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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (June 25, 1896)
V v-, -I THE Si OCX COUNTY I. .1. Simmons, IMltor uipI Prop. F. r.4 M.VK.B.T!mHhK titling M est. t.oll.g Kant. Wo. , n.ixI. lo 0 ! So. 6. mixed gr.ynt gutii:::e, Attorney-aMaw. Prompt attention given to ail Wn matter ia Justice, County aou" District Courts, and Is-fore the United StuU-s Land oirue. Fire Iu-.ur.nice written in rtliuLIe SOIIIpauies. Cif Igal pnjers carefully drawn. IUl.ltI.VlN. - NlJiKAMiA. C. L. SMLVK, Fashionable Barber & Hair Dresser. OPEN SUNDAY FROM 9 TO 12. RAZORS AND SOrtutM ITT IN 01:IKH. (.ie I iiih 1 I (..ill. J. E. I'HIXNrrV, M. I). Physician nd SnrMin. A!! c:i!l given prompt iittntt'i!i. Office In lru Store. IIAMHKOX. - - NKKHAsKA. -the- RANCH SUPPLY HOUSE has just 1:1; ;;:vr:;) a large is xou eof WINTER CL0THIN6, INCLUDING Overcoats, Coats, Vests, and Pants and when you need anything in that line yon should surely go to 6ERLAGHS. He also has a fine asortment of w in ter underwear, gloves, mittens, hats, caps, boots, hImhsh, arctics, etc., etc. His slock of staple r.nd fancy groceries it full and complete and on all goods he will make you liedrock RANCH SUPPLY HOUSE. C. It Wadsworth and Jim lixon with their families, pulled out by team last week for Kearney. SherilT " Bartlntt liad two horses killed by litfhlmtH; duriiijf Hie klunn on Monday evening. W. R. Smith dripped nn nut (it of aeven tenniH up on the Hlack Hills line of the Elkhon to help repair the grade. C. E. Kalstrom and Fred Illomburff returned from Douglas Thurwlay even in, their search for tho Ixidy of Martin KalHtrom of whose death in the Platte mention wsi made in these column last week, having lieen in vain. Frank Jackson wan in town Monday, lie lias the job of laying the foundation ond plnnterin the new school house at AndrewH. He Rays the building i to lie completed in five days from the time the foundation is finished, which is pretty quick work. West, of Crawford, has the coutract at l-ITH.OO. Sheriff Bartlett took offense at the action of lire county comiiilssioinrs in rttrard to some bills which he had caused to be made, and filed his reniK'inlion as ftherifT in tlie olfice of the county clerk, ftnd request that it be brought liefore the board for immediate action. . As the board hnd already adjourned without day no action could be legally taken un til a meeting is called by the clerk as provided by law. It is not known when meeting will b called nor what action the cominiwionurs will tub: in the case. F JULY Sunris,- Saluie. h'):00- Kxen isesHt thel'ourt House. (r.-f '-.xsS . J-,. v h V lie yc!e Rice. Trotting and pacing; ri., mile heats, liest 'i in 3; 1st pri;-.-' 10: 2d "; 8d en trance fee. I'ntrance fee $1.00 Humiing race, half mile, l-st 2 in !!; 1st prize $10.0(1; 2J "i.00; lid entrance fee. I'aitrunce fee $1.00. II ' in n i n, race, rpiart-.r mile, tn-st 2 in 3; 1st prize $H.0D; 2d 1. Entrance lee $1.00. Pony race, .".00 yard dash, 1st prize $4.00, 2d $2.00. Entrance Tee f0 cents. Winners of other races barred. 100 yard dash and turn at stake, prize $2.50. I-adies riding contest. Hiniicho riding contest. FOOT R.UES: 100 yard dash, free for nil. 50 yard ilvsli, free for all. 50 yard dash, hoys under H vears. S u k race for hoys under II years. (Prizes fur those not announced will he published next week.) ltase tiull game. Grand display of fire-works in tho evening and ball at the court house. Come every body. FoU HAM! One c,oo I milch cow nnd one four-year-old, well-broken horse. 