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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 27, 1896)
THE SIOUX COUNTY JOURN AL. L S. llMHONIt HABBISOX. VEBRASKA. The timid man is alarmed tefore the danger, the coward during it, and the brave man after It. It la the Inevitable end of guilt that It place it own punishment on chance which in sure to occur. The compliments and cermonies of our breeding should recall, however re motely, the grandeur of our destiny. It U an Inevitable law that a man can not be happy unless he lives for something higher than bis own happi ness. There is this remarkable difference between matter and mind, that he that doubts the existeue of mind, by doubt ing proves It. The true way to gain Influence over our fellow-men is to have charity to wards them. A kind act never stops paying rich dividends. A young woman in Warren, Pa., found a purse containing $800, returned It to the owner and received a reward of $ 1,000. She must have been a very pretty girl. The advertiser must know his goods, all about them, and be filled up and overflowing with the enthusiasm for them that begets success. The other thing that he must know is his cus tomers. The most precious of all possessions Is power over ourselves power to with stand trial, to bear suffering, to front danger; power over pleasure and pain; power to follow our convictions, how ever resisted by menace and scorn; the power of calm reliance In scenes of darkness and storm. An advertisement that Is reasonable, plausible; that reads smoothly, that starts some place and arrives some where, one point following another, un til a definite conclusion Is arrived at, that la put Into type that folks can aee, and then printed in a paper that sensi ble people with money to spend are likely to read that kind of advertis ing Is going to get results. Health is the one Udng needful; therefore o pains, expense, self-denial, or restraint to which we submit for the sake of It Is too great. Whether It requires us to relinquish lucrative situations, to abstain from favorite in dulgences, to control Intemperate pas sions, or undergo tedious regimens whatever difficulties It lays us under, a man who pursues his happiness ra tionally and resolutely will be content to submit. It would be a great advantage to the farmers and the millers of the United States If the wheat-flour habit could be introduced Into Chlnn, Japan and other countries of the East. While flour Is the largest Item of export at present, with the exception of kerosene oil. It Is used only by foreigners. The natives stick to rice. The exports of flour to China, Including the British colony of Hong Kong, average about 600,000 barrels a year, valued at 12, 000,000. The exports to Japan are about 75,000 barrels, valued at $200,000. The effect Is a strange one on some persons when for the first time they look at their hands and arms In the light of the Roentgen rays. Many per sona have been in the habit of regard ing a skeleton with something of terror. They unconsciously associate it with thoughts of the sheeted dead, ghosts and the dissecting table. When, therefore, it Is brought home to them for the first time that they themselves, alive and well, carry around with them skeletons similar in every respect to the ghastly things they have seen In pictures and medical colleges, the sen sation Is somewhat overwhelming. 8om almost faint, while others turn pals and escape as soon as possible from the unpleasant truth. The Ber. Ronard D. Worth, a Bap tist preacher of New York, has been granted a divorce In Oklahoma. It appears bis wife objected to his leaving horns on Sundays to preach, and even "spoiled his Sunday coat and filled his Sunday shoes with water." These are somewhat novel reasons for divorce, but they are also novel methods of an noyance for a woman to employ. It is evident that Mr. Worth, being a preach er, was forced to preach, and It Is also evident that he could not preach with satisfactory results In a spoiled Sunday coat and with his shoes full of water. It la a unique matrimonial complica tion and Mr. Worth must be commend ed for hla resolute stand against per mitting a wet blanket to be thrown over his religion. The latest praise of the bicycle cracks It up as a conservetor of domestic felicity. Wires and husbands, notably those who have reached the early for ties and beyond, hare found a bond of companionship in the bicycle that Is as strong as It is oftentimes uncon scious. The advent of children and the encroachment of business cares slowly force a man and wife apart to a greater or less extent, till, after twenty years of matrimony. If not Infrequently bap peas that, without any jar or conscious sawtrangemeot, the two are spending cast off their time la separate pursuits. tt (da breach (ssys a writer In the I -y XackTtaM Has wheel has allppell T fr-MtS power. A common m fCJ C sisoi stsed swings them