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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (June 25, 1896)
4 "Hcbrashr. Hotcs 1896 JUNE. 1896 - w. T. r. . 1 J J J T T 7 8 9 io ii 12 13 14 i 16 17 18 19 20 ai 22 23 24 2S 26 " 28 29 30 Cellar c flinty people are clamoring for township organization. Bloomingt n has a itun club composed of eleven tneai tiers, all of t hum believe they can hoot. Many fields of oats and wheat near Gibbon are badly mottled with wilfl mustard. I'ull it out by the roots. Judge A. X. Sullivan and wife of Plattsmou'h lately celebrated the twenty-fifth anniversary of their na.'e. Harold Mile?, an o'd Krai rice boy. has passed a creditable examination and entered the naval academy at Ae DajRilia. Paul Sanh z of Bayard has started the experiment of We raising. Ue received his initial "colony" the other day from Colorado. Cheyenne county hrealia the record. Hail stones fell there the other day as large as teacups. Ho Bays the Hayard Transcript. Notice has been served on the lioys in the Union Pacific chops at Grand Island that 110 work will be done on Fridays until further notice. The editor of the Curtis Courier ad veriiHes for some spring chickens on subscription. He must intend to break np training for hard times. The circus at Fairbury ha1 the usual complement cf fakirs and victims. Several of the latter recov ered their lost by legal process. A young man named Mine Mugin, of EuHtis, left home very suddenly to avoid having :o marry a young lady who loved him more than he desirrd. Dr. J. 8. Emigh of Red Cloud has just finished a comfortablo brick cyclone cave. Most any kind of a cloud lurnish es him an excuse for repairing to it DOW. Horace Hill of Superior has a badly swollen hand. About a week ago a rooster flew at biin and imbedded one of its spurs in his third finger and the wound is slow in healing. The Wausa Enterprise-Herald thinks the people who laHt year prayed for rain ought to remember this year to acknowledge the favor so bountifully bestowed. Marion Vincent and Sherman Le master of Valley county recently had a battle at close range, and Vincent now mourns the loss of one tar. Le master bit it off. A sad case of "drunk and disorderly" is reported from the village ol .Moan, where no liquor is sold. It must be shipped in in original packages direct to the consumers. 1 A few of the business men of Heaver Crossing were somewhat lewildred at the action of two tramps that came to town and had some tools repaired at the blacksmith shop. There are different ways to provide for old age. One of tho shrewdest financiers in Gordon has a hand organ, car. fully stored away in a bank vauli, in keeping for a "rainy day." David E. Jones of Platte county will be taken to the asylum. He labors under the hallucination thai some one wants to hang bim and the constant fear he manifests renders life a burden to him arid his friends. The petitions to the Grand Island tchool board respectfully requesting it to reconsider the action on cutting down the teaching of music and draw ing, German and Latin, are being very numerously signed. Alma has an amateur dramatic club which the Record claims is equal to professionals. They played "The Pri vate Secretary" recently and now the people of Alma think they can perforin anything they nndertake. Red Cloud printers are kicking be cause the Fourth of July celebration committee decided to have its poster work done in Lincoln. They think that with four printing houses to choose (rem it could be done acceptably at home. We never could understand, says the Deabler Citizen, why a road oversee r, when he puts in a drain box, sets the lop of it from two to six inches higher than the road level, unless it is to jolt the back teeth out ol those riding over them. It is just fourteen days from the tim a new moon appears until it is full. It is just one hour from the time some men strike Gordon, says the Journal, until they are full and they have been known to be full several times in month. Hamuel Hogg of Hampton is in hard lines. His team ran away and when be wet finally thrown from the carriage, he didn't do a thing but land on 1 bathed wire fence. He was cuf up tnd will be long time recovering. Falls City people think they have th W baseball team in the state. The team has greet record eo