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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 2, 1897)
TheS taw-rime fr M hut loo Want In 'iv JOURNAL OURNAL Now In The Time To SnbN-rJUe For The JOURNAL -VOL. IX ) OSTEOPATHY.Hv GUI. E. JolniHon, Osstoepatli will treat patients at Harri son, on Tuesday', Thurs day's and Saturday; at Chad ron. Nebraska, Monday's, Wednesday's and Friday of each week. The Sioux County Journal. (ESTABLISHED 1883. Subscription Prioe, 51.00 OFFICIAL PAPER OF SIpUX COUNTY. ifie.o. ft. Canou, IMJtor. F,ntrvl t tho HarrL-ion poet office us feoond class mutter. With thin issue Ihe Sioux County .Journal rounds out another year of it's t xiotjince in Sioux County which com pletes volume nine. Schlatter tho deviue healer who was in I enver about two years ago is now in Chicago. Senator Wellington, of Maryland was knocked silly in th republican conven tion in that state a day or two uo. Since the war tho Unit ed States gov ernment has paid out over two billions .of dollars iu pensions to the old soldiers. The Republican SUite convention met in Lincoln on the -gOth ult. and nonii nattxl Jiidi;e Post for the second time for supriuw .Judge. The three reform state con ventions met in Lincoln yesterday to nominate a joint i'.ati ticket. There is one supreme J ucige and two Undents of the state University to he uo'iiiriatal. None but able, cieau men slioul i le put on the ticket. It wa our great privilege, with sev eral others from this noc:k-o-the-woodi to ,iiavetii pleasure, of lit ning to the lion. W. J. Bryan Seak on tho "Science of of Government', last Thursday at Chad ran. H was a masterly i lfort and was ,V,a,'iverd without any personal abuse to ai.y iudividual, besides it wati made in a spirit of good humor. Only those, wlio were too pat to see anything good in the shaker, could help but, h-arn vimething wven though his political ideas Jl not hlw with their own per- Moual views. Ch idroa and her esteernwl ..,,..,,., nniprtninwl tl. fl ist i mm iseri son '.j r.,t rAvnllv. even deliv- ..ring th ; freislom of the city over to Mr. Bryan during his sojourn there. It i safe to say in our opinion that two thousand people listened attentively to the speaker for an hour and a half which was a long lime to island in one place consider. ng the intt rw-ncss of the heat and the sun beating down on them. It was well worth one's while to go that far to listen to such a lecture. McKliilejN Admission Itmny have'beeu a-i ovi-roght on the . president's tuirt, and then ho niav Have been actuated dy a feeling of jealousy to ward the urbane Mr. Imgley, but what ever the causs. the president lias just given the tariir a blow between the eyes. In a conversation the president remarked "the present boom in the west is due in a great measure to the large crops and to high prices, caurl by tho failure of crops in other countries." The president is not in accord with his jrarty organs on the important matter of wheat prices. The president declares that the increased price is due to the failure of crops in other countries, while the organs are rending thei nether gar inens and pulling all the ink off their form rollers in an endeavor to convince is that the increased price of wheat is due xolely to the Dingley bill. Ry declaring that we are experiening some bonefkh that are not duo directly to a high pro, t3tivo tariff, the president Ii.ih played false tothe whol fabric of republicanism '. For hiiu to attribute the increared price of wheat to anything but the Dingley tariff i a hit