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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (June 25, 1896)
The Sioux County Journal. Subscription Pri-, f'2.00 ti. J. 81 masons. Entered at th ilarrnon post o!tite as Veoad cl matter. Tecrsday. Jrs2 25, 121 Republican Nation!1.! Ti."l?t. .Tor president, WILLIAM a..!-: IN LEY. ur vlc-e -pecsiilent, liAHKPlT A. ii'iBAET. Dates to be Remembered. IVmocratic nutlouul convention, at Cl:! Vago. July 7. Populist national cou volition, st. Louis, July a. Republican etate nominating convention, Lincoln, July 1. Popuht sluts convention to elect dele tgite to national convention. Grand Island, July 13. Sixth district republican convention to tiouiiiintf; a candidate for cougmw, at North Hatte. July 3, at 10 a. in. 'Rah forMcKinlev and Hobart. ... . The repub lean countv convention on , ' - last Saturday endorsed everytliiu;; that Tux JOURNAL has advex-ated. , . .... . , . Some people s wtivtty reminds one of Xhe fabled mountain which experienced :xuch terrible trav.l in brinyin forth moose. Nebraska ha-s reain to feel proud of the honor conferred ou Senator Thurston j n.t the national republican convention at j j' l. Liouis lusi ueeK, tiijo, oy wieay, : Senator Thurston was entitled to ail got, aDd did credit to his state. John TiO iruershuusser has l)eii 'notiiiiiated by tba r'ubbuans for "the legislature in his district, Ho it county. Trotn is a fcood man and we 'hope h will be elected, but his name will strike terror to thi legislative clerks. The republicans of Nebraska will meet in convention at Lincoln on next Wednesday and name the men who will manage the affairs of the state for the ensuing term, and also the electors who xvill name the next president, A man in Omaha was lined foOO and 'tentenced to spend a year in jail for 'hanging a jury. Thj way it is conduct ed the jury system is bad eiiough and if they are to be reached by outsiders with :a little money, the courts w ill amount to very little in punishing offenders. It U reported that Cuba is expressing a strong and growing desire to he an nexed to the United St.Hes. The island should either be a part of Ibis country or be free from any country and it is lioped that it will not be long until such n state of affairs will lie brought about. Editor I J, Simmons, was down at JRushville last week and it is reported "that he is about to move his olfice tiiere ;nd establish a republican paper. Ton Sigind-RxoriLr. Ttie report which reached Bro. Shel don was false, as the id.i of moving his office to any place from its present loca tion has neven entered "Editor L. J. :Simmons" head. The is no more room or demand, from a business standpoint for a third paper in Eushville than there n"s for a third pa'per in Chadron or there "was for a second paper in Harrison, and while a republican paper at Eushville 'would be a good thing from a political ipointof view, the fellow who would un dertake it with the two already there, would display more party zeal than 'financial sagacity. Under the existing 'laws and conditions any one w ho will rstart a new paper in northwest Nebraska must either have a bank account which 'he wishes to reduce or some rich politi 3il combination back of him, or a con suming desire to "do up"' somebody. The republican national convention at JSt Louis resulted evtn tetter than was expected. The nomination of McKinley for president and Hobart for vice-presi-rient were each decided on a single ballot mod their nomination was made unani rooos without leaving any bitterness in camps of the unsuccessful candidates. 