far, end with ihi support th people ere giing It, bids fair to make a reputa Jor to' itaelf. Clark, one ol the pitchers wil probably U in the Western asoci ti m ne-., vet r. HEADY FOR THE STRCCCLE Republicans at St Lcnis Lager to Plunge Into the Smoke. FAVORABLE TO THE GOLD STANDARD kuch U the Kntlaietit mm Kspreeeede. Mjtnj Turrrd Dowu. Pt Lotis, June 11. Gold has car ried the day. This assertion, made through the United press by Senator Henry Cabot L-xlge at an ear'y hour yesterday afternoon, put a new phase on the finai.cial situation and over turned several of the plans which had be'n formed by thife who expected a different result. Mr. Lodge figured that twenty-two out of the forty-five states now forming the union hail each se lected a member of the committee on resolutions; favorable to the gold stand a-d and that two or three western states were likely to follow suit, thus insuring a clear majority. The Ohio men somewhat reluctantly recognised that Mr. Lodge as creak ing by the card. George A. Kohertsou, editor of the Cleveland Recorder, who has made a specialty of fashioning the views of the Ohio lenders on this mat ter, saw ex-Secretary Foster and asked him if he did not know that the jieople all through northern Ohio weie for nlver. He replied: "The people of Ohio are republicans and they will stand by sound republican doctrine. Free silver is a heretic and they do not want it." General C. H. Grosveno- who is re garded as almost the mouthpiece of McKinley, aid : "The plat for n will lie ell right. There will le no occasion for the east to complain on that score. It will be discussed a good deal more, but it Is practically settled that the declaration will be for gold;" and even Mark Hanna could not dispute the fact that the gold standard plank was in the ascendant. It is somewhat singular that Illinois, which turned the scale in favor of Mc Kinley by instructing for him instead of for Culloni, took a leading part in shaping the course of the middle wes ern states yesterday by adopting a go d plank by the decisive vote ol forty-two to six. The action of the Idaho state delega tion may perhaps be significant of an Intent to bolt. It selected all I he usual officers appointed by state delegations except some one to wait upon the nominee for president and vice-president. Beyond this and the exceeding 1 ift money plank adopted by the Io delegation, who favored "gold, silver ind paper kept on a purity by the en actment of laws to accomplish it," there were no very significant financial features in the meetings of the slate delegations which occupied much of the day. MANY Tt'KKE DOWN. In the selection of national commit teemen for next year, however, matir men of national repute were turned down. William M. Hahn, so long e potent factor in Ohio politics, disap pear! from the list, as does also the equally well known Gen. Jamps 8. Clarkson of Iowa, and ex-Pres dent Harrison's friend, J. N. Huston of Indiana. Chauncey I. Filley of Mis souri sustained another defeat at the hands of bis old opponent, Mr. Kerens, and Col. William I.amb, chairman of the state committee of Virginia and leader of the Reed forces in that state, was compelled to retire from the na tional committee in favor of a gentle man holding different views. The cane of Joseph H. Manley of Maine is still held under advisement by his delega ti m with an intimation that they will probably consider his recent offense in giving up the Reed ship as one of the head rather than of the heart and will continue him in his committee mem bership. Yesterday's proceedings seem not only to have settled the financial plank, but the tariff plank, also, ol the next national republican platform. A sketch of the proposed tariff provisions, which it is said was either drawn up by Ma jor McKinley himself or was submitted to him for approval, - proposes an in crease of duties all along the line suf ficient for the needs of the treasury and the re-imposition of protective duties on wool and sugar. The first four paragraphs of the platform are devoted to a denunciation of the demo cratic policy, to which if ascribed the aommercial and industrial depression that baa prevailed during the last three years, and a laudation of the republi can policy of protection which had pre vailed for thirty years previously. There