of treason to tho protective principle that cannot be condoned. The president should reruemlier tlt every thing good is tho direct result of the Ding ley tariff. The moment that it received the prei(lt!nt'H signature the wheat crops of Russia, India, and Argentina were at tacked by chinch bugs, weevils and ilrouth. While it was being carried from the denote chomlier to the executive niao inn every head of American wheat swell ed to twice iu former siw, While the Jhngley pill was in process of cultivation Arneicto wheat stood still and waited for the salvation that It knew was at hand. And now to have the president snub the law which brought about all these bene ficial things! As tJje late Artmuus Ward remarked, "It i$ (tew much !",- Would WftAU, PKKMIUM LIST Siour County Fair, to E$ Held September 14, 15 and 13. on lft 2nd 2 00 51 to 50 25 SO 25 50 25 50 25 o0 25 50 25 50 25 50 25 25 15 10 25 ?r, 15 50 25 .'.) 25 25 15 25 15 25 15 M 15 25 15 50 25 25 15 25 15 fiO 25 25 15 25 15 25 15 25 15 25 15 25 15 25 15 25 15 25 15 Bent sheaf spring; wheat. . . . Best sheaf rve Best sheaf millet fjo liest sheaf alfalfa Best sheaf buckwheat. . . Best sheaf field oorn Bost sheaf pop corn 25 Heat sheaf sweet co.'n Best sheaf clover I Best half bushel potatoes.. ! Host half busncl ouiorm. . . . Best bmf bushel turnips.. . Best peck field beans Host peck wax beans Best pock peas Best, i doz radishes Best, peck tomatoes 50 Best collection beete Best c.ollee'h'n sugar beets, Best doz cabbajro Best jtloz hubbard squashes Best i d'-i common squashes Best i doz water melons. . . . Best, i floz musk melons Best i doy. pumpkins P.est i doz cauliflower Best peck cucumbers Best bunch celery Best bundle rheiibaro Best collection of domestic jollies, jams preserves and pickles 1 00 Best, loaf white, bread 25 Best loaf trraham bread 25 Best cuke 25 Rest 5 fb butter 25 Best cheese 25 50 Speed Ring. SECOND DAY Free-for-all running face one-half mile, host 2 in 3. 5 to enter 3 to start, purse $20; first $12. secmd third K. County running race -one-fourth miic, best 2 in 3, 5 to enter and 3 to start, purse 15: hirst $10. second St, third entrance fee. County trottinp racoone mile, best 2 in 3. 3 to enter and two to start, purse $15; first if 10, second $5. Farmers' trotting race, one. milei, best 2 in 3, purso $10; firsUG, second 83! third fl. ' Base ball game. THIRD TMY Freo-for-all trnfinr; or psoimr rnp one milo. 5 to enter 3 t i s'art, best 2 i:i 3. uursc 20; first $12, fwcoud SO, third 12. Count v rttnninc rarr onp-hn.!f ni-le. ! r)psl - ';' l' -nter and 3 to blart, jjuw-i: soconu so, tniro if. 000-yard (Wh 5 to enter ft;y! 3 to BtarLpurso i I.j; first J10, second 5. j HllTinint' I'nce. fecr f(.r nil urmnl I winn"!'- in other races one-fourth mile j i be. t 2 in 3. 5 to erit 3 to start, purse i j !2: IT, second $1 third M. An entrnnco feo of 10 per c " ' v-,n "fi reri!iir,.fi on all en fit i tri"H for pr'-miums. Products many b exhibited without being entering for premiums. 2. An entrance fee of 10 per cent of purso will bo required of entries in all racfju. 3. Entries for all races will clofsc at noon, day of races, at secretary's ofliee. 4. All running races will be under tho American Racing Association rules . All trotting races will bo under j tho American Trotting Association ' rules. 