5IKH. filOO. Ol.INCiKH. If you want good photos call soon, for Mclulire will stay but a short time J.nger. A large omount of rain has fallen in this locality during the past week, so that the ground is now thoroughly wet down. This insures feed and some crop and people are happy. Excursion tickets will bo sold June Pith, ami July ?A and 2-lth to Hot Springs nnd return at one fare for the round trip, good returning !!0 days from date of sale. K- F. PoNTIUS, j Agt. F. E. & M. V. R. R. J - It is reported that a new girl ar rived at tho home of James iSolan on the 17th inst. and a hoy put in an iip pearance at the residence of Corwin Lewis on tho 18lh, both of regulation weight. Republican County Convention. The republican county convention nn last Saturday passed oil' very quietly, seven precincts lieing represented by thirteen delegates. There was no con test on any oint and no fight except a little under the surface, which amounted to nothing. Henry Covey was chairman and David Bartlett, secretary. E. E. I.ivermore and Henry Covey were elected delegates to the state and congressional conventions, and E. J. Wilcox and W. H. Ihivis were elected as delegates to the senatorial and represen tative conventions. Tho delegates go tininstructed, but resolutions were passed endorsing the candidacy of Eckles for auditor, and Kinkaid for congress, and the delegation is understood to lie for both of those candidates. II. A. Priddy was re-elected chairman of the county central committee and David Bartlett, secretary, and as they gained a reputation at state headquar ters last year, they will enjoy (?) the same standing during the ensuing year. The following precinct committeemen were selected: Andrews, II. Smoke; Antelope, 8. R. Story, Bodnrc, J. W. Hunter; Bowen, A. Hosselquist; Five Points, Frank Tinkham; Highland, Nels Eiigbret; BnnUe Creek, Tom Currnn; Warbonnet, John Plunkctt; Whistle Creek, W. R Nicholson. 4TH0 "ill l program, harrison. PERSONAL. Prof. B. n. Kiuitli and family are vis - . , , . . ' i it.ngh,s parent at Point.. Grandma, Bixby arrived from Iowa last week on a visit to relative and! fr, ,,'. , .;,.:;i, r I.-!....,. ! Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Coffee returned home r-turday alter spending ten day days at their 7 Ikix L ranch on Rawhide, Prof. John X. Bennett came up from . , . . , , . Cha-lr-nturday tote ready to begin j Vork si one of the instructors at the in-. Slilute on Mimlav. j J Mrs. Oo. Olin'fer and children cxpec-t j . . . , , ... to utart 1 uesday evnifitf for Green le d. -' " Mo., where they will join Mr. Olin-er ; and nmlte their home for the present. ! Profs, liwrence Primer and F. W.I , , .. . . .. .' lavlor. of the Htiite tun versitv, arrived J' I yesterday and went out to visit the j lifiys who are hnntin in the canons, j Thev will return this evening. r. r i . r. . r A Prof. John R. Oray, of Pawnee City, arrived on Friday, to visit lii Kister, Mrs. Ji. I Smock, and he ready to hejrin ! work on Morula V as an instructor at the institute Alliance. lie rode his bievcle over from The Insliliile. The seventh annual institute of the teachers of Sioux county opened on last Monday under the direction of Co. Supt. Itovis, with Prof. John X. Bennett, of Chadron, anil Prof. John R. Gray, of Pawnee City, as instructors. The work started olf nicely and th progress made has leen satisfactory. The attendance is larger than was expected, many new faces lieing noted at the desks. A sociul nnd short literary program will l given at the court house to-morrow (Friday) evening. On next Tuesday evening a lecture will be given hy Rev. Rir-ker. of Chadron, and on Wednesday evening Prof. Bennett will deliver a lec ture. Examination will occupy Thurs day and Friday. The following is a list of those en rolled up to the time of our going to press, and some otheri are expected to Is; added to the list: IhitUe O'Connor, (Iniidla Hester, Martha II. Carey, Mnliel K. I-owrey, Mix ibelh ottiimu, l.nprla Haworlti, Kdith !!uron, Motile (iol.len. Win. II. Smoke, Kvelyn Miller, O. M. .erbe, M. J. OVoinicl, Drttsy M, lioune, Nettle Unities, MuKKic Hunter, Oc.