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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 3, 1896)
The Sioux County Journal VOLUME VIII. HAHKISON, NEBHASKA THUItSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 18. NUMBER 52. Ktcapc from a Mrteor. A meteor, weighing nearly four and b half pounds, fell 111 an orchard ne-ar Namur, In Hi'lgium, on April 13, nar rowly missing a young workman. The. meteor penetrated twenty Inches Into the ground. Klectro-Maviietic Velocity. llecent experiments by Monsieur Illondot on tlie rate of propagation ()f an electro-magnetic ellsturleaiii-e along a wire showed, according to one series of te-sts, a velocity of 14.1.'! miles per second, and according to another series. In which the distance traversed wan nearly twice an groat, 1x5.177 miles per peco'id. The velocity of light In about 1NG.3W) miles per second. The Swlniflnix Knrtli. It Is known that the poles of the enrth, Instead of remaining fixed In po- fsltlon, revolve In small circles, or curvc-n which are ne-arly circles, In a period of 427 days, and that another motion of revolution, considerable shorter, also afflicts the position of the pole. The cause of this "wobbling" Is not known, but 1'rof. Slnmn Newcomb 1ms recent ly suggested that It may be due to cur rents In the oceans and In the ntmofe pliers affecting (he equilibrium of the globe. Thi Traveler Tree. Monsieur lture-nu, a French traveler, dispose of the old stories about the "traveler' tree," In Madagascar, which lias been represented as a great boon to thirsty wanderers on account of the water stored In Its cup-shape-el leaf stalks. lie says the tree grows only when1 there Is a plentiful supply of water, and where rain falls frequently nil the year round, and that since tin leaves are situated at the top of the trees, which are very tall, the thirsty traveler would have dlllictilty In reach' lug them, even If It were necessary to do so In order to find water. Nature Worked Hack wnrl. An Interesting story of a reversal of the ordinary course of nature, which cost a market gardener dear. Is told by Miss Ormerod. the English natunijlst Watercress Is eagerly devoured by cud dis worms, but caddis worms are a fa vorite food of trout. The trout In turn have a voracloiw enemy In herons, which ordinarily catch the llsh after they ha vo grown fat on caddis worms. Iteceiitly It happened tluit a large grow er of watercress had three-quarter of Ills crop mined by the ravages of cad dis worms. On investigation It was found that the trout, which ordinarily protected the plants from the worms, had been devoured, ahead of time, so to peak, by a flock of hungry herons, which In thus reversing tin- course of events, had brought disaster to the own er of the watercress. A Steam Wrd. Trof. S. I'. Iingley, the secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, has con ntructed a flylng-mnchine, driven by u steam engine carried by the machine! which made two successful flights at Occoqunn, Va., oil May 0. The machine! is nut largo enough to carry a man, and Is only Intended as a model for experi ment. It, is called aerodrome, mean ing "air-runner." Its framework Is of eMeel, and the length of Its wings, or aeroplanes, from tip to tip Is fourteen feet. No gas Is used to lift the machine, hc ascensional force being derived from proS'llers driven by the portable fcteam engine; and this force Is made effective through the shape and pltcji of the wings. In the air the aerodrome resembles an enormous bird sailing In broad, regular curve and gradually rising. When the steam gives out the machine, Instead of tumbling headlong to the earth, settles down gently and right side up. The engine! used at pres ent is capable of driving the aerodrome about half a mile. On account of I'rof. I-angley's high standing In the world of science great Interest has lieon aroused In his experiments. The Color of Water. The fact Is generally known that pure water appears blue when light Is trans mitted through a sufficient thickness of It, and that when opaque particles are suspended In It the hue of the water Is greenish. Itut while pure water looks bluo when light passes freely through It, yet when It Is contained In a deep, opaque receptacle, like the basin of n lake, or the ocean, It ought to alisorb nil light and look black. Experience f-hows, however, that the deepest parts of the Mediterranean, for Instance-, ap pear not black but Intensely blue. This has been supposed to be caused by ml l.ute particle held in suspension, but the recent experiment of I'rof. Spring at Cleg suggest a different explana tion, lie has found that warmer cur rent passing through pure water In terrupt It transparency, even when the difference of temperature la verj alight. Such currents may cause deep water to appear