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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 20, 1896)
The Sioux County Journal, HAKKISOX, NEBRASKA THURSDAY, AUGUST 20, 1890. NUMBER 50. VOLUME VIII. AN EVENING LULLABY. Tim day is done and 'n tlie WP8t Tha afterglow in gleaming; And sweet the nestlings are at rest 'Neath downy wings are dreaming. The owl hoot in the thirket drear, In the elm his TigiU keeping. While mother sings in tones so clear And baby lies half sleeping; Sleep, sleep, gently iW-ep, While the owls their vigils keep, Jdly dreaming. Moonbeam gleaming While my baby lies asleep. The soothing notes in cadence fall. And vesper bells are ringing. Dear mamma sings a madrigal While baby's arms are elinging. Nocturnal winds are howling drear And rippling waves are flowing, Still mamma, sings to baby dear Sweet love seeds softly sowing. Sleep, sleep, gently sleep, While the stars from heaven peep; Wake not, dearie, You are weary, Sleep, my darling, gently steep. WITH HIS OLD LOVE'S EYES. "No, I do not admire the "new worn an' at all," cried Major Ashley, be tween the whiffs of n cigar. "How In that?" inquired Lieutenant Bolton. "For my part I tiiinu a girl looks awfully Jolly seated on a bicycle, or playing cricket. The Major honk his head. "(Jive me the girl of tweniy years ago, womanly mid modest. The gill of to-day I do not care for; she I t ir too bold and well masculine." Charlie Jtollon laughed heartily. "Look here, Major," he said; "I'll bet vou anything you like that you'l! 'U'l by marrying a 'new woman.' " "I shall never at all, Charlie, my boy I have cared for but one woman it) my life, ami 1 do not think I ever shal another.' Charlie row Major's aide. and went over to the "Forgive me." bo said, "I am afraid I have recalled some painful memory In your life. I might have guessed yo.t had a reason for renin! -'-ig alngl.V "You are right, Charlie," be replied, "by saying that you have called up a painful' memory In my life, but do not apologize fr doing so. Hit down, lad, and I will tell you all about It-thls V v , ft. v AJ3 MK I10K AND WENT TO 111. M K. I Oil's SI HE. memory. It was nineteen years ai began the Major, "when I first met . Aitc r re I had lust reached the age of 21. Khe was 18 and very beaut!' ful. I think I fell In love at first sight "She was with her mother at a gar den party, where I was also a guest. She wore a simple white dress, with a cluster of golden-cyed marguerites at her throat, and a large hat trimmed with the same flowers. "After that our meetings were fre- qnent. She used to manage to steal out In the dusk of the evenings me:t me. her checks all aglow with blushes "One evetilng she came, not with usual quick, light step, but slowly auJ sadly, bcr beautiful eyes full of unshed tears. " 'O, Eric," she whispered, shaking like an asiien, 'you-you and 1 are to be separated. My parents an? forcing me Into a hateful marriage with a man whom 1 abhor. I believe my fatli-r Is In his debt, and unless I consent to be tils wife mv Barents will be mine! and homeless. "My Indlgnatlou knew no NhmhK I refused to give her up. "'It Is a cruel sacrifice," she said 'vet It must lp made. I cannot see my parents ruined. 1 must save them,'' "Then I got angry and accused h.r of not loving me, of being a flirt; but all the while I knew that I waa wrong knew that her whole heart waa mine She did love me truly. Yet her duty to her parents stood liefore her dffoc- tlou for me. "We parted, Joth broken-hearted, never saw her again. Two years later Dews came to me of her death. She rtUd. leaving a child a girl, twelve tnoutba old. 'That l my 'love story,' Charlie; It happened nineteen year ago. I have nvr loved anv woman In all those year. I don't think I ever aliall." "Juat the day for a 'apln, " aald Eric Aahley to hlmaelf aa he mounted bis Merely "I'll take a lolly food turn round the country, bar lunch at h jSt. hi1..- wayalde-lnn, get back In time to chance nd catch the three o'clock train for London." The Major had not swept well the previous night. Thoughts of the past had come crowding through his brain, banishing sleep until long after day break. It was scarcely six o'clock and the air was glorious. The birds were Hing ing their sweetest, and all nature was fair to see. The Major had ridden about six miles, when he saw ap proaching him another machine. As It came nearer he could see that Its rider was a shabby, dirty-looking man, with steel-blue eyes. The bicycle Mi i. WHICH CAUSED HIS BI.OOD T BIS CO 1. 