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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (July 12, 1894)
y OS Tha Sioux County Journal. Subscription Price, (. J. Simmons, Editor. Kntered lit the Harrison post oUiee a i w aecjud class waller, j THCKSDAY, Jl LY li, 194. Republic-!! State Couve utiiiu. Tiie republieau elector of the state of Ne braska are rcqueut to end delegate from their several counties, to meet in the city of Omaha, Wednesday, Ausut ii, 14, at 10 o'clock, a. hi., for the placing Iu Humiliation candidates for iiovernor. Lieutenant Governor, Secretary of State, Auditor of Public Accounts, Treasurer, Superintendent of l'ablic Intruct!on, Attorney-Ueneral, Comuiissioucr of l'ublio Laud and liuild-ins-. and to transact such otlier business ti may be predated to tlie convention. THE APrOKTlOXMEUT, Tiie several couiUitVart entitled to rep resentation as follows being based on tiie vote oast for lion. I. M. Kayinoiid for presi dential elector In giving one deli gate at larjfe Ut eacil county and one for each Mi vote and the major fraction thereof ; Counties. Adams Alitelojie Banner . liiaiue. l.M-1. Counties. 17 Johnson it Kearney a heva I'.iha- i Keith Del. ... 13 SI 3 ... 3 Boone in Kimball Boyd ti Knox II llox Butte Lancaster to Hrowtt , .1 Lincoln II Buffalo 'Jo lailfau 1 Butler H Loup S Burt 14 Madison 1.", Cass r Si Merrick Itslar h Mcl'lu rsou jl ( base 5 V.uice , Cheyenne ti Nemaha ! berry t; Nuckolis II Clay IT utoc I" CoIfoX 7 I'awnee 17 ( timing it Perkins 4 Custer IV I'ierce fl lhtkota 5 I'llelps V lluwcs I'laUe HI Dawson l:t I'olk Heuel S Bed Willow it ltiAon s Kichardson 'it' IlodKe IS Kocli 4 Uoughis .ins siilini. liitndv i illlnore Franklin Frontier Furnas (Juice (arlield (,osper It ran t lireciev Hail-.- Hamilton Harlan Ha yon -. Hitchcock Hooker Holt Howard ft sMrpy 7 hi snunders lt 7 Scott's BlutTs 3 H Seward 14 in shertdan . , 7 'M sherman '2 stonx 2 5 stun ton fl I 'I h.iyer 14 4 I bourns 1 lit Thurston i:t Valley 7 7 Washington H Wayne ti WeOstcr 11 1 V heeler 2 11 York so Jefferson Total :, It is recommended til-it no proxies be ad mitted to the convention anil that the tleie gates present be authorized to cast the full vote of the delegation. It I further recommended that the Htate central committee select the temporary organization of tlte. convention. 15KAD I). SI.AVUHTEIC, TOM M. Cook, Chairman. Secretary. Call for Republican Committee Meeting. The republican county central committee of Sioux county i hereby called to meet in the court houae at Harrison, 3Seb., at 11 o'clock, a. uin on Satonlay, July 14, WM, for tlie purKse of calling a county convention and transacting taich other business as may come before the committee. M. J. O'C'ONNKLL, Vf . II. Uavib, Chairman. Secretary. Tlie Coxey farce has come to an end. The few hundred men wltom the leaders have been able to Iwld on the ground at Washingt'w made what sliow they could on tlie 4th and since that all interest has been missing. 3oxey is not interestin, as a matter of news of late and he will soon be almost forgotten. Tlie great atrike which baa grown out of tlie trouble between the Pullman company and its employees i Ptill Unsettled but it looks as if the worst had been panned. The strike will not likely result in any gain fur the strikers and will result in much loss to tb-i com pany and the country at larg.:. Tut attempt to draw in all organizations of labor on tlie sympathy plea did not prove as successful as was expected and tlie fact that millions of dollars worth of property was willfully destroyed by the Strikers lost much strength among the masses. Bight hundred freight caw wefe bifrned at one place in Chicago by tire