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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (May 9, 1895)
The Sioux County Journal, VOLUME VII. HAKKISON, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, MAY 9, 1895. NUMBER 35. TALMA GFS SERMON. ELOQUENT DISCOURSE AT THE ACADEMY IN NEW YORK. Th Oraat Preacher on Influence, Temptation u4 the Wllea of the Worl4-Urg of the Good Ansel end the Bed. After the Battle. There It no diminution In tba rait num ber tbet aeseinble from Sunday to Hun day In the Academy at New York to llaten to the eloquent sermon of Rev. Dr. Talmafe. Laat Sunday he choae for hia aubject "After the Battle." tbe telt select ed being I. Samuel uiL, 8, "And it came to peaa on the morrow, whan th I'liHis tlna came to atrtp tha "lain, that they found 8a al and bia three aona fallen In Mount Ollboa." Some of you were at South Mountain or Shlloh, or Ball'a Bluff, or Oettysburg, on northern or southern side, and I ask you If there ia any sadder sight than a bat tlefield after the guna have atopped firing? I walked acroas tbe fit-Id of Anlletam just after the conflict- The acene was to sick ening I ahall not describe it. Every valu able thing had been taken from the bodies of the dead, for there are alwaya vultnrea hovering over and "around about an army, and thar nick us the watchee and the memorandum books, and the letters, and the daguerreotypes, and the bats and the coats, applying them to their own u The dead make no resistance. So there are always camp followers going on and after an army, as when Scott went down into Mexico, as when Napoleon marched up toward Moscow, as when Von Moltke went to Sedan. There la a almllar eceoe In sy tezt Where Heal Ley Dead. Seal and hia army had been horribly cot to piece. Mount Qllsoe was a early with tha dead. On the morrow the atreg arters came on to tba field, and they lifted the latchet of the helmet from under the chin of tha dead, and they picked up the words and bent them on their knee to teat the tamper of the metal, and they opened the wallet and coon ted the coin. Saul lay dead along the ground, eight or nine feet in length, and I suppose the coward ly Philistine, to show their bravery, leaped upon the trunk of hia carcass and Jeered at the fallen slain and whistled through the mouth of hia helmet. Before night those cormoranta had taken every thing valuable from the field. "And It came to pass on the morrow, when the Philistine came to atrip the alaln, -that they found Saul and hia three aona fallen In Moont Qilboa." Before I get through to-day I will ahow you that tbe aame process is going on all the world over and every day, and that when men have fallen satan and the world, so far from pitying them or helping them, go to work remorselessly to take what little there ia left, thua atripplng the alain. There are tena of thousands of young men every year coming from the country to our great cities. They come with brave hearts and grand expectations. The country lada sit down in the village gro cery, with their feet on tbe iron rod around the redhot stove in the evening talking over the prospects of the young man who has gone off to the city. Two or three of them think that perhaps ho may get along very well and succeed, but the most of them prophesy failure, fur It ia very bard to think that those whom we knew In boyhood will ever make any great success in the world. The Battle of Temptation. But our young man has a fine position In a dry goods store. The month is over lie gels his w ages. He is not accustomed to have so much money belonging to him eelf. lie ia a little excited and does not know exactly what to do with it, and be epends it In aome place where be ought not. Soon there come np new companions and acquaintances from the barrooms and the saloons of the city. Soon that young man begins to waver In the battle of temptation, and soon his sou I goes down. In a few months or few years he baa fallen. II ia morally dead. lie la a mere corpse of what be once was. The harpies -of sin so uff np the taint and come on the field. His garment gradually give out lie haa pawned hia watch. Hi health la falling him. Hia credit perishes. He is too poor to stay in tha city, and he la too poor to pay hi way home to the country. Down, down! Why do the low fellow of the city now stick to him so closely? Is it to help him back to a moral and spirit ua! life? Oh, no; I will tell you why they atay; they are Philistine atripplng the eiain Do not look where I point, but yonder stands a man who once bad a beautiful home In this city. His house had elegant furniture, hia children were beautifully clad, his name wa synonymous with hon or and usefulness, but evil habit knocked at hia front door, knocked at hia back door, knocked at hia parlor door, knocked at his bedroom door. Where is the piano? Sold to pay the. rent Where ia the hat rack? Sold to meet the butcher's bill. Where are the carpets? Hold to get bread. Where Is the wardrobe? Sold to get rum. Where are the daughters? Working their finger oh In trying to cep the family together. Worse and .v.rsa until everything is Bone. Who is Hit going up the front steps of that 1 nise? That la a creditor, hoping to find mie chair or "bed that has not been l.