is a strong recommendation for the renewal of reciprocity agreements. There is also a recommendation for the imposition of 10 per cent duty on im porta in foreign bottoms as foreshad owed in Governor Foraker'a statement published yesterday morning. The language of the platform is de scribed as forceful, alliterative and full of catchy phrases inch as are calcu lated to bring down the house. All the talk among the advanced sil ver men last night is to bolting after their minority Iree tllver report from the committee no resolutions is voted down, at it will be, ol course. Not Law. Wasuikotoi, D. C, June 10 The resolution introduced by Senator Allen extending time one year lo which the settlers on the Otoe and Missouri lands may pay for the r lands failed to become a law for the reason that the president has refused to eign it. It is said that the chief executive takes the view that he has authority to sign the bill within ten days of the day of passage even after vmvrMM bis sdiourned. PUUIIMttty f Ml 1 u, Pt. I.oi is, June l'J Alter a t-n h ,ur'l sett ion in torn I heat and dis tressing ooice the eleventh nut nal republican convention nominated a ticket pre-ordained from the first by the Ohio political managers w ho prac tically controlled the gathering and named William McKinlev of Ohio and Garrett A. Ilohart of New Jer-ev for president ari l vie-president respect ively of the United States. No effort waa put forth to Cftrry out ihb much talked of purpose oi coiiii r ring the second place uion Go. Levi P. Morton. Mr. Ilohart went through on the first ballot w ith many votes to (pare, just as toon as the word was I assel round, after McKinley had been safely landed, that Mr. McKinley 's friends desired the election of Mr. Ilohart. The chief supporters of the other un successful candidates for t tie presi dency, Mr. I.dge for Red, Mr. Hep burn for Allison, Governor Hastings for Quay and Mr. Depew for Morton, came out in ring ng l.ttle speeches movir.g to make McKinley 'a nomina tion unittiimous and pledgii g him the loyaL support of their respective states. When to these assurances Mr. Piatt added his tiersonal promise of friendly co-operation the cup of happiness of the McKinley men whs full. Mr. Depew was at ids best in moving to make McKinley's nomination unani mous. He happily said hi felt he was now nominating a inner. Itwasquine evident he did not feel in the same frame of mind w hen be placed Mr. Mor ton in nomination, for he, most usually for him spoiled one of his best points. When leading up to what it was sup posed would evoke a burst of applause for P.laine, he inadvertantly substituted the name of James A. Garfield for James G. Blaine and was ignoniiniously cor rected by the bystanders. Another amusing little slip was per pert rated by the permanent chairman, Senator Thurston, who, by the way, made a most excellent presiding officer. The incident clearly showed the way his mind was running. When nominations for vice-prt sident were called for and Judge Fort took the stand, the chair man introduced him as "Mr. Ilohart of New Jersey," the man whom the Mc Kinleyites had determined to nomin ate. When the laughter thie blunder occasioned called hit attention to it, he adroitly passed it off by saying: "Mr. Ilohart of New Jersey will now be nom inated by Judge Fort." Whatever enthusiasm was lacking in the early daya of the convention was supplied when the nominations were made. A more boisterous scene of yelling, plume and banner waving and other manifestations of ecstary has se -dom lieen hear' or seen than that which for nearly half an hour occupied the convention after the nomination of Mr. McKinley. To ha GarrUntieil. Wasiiinoton, D. C, June 19 By an order issued at the war department yes terd the new army post, Fort Crook, Neb. will be garrisoned before the beginning of the next fi.