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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (May 9, 1895)
r. ........4 : 1 4 Sioux County Journal L t. uaawM, XEBRA5KJL A good ei sncgeuts good goods. The theater hat is rising to the dig nity of a politkul iue. There Is a (.Twins sentiment against people who pose either us statesmen or living pictures. It is to be bo;ied that one day the Nicaragua t'aual will be dredged for something Ix'siiits iMilitical mud. If you hare auy genius for literature , stlne it and learn bicycling. Zimmer man made last summer iu that glorious art. Oscar Wilde said ou the witness stand that he "doesn't adore any one but himself." He should have a monopoly of that, too. , An Ohio fc'irl died the other day while looking into a mirror. It must have been a niighry strong mirror to stand uch a strain as that. Young men put off aunounciug their engagements until the last minute be cause they w ant to be popular with the girls as long as possible. Somebody suggests that a new cup defender who will show her heels might be named Trilby. But such a boat would be handicapped la stays. From a careful perusal of our parti san exchanges we learn that "the gang" is invariably the other party, while the reform element" is our party. A Tennessee editor baa retired after thirty years of continuous work. As be was a newspaper man and not a afreet-corner journalist, he feels a lit tle tired. A London syndicate Is to advance the necessary funds for a world's fair in Montreal in IKStti, and the New York Angioma nlacs are arranging their plans Accordingly. New York has sent to Congress Row land Blannerhasset Mahauey. We never heard of the gentleman before, but he seems to have made a great name for himself. The Century dictionary says that Minneapolis is nine miles from St. Paul, and in another puge asserts that 8t Paul is seven miles from Minneap olis. Can't this be compromised In some way? Becent events seem to indicate that even for a man with a large and sickly family there is no real ecouomy In Ixs Ing a Christian scientist. All that be can save on his dx-tor bills Is swept away by his undertaker. As a result of stopping the slot gam bling machines in Cincinnati W.m pennies were taken to and deposited in the sub-treasury. It would be inter eating to hear a report from the con tribution boxes along about that time. A New York man pretended to be asleep while his wife got up and cap tured burglars, and now the newspa pers are criticising lilm about it We don't see why he should bother himself at all so long as he has a wife who fills the bill. In Anna Dickinson's tiiul for dam ages for false Imprisonment a doctor testified that when he was summoned to attend Miss Dickinson she drew him down to her and kissed him. As he is an old man and exerutiatingly homely this certainly is strong evidence of In sanity. New York physicians are quarreling over the subject of heating cars. One doctor says cars should uever be heat ed when the teitqierature Is above r2 degrees. The other says they should be heated when the temperature stands at 40. Chicago would be delighted to have them heated when the mercury stands at zero. Somebody has invented a process or machine to measure the strength exerted by oarsmen, whereby, it Is said, "every ounce of strength accounts for iUelf." Now, if we could only have similar process to apply to dlsbursers of the taxes collected from the people, we could tell what becomes of every dollar. And yet this might prove a case where "Ignorance is bliss." There is no danger that Mr. Car negie's castle in Scotland will lack any thing because of dull business here or abroad. Having piled up 450.000 tons of coke In bis mill yards at 0 cents a ton, then Increased the wages of the cokes tera 15 per cent., tacking the In crease on the selling price and making the cost of production to other Iron and steel manufacturers 25 per cent higher, Mr. Carnegie returns to his transatlan tic borne a contented and philosophical philanthropist The Government has given evidence of being In earnest In the Nicaragua Cftual matter. The President has ap iwlDted the board of engineers to In speet and report upon the canal by Not. 1 next, and If need be but a very few days now till It will convene In New York to examine the plans, and Immediately thereafter go on to the ground