'The only thing which marred the har "miony of the work of convention was the 'bolting of a few of the delegates (less 'than fifty) because the rest of the body would not accede to their demands on the silver question. The only men of prominence who left the hall were 'Teller, Dubois and Canon, each of whom mi leaders of a faction in his own state. The work of the convention came as near meeting with the approval of the nwpubikaM in general as has any similar leathering and the party goes into the campaign with no ditsafTections except the one referred to above, that is even wow losing its significance. Ttie demand of tbe people for McKinley proves that protection to American industries is the IfMrincipie oa which the battle is to be VoogM M4 all other questions will be inuai noaadary. There it practically JM aoabt of tepubUeaa success at the poiH la November, and that means the tune! tba nation to protection, pros- I- II. J f !: . !.'.n !:. , was hi ll.invn on Tlnrsliv j;t-tt:r:.f ec-j'lU.Mi-i ,th our jf.- ii;le and I-ajkir.g after !' interests a a candidate for the republican iioiniuation lor state treas urer. l!isa j.Wisnit gentleman anil in h's firivut' busiii"s lias demonstrated ; lr tt il:ty an I should tlu Coiiv.;nt ion at ' Lincoln ii-.t wk make hill lis nominee I the rvp-ibli.-an w.ulJ have a t'-i to tuake tb ;i-lit for. I Tlif Food Supply of th Fut:;rf. Th an!-,nt f vegetable growth timt ; !. within a given area is so great ! that the iWuv-st p. -puU'.loii woul l b-J iu- jc.i-ib.e i f n-iu,," It. A:U cell if it were t io! ei a!.l tlt:it population should !" j come so dense tti t i' ifi-uniw moi'tf food ; t'iiait cou'd t produi-ed bv ttie natural t growth of plants, tlKTe still remain tle ; sources of iirl.licial manufacture of food. of which we are lie-arm? so muc h of late. A nd if one may be allowed to renvoi) from analogy, the inference for the pro duction of food would be what has nc- j tually le-n fotiral to be tlte case in t lie j recent production of other cotuiii'Viilies , that wh it is needed to u.:,k food more i abundant and cheap is enough populu ! tioii to make suliicient demand. Ho, strangely yet simply, it omes itbout that in providing of :vh'it is essential fi r the It-vt welfare and tiichest happiness of mankind in tlw future, the tint p which have, heretofore seemed th fu -tlitt Irom our reach, nitrogen and en- ! errv are t oe ver- unn h:ch I rovi- . ' , , f i derii e places about lis at all tunes and in j utterly inexhai.stil le nrnmints. The jc;:pn itv of man to consume l-xxl is lini- I ited. Tl'.e possibility of its pro-loctii-n is nliiior:t limitless. Tbe virv isi( rease lf r)()j),li;(( ,v(lk.h tw M l!tsian d.K- irin ,!mkes tli -.titse of starvation will thus ls oiiie the condition of ( heap ant abundant sustenance, o tbe usn f man's l r i:r. traiisluriiis the .roj--t of dire cnlarmlc. of miserv int liable, into i,e promi.e f