-cal year. The entire Twenty-second regiment of infantry will be transported from the various posts in the department of Dakota to Fort Crook. The Second infanlry, which has been stationed at Fort Omaha, will be scattered among the posts in the de partment oi Dakota and Fort Omaha will be abandoned. The change of base for the Twenty-Becond will be a most welcome one. It has been moved around from post to post in the various departments in the west and headquar ters have been at Fort Keogh, Mont., for the past sixteen years. Ielx Talk! War. Philadelphia, June 19. Eugene V. Debs, president o' the American rail way union, signalized hiH first appear ance in Philadelphia by delivering two scathing diatribes at labor nieetings he addressed yesterday. He unhesitating ly scored the highest legislative and ad ministravative bodies in the land, in cluding the president, congress, tho su preme court and federal courts, and in conclusion declared : "If it is necessary for us to go to war to preserve our rights let us go to war. I would rather have the necessary change from the existing order of things accomplished peacefully and constitutionally, but I insist upon the change. As lor myself I would rather die with a noose about my neck or be shot to death than die a slave." A langruit llnlilt. DxadhooI), 8. D., June 19. Matt Matteson, a miner in the Homestake at Lead City, met with an accident which will probably result in his death. He was carrying a stick of giant pow der in his bootleg, a habit miners have, when for some reason it exploded. The fleeh wat stripped from the bone, the ankle and the thigh, and the bone shattered and broken almost its entire length. James Wobben was fatally injured while at work in Wasp mine No. 2, Yel low Creek. He was engaged in break ing ore In a tunnel, when a mast of rock fell from the roof, burying him. Hit chest wat crushed in and he 'received other injuriet. Muincra H tor jr. Ti kis, June 19. Ruinori are being persistently circulated here that the Marqult de Mori who, it waa recently stated, had ttarted for the Soudan for the purpose of renewing filendly rela tione with certain Arab chiefs with the idea of obstructing the British expedi tions, bat been assassinated by 8noustii tribesmen and that thirty of bit follow ers have alto been killed. The scene ol the maeaacre, according to these reports is a point thirty ml let south of Tripoli. IUPURTAM U'iir L.tNf t. Louii Beady for the Katiotal Derby. TWENTY THOUSAND DOLLAR PURCE. A New IVIirrl FiTorlre Who Can Kl.le. St. Loris, June 20. The premier eyent on the American turf will be brought off today at the fair grounds track, when the national derby, guar anteed worth $:iO,0i0, will be raced for by a splendid field of track ari.-toerats. Mike Dwyer arrived yesterday morning with his two cracks, Ben Brush and Ben Eder, and Byron McClelland brought in Prince Lief and Nimrod. Ben Brush and Prince Lief are given top weightB, 127 pounds, while Don Carido and Argentina are burdened with only 119 and 117, respectively. All the others are imposted 122 pounds. Ijist night it appeared that ' Dyer's entry, the two Bens, will get to the post favorite, with Lief and Loki well played. The betting will be lively. In recent trials, the derby distance, one and a half miles, was covered by Lief in 2:35, Eder in 2:372' and by Ben Brush in 2:41, though each was under diff rent track conditions. A Near Wlieel favorite. Dknvkh, Colo., June 20 0. B. Haeh enberger, the comparatively green bicy cle rider, won the twenty-five mile match rare against W. W. Hamilton, the hero of many road and track races, on the, one-third mile track of the Den ver wheel club yesterday. Time, 1:07:17. Ever since Hacbenberger won the Decoration day road race la--t year upon an old and heavy wheel he has been a hot favorite with the Denver pt ople, and he hae gradually come out of ob scurity and has had some training. The wheelmen, however, bad steadily main tained that Hamilton, with his exper ience at track racing and years of train ing, would prove the best man in a track race, and after months of discus lion and careful preparation the two men wers brought together yesterday under the most favorable conditions. B6th road wheels of eighty gear and were in the best condition for the great est effort to be made. Tfcey were start ed from opposite sides of the track and the race was swift from the start, the first five miles being mada in 11 :52, the first ten in 24 :16, the record for the dis tance. Hamilton led for five mile?, when his opponent passed bim, and after that Hachenbarger seemed to be able to spurt or drop behind as he pleas ed, and finished one lap ahead. Six thousand people saw the race. The one mile professional, paced race, was run by C. I. Himetreet in 