1 Sociotv reserves the right to I ! el-inrrr f!ii fir.Uii. tA tlia .... .... r " F. K. LlVEitMOKK. Pre?. J. II. Bahtell, Sccv. County Collective L'xhihits at the State Fair. Tha sum of ?3,0f)0 is set apart, for County Collective Exhibits. These awards will bo made on the following score: The county scoring the highest will he awarded $500. Tho sum of J2.500 will be prorated in all other ex hibits on a score of over 800 points out of a possible score of 1000, to tho end that all exhibitors will receive a por tion of tho 2,f00: Provided. No pro rating county shall bo awarded more than the capital prize of $500. SCALE OK POINTS. Corn .' 100 Wheat 100 Oats 100 Barley 100 Kyo 100 Other varieties of grain 100 Nativo grasses and other forago plants not horo enumerated 100 Tamo grasses, including Millet iX) Potatoes 100 Onions 100 Cabb ige and Ileets 10!) Squashes, Melons and Pumpkins. . . 100 Grain in tho sheaf 100 Miscellaneous, including varieties of soil and other farm products not enumerated in thisKchedtilo. . 100 Taste in display and arrangement or exhibit 100 Greatest number of varieties 100 Total number of point 1000 Exhibitors in this class will observe particularly this scoring, as awards aro made strictly by It. To illustrate: The ommission of any one item enumsraVcd will count 100 points off. Individuals contributing to make up a fiounty exhibit can use their contri butions to enter In any other class or lot where they properly belong, In com potltlon for minor premiums. All ex hibits must bo grown in tho county ropjiD2i and bo tho ffrowtb, of lijyf, How To Find Out Fill a bottle or common, jylass with urine and let it stand twonty-fonr hours, a sediment or settling indicates an un Lelthy condition of the kidneys. Wheu urine stains linen it is evidence of kidney trouble. Too frequent desire to urinal or pain in the back, as also convincing proof that the kidneys p.nd blader are out .of order. ( What To Do. There is comfort in tl;e knowledge so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root, the great kidney remedy fulfil every wish in relieving pain in the back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every partof the urinary passages. It corrects inability to hold urine and scald ing pain iu passing it. Or bad effects fol lowing use of liquor, wine or ixer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of Dcing compeneu to iret up many tunes during the night to urinate. The mi hi. and theextraordinarv f( S!,,n. Hr.ot is soon rpaliH it. t .,' is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most distressing cass. If you need a medicine you should have tho best. Sold by (IriiKis, price fifty cents and one dollar. You may have a sample bottle and pamphlet 'both sent free by mail. Mention TllK tfiorx County JotTtNAL and send your address to I)r, Kilmer & Co., Bjnghampton, N. X. The proprietors of this paper guarantee the genuineness of thin offer. A One Fair Kate. To Au. Whom It May Concern: As chairman of the Suite Central com of Nebraska, 1 hereby announce that all railroad companies doing business with in the state have notified our commit tee they will only charge one fair for the round trip from all points in the state of Nebraska, to the state conven tions held at Lincoln, September 1. Tick ets to ba soid August 31st, and Septem ber 1st, good to return and including September 5th. All newspapers friendly will please copy. J. 11. LD.MIPTFN, Chairman State Corn. People's Party. Notice to Xun-rrsiilent, lit frndont. In the District Court of Soiux County, Nehraskn. Wilbur V. Ilenriett, plaintiff, i vs Terry Yarrlnfcton, defendant ) To Perry Yarrlngton, non resident edfn- i:int, You are hereliy notified that on tfta 23rrt day o'r AuKust, 107, the plalntill herein Hied his