. No. 14, Sprtngvlew Aa E. Sheldon Hist. No. 53, Chadron ; - VILLAGE OFFICERS: F.Rohwer ( chairman) Trustee .f. W.Scott " f. H. Griswol " W.B. Marstellcr " N. D. Hamlin " W. n. Davis Clerk Lewis Gerluch Treasurer SCHOOL OFFICERS! J. W. Scott -' Director R. L. Smuck Moderator Iwls Ixrlach Treasurer TERMS OF COURT: District Court, At Harrison, commences Spring term April 13th, Jury 14th, Fall " October K, Jnry<h. County Court, At Harrison, ' commences flrst Monday of each month. CHURCHES AND SOCIETIES. Methodist Sunday School meets every Sun t jy morning at 10:00 ' J. K. Marstjlleb. W. H. Datis, Snperlntendent. Secretary ' 1,1 X. fti.trantnpil "AS CIIOUAS" , -.M1..H1. f.,r lets luomiy; tlii-y cua'l bn .. . ,.t-.i't l.wv, a.ilfhH y..ti n.'ttlm leiit. A u ; Nolle Is tije aii.n e.ifmnslYO Invuminent ,-oa can utri-.-c ; It i uarellalije. and im-su that .miner r.r lao r yon imist imy iijam. Ituy only a fccitiiise. mtei.1 impi-oven VA 1 11I4AS! HS wiiictl fill l.ul yiu a llfetlm, ami tbo cltetiii.-s( li t he nl. Nihi'h' ran ttn n dispute )-!iurcltst.. ItJOWAHKOF IMITATIONS! IMS, r.lORSE fit CO., 1102 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. LOld Kralra tlrpalred.) I . i . i j a .r, -iris. w GOVERNMENT POSITIONS. If vou wi-h one of the 150,000 nncitinmi in I h I'nVprTHiient. StT"- Vice, this Bureau can advise you , . j :. ; now i.o urucccu wbctuic utuiiu n. J Vt'U 1 CI JJtt-MMAi Hit S.JHi(-u cxafDination mcreior. I'-nrrtrv, wci ann a toiuuiuu s.ijvi enucaiion are all tne rcquircmcats needed. PATENTS, PATENTS. Tk,, u.... .,, I,... the hest facilities possible for ob taining patent and copyrights 10 this and foreign countries. The chief ol this dept. has had SO years .inrirn a Chief Examiner, CcmmiSMOtier ot Psteots, and Patent Attorney, and is very success ful io eearing broad piU-nts and in die prostcttUon of all patent litigation ueiore ih ran, SCHOOL OF LAW. ' , ' This Bureau can fit you for dmiirs to the Bar and prepare you for- active practice in two years, without materially? interfering with your other du ties. Our instructors are the ablest, our system thorough, and ourcharges reasonable. Three cours es sre taught: University, Business and Special. Scad for particulars, terms, etc NATIONAL .INFORMATION BUREAU. MHO New York Ave., Washington, D. C . HARNESS SHOP. " First door north of the RANCH SUPPLY IIOUS-:. Prompt attention paid to all repai 1 work, also boot and shoe repairing done. L. E. DICKINSIN. DO YOU WANT JOB , . WORK DON Kf THEN COME TO THE JOURNAL OFFICE. MARSTELLER BROS,, They handle every thing usualy handled in a eral department country store. SUCH AS DRY GOODS and GROCERIE, BOOTS SHOES, HARD and TINWARE; also FLOUR, FEED GRAIN, KEPT CONSTANTLY ON HAND. YOU CAN SAVE MONEY BY GOING TO MARSTELLER .15 onnritP.oH nEAittNo offinai. acoopnt. -Now, on the 7th day of September 1H9T, came George II. Turner, the administrator ot the estate of Henry Deistcr, deceased and prays for leave to render an account as such admltilstrator. It Is therefore ordered t'nit the 4th dav of October, Isd7, at 1 o'clock p. in., ntuiv office in the Village of Hurri son. lu said county, Is- fixed as the time and lri-?sf.T pl-ice for examining and allowing said ac Hi ill .17 , count. And tho said heirs of said deceased, yU 3n '9 n7 . and all persons ititeresien in sniu esiaie, Alf "Ill Ifl 30-.-7 1 r required to appear at the time anil All'"".""-- KSW-.W i plnee an designated, and show cause If snsjh int."