blue by reflecting light back from Its depths through the transparent layers aliove. This, It is suggestet, ex plains the fact that freeh water lakes are more transparent In winter than In summer, because In winter currents of heated water are not traversing them. Even the shadow of a mountain falling on a hike may Increase the transpar ency of the water by cooling the surface. Stereotype Casting: Apparatus. Clias. M. Couley, for years an expert stereotyper and at present foreman of the stere-otyis? foundry of the Chicago Newspaper I'nloii, has perfected ami patented an Invention to automatically operate means for hx-king together the cover ami matrix-bed of a stereotype casting box preparatory to the casting operation, and In like manner automat ically to unlock the parts when the cast plate Is alsiut to be removed. Pro vision Is made at different portions of the box against springing anl warping of the parts In use, thus not only avoid ing the danger of leakage of the molten metal, but also Insuring a perfect onst plate product. The Invention is one of grecit value, as it not only save time', but protects workmen from Injury and make-s jsisslble a better grade of work. The nce-ompanyllig cut will clearly Il lustrate the Improvement to the skilled rue'chanlc. Childish Diplomacy. We all know the child's aptness In "easing" the pressure of commands and prohibitions. ' If, for example, he be told to keep perfectly ellli-t lee-cuuse mother or father wants ti sleep, he will prettily plead fer the reservation of whispering ever so ttoftly. If he Is bid den not to ask for tilings nt the table, he will resort to sly, Indire-ct reminders of what he' wants, as when a lsiy of five years anil a half whlspi-ri'd audibly, "I hope somelKidy will offer me some more soup," or when a girl of thre-i- years and a half with still greater e-hlldish tae-t observed on se-elng the elder folk e-atltig cake, "I not asking." This last may be compared with a story told by Rous seau of a little girl of six years who, having eaten of all the dishes but one', artfully Indlcafe-d the fact by pointing In turn tee all the- dishes, saying, "I have eaten that," but carefully passing by the iiutaste'd one. Whe'ii nieire ditlle-ult duties come to be enforced ami the neophyte In the higher morality Is bidden to be considerate for othe-rs, and even to tea crl lice his javn comfort for theirs, he Is apt to manifest a goesl deal of skill In adjusting the counsel of perfection to young weak ness. Here Is an amusing example: A little; beiy, Edgar by name, age-d five ycars and three quarters, was geilng out to take tea with somes little glrLs. The mother, an Is usual on such oe-asions, primed him with special directions as to India vlor. saying, "Remember to give way to them, like father does to me." To which Kdgar, after thinking a brief Instant, replied: "Oh, but not all at once. You have to persuade him."-I'rof. .las. Sulley. Fireproof Paper. I. Kroboen, of Berlin, Oormnny, shows the production of a valuable ar ticle for Industrial ami other purjmsos, Ninety-five parts of asbestos fibre of the lmst quality are washes In a solu tion of permanganate of calcium, and then treated with sulphuric ne-bl, which bleach) the fibre. Afte'r treating the fibre thus, five; parts of ground wood pulp are aeldcd and the entire mass put In the! agitating bex, with the addition of lime water and tsirax. After being thoroughly mlxeel the material Is pump ed Into a regulating box and alloweil to flow out of a gate on to an enilloss wire eloth, where It enters the usual paper-making machinery. It Is reiorteel (hat paper treated thus will resist even the direct Influence of a flame, and may be placed In a white heat with Impu nity. Ordinary lil;r may bo made lire proof by treating with a fluid coin)MNfd of 33 parts manganate of chloride), iio of orthophosphortc acid, 12 parts carleon ate of uiagnewluiu, 10 of boric add, and 25 of chloride of ammonia to a quart of water. Taper saturated thoroughly with this solution will resist great heat. Watts Been reaellng anything about these Cuban afrocltU;s? Potts No. I've got a box of them at home yt that my wife bought three months age from an alleges! smuggler. Cincinnati Enquirer. No wonder beea are orotltable: the teal all they cat from the neighbors. TUB CASTISU IIOX. AGRICULTURAL NEWS THINGS PERTAINING TO FARM AND HOME. THE The Farmer Should Pot a Fair Value on Ilia Time and Labor Be Equal to Any Emergency Value of Timely Cultivation Farm Notea. What la a Farmer'a Time Worth? What Is a farmer's time worth? That depends uis.n the farmer, but It Is cer tainly a poor farmer w ho has uo right to pay for his knowledge of the busi ness ami his mauagi-ineut The work er In any department of skilled labor Is paid "for "knowing how." I'urely manual labor