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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 19, 1897)
''4 The Sioux County Journal ADVEIITI3C VOUIT JtOCK BHNO IN THE JOURNAL. NOW 13 THC TUMI 10 3UB1CRIBF FOR 1 ll JOURNAL VOL. IX. ttAJtt&T&OlST, UEBBASKA, TSITJiSTDA."y, jAlTXGK 19, 1897. 1T0.50. The Sioux County Journal ESTABLISHED :8S8. Subscription Price, ?1.00 OFFICIAL PAPER OF SIOUX COUNT. Vet. 1). Canon, Editor. Entered t th Harrison post olflee k second class matter. W. J. BRYAN WILL BE IN CHADROfi OH Thursday, Aug'. 26. Cluulron Is Making (.real I're iiiru(l(jiis for tlie Occa-tdon-Every J5ol v in filoii County ; Should ir. OLD OFFICIALS OUT.! A telegram from Chairman Duhlmnn who in now in Lincoln positively assures I to the people of Chadron the privilege I of ht'iinriir the next president of the X'rovijbtiii oftlia Sew Art Shw Soue j Tjllltej staU-K. MatcriM-1 ChuiijjPH--Voter At- j Mr. Hr.van will arrive in Chadron on j teutlon; Jt'&Hfd to Al- jf, midnight Elkhorn train from thai tensions. I Black Hills, ami will upend tho entire I ' day of Thursday, August 2Uh in the. The attorney general i,:1s Kivt'n llis ieitv. " j opinion that the old election oflicerB j i,,;;li,or,ite preparations am already ho- j will not liuid over, but that they were i riH(je fort,0 reception and entorUin-j legislated out of ofllce hy the new not o th distinguished truest and he i und the county Judges must appoint vyj), lm WBi;0)e(i ln tfll8 western style, now precinct judges and olerUs who will j Tj)e cjty wij b9 KorRHOUsly decorated, conduct tho election for the next "ftp- 0ivl it is expected that not less than ten Th now law provides that the county . tnoufiau( 0pe will be in Chadron on Judges of the several counties must hhut Jav. An effort will he made to secure spe- j rial trains over both the Llkhorn and li. j & M. to accommodate the people from I the towns up and down tho line. must at least one week Ixifora the next general election appoint threw judgas and two clerks of elation in each precinct aad these are to serve an election oliieers at all general ami special election to tie held during the mat year. 'ft act provides that these officers of ekction shall be "of good character well informed, who oaci read and write rind mmoM the Euirlish iHiigiia'e, and that they shall have resided in the elec tion precinct for which they are appointed to serve for at ktsu.t one year next precediec appointiuwt tnd shall le en titled to vote therein," The manner of ejecting ollieers, which is a complete c&ang-e for tli old system, is as follows. RI'LKS OF ELKCTION. "Tr.e county Judge shall appoint us Judges and Clerks of election at least How To l'iml Out Till a liottle or common glass with urine and let it stand twenty-four hours, a, sediment or nettling indicates an un healthy condition of the kidneys. When urine stains linen it is evidence of kidney trouble. Too frequent desire to uriunie or pain in the hack, is also convincing proof that the kidneys find hlader are out of order. What To Do. There is comfort in the knowledge so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Sjwainp Root, the great kidney remedy fnltils every wish in relieving pain in the back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every partof the urinary passages. It corrects inability to I old urine and scald intr pain in passing it, or bad effects fol lowing use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unplensuub nocessity of being compelled to get up many times during the night to urinate. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Swamp- Hoot is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases. If you need a medicine you should have tho best. Sold by druggists, price fifty cents and one dollar. You may have a sample bottle and pamphlet both sent free by mail. Mention The SlOUX CorKTY Joi'KXAL and send your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co. , Binghampton, N. Y. The proprietors of this paper guarantee the genuineness of this offer. Final Proof Notice. All persons having final proof notices In this paiM-r will receive n marked opy ol the piijMr ami are requested Vo examine their notice ami if any rrrom elist report the nuine to this ottlee at once. j fTlM'K BltANIiS. i THC .lofhsAI. will puhli-h your bnmil, iVej i the. folluwiiiif, lor per year. .ueh ml j I liltlouul bruml Tf, ccliH. Lvry farmer or raufhuieii in Siuax ami ml joining eutinties snoulU a.lvcrtUr their lirandi ih Tnii.loi'K hAI. us it eireulatt s all over tiie 8taU-. II i may he the meaajf saving money for uu. GRANT (JUTMJMK, IlMBUK CILTCKK, KlS!. I'BuOf. 1'OK pi ItLICATION. f.S. Land Olflee, Alliance, N.'b. I A113;. II. 1)T. Notice hereby fftven that I'llward Seirer of Ociiisoi), Iowa, ban (lied notice of in ten. tion to make llnul proof hifore M. J. Blew ctt. clerk Iiintlrict Court at his office in Har rison, Nebr.. 011 the 1st day of September, Is'jT, on timber culture application No. 13r,5, 7tr the S W 't of section No. IS, la Township No. :jl N ItHiign ' W. lie names aj witnesses: John Corbin. William C. O'Connor, David j Mlartlett and John II. B vrtell, nil of llarri sou, Nebr. J. W. Wins Jr, Register. il J 1'. O., KHANK M'TTO. On left siile of cattle and on left Land OHice. shuolder of horv. Halite 011 Antelope creek Ghilchrist, Sioux Co., Neb. Attornsy-at-Law. Prompt attenluiti given to nil legai matters in Justice. Conntv urn I 1'i-tnct, (Courts, and before the United Slates Mr. Brynu will not visit any otrw town in this section a he goes direct to Lincoln from here. A number of prominent Lincoln and Omaha citizens will accompany Chair man Jas. C. .fisuhlroan to Chadron arriv ing here in advance of Mr, Bryan. Elsewhere will he found a call for a mass meeting to make the necessary ar rangement. Every one regardless of political faith, should turn in and help make the occasion one long to be remem bered in the west. Chadron Recorder. I CHARLKS 151 EH LK. On let side or hip of CHttle, ) i,n left shoulder of ho'-acs. HanKe on the head ol W'arbonnet creek Address Humsou, Sioux Co. Neb. J Fire Insurance written in reliable ijompanies. ' p-35"Leiial uauerg carefully drawn. Harm-sox. - Nkukakua. A One Fair Itate. Notice Fur Publirution. I.iuid Oflic.e nt. Alliance, ,cb. aii. Hth, W.17. . j Notice Ih hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his Inten tion to make final proof ln support of his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore M. J. Blewett, Clerk District Court at Hiirriuon, Neb., 011 September 26th. Is'jT, viz: William Baum(?ard of GllchrUt, Neb., who made If. E- No. 373.'), for the KV4 of N-E'i, of Section No. M and N'J of N VV14 of Section V0.W1, Township No. 34S Ilangu 55W. lie names the following witnesses to prove hi Continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of, said land, viz; Gerhard Itelnders of Jlontroso, Neb., Bernard llass, K. M. Knott and John Thomas, all of Gilchrist, Neb. J. W. Weh.v JR., Register. County Collective Exhibits at the State Fair. The sum of $3. (WO is nt apart County Collective Exhibits. These ten davx liefore the election three judges i awards will be made on the following and two iff Vs. nominated for such of Ices in precinct primaries, and the cunty Judge shall ele t for each pre cinct one judge of election from the arty polling the highest number of votes at the last general election in the precinct and one jinke from the party polling the next highest number of votes at the last general election aim one 1 Judge from the party polling tha next) score: l he. ciunty scoring inn mgncsi, will ho awarded J500. Tho sum of ?2.500 will be prorated in nil other ex hibits on n ccore of over 800 points out of a possible ecore of 1000, to tho end that all exhibitors will receive a por tion of the $2,500: Provided. No pro- To All Whom It May Conokrv. As chairman of the Slate Central com mittee of the People's Independent party of Nebraska, I hereby announce that all railroad companies doing business with in the state have notified our commit tee they will only charge one fair for the round trip from all points in the state of Nebraska, to the state conven tions held at Lincoln, September 1. Tick ets to bo sold August, 31st, and Septem ber 1st, good to return and including. September 5th. All uewspapers friendly will please copy. J- H. Edmistek, Chairman State Com. People's Party. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. STATE OFFICKHS: Silas A. Ilolcomh Governor James K. Harris Lieutenant Governor W. K. l'orter Secretary of State John F. Cornell Auditor J. It. Meserve Treasurer C. J. Smyth Attorney General J. V. Wolfe Lund Commissioner W. R. Jacksou Hupt. Public Instruction S. W. CAREY. lOn left shoulder ol cattle I horses. IKaiiKC on Little cotvonwoou. 1'. O., Crawford Nebr. and lam prepared to do all kinds of wood-u'orl; hone-shoeing and Uacksinithing. SATISFACTION G UARANTEEI). UTCharges Reasonable. My shop is two doors north of The Ranch Supply House. Give me a chance to live. JOHN. L. STRATTON. DROWNED? But still on deck to do wagon work and blacksmithing. Third building south of livery barn. CONG RK.HSION A L I) E LKGAT10N : John M. Thurston IT. S. Senator, Omaha Win. V. Allen V. K. Senator, Madison J. U. Ptrode, Congressman Ut IMst., Lincoln HARNESS SHOP. First door north of the RANCH SUPPLY HOUSE. Prompt attention paid to all repair work, also boot and rating nnuntv shall bo awarded more than the capital prize of $500. SCALE OK roiNlVl. , iiiitnlur of votes at the last ire tier- C"rn ... 1 l'0 al election. In case there is one or more j Vhat 1 jiartiestobe represented on the ticket 1 5(vl'.(,v ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " ' ' '' ' ' ' jaoj lie shall appoint a clerk of election fi'""i ' Rvc. '. Wj . ..,.v, ,.t tl,u ,,iriis rn.t ri,resentiKi on i ( t hue vnrict ics of rrai n 100 i '" u' ' ' i v-. ..,1 .1,.. V,..:.rd r.i, ny t iu hitrwtt I " v" ' I" number of votes, and provided, where there are only two parties with tickets on the official ballot, then the party poll ing the highest vote shall have two fudge and one clerk and the other party onejudgo and one clerk; and in case of three parties on the ollicial ballot he nhall appoint a clerk from each of the forties receiving the highebt number of votes, and such judges and clerks shall constitute a board f election." DfJTY OF 1'RIUARIKK. The duty of the precinct primaries of selection is left to the county Judge, without restriction. The old plan of liaviog electors present at the polls name officers to fill vacancies is still operative where none of the regularly npwinted .r.llicMrs show up at the time for opening the polls. In case there is some of the regular board present tho vacant place rnust be filled by the members of the name political party as the abwtiteo- In this case the qualified electors of that )arty who are present can nominate a candidate for the vacancy stud present the name to the board for ratification. Owing to the fact that many of the precinct primaries will be held before the copies of the session laws are gen rally dif.tributed the chairman of the liopnlist and democratic state central tomrrvttees are calling the attention of thevotersto tlw importance that it be complied with in the Belection of tho names to be certified to the county Judge tiy the precinct primary officers. and other forage plan's not, here enumerated lnti Tamo rn-assca. including Millet. . . . 100 I'olatocs 100 j Onions 100, Cabbage and Beets Jf,0! Squashes. Melons and Pumpkins.. . 100 Grain in tho sheaf 100 j Miscellaneous, including varieties of soil and other farm products j not, enumerated in thlssehrdule. . 100 Tatc in d!plav and arrangement of exhibit... 