and personally examine every tulle of the way. Home of the Kngllsh papers hare lately been trying to prove stMit the ransl, when flnlshed. will not be worth much as iu friends cla'ia. So much the lietter for na. if it is uct worth commercially so much to Eu rope. Our d.ereasinc danger of for eign trouble adnioiilshni us that is will 1-e worth to un every dollar it will cost for defensive purposes aloue, to say nothing of the impulse it will giv to our commerce. If Kurie d-cKU't care to use it, we need not borrow trou ble ou that score. people who are wedded to the w h In ky and quinine remedy fur cold. towel ciiinnl.'ilnt- etc.. are usually not inter ested in learning how many suj-Tior and entirely harmless substitutes there are, for the simple n-asou tliat they like the taste of the whisky. The taste, of course, never prows any weaker with cultivation, and even the people with really powerful minds uever real ize but what they .-ould "st'-P if they wanted to" even after they have reach ed the stage of public disgrace. As an eminent w riter on athletics says: "No one should be-doeetved by the fact that strong men use Intoxicants ami stim ulants because only strong meu can habitually stand them." A clergyman In a California city did not approve of the policy of a young lady librarian In charge of the public library, who gave certain books, which the clergyman considered to be harm ful, to young people In bis congregation. In one of his prayers the minister gave utterance to certain charges against the librarian, mentioning her by name and, of course, petitioning that she might be taught to see the error of her ways. The young woman had not consciously harmed anyone, and had merely performed the duties for which she was employed. She brought an ac tion against the clergyman for slander, and that gentleman tried to evade thp suit on the plea that his prayer was "privileged." The Judge could not un derstand why a clergyman should not be as resH)usihle for libel from the pul pit as an editor Is for one sent out from his sanctum, ami made his ruling ac cordingly, with the result that the rev erend gentleman was mulcted In a con siderable suni for damage. This should be a warning to those holy men who, especially In the larger cltlesr urm to consider It a duty to make personal at tacks from their pulpits. This tear era of pulpit sensationalism, but, happily, there exists a power by which Its lim its may be clearly defined. What was predicted several months ago a. a possibility contingent upoB the Oriental war seems now likely to Ite realized far beyond expectations. Ixng Ix-fore the close of the present war It became apparent that the China of the future must at least revolutionize her military equipment upon modern lines. If Japan succeeds In enforcing her present terms of peace this wlU le the least part of the alteration which is to come upon the face of the Orient. The island kingdom proposes nothing less than the free opening of China to the commerce and Immigration of the world. If China acquiesces span will have to be regarded not only as the au thor of China's future progress, but as the world's benefactor. She proposes to unlock the enormous resources of the Orient to modern business enterprise ami invite the nations of the earth to enjoy the benefits. In other words, the kingdom which until but a few years ago was estimated among the crudely civilized nations Is making an effort which in Its breadth of aim and Its lib eral purpose will stand first among the great national enterprise of the last fifty years. The result of the endeavor, if successful, would be the Inaugura tion of nn era of progress and enter prise in the most firmly rooted and stuldKirnly conservative power on earth. The terms demanded of China are bitter, ami she may refuse to ac cede to them. But if once Japan suc ceeds in securing their acceptance the life of the Orient will assume a differ ent phase. Six Mont lift' Mht-Neelnji Gratis. Birds cuu and sometimes do their grand tour on the cheap, by attaching themselves to a culling vessel and fol lowing It to the different parts of the world to which It Is bound. A si-aman has described one of these tours recently made by a pigeon. The ship was I-lug In Portland Roads, bound for the West Indies, and had just weighed auchor. when a pigeon was observed to settle on