-Mte FcrKUon, Pearl Stewart, Mrs. Surnh Slmv, Muud K. V. ihtht, Mrs. Myrtle limit, Mury A. Adams. Ilerlhn Alexander, O. I.. Mur-teller, Adda Hitlliuitfee, COM. KISS 10 ME RS' RECORD. IlAisnisov, Nr.n., June If", lson. Hoard of county commissioners convened lis a bonrd of eiiiillxntloii. 1'resiMit: Commtmtoaers Tinkham, Weber ttnd Joli'ison, nnd clerk. Hoard proceeded to ascertain total viilna t'.on of property nsoessed and relativ e value thereof. The lsnrd found the nvcr.iarf nssesH ment per head of cut tle In the county to be JT 1 nnd the aveniK" iissessnieut of the same pt-r licrtd la the various precincts to lie us follows: Andrmv t 41 Antelojie 7(1 Podarc ; Five Points.. 7 .VI Mat ( ris k Highland VontroM' KunnliiK WHter SiiKar Ixmf Snake Creek 7 00 7 4-1 II Kll 7 41 (I 27 7 C 7 M WhMIe Creek Wartsmnct 7 44 While IJIver M Vllhiireof lliirrisou B 7.1 It was found that In order to e(iiali7.(i the assessment on cattle In tho county the fol lowing changes III the various precincts were necessary and so ordered: Andrews, decreased, .02.1 per cent. Antelope, Increased, .079 per cent. Ilowen, decreased, .012 per ceut. Hodarc, decreased, .01(2 per cent. Hve Points, decreased, .0.17 per cent. Highland, decreased, .(KlS per cent. Hat ( reek, lucreiised, .0:! per cent. Montrose, Increased, .03 per cent. Huiiiilng Water, decreased, .021 per cent. Sugar Ixmf, Increased, .15 per cent. Snake Creek, decreased, .OVi per cent. Wfirbounet, decreased, .020 per cent. White Itiver, Increased, .0.1 per cent. Whistle Creek, decreased, .012 per cent. Village of Harrison, Increased, .07 per cent. The sveragn valuation per head of cattle In Cottonwood precinct being so near th average value of cuttle In the county there was no change ordered la said precinct lu the valuation of cuttle. On million board adjourned until 0 (clock a. in., June 111, lswi. M. J. ltl.EWKTT, County Clerk. lUKHIfoN, En., June Id, lswi. Hoard of equalisation met pursuant to ad journment. Present: Commissioners Tiukliuni, Weber and Johnson, and clerk. The board found the total valuation of HMiessable property In the different pre cincts to be us fjllows: Andrews.' C.012 00 Antelope I.1,s..:i oo Podarc Hi,' 07 00 Ilowen .'C;,.V,I2 (HI Coli.oliwisid 2l,:tll 00 Five Points - 2-',ll7 00 Hat Creek ... . . 1H.IH7 in Highland l.sii.i 00 Montrose. 82,441 (X) U u n ii 1 i K Water 27,4.!.i 00 Sugar I .oaf 2o,(l 00 Snake Creek.. f,'il 00 W hiln lllver 21,124 00 W lil-tle Creek Ci.'Ki 00 WilliHinllet - .Tf.Wd 00 Village of ilarrlson 2i;,i3 00 The following preamble und resolutions were adopted : Whereas, The aaseased valuation of Sioux enmity, Nebraska, for the year 1806 Is but tIO,H7fl.4 hs corrected by tho board of equal ization, subject, however, to correction by the clerk lu so far as clerical errors may ap pear, anil Whereas, Kll teen mills levy on .1107 49 will make t7,0K:).U and tho hoard of County ConiiiiUs.'oners Is only allowed to issue war rants to tho amount of S.1 per cent of aald sum, or warrants for d,nl.1.07, therefore lie it UKSOI.VEI), That tho following items, in cluded lu the estimate of expenses for Ui year lswi, viz : District court expense, sal aried, stationery, printing and publishing, incidental expenses, Institute, insane und poor fund, and officers' fees be reduced to come w ithin ti n limit of 9 milts on the dol lar of the total asseinoil valuation of Hloux county for the year ISM. To procure county revoimc for tho yew ! Hoard lierrby makes the fullowillS 1 y: O.l Valuation of fliUti.t'.l, tl,r f,,.,, fu.ia s mjiu ou t, dollir val. action, lor bridge fund i mills ou the dollar val nation. , lor road tuiid 1 mill oa toe dollar valua tion. j For soldiers' relief fun J 3-10 null! on file i valuation. i "r d""t ,uuJ aE' : 10 m-l' on MIC jJUU.lL.UU. ,jU motiou tu,,.w t(. Ue tll.r,by w oi'.iwed to it-vy ou tlie valuailon .l jio ii Ihi.kI pic lm t Hie rniuirwl uuiiilj-nf niill- "n "- tli amount ol 7.j J"r iiil-re-'I. oa court houne bonds, and . ... .... , , . r , , . lor miiklicf fund lor court hou-a- , a, u, and the amount of con.miiou fnr eollrctiiiu the aaine. ''""otion t!i.