rarely get more than enough for subsiste-nce. This Is a well known law of wages that leaels one to desire that his friends de-pend upon something more remunerative than mere manual labor only. Then shall the farmer have no credit except for the actual Held labor performed, at the rates received by his hauels? This is manifestly unfair, and yet on this basis are estimates usually made;. A merchant or manufacturer, con trolling an amount of capital no great er than is often found In farms, allows himself a fixed salary, and It is charged against the business. This salary, of course;, varies, but Is several times greater than the wage with which the farmer credits himself. It now- re quires as much training and good man-age-menl to run a farm well as it does to run any otlu-r ordinary business. A doe-tor or' lawyer, whe-n only a tyro, charges for his time several dollars a day, and ve-ry often his education and training has e-ost less than that of the farmer, who may have learned soine tlilng In the schools and more ly x perlence that dearly. The time of the farmer who thinks ami plans to some should be accounted worth as inui-h te hltn as that of men In otlu-r occupations who use no more skill, education and good Judgment. If this Is correct, many of the esti mates of the e-ost of production of crops, and of the Interest em Invest ment paid by farmers are inaccurate. Certain qualifications are worth very well determlne-d wages, ami their pos sessors should' charge their lined lies with their time at such rotes. Only In this way can they te-H what their lu vesleil capital Is paying. Skilled lalsirers ge-t from Sf2 or A dav upwarel. If farme-rs credited their farms with house re-nt, table supplies, use of carriage, etc., as they should do, there would be meere apparent pos sibility of allowing themselves a fair wage 'for the-ir time; but whether any sum exists for paying it or not. Uncharge- for management Is a legitimate one ami should be made In all farm accounts. If the results of a ye-ar's work he maele public. It is unfair to give an estimate eif cost of production, or of the- profit In farming, that does not Include- this Item of management nt n figure eepial to what It would be worth In either occupations. Such rat ing of one's time Is not only the fair thing to dee, but it may help lis to real ize that farming Is not merely a man ual pursuit. Country Gentleman. Kqnnl to Kmericency. Perhaps thousanels of your rcnili-rs In all iMirts of the; country will me-c-t with some kind of nil emergency every year, and they will be of all klnels, ami no rule can be laid down further than to be ready and etile k to decide what to dei when. anything -nii be; done. I have In mind a friend In a neighboring State, whose wheat field Is now five feet under water. The seilutloti of his difficulty will certainly be very dif ferent from mine, whe-n my whe-at fle-hl has had but an Inch ami a quarter of rainfall uixin It In two months. While we may not always know what to eh), there Is one thing not to be done; that Is, folel our hamls nue sit down and grumble. Since I was seventeen, or for thlrty-feitir years, I have manage'd a farm In the West, and there has al ways been a partial way out of every emergency In the crop line (hat has come before us. Each section, or possibly each farm, must be a law to Itself, but If the farm er Is wide awake to the opportunity be fore him, can generally find some creep that can partially or wholly fill the place of the one; lost. J. M. Rice, In Farm News. Value of Timely Cnltl vatinn. Now that the growing season Is here everyone who hiut any crop in the; ground should endeavor to make; the most of It, if It admits of cultivation, as do most garden productions, ami a number of field crops, it was I.leblg, the German chemist, who salel that "till age is manure." Many do not this, thinking that cultivation lit feir the destruction of weeds, which Is true, but of secondary importance. The llrst consideration Is the benefit derived from the turning of the soil, weeds or no weeds. This should be done; frequently, and besides, after every rain as soon an the ground be comes dry enough. In addition to the cultivator and bhovel plow and hoe there are a num ber of Implement that tend to make the work more convenient For liand labor, the garden rake la valuable, and for more Intricate work clone to grow ing plants the little tool with five benl fingera a kinel of Iron hand is excel lent. The cont at the Implement Bteres is but a trifle-, or It could be maele by a hanely blac ksmith. The Instruction given to the student of oratory In ancient times wan "action, action, ae-tieui." With the good garden er this is transformed into "Cultivate! Cultivate!! Cultivate!:.'" The National Stockman. Kutlir Corn aa a Feed. As many ef the