the main topgallant yard. When the ship stood out to sea.Mflster Pigeon seemed to have lost his bear ings, but the bird stuck to the rigging and dwelt there while the vessel pro ceeded on Its way, calling at the Ca naries. Baibiidoea. Bermuda, and other principal jmrta. The pigeon flew ashore at each place of stoppage to vlait the sights and xm sibly hob-nob with the birds of the locality, but always turned up before the ship sailed. The sailors put hiui food ou the maintop, which he ate regularly, though he would not allow tiie slightest approach to familiarity ou the part of any member of the crew. The ship experienced severe weather on the homeward-bound trip, and by the time it arrived at Portland the bird looked a weather-beaten old mar iner. He evidently recognized old En gland again, for he at once flew ashore, and although the vessel remained there some weeks, no more was seen of the pigeon, who bad spent six months on bis travels over many thousands of miles. Young Citizen "I hear that the police caught the thief who broke Into your bouse the other night." Old citizen -"les; a nice time to catch him. wasn't It? Why didn't they catch bltn liefore be broke In? If they bad, I'd given them some credit for It" Roxbury Ga zette. Women bave a nice way of being mean that men cannot equal. Mktm me l laiulrj. 1 Loyvos, May 1. The official in-1 Wichita, Kaa.. My 2.-The town or quirv into the unking of the North ! Hahnead. uorthwest of this citr. was Oman Lloyd steamship Elt by the ; visited by a Urr.tic cvclone ot 4 3d British steamer Crathie was resumed at I yesterday afternoon. The known list Lowestoft .yesterday morning. N'ojOf killed comprise Mrs. Wear and North German L'oyds witnesses were ; three daughters, Grandma Chapiu, present at yesterday sitting. Mr. I William Ai mstroug. M .ny others were Sharpe, the steward of the Crathie Injured, but their nam.s could not be was called to the witness stand. He ascertained. The resi lnices of t'jrus testifies he saw the lights of a four- ! Hinkstein, William White, 15. K. Fns niastel steamer across the bows of the '; die and A. S. Powe 1 were badiy t'o Cratbie and immediately afterwards : tcolished and many other buildings there was a tremendous crash. The ' were wrecked. captain cam on deck and shouted to j Toe pupils of a district school in the the mate, "You've don it now." i path of the storm were hurried from .eaman Oran, who was steering the the bailiing by the youig 1.4 ly teacher Crathie at tiie time of the collision, just in time to save their lives, she is said there was a weather screen ou the now the heroine of the hour. The sky starboard side of the ( rat hie which : was overspread with blac cloud and prevented htm Irom seeing in any di-: the st- rm cloud a it approached the rection except right ahead of turn. He , lirst saw the mask headlight of the Elbe ; when that vessel was only ten yards off. He shouted u alarm and iir.nie- diately heard the order, -Hard aport. HeattemDtei to obey the order, but before it cou.d be carred out the ships came together, seaman While who was acting a lookout, was called to the stand, and after the usual caution by the chairman in regard to the use against him of any incriminating testi mony be might give deposed that he left the wheel and took the lookout at & o'clock in the morning. He did not leave his post, and if the steward sail he did he was not telling (he truth. He saw a steamer's masthead and side lights two miles away an the star board bow, but as the red light dis appeared he did not report the fact to the officer of the watch. U did not aee the mate from S o'clock uuttl after the collision and did not hear any shouting. tnr lh Indlaul. Faroo, N. D., .May l.