-vled upon. Who are those two gentle n n nov going up the front steps? The ! is a couetable. the other is the sheriff. Why do they go there? The unfortunate h morally dead, socially dead, financially dra-1. Why do they go there? I will tell yon why the creditors, and the constables and the nerifie go there. They are some n nelr two account, and some on ac count of tb law stripping the alain. Crswded All His Life. An e-meober of Congress. ,. nf th. mo eloqueit men that ever stood In the House of Rreeeatatives, ,,ld , hg momnnt: 'Jth tBd. i ,m , borro owed aneet, ia a sea ballt by public charity. Bury me under that tree In tbe middle of the field, where I shall not be crowded, for I have been crowded all my life." Where were the Jolly politiclana and the dissipating comrades who had been with him laughing at hia Jokes, ap plauding hia eloquence and plunging him into sin? They have left. Why? Hia money Is gone, his reputation 1 gone, hi wit is gone, his clothe are gone, every thing 1 gone. Why hould they atay any longer? They have completed their work. They have stripped tbe alain. There i another way, however, of do ing that aame work. Here ia a man who, through hi ln, I protrate. He ac knowledge that he haa done wrong. Now la the time for you to go to that man and aay, "Thousand of people have been as far astray as you are and got back. Now ia the time for you to go to that man and tell him of the omnipotent grace of God that is sufficient for any poor soul. Now Is the time to go to tell him how swearing John Bunyan, through the grace of Uort, afterward came to the celestial city. Now is the time to go to that man and tell him how profligate Newton came, through con version, to be a world renowned preacher of righteousness. Now is the time to tell that man that multitude who have been pounded with all tbe flails of sin and drag ged through all the sewers of pollution at last have risen to positive dominion of moral power. You do not tell him that, do you? No. You aay to him: "Loan you money? No. You are down. You will have to go to the dogs. Lend you a dollar? I would not lend you five cent to keep you from the gallowa. Yon are debauched. Get out of my sight now. Down. You will have to stay down." And thu those bruised and battered men are sometimes accosted by those who ought to lift them np. Tbu th laat vestige of hope is taken from them. Thus those who onght to go and lift and save them are guilty of atripplng the alaln. The point I want to make la this: Bin is hard, cruel and merciless. Instead of helping a man up it helps him down, and when, like Saul and hia comrades, yon lis on th field, it will come and steal year sword and helmet and shield, leaving you to the Jackal and crow, IsUs'i Work. But tbe world and sataa do not do all their wort with the outcast and abandon ed. A respectable Impenitent man comes to die. He is flat on his hack. He could not get up if tbe house wa on fire. Adroit' est medical akill and gentlest nursing have been a failure. He baa come to his last hour. What doe satao do for uch a man ? Why, he fetches np all the Inapt, disagreeable and harrowing things in his life. He says: "Do you remember those chances yon had for heaven and missed them? Do you remember all those lapse In conduct? Do you remember all those opprobrious words and thoughts nod ac tions? Don't remember them, eh 7 I II make you remember them." And then he takea all the paat and emptiea it on that deathbed, aa the mailbaga are emp tied on the poet office floor. The man I Ick. He cannot get away from them. Then the man aaya to satan: "You have deceived me. You told me that all would be well. You said there would be no trouble at the last Xou told me, if I did so and so you would do so and so. Now you corner me, and hedge me up, and submerge me In everything evil." "Ha, ha!" Ry satan. T waa only fool ing you. It is mirth for me to see you Buffer. I have been for thirty years plot ting to get you jut where you are. It Is hard for you now. It will be worse for yon after awhile. It pleases me. Lie still, sir. Don't flinch or shudder. Come, now, I will tear off from you the last rag of expectation. I will rend away from your soul the last hope. I will leave you bnre for the beating of the atorm. It is my bnainoaa to strip the slain." While men are in robust health, and their digestion ia good, and their nerves are strong, they think their physical strength will get them safely through the laat exigency. They aay It la only coward ly women who are