!"". 11 W exists, why said account should not bo al- JERRY RUSK POST, No. 84.1, O. A. R. Meets second Monday in each month in tho court house at Harrison. E. E. Livermoro, Com. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD. Harrison Camp, No. 58, meets on each al All exc. s'.n e !4w! l:i0.13 SWneiTs'In'wHAnKs -wijAnUs C ....1.1 3 '; a copy of this order te be published I SHneAsnwUn V wUn?is e.i,i-..-n.2S-53 Klotix Cutis IT JourkaI., a newspaper Wi ii-Ui Uii w'.An wUs-esAsUs e. ( ed and In ireneral circulation In said w-4"e "r. "I,2-..T..?i.-i.ji.R i. for four wka nrlor to the da v Inured It is further ordered that siild George n. Turner, Hdmlnistrator, give notice to all persons Interested in said estate by causing a copy of this order te lie published in Till ier prinv- sain (M)Uli I UAsVs'WAn'Wtts wltl6 TO S3 I ty, for four weeks prior to the day set for 81 N siiAnKa.sX As e!n-w!AnHs e'4As All exo. nus-w'n e'i. e'Aaol4ll-fs) 31 -M WHne!4iws eHAnJi.i-ei,sesiAse'4 ' In-Cis-eKAa wts e',s e'vW 33 M S-wHAn-tifiAeiis-etHAu wits e'tAeXn- m Wnn-wiiAs on wW,s', i 3' V c'ts e'4As'4s ekAn ei.lAwi, Ifl-al o N wUAn en-eAsWii eiiAii es w'A I w!is-o'4As-eSk-eiAnneii-ei4A 1 .,Mn.e'seii3ilMri7 E'iAe'in wt4Ae',s w VjAlots 1 4. W.34-17 N e(4An.e!n wWAws wAseiiS w'sA a-e,4S-elH.Vl 4 l S-en w',4n.eSs-es-eVs-w'tii ws w!4ii- WSW(4 . IH -4 'dl K'tAeHn wHAeHs wi 327 -M K',n-i!As-w '411 lAw A. e..y.. .1 ' . ' ' Coin. i'.L. A B. . in resolution rersirted tnt UlnW a.iun4Drinsll. fo l " ( line Id Ik ' I I' ' l; ' " said bearing, j ARAL j Bobebt Wilson, County Judge. NOTICF. II. W. Brown will take notice that on the 21nd day of 1M7, 1). H. Cox Justice of the peace for. Sioux County Nebraska, Issued an order of attachment for lli-1. 00 lu an act Ion, where A. I'rimeaiix, is plalntlf and II. W. Brown derendent, that proM'i'ty consist ing of II head of horses of defendent has been attached ; said ease iscuiitluiied to No vember Sth IW7 at 10 am. Sept.Wth, 1W. A. Pbimeacx, tcrnate Wednesday evening. W.H.Davis, J.A.HsscSon, Clerk. Con. Com. MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA. Meets each alternalo Saturday evening at o'clock. A. U. Dew, V. U. J. W. Smith, Clerk. EPWORTH LEAGUE. Regular business mooting flrst Tuesday evening in each month. C. L. Makstiller, W.H. Davis, President. Heerctarv. Devotional meeting every Sunday evening at :J. I). J. CLARK, louder. 1 JUNIOR LEAGUE. Meets each Sunday afternoon at 2 :30. MM. D. If. GKisw01.11, supt Uni III I O Ths WOfttfarsMaMt. f rnlUI v7H''r e""I- I Taf' tamSV 'ii;",.fitl i)mct. T..lmll wnS.lfffitSM. Cuiu, 11 ftr 01, t,'. T.iinie.w. wtini-.Ti nuns ana 4.Hf.i, .--' rite. I X ISSTIIUII. l'(..H. ill. 8..rii.l.6 4iS.lfc. Call forOnmmlssloners Conventlmi. Gilerlst, Slonx County, Xeb. Aept. iHb, 1407. There will lie held ti commissioners con venllon nlfillchrlst Post Office on Oct. fltb ISU7, at .' oelui k p in, for the purpose of pine I'.g (n iKiiiilinillon a randidiite for commhw THE COMMERCIAL BANK. ESTABLISHED 1888.1 Harrison, Nebraska. E. BRSWBTUt, Frssident F. roFFia, Vio-l,riidt''.. D. a ORISWOLD, Caahiw. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL. $50 000. Transacts a General Banking Businc: CORRESPONDENTS! American Exchange National Bank, New York, Omaiu National Bank, Omaha, First National Bavr, ClwdroD. Interest Paid on Time Deposits, nronATT? r.0T.r cr? at.t. r v,ri or F.rpopE. -" I C-i