-Deputy Mar shal SchliuJer wired 3 o'clock yes terday afternoon to Marshal Crouau that there are 200 hostile Indians at Langlaus, preparing to resist arrest of half breeds rescued from the marshal last Sunday. X umbers of citizens are leaving St. John through fear thai their houses would be burned by half breeds. Sunday the marshal and deputy bad a council with the Indians, who had previously rescued a half breed charged with cutting timber on government land Jfrom arrest and told them they had come there to arrest the parties and that they would surely do it. Lit tie Shell, chief of the Turtle Mountain Indians, told them that the govern ment had never paid the Indians for the land And that be had a right to give that permission, and that they would not allow anyone to be arres'ed for cutting under his order or with his permission. The marshal reiterated the statement that they had come to make arrests and intended to do it 1 he Indians asked who they wanted ana on being informed they called the persons, and when they came in the marshal read the warrant and under took to arrest them, but the Indians forcibly resisted. The marshal returned to Fargo and wired the attorney-gen eral for instructions. The offense is slight at most. The feeling is general among settler that the seventy indictments against et' tiers and others in that region are more for the purpose of matting fees for the otlrcers than any olher purpose. Tlie timber is generally poplar, not fit for anything but fuel, with a small amount of oak and ash Want so Javesltgntbrit. London, May 1. There is a feeling of indignation among the friends and relatives of Miss Kmily Hall at Hales owen, the home of the dead girl's fattier, over the failure of the authorities in Detroit, Mich., to take more active measures in the case of the allege 1 victim of Hev. Jonathau Bell. Friends of Miss Hall are trying to induce the British government to move in the matter. The ponce here cannot act, us they have no official proof of the death of the airl. A case of betayal does not amount to a crime umecg there is proof that the betrsyer connived with the procuring of an abortion. The where abouts of liev. Jonathan Bell is still unknown. The police are satisfied that he has committed suicide. Let ters written by Miss Hall indicate that Bel was In Detroit on January 10, and that Miss Hall lelt Liverpool on January 1 5. The police are making inquiries, but the nature of tbeir inves tigation is not known. They possess a portrait of the dead girl. Miss Hall's letters suggest that a woman con nected with a religious movemmt in Leeds proposed the girl's removal to America. It is liksly that Home Sec retary Asquith will be questioned iu the bouse of commons regarding the affair. AttMhxl by Moon. Lokdos, May 1. The Dutch Brig- antine Anna was towed into Gibraltar yestertay. She reports that on the afternoon of April 28, while becalmed ( tt the Biff coast, a party of Moors at txcktd ber and shot and killed the members of the crew and seriously wounded the captain and mate. After massacring the crew tbe pirates carried off the provisions and cargo of the vessel. Hosii t'anaot go Oat. Dt MTii, Minn., May 1. The storm which began here forty-elgnt hours ago let up a trifle yest erday afternoon, but the lake Is still so rough that no boats can go out Early yesterday morning, when tbe gale was al Its height, a rail containing 800,090 feat of lumber, which belonged to King A Merrill, was being towed by the tugboat Anderson and went to pieces Just off Minnesota point and the shore It now strewn with if. The tug had a bard time getting In. i.rnnc t. town wound about lik the swaying trunk of a giant elephant The. scene when the cyclone burst upon the town was appalling. After the cyclone swept by. leaving devastation auu ueaui In its wake, the citizens fell to work caring for the wounded mil removing the dead bodies frotu beneath the heips of debris. Ham has been failing throughout southwestern K msas at in tervals since yesterday alleruoon, Hnd there was a severe had storm in this section last night. ALL V Kit IX AN INsTANT. HcTtlllN-oN, Kas., May 2.-Seldm is such wreck aLd ruin crowded into such a brief space of lime as was that resulting from a cyclone in the farm ing district twenty miles east of this city yesterday alternoon. At 4:20 a twisting, hurtling cloud was seen ap proaching Patterson, a small station on the Frisco road, about six miles southwest of Hurrton. The air was dry and fibed with electricity. Thoae who saw it say It resembled a great mass of flying smoke and dust from a prairie tire. The air was as thoujii coining from a heated furnace, hot and stilling. The storm struck about a mile south of Patterson and for sixteen miles in a northwesterly dlrectlou left death and ruin in a path 100 yards to a quarter of mile in width. Ten persons were killed. llrirtine Along. Wasuixhto.n, May 2. So far as is known here there have been no new developments iu the international com plications In Nicaragua and no oilicial advices have reached here iu regard to the situation beyond a dispatch re eeived by the slate department stating that the Xlcrraguan government yes- tercay sent a cablegram to .