readers of the Breed er will raise their own grain feed for their poultry, they must be interested In knowing the worm of Kaflir corn as a poultry feed. We; have hael two years' experience with it and find it par excellence. It is good for little chicks or old fowls. The grain is s-nalle-.r than wheat, and little chicks w ill begin to eat It by the time they ,re a week olel, and will grow like magic. They are very fond of It, and the music they make while devouring It Is enough to gladden the heart of any chic ken crank. Their little croim will stie k out till you will almost think there are two chicks instead of one; a sort of Siamese twins, as It were;. But don't worry alsiut them; they will not be ereip bound, for the Kaffir corn does not sucll In their crops. It has this rare quality tei such a degree that, even though it be soaked in water over night, It does not swell. As a feed for laying hens we have found It as good as the best of grains. And for moulting season, we have nev er fed anything that is near Its equal. We never have had hens Lay so well during this period aa when fed on Katfir corn. , We think so much of this grain as a poultry food tlmt, were we living In the t-lty, where we could not raise it, we would hire some one to rniise it for us, if we could not buy It at the feed store. The 1st of May Is the time to plant it, iinel It should be planted and cultivated like our common everyday corn. It Is cniiable of yielding from twenty five to fifty bushi-ls of grain per acre, according to the season and culture. (Jive It a trial this year. If your 8 ' "eaier asKS you too mucli Tor rnoNogter" of Christendom-It is custom seed, most any friend you may have lnlnry for them to be paraded round the chi.-eiionia win senei vein ail tnc; seed you will need If you wlU pay, tho tranH-l-ortation. C. V. Mulkey, in Western Poultry Journal. Old Apple Trees. theory Is (1uite prevalent among many fanners that apple trees should be cut down when they cease to be pro ductive In consequence of the decay of the branches. Oftentimes ami in most case-s such trees can be restored to a vigorous growth ami healthy bear ing condition by cutting away the olel decayed portion anil allowing new branches to take their place. This will nearly always follow when tho trees are well cared for and a liberal supply of potash be given them. I saw nil apple tree recently on Or chard Hill in the town of Kensington, in this State;, that was the last remain ing tree of an orchard set out ninety years ago. All of the; other trees were cut down thirty-five years ago. This one, bearing a favorite apple, by the pleading of a largo family of children, was allowed to remain. Of late years the ground around it has been culti vated and It Is n constant bearer. It Is nowcoverecU-iTha itense errcen" folic and the limbs have made a growth this v.r ,.f nv,.r .. (W lea n,l!H,.n (v- day shows the fi folly of cutting clown they ceaae to grow and trees as soon as t hev to crow bear fruit. I ,m? disrespectfully of school rules be- Plow around them, or where this can-1 fore ,1"'lr 'MM- A mistake in met Il licit be done use a spring tooth harrow. 0,1 of (liw'iIll,11( Is t likely to be so Mulch them well and put on a good . mischievous in Its results as a spirit of supply of muriate of potnh, cut off the ' r,,,M'"",n against authority nourished In olel, decaying, moss-covered branches, I ,ho 'llill,'s h'art Iifiission of teach grow out a new top of smooth wood, I rs nU(l thpir n''asires should be held and you will sewn have the pleasure of i in Private; if they are thoroughly wrong se-elng Inrge smooth fruit growing. where' once were only small Inferior ap ples. Age has but little to do with causing a tree to decay. One of the apple trees set out by the Arcadians more than ITsl years ago Is still standing near their old home at Grand Pre. N. S.. and in 1W4 was loaded with fruit Orange Homes. Farm Notea. In an Arlzonn bulletin a writer says: "In feeding forty or fifty cows I used sugar beets and added a certain quan tity of corn meal. I Increased the quiin- tlty of milk five to eight gallons a day and also the; quantity of cream. People who scrape and sexmr theli trees Just for the hxiks of It, and leave the loose bark on the ground where it falls, are aiding the enemy. If tliefre are any insects among the bark they are there still and out of sight of birds. j It Is n common belief of farmers working small areas, and who fan only make ends meet, that if they Irnel more; lan.l they could make mow money. The feet. In the ram do nol bear them out If a small farm Is nol made a success, the same management given a larger one will but Increase tin: losses as a general rule. Burn everything on the farm that serves as harboring places for Insects Hy so doing thoro will be fewer Insect