together In Interest, their dally spin !u company make them amuse ment chart-re, and the silver wedding anniversary is likely to stretch on to the gol len one, if they are spared to see It, with their lives happily welded. There will be no Invasion of the f nited States by the products of cheap Japanese labor during the present gen eration. There is no question that Japan Is destined to le one of the great workshops of the world, but her manu factured products are not suitable for the refined taste of the American peo ple, and aside from his silks and the re sult of her art Industries she can offer them very little that they want She will, however, sooner or later deprive our cotton mills of the markets they have been enjoying in Asia. But Great Britain. Germany and the other con tinental countries of Europe will suf fer more severely than we. China, Korea, India, Australia and the East Indies will absorb all the merchandise that Japan can manufacture for the next quarter of a century, and furnish her natural market. We will continue to take her raw and manufactured silk goods and ber tea. and If our manufac turers will enter into the trade with zeal and enterprise they may be able to furnish a vast amount of the raw materials which she will need. Amid all the mutations of the pres ent time, the coming and going of men. the appearance and disappea ranee of fads, the changes of fashions, and the evolution of all earthly affairs, there In one passion which remain persistent and unchanged that strange fascina tion which draws men to risk unknown dangers and almost certain death In their madness to explore the arctic re gions and if possible find the north pole, which, when found, will be destitute of any practical value to the rest of the world. The annual migration has El ready begun In the sailing of the yacht Windward from England for Fran Josef Land to rescue the Jackson Hanusworth expedition, which left England in 1SJH and which has not been heard from since May, 1S!C. As at that time the expedition had reached 81 degrees north it Is within the prob abilities to assume that next June an other expedition may be dispatched to rescue the Windward party. -Andree, the Swedish engineer, will start by bal loon from the Spltzliergen archliM-lago next month and expects to reach the pole In forty-three hours, though he carries compressed gas sufficient for a month and four mouths provisions. It is safe to say If Andree makes bis start it will not be necessary to send a res cuing expedition after him. Neither he nor his balloon will probably ever 1h heard of again, nor will the world ever be likely to know what strange sights these mad air sailors may have seen. About the same time Andree sets flight Lieut Peary will start for Cape York In quest of a big meteorite he found there last year. As his right, title, and possession have been challenged by an other party, who claims this useless chunk of aerial conglomerate upon the ground of prior discovery, and who is also going for It, the only Interest per taining to this particular business con cerns the question who will get to the meteorite first and capture It. The only remaining arctic navigator this year is Nansen, but In what part of that mysterious, awful solitude he Is now sojourning no one knows. It may be there is no longer any Nansen, or. If there be, that the Norwegians may have to go bunting for hlrn as the Eng lish are now hunting for Jackson. The principal value of the arctic regions seems to be to provide opportunities for explorers to get lst and for other ex plorers to go bunting for them. But still the mad chase for the north pole goes on, and probably on It will go for ever. Old Missouri. Col. J. V.Brower, Minnesota State ge ographer, has made the sensational dis covery that the source of the Missouri River Is not Red Rock Lake, Montann, as has been stated. Col. B rower baa explored the whole region of the Upper Missouri, and now makes public the result of his discoveries. lie says the longest upper branch of the Missouri does not flow through the lower Red Rock Lake in Montana, but comes from a hole In the mountains, volcanic in Its character, at the summit of the Rocky Mountains, west of Helery's Lake, Ida ho, and at a point bordering the boun dary between that State and Montana. Quit ftsfe. A hypochooriac friend from the coun try, who was staying with Father Hea iy at Bray in the hope of obtaining re lief from chronic dyspepsia, was one day taking a walk along the beach with his host. "I have derived relief from drinking a tumbler of salt-water fresh from the tide," said the Invalid, solemnly. "Do you think I might take a second?" Father Healy put on the intent ex pression which was his "thinking cap." "WelL" said he, with equal serious ness, "I don't think a second would be missed." Beginning to Feel at Hone. According to the Washington Post, Congressman Cannon bad a trying ex perience