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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 26, 1897)
i The SiouxGounty Journal ' AOVERTIf YOUR STOCK BRAND N THE , JOURNAL. NOW 10 THI TIME TO JOURNAL. YOL. IX. HABRISOIT, JSTEBA-SK A, TBTTJSJDAIT, A.XJQ- 26, " 1897. r0.51. The Sioux County Journal. E8TABUHUED 18HJI. ' SuWriptuta Pru-c, fl.00 official pafer or aioux couarrr. tfeo. D. Canosu - - . Editor. Kntoiwl at the Harrison pol office an soeond class matter. Tfcere are 150 free silver pnprs in the etate of Nabraska. . The Kloodyke country is atifl receiv ing SoU of advertising iu the metropoli tan daily paper. The middle-of-the-road populists in i OIho have ut up a seperat ticket in order to help Senator Hanna back into tho National senate. Henator Teller warn all free silver republican from formtrg any alliances with the McKtnleyites in the fall cam- Ex. Governor Flower of New York city ay trusts and combines aro a blessing to humanity. He is one of those gold j democrats, who tielped make it possible "tor McKiiilev's election last fall, j The laboring oW of the United States j tmve about gotten to the end of their rope In the coal mining Mate they have been ?n joined from traveling the highways or tfoinK onto the froferty of comp anies, even two' together. President McKinley's bi-metallic com mission Kent to Europe last spriog, will mood be itent home with the understand ing that Fngland is not in favor of bi metal limn and that she is able to attend to her own monetary affair. Ex-Vis Vresirlent Steven-wn, Senator Wolcott and Pain, will doubtless come home much wiser than when they went away. YT. .T. BUVAN WI LI STUMP OHIO THIS FALL. COLUMBUS. O., Aug. 16. It t now definitely settled that William Jennings Hrynct will make a scries of speeches in behalf of the Ohio Democratic state and legislative ticket. The news comes 1 rmi SprjngfteU that Mr. Bryan has been induced to pek for silver at the camp meeting to be held in that city a few weeks hence.. Mr. Bryan will make a nuniber nf speevlms in Ohio. Senator Jones, of Nevada, and Jones, of Arkansas ex -congressman If. F. Bar- tine, Charles a, lowne, national ciian- man of the lU-publichn stiver forces. John R. Soverignand other labor leaders have also accepted invitations and will etump the state for Chapman. The Democrat lelieve that a victory for silver in Ohio this year wnuld be of great significance and would be con- etrued by the nations as a rebuke on the part of the people of this administration. As Alien p. Myers stated in the letter which he sent out to the country editors asking them to accept his campaign lit erature, the campaign on the part of tlu Democrats is to be conducted on the still hunt plan until tlie speech ma king campaign is opened, about the middle of September ami then an aggressive canj patgu is to be made. Denver News. ONE WAY TO TAME RATS.'' Half Urewa Them an4 Tbea Hunt Tfeesa flack to Ute Five large gray rat are the peculiar pet of a man in this city, says the Phil adelphia lYeas. The rodents evince great affection for him. following him about the house like dogs, run up his aleevc and come out at the breast, nestle around the rim ot nis aat ana perform a variety of tricks such as leap ing through a wire hoop and drawing a coach, four of them acting as horses and one a driver. Asked bow he had tamed the rats tbe man answered: "It ia very easy when you know how." .. .. . i . "Well, what is the how?" "Simply. I trap a rat In a rage and then examine him carefully to ace if he It yonng and not too virions. Having selected a proper specimen I take him to the yard and drop htm In a barrel half filled with water. If he trie to clamber up the sidos I throw him back and keep him in the water nntll he la completely exhausted. When he is just about to go under I take him out, pour a little brandy down his throat with a ' ayringc and take him to the stove, where I wrap him in a piece of blanket, coddle