petition In the above entitled eausfi in the Uintriet Court of Sioux County, Ne bravka, aa!iiLt yon, the uboe named de fendant, the object and prayer of which is to set aside a warranty deed executed by the plaintiff in the above enlitled catie, to you, the defendant herein, to Ixt Number tw '2j, and (s-Wi. of N-EH ol Section one ( 1 ), Township twenty- six (CG), ICange fifty three (63) west t'th P. M., Stoux County, Ne braska, on the ground of fraud and inl.wp , j rcseii tulion made by you in making et- (itiinc oi a cci lain niLcrcrui in u ct?j lain patent to manufacture hydrogen ga, eover inif State of Iowa, for said above described land. You are required to answer said peti tion on or before the 4th day of October, 1897. Dated at Harrison, Sioux County, Nebras ka, tliia 24th day of August, IS!.", WlLUIilt V. JSjssnktt, Plitintin-. Order of Hearing on Petition for Appoint ment of Adinlstrutor or Adminis tratrix. State of Nebraska, ) Sioux Couuty. j1 At s County Court, held at tbn County Court- Room, In and for said Couuty, Auguut nd, A. D. IS97. Present. KoiiKUT Wilson, County JimIko, In the matter of the estatk or JOHN II. liltOWN PKCKASKK. On rending and tiling tho pelltition of ANNJE liKOWN, praying that Administra tion of said Kutate may be granted herns Administratrix. OHDKRr.D, That September fith, A. I). 18(17, at 1 o'clock p. tn., is assigned for hearing said petition, when all persons Interested In said matter may appear at a County Court to be held In and for said County, and fthow causo why tho prayer of petitioner should not be granted; and that notice of the pendency of said petition and the hear ing thereof, lie given to all persons Interest ed In said matter by publishing a copy of this order In Tim Miottx Countt Journal a weekly new-ipaper printed In said County, for four successive wsw:ks, prior to said day of hearing. Eoiiket Wilson, County Judge. SEAL liual Proof Notices. All persons having final proof notions In this paper will receive n marked copy ot the paper and are requested to examine their notice anil if any errors exist report the (lame to this ottlcu at once. TlMRKR ClILTCBK, FINAL I'HOOP. KOF PUBLICATION. -Notice V. S. Lund Oftloe, Alliance, Neb. I Aug. 11, ls(t7. I Notice Is hereby given that Edward Solrer of Donison, Iowa, has filed notice of in ton. Hon to make final proof before M. J. llw ctt, clerk Dlstlrlet Court at his offlco In liar rlson, Nelir.. on tho 18t day of September, IS97, on Umber culture application No. HM, for tho 8 W i of section No. 13, In Township No. 31 N linage 50 W. Il nauis as witnesses: John Corbln, William O. 0'1'onner, David liartlett and John II. Ilarlcll, all of Harri son, Nebr, j. w. Weiin Jr, BegUtcr. .Notice Kr 1 ubiuatioii. 1-aud orhVe at A li lance, eb. I aag. 14th, Notice is hereby given taut the foil wUvj named settler has Hied notice of his intcn tlou to iimke Mmil proof In support of his claim, and thHt said proof will i; made be fore M. J. lilewett, Cl-rk District Court Ht Harrison, Neb., on September L'uth. lsCT, viz: William iiiii in (urd of (Hlchriat, Neb., who made U.K. No. h'6. for the n of Num.; of Section No. 34 mid N'j of N-W'i of section o.3S, Township No. 34.V Range 5jW. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of, said land, viz; Oerhard Keinders of Montrose, Neb., liernard llaits, K.W.. Ivnott und Jutin Ttomas, nil oj' Oilehrist, Neu. J. W. Wtux Jk., ltetfif,tbr. ollce. For l'ulHieation. Land Olliee at Alliance, Neb. I Aug. !W, ls7. j Notice is hereby ffiven that the following nauiod settler bus tiled notice oJ his inten- l T , nmU f" ' ""PPort of his clu""' antl U,,it "'"J proof will be made be- fore JI. J. Klewett. Clerk IHstrlct Court at ' H.iiTinon, Neb., on October '2nd. lh7. viz: James ilcL'unn of Harrison, Neb., who made 11. K. No. 8;,14, for the I.ot No. 1 and 2 and K' J of N-Wiji of Section No. 18, TowiMhip No. S3N Range, No. uOW. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of said lands, viz: i'. W. Knott and Kugeue Wohlheter of (jliehrist, Neb., and Joseph C. J'arsons of ilairmon, Neb., and Joseph II. Montgomery of ISodarc, .Neb. J. V. W fcu.v, Jk., Kesistcr. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. STATU Oi'KICEIW: Holcomb Governor Jfirnes E. Harris Lieutenant Governoi W. V. I'orter Secretary of State John F. Cornell Auditor J. it. Meserve Tn-asniei C. J. Smyth Attorney General J. V. Wolfe I.und Cominis.sionei W. K. Jackson Supt. Public Instruction CONCESSION A Ij U E LKCJ A TIOS : John M. Thurston A'. S. Senator, Omaha Win. V. Allen V. S. Senator, .Madison J. II. Strode, Congressman 1st lJi.-.t., Liiicoln D. II. Mercer, Samuel Maxwell, W. L. Stark, K. II. Sutherland, V'. L. (irueu. 2d 3rd 4th 6th Gtu Omaha Fremont Aurora Nelton Kearney JUDICIARY: A. II. Pozt Chief Justice, Columbus T. O. C. Harrison ..As'te Judge, tirand Inland T. L. Norval Associate Judge, Seward 1. A. CampbellClerk and Keporter, Lincoln FIFTEENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT: M. P. Klnkaid Judge, O'N ill W. II. Westover M.J. Blewott " linshvillc Clerk, Harrison COUNTY OFFICERS: Itobert Wilson County Judge M. J. Blewctt Clerk ('has. liiehle Treasurer W. II. Davis Supt. Public Instruction D. liartlett Sheriff J. E. I'hlnney Coroner I?. F. Thomaa Surveyor M. J. Klewett Clerk of District Court Grant Guthrie Couuty Attorney BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS: Frank Tinkham IstDislrict M. J. Weber(Chairmau) 2d " James F. Young 3d " LEGISLATIVE: Otto Mut.z.-Scnator, Dlst. No. 14, Ppringvlew A- E. Sheldon Dist. No. Si, Chadron VILLAGE OFFICERS : E. Rohwer (chairman) Trustee J. W. Scott " D. II. Griswod " W. B. Marsteller " N. D. Hamlin ' W. II. Davis Clerk Ixiwis Gerlach Treasurer SCHOOL OFFICERS: J. W. Scott Director H. L. Smuek Moderator Lowla Lerlaeh. Treasurer TERMS OF COURT: District Court, At Harrison, commences Spring term April Ktth, jury I4th, Fall " October 23, JnryUfith. County Court, At Harrison, commences first Monday of each month. CIIL'RCHKH AND SOCIETIES. Slethodist Sunday School meets every Sun lny morning at 10:00 J. K. Marstkllkr, w. IT. Davis, Superintendent. Secretary JKItRY lil'SK POST, No. 34!, G. A. R. Meul.s second Monday 1n each month in the conrt house at Harrison. E. E. Llvermorc, Com. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD. Harrison Camp, No. 55, meets on each al Vernato Wednesday avenlng. W.H.Davis, J.A.IUnson, Clerk. Con. Com. MODERN WOODMEN OK AMERICA. Meets eaoh alternate Saturday evening at S o'clock. a. R. Dew, V. C. J. W. Smith, Clerk. EPWORTI! LEAGUE. Regular business meeting first Tuesday evening In each month. ' C. L. Marsteller, W. II. Davis, President. Secretary. Devotional meeting every Sunday evonlng at 8:45. D. J. Clark, Leader. JUNIOn LEAGUE. Meets Cacb Sunday afternoon st 2:30. AU3.D.1I. (WSW0Vi,8upt. . Tun Jovrxal will p'lbllch yourbrniid, i-e th..