In learning to ride a bicycle. When be had been at the work for some time, a friend asked him bow he was getting along. "Oh." said Cannon, "I $ia making progress." "Is thatVor said his friend. "Tea," resumed the Congressman, gravely, "I can spit now, and pretty soon I expect to be sble to raise my hat" A Now Find. A discovery of platinum is reported to hare been made near Cordobolln, New South Wales. Some 1,300 ounce of the metal had ben obtained by ln advices, containing 78 per cent of plat lauoa. OFF ITS THE "CRIME" OF 1873. Roawell G. Horr Explains Why Sil ver Was Wopped. In reply to a reader of the New York Tribune Ruswell O. Hoar says: Silver was not demonetized In 1873. Te demonetize silver would be to pass a law which should prevent the use of silver as money. That is what the word "demonetize" means. The law of 1873 did not stop the use of silver as moay. It simply stopped the use of the silver dollar as the measure of val ue, and stopped the free coinage of sil ver for the benefit of silver owners. I know that it Is generally called demon etization of silver, but It Is nothing of the kind, because since the passage of that law more than four times as much silver ha been used In the Culled StaU as money yes, about five time as much as had been coined and used In this country during Its entire exist ence previous to 1873. Hence the real question which tills correspondent should have asked Is this: Why was the silver dollar drop ped as one of the measure of value lu the law of 1873, and why was the free colniige of silver stopped at that time? That is an important question and a fair one. I answer, the only way to find out the reason for the passage of such law is to examine the reasons giv en by the persons who recommended the law, and those who advised and voted for Its passage. The bill which resulted In placing this nation uism a single gold standard was under discus sion lu Congress for nearly three years before It passed. It was examined with great care by the committees of the House and Senate, and was discus-wed from time to time, and fully discussed, on the floor of the House and the floor Of the Senate. The passage of the bill was first rec ommended by the officers of the United States mints. They pointed out as the reason why such a bill should be passed what they asserted to be the exact facts. They stated that the hlstorv of the money of the world proved conclu sively that the business of no country could be done for any length of time with a double stand.-ird. that the differ ence In the price of thp jvo metals In the markets of the world would always result In driving the coins made from the dearer metal out o' circulation, and always ended In such s count ry doing Its business with the cheaper metal only. They further stated that since In practice only one metal could be per manently used as the measure of value, they considered gold to be the better metnl of the civilized world, and conse quently the better metal to be adopted for standard money by the people of the United States. The people who believe In the gold standard have been stating and repeat ing the reason over and over again thousands and thousands of times dur ing the last fifteen years. I will state It once more. Every nation which has stopped the use of silver as the stand ard money of Its people has done so because the financiers of that country believe that gold Is the better metal for the measure of values and for use In the great transactions of the world; and because those financiers believe that It Is impossible to give free coin age to both metsls, and keep them circulating side by side as currency In a country except by a mutual agree ment and arrangement with the great nations of the world. They believe that no one nation can do business with a double standard and keep the coinage value and the market value of the two metals the same. At the time or the passage of the law of 1873, the f iver dollar was worth more than the ld dollar here in the United States. The law of J 777! had its origin not In tl.e fact that sliver was then cheap, be cue It was not cheap. It bad its t'igta In the fact that the men who slvocated the passage of that bill be Keved that silver was more apt to fluctuate In the markets of the world 'an gold and they considered gold j better metal for standard money ind especially the money which should measure the values of the world. The people of the whole civilized world bare given that Identical reason so far as I know. In every nation In which the gold standard has leen adopted. Having carefully read every word of the reports and debates previous to the passage of the law of 1873, I state that such wa the -en son given by all tbe advocates of that bill, snd, so fsr as I know, no other reasons were mention ed. Tbe fsct that silver has become so much cheaper than It was formerly has frequently been urged as a reason why we