1). was a very handsome one. But at second glance Eric observed that it was a lady's. In an Instant It had pass ed him. j Five minutes later, on turning a bend lu the road, a sight met his eyes which caused his blood to run cold. There upon the ground, with her arms extended, lay a young girl. Her face was deathly pale, and a dark blue mark shone out upon her forehead with ghastly vividness. She was attired In a cycling costume f dark blue cloth, and a little peak cap lay a few yards distant. It was the face of tils dead love. He stooped and pressed passionate Isses upon the pale lips. Then he pulled his brandy flask from his pocket nd poured a little of the spirit through them. Presently the girl's eyelids quivered. 'Do not fear," cried Eric, gently. 'You atf aufu. Are you fwling better.' My head," she breathed faintly,"tbe pain is terrible." Then, suddenly re membering, she cried wildly: 'Ihat man, where is ho? O, pray don't leave me, I am so frightened. " To delay medical aid would perhaps prove serious. lie scarcely UKeu to leave her while he rode off for a doc tor, yet what else could be done? Stooping, he lifted the small form in his strong arms am! bore her gently to the roadside, where the grass was growing fresh and green, and the hedge would shelter her from the sun s rays. Ten minutes later the Inhabitants of the next village were surprised to see gentleman riding a bicycle, In bis shirt sleeves, stop ut the doctors door And to think that sweet girl is my Alice's child, Charlie, my boy,' cried the Major, 'and should be residing lose to me for two years with her father, and I not know it." Fate, Major, fate," said Charlie Bol ton, prophetically. She is a little darling," went on tin Major, "w'th her mother s angel face and charming ways. What a brute that man must have been to have struck her such a blow. I hope the law will pun ish him as severely as It can." 'I am surprised at the young lady's father allowing his daughter to skir mish the country alone." 'Her father! Bah! He does not care that." said the Major, snapplug his fingers. "She told me bcrseir he waa scarcely ever aober, and her life at borne was wretched." "Poor little thing." cried Charlie. "I Bay, Major, I have thought of some thing awfully Jolly. Why don't you marry her, eh? But, perhaps, Major, you have a great objection to marrying a 'new woman.' I remember you aald once that you did not admire her. "Jeaale la not a 'new woman,' " cried the Major. "She certainly does ride a hicrcle. but In everything else abe i womanly, modeat and iweet' "And you are In lore, Major, without a doubt No, do't deny It. You bare tfcfe, 181 , ...Sift. 7 C'lALJT :l ' 7 .... . " WKLI,, TIIK TBUTI1 IS, I AM IK LOVI." been an altered man since the day you found Miss Jessie Insensible and hurt on that lonely country road." At three o'clock that afternoon Eric ... . .. . .i i f presented nimseit at xue uuw " girl he loved. He found her leauing back in a large, cozy chair, with au open hook on her lap. I am so glad to see you, Major, sue said in her simple, unaffected way. i was feeling most dreadfully dull. I'apa has gone to the races. I don't think I am very bright. My bead aches a good deal," she replied. Poor little bead; I am so sorry, ir you had been well enough, Miss Jessie, I should have asked you to have given me your advice upon a very Important matter." "My advice. Major Ashley! I am afraid it would not be worth taking." "Oh. indeed It would," cried Eric. "Then please tell me all about this Important business. I feel quite curi ous." said she. "Well," he said, a little nervously. "the truth Is I am in love with a young lady, but I am not certain about her affection for me, and I should like you to tell me whether you really think It Is possible for a girl of 18 to love a man of 40?" "If I were a man and loved a girl I should co straight to her. That Is the only advice I can give you, Major." "Then I will,' said Eric, springing up and seating himself on the couch be side her. "Jessie. It Is you whom love-love to distraction. Will you be my wife, dear? That is, If you care for me well enough. Jessie did not seem at all surprised for she put her two little hands upon his sleeve. "I knew It was me you meant all the n-lille" she said, blushing. "Vou silly fellow!" He Could Shoot. The Marquis de Mores, who waa ,,,i..i u-u hW nntive escort, winie on an expedition In Nortben Africa UIUM4' H u " was. mi Intrepid and adventurous Frenchman, and many characteristic ... . ,. i,.i,t nf his exneriences In' H,n Bad Lands of Western DaKota where be carried on an extensive cattie tmKitioK fifteen years ago. une nay u-iion the niiiriiuis returned to shanty, acording to one narrator, he ound a couple of cowboys cotmucuiirf , hemsclves in a lawless manner around the place. They gave me. r reucimm.. the laugh on his horsemanship, ami one of the pair, nicknamed Broad Buck Morris, mounted his pony with the remark that he would snow tn quls how to ride. Pigging in urn spins he began circling about tue r i-eu.