strikers and otlter .rinr:s of like hatiJre committed. No one d-jnies the fight Of any man or sot of men to quit wofk when dissatisfied with Uie wages Of treatment receive but to say that none bal! take the places thus made vacant and attempt to tie up all the business of the eotmtry is neither fair1 or reasonable. (trtle have come to be tlie most expen- movements in this country and the Soonef some means is devised to avoid tliem the better it will be for all. It is hoped that tlie present trouble will soon end and that no more bloodstied will lie Hecesnary; Hit th lall WfarelT 0tt the lie a A. The following from tlrt Omaha tie Voices our sentiments exactly and the leaders of tlie republican party who 9eek party success rathe? tliau personal gain Will act wisely if they heed the warning hid use vefy effort to have no man put 00 the ticket for wliom the party will have to apologia: "Bepqblicans of Nebraska will fiave Mo turae this year fof a defensive cam tftigfl. If they nominate cleart, capable MM tttor will swaetf the state; Ifthev .JoCl tlWffiMlTes do rl with tatooed enn CtW Whose unsavory records call for tBSJ txpUMtion they will bate trhm work frara start M fldiah, with pi C3 htttiiy tiart vxa," Tf l,e sign of the times int for anything Jack Ma l'oll will 1 normriat- ed for governor at the rejiuUu-an slate convent ion on the first hallot, if. in' a liillot is needed :i d, urvry (if Arid Lands. t Iruahit Bc. It is hardly probable that anv action will t; taken on the bill providing for a rvey of the arid lauds at the present j session of congress, because many demo crats are anxious to get away from Washington as soon as jtossible and an adjoiiniment will probably lie urged as soon as tlie tariff and the appropriation bills are tli-posed of. Hut a good start has ins n made in reKrting the measure agreed on by the western meiuU-rs and it can he placed iu position to receive ion tailv ill the next session. Tlie summary of the bill given in the press dispatch is sufficent to show that it is a very, comprehensive- measure, pro IKisine, u.s it does, a general survey and the determination of sjiecific conditions upon which it is desirable to have more definite and accurate information than now exists. The report accompanying the bill, prepared by Representative Sweet of Idaho, ho has shown an earnest z,tl in this matter of promoting irrigation, is referred to as one of the most concise and interesting discussions of the subject from western standpoint, ever present -ted. It urges tliat the consideration of the subject has been too long delayed, due to the indiiTerence if not oposition of the east and south, ant the reasons that have actuated these sections are held to le insiilticent to justify putting a check to the development of the west. It is to lie apprehended that the objec tion to a national system of irrigation, on the s core of the enormous exwndi ture that would lie involved, will not lie easily overcome, though the opposition to this policy has thus far been able to suggest no entirely practicable and un objectionable plan. The ccheme of the bill agreed on by the western memliers of congress is to prosecute the task of reclaiming the arid region gradually, the government disposing of the lands as the work proceeded and applying this revenue to its continuance. In this way the purcliasers of the lands would pay the whole cost of reclaiming them. As to the other objection, tliat the reclama tion of tlie arid regions would result in increasing agricultural competition and still further reducing the prices of agri cultural products, if it is worthy of any serious consideration, it would be an al most perpetual bar to opening up