afraid at the laat and cry out for God. "Walt till I come to die. I will ahow you. You won't hear me pray, nor call for a minister, nor want a chapter read me from tbe Bible." But after the man haa been three week In a Irk room hi nerve are not so steady, and hi worldly companion are not any where near to cheer him up, and he la persuaded that he must quit life. His physical courage la all gons. Too Late. He Jumps at the fall of a teaspoon In a saucer. He ahivers at the idea of going away. He aays: "Wife, I don't think my Infidelity la going to take me through. For God' aake, don't bring up the children to do aa I have dona. If you feel like it. I wiah you would read a verse or two out of Fannie' Sabbath school hymn book or New Testament." But satan break In and aaya: "You have alwaya thought re ligion trash and a lie. Don't give up at the last. Beaidea that you cannot, in the hour yon have to live, get off on that track. Die as you lived. With my great bluck wings I shnt out that light Die In 'darkness. I rend away from yon that laat vestige of hope. It ia my business to atrip the slain." A man who had rejected Christianity and thought it all trash came to die. He was iu the sweat of a great agony, and his wife said, "We had better have some prayer. "Mary, not a brent li or that," he anld. "The lightest word of prayer would roll back on me like rocks on a drowning man. I have come to the hour of tent. I had a chance, but I forfeited It. I believed lu a liar, and he has left me in the lurch. Mary, bring me Tom Paine, that book that I swore by and lived by, and pitch It into the fire, and let it burn and burn as I myself shall soon burn." And then, with the foam on hia lip and his hands tossing wildly in the air, he cried out: "Wnekness of darkness! Oh, my (Sod, too late!" And the spirits of darkness whistled up from the depth and wheeled around and around him, atripplng th alaln. Sin la a luxury now. It la exhlllratlon now. It is victory now. But after awhile It Is collision. It Is defeat It Is exter mination. It Is Jackallsm. It Is robbing tha dead. It la stripping the slain. Glv it np to-day give It up. Oh, how you have been cheated on, my brother, from one thing to another! All these yeara you have been under an evil mastery that you understood not What have your companiona done for you? What have they done for your health ? Nearly ruin ed it by carouaal. What have they done for your fortune? Almost scattered It by spendthrift behavior. What have they don for your reputation ? Almost ruined It with good men. What have they don for your Immortal soul? Almost Insured It overthrow. On to Shipwreck. You are haatenlng on toward the con summation of all that 1 ad. To-day you atop and think, but It 1 only for a mo ment, and then you will tramp on, and at th close of this service you will go out, and the question will be, "How did you like tbe sermon ?" And one man will aay, "I liked it very well," and another man will say, "I didn't like It at all," but neither of the answers will touch the tre mendous fact that If impenitent you are going at thirty knot an hour toward ahlp wreck. Yea, you are in a battle where you will full, and while your aurviving relatives will take your remaining eatate, and the cemetery will take your body, the messenger of dnrknes will take yonr oul and come and go about you (tripping th (lain. A Dtleaaaaa. One night I saw a tragedy on tbe corner of Broadway and Houston street. A young man, evidently doubting as to which direction he had better take, hia bat lifted high enough so that you could see be 'had an Intelligent forehead, atout chest; he had a robust development Splendid young man. Cultured young man. Honored young man. Why did he stop there while so many were going up and down? The fact I that every man has a good angel and a bad angel contending for the mas tery of hia spirit and there was a good angel and a bad angel (truggllng with that young man' sent at the corner of Broadway and Houston street "Come with me," said the good angel. "I will take yoa hosoe. I will spread sty wings over your pillow. . I -will lovingly escort you all through life under supernat ural protection. 