-u- maii. his companion following nts ex ample, the two tiring tneir w iu- ters and cursing the marquis to um est of their ability as they rode, i no after calmly rolled a cigarette and be gun pulling it. "Prop that, you telnlerioot; roaieo - . , .1. ,,,!!!,. tif, lifa one or tlie mvuuens iiuum "i mustang with a Jerk; "drop that, or l u clip it out of yer mouth." At the same moment lie lifted hl inemwer. Pe Mores turned half way in tils saddle, look a deep inspiration ami blew out a cloud of smoke. As It cleared away the cowboy took deliber ate aim and fired. The cigarette was nent flying in fragments. i n inwinni fie Mores had draw 11 nts loiig-Diirreueii r ivm-u i-ivv 1 ' belt and pulled tlie. trigger. I ho v m chester dropped out of the cowboy's hands. He had beeu shot through botu wrlsts. The other cowboy was then on pe Mores' flank. As soon as he saw him pull his gun h grabbed his rifle, but hadn't time to raise It before the marquis fired a second time, just as his ironco gave a lunge and a duck, i ne ... ... t.. I.ia man tumbled on uu a uuim " shoulder. Pe Mores then rolled an other cigarette, lighted It and 'oniin ued the conversation. "Think." To read for Instruction Is commend able, ami to read for amusement is, under certain conditions of mind or bodv. almost eoually so. The reading one finds it hard to defend Is that which Is done with no end In view but to kill time." ...When one Is tempted to tins form of dissipation. It will be helpful to remember the suggestion ascribed ba one of tlie merchant-princes ot canaua. Late in life, after his fortune had been made, Mr. S. took a young man in to partnership. Entering the office ou a dull day in the dull season, the mil lionaire found his partner yawning over a book. "What's that you're doing?" Mr. S. asked. "There was nothing else to do, so I'm reading." was the answer. "Nothing else to do! Reading!" the great merchant repeated, In a tone that expressed wonder, amusement and scorn. "When you've nothing else to do, dou't read. Think!" Codfish. The dressing of codfish Is an opera tion requiring skill and rapidity. A man called the "throater" cuts the flsli'a throat awl rips It open and passes It to the "header," who removes the head and entralla; the "splitter" then splits the fish open and takes out a part of the backbone, and the "aaltcr" pile up tha fiah in tiers In the bold of the boat and salt thorn. When people try to show all the love there la In them, they are tried for in sanity. Cutworms and White Grubs. The cutworm Is commonly confused with the white grub, and is in many cases mistaken for the grub. The adult of the cutworm Is a moth, and lays Its eggs mostly in grass ami other places. The larva or worm feeds upon graHS and leaves of other planus wmetinies the roots until full grown, when it enters the ground to transform, and in a few days or weeks the adult moth emerges. The moths are of various colors, and are quite common during the summer months. They are night flyers, and hide during the day in grass and other places. They measure about one to one and one-half Inches across the wings, and are commonly called millers. The white grub, on the other band, is the larva or worm hatch ed from eggs laid by the June or May beetles. The eggs are usually laid in grass, where they hatch In about a VAI1IKOATKD CCTWOHM. a, Larva; b, ninth. month, and the little grubs feed upon the rootlets of various plants for the first year. They burow down Into the ground from IS inches to two feet, where they remain over winter. Dur ing the second year the grub eats near the surface, and does great damage on account of its size and larger appe tite. They spend the winter as Derore, and the third year they reach maturity. The grub passes lis transformation iu little cells lu the earth, and the ma ture beetle emerges in the spring. Tlie adult is a dark chestnut brown beetle. the head often black, and the breast some times covered with yellowish hairs. The body is about an inch JUNE Ilt'O. long, and the beetles are rapacious feeders. They appear In May and June, buzzing about certain trees at night. It Is not an uncommon thing just at dusk, in May or June, to see thousands of beetles swarming about trees. They feed upon the leaves, and often defoliate large numbers of trees. Summing up, then, the adult of the white grub Is the May or June beetle, and that of the cut worm a delicate moth. Grubs nsuaHly feed upon roots, and remain below the surface, while cutworms feed upon eaves and other foliage, eating at night and hiding during the day under anything that will conceal them. When these Insects are numerous they are difficult to combat over large areas. In gardens, cut worms niay be de stroyed by strew ing bunches of green grass, clover, c a b b age leaves, etc., between the rows and sprin kling with parts green In solution a teaspoonful to a WHITK OKl ll. pall of water. If this Is done before the crops are plant ed, or the seeds "have come up, many of the young worms may be destroyed before they can do any harm. In a small way tomato, cabbage