these regions to settlement and utilizing them for increasing the wealth and jiower of the nation, for tlie time may never come or at any rate not for generations, when the people of some section will not lie hostile to adding the vast arid area to the productive territory of the country. It is essentially a selfish objection and utterly antagonistic to that sentiment of patriotism which demands the mater ial development of tlte republic by every wise and practicable means. The first step toward tlie reclamation of the arid region must be a thorough survey of the lands and waters and man ifestly this should be done by the gener al government. For this purpose the bill provides an appropriation of $:!i",)00 but this is probably simply for a Itegin- ning, as complete surveys will undoubt edly cost more than this amount. But this expenditure is comparatively unim portant and theie is no good season why tjhe work of surveying the arid lands should not be entered upon as soon as congress can pass tlie legislation author izing it. Western sentiment is practic ally unanimous m favor of action by congress for the promotion of irrigation and it should receive earnest consideration on tlie broad ground of national development from the leople of other sections of the country. Party tifih Third J'art. IIcv, Sain Jones. Tlte third party, or party of tlie third part, or whatever you may call itf may get to heaven but they'll never get to Washington. It's not tlte way, Wash ington is the wickedest place on earth. It is the home of the devil. Um average democratic and republican politicians are little better than rascals, but the third party man m a fool. You can reform a rascal, but did you ever try to monkey with a foolV They want to borrow money from the government at 2 per cent when the frov ernment is now borrowing at 5. We hear a great deal of fool talk about the I ich getting richer and tlie poor poorer under tlie present law. There never was a greater lie, and I'll prore it. There's nothing the matter with the law, It's tire man Unit's at fault. There's a law yer on that side of tlte house makes $30,000 a year. Here's a little pettifogg er whose family is starving. The law is not to blame. Here's a physician mak ing $10,000 a year. There's a little doc tor oer on the otlier corner that can't make bis suit. The law is not to blame, I preach nearly every day la 8,009 and here's a little preacher sitting behind me tliat can't arerage 200. The trouble is hot in tt! lawj brother, it's in your noggin. ' Tlie dilferehc is organic it all tlie wealth In the United States were divided out today each man would get about $1,190, and In less than six months some fellows Would be riding Id palace curs tnd others would be walking cross tias MM WttllgJ for Mother dlTf. V . Windy Vacuum Allen evidently j i-au-lit a sucker who repress nted (I ! A'. Weir of ! rirnn. for the write-up en the senator in the July niimwr fi that Miaa.'.iua die not tnatch ' 1 tlie votes tvi;islervd in tha sen-iie inunl hereby Allen opposed the iiiteifsls cf his tdate. Treasurer' suteui' at. send annua; statement of the monies re ccUcdatid disbursed from Jautr-try 4tii to June :a tli, ls".4, by tlte treasurer of '-ions county, Nebraska: STVTE FI'Mi. Balance January 4 f !4lli i t oitei-tions . j, es I'ai-l sti.le lle-stii,T Balance June :w J4.'l Ti 14.; " 2 X, tM'HOOL LASl rl Nii. Balance January 4 CM "4 ( olliH-tiiiits- aij Si I'ltid St;,te Treasurer Balance June :iu. CI7 o; STATK St IlixiL ri'M). Balance January 4 SH stile aplKirtiomnelit 114il3 AiHlI lioited todisl nets Balance June an... 11,'d Ml COI Sir "OESKRIL HM. Balance January 4 lli'J "2 Aei rin d interest ft K4 loucetions 1-Vi'i vxt Warrants it-deemed ( om mission Balance J Hue 'M 7nt 5i t ttiMr MKiiioE'ii x:. Balance January 4 S 4 t.