him and nurse him bock to life. Ho grateful is he that he remains my slave forever after, , fawns on me and becomes quite a pet." II Knew Tbem. ' A 8arannah drummer says a drum mer who had had a great .many deal laffl with the Macon lawyer went out recently to Rosehill cemetery and amused himself reading the Inscrip tiona on the tombstone. He finally came aero one that read,: "Ilercllca a lawyer and art honest man." Tnmi-r THE NEW YORK WORLD, THRICE-A-WEEK-EDITION. IS rages a Week 156 Papers a Year For One Dllar. Published eery Alternate Day except Sunday. The Thrice-a-Week-World Edition of, The Nkw York Would is II rat among all the "weekly" puers in him, fre quency of publication and the freshness, accuracy and variety of iu contents. It has al I the merrits of a grert $6 d ol lar dai ly, the price of a dollar weekly. Its po litical news i8 prompt, complete, accur ate and impartial as all its reader will testify. It is against the monopolies and for the people. It prints the news of all the world, having special correKpoudance from all important news point on the globe. ' It has brilliant illustrations, stories by grea Uuthers, a capital humor page, com plete markets, departments for the house hold and women's work and other special departments of unusual interest. We offer this unequaled newspaper and The Sioux County Journal togeth er one year for $1.70 The regular sucscriptioo price of the two papers is $2.00 A Grand Oppertaalty. There are today thousands of youog people on the farms and in the villages who are tied down by lack of education to work they heartily dislike. Are you one of them my friend? If so, the Grand Island Business & Normal Coll age can put you on the road to success if vou are ambitious and willing to study. It makes no differ nee how backward you are provided you are plucky and mean business. We teach everything necessray for a successful start in life. If you are short of money we will accept a good note without in terest for tuition or if necessary we will furnish everything tuition, board, and books and give you time to graduate and pay for sanies afterwards. Business, Normal and Shorthand courses. Board 91.50 per week. Established 12 years. College Record sent free or catalogue for 6 cents in stamps. This is your chance of a life time. Will you let it slip by? Adress, A. Jf. ILabois, President, Grand Island. Nebr. MONTHLY SUFFERING. 'Thousands of women are troubled at monthly inter vals with pains in the bead, back, breasts, shoulders, sides hips and limbs. Hut they need not suffer. These pains are symptoms of dangerous derangement! that can be corrected. The men strual function should operate painlessly. makes menstruation painless, and regular. It puts the deli cate menstrual organs in condi tion to do their work properly. And that stops all this pain. Why will any woman suffer month after month when Wine of Cardui will relieve her? It cost f r.oo at the drag store. Why don't you get a bottle to-day t For advice, in cases requiring special directions, address, giv ing symptoms, "The Ladies' Advisory Department," The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tenn. , ra. MOM Iftttl. iMMtin. Teitt, ssyti "I aas trsetM at mtnVtli lalenals wtft UertM sal" I sat sash, hat tee astValf rrtrtM kf wine at eft M-M '4 mm taoexa aa pnwp aew (Mmwfi on wnagn fwwwi f , IB) aJMM em! MWUil'H awl Mwr aiwewae Wmi f bawao. tVK) saox aa ivmevoea m oo KMRM I uu aouqii a wu a ainii"fi r AMWAalOO fUMIAVal NOttlQ Hoti To Find Out Fill a bottle or common glass with urine and let it stand twenty-four hours, a sediment or settliog indicates an un healthy condition of tiie kidneys. When urine stains linen it is evidence of kidney trouble. Too frequent desire to urinate or pain in the back, is also convincing proof that the kidneys and blader are out of order. ' What To Do. There is comfort in the knowledge so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root, the great kidney remedy fulfils every wish in relieving pain in the back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every partof the urinary passages. It corrects inability to hold urine and scald ing pain in passing it, or bad effects fol lowing use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to get up many times during the night to urinate. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Swamp Root is soon realized. It stands the highest for its "wonderful cures of the most distressing cases. If you need a medicine ' you should have the best. Sold by d"ruggiss, price fifty cents and, one dollar. You may have a sample bottle and pamphlet both sent free by mail. Mention THB SiOtTX C'OUSTT Journal and send your address to Dr. , Kilmer & Co.. Btnghampton, N. Y. The proprietors of this paper guarantee the genuineness of this offer. , A One Fair Kate. To Au, Whom It Mat Coiccnw ' As chairman of the State Central" com mittee of the People's Independent party of Nebraska, I hereby announce that all railroad companies doing business with in the state have notified our commit' tee they will only charge one fair for the round trip from all points in the state ef Nebraska, to the state conven tions held at Lincoln, September 1. Tick ets to be sold August Slst, and Septem ber 1st, good to return and iocluding September 5th. All newspapers friendly will please copy. J. H. EDMIBTEt, Chairman State Com. People's Party. Notice to Nen-rcldent, Drfendent. In the District Court of Solux County, Kebrmtku. Wilbur V. Bennett, plaintiff, ! Ferry YurrlnRton, defendan To Perry Tarrlugton, noo-renldent edfan dant. Von are hereby notiaed that on the 23rd day of Aogost, TB07, the plalntlA herein filed hl petition In tbe above entitled canoe in the Dintrlal Court of Sioux County, F bmka, against you, the above num4 de fendant, the object and prayer of whleB ' to Ml aside a warranty deed executed by the pliiintiff ia the above entitled canse, to yon, tbe defendant herein, to Lot Number twe (2), and &-wyt of H-EK of Section one (1), Townnhip twenty- six (26), Range Bfly three (S3) west 6th P. Bf.; Moox County, Se branka, on the ground of f rand and misrep resentation made by you in making ex change of a certain interest In a certain patent to manufacture bydrogen goa, cover ing State of Iowa, for said above described tand. You are required to answer said peti tion on or before the 4th day of October, 1897. ' Dated at Harrison, Sioux County, Means. ka, this 24th day of August, 1887. WlLDIK V. BBNNETf, Plaintiff. Order of Hearing on Petition for Appolat- meut of Admlstrator or Adadsis-' Uatrii. Stete of Nebraska, hlonx Couuty. i At a County Court, held at the Coantv Court Boom, to and for said County, Aegnst 2nd, A. 1). I7v Present, Bobiit Wilsom, County Judge. In thb Marrca or ma bstats of JOHN H BROWN DBCBASED. On reading and filing the petititton of ANNIE BROWN, praying that Administra tion of said Estate mar be granted her as Administratrix. OabsaxD, That September 8th, A. P. ttn, at 1 o'clock p. as., la assigned forbearing said petition, when all persona Interested in auid matter may appear at a County Court to be held in and for said County, and show cause why tbe prayer of petitioner should not be granted; and that notice of the pendency of aald petition and tbe bear' ing thereof, be given to all persens interest ed in said matter by publishing a atef of this order in Tag filocx COCirTT Joobhal a weekly newspaper printed in aald jTJoeaty, for four successive waeks, prior to esid dav of bearing. . KOSSBTWltSO. sbal 71 nil Proof Hotieea. All persons having "il proof noUees in this baoer will receive a marked eenv of the paper and are requested to examine their notice and if any errors exist report tbe same w wis omee rain. Tim mb Cultobb, riHAt, PaoorNoTicB For PUBLICATION. 1. I). 