inexi resiib!i ldesintr. Kroin "The l'wude's Kooil A Or-nt Nr- i tioiril Inouirv, id June Keviow cf eviews. GASOLINE engines. STEAM PUMPS. IRON AND WOOD PUMPS OF ALL K!N:S, Ri-I'pir n4 Ft'rbanki Wind, mux Tuwrra. Tanlta. Irfl Hog Outfit, llune. B-lttu& (;r:n'ierhelln. Wood Smw, llrlve I'ulnU. Plix1. Httlnf. Mraxs ?ooa ftnd falrbank (standard Hralr. prlrn low. cift tbe test. &eod tor CaialOKU. FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO., 1102 Farnam St. Omaha. Neb. Filial Proof V,ices. All person liavtnir IttiHl proof notices In this ,uMT will receive a tiif.ike'l copy of tli jae-r U'l tire requel, "1 to exunone their notice hii'I If hiiv errutx exist rport tlie Haute to this oltice ill once. ,i:ct fir I'ultlScntion. Lund Office at Alliance, Neb. I Mny Is, IHWi. I Notice N heret-y friven Unit the following naitu tl Hcttler hws flie'l notice of his inten tion to ni:kc Mntil prtxt in stipKirt ,jf iiu cinlat, ntcl lh" t. s.,id pnf w ill Ik- tnmle Ut fore M. J. lllewett, . lerlc of ttie tlistriet eo-trt. til liarri&OL,, cb., oii June -7, !'., v l. : F..-i V. nf I;11. N. li . wiio mu'le It. Y.. No. Ii7 for tlm a. tj i,w. J4 A h. . sc. sec. 3-1, tp. 2.r Ti., r. - 4 w. He nitetew the i'4iiiuw iny v;t-tcscw to prov ills conlimiotj resHleace ujn tnl cultiva tion of wiS't iuti'l, mi Octave Harris, K. K. Xeecc, Alva Shricvc, V. . Mcholson, alt of i'.cll, Neb. also Flimry K. lYnsser. l U' ll. Neb.. who tu nic 11. E. No. H': lor the aw. ne. , s li uw. li afl lot 5 sec ti, to. ll" n., r. r.4 w., Hint sr. V; lie. i sec. I. tjt "i- lu, r. -Vi w. lie imiiics t!ie follow in wittiCsse to prove his eoutinc.o't resi'le:ice upon auU cull;Vii tion ol , sai.l ialcj, viz : Ocl.:ive lliarrii, H. 1 . Ncoce, Mvn sbrievc, W. s. N ichoioou, nil ol !'.eii, ctj. . J. v, W, J it., I'.e'.tt r. .iiticp for I'nljilt-atitiii. Land Oflicc at Alliance , Neb., 1 Jinn; s, I'!. i Notice is hereby tfiven that the ftlowitit7 nanosi k:I ;.ler litis lib! nota-e of bis uit"u tioit Ut tnttke final prtsif in tlpn t nl low claim, and tttnt sai'l fitK,f will tt maiie be fore M. J. lliewctt, clerk of iil-itiict iXiurt, at llarrUon, Neb., on July isini, viz: Cliarlc S. Wliliiuns. of Arlnnrr. S. 1).. who mmle H. K. No. 4 :1 -t for the lots 3 14 and a. S nw. l4 sec tf. n., r. -Vt w. fie names the following wittiesses to firove bis con Urinous residence uiton and cultiva tion of, said html, viz : Herman KrteMtlit, .John Meslnir, Petr Vt'hsieufeitl, Joiiu tf-tratnier, all of Ard more, s. i). 40 45 J. W. Wtns, Jn., Itcffister. Knticc tor Publication. Land Office at Alliance, Neb., I June a, ItfWf.. j Notice In hereby Riven th.t the followlng naiuci s-ttier has llled noficc; ot bisinU'ii tion to make tliml jiroof In support of tii claitii, and that si'l prKif ill lie ntade tje fore .M. J. Biewett, ( lerk lilstrict Court at Harrison, Nebraska, ou July 11, ls'i, viz: John H. Xewliil. of UilflirUt, Nch., who insde II. K. No. ll'A for the m. ' j ik. 'i, ne. t4 se. f4 & !4 uti. A, wo. l-i, tji. n., r. 