next year and less work to do. Canei of blackberries should always be con signed to the flames In order to destroj the borer, and all diseased limbs and branches of trees should b treated in tbe Mine manner. EDUCATION A LCOLUMN NOTES ABOUT SCHOOLS AND THEIR MANAGEMWT. A Mooriab College la a Very Simple Affair-Parenta Should Not Foater a Spirit of Kebellion Againat School k uiea General Educational Matter Kdncation in Morocco, A Moorish "college" is a simple affair no seats; uo desks; a few books. For beginners, boards about the size of feiolse-ap, whitened on both sides with clay, take the place of book, paper, and slate. On these the various le-ssons, from the alphabet to the Koran, are plainly written in large black le-tters. A switch or two, a sand-box in lieu of blotter, and a leook or two complete the paraphernalia. The dominie squats on the ground, tailor fashion, as do his pupils before him. They, from ten to thirty in number, imitate him as he re peats the lesson in a sonorous sing-song voice, accompanying the words by a rocking to and fro, which sometimes euable-s them to ke-ep time. A sharp aplie-ation of the switch to bare pate or shoulder is wonderfully effective in rivalling wandering attention, and real ly lazy boys are speedily expelled. Girls, as a rule, ge-t no schooling at all. On the admission of a pupil the par ents iay some small sum, varying ac cording to their means, and every Wednesday, which is a half holiday, a payment is made; of from half a cent to five cents. New moons and feast days are maile occasions for the giving of larger sums, as are also holidays, which last ten days in the case of the greater festivals. Thursdays are whole holidays, and no work is done on Fri day mornings, that day being the Mohammedan Sabbath, or at least "meeting-day," as it is called. After learning the letters and figures, the youngsters set about committing the Koran to memory. When the first chapter is mastered the one which with them corresponds to the "I'ater t..u-n i,M,.i,u,.i, with ear-splitting music, and sometimes charitably dis posed persons make small presents to the young studi-nts by way af encoiir agenient After the first chapter the last is learned, then the last but one; nQd so ou backwards to the.second, as, with the exception of the first, the loiigiwt chanters are at the beglnningr Harper's Magazine. Obedience to Rightful Authority. A 1iit of canely or cake surreptlously given to a child, from whom these un necessary articles are usually kept, not only disturbs the stomach that would be the least part of It but suggests a course of conduct which is unlimited in its possibilities of evil, for a luxurv harmless and even advantageous in itself, given in disregard of rightful authority, becomes an evil. Reverence for law, obedience to rightful authority, are most necessary In tse days of in-depe-ndeiice, ami anything which dis turbs such reverence and obedience, however harmless In Itself, should be scrupulously avoided. So far as an outsider Is concerned parental rules for the child are absolutely inflexible, and I olieelie-nce to his fother and mother's I (lir,'(;'i,onH 8,'ou,tl 1P m,l,,, as easf as possum; lO llllll A similar principle ' H""uI1 '""XT'il' 'n regard to teach ' ''rH' ,'Hr,'ntN are too careless in speak the child should be removed from tliei school; if on the whole' good, the errors should be excused. Ladies' Home Journal. Some Tench l-i'h Not Kit, Some teachers have acquired the best of education, but are no more fit to train or teach our children In the schools than a hawk is to care for a brood of chickens; for as a hawk Is at all times ready to seize its prey so are some teachers ready to give vent to their angry passion on some little child. Children are ruled at home by loving parents, and through respect and love they are easily controlled; but when they find that their teacher has not In terest enough to sometimes be seen with them on the play ground, or hand In ha nil with some little tot on the street, they soon begin to think they are un der no obligation to obey. I know of teachers with twenty scholars who don't find time to solve a problem nor for three or four days time to teach writing, and who keep little children sitting perfectly Idle for hours at a tIme DPf.anKe they don't have time to wn8te on th(,rn. . Now It Is the nature of Lh,Mn.n t0 be bufty) aml jf not ,h wise employed of course they will be Into mischief. We have some noble men and women In our schools and with them as teachers our children soon learn to be something more than "boo bies," I believe care should be taken to employ teachers who are adapted to lend children Into their school work with Interest and, too, that teachers should be of noble characters. Parents should become acquainted with those who teach