should not attempt the free coinage of It upon tbe old ratio, and as no doubt had great influence upon the minds of legislators In countries TROLLEY. which have more recently adopted the gold standard. England, Germany and the I'nlted States were the three nations which first adopted the single gold standard. They all of them gave precisely the same reasons for tbe course they pur sued. Not one among them said at that time that it was because silver was cheap, because It was not cheap. It was dear. They all asserted that silver, being much more abundant than gold, was much more liable to fluctu ate In price than gold, and that It was not so well fitted for the large trans actions of the world as was gold. During the debates In those three nations, so far as I can learn, no one ever intimated that it wa. possible to keep the market value of the two metals at a fixed ratio simply by coining them ujsin that fixed ratio. Indeed, the at tempt to use the double standard was abandoned by each of those nations, because the history of the world had shown that no single nation could con trol the market price by coinage laws. I'nderstand this one point. No nation has ever yet been able for any length of time to keep the two metals In clr- I culatlon side by side as money and give free coinage to both. When there Is a difference In the commercial value of the metal in a gold dollar and a silver dollar, with free coinage given to both metals In any nation, such nation will do Its business with the cheaper metal and the more valuable coins will not circulate as money, but win be bought and sold as a commodity. There Is no escape from that law. Hence, without an International agreement and com bined action, no one nation can possi bly use the double standard. An ef fort to do so must end lu the use of the cheaper metal only, arid that Is mono metallism, pure and simple. American Dollars in Mexico, A man tuny get a meal, and when be puts down nn American dollar lu tray unent will get back as change a Mexi can dollar, which contains six grains more silver than our own. He gets a demonstration of the fact that It Is the credit of our Government which keeps the silver dollar afloat at 47 cents more than Its Intrinsic value. Just as It keeps Its paper notos, which have no Intrinsic valiw at all, at an equality with a gold dollar. "Free, unlimited and Indcpesd ent coinage at 16 to I" would mean dol lars worth even less than Mexican sil ver dollars. Plenty of BlmetnilUm Now, We have bimetallism In the Uulted States In every sense of the term. If tbe gold man wants gold, he can get It If the silver man wants silver at 16 to 1, he can get It. Based on these two metals and redeemable lu them, or like them, In the products of the world (the final redeemer of all moneys), we have the greenback, the treasury note and the national bank note, so that if the citizen prefers paper to either gold or silver it is within his reach. To Wane Karnera, Are you a wage earner? Vote for free coinage and you vote to reduce your wages 60 per cent, until you can, by striking or threatening to strike, get back a part of the reduced purchasing power of tbe dollars In which your wages are paid. Vote with Your Kjrea Open. Have you a bank account of 200 or $300? Vote for free coinage and you vote to withdraw only half the value of your deposits. This conclusion la as certain as Is the fact that 50-cent dol lars will buy only half as much as 100 ceut dollars. Never Mind the Working-man. Suppose It to be true that free coinage will double the price of wheat and other food products, where does the working man come In, with double prices for his bread, meat and tbe like and the same old wage? TSHhIi aa Daala Inrt fans. m raa i r FOUNDING OP ST. PETERS. A. Little Oratory Mailt Over tb Apoatle'a Tomb. In the deep Mauiertlne prison, lie hind the Tabulary of tbe Forum. It was customary to put to death only political mlsdoera, and their bodies were then , thrown down the Gcmoulan steps. "Vlxeruut," said Cicero, grimly, when Catiline and his fellow conspirators lay there dead: and jierhaps the sword that was to full uin his own neck was even then forged. The prison is still Intact. The IiIikhI of Ca Inline, of Vercingetorix, and of Sejanus is on the rocky floor. Men say that St. Peter was Imprisoned here. But Is-cause he was not of high degree Neru's executioners led him out and across the Forum and over the Subllclan bridge up to the heights of JaiiicuIuH. He was then very old and weak, so that be could not carry his cross, as condemned men were made to do. When they bad climbed more than half-way up the height, seeing that he could not walk much farther, they cru cified him. He said that he was not worthy to suffer as the mt had suffer ed, and Is-gged theiu to plant bis cross with the head downward In the deep yellow sand. The executioners did so. The Christians who had followed were not many, and they