1 will bless every cup you drink out of, every couch you rest on, e.v ery doorway you enter. I will consecrate your tear when you weep, yoar sweat when you toil, and at last I will hand o-r your grave Into the hand of th bright angel of a Christian resurrection. In anawer to your father's petition apd your mother'a prayer I have been sent of the Lord out of heavn to be your guar dian spirit Com with me," said the good angel In a voice of unearthly sym phony. It waa music like that which drop from a lute of heaven when a seraph breathes on it "No, no," said the had angel. "Come with me. I have some thing better to offer. The wines I pour are from chalice of bewitching carouaal. The dance I lead i over floor tessellated with unrestrained Indulgences. There I no God to frown on the temple of, tin where I worship. The skies are Italian. The paths I tread are through meadows, daisied and primrosed. Come with me. The young man hesitated at a time when smote the good angel Until It departed, spreading wings through the starlight upward and away until a door flashed open in the sky, and forever the wing vanished. That was the turning point In that young man's history, for, the good angel had flown, he hesitated no longer, but started on a pathway which is bcauti ful at the opening, but blasted at the last . Kffect of the Choice. " The bad angel, leading the way, opened gate after gate, and at each gate the road became rougher and the sky more lurid and what wus peculiar as the gate slsm mod shut it enme to with a jar that indi cated that it would never open. Passed each portal, there waa a grinding of locks and a shoring of bolts, and the scenery on either ide of the road changed from gardens to deserts, and the Jnne air be came a cutting December blast, and the bright wlnga of the bad angel turned to aackcloth, and the eyea of light became hollow with hopeleaa grief, and th foun tains that at the start had tossed with wine poured forth bubbling tears and foaming blood, and on the right side of the road there waa a aerpent, and the man said to the bad angel, "What is tbat ser pent?" and the answer was, "That a tbe serpent of stinging remorse." On the left side of tbe road there waa a lion, and the man asked th bad angel, "What is that lion?" and the answer waa, "That ia the Hon of all devouring despair." A vulture flew through the sky, and the man asked th bad angel, "What ia that vulture V and the anawer waa, "That ia the vulture waiting for the carcasaes of the alaln." And then the man began to try to pull off him the folda of something that had wound him round and round, and be said to the bad angel, "What ia it that twists me In this awful convulsion?" and the answer was, "That ia the worm that never dies." And then the man said to the bad angel: "What does all this mean? I trusted In what yon said at the corner of Broadway and Houston street I trusted It all, and why have you thus deceived me?" Then tbe last deception fell off the charmer, and it said: "I was Bent forth from the pit to destroy your soul. I watched my chance for many a long year. When you hesitated that night on Broad way, I gained my triumph. Now yon are here. Ha, ha! You are here. Come, now, let us fill these two chalices of fire and drink together to darkness and woe and death. Hail! Hail!" Oh, young, man, will the good angel sent forth by Christ or the bad angel sent forth by sin get the victory over your soul? Their wings are Interlocked this moment alove you, contending for your destiny, as almve the Apennines eagle and condor fight mid sky. Tills hour may decide your destiny. The pastors' college. In connection with Spurgeon's Church, has sent out 921 persons Into the ministry; twenty three in the paat year. Of thla number 100 have died, leaving 787 still actively working. WOMEN ON THE WHEEL COSTUMES BECOMING TOTHOSE WHO RIDE. Divided Bkirt and Bound Walat Meets Many of the Imperative Demands Ordinary Bloomere Are Objection able and Will Never Be Sanctioned. Practical Faahlona. New Tors correapoDdeace: HEBE wlU be many more women bicyclists this year than last, and they were then very plentiful. Improve ment In the vehicle Itself Is responsible for some of the In crease, but lui provement in worn en's wheeling cos tumes have done almost as much, Women quickly learned that the first consideration waa comfort, and then they halted. Toward the clone of last season evidence was seen on every nana mat tney uaa begun to more gala, and to reach out for easy and sensible rigs that were at the same time slightly. Woman may be trusted to consider her observers, and on occa awn at considerable sacrifice of her own comfort, but on the wheel the lat ter point secures first place. It is still feasible to attain both ease and good taut In such dresses, and these descrip tions, counted with the artist's sketch as, will snake clear how th trick dona. . There hi necessarily variety In the coa tames because of tbe wide rmnf of taste. . Tha rif beside the Initial meet many f th Imperative demands. It consists of a divided skirt and round waist, the Conner so cut that the objectionable features of ordinary blootuers are an tlrely obviated. The divisions of the skirt, corresponding to a man's trou ear-legs, are made so wide tbat when the rider la In place they hang In lines closely resembling skirt drapery, while the required freedom of the knees and tha securing of an equal amount of drapery on each side of the wheel made certain. Such a garment will, of course, fly about a little, but exposure Is Impossible, especially as the foot Is passed through