100 Greateht number of varittics 100 j Total number of point liiOO' Exhibitors in this class will observe particularly this scoring, as awards aro made strictly by it. To illustrate: The omrntshion of any ono item enumara'.ed will count 100 points off. Individuals contributing to make up; a county exhibit can use their contri butions to enter in any other class or lot whoro they properly belong, in coin- j petition for minor premiums. All ex hibits must be grown in tho county j competing, and bu the growth of 1807. j IsMothers! I forts and d augers of I u:.l. A 4 be almost en- tirelv avoided. WineofCardui relievesex- M- pectant moth ers. It gives toneto thegen italorgaus.aiid Tint.4 lliem in condition to do their work perfectly. That makes preg nancy less painful, shortens laoor and hastens recovery after child-birth. It helps a woman bear btrong healthy children. 1 Mont roue nijipinCN Henry and Andrew Waserburger are (Hitting up hay on the divide. M. J. Oayhart has lost five head of cat tle by gry wolves. The Misses Marking are home from Crawford visiting their parents. IL (Jeodde has sold his two year old fctners, a lot of Hit head to i, T, Jackson, An enjoyable time was had al the par ty of Henry Waserburgr's Monday. John lUnry is now at hi new homo near Ardinore, putting up hay. As the Ardmore hoy failed to tiotiie to Montrose last Hunday, Montrose and Five Points played by taking some out-siders to fill out Jake lUnry Jr. ha tu:vle a trip to JBdfjemont to visit liis brother-! u-Iaw W. H Uayhart. Another Opportunity!; 1 TheF. E. & M. V. II. H. has an nounced another snecial excursion from points on S. C. k P. and K. K. & M. V. Hail roads in Iowa and Nebraska, to Hot Springs. South Dakota, that , pop ular resort which can bo so quickly reached by that read. Friday, AuguHt 2()tli, is the date. Thirty Days is tho limit. 1 Fare for KoundTrip i the rate. An enjoyable time for tho having grxid health but needing rest, and a profitable trip for those in search of health, is tho Rkwako. Your friend who wero fortunate enough to ho in the Black Hills during tho time trial you vvoro sweltering 111 tho heat will, if you eonfur with them, explain tho contrast and nrgo you to go. The CLIMATE SCKNERY. WATERS, HOTELS, SANITARIUMS. arn all excolletit, and unliko most re sorts prices reasonable. Call on your agont of tha North western Lino and got rates of fare, pamphlets, timo cards and further in formation. J. K. BUCHANAN, GenT IWenger Agt.. OMAHA, NKI5, lias also brought happiness to thousands of homes Darren for years. A few doses often brings joy lo loving hearts that long for a darling baby. No woman should neglect to try it for this trouble. It cures nine cases out of ten. Alt druggists sell Wine of Cardui. $1. 00 per bottle. For itMca In cues requiring spcl! directions, uddress, flying symptoms, tha " Ladles' Artvlscry D'psrtment." Tho Chstlanooe Medicine Co., ChatU nooea, Tenn. Hn. 100ISA HAIE, or JcfTcnon, Ci., fsy: "Whn ! first took Win of Urdul we had bean married tfaraa years, but eould nol have any children. Nine months later I had a tine girl baby." D. II. Mercer, " Id " Omaha Samuel Maxwell, " 3rd " Fremont W. L. Stark, " 4th " Aurora t. J). Sutherland, " Sth " Nelson 1 i;reeu, " 6th " Kearney JUDICIARY: a; SI. Tost Chief Justice, Columbus T. O.C. Harrison As'te Judge, Grand Island T. L. Norval ..Assoc! a to Judge, Seward 1). A. Campbell. -Clerk and Reporter, Lincoln FIFTEENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT: M. P. Kinkaid Judge, O'Neill W. II. Westover " Rushville M. J. Itlewett Clerk, Harrison COUNTY OFFICERS: Robert Wilson County Judge M. J. lilewett Clerk Cluis. Iliohlo Treasurer W. II. Davis f-upt. Public Instruction P. Bartlett Sheriff E. X'hinncy Coroner 13. F, Thomas Surveyor JI. J. rtlowett Clerk of District Court Grant Guthria... County Attorney BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS: Frank Tinkham IstDislrlct M. J. Weher(Chairman) 2d " James F. Young 3d " . GOVERNMENT POSITIONS. r If you wish one 01 ik iau,"w JUMUUU vice, this Bureau can advise you how lo proceed to secure it, and fit you for passing the required Civil Service examination therefor. Energy, tact and a common school education are all the requirements needed. PATENTS, PATENTS. 