'si w. He names the followinir wltnessrs to prove Itis continuous residence ujku itini cultiva tion of, said iand, viz. : F. W. Knott, Jantet Wil-on, K. V. Wolll lieter, ail of oiicurUt, Nip., I. V, t olfee, of llotlarc, Neb. J. W. Wjkijx, JR. 139 -U I Ki-Kister. Notice for Pultlicatlnn. Lanl OTllce ttt Alliaife, Neb., 1 May 4, ixm. t Notice 1 hereby Klven t!ie lollowlne named settu-r It.o li'asl notice of bis Inten tion to make ftdal proof In support tit his claim, and that said proof will be uoule be fore I. J. Hlen ett, cb rlc ill t. court, at Har rison, Neb., on June 7, IVM, viz.: Franz Peter Midler, of Ar'lmerf, 8. P. who Hindu H. K. No. :I4, for tint -. ', hp. see. 11 and w. 'i ne. t, see. 14, tp. :-A n., r. 64 w. He ntinics tite following witnesses to prove his continuous re.odcnoe upon and cultiva tion, of said land. viz. : Peter p.retty, Jakob Kirrher, Jakob Mark intf, Peter Haiiaon, all of Ardmorc, m I). 41 J. W. Wkiix, Jk., Kctfister. Notlc" fur Presentation to and Hearing lit--fore County Jnrtee ;f rixlns and le mands Aainut th Futnte of A. 11. riiiiieo, DcPenKeil. Tn the County Court of ftlonx County, Ne braska. lu tli matter of the estate of A. II. I'lunco, detteHiwtd. Notlci 1 hen-hy Riven ti all pernons hav ing cltiiutM and demandi against A. II. Pin iiihi, late of sioux county, deceased, that the. time fixed for tiling claims ag tinst said estate In Mix Month from tbe Ifttli flay ol June, A. It., i.. All n, h I'ersona are re cjulred to present their rlalnm wltti the vouchem, to the County Judge of mid Coun ty, t hl ofticB therein, on or Before the 10th day of iKsuunber, A. I) latxi. And all claims mi dltsl will he heard tie fore th said Judge on the 10th day of Jnlv, A. !., lMli, or afterwardu on tlHt Brut day of each regular trm of ald Xurt during tbu tune limited for filing claims nfi,reald. Uuted this I Mb day of June, A. D. JMWi. A true copy. Kobirt WltJIOW, i . IHi County Judge. 1 "'' J 54jV - - - -.v. :.-"-y'i i. i A Good r gs f oroislKil on slirt notice. Keliably drivers aud qtiitt middle liorsf-s always on hand. Good accommodations for trauscietit customers. Horsea boarded. TERMS REASONABLE. GIVE ME A CALL N. D. HAMLIN, FHOPRICTOR. THE COMMERCIAL BANK. ESTABLISHED ie88. Earrison, 1' resident. D. IL GRISWOLD, Cashier. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL. SOOOO. "ransacts a General CO RT?ES PON DENTS: AiiEitiCAN Exchange National Bank, New Vork, Omaha National Bank, Omaha, FlltsT National Bank, Chadron. Interest Paid on Time Deposits. t-lEAFTS SOLD ON ALL PAKTS OF EUROPE. YOU WILL FIND ME AT THE wits: BZRG-iirsrs fob 6E0. PIONEER PHARMACY Drugs, Medicines, Paints & Oils. JEWELRY, CLOCKS -A-ZLSTID GOODS. CALL AND SEE. J. E PHINNEY, UARniSON, The Inter Ocean I the Mor.t Popuisr Republican Newspaper of the West and lias the Largest Circulation. TERMS T3Y MA.IL.. DAILY (wiUtout r-vrdiy) $4.00 per year DAILY (with Santlav) $6.00 per year The Weekly Inter Ocean $ 1 .00 EsvYtCAR At a ITewanai er THE ViTiZi OCEA?f keo.-w t-breart of the timet In all it.p6.jta. Jv epirti ii-it ir pins nor expens-i in securing ALL THE NEWS ArO TWfi V.V.ST OP CUURHNT LITERATURE. The Wcehly Inter Ocsan A r Yr.m'AyPxztr Not Hxcf.tlcd by Any. P"3,Tt hit eTi'fci:t of lnt-r,jt to Jkca mfiubor ot the family. He A yOt7TH'3 r.'ErAKT'iS"f l-i tne vary le,tof Ita kt:d. Ita LITEIt- RVFEATUHJ i-.tre uorjiiiA ItU.TWELVE ?A'jrJi tiX't'd tr.A cortUin tk JTews of ths World. W-iTICAiLY IT 1-5 i-l'.fiBW.,' N. r.d (?t t re-dor the benefit of the blet diiamssions i r. a.:;. p"1""' 5 ."'". 