- Accrued lulclcsl xi t oilts'l ions... StM W VHir.inis rislccuied t oinmission Balance June .... 773 i cocntv hoau'H'nii. Balance January 4 14:( '.'2 Accrued interest . .'i .V.7 -fJ ll.'i) 7m 0.') n.'.i si H'U 74 l.P.t .7 fiii '.'I VA t Collection I'M U) Warrants redeemed ( oinimssiou ... ..... Balance Junf ail l.KI U5 17 4'J 17 M a.i.', 47 SI'KCIAL IiKKT ri'M. Balance Jnnmtrv 4 40i til Accrued interest . . M ( ollcet ions v- at r.oit redeemed t oMtuiw.iou Balance J uue 0 KXlB .r4 soi.rni:ns m:i.iKF rcsii. alance Jammry 4 140 ( MB :c K til i)7 a7 Aci-riiisi interest t.2 ollei-tlolis S -tl Wurranls redis-ined.--. ( ouimlssioii . Balance June Stt ' H7 0-t AllVLKTlUNti ri'XII. 1 tin 'a 11 fw 147 Its Balance January 4 . 61 3 oilecllons. B ttl ( oiiiinissii,n... . Balance June .' Vi 17 mi ; .7.1 at; l'KEt'l.MT BOSH Fl'SIl. hihmce January 4 I'WI 11 Accrued Interest id Collection 'Zii CJ t ouiinlssioit . Balance June 30 . 'It (.4 I'M 77 ISMI 41 IVW) 41 V1LI.AUK Fl'Ml. Balance January . ...... 1 1 ill Coileeliui.s IIS l'4 Bald villaifti treaurer- ( ominissioti . Balance June iv) i(7 25 VILLAUe BoSll Fl .P. 117 31 II ! IU w Balance January t ' ,o ollectious . il w luli-resl paid oinmission . Balance June 30 bo S', KOAII IIISTmCT ITSII. lahince January 4 . . irtl 1.1 140 tin r, ai 7 ( olleetion ti 43 oucla-rs paid Cumiiilssion .... . Baluiii e June W 217 M 174 Kt 41S Si 4 IS .': St Hool. 01STK1CT VI S PS. Balance January 4.......... U'i ' ( oll's tions t-t sliite aoiMirt ionuieiit I14ti - l'aid district treasurer. aa4n ifJ Commission.. a) tr.i Balmier Jvine u b ill '4 fitilii i sni 74 SCHOOL IHSTHICT 1!'M Fl'SB. Balance January . 14lii 7'.l ( olleetion I-! -I Interest paid 75 ! ( ommission 1 1 M llalance June in 1W7 SI I.V.'.I W I V.ia (K Warrant registered In im 3l HKOISTEilKO W aKKASTS otTSTAMIlMi : (ioncra! fund ...:;77ii H-' lioad fund BW ' special debt fund ... ll'4 IA II. S. Woolilcl'KK, County Treasurer fjttray Notic". T.'iUen tip by the uudcriif net on hi prein ;cn on section township r.iujrc in v:otiv coiiutv. .Nebraska, tin Mav ;jn, 1V4, one b.iv li i ley, siipiMised to lie. if veitrs old, no br.'iid perceivable, vi . s. IIai.l, liatisj June au, ISM. iS 47 j Nnlice to Htilticrs of Kunil bisti U t Ctiitin. All periKtiis holili'iK i ert iflcutc of intlebt ednes or other claim uiraiust tile various rond tllslrict of sinus county, Nebraska. are herebv nolllit;d to present the name to the couii'tv clerk of stud county, at his oltice at Harrison, Nebraska, the saint mav lie cancelled nil I warrants issued lor the amttont. By order of tint Ixmrd of county com missiioner of Siou county. M. J. Bl.hWKTT. County t lerk. Hated ; IlarHstm, Neb , July t. K'4. ALVIN T. CLARK, ATTOHXEY AND COUNSElXJlt AT LAW, HARRISON, NEBR. Practices in all the courts and before U. 8. Iumi Ofliw, glMdVA.V 4 fO.NI.KY, J.tiwyer. fflf.t rnActfcB is ai.u tub Local, statb fend federal courts Mnd !'i Si iMnl offlee. CEOAL PAPER3 CAREFULLY DRAWN. t I i M t Office in Court Jlotise, ftAHUIsON NtlMlASKA J. B. tHlNNEYf M. U PhjrslfUtt itii nttrgMiHi kit culls given prrttnpt stt!ntlnni tfllo in Ding store. . luaa&t - - jrKJUtitit $10 Reward. Will le paid to tlie sols, nl-r bt will send us the fir-t com-t li-f of th- three i;ien who ill I'.- nominated f .r g'Verntn hi this state by tlte three parte s this vear in the regular state oiiven'ons. Kadi guess tii Ih accou;i;iuied by a am- t,:ii -n so! si riidinn to the Weeklv i! e i i f. - i v.ithC"i ten's. This t-uWriptioii will entitle you to the Weekly I".e fr.xn July 1 t 1 ', iilier 1. An old ml s. r.b er can send in his guess and r- eive crotlil for it and have the paper sent to any aildress he ui'iv s.