9. tand Onlce, Alliance, Neb.i Aug. II, laVf. Notice ia hereby given that fedward Selrer of Denlaon, Iowa, baa filed notice of inten tion to make final proof before kf. Blew ett, clerk DUtlrlct Court at his offloe In Har rison, Nebr.. on the 1st t day of September, 1S97, on Umber culture application No. 1355, for the s-W 4 of section Mo. 15, ta Township No. II N Range 54 W. He names as witnesses : ,'nl C? -fntU. SM j , : , Sotire For Publication. Land Office at Alliance, Xeb. ( Aug-. 14th, 117. . j Notice Is hereby given that the following wined settler has filed notice of his inten tion to make final proof in support of bis elaiin, and that aald proof will be made be fore M. J. Blewett, Cterk Diitrict Court at Harriaou. Jleb., on September 25th. 18!i7, viz: William Baumgard of Gilchrist, Keb., who made H. E. No. 3736. for the E4 of S E!;, of Section No. 84 and &', of N-W of Section 'o.S.r., Township No. MS Range fi5W. He names tbe following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of, said land, viz : tiaruard Reindera Of Montrose, Neb., Bernard Haas, f. M. kuott and John Thomas, ail of Gllcbiiat, Neb. J. W. Wehk Ja., Register. Notice For Publication. Land Office at Alliance, Neb. ( Aug. , 1S97. i Notice Is hereby given that tbe following named settler has filed notice ot his inten tion to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore M. J. Blewett, Clerk District Court at Harrison, Neb., on October 2nd. 1M7, viz: James McC'ann of Harrison, Neb., who made H. E. No. 3.M4, for the Lots No. 1 and 2 and G'i of N-W' of Section No. 18, Township No. 33N Kange No. 55 W. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of said lauds, viz: F. W. Knolt and Eugene Wohlbeter of trilcbrist, Neb., and Josept) C. Parsons of Harrison, Neb., and Joseph H. Montgomery of Bodarc, Nb- J. W. WKhm, Ja., Register. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. STATE OmCERS: Silas A. Holeomb .' Governor James E. Harris Lieutenant Governoi W. F. Porter ...Secretary of State John F. Cornell . Auditor B. Meserve.. ..Treasurer C. J. Smyth... Attorney Geueral J. V. Wolfe . ..Land Coinniissionet W. R. Jackson Snpt. Public Instruction CONGRESSIONAL DELEGATION: John M. Thurston V. 8. Senator, Omaha Win. V. Allen U. S. Senator, Madison J. B. Strode, Congressman 1st Dist., Lincoln D.H.Mercer, 2d " Omaha Samuel Maxwell, " 3rd " Fremont W. L. Sturk, " 4th " Aurora R. I). Sntberland, 6th Nelson W. L. Green, " 6th " Kearney JUDICIARY: A. M. Post Chief Justice, Columbus T. O. C. Harrison ..As'te Judge, Grand Island T. L. Norval ...Associate Judge, Seward I). A. Cauipbell..Clerk and Reporter, Lincoln FIFTEENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT: II. P. Kinkaid Judge, O'Neill W. II. Westover Hushvillt M. J. Riawstl...... Clerk, Harrison -f COCHTT OFFICERS: Robert Wilson. . ..County Judge M. J. Blewett Clerk Chas. Biehle Treasurer W. H. Davis Kupt. Public Instruction D. Bartlett -Sheriff J. E. Phinney Coroner B. F. Thomas Surveyor M. J. Blewett ..Clerk of District Court Grant Guthrie... County Attorney BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS: Frank Tinkham IstDisirict M. J. Weber (Chairman) 2d " James F. Young 3d LEGISLATIVE: Otto Mutz-.Benetor, Diat. No. 14, Springvlew A. E. Sheldon...., Diat. No. 53. Chadron VILLAGE OFFICERS: E. Rohwer (chairman) . Trustee j. w. acott . D. H. Griswod ; " W. B. Marsteller " N. D. Hamlin W, H. Davie Clerk Lewis Gerlacb Treasurer SCHOOL OFFICERS: ' J. W. Scott... Director B. L. Bmuck Moderator Lewis Lerlach : Treasurer TERMS OF COURT: District Court, At Harrison, commences Spring term April 13th, Jury 14th, Fall " October , Jury 2Mb. County Court, At Harrison, commences first Monday of each month. CHURCHES AND SOCIETIES. Methodist Sunday School meet every Sun day morning at 10:00 J. E. Mabstbllbb, W. II. Davis, Superintendent. Secretary JERRY RUSK POST, No. S45, G. A. R. Meets second Monday in each month in the court house at Harrison. E. K. Llvermore, Com. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD. Harrison Camp, No. 55, meets on each al ternate Wednesday evening. W.H.Davis, ' J.A.Hahson, Clerk. Con. Com. MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA. Meets each alternate Satnrday evening at 8 o'clock. A. R. Dew, V. C. J. W, Smith, Clerk. EPWORTH LEAGUE. Regular business meeting first Tuesday evening tn each month. 0. L. Mabstelleb, W. II. Davis, President, Secretary. Devotional meeting every Sunday evening at :. r. J.Ci.ash, Lender, STOCK BItASDS. THB.IODKXit will publish yourbran-l, ike the following, for tl Km, per year. Each ad ditional brand 75 cents. Every farmer or rauchmcn iu Sioux and adjoining counties should advertise their brands iu Tat Joca- alss it cirealates all over the state. It may be the means or saving money for you. FRANK NCTTO. - On left side of cattle and ou left shuolder of horses. , Range on Antelope oreek P. O., Gbilchrlst, Sioux Co., Neb. CHARLES BIEHLK. On let side or hip of cattle, j On left shonlder of horses, s I Range on the head ol Warbonnet jcreek Address Harrison, Sioux Co. Neb. I On left shoulder of cattle horses. and uinn 1 .It tie Cottonwood. pCrawford Nebr. Jam, prepared to do all kindv of wood-work, horsestoe mm and blachsmithing. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. "Charges Reasonable. Mv shop is two doors north of The Ranch Supply Rouse. Give me a chance to live. JOHN. L. STRATTON. fc COVERNMENT POSITIONS. T H roe wiih one of tbe 150,000 rnm potitions ta the government ser vice, this Bureau can advise yon hew to proceed to secure it, ana fit von for passing the required Civil Service examination therefor. Energy, tact and a commoa school education are all tbe requirements needed. PATENTS, PATENTS. t:- a a... eW W fsWliliVsi ftftceJhl for ob A eMYwriirhll tffl this SfUl f Off C Iff II countries. The chief of this dept has bad 20 years espsneace as tmei saiiDcr, vwniu, . Pateats,aad Patent Attorney, and is very suceess ful in securing broad patents sad in the Drosccatioa of all palest Ikigation before the coero. SCHOOL OF LAW. This Bureau can ft you for adesiialoa to the Bar aod prepare you for active practice ia two years, witaeut materially interfering with your other du ties. Oar instructors are the ablest, our system thorough, and our charges reasonable. Three cours es are uuht: University, Business and Special. Scad for particulars, terms, etc NATIONAL INFORMATION BUREAU. K New York Ave., Washington, D. C GASOLINE MS. IRQ ANB W000 Kcilpte sua Falrbtnks Win mll'.s Towere. Tanks. lrrlg lion Outnta, flow. Uclliug. Grimier, KhelliT,Woo) (ivt, Urlvs I'uinu. i'lpe. 1'ltnoen. Brsu tx.d and falrbnebs MtaaSare S)eale. prices lo-. (let the oMt. fiend (or Caulssse. PUMPS OF ALL KINDS. FAIRBANKS. MORtE ft CO. 1102 Farnam St Omaha. Neb. . MARSTELLER BROS., They handle every thing eral department SUCH AS DRY GOODS and GROCERIE, BOOTS and SHOES, HARD and TINWARE; also FLOUR, FEFD and GRAIN, KEPT CONSTANTLY ON HAND. YOU CAN SAVE MONEY BY THE 5 COMMERCIAL BANK. - (ESTABLISHED 1888.1 Harrison, Nebraska. B. X. BuvfHl'aS, Preaidsat D. H. ORBWOLD, Oaahier. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL. $50 000. Transacts a General Banking Business. CORRlSPONDENTSi ' i American Exchange National Bank, New York, Omaha National Bank, Omaha, First National Bank, Chadron. Tntopt Paid on Time Dopooita ORANT fiUTURlL, lttomeyat-Law. Prompt attention given to nil Icfr-nl matters in Justice. County and DiMru t ' Courts, aud befoi-e the Uoitetl Stales Land Offii. Fire Insurance written in rliMe companies. tLegal papers carefully drawn. Harrison.' - Njleua.ska. DROWNED? But still on deck to do wagon work and blacksmithing. Third building south of livery barn. HARNESS SHOP. First door north of tbe RANCH SUPPLY HOUSE. Prompt attention paid to all repair work, also boot and shoe repairing done. L. E. DICKINSIN. DO YOU WANT JOB WORK DONE THEN COME TO THE joun,m office. usualy handled in a gen country store. GOING TO MARSTELLER BROS. c. r. Conw, Vice-Frseideat. fisr-