'Hi t Tst;-is,t4 In Chics 0 and Itiaacsiri ti, it V : i.i ov.n M'.ttie iroi.t 'utTalur. Flerte rer i4ooT fk 1c pic .f li." ,'i.rC.--..." ..s CCi-AlI is OMLV o .K i"i:.u'.: Pkl; t i.i:. jy. ,ti i ti c Feed and Sale Qtalilu i I II II I 9i Nebraska. C. F. Corvrw, V 'ice-l'reident. Banking Business. H. TURNER NO TROUBLE TO SHOW COOD8. PROPRIETOR. NEBRASKA, i-i(f.; .';c"a,i, ewewo. Sioux County, THE LAND OF THE HOMESTEADER. Free Homes for More Than 5,000 Men. A new county with schools, churches, railroads, etc., AND 800,000 ACRES YET OPEN TO HOMESTEAD ENTRY. Contains over forty-five miles of railroad and has no county bonds. Sioux county is the northwest county of Nebraska. It is atxmt thirty miles east and west by aWit seventy miles north and south and contains OVER 1,300,000 ACRES of land. There ate more bright, spark ling, small streams in the county than can be found in the same area elsew here in the state. It has more pine tini'tar in it than all the rest of the state combined Its grasses are the richest and most nu tritious known so that for stot k-grow injr it is unexcelled. The soil varies from a heavy i-lay to u light sandy loum und is capable of pi o during excellent crops. The principal crops are small grain and vegetables, although good corn is grown in the valleys. The wheat, oats rye and barley are all of unusually line quality and command the highest mar ket prices. The water is pure and refreshing and is found iu abuiidaiicw in all parts of the cou n t v. The county is practically oulofdt U and has over forly-live miles of railroad within its borders, Ims a good brick coui l house and the necessary hxtures lor rt n nin the county mid thera has nevt-i lieen one dollur of county bonds issustd and hence taxes will 1 low. Tin) Fremont, Klkhorn & Missouri Valley railroad crosses Sioux county from east to west nnd the li. & M. aliout fteen miles of its line in the northeast irt of the county. The climate is more pleasant than that of the eastern tajrlion of Nebraska. l,re is still OVER 000,000 ACRES of land in Sioux county yet ovn to homestead entry. It is better land anil more desirably located than that for which such rushes lire mmle on the open, ins; of a reservation. There is no rail road land in the county and for that reason its settlement has been slow for no special effort to get settlers was made, as was done in the early days of the settlement of the eastern juirt of the state. Good deeded land can 1x3 purchased at reasonable rates with government land adjoining so that a ron who wants more than one quarter section can obtain it if he has a little means. There are algiut 1,500 people in the county and there is room for thousands more. Harrison is the county scat and is sit uated on the F. E. & M. V. railroad, and is as good a town as the thinly settled country demands. School houses and churches are pro vided in almost every settlement and are kept up with the times. All w ho desire to get a homestead or buy land cheap are invited to come and see the country for themselves and judge of its merits. Homesteads will not be obtainable much longer and if ou want to use your right and get 15 acres of land from Uncle Sam free it is time you were about it. Itlpans Tabuleg. Ulpans Ttbulcs cure nausea. Rlpans Tabulea: at druggists. Rlpant Tabules cure dizziness. Hipans Tabules assist dlgegllon. Rlpans Tabules cure bad breath. Rlpans Tabulet cure biliousness. Ripans Tabulet: one givee relief. Rlpans Tabulet: gentle cathartic. Rlpant Tabulet cure constipation. Rlpans Tabulet: pleasant laxative. Rlpans Tabulet cure liver troubles. 