2:07 1 5. This is the fastest time ever made on a track paced by a single wheel. The other events were a one mile novice, won by J. II, Spencer, and an amateur two mile invitation, won by R. D. Gam mon In 4:47 4-5. Tmde Kevlew. New York, June 20. R. G. Dun & Co. will say in their review of trade: Failures for the week have been 276 in the United States, against 228 last year, and twenty-eight in Canada against thirty-one last year. There are continued signs Oat a gain in business has begun. Stocks have gone higher than they were after the artificial break ten days ago. Wheat and cotton are in better demand. There Is more confidence in monetary circles and the tendency toward shrink age In great industries seems in some measure at least to be checked. While the outcome of the democratic conven tion is uncertain and the great crops are not yet wholly beyond danger, a sure and Btrong improvement could hardly be expected, but the tone in business circles has grown distinctly more hopeful. Clearing bouse ex changes for the past week are 3.4 per cent less than in 1893. The boot and shoe industry not only holds its place as the most prosperous of the great industries, but reporte some gain both in order and prices. Textile manufactures do not gain. There is rather more bopefullness, which is felt in the arrest of the de cline in wool, Prices average no lower than June 1, and sales do not decrease. Manufactures await orders which clothiers hope for soon, hut are not yet ready to give, and the only changes in prices are declines of 5 t 10 per cent in some very low grade goods. The only change in cottons is a reduction in bleach shirtings and standards to the lowest price ever resched, though the change discloses no weakness, but a be lief that the time has come when Bales can be effected by reduction, and large tales are now reported. Stocks of deal cre are bound to be so low that rcplen itbment would now make a great change in the condition of the industry. The waiting in iron and steel brings a tlightly lower average of pricet, the lowett since April 1, and only 1.8 per cent above the lowest of the year, though the combinations make no change in quotations. Wrrnt laauari. Philadelphia, June 20. Warrante lor the arrest of Captain Dickman of the iteamer Laurada and Col. Emilio Nunez the Cuban leader, were lnued today charging them with taking part in a filibustering expedition to Cuba on that vetsel. The Laurada arrived here a few days ago from a southern trip and It wat on thit voyage that the offense it alleged to have been committed. Cap tain Dickman wat arrested thit after noon, and held in $1,000 bail. - w. CttTitlna t 1 " is, June 17. The first res t 11- eleventh republican naticn I 'invention, wi.ich ntened shortly -11 -o i yehierdav' in the hall erected 'lint pilrp e by tiie patriotic citi : n-'fM I.'mim, wan not relievi I by 11 i h nt uj lift 1 lie interior i v-iitim aoi'V thu level of moiiot 111 v, winch hara.-ti r.zd the exterior ,1 ti,.. ,..:) 'i-.;.. T' ere was an immense M.blage. a greai waving of fans in a .01 rni hc. . an liou ' or so of prepared ratorv, tue deliverance of which failed 0 reach more than one-fii'h of the vast udienoe and a piompt adjournment to 1 1 m reports of the. commitee on tr' e itials and platform. Other com mi I u-ei ere, of course, appointed, but the-ie two were the only ones upon which pul lie interest centered. The credentials committee early made i,a. ifest a purpose to puss off the night in a il scuseion ol th Delaware and r xas cases, which were speriuVallv re f -rred to their adjudii a' ion by the na tional committer. I i each of these c - 'tie rielcgate-'-at-'arge fia 1 heen excluded, the national committee l"-i- g unwilling to decide between the ( n tenuin fictions. In the D.