-rl.rk Iw and lie herein- is ordi r.-d to levy oa t lie valuation of the dif , . , ,, H-rciit M-huol districts the amount leiral v n;(.,j ,i e-rt:t1- a to by the proper oitlcer o be ro levli-d. j '. requin-d muuljer of mills re ; P's-t;ely to rni! tin; uinoiiut of lutereHt ;,.,.,, ., ,,, ,ud -oiiinils4ioii lor-ollr.-Muj aame. On motion the cicrk if. and lie hereby U and ordered lo levy village Usw on vmIiihuoii of tin- village of Harrim lieu properly tiled und certiflet to an re I aired by law. On motion the uilniiU-s of the iesnion read mid Hprov.l. On mot Inn Hoiir J of Kiii;illz,i tiiiu adjourn ed witliout duy. M. J. I1I.KWETT, ( 'ounty Clerk. If tnitiHox, Neb.. June o, iw. I'.o'ird of county couiuilssioners met pur Mllitnt to 1 jollrnutent. I'r.'eot: ( oniuii.-wiouers I'lnkhaui, Welier ll ud Johnson, and clerk. '1 tie IoIIoy.'Iiij; entinis nj lint Sioux county were iiuditJ-d and iillow'ed und warrunts or dered draw u on the general 1 und ol H;i for stime : li. I.. Smilck, jllHtlce fees ill Pilse of Htiite ol Nebr iNka x. stouekiu $ 4 .V) A. IS. i'iekenbrui k, supplies lor poor. S () Mnivteller liro,., " " . li; -ii ltolii-rt WiNou, county .-ourt fees lu ciie ol stule ol Nehrnska vc. Sloilekilllt.. 1 80 J. V.. 1 1 . l" twe 1 1 , lit leiidioiee ren dered to Mrs. lliitou, claimed J id .V) allowed .' fO .1. K. Pitinliey, '-rviees as coroner nnd Insitne eouiiiilsrioner, claimed i:t, nll'iwi'.l Hi 00 Uohcrt Wii.Miu, county coiliL leis In cu-e ol st it.' of Nebraska vs. ( otiti and r tiriuuo 2 0. P. K. Cut ter, services us nurse, claimed! M), iiiiowol 2.1 On ( riiwtoril Mt-re.inlile ( o., nuiplies for plllper 10 0(1 lirant i.itltirie, e.xpi'ines county itllor- mv i r. 1 h'H. Ilii'ltle. poM:!.. iiiel expref.s 15 !il undorn Iron Works Co., halunco duo on j.ul cue 241 CI II. A. Priddy, work on court teiuse 1 no li. M. Mittoii, fui'iiNlilnif -ouiity coal... i 00 John Ahton, honrdluK paupcrjclulmed allowed 14 00 John Athlon, ho-irdiiii pmiper, claimed .'7, ulioweil 00 I). II. (.rli-wold, iiiHiirnnc! policy to 00 Manchester Hre Assurance l o., iiiniii'- mice policy 10.1 SS 1.. J. Simmons, printing, pulilislitiiK and stationery - 172 l I.ew-is i.erhicti, suppiieii for psuper 1.1 3.1 M. J. lilewctt, mii lit ry, postiiRe, etc., claimed, 24.l.:i, allow ed 2:13 00 A. Ixiwrv, hauling: nood for court house 5 10 I. M. button, pretmrlnir court room I 00 K. Kohwer, liardln prisoner ... fi y- S . II. Davis, Mipt. hd.irv f0 7. A. 11. I lew, services iis balliir 2 00 MnrHteller IlroH., snpi!ies for iMiuuty.. 21 11.1 Hiivld Ilartli tt, services us sherlir..- 44 !l.1 (ii-atit i.ut.hrle, siilarv as county attor- nev 1.10 no P. N. Kirk patriek, imsesslnn 12 O'l J. W. KliruiMt, V. o. .Ml Hit. :;a nn 40 00 :) on :k oo 20 oo Win. J. A. l.'aniu, " (t. A. (iiirtou, " Jackson Kricider, " J. W. seott, " .1. ('. Klier-iiii-cher, " ('. II. I nllt. " II. A. ( oilman, " s. U. sury, " llenrv imnicrnuin, " J. K. VouiiK, " 44 0(1 27 00 17 MO JKI 20 2S iKl 2!l 30 CltlftlltMt, iM-i.OO. allowed... 43 00 ( lllis. llllim-rt. asaessliiu. claimed 'd.OO fi;.,..,i A-,a, State Journal t o., supplies, stationery, etc, IB M State Journal Co., supplies, stationery, etc 11 00 State Journal Co., supplies, stationery, etc., 44 00 state Journal Co., supplies, stationery, etc., 2 114 Stuto Journal Co., supplies, uliitloiiery, etc., claimed :i. 7.1, allowed !ll fin frank- Tliikhaiu, services a Co. Com.