100 Pictures of the Great St. Louis Cyclone In allien 250 lives were lost, and 20,000,000.00 of property destroyed. These views sre all taken from actual pho tograph!, ami allow more plainly than in any other wav the U-rrihIe destruction l.-lt thn track of the storm. It la In book form, liroiie.i on una paper, Muuilxi easily pre "- n..,.,.. ,ni in ifUIIIVM Ol all. It la not likely America will ever again be vlslLe.1 liiu, ,ll...ip,. .'I I., i .... - ------ - ..j " B luuiwilf, IM-Iiur m" tual phrdographa of thn acenea will Ih curi osity for vearn to come. Nothing like thin lawk lias aver been issued In to short a time. It contalna pictures of all the principal nccnca, lak.n the iii-Kl ilnr alter the storm, before the work of rebuilding hud coin inencefl. This magnificent book will lie sent by mall, postpaid, ou tecelpt ot Sfi rinU In taiiipa or liver. Don't li t tins opportune tv pasaof aecurlngtliii only complete and authentic photographs of tlicOieati-atatonii Kver Known to Hnvn Visited America. d (Iree,, Pl BI.lsnr.NS' HI i i-Lr i n., ""Al Emllc niilkllng, n, J,ul, Ho. OrriCIAL DIRECTORY. fTATEOrnt Ells: sllaa A Ifo'nmib Governor K 1. Moot.. I lenle'isiit l.,,ertil J A. Pila r...,l,l " lt" f tiirene t,ire Auditor J, . itarttey ...Treasur. r A. . liurelnll Ati.irney oetu rl II. C Uusseil ..... l-alel I ,,tumi"SMMie H. U. lolls 1 1 .supi. public lustiuction KN(.llKssoSAL I'Kl.ttiATlOS: John M. Ttmrstoii t . s. s.nulor.nnsa U in. V. Ale II I . s. si-uMlor, M:((ll,n) J II. str.sle, (.oitgo-ssotau 1st Hit., l.lnis,ln H. II. M leer. .d " (Mliaba I. . II. M. :kiejolin 3 1 KulIerliMi L. J. H-OiM-r. " 4th " Auror . W. h. i.tjre Ml." H.Cbu.l 0. M. hcui, " ,lii " Lfok, K Ik.w Jl 11( IAKV : A. M. Pout .1 tl.ef J'l-tiw. Cii'tlllilrtH 1. 0. 1 . llai l is,,ii A'te Judge, or md Island I. 1.. Norval si ite Judge, s.. .,,,! l. A. t alupbriL.t lei a and j:,l U-l, l.i.clu HrTr.LNTII Jl KH I AI. I'lsTEKT: M. P. hiuknld Judge. n'SVIll W . II. Vt ratovrr " l:uiiH II. J. l;iL-utt. i ierk,Hi.irisoii OU'NTY OPPICKltS: Kols rt tVtlsoii Connty Judge M.J. P.Iewett. -- lerk I ha.. P.ienle .. .1 reaaurel V . II. 1 nuts supt. I'tiUlt liHitrnclioN li. Iliotb tt MierllT J. K. Pliimiev . t'orouer ... surveyor M.J. P.leai-ti.V......" .Clerk of liMrtrl 1 rt i.iant i.uinrii- Uieuly Attoruey KOAIIIl OP COMMISSION Kit: Frank Tmkhauf ' h lirman ) 1st Olairict M J. WelHT l 11. K. JoNiimiii 1 " I.holsLATlVK: II. ;. Stewart. .sentitor. Hist No. 14, Crawford . IietnpM y...lii p., Dial. No. il, llellllugforil VILLAOK Or KlCKlls: K. IN nliwer !cbalrtn;in ) .Truste J. W . scolt li. 11 i,riod " W. 11. Murstellcr N. I. ll:inillu I.. J. spoinotoi Clerk l,eis t,cr,ach Treasurer SCHOOL OPHCLlls: J. W. -scotl II. I., snitlrk O. V . Hester ...director . Moderator ..'1 rcasurwr TKHMS OK t OfltT: district Court, -At Harrison, coiuiuente .M.irch t'A anil November