-ieware case Senator Thurston's open denunciat'on ol Mr Vldieks comolicated mutters. In the Texas c ititest was involved the legitimacy of the new ''lily white" movement, which is perplexing lepuli cau organizations in the south. The action of the committee in setting apart three hours and a half laHt night for the consideration of these cases is taken as an indicaiion that it will confine its attention to matters specifically referred to it and let the other contests stand as settled by ths national committee. THE PROBABLE OfTCOMK. Prophesying is peculiarly a profes sion in connection with a body that hue Hliendy undergone bo many li-ht-ning changes' as have come over the course of this conventions but this a ems to be the program. This is to pay, 'o decide the Iielewar and Texas cases and the few disputed district cises in New York, Ca'ifornia and ome other states which have been in terms referred to the credentials committee by the nat on il committee, anil then by a tweenirw omtrhiis resolution 'o adopt the temporary r II Call as the perma nent one in n'l i tfier contests. Mich a pln , il 'adopted, will, of course, elicit strong opp silio;. from dissntisfiei) con testants. It-it as few of them will have pokesmen on the Hoor of the conven tion, they will probably have to air t.tieir grievances on the outside. TAIL OF THK TICKKT. Asi 'e from the work of thse com mittees the curious movement s'arted to force I-evi V. Morton into the po sition of tail to the McKinley kite be fore his name has ever been laid be fore the convention for the higher of' fice, to which his state has nominated him, engrosses attention The facte in thit matter, carefully verified, seem to be about as follows : Certain New York republicans (not Including Mr. Piatt) repeatedly visited Mr. Hanna'e headquarters yesterday to solicit that gentleman's c -operation in biinging about the nomination of Gov ernor Morton. Mr. Hanna in tu n questioned these gentlemen as to their knowledge of Governor Morton's in tentions. He referred them to the governor's te'egram to Mr. Depew Sat urday last, in which he stated without ideation that he would not take the second place on the ticket. In these circumstances Mr. Hanna de sired to know what reason these gen tlemen had for believing that Governor Morton had so suddenly shifted lrt position. To th"se inquiries an equally frank reply was made. They had no assur ance from Governor Morton that he would accept, but they were eo satis fied 1 e would not decline the honor il it were given to him that they felt no hesitancy in securing his nomination, knowing that he would not run counter to the convention's wishes. Mr. Hanna thereupon informed hit v sitort that he was taking no hand in the contest for the vice-presidency. He was here, he said, to name Mr. Mc- Kinley as president. In this view of the ca-e tie dia not tiunic 11 aavisaoie to embarass the candidate's chances by taking part In the contest over the sec- ond place. He did not hesitate to say, cious murder was committed in thit however, that so far as his individual ( city Monday night, the victim, Mist preference was concerned it inclined to Jennie Walters, dying yesterday morn Mr Hobart of New Jersey. ing in agony. Milton B. Wells, the ac It waa openly stated last evening ; cused murderer, ie in the county jail at that Mr. Piatt was in receipt of a die- Goehen. The families live in adjoining pat -h from Governor Morton which houses and are prominent. According stated in effect that so far as the vice- J to Mies Walters' ante-mortem state presidency was concerned, he was injment, Wells, who recently became a the hands of hia friends, but in which widower, called her to hit house and he failed to declare in so many words when she entered be threw kerosene oil what action he would take if the con- over her clothing, igniting it at quickly Ti'ntion ebould name him. Informa- as possible afterwards. Then he is ac tion reached the United prest last even- j ensed of shooting tbe burning woman, ing that some of Mr. Morton't friendt The young woman escaped to the w ho have been working up an interest veranda of her home, where she fell ex in his behalf, yesterday cabled Mrs. I hausted, bleeding and ablaze. The Morton, who is in Europe, to use her n . . 1. 1 . !