-. Si .K II. f . Johnson, " " ... (i on M. J. W eis-r. " " - S2 00 The following claims ngalust Sioux county were audited mid allowed and warrants or dered drawn oa special debt fund of lslsi lor same: Krw in II. Ilarlmur, balance due on war rant 7 20 Commercial Bank, balance due on wur rants 41)1 47 The following claims against atoux couuty were audited and allowed and warrants or dered drawn on the bridge Hind of ls'J.1 for same: John W. Tuld, building bridge, Cotton wood precinct $') 00 Murstcllcr llros., bridge spikes 4 6S The claim ol Thomas II lues of KUOtor up praising damages on county road was per sentcit and, oil motion, allowed and warrant ordered drawn on county roiul fund of ls:t0 for name. The claim of I). H. Crlswold for (CiO.OO was presented and, on motion, allowed ami war rant ordered drawn on comity road fund of 1M.15 for same. The claim of Henry K reman of lO.OO for bridge plank was presented and, on motion, allowed und warrant ordered drawn on bridge fund of Is'.ii; for same. The claim of Dr. (i. A. Merldltli of U:t..10 for medlcui attendance rendered the Hilton latnlly wfts presented and, on motion, re jected, for t lie reason that the aame ap peared to be cxorhltrnt. I lie Clttl ill 111 I'livjii miueisoii .11 tin.i-i 101 supplies for pauper was presented and, on motion, lam over until next meeting. The claims of M. J. HlewcU of H'0.28 for preparing road overseers' book and IsHUlng ecrltneates ot clecUoii In 1SH4 and lsli.1, was presentiMl and, oa mutlon. laid over until next meeting, The claims of Ucx l.owry of J4.00, and J. W. scott of s.ou for guiirdliig prisoner were presented and, 011 motion, laid over until next mis ting The claim of tho Crawford high school for tuition fees of Jennie Percy wan presented and, on motion, laid over until next meet ing. t he statement of costs in Justice court In the case of state ol Nebraska vs. htoneklng and Akeia was taken up mid, on motion, i laid over until next meeting. The Petition of V. W ohlhcter and others asking that a bridge be bulll unross Hat Creek on section line between sections 12 anil IS, twp. IM, range M, was presented and, on motion, ordered returned for more ex plicit description. On motion, N. D. Hamlin was appointed road overseer in district No. 12, Ilowen pre cinct. 't he official bonds of N. D. Hamlin as road overseer in district No. 12, and constable for Ilowen precinct were presented and, on motion, apprnved. On motion the county treasurer is hereby Instructed to imika partial payment of 40.70 on warrant No. 4 of general fund of ISH7. tin motion It Is hereby ordered that war rant No. 4 and warrant No.OHof tho general fund or ISS7, nnd warrant No, III on general fund of isss, and warrant No. 904, on general f und of lssti. tin cancelled and warrant or dered drawn on apeclul debt fund of ItflM for balance due on same. On motion tlm county treasurer la hereby ordered to make partial payment of tlO.VO on warrant No. 4, of ichd road district fund district No. a. and 7 .02 nn warrant No. 4 of special road district f und of district NO. II. On motion It la hcrabv ordered that war rant No. 1 and warrant So. 4 on Hcinl road district fund of district. No. s, and warrant No. 4 on special rond district lima of ma trlct No. II tm cancelled and warrant order ed drawn on county road fund of lsn for in settlement or Da lance one on same. Jn motion, board adlourncd without day. M. J. IILXWRTT, Loan ly Clerk. IMIore FOB IrTOTJI oney, Marsteller Bros. "The Old Reliable." Isador Richstein, dealer insr Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars. AG EXT Pabst's Celebrated BEER. HARRISOX, THE SIOUX COUNTY JOURNAL ESTABLISHED 1888. Always carries in stock a good line of stationery consisting of Letter heads, Note heads. Statements, Legal blanks, Book stock, Cards, Etc, Etc, Etc. When in need of such things do not forget to call. (Snoods nphan 5 FOR NEBRASKA. J Envelopes; Bill heads, Poster stock, Invitations, mi