and other plants can be protected by encircling their stems close to the ground with bands of tin or tarred paper. Rota tion of crops may often be advanta geous with field crops. American Agri culturist. Plowing After Karly Peaa. All who have grown peaa know bow Inevitably, after tlie early crop has been gathered, weeda whlck nave sprung up between and In the rows make afltasV Wblng progress, and onleaa plowed aV der will soon outflow wverythlng aJass. Wa know tb moon new la tba fact that the pea roots underground have been decomrxising the air and putting its nitrogen ia available form. This nitrogenous fertility, though made without cost, is far too valuable to be wasted on weeds. If the pea vines are of the dwarf varieties that do not need to be bushed, they may le profitably plowed under where their decay will itill further Increase soil fertility. It is a good preparation for some late crop, as turnips or late cabbage, to plow under pea vines and plant the new crop over rhem. It needs only sufficient moisture to make thin swond crop a success, as the p-as while growing have provided the nitrogenous plant food re quired. y.sctt Tainting in Cellars. Most farmers put the eggs down cel lar In suiiimer time, as lieing the cool est place they can find for them. This in all right if the cellar has Ih-cu duly cleaned, whitewashed and ventilated, so as to keep lt air pure. But there are conditions in wiiich eggs In cellars will spoil quite as quickly as in a warmer room nivHta Irs. The egg shell is porous. If there are odors of decaying vegeta bles or of tainted meat in the air, they will penetrate the egg. While the germ will not twgiii to develop a chick at the cellar temperature, tlie presence of tainted air In contact with Hie egg will caiwe It to lose Its flavor almost at once, and soon become as bad as It la possible for an egg to be. In such cases the chick dies and its own decay makes the egg worse than it would otherwise be. Eggs for keeping ought never to lie fertilized. The cocks should either be killed off or confined so they cannot, get to the liens after midsummer. In this way much trouble will lie saved. The hens will lay more eggs, and eggs thus produced infertile csin lie easily kept until winter and sold at winter prices. Fnpnort for Hrry Hushes. Wire is very commonly used as a sup port for raspberry and blackberry bush. es, this W'lfig .or necessity very tuoui. and verv firmly braced. But this does not suffice to keep tlie wire stillly in place. Where wires are stretched along each side of a row already, they can be mad'! much more efficient by tying them together with cross wires every U-n feet or so. This pulls them together and keeps the biwhes upright and in place. Where there is no support at present and support it to be given the bushes, the plan shown In the diagram ran lie followed to advantage. Light wooden strips of inch-square stuff are held up by stakes of the same material and rigidly attached to each other by 1,: cross wires. These cross wires are the most important part, of the whole, for they are constantly pulling the bushes up Into close quarters the one tiling for which supports are desired. New Varieties of Wheat. The wheat blossom usually fertilizes Itself, and for this reason new varletle are rarely originated, except by sports But the crossing of different varivtle may le done artificially by taking off the stametiH from one ear, and care fully depositing on the blossom the pol len of a different variety. It is not best to try to cross widely different varie ties, as these would lie only mongrels. ThisseeniiS to be the origin of some new varieties of wheat whicih are partly bald and partly bearded. Some have thought these were distinct varieties, hut a farmer wiio saved seed of each separate, and sowed lxt:h, found that the bald and bearded beads appeared In Ixith lots, though the majority of the grain was of the kind sown. Farm Notes. It is stated that In Minnesota the sun flower le raised for fuel, nn acre fur nUhlng a year's supply for a family, the heads, seeds and stalks all being burned. The la rgest sheep owner In the world is said to be 8. McCaugbey, of the, Coonong Station, at Jerlderlc, New South Wales. He has 3,000,000 acres of hind and Uist season sheared 1,000,000 sheep, Dogs seldom attack sheep If one mem ber of the flock has a bell, aa sheep kllllng dogs are suspicious and dislike Che noise or alarm. Breeders who have tried bells report favorably of their une. It would be better for all persons con cerned If a neighbor who tina a piece of costly machinery or farm Implement would put a price upon lt use rather tan lend It to fbla one and that; better ren than to refuse to lend It at all. The borrowing and lending practice on Hi farm la not thing t be encouraged. ACROSS THE ROCKIES. Much Eneineerin Skill Required ! et the Poles Properly. Telephone