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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 12, 1897)
r. v " !4 - A9VfiTt$f rev i f"tT11 Fhe Sioux County Journal VTOC". t,A) 1H THE jOlinnil. ' now i THi i f JOURNAL VOL. I3C. HARBISON", 3inBBHASiA., THTJBSDAZ Ths Sioux County Journal. KSTAUGUU IMS. Subscription Price, fl.OO OFFICIAL PAPER OF SIOUX COUNTY. (Jro. D. Canon, Editor, Kntered hi the HurrUuu post office rocond class matter. Kenor Cnnoviis f(e (astello, the prime minister of Siin was assassinated near Madrid on the Hth inst. l.y an an urehrist. To illustrate liow tli republicans worked in tlie interests of the inillioiiares and aristocrats of the country, tliev re duced tlie duty on diamond from to 15 per tent. Now they are talking about how much cheaper diamonds will I... f- ..i. ... . in iiuiii uim oil, Wli; COUSISlailcy thou urt a jewell' The following is taken from the Daily World-Herald whitrh will explain itself. It does not spply to any particular party and it should he carefully read by every voter in the county, without regard to party nlfiliatioos; It is well for a political party to im press upon the minds of those who owe allegiance to it tliat traitors must look to those who prollt by their treachery for their reward. And the man who hobnolw with the oposition and assists it in ringing in cold decks must not object if he is looked upon with suspicion. Political treachery can never become io common as to lo accepted with compos ure and overlooked as a mere incident in political life. Editorally, our rupublican friend, editor of the NorthurxUrn I'ns, on the corner of Hroiul t lth street, doubtless made the elfurt of his life in taking us to task for publishing an article entitled "Under The liingley Mill", clipped from the New York Herald, showini: how tlie new tariff act had discriminated against ! the consumer, while it grants upeowl privelages to trusts, toaibioe and mo nopolies. la regard to the tern "free traoV as applied to ua, by w hich tlie aepirioir edit or of the PrrM wtkhes to (Wxiguate us, is not true iu auy sewM of the term. Our theory is now, and always has been a tariff lor revenue, adequate to pay the ruuuiug exnMM of the government economically administered awl that ie fcoud wltolsoiiwductriue advocated by the icf routed lfeoiocratic party. We are hot one of those who ill lay quietly w hile the Hkiouiug process is going on. We are iu favor of a protection that pro tects, uot protecliuu that taLn from the farmer, laborer, artiiau and mehcan- ics to be turned over to the money pow r. For instance, like Senator Cnnnou of Utah, we believe au export duty is the only protection that would be of upecial benefit to those mentioned and actually iu need of it. Our republican brother intimates in his arraignment of the editor of the Joiknai. that tlw Diogley tarilf bill had raided the price of the commodities and, admitting tacitly, we would be obliged to iay more for what we lad to buy, and at tlie same time he seeks to convey to his readers that every thing the farmers have to sell is much higher as a result of the new tarilf law ard tliat prosperity is right here. It is true that wheat, com, cattle, hogs aud sheep are higher but, it is not true, the Dingley law was the cause of the raise in the products mentioned above. Of course the Dingley law applies to imports, and so did the Wilson bill for that matter; how it can increase the price of export goods or products is duyond our compre hension If our friend across tlie way desires to be fair, why not explain why one of the largest cotton factory's in the east has abut down throwing eight thousand hands out of employment. Not a word has been Raid about the greatest coal tdrike iu the history of our country by our brother editor whether that is prosperity, or its advance agent. Tlie McKinley law was a complete fail ure and it was tlie mean that paved the way for ex-president Cleveland to issue 28'j,0OO,O0O in bonds for the benefit of I'ierpoint Morgan, August Belmoat, Wall Street and himself included with, no body knows