a loop of elastic set on the Inner edge of each division of the skirt When the rider dismounts the HARD TO IMPROVE rjPOIf. divided aklrt hardly betrays Itself aa such. One of the prettiest of the new wheel costumes comes next It Is made of a smooth surface check outing serge, light and almost dust proof. A pret tily scant skirt Just covers the knees. and Is met by button gaiters. Bloom era are worn, but do not show at all. The bodice Is of the eton Jacket type, and la worn over a white wool sweater that ends at the loosely fastened belt The especially clever turn of this cos tume Is tbe strapping of the Jacket across the front It Is thus secured from belug blown wide, and a Jaunty relief Is given to the plainness of the sweater front This model allows a natural sized waist, while the curve of the eton robs the outline of all clum siness. A white Scotch cup matches the sweater, and a single black cock's feather Is a perky ornament for It The usual sweater collar Is omitted, a high soft choker braided closely to give an effect that will harmonize with the Jacket straps taking Its place. The eton can, of course, be removed, the under belt being firmly attached to the top of the skirt, and the sweater In turn being secured. This Is one of the few really pretty wheel rigs that make every needed concession 'to practical demands. A practical demand which will meet the taste of those who want freedom of bloomers and the protection of a skirt Is chosen for the third drawing. Here the bloomers Just show below the knee-skirt, and are very full at tha edge, where they turn under In genulna Vanish fashion, but they are aa scant as practicable about tbe hips, that tba skirt may not be made bunchy. The coat bodice is made without darts, fit ting only slightly to the figure, and al lowing thereby plenty of room at the waist Its skirts tit without fullness over the hips, and as closely as may be without drawing all around, tbe effort being to Insure as slightly curved a line as possible from the waist down. A shirt waist with starched front shows, and a smart little tie gives for mality to the costume. Cloth leggings button to the knee, their tops disappear lng under the droop of tbe bloomers. A soft felt hat Is worn well over the forehead, gloves with wide stitching on tbe backs cover the hands, and the sleeves are made of the usual pattern Absolute freedom Is Insured In this rig, and to many an absence of jaunty intent will be a feature distinctly In fa vor of tbe design. Tbe skirt In the more expensive copies of the model Is lined with satin, tbat the action of the knees may be Impeded as little as pos sible by friction. Since the skirt but tons down the side, all danger of a gaping pocket Is avoided, and access to a lovely "really-trousers-pocket" Is had. The only danger of this rig Is tbat once you wear It a little while you feel as If you cannot stand the restrlc Hons of the ordinary woman's attire, this trousers pocket being a final bid MM JAUWTT BUT THEBE'fl A TROtTflXB POCKET. for favor that no right-minded woman RUM? W ICBIML WAl.g.fiS The last model Is sketched because It hounds, not because Its make-up feewnmends It It should be pondered as an example of what considering one s oDservers nrst win onng one to. gome o these hojus glLrlSS are pretty asThey can be, and many like this one concede some points of com fort illustrators consider them "im mense," and they are the right thing for a little girl who is going to stand beside her wheel In the sunshine where there Is no wind to blow oil her be coming little hat, or to lift her pretty skirt, where she won't get out of breath by riding and burst her tiny belt, and where her dear little shirt waist won't give her her death by getting her wet through. Altogether in such circum stances, the wearer will look as pretty as that other girl who has a perfect right to wear a delicious bath suit and not go near the water. Still the stores are full of 'cm, but the coming sum mer's end will see but few of them on But HJtle has been said so far as o color! Wisdom makes the available ones few, and chooses a general tone of stone or gray. The blue rigs Into which every one rushed at the begin ning have proved themselves most un suitable for the exposure to dust that Is a sad necessity of wheel wear. Grays, tans, drabs and mixtures that CURRENT BUT PASSING. produce a general dust effect are the more practical. A velvet ribbon edged with a tlnv single row of cut let spangles makes an effective and becoming flat garniture for silk or sheer wool goods. Most of the new capes are stnals. the double and triple capes being for tho moment relegated to the background. ALLIGATOR'S SMALL COUSIN. He's a Fierce-Looking Little Fellow, the Iguana, bnt Not Really Brave. Tbe Iguana Is a very little fellow who belongs, like bis cousins, the gecko and the chameleon, to a very big family. This