- lnnuence wuu uie ituvcmur w una orv ond place. Her reply, received at a late hour yesterday aiternoon, contained an emphatic negative, the substance of the dispatch being that she wished him to have the first place or none. Two Women Thlevea Captured. St. Looie, June 17. Dora Donnegan and Jennie Monroe, said to be two of the moet expert thieves in the country, were arrested Just as they were prepar ing to enter the Planters hotel by De tective McCarthy of Chicago andO'Con nell of St. Louis. ' The woman had their baggage with them and apparently intended to regis ter. Dora Donnegan wat convicted ol 1tn Hiemnnrli in Ohicsffn and sArved ' a term in Joliet. TWO TURBULENT TEXAN'S arant and Cuney Talk to the Creden tial Committee. FIERCE FACTIONAL- FIGHT Grant Ctven the orotinri- Other Contents seltlrtl. Pt. Loiis, June 17. The credentials somuiiitee resumed its session at the Sew Jersey headquarters at 10 o'clock, t ie contest between the Grant and Ciii.ey factions for the four delegates at lare from Texas being immediately Uk n up. The claim of the "lily white" faction to representation from Texas was deferred until the Grant-Cuney case as settled. Under the order of business yesterday forty-five minutes wa given each side. General Gros- v -ii t of Uhio opened for trie Grant tac tion, basing his argument principally on usurpation of power by Chairman Cuney of the Texas convention. E. H. Terrell appeared for the Cu ney faction and John Grant presented his own case. Dr. Grant presented the mcord of the Second convention show ing that 641 members of the first con vention answered to the roll call in the second convention. Thit was denied hy the other side. Mr. Cuney closed the argument in a ten minutes' speech. At 12:20 the debate waa closed and the committee went into executive ses- eion. A motion to allow forty minutes deoate before taking a vote was de feated 20 to 21. Then a motion to pro ceed to an immediate ballot was car ried 22 to 14. Judge Thompson of Ohio moved the seating of the delegation headed by John Grant. Mr. Sutherland of New York moved a substitute that the dele gation headed by Mr. Cuney be settled. The substitute was loat ayes 16, nays 29. A motion to give the lily whites, who were ruled out by the national com mittee, a hearing was voted down. Tbe resolution presented Tuesday that the temporary roll presented by the national committee be made the permanent roll of the convention with the exception of Deleware and Texas, which would be made, wat taken up. A resolution adding the Twelfth Mis souri district to those to be beard was introduced. Congressman Thompson objected to the consideration of the Missouri case on the ground that if one was heard tbe committee could have 1.0 excuse for not hearing all the cases that weie heard by the national committee, and said that it would take two weeks to hear them. The committee was about to take a vote on the question of adopting the remainder of the temporary roll at prepared by tbe national committee when Mr. McCamant of Oregon made a vigorous appeal fur the bearing of the contest between the Filley and Kerjns factions in Missouri, taking the ground tbet it differed from all other conteste and that to ignore it would jeopardize the prospect of republican success in Missouri. Mr. Knight of California, where there is also a contest, opposed hearing any further cases. Congressman Hepburn of Iowa then moved to take up the contests on the delegates at large from Louisiana, the Ninth district of Texas and; the Fifth district of Georgia. An interminable debate followed. Tbe motion waa lost on a viva voce vote. The roll call on the original resolu tion to adopt the temporary roll as the permanent one, resulted in ayes 31, nays 18, and all further contests were shut out. Chairman Fort was authorised to report to the convention at 2 p. m. that. t.Vift tftmnnrftrv mil nreriaff-pri Vw , the nfttional conlmittee adopted at , tbe permanent roll and that the namet I . Hiin(,. f.HiPfttPH from nBiBWa j and the Grant delegateg from XexM u Atruclous Murder. Elkhart, Ind., June 18. An atros . flames were quickly emothered by per- I . . , .l V... ,KA .1 I T. buuo biu.iqu jj wu? buvuuu. attracted by the shooting. Ia some unknown way, Welle' bfiute at the tame time began to burn and the rear part wat destroyed. Mitt Walter wat popular and pretty and her dra matic reputation waa more than local. California Democrats. Sacramento, Cat.. June 18. The democratic state convention reassem bled at 10 o'clock yesterday morning and after effecting permanett organisa tion adjourned until 3 p. m., when a further adjournment wat taken until I p. w. in order to enable the platform committee to complete ita labort. Tbe Fourth congressional democratic die trict hat renominated Jamet Q. Mag uire of San Francisco for con i rest man. . The Seventh dittrict hat nominated L J Maddui of Stanislaus). 1.