how many others, to line their pockets. If the McKinley law done all that and it was not a result of the Wilnotj bill, because an exausted treasury wan inherited from a republi can administration when they took the reign of government what will bathe flul outcome with the Dingley law in force K, brother Davis toe tariff iasue ie only taleutated to divert tlte atten tion of the maaeee of the people from the true cause, the single gold standard which the republican party in commited to. If My republican denies the state ment made in this paragraph, read presi dent McKinley's meage to Congress relative to the appointment of a curren- y commission, to report ami formu late a plan similar to the Indianapolis gold standard idea. A few words more and that is this: we Krant to every body the name rights nnd privileges we enjoy free press Ac provided always, that they are honest in their convictions, and we assume that you are. We hail made up our mind not to quarrel with our neighbors or en ter into a public contoversy but brother Itevis would not have it that way hence, this reply. ADDRESS BY BRYAN. It Will he Delivered Before The Hilvrr Fort-en In Lincoln, When the Reform Parties Meet in 8e it em her. ' LINCOLN, Neb., Aug. l.Tlie three silver conventions of the Populists, Democratsand Republicans will be held in this city f-'epteniber 1- All arrangements have been completed to make the occas ion a great jollification for silver force. The three bodies will act separately, but in conjunction, and will nominate the same candidates. After the meeting a mass convention will 1 held. Letters from several prominent bi ruetallists have been received by the committee saying the writers will be present Hon. W. J. Bryan, Senator Henry M. Teller and Hon. C. A. Towns will in turn address the three conven tions. The plans have been riiude more elaborated in order to counteract the influence of the reports that have been circulated recently concerning the alleg ed caucus of Bryan's friends in Nebraska to force hiiu to quit talking silver for a while. The meeting will also le the occasion of a national address to lie issued by uryan to the advocates of the silver cause throughout the world. It will toUch upon U,e Prog of t U! oeing niaue inrougnoui tlie country, and the evidence that Mr. Bryan las himself received during the past nix months on the lecture ptatforn about tbi renewed interest in silver. The address will reiterate tliat it is the only living jssue, and that all factions are today tending in that direction for the campaign of 1900. Mr. Bryan's friends w ill also at the same time formally deny that they have contemplated asking him to withdraw, even temporarily, from the platform, and will deny that they have said silver was a dead issue. Tlie Populists- conven tion w ill be composed of 2,700 delegates, the Democrats the same number, and the Silver Republican convention 1,000, so that the meeting will be a representa tive one, as far as the silver forces are concerned in Nebraska, and its actions may be accepted an the true sentiment of the silver advocated in Bryan's state A Oae Fair Rut. To AU. Wmom It May Conckr: As chairman of the Suite Central com mitUe of the People's Independent party of Nebraska, I hereby announce that all railroad companies doing business with in the state have notified our commit tee they will only charge one fair for the round trip from all points in the state of Nebraska, to the state conven tions held at Lincoln, September 1. Tick ets to be sold August 81st, and Septem ber 1st, good to return and including September 5th. All newspapers friendly will please copy. J. II. Edmutkn, Chairman State Com. People's Party. Minutes of the Sepnblican Central Committee. Harrison, Neb. ) Aug. 7, 1897. f The Republican County Central Com mittee of Sioux county met at court house in Harrison, pursuant to call by chairman. The question of holding two conven tions was discussed and on motion it was decided to hold but one and authority was delegated to the chairman and sec retary to appoint the delegates