-enor Me- diia, the Salvadorean minister al Lou don, requesting him to lay before the British lorelgn oillce the proposition advanced by Nicaragua that the sum of monev de manded as indemnity by by Great Britain will be paid by the Nicara juan government within fifteen days in London provided the British troops are withdrawn Irotn Corinto. Benor Mfdlla is asked to urge upon Lord Kimberly the advisability of such settlement. Th- Xlcaraguan minister, Senor Guezm in, has received no advices yes terday from bis government, and so fir ! as he kuows there are :io new phases in the affair. LondmN, May 2. The authorities of the foreign office and admiralty say in reply to questions on the subject that the situation in Xlcaraguals absolute ly unchanged. The I'ubllo DrUl. Washing i on, Mav 2 The debt statement hhows a net inure ise in the public deb', less cash in the treasury, during April of rj,10y,H57.o2. The interest-bearing debt decreased i'.WJ, 4.'t".u0 and cash in the treasury de creased 47,0'.U,3 15.02, The balances of the several classes of deb; at. closd of business Aoiil 3J were: Interest bearing debt 7ll,2 Jl.ltIO; debt on which interest hns ceased since ma turity, gl.7o4.600; debt bearing no in terest, :jhO,701,2il.42. Total 81,05),- 6u7,hl'J.iW The certificates and treasury notes offset by an equal amount of cash in the treasury outstanding at the end of the mouth were i.m,Wi,tzi. a de crease of 1.255,318. The total cash iu the treasury was $77,142,335 75. The gold reserve was 851.247,144. Net cash balauc 8W,o70,772.05), lu tbe month there, waf an increase in gold coin and bars of $31 1,057 27 the total at the close being $135t,5M,l53 33. Of silver there was an increase of $553,6515 41. Of tbe surplus there was in national bank de P'Sitories 116,75)7,027.77, against $10, 224,166.3 at the end of the preceding mouth. Struck by a Squal. Pout Townsend, Wash., April 30. Tbe United Slates revenue cutter Cor win arrived from Alaska yesterday morning and reports a fatal accident to one of the cutter's boat at "fakn har bor. Captain Munger and party, while re timing ashore, were overtaxes by a aanall which capsized the boat. One seaman, Uostaf Wilson, wss drowned There of tbe party were rescued with great dilliculty and for two days tbe captain's life was despaired of. He is now on the road to recovery. Tbe Corwin brought down 200 gal oot of seized liquor. A Poor rifht. Clkvklanii.O,. May 2. About 1.00b people paid $2 apiece to ae a much ad vertised fight between Pat Ready of Washington and Arthur Walker of Australia. Tbe men are stiffi of the worst kind and for eight rounds gave about tbe tamest fistic event ever seen in this city. Tom Walker laid down and was counted out. If Ready bad known the lirst rudiments of the game be could bave put Walker out In about one minute. 3- A prty f twelve deputies under l.ii ge of Marshal I E. Cronan of Far. go arrived here ym'erday morning and lett last evening for st Joho to at tempt the arrest of the Laiigrms and Dameraut. the half breeii who are wanteifor cutiiu government tim-j ber. Thedeitirs do not ex(ect to be ' able to make the arrest without the aid of tnop, but Maitial Crotiau has re- cthed a telegram from Attorney-Gen-1 erai Oitiey stating th'it no troops will be fronted until an at'empt has been UIK'lr I y a pi'S.r of depUtl-S. In the event of the failure of the: posse to get their prisouers it is ex pected that eavilry troops will be r'l I r. in 1 t. llulord to aid them. Many of the la'e settlers at St. Johns and liolla hav left their homes for fear of violence from the Indians. Other settlers do not exect to be mo. les'ed, but are anxious to have the niai'er settled, a their title to their homes is continually brought into question by th reiterated claims of the Indians. Msj. Kalph Hall, Indian agent at Ft. Totten, also arrive! here yesterday and arcompaoied the p sse, H thinks be can ket p the Turtle Mountain reserva tion Indians quiei, leaving the deputies to cope witn the Canadian Indians and half breeds. Unless great caution is exercised by the poose it is feared that their visit may result disastrously to white set tlers