family Includes such large animals as alligators, crocodiles, lizard and many other strange creatures. The Iguana has a long, slender body, tapering in a curious way into a Ions; tall which In turn tapers Into a point He has a queer crest running from his head to the end of this tall, and his body is covered with small scales. A soft pouch or bag hangs from below his chin, but for what purpose It la used naturalists seem to be divided In fan Ion. Some Iguanas live In trees, others aig themselves holes In the ground, and some varieties live upon the seashore and are quite fond of swimming about In the water. The eggs of the Iguana are usually laid In tbe sand and are not hard like a hen's egg, but soft, like leather, and yellow In color. Tbe Igu ana's tall, like that of most of bis cousins, Is very useful to him. He uses It for a weapon, slapping and Inflicting severe wounds upon bis enemies by means of Its sharp notches. In thai water he uses his tall like a snake, drawing his legs closely to bis side and projecting himself along by means of the tall alone. The iguana Is a fierce-looking little reptile when attacked. He raises him self upon his forelegs, loklng very sav age, but he Is not really brave, and If you should come across an Iguana nodding hia head at you and trying to frighten you to death by wagging bis tall. Just stamp your foot at him and he will quickly lower hit crest and scrvjuy off Into his hoi. If atnral Protection of Seada. We usually find seeds In a seed ves sel of some sort, the whole affair con stituting the "fruit." Common to all Immature fruits Is their necessity for protection, and this la met la various ways. Winds which break them off are effectually resisted by their strong yet flexible foot stalks; and possible in jury by bruising Is averted by tough, elastic walls, often cushioned by prickles or other appendages. Sudden changes of temperature, before they can penetrate to the unripe seeds, are rendered harmless, by the blanketing effects of pulp or other material. For protection from th anjmal world, Jju pature fruits have developed a number orTn7ereVting devices, AJmosunlvetJ, ally "green'' fruits so harmonja With surrounding color! ajj readily to escape detection In fad, tne hazelnut Is en veloped Tn aleafy coat whlcj renders It very Inconspicuous" The nutritious' albumen of the seed Is often fortified, bjrBjhlmpenetrabje shells as thoge of the cucoahut nn3 others. Perhaps there Is ajormldable armament of prickles, as in the chestnut) or of stinging halrs as is the case with some pods. Char acteristic o? immature fruits are dis agreeable taste and consistence. Com pare an Unripe peach, sour and stringy, with the same fruit In Its luscious ma turity. But all these contrivances fall to repel enemies of growing fruits. The apple's lnconsplcuousness, toughness, and sourness are of little avail against the young progeny of the genus man. : nr. Making the Finest Olive OH. Curiously enough the crudest and most barbarous process of all produces the very finest grade of olive oil: a grade so fine and so rare, Indeed, that it is seldom used, In America, at anv rate except for Je bricalon of watcnes ana aencate machinery, and In surgery. 4 stone vat is bujlt with a Binall Internal depfessTon. Over this. Is erected a heavy frame of untrlmmed timber supporting at its center, which Is also the center of the vat a vertical spindle which supports a horizontal rod upon which Is affixed a heavy roller of hard wood. In the Oran district of Algiers, or of porous stone In Northern Morocco, and In the hill region of Tunis. . In some of these regions the women are the oil makers, and may be seen tramping around and round the vat, tugging the pole in pairs, while anothei woman stirs the mass In tho great stone ' trough, the children standing or squat ting about watching the proceedings with Infantine Interest When the pulp has been sufficiently mashed, the wo men scoop It up In small quantities Into bags which are wrung Into stone Jars and pots. These latter are sealed with cloths coated with wax, and In this shape are shipped to Europe, when the contents are carefully decanted in to flasks and vials containing a few ounces each, and bringing a high price In the large cities of the world, chiefly, as has been said, for extra fine me chanical purposes, though, like the "truillesof Avignon," it also reaches the table of the epicure. Cloves. The clove tree Is found In nearly every one of tha West Indian Islands, and especially at Jamaica, Trinidad, Grenada, St. Vincent, and Dominica llie largest number of trees is proba bly found In Grenada, and In that "spice island" nutmegs, mace, and cloves are exported to the value of about $50 000 or 180,000 yearly. Most women observe Lent because Jt comes at a season when their winter clotbea are worn shabby, and It la too varly to buy spring clothe.