to the state convention to be held at Lincoln on Aug. 26. It was moved and carried that the county convention for nominating can didates for the county offices be held on Thursday, Sept 16, 1897, at 1 :00 o'clock p. m., in Harrison. The vote cast for Hon. M. P. Kinkaid for supreme judge in 1896 was made the basis of the representation in the con vention, giving each precinct one dele gate at large and one delegate for each 10 rotes and major fraction thereof. On motion committee adjourned, II, A. Phpdy, Chm. D. BAirrLrrr. Sec. Afrlmltarftl Matty Meetler. , Harrison, Jfeb.. I Aag.Mto. im. Agricultural Society mat and ni eaUad to order toy the fresiewat. Kiautee of prevl "u" wnuf reea ty tne secretary and adopted. To ant thing tbat eawe before the meeting was the selection of preeinct ii rresiaents which was chosen as follows: Andrews precinct. Fraaklaud r'orce Antelope " Bod arc Howu Cottonwood " Five Point " -S. R. Story 1 upuld De Buck- David Bartleit 8. W. Carey V. M. hinltli Ww. Miller lleury Corey Hat (,'reek Highland " Mont rone " IIunnlriK Wikr Snuke Creek ' RiiKHr Loaf " Whintle Crpek" Warbonnet " While Ulver " )!. Wssefrbarter Jus. 11. Cook W. U.ftrbia l'.obt. Harriion W. 9. Mcholran ( ha. Bieule W.8. Jouus. After which the soelety moved to 'appoint Blewelt, David Bartlett aud L. E. DickinHou oh a committee on races and ww earned. li was moved then thatT. o. Williams, H. A. I'riddy, r, M. Smith, KI1 smith and Leo pold Helluck also, Hamuel Tebbct be made a committee on exhibit and carried. It wus then moved that the Secretary be autherlsed to purchase loo Bill Potters for county fair and carried. Was moved and carried that D. H. Grie wold be appointed a uemmluee oo ball game. It was then moved that the old eonialttee oa members!) ip be dismissed from further nervlee. Then the motion of raising funds was tak en up and discussed, with the renult of a lectin; C. U. Marsteller, W. H. Davis and John Dsvli to act as suck committee. Dmvld Bartlett was eboeen by the society to act as assistant secretary. Then wa moved and carried that there be 100 membership tickets printed also, a com mittee of three, consUUns; of W. H. Davis, T. O. Williams sod David Bartlett was elect ed to armnKe a premium list sod report at next meeting. With no further business the society ad journed to meet Aug. ill, 1S97. C. UvcBMoaa, Pres. J. H. BiRTKLL, Bee. Order of Hearing on Petition for Appoint ment of Aclmlitrator or Adminis tratrix. State of Nebrnslca, ( Mioux Couuty. j At a County Court, held at tbe County Court Boom, iu and for said Couuty, Augiut 2nd, A. D. HOT. Present, RoaaiT Wilson, County Judge. IS TUB MATTES OF TMB BSTATE OF JOHN H. BROWN DBCSASBV. On reading and lllng the petitltion' ef ANNIE BROWN, praying that Administra tion of said JMate may tw granted ber ks Administratrix. a 1 . obdbrkd, That September Cth, A. D. Itr7, at l o'clock p. ra., is assigned for hearifig said petition, when all persons interested in said matter may appear at a County l ourt to be held in and for said County, end show cause why tlie prayer of petitioner should uot be granted ; aud that notice of the pendency of said petition and the hear Ing thereof, be given to all person Interest- ed In said matter by publishing a copy of this order in Thb Kiorx Cocktt Jocbnal a weekly newspaper printed In said County, for four successive weeks, prior to esM dav of hearing. Kobebt Wilsos, i County Judge. SBAL State Convention People's Inde pendent Party. Lincoln, Feb., July s By order of the stare central coitiiuHtee of the people's independent party of the state of Nebraska, we hereby call a state convention of the elector ol said party to meet in the city of .im uui on n eunewiay, me isi aay or scp tembtr, lOT, at o'clock p. m. The purpose of the said people's Indepen dent state convention is to place in nomi nation one rand Mate for Jndge of the supreme court and two candidates fori gents of of tbe university ol the State of the state of Nebraska and to transact snob other badness ss may properly come before said convention. The representation Is based on one vote for every log votes or major fraction thereof cast for Governor hi I as A. Holcorob at tbe ine election of 1S9S, which makes the follow Ing apportionment by counties: Counties. Delegates. Couotiet. Delegates, Adams 21 Jefferson Antelope Banner Blulne Hoone Box Bute Boyd IS Johnson 1 Kearney I Keith 13 Keys raha 6 Kimball 5 Knox 3 Lancaster V Lincoln 13 Logan 33 Loup , It Madldon I.', kfcl'lierson 3 Merlck 7 Nance 6 Nemaha IV Nuckolls It Otoe 15 Pawnee 26 Perkins 9 Phelps 9 Pierce 14 Platte Pelk 23 Red Willow . . 