-cf lit. Th" aarJ mil le inaile inimediatelr af t, r the last of liie three state conventions have ,-ufj turned. Iu case no correct guess lie sent in, the money will 'e awarded to the lirst guess nearest correct. Aivtrtls u ill Is; made only on th" choice of -'.' U convent ion an 1 n il on the result of any action taken after the a.!j m -iimenl of the convention. S;nd in your guess iu t!i ; fi'linoig sha. t.ue-s,-r's Name. . I'. O state t i I fs Itcpuhlif an uouiiute --- 1 iiMiocralic noiiiiiiee - - i'opulist noaiiuee... Unless otherwise directed, the paper mil lie sent to the name and address tf the guesser. Atldress oixlers and guesst s to The Omaha Mi:e, O.m.mia, Ni:b. NoTH E No guesses will be received lfter August 10. Final I'riNif Nolu-e. All imtsoii liavliii; tlmil proof ntitlec iu tin pM r w ill receive a marked copy ol the palier and arc requested to enantine tin-il' notiee and if any citoi exl.-t reiori the line to this olllei- at once. Notice fur Publication. I.alld Office at Cbadton, Vcb., I July :l, s','4. i Notice i bi reliv iflveil th it the follow l;iK- named settler ha It led notice ol blslnt'ii ill to miike final prool iu support l m- taiui. mill that vtid pnnif will la- made be ore t 1TK ins-,ci toiill. hi n. hi. son, Nebraska, on August II, tf.i, viz: Minnie iH-nnis, tif Han ison. Nrli . ho mndc II. Y.. It'll" for the lot I sec. Ill and lot 4 and sc. 4 w. wc :i. t p i . .Vi. lie name tin- loilow itiir w mie--e to prnv e continuous residence uiioii and eultiva turn ol. said land, viz : Andrew Nct.inlev, Joseph w . i.nrnesi, both ol llnrrison, Ned. , ( lint Aims, t,i,re llll -Ill-edit, bolh of Bovville, Nell. Illsil rrtiiices A. KMis of llHMisiui. Ni b., hoticide H. s. a li for the e. .'s '. 't, -c. tp. :a, ri.-. '',. Hi' naii i-s the following witnesses to prove ids continuous re-iileuce upon and cuiliva turn ot, s.iid iand, i i.i Jaine Nohoi, A. II. Hew, t. .-.iter n oourtin. Ki a Nolan, all ol llarrisnu. Neb. K. M. HoHHISOTOS, j4:iisj Bt-Kisler. .Niitlcc iur I'nliilcaiitiii. Land t Dice :il Alliance, Neb., ( June 1, ls'.i4. I Notice i hereby Riven that tiie follow ini ti.ii u.itier bii riled notice of bis Inten tion to make final proof In supMirt ol hi laim, and that said prool w ill nc imiue m- lore clerk of the. tpiriei ourt, at Harrison, Nebr., on juiy ls.M, viz: August W. Mnlir. of Harris ,n, Ni-li., w ho made II. K.'i73 forhe lie. 'i sec. IS, Ip. :, tk- II.. iiniiie the follimhiL' wllnei' to prove hi continuous residence iifton and cultivation til sul'l land, viz: Jerry II. w ill, John Merman, liotn ot liar rl-ou, Neb., Jauie Met an, r . w . Knoll, laith of (.ilclirist. Neb. also Onirltn K, Scutt.ttf H.-irrisim, Nidi.. who tniide II. K. 'Mt for the s. cc. I'.', tp. ill, rif. . lie iiiiiikh tlie lollow inK w ltnesse vo jiroM- hi continuous residence uiioii and cultiva tion of said land vi,: It. M. stit ton, II. A. rruldv, Jolm curtail, Oavid Barlleit. all of Harrison. Neb. 41 41, j r. M. U'tititiM.ios, iiexiso-r. Nntlci I'nr I'tiblii ullmi. Land (ifllce at Alliance, Neb., June 4, ls.i4. I Notice I hereby (tiven that the following- named wd tier ha ft led notice of hi Inteu tioiltomake final proof In support of bis lailll, and that said proof will lie made In- fore clerk of liisincl t ourt, ut Harrison, Neb., on July H, Is!i4, vi,: 3Iary llnn-iui, nf Mnntrii.c. t '.. who imide II. K. VlT7 for the sc. ec. fi, ip. M, ri. .'i. I e inline the follow InK w Hue ,s. In pro. e his cout Iniioiis residence upon ai.d cuiti-a tion ot, said laud, vi,: (lirist.mi IlittK-l, r.otler, Aitu-i Mcvcr, t rank Miller, ait of Montrose, M b. also ( liristfati .Ifiist ii. of Montr me. Xt-h.. who made II. V., rU for the sc. cc. , tji. Xi, th. He name tl:e lollnw-iun wit nee u,, pi oe his i-ont. mi, nice residence upon and culti vation of said land, viz: Christian imrtrei, si me miner, aukusi Meyer, frank Miller, till of Montrose, .eo. .iU44; r. M. fomii.oio.N, in Ulster. Nntpe fur I'llbliriltlnll. Land Office Ht Alliance, Sob. ' June i, 1 m. . i Notiee Is hereby Riven Hint the follow in naiiieu fell ler n.i nieu notice ot iiiiuis-u-lion to make proof Iu sliplirt ol hi claluii and tint x.iid pi'inif will ! tiiailc be fore I leiii 1I -ti li t ( tiuntil Harrison, -sen., on Auu'i-t 4, lnU, vi. Juliii T. Kilrrcrahl. fjniinlhiii uf Willbim V. FM.ireral.l. (if llmlart', Neb., who tiMdi'Il. K. I:h, for th e. X nw. i4 A. w, ii lie; I, . Id, tp.ifi, Itf. .Vi. lie ii.iuie the lollowinir wicies-s to pr'iM- his continuous residence upon undeiiKtCa tloti ol said land, vie: Julia . Hunter, John MaeK. Alctillnler Steele, Astoiel til ton, all ot lioonre, .sen. K. M , HOKlilM.TON, iit1l Sie'ilir Sale, I",y 1 irne Of an order in" :! din efed o me from the ( lerk of the District Coiirl of slottx (oitnty, NebrisUa, on n ItulKuicnt obtained lu said I ourt on inc r if wentli day of May, A. I. Is. 4. in favor of llerlaut Mebliln, at plaliilill, mid niriiltiHt Aurtrew Hah iiiitu and Almoin IMtu limn, as defeiiilant, for the sum of four hundred, nineteen and Ifft-KKJ dollar (tMI'JJWi, with Interest thereon hi ll'it rate oi in per cent per milium I rotu dale ol wild decree, anil til, 4.1 col of uit, t nd Bccniitin coil. I have levied on the the follow iiiK described real estate a tlte property of the nld ileletubitil. to "utisiy nam iirtter tti mm towif: The "oitlhwt t nunrtcr (Kivi,) uf sect on Iweulr lai'i In lowiisnip iniriy three (,Hl!i north of rattKe III I y live i.''i) west of the nljtth ! V. M i si'mt ctiiui tv. Nclirnskiti itiid will ofTer the Hainc for h) t tiie ItlKhent hhltler Iur eall lu bund on JitisiiAr, AI'OI'KT IXi 1, Ht OtiH D'eloek, fl. in.i Of mild tlity ut, tint front door of the eonrt house if slotijt rou n ty, Nclirakni ut llurrlii tlml IX'inK inn iinii'iniK in which tiie mm, term of the IMslrlet t ourt for wild county m held, to satisfy Nld Jndtf meiit and cost mid ncrmltiK col, ut which tliim mill place due attendance will be iflven uy ine nntterineu. IMtesii lUrrtaom Kebrfukm July 9, 14. A. U. DitWi )UTil T. CUUi Att (or fUtnttff, The Harrison m mm i c i I s y n 1 1 1 m Fl STABLE. GOOD TEAMS, GOOD BUGGIES, GOOD ACCOMMODATIONS. TERMS REASONABLE. GIVE ME A CALL. A Surprise for our (Jennati Kcadcr! : The Lincoln Kivie I'ivsv, the U-l (i r nian lit the west, oilers to ail sii'i- st-riU-rs a new preminiii l'i-t: "ir reotehetl H.iiisfr.Hi Km liliin h" neatly bound, con I. titling odd pages p.i--s. .el cents pays for the pit per for one year ami the book is given away free upon receipt of Id els. for p. isi.iL'e. Siihst r ptions rc-ccivt-il at our iillitv only. Su'n-ri ilf f'-r 7ie J'l it yij(.s-i lltel TllK Slut X t'tINTV J'llh'N.U.. NORTH WEST sSftTn' m& EAST SOUTH l'ltrt liaf TlcUet ami ( miM-.-n .v I r Ial.t it ti c F., E.&M. V. S. C.&P. i:.vii.i;oti. II. . lil'IiT. (icm nil Maiiag'-r. !C. C MuhKilursi-;. J. II. JircilvNAN, GenT Freight Agt. (Jen'l I'ass. Agt. OMAHA NEQ. PATENTS. NOTICE TO INYKNTOIIS. There never was a time in the history of our country when the demand for inven tion and Improvements In flic at t and set ences Kenernlly wn so tfrcnt a now. The conveniences of mankind in flic factory and work shop, the hou-chold, on the farm, and ill ofllclaj life, renulro. continual ncccsitin to the iippurtennnce and iuiidemeut of each iu order to ue lalair, time anil ex jamse. The pollih