- folkiwins, tor fz-M, Pt year. Kteh ml-, ditioiml bruml 7.0 cents. Kvery farmer or ranchmen lit fionx nd adjoiuins eo inticsi tnoii!d ad rertisK their brands in TheJoIK nal us it ireulHte.a all over the Bta-.e. It mny be IL., incuuB of 'bHving mouey foi you. FKANK NUTTO. On left side of cattle and on left'Lald Office. stmoIUer of borseii. liane on Antelope creek 1. O., Ghilchrist, Sioui Co., Neb. CilAKI.KS IUKHI-K. On let side or hip of cattle, I On left shoulder of hrnws. j Hange on the head ol Warbonnetj ere k Address Ilarrison, Sioux Co. Neb. S. W. CAKBY. jOn left shoulder of cattle auC j horses. Iltantceon I .title Cottonwood. 1'. O., Crawford Nebr. I ain prepared to do all kinds.Q cq waffOll WOrk of wood-work, horseshoeing and hlachim Wring. . SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. '""Charaes Reasonable. My shop is two doors north of The Jianch Supply House. Give me a chance to live. JOHN. L. STRATTOIM. t GOVERNMENT POSITIONS. If you wish one of the 150,008 positions in the government ser vice, this Bureau can advise you how to proceed to secure it, and fit you for passing the required Civil Service examination therefor. Energy, tact and a common school education are all the requirements needed. PATENTS, PATENTS. This Kumu hai the best facilities possible for ob taining patents and copyrights in this and foreign countries. The chief of this dept. has had 20 years experience as Chief Examiner, Commissioner ot Patents, and Patent Attorney, and is very success ful In securing broad patents and in the prosecution of ail patent litigation before the courts. SCHOOL OF LAW. This Bureau can fit you for admission to the Bar and prepare you for active practice in two years, without materially interfering with your other du ties. Our instructors are the ablest, our system thorough, and our-charjjes reasonable. Three cours es are taught: University, Business and Special. Send for particulars, terms, etc. NATIONAL INFORMATION BUREAU. M20 New York Ave., Washington, D. C ST'S DANGEROUS r. k-iv M'AJ FX, FKaraotBwl O001 AS" S' A I VN fi-.". i ir !" maiiey; thi-y can't be i:iri,:. iloo't tEy. milisii you upline b'-n. A h iir homo i rhu rmiiu. exp.uislvn invesiment .(iu i nn u ii'sc; It 1.-: uurfllalilf1. find menu that i.tirK'i- m-jiucr v.mi mint Hiiy fii. Ifiiiy oniy liniiSiiv.. tcivH lnrov-d 1VAI It v.i.vh v id !a3t fii a llh-tinut, srtd prov tho -e-vrU''"' I;i ? end. run' run l!ii-n ritfriuto oar lit. t!B'AB! OK alilTATlOXal I I farnan St., Omaha, Neb. (411 MfateH ItrpaSri-d.) MARSTELLER BROS., They handle every thing usualy handled in a gen eral department country store. SUCH AS DRY GOODS and GROCERIE, BOOTS and SHOES, HARD and TINWARE; also FLOUR, FEED and GRAIN, KEPT CONSTANTLY ON HAND. YOU CAN SAVE MONEY BY GOING TO MARSTELLER BROS. THE COMMERCIAL BANE. ESTABLISHED 1868.1 Harrison, K. BRJTWSTO.R, President D. H. ORISWOLD, Caihitr. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL. $S0 000. Transacts a General Banking Business. CORRESPONDENTS: American Exchanok National Bank, New York, Omaha National Bank, Omaha, First National Bank, Chadron. Interest Paid on WPRAJTS SOLD ON ALL PAgTS QF EUROPE. CUANT GUTlirUr:, Attomsy-at-Law. Prompt attention triven to all leypj matters in Justice, County and District Courts, and before t!ie United Fire Insurance written iu reliable companies. ELegal papers carefully drawn. Harelson, - Skbkaska. DeOWESED? But still on deck ' . ana DiacKsmitnmg. Third building south of livery barn. HARNESS SHOP. First door north of the RANCH SUPPLY HOUSE. Prompt attention paid to all repair work, also boot and shoe repairing done. L. E. DICKINSIN. DO YOU 4 WANT JOB WORK DONE! THEN COME TO THE JOURNAL OFFICE. Nebraska. c. r. Qgwtwm, Vio-Prldwk Time Deposito. I 0 f h ir1 A j-