their children and nave a true interest in the progress of educa tion in their localities. I think this is a very Important matter. Parent. What Mar He Expected. Book and magazine publishers pour out a stream of literature on all the subjects that pertain to the welfare of the human being from the time to.! child is an hour old until it is twenty years of age. There are charts publish ed to reword the weight, height, speech, motions, consciousness, etc., etc., of the Infant, and the whole mass of such lit erature is for the teacher written by teachers, addressed to other teachers no word of the parent. At this rate of progress toward making the school room the center of all human activity, civilization and development in the course of a few years the teacher will be expected to be a specialist In the field of me-dicine, of the eye, ear, and throat; an adept In mental science, nor mal and abnormal; a sanitary engineer up to date on every modern appliance of heating, ventilating, lighting, seat ing; an authority on personal hygiene, clothing and corrective gymnastics; and a part of her daily duty will be to issue bulletins dealing with the dispo sition of the few hours that the child necessarily spends at home bulletins stating the time of eating and the kind of food to be given with a chart show ing the psychological condition of the child, and an analysis of the kind of food recommended, the hour for bath ing and sleeping, etc. Tessa L. Kelso. Our Nation'a Mope. Although I'm not a Senator, Yet, still, I think that I Can make a speech as well as one; At least I'm going to try. My teacher snys I'm very smart, And to my class a cre;dit; And, you bet, the highest prize I'm going to try and get it My spelling, reaeling, numbers, too, My pennies and my dollars, I know as well as those who wear Their piccadilly collars. I'm getting kind of tired now, And hope you will excuse me From talking any further, Or of nonsense you'll accuse me. I see my mamma looking, too, From her smiling I infer She feels right proud of me, and I Feel very proud of her. I'iji;.-- '. . Uniformity Will Dlaannenr. The last Legislatures of Washington enacted a ' la w requiring the " State - P-oard of JEduetJjjn to adopt, or re ndopf, text books for use in the public schools of the State, provided that the retail prices of the books adopted should not exceed two-thirds of the re tail prices of the books heretofore In use. No proposals were received for high school books, except in the case of physiologies, that came within the legal restriction; hence none were adopted except physiologies, leaving all high schools to use what they may see fit on all other subjects. Uniform ity, which has existed dnring the last five years, will probably disappear as a resnlt of the operation of this law. Educational News. . v T I)on't Stop Growine. The teacher who stops growing be gins to lose teaching power. There are many petty annoyances which as sail every teacher; and usually some one or nieire serious drawbacks to one's intellectual vitality. All these can be more than counterbalanced by the in spiriting effects of new Intellectual ac tivity. If that is wanting, the friction becomes galling, the pleasure of the daily work is Impaired, the teacher loses cheerfulness and energy and the old measure of success. The end of the year is a good time to determine that, whatever else is unattained in the coming twelvemonth, there must and shall be a healthful, Intellectual growth. Martin Kellogg. 'tj Off for rchool. . Oh! mamma, mamma, it's half past eight! Where are my rtibbe-rs? I shall be late; And where is my pencil? I know just where '. laid it down, but it isn't there. Oh! here is my bug with my books all right I'm rind that my lessons were learned last night: And now I'm off here's a kiss good bye. Torpedo lor Grave Ghouls. The coffin torpedo is the latest device to foil the grave robber. i Of late years the practice of despoil ing graves has become so widespread that every effort lias beeu put forth to flno some means to end It. It is be lieved the present Invention will achieve that purpose. This new contrivance Is a regulation bomb, as deadly as any ever invented by anarchistic genius. It Is placed In the casket just previous to Interment, and after It Is placed hi position and the lid of the casket screwed down, It will be an exceedingly dangerous un dertaking to attempt to force the cas ket oien. The lid of the closed coffin presses down a spring. Raising this lid, even In slight degree, releases thj spring, causing It to strike a percussion cap. The resulting explosion of tha cap also explodes the bomb, and, white the concussion would wrench the cas ket, It Is almost Impossible for the per son who Is trying to open the casket ta escape Instant death. New York Jour nal, i 4