23 Richardson 121 Rock 8 Saline IS Sarpy . 10 Saunders M Scott's Bluffs 14 Seward 27 Sherldt.n 3 Hbermau ' 7 Sioux ,": I Stanton Thayer ' ' . 1 Thomas 16 Thurston II Valley S Washington : 9 Weyne -14 Webster 1 Wheeler ' 12 York Brown Buffalo Burt Butler Cam Cedar Chase Chenry Cheyenne Clay Collsx Coming Custer Dakota Dawe Dawson DueL Dieoa Dodge Douglss Dundy Fillmore Franklin Frontier Furnas liage Garfield Gosper Grant Greeley Hall Hamilton Harlan Hayee Hitchcock Holt Hooker Howard It Is recommended that each eonnty elect alternates corresponding la nnmber to thlf delegates, and It Is farther reoomsmeaoed that the delegates present be allowed M east tbe fall vote of their eonaUes sod that no proxies be allowed. , . . H. ErrMlSTBK, , Caklrman, B. B. B. Wbbib, Secretary , Final Proof Sotice. All persoes having final proof notires in U1 paper will receive a marked eouy of tlie pa per and are requested to examine their notice and if any errors exist reuort tbe saute to this office at ouce. TIMBBB Cld.TPBE, FINAL PRuOF.-SoTICE For PUBLICATION. V. S. Ijind Offlce, Alliance, Neb. I Aug. 11, 18D7. I Notice is hereby given that Edward Sclrer or Den I ton, lows, has filed notice of in ten tion to make flnal proof before X. J. Blew ett, clerk DUUrlet Court at bis office in Har rison, Nebr.. oa the Ut dav of Benfamiber. im, oa umber culture application No. 1J5S. for the 8-W of section No. IS, la Towatblp no. si a aeage as w. He names as wlteetses : John Corbm, William C. O'Conner. David Bartlett and John H. ttartell, all of Herri sou, Nebr. j. w. Wbmm Jr. Begister. Call for CmalgKlonm' Meeting. The board of county commissioners of Hioux county, Nebraska, are hereby called to meet at the office of the coun ty clerk at Harrison, Nebraska, on taturaay August 14, 1897, at 10 o'clock, a. m.. for the transaction of ordinary coltjtty business. M. J. Blewett, County Cleric. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. STATE OFFICERS: Silas A. Holoomb Governor James FJ. Harris Lieutenant Governor W. F. Porter Secretary of State John F. Cornell Auditor R. Meserve Treasurer C. J. 8myth Attorney General J. V. Wolfe Land Cominlsslonet W. K. Jackson ftUDt. Public Inltrnnllni. 00GBESaiONAL DELEGATION: John M. Thurston U. g. Senator, Omaha Wm. V. Allen V. S. Senator. Madison J. B. strode, Congressman 1st Dlst., Lincoln D. II. Mercer. 3d 3rd 4th 6t.h 6th Omaha Fremont Aurora Nelson Kearney Samuel Maxwell, W.L. Stark, II. Sutherland, W. L. Greea. JUDICIARY: Post Chief Justice. Columbus T. O. C. Harrison As'te Judee. (;raud Island T. U Nervals Associate Juds-e. Seward O. A. CaJBpkeU..OVnrk and Renortar. Lincoln FirrUNTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT: T.I. Kinkaid . . Judge, O'Neill W. H. Westover. Busbvlllc M. J. Blewett- Clork, Harrison COUNTY OFFICERS: Hobcrt Wilson , County Judge M. J. Blewett Clerk Chas. Bielile Treasurer W. H. Davis Supt. Public Instruction D. Bartlett Sheriff J. E. Phlnney Coroner B. F. Tboniss Surveyor M. J. Blewett Clerk of District Conrt Grant Guthrie County Attorney BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS: Frank Tlnkham. i 1st District M. J. Weber (Chairman) 3d " James F. Young .3d " LEGISLATIVE: Otto Mnu.. Senator, Dlst. No. 14, Springview A. E. Sheldon Dlst. No. 53. Cbadron VILLAGE OFFICERS: E. Rohwer (chairman) Trustee J. W. Scott .. D. II. Grlawod W. B. Marstellnr.. N. D. Hamlin W. H. Davis clerk Lewis Gerlach Treasurer SCHOOL OFFICERS ; J. W. Scott Director B. L. Smuck Moderator Lewis Lerlach Treasurer TERMS OF COURT: District ConrW-At Harrison, commeuees Spring term April isth, Jury 14th, Fall ' October 15, Jury SCth. County Oonrt, At Harrison, commences first Monday of each month. CHURCHES AND SOCIETIES. Methodist Sunday School meets every Sun day morning at 10 .