stood apart, weep ing. When he was dead, after much tor ment, and the sentinel soldier bad gone away, they took the holy body, and car ried It along the bllWde, and buried It at night close against the long wall of Nero's circus, on the north side, near the place where they buried tbe mar tyrs killed dally by Nero's wild beasts and In other cruel ways. They marked the spot, and went there ofteu to pray. After that, within two years, Nero fell and perished miserably, s-arcely able to take bin own life lu order to escape being Iwaten to death lu the Forum. In little more than a year there were four emeprors In Borne. GuJlm, Otho, and Vltellius followed one another quickly; then came Viwpnslan, and then Titus, with his wars In Pales tine, and then llomltlnn. At lust, nearly thirty years after the apostle bad died on the Janiculus, there was a bishop called Ana rictus, who had lecu ordain ed priest by St. Peter himself. The times being quieter then, this Anacletus built a little oratory, a very small clutpel. lu which three or four persons could kneel and pray over the grave. And that was the beginning of St. Peter's Church. But Anacletus died a martyr, too, and the bishops after him all perished In the same way up to Eu lychlnnus, whose name means some thing like the fortunate one" In bar barous Creek-Latin, und who was In deed fortunate, for he died a natural death. But In the meantime certain Greeks hud tried to steal the holy body, ro that the Roman Christians carried it away for nineteen mouths to the cata combs of St. .Sebastian, ufter which they brought It lank again and laid It lu Its place. Anil again after that, when the new circus was built by Kla gabalusrthey took If once more to the same catacombs, where It remained In safety for a long time. Now came Constantlue, In love with religion and Inclined to think Chris tianity Is'st, and made a famoim edict in Milan. And It Is said that he laid the deep foundations of the old church of St. Peter's, which afterward stool more than eleven hundred years. He built It over the little oratory of Ana cletus, whose cbnpel stood where the nalnt's Isxly bad lain, under the nearest left-hand pillar of the canopy that cov ers the high altar as you go up from the door. Constantlne's church whs found on the Mouth side, within the lines of Nf ro's circus, outside of It on the north side, and parallel with Its length. Most churches are built with the apse to the (ast, but Constantino's, like tbe present Imsillca, looked west, liecause from time Immemorial the Bishop of Rome, when consecrating, stood on the fart he: side of the altar from the people, facing over It. And the church was con secrated by Poie Sylvester I., In the year 326. Century. The Hhah's L brary. In the palace of the Shah of Persia at Teheran Is a room hung with Colw lln tapestry, and next to It the library, filled with priceless manuscripts. Of all tiie callgrnphers Mir seems to be the most famous, and his writing Is valued at two tu marls a line. At this rate I h manuscripts by him In the Shah's pos session must be worth hundreds of thousands of Huuds! Tbe ar mory of the palace Is small and Inferior to many European collections. The crown Jewels are worth many millions. Among them In the sister-diamond to the Kohlnoor (Mountain of Light). It Is a huge dia mond an Inch and a half long and an Inch broad, but not very bright, and could lie pardonably mistaken for glass. It dates from 3000 B. C, and Is called the Darya-I-Nur or Sen of Light. An Ancient Liturgy. Antiquarians will feel a lively Inter mt in a work altout to appear In En gland. It is a reprint of the missal con taining the first written liturgy ever brought to England, and probably the first published anywhere. Rome time ago Martin Rule discovered In the li brary of the Corpus Christ) College, Cambridge, the missal brought by Ht Augustine to England, with annota tions by Pope Gregory the Great. Mr. Rule Is reprinting this with annota tions. A Copper Hello. Joseph Ijing. of Hekorrn. Columbia County, Wisconsin, has a coper spear head six Inches long and about one Inch wide that he found on his farm. The shank end, Instead of being pointed to go Into a handle, was bout around so as to form a socket for the shaft. There was a time when children were seen, and appreciated for their mod esty, but now they are heard In poor piano solos snd recitations. SAVED 8Y AN UM eRfc LL A. Trick of a Pmart Yankee Captain to Kinds a Uoalile Fleet. An interesting relic lu the Charles town navy yard mueum Is an umbrel la, which was used by the Constitution In making her cjciie from the Britls'i fleet in July, isli This Is all that is told by the card attached to it. an I the umbrella is a complete puzzle to nearly every one who visits the museum. In the first place it is utterly unlike any umbrella any one ever saw Is-foiv, aud. In the second, not one jhtsoii lu a hun dred Is alV to figure out how the