Mh. I "iiiily lotirt, At Harrison, couiiuaiiam tlmt ilonfiav ol each month. CHt'KCIIKS ANI SOCIKTIM. Methodist Sunday s lusil uu'etn every fun duv liiornititf at II .JU. J. k. MsHMl.l.l.LH, v. II. IIAVK. hua.i-iti4iiflent. se-retniy Vt'MIS1LN OK T1IK Vidni.H. Hurri-on Camp, No. Vi, meets on each al tcrnate WislncsdaN evening. W. H. Havis, ' VV. L. Hott, Clcik. lon.totn. Ml l!)K! s' W(Mllif KS OK AMKKHA. Mecu each ultcruale Sal'irdav ovening ulno'eliH-k. A. it. lit', V. C. J. W. smith, Clerk. KPWoliTll l.K.MiPK. Iicvotiotial tin fling every Sunday evonlng nt. II. XI. Cabinet iiieeli'tg ON cull of presc ill-lit. l lMi. V ASriOI-klHK, Jim. II. I.. Pfsur.H, 1'ie.ident. M-r.-tary. L'-for"' SnUseriblng for a Mi;.',zl-i See liif Heat lieniorest s an itakalle; offer. Hcmoie.t's Cut Paper IVu-riis tire Hie most pr.u -thai! o", tin- market. They are of any si.e a iiieinlKr of the household could rn Uile. Iii each copy of the Mngaltlae I, printed a coupon untitling th ula-rllT, or pur.diits.-r, to a pit tern iorth and regit, lurly fold tor -.) or any iiiimla-ruf patterns for lour cents cucli to cover package ami pottage. Vt hen till- Value of the patterns ia cotldcied the snbsi rllM-r.iicluully gct HEMORESTS MAGAZINE FREE And what a magazine It Is! Kor lai li win la- morn brilliant than ever before. New management, new methil, new Ideas Kucti conv eon It, I f i s t, , .iiio. . " :, , ' : ,-1-,'sii M'inKisn- tion In colors of sou, celebrated nlcturo hr a ruinous artist, wot tbv to adorn the walls of the most refined home. It ! artlnui-d that nh.viOKi-.M s In the only complete ramilr Miigaliie combining all af the iot an-af. lent siln ts of Ita eoiitninpoi-Kriea bny- Imlrl,,. Ihlll.l. u i. i.. - iiith'T SI. actually a lMiZaTN MAUAUBKN ill on,.. It la a Illlest of I'nm.l Vs..... , , . nnvs ami laeaa for the bu.y man or Hoinan, a Kevlew and a . . ,,,r Iv(. ,nolh. eiH, l-li'!sand tlallghtera call find rxactlv w hat thev need to sitoi.s U. I.. - also practical ln-liw in every ti-partment ot ........ ..... ...... m ,ul ii,rnlnuttf ma mrn blilng am ornamentliig of tbe home, em broidery, brie a brae, artl.tie and fancy work "r" ,"1"" Vo1'" "..c- """ "" advice regarding the well be ,n1 UreM. Ing of their own iMTaoiia. ew 'l lm ik-os-oI tbe article, for yS .,) iu Bill cover the whole country and It. varied Interests, and the article, will I, profusely Hliisirated with then t engrav ng T,d .. addition, 1, will publNh the la-.t and p" -e-t Mellon, it trem. Bl length Out of r!,r rporta. Home Aniaaemenu anil KntarUiln- the I lilldr.ti . Iiepiirtment, and "Our l.irl. " and lian a Monthly symposium by f alebrald People, In whicli are llctiMe,f Imiairtaat ?"ad.-ra1' ' "15 ''"r ,"Ur"'t u old" lA-t II II hflVA t-r.tiv .... .I...! . .. . .n,..,: iVi junr innnay than 11 I. INMaible to aectirr In any other magazine It - r. ,,e;iwi uriJW, fir .1. msntl.. f... . oiuereni garment, are ahowa i f , which taiuab e bv s, i. . arc oh- Sample copy (with pattern coupon ) sent for loo , i HI.I.III so (.11., 110 Piflh Avenue, Stiw York. AUBBHtomit. OM.Tt.1M THE SIOUX COUNTY JOURNAL and HKMOIttsrs TAMILY UAtiAZINK. send 1 our Sulwcrlptlom to thlaOflUe. I North-Western LINE F., E. & M. V. R R i. tn, U to and from (he SUGAR BEET FIELDS -OF-