before the requisition for troops is granted, as the Indians hsve threat ened to wlp the whiles from the face of the earth it any of their number are arrested and they sre well armed to do it if aroused to action before the troops arrive. TKOOPS WILL UK ALLKD. j Dkvil's Lake, X. 1)., May 3. Mar shal Cronan and fifteen deputies went through here yesterday morning for the seat of war at St. Johns, accompanied by K. A. Woods of Fargo, Deputy Hen nessey of Grand Forks and Chief De puty Daggett of Fargo. Deputy Hurst and ex-Sheriff Wagguess of this county also went. It is learned at the train that Attorney-General Olney, in reply to requests for military aid, wired Judge Thomas for his opinion."1 The latter wired back that he thought aposselnsufllcleut and that a military escort was needed. De puties claim that the maximum fees allowed by law are already react ed for this fiscal year, hence there Is no In ducement to stir up business. Jt is the general opionion that arrests may be made in this cssa without much trouble, but the coudilion leading to the present dilficulty remains and should be remedied. Practically Hrttled. Washington, May 3 The Xlcara guan Incident growing out of the British occupation of C-orinto was pra ctically and happily settled yesterday seemingly through the good ollicers of the SalvadoriHn minister to Great Britain and France, who arrived in London from Paris yesterday morning snd bad an interview with Lord Kim beny, the British foreign secretary. It is understood that Ambassador Bay Rrd was present at the meeting, al though the statement of Sir Edward Grey in the house of commons that the United States had not suggested terms for an amicable settlement would in dicate that Mr. Bayard was only pre sent as an auditor. The conference between Lord Kimberly and Minister M(diua,the muister from San Salvador I reunited in a detinue airaugemeut of terms for the stetlement of th trouble at Corinto, the substance of which was immediately cabled to Secretary Gresli am by Mr. Bayard. In the dispatch Mr. Hayard sdd thatGreat Britain had accepted tne guarantee made by .Salva dor for the payment of the indeiuity of 77,500 demanded by Grent Britain hi the payment to be made by Nicaragua hi London within a fort night, and the British government agreeing that as soon as Nicaragua con tinued this promise to pay and in formed the British admiral in charge of the naval forces at Corinto of that fact the admiral be would instructed to withdraw not only the force of tnarues which under command of Captain French now hald possession of the cus tom bouse and other government build ings at Corinto, but also to remove his warships from the harbor. Taylor'1 Urn Hull Taken. Redfield.S. D., May 3 Another sensation lu connection with Defaulter Taylor came to light yesterday in tht discovery that some night this week some parties gained forced entrance Into Taylor's former residence here, now with Its household goods held by tbe sheriff on liens by the state anc First National bank authorities and abstracted Taylor's dress suit, his plug bats, silken ties, fancy waltcoats auc fine linen shins, The abstracting oi the dress suit, which was Taylor's wed ding garment and leaving untoiichec a multitude of valuable articles fron cellar to attic leads to much coujeeturt and query as to what Taylor wauu with a dress suit In South America. Clcaraa Over a Tboaaand Hollars. Kloux City, la., May 3. Ex-Count) Supervisor Waller .Strange was tried some time sgo on the charge or steal. Ing county money and was acquitted Iter three trials. It Iihs just bsen dit covered that he hsd subpieaned 200 ot more witnesvs, whose witness fui were paid by I he state. Very tew el the wlttit-ssfs testified at (he trial. Htraage, it is aliened, liassysteinaticallr bought op these witness fees and It is sale he has cleared over a thousand dollars on tbe deal. Oil rum n Fkuuv, X. !., Mav ! STATE NEWS ITEMS. The German Mrthodi's of i remont are building a i.e churrii. The government wag-m bridge at Niobrara l almost cjiu; etel. Sco't's BHitl ouuty is considerably short of nec-psary moisture. Evuy county in tt e a' h;ts been "wvt down" williiu Hie past twoweeks Caj l 11. C. Ru ell will dei vrr the the o atiou at O-ceola on Iecoratio;i Day. Forty dollars was lately contributed t to foreign mirsioi s by the Me'.bodlsis of Ohio a. I Ttie Loup City caual is being pushed . t ..... a rapidly. 