Con stitution made uw of It In making her escape from the British vessels. It is exactly like the umbrella frame in gen eral shape, but the stick Is alsut ten feet long, with a heavy Iron ring at each end. and Is shout three inches In diameter. The frame slides up and down on It, Just like the frame of an ordinary umbrella, aud is made of stout Iron Uirs. Some people think that It may have lieen set u;t on the deck to give the officer a little shade on a hot day, but they cannot see how this help ed in the scrape. The purp"'' f"Z which It was Intended nml used was for a sea anchor, and Its story Is as fol lows: On the 18th of July, 1812, the Consti tution, then cruising under the com mand of that famous old tighter. Isaac Hull, was surrounded by Brooke's squadron of five vessels. Before they could close lu on him, however, it fell calm, and Capt. Hull at once made use of the umbrella, of which there were two alsmrd. A cable was lx-nt to one of the umbrellas at what would l the handle In one of the ordinary kind, and the umbrella was folded up and taken out by a Ismt to a cable's length ahead of the vessel. It was then thrown overlsmrd, and as soon as the crew began to haul In on the windlass It, of course, spread out. giving a drag by which the vessel could be warped ahead. While the vessel was warping up to this one, the other one was taken out, und before the British bad dis covered what Hull was doing, he luiil gotten outside of the circle with which they had surroiimh-d him. They im mediately Ix-gau to pursue the same tactics, but he ran two twenty-four pound gmis out of his cabin windows, and kept them from getting any when? near him, as, whenever one of the ImiuIs carrying out a drag, came up astern of him, he would fire with one of the "Iong Toms." and in this way kept the ships from closing In. This was kept up for two days, and on the even ing of the second day came up a squall. Hull carried sail through it. gaining such an advantage over the English men tliat he was able to elude them In the night, and was out of sight the next morning. Thus, but for the un-i-outh-liHiklug umbrella at the navy yard, the Constitution would probacy have Is-en captured or sunk, and some of the fairest pages In our naval his tory would have remained unwritten. Boston Transcript. ' Kind Act Was Rewarded. CoL F. W. Sax ton. of Oakland. Cal.. Is at the Arlington. "A little Incident tliat came to my notice Just before I left home," he siild. "impressed nie that there Is never any use for n man to act otherwise than as a gentleman, and that It Is often a financial gain to do so. "One of San Francisco's capitalists Is Joseph Boardman. It 1s said that he Is a millionaire, but to look tit him you would not think It. Vou could hardly say that he drcss s shabbily, but he conn's very close to It, anil appears to a stranger to be some kindly old gentleman whom fortune ha never cared to smile upon. Mr. Bonrdman's house Is over tu Oakland, but his office Is In San Francisco, and each morning he makes the trip over on the ferry. "The other morning he started for the boat, and In his haste he forgot to trans fer bis pockettsiok to his clothes. Of course, he did not discover this until he had reached the wharf. There was no one In the crowd that he knew or that knew hi m. He searched every iiooket In vulu. A young man standing near by witnessed the confusion of the old gentleman, and, walking up to him, thrust a coin Into his hand and moved Iwick into the crowd. "Thp young man doubtless supposed that he hod done an act of kindness to a needy one, and he hastened away, In order to moke It less embarrassing for his beneficiary. He bad no opportunity to get far, however, before Mr. Board man caught him and made him divulge his name and address. The next day the young man was the recipient of a snug check drawn by the millionaire, and mailng him richer by $100 than he was the day liefore." Washington Times. Rubber Sails. A proposition Im at present In the wind to make the sails of ships of ruttber in stead of canvas. It Is supposed tliat If roped strongly along foot, uff and leach, the result will be superior to the canvas sails. Surely, however,, a sud den Increase of wind power would ex pand the sail too much and cause some difficulty In governing the course of the boat. Paper pulp Is again suggested as iH-ing an adequate substitute for can vas. When pressed into sheets and stitched together It would make a light and effective sail. A I r ate. Mrs. Peck What do you sit there reading for, when I am trying to think of a word? Shduld I say "disillu sioned" or "disillusionized?" Mr. N. Pock 1 duuno. Just say "mar ried," and let It go at that-8an Fran cisco Argus. Love Will find a War. Harold Colfstocklng-And you will reslly lie my own darling wife? Betty Bloomers Yes, Harry-end-steer a little mite closer-now I'll boM the handle bar of tour bike so that jra oan kiss me. Exchange.