13 t,. ,h wt facilities oossible for ob- . Li"'".. riihts in this and foreign SsSSfaSUoe repairing ful in securing broad patents and in tne prosccuu of all patent litigation before the courts. SCHOOL OF LAW. This Bureau can fit you for admission to the Bar and prepare you for active practice m two years, without materially interfering with your other du nr i-Mmrtnrs are the ablest, our system thorough, and otw charges reasonable. Three cours es are taught: University, Business and Special. Send for particulars, terms, etc. NATIONAL INFORMATION BUREAU. MX) New York Ave., Washington, D. C done. L, E. DICKINSIN. ITS DANGEROUS am anon as fur li-i usuncy; tU''y can't u llaiCt Imr. ualeAfl VUU UBt, llic ui-i. n ebean KcKlo Is the mimt. rpi;nilve lnvetment you eaa make; tt la uurellaWf. and mcanii that a mmlnei, lt Improvro 9 .4IBBAaaa . ... . , . ..... i . nmvl IhM To bay HCAI.E, Kiiarnntced ' FA.1RBA k..p.t In .. Vo n j ran t W"" I I.F.GTSLATIVK: Otto Mutz. .Senator, Dlsl. No. 14, Spvlngvlew A. B. Sheldon Dist. No. S3, Chadron VILLAGE OFFICERS: T,. Rohwer (chairman) Trustoe J. W. Scot t " I). II. Griswcxl " W. U. Mnxsteller " '. D. Hamlin " W. H. Davis Clerk Lewis Gerlach Treasurer Order of Hearing on Petition for Appoint ment ol" Admistrator er Admlnls- tratrlx. State of Nebraska, Sioux tXniuty. At a County Court, held at the County Court fioom, In and for said County, August ml, A, l. 1W7. Present, Rohkrt Wilson, County Judge. JN TMK MATTKB OP THE KSTATK OV JOHN H. IlliOWN HKCKASKII. On reading and filing tlio pctltltlon oi ANNIE HHOWN, lirayliig that Admlnlstrs. Hon of said Entate may be gran led her u Adinlnlstrstrlx. OftnriiKli, 'flint September 6th, A, D. ltW7. at 1 o'clock p. ni,, In unsigned for hearing wild petition, when all persons -Interested In said mutter may appear at a County Court to be held In and for said County, and show ciuiMii why the prayer of petitioner should not bri granted; and that notice of the pendency of said petition and the bear ing thereof, be given to all liersons Interest ed in wild matter by publishing a eopy of tlila order in Tiir Hioox Coi-'NTr JoiiRKAtu weekly newspaper printed in nluT County, for four auercissivo works, prior to said Uav of hearing. JlonEHT WitSON, , . County Judge. I tKKU SCHOOL OFFICERS: J. W. Scott Director B. L. Srnuch MrKlorator Iwis Lerlach Treasurer ff'r ' . TERMS OF COURT: District Court, At Harrison, commences tSprlng term April lsth, jury Hth, Fitll " October 25, jury 20th. i v - . . fOoantv Court, At Harrison, commencoa I nrst Monday of each month. CHURCHES AND SOCIETIES. Methodist Sunday School meets every Sun day morning at 10:00 J. F MAItSTELLKH, W. H. DAVIS, Superintendent. Secretary JERRY RUSK POST, No. 34", i. A. R. Meets second Monday ln each month ln tho court honne at Harrison. K. E, I.lvcrmore, Com WOODMEN OF TIIE WORLD. Harrison Cunin, No. W, meets on each al tomato Wednesday evening. W.H.Davis, J. A. Hanson, Clerk. Con. Com. MODERN WOODMEN OY AMERICA. Meets esch alternate Siitnrdny evening at s o'clock. J. W. Smith. Clerk. A. R. Dbw, V. C, EI'WORTH LKACUE. Regular business meeting first Tuesday evening In each month. C. L. MARRTEM.KR, W. II. Davis, President. Secretary. Devotional meeting every Sunday evening lit fi; l5. D, J. CLARK, Leader. JUNIOR LEAGUE. JleuU eucli Sunday Afternoon at 2::!". Mrs. I). II, Cjnisv,,nt.i),Siint, which will laot you ekrpt It your wtlk'hts, FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO., 1102 Farnam St.. Omaha, Neb. (Ota Brale Krpalred.) DO YOU WANT JOB WORK DONE? THEN COME TO THE JOURNAL OFFICE. MARSTELLER BROS., They handle every thing usualy handled in a gen eral department country store. SUCH AS DRY GOODS and GROCERIE, BOOTS and SHOES, HARD and TINWARE; also FLOUR, FEED and GRAIN, KEPT CONSTANTLY ON HAND. YOU CAN SAVE MONEY BY GOING TO MARSTELLER BROS. THE COMMERCIAL BANK. ESTABLISHED 1888.1 Harrison, Nebraska. E. Brkwstkr, President. c. r. Coma, . Vice-l'reeideat D. H. ORISWOLD, Cashier. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL. $50 000. Transacts a General Banking Businecs. CORRESPONDENTS! American Exchange National Bank, New York, Omaha National Bank, Omaha, First National Bank, Olmdron. Interest Paid on Time Deposits. HTDRAFTS SOLD ON ALL PARTS OF BCROPB. .