-00 J. E. Mabktbllkb, w. H. Davis, Superintendent. Secretary JERRY RUSK POST, No. 345. G. A. R. Meets second Monday In each month In the court house at Harrison. E. E. Llverniore, Com. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD. Ilnrrlson Camp, No. U, meets on each al ternate Wednesday evening. W. It. Davis, J.A.Hamhon, Clerk. Con. Com. MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA. Meets each alternate Saturday evenlne at s o'clock. a. K. in, v. ii. J. W. smith, Clerk. KPWOBTH LEAGUE. Regular business meeting flrst Tnesdav eveuing In each month. 0. L. Mabstbllbb, W. 11. Davis, President. taGroteafY Devotional meeting every Sunday evening : D. J. CLABB. Leader. JUNIOR LEAGUE. Meets each Sunday afternoon at 2 :S0. MBS. D. H. UBiswolp, Snpt. I iAXTQr. 12, STOCK BKAXDfv'' The Jocba(. wljl publtno ywer braud, ike the following, YorS-JM), per yeaii'tf - Koch ad ditional braud 75 cents. Every farmer or ranchmen in Sioux and adjoiuiog oon'iewk- saouia aavertise tboir brands in THtJoc sal a it circulate all over tbe state. Jfi may be tbe means ofTaaviug money for you, FRANK NCTTO. On left side of cattle and on left sbuolder of horses. Range on Antelope creek P. O., Ghilchrist, Sioux Co., Neb CHARLES BIKHLE. On let side or hip of cattle, ) tin left shoulder of hrru. j iRsnge on the head ol Warbonnet Icreek Address Hurrison, Sioux Co. Neb, S. W. CAKE Y. On left shoulder of cattle and lliorceH. IKiinee on I.lttle Cottonwood. f. O., Crawford Nebr. I am prepared to do all kinds of wood-work, horse-shoeing and blachsmithing. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. "Charges Reasonable. My shop Is two doors north of The Ranch Supply House. Give me a chance to live. JOHH. L. OTRATT0N. wmmui KStTiecs. TUs aesfAy si tats a4 . ..n..i..r rhic Ruaaiaer. CtsisisBsVnw ef PatsMs,aad Pateet Attorney, see is mymwir all oatesiBtigauoo selort me coarti. tCHOOttfUW. This Buresa cea it yeafor sdeiltsioe to the Bar sad prepare yea tor eseracdee m two years, without mataVteUy sxtarferfaw Wjekyour etberda ties. Our iestMcton am ttw eMattWK xyiuei llisieesh.tiid isii rtawsss rassasMSBrf Tbfeseoars csarsuaght: Unlvmiir, Realacis and Special. Seed for parties lan, terms, etc. NATIONAL INFORMATION BUREAU. M30 New York Ave., Washiagtoa, D. C gjisoline mm. STEAM PUMPS. Inuil AN 9 WOOD EellpMss4 rstrtMakt Win mill Tnwera. 1'aaki. Irrl. I lor. Oiltntn. Mom. llpltliu PUMPS Orlsden fhllrrj.Wooi Sawi . oriva fulu riiw, Ulllojr Rrans V,n.t aiMMIaWuh) Mianrtard Slealm. rnrr, low. Oet the beat. Hfnd for 9f ALL KINDS. Cataloxne. FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO.. ilea Farnam 8t Omah a. Nat. , r f . i 1 1 iBiirH -THE- COMMERCIAL BANK, ESTABLISHED 1888. Harrison. B. E. Briwstkr, President D. B. ORISWOLD, Cashier. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL. $50000, ' Transacts a General Banking Business CORRESPONDENT - i Ahkrican ExciiANiiF. Nationai. Bank, New York, Omaha National Bank, Omaha, , First National Bank, Clmdron. Interest Paid on Time Deposits. crexum cold cs eUsV rixxs of eurofc. 3 3 JSiSlii Hi w ml 2i! Si! e-w OsTT SJ if I i lit ! li I ul mm 1897. NO. 4E. GRANT GUTUUIK, Altorney-at-Law. Prompt attention , given to all l'.ai matters in Justice, County and liisti-i.-t Courts, and before the United Suites Land Office. " ' v , companies. ' fJfLegal papers caref ully drawn. Haiuuson. - Nebraska.' fr' DROVJNED? But still on deck to do wagon work and blacksmithing-. Third building south of livery barn. HARNESS SHOP. Fiiatxtoor north of the BANCH SUPPLY HOUSE. Prompt attention roaid to all repair (work, also boot and 3hoe repairing done. L. E. DICKINSIN. DO YOU WANT JOB WORK DONE? THEN COME TO THE JOURNAL OFFICE. Nebraska. C F. COFPBs, Viee-Pmideat X - 5iSr IPS S'5 -Ba-Ca- 'Bt 9 81 ill 1 1 84 332 1st? E 4 I IV aft m Ct-i M ar r r Mt w m -c x x Eek X i fl . V