1 lie company yji pc. for man and team. M. K. Tuner started the Columbus Journal twenty-uve years ago and I still at the old stand. Ml ton Riicklln nas severed his con nection with the Columbus Telegram, auJ will go to t hica;o. .1. N. Lemon of iUrtingloti lost s.x head of horses in a sm.-ie night. Ho t:nnks ti ey were sto'eii. TheNihuyler Hun sivi that Urge numbers of fruit and forest trees were killed by last season's drouth. If it keeni on raining out west L n- rolu coirity will have no earthly us her irrigation ditches. i for "Norfo.k" says the News -has the lurt ln-en suar tactorr an! the .... . poorest opera house in in world. J. B. Dolpule of Danbiity has faith in alf Ha and demonstrated it by seed ing 120 acres to that popular bee teed. A part of the Malison townsite wa trice an Indian burial ground, and ghastly reiics have lately been unearth ed. A Fremont prescher chose for the subject of a sermon, "What are our friends doing in heaven?" Who Jtnows? i Three little children at Madison ate wild parsnips, Htid wou.d have Js-rished but for timely medical as sistance. The Piattsmonth Journal wUl be run dai.y again whenever the business men signify a willingness to giva It a patronage. The officers of the Ooifnx agricultural society have set September 10 an I 13 inclusive, as the dates for the county fair this fall. ... ' The Fremont creamery has paid as high as $H0.0 '5 in twelve months for cream, and Us dally supply comes from eight coutities. The people of Chadron are becoming suspicious that the man who promised, to build their factories is unable to de liver the goods. J. L. Mcl'herson of MinJen jumped from a moving train and was so badly shaken up as to cause a hemorrhage of the stoiiMCii. He will recover. Howard Linsacuin of Falls Ci'y has a badlv fractured leg, the result of a foolish rough-and-tumble, wresliing match with a fellow too big for him. The English club of the slate uni versity lias begun the puhlica'ion 01 i S Nebra.sKa Literary .Magazine, to be Issued quarterly. The .May number Is a gem. Dorchester schools will have no gn diluting class tli s owing to ti e fact that one year was added to the jourse at the beginning of this school fear. Eighty acres of land near Humboldt was sold to a syndicate that proposes to have an artificial lake where it can lisli and icul ruw boats at.) cents au hour. Rushville Is to have a democratic paper i tint will stand in with the ad ministration. I he News is too OUt sp iken in favor of not waiting for any o'her nation on earth. North Bend piouusesto become the centre of a large celery industry. Two men from Kearney have put in lifleeo acres of the succulent vegetable two miles north of that city. Joe ( amp has sold his crlbner Hust ler and talks now of starting a paper at Hooker, which is one of the few towns in the state where he has not tried his favorite experiment. . An industrious young farmer of Lin coln county has planted forty acres to potatoes. Estimating the yield at 3 K) bushels per acre acre and the selling pi ice ci per uuBnei, mere is a net pro lit of 810,UJ0, The way to gel rich is to plant potatoes. The hogs at the City livery barn, ssys the Hartlngton Herald, had a glorious jag on Monday. It seems that a pail or Stale beer had been poured into their trough Ij someone In Henry Eliera saloon and they all drunk heavily of it. Due of the hogs, when seen by a Herald reporter, was so drunk thai all efforts to make hltn stand on his feet were vain; ons s just iu the hil arious stage and staggered around tbs yard lu exactly the sam manner that bis biped brother d' under similar conditions, while oilmrs could walk with a pretty steady tan, but had an awful tired look. Their appearance very mum resembled of a man who has spent the ihkM, befors with the b'lioys. The following letter was fourd In sack of relief corn sent to Tranklln county: To the reolvr of M sack of com.greeting-Tiie underlined re. peclfully represents that he Is a farm er fifty-four years of age, and that he Is eligible U matrimony, and will glad ly correspond with one of tie fair ser lib the best of motives, and they roust be of as good quality of tre femlnlns genaer as this corn li of lUAlnd. I'lease answer whos iever msy he the recipient of this, to the undesigned." 'J V 7.4, , , ' L ' , . " -.