construction in the Rock Mountains is anything but child's play, and Is attended with a great deal of hardship. The line built from Leadville to Aspen several years ago is a case In point. It took two mouths to cover the entire length, forty-eight miles. In or dinary construction the poles would lie Bet forty-two to the mile, but at certain points, where sharp turns were neces sary, the number would sometimes be increased to seventy-five to the mile. The members of the construction gang had to be as expert as axmeu as they were as linemen, for when timber was encountered a path of 2(J0 feet on each side of the line had to be cleared in or der that wires might not be broken when trees were blown over by the ter rific blasts which at times prevail la that region. ' A great deal of the comparative slow ness of the installation was owing to the inability of the workmen to labor In euch a ra rifled atmosphere. At one point the wires were strung at an ele vation of 12,000 feet above the sea level. In such an altitude the lineman soon becomes completely tired; after he has climbed two or three poles he lias to take a rest to recuperate his en ergies. The preparation of the holes for poles, which would have been tedi ous in similar ground even in an ordi nary atmosphere, was an especially slow and fatiguing operation. It was often necessary to blast a hole for the pole by the use of giant powder, and an ex-ininer, who had had an extensive experience with explosives, was assign ed to the job. The digging of one pole hole would ometimee occupy him for a whole day, working honestly. Over 300 pounds of powder were used on the line for this purpose. When the continental divide was reached the poles had to be aban doned and the wires were placed In a submarine cable, which was burled In a two-foot trench for a distance of 7,000 feet. The advisability of abandoning aerial construction at this point was demonstrated by the experience of the company that maintains the Denver nd Leadville lino. At one point on that line. Mosquito Tass, the poles were orig inally set seventy feet apart. As soon as the wires were covered with sleet they promptly snapped and the line was useless. Double the number of poles were then used, with the same result.- The space between the poles was then reduced to twenty-five feet, tmt as soon as the sleet came the line was swept down flat. Eventually an underground able was laid for two and a half miles, and there has been no trouble since. Denver Field and Farm. 'Hastua' Birthday. The oddest birthday celebration of which we have ever heard is thus de scribed by a gentleman who lias lately traveled through the South: In the northern part of Georgia I came upon a negro caoiu, auu as i n-. proaehed, It became evident that some extraordinary commotion was going on within. In fact, shouts and yells of ter ror succeeded one another so rapidly that I hastened to fee what could be the trouble. As I drew rein before the door, half-a-dozen ragged pickaninnies ran out. All but one of them were screaming and crying at the tops of their voices, while the odd one, as merry as the others were sad, began tumbling cart wheels and standing ou his head. At this moment a man, evidently the head of the household, appeared in the door way, and in answer to my inquiries gave me the following explanation of the mystery: "Yer see, sah, dis is 'Rastus' birfday," Indicating the one whose Joyful antics I have just mentioned. "Now.T'se pow erful hard up jes' at presen. an' didn't hab no money ter celebrate in de usual way. An' it jes' bruk me all up ten sea de res' habin' jes' as much fun on Rastus' birthday as 'Rastus was habin' . hlsself. So, times bein' so hard, de only way I could see was ter gib der res' all a-lickin', and' dat kinder raises' Rastus up ober de odders!" A quarter flung to 'Rastus proved a charm that raised him still higher, and dried the tears of the others In an In stant. Happier children than these same plckanuinlqs as I rode away, a moment later, it would be hard to find. Grew on Sunday. A little girl In Aberdeen brought a basket of strawberries to the minister very early on Monday morning. "Thank you, my little girl," he said. "They are very beautiful. But I hope you didn't gather them yt-sterday, which was the Sabbath day." "No, sir," re plied the child, "I pulled them this morning; but they was growln' all yes terday." "Quaint Sayings of Chil dren," by the Rev. David Macrae. Shoes. When shoes have become stiff ana uncomfortable from constant wear la the rain, or from lying by unworn, ap ply a coat of arasellne, rubbing It In well with a cloth, and In a short time tha gather will become soft and pliable. It l unfortunate that knowledge doesn't show up In a countenance Juat like dimple. Every man I weak In certain direc tions, and should lose ao time In ,M knowledglng It '.. '"" .