fd chiuiKc In the inlinin istration of ovcrnmt-iil dia-s not efficl the pioilicssoi -in- i. .... u.,. no,. no .n iti( on the alert, and ready to perceive lite eslsUiiK dctleleiielci., does not ermlt the ,.tr..i ..f ... ..,.... t i,i l,i ir.iiii ' juIcUly couctdvinn the leiucdy to overcome cxistmic discrepctii-ies. Timi freut care can not be excereised in choosiine a coinelcnt mid skillf ul nltorncy lo prepare and prose culit an iijipllcatlon for piiteiit. aluuhle iutere! have been lo-t and tlctrove I In innumerable instances bv the employment of Incompetent counsel, and especially I this ,:dviee upplh-.ibte to those w ho adopt "No patent, no pay" system. Inventors who entrust their bu-dncss totliiscla ol attorney do so ut immeucnt risk, ai the brieidlh and strength of the ptttcnt is itew-r ctmsldered in view of a quick entlea vor to iet an allowance atid obtnln the fee then due. Tilt: I'll!-.- tl.AlMs CO., John Weddi i burn, l.eui ral inan:ier, US K street, N. ., U I ' C-i t'epresi'iiliiiK u haxe uum Is-roi iuipoit iu t dully and weekly papers, n well its tfeni fierlodieal of the eoiiiilr',, Has Instituted to protect 11 patron ironi the unsafe methods heretofore emplo;. ed in this line of business. '1 he siiid Compuii- N prep:!lcd tl take charge- tif all pjlent busini'ss entrusted to it for reasonable lei and prepare and tiro-ecuti- appiicai Ion , - , - , Keiierauv, incittdliiK invention, dei(ii pat.'nts, trade mm ).., liibel, copy riKbt. Interferences, !nf riiiKemenls, valid Uy reports, and (.ives ejieidal utteution to j rejected c :e. tlillo prepared to enter I Into eomjietithm with any Ilrui in sts'iiriiif foreign p.. lent. Write for Instruction and advice. Jons cniii niii itv, f.lf V stti'i t, Wli-!iin;loii, I. C. I'. (i. Uox sj What is this anyhow 1 It l the only bow (ring) whitti itnnot be pulled from the watch. To be had only with Jas. Boss Pilled and other watch cases tamped with this trade mark. XJ a pHbi Mat ft I mUi mm trr. KcyitoneWfttch Cm CoM fallow II AND SALE GEOKGE OLINGER. l'UnpiMKTUtt. LEAD; THE WORLD. Till: MUST K.TbV.I. JTinNOl'N' K Til KM lNi'fJMr.VIJAHLY TIIK IlKNT IN TONE, TOUCH AND DURABILITY. Wn!e fur Citalogue to LNTKY & ( AMI', Chnngo, III. .'ioi.IM.KY A sTitVt;i: ilarrlott, Nebr. i,u ft fi.m.u i.i-ini - v V, 1 '.'..'.- .';vV-ois OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. STATU Or'KM Kits: . ,,....,. . ,.,,n, (ioveinor. j T. J. .Mtilor Lieutenant t.overnor ; J- C. Allen secretary of state i K"lfene M'Kire Auditor Joi-pli s. Itiirlley IrcuBtircr t. ii.ltiisflnirs , Attorney tieneral A. h. Iluiniihrey.. I.ind ( 'oiiimUsioiier A. h.tioudy...I Snpt. puWic luntiiii'lton (ONi.iiK'-sioNAi, iti-::.i:i, i ins: V. f. Mitndersoit I . . seiui tor, tntiaba Win. . Allen t . s. senator, Madison W . J. Itr nit, ( onfresmim l-l lilst., Lincoln it, II. M-Vrer, ' ad ' i in it It it (.. H. Meililejohit M ' r uilerlou K. J. Iliiim r, " 4ih " Aurora vv. A. McK it'Kluin, " '.th l!ed ( loud it. M. hem, " i tn " Ilrokeu llow Jl lilt IAI1Y: T. I Noral. ..........( Ii'ef .fil-rh-e, -ewnrd A. M. lot Ais l;ite Ju.!,., Cohtmbli T, it. c, llittri-on v li Jti'le, i.r.itet Jj-laud il. A. t':iui'ts-ll..t e-lk niel U-jN,i litr, Lincoln HI I KKS Til .1! (ill M. I'. Kiiik.ii.l Alfred I;-, now M. J. llh wett . HiTlt!('r: ....lude, O'Neill t hadloti .1 lei k, Harrison (til'Vi V (iKH Ills: Kobert Wiiou... ........( otinty Judfe M. .1. Itlewell Clclk If. s. W iselrillf I te.onirer H . II, llavis sui.t. rillnic Instruction i lh sherilf tJ.I-. rhlniii V...... ...I otoui-r j 1 1 1 - . ', surveyor ! vi. .1. Ilieweit. ( lei k of district I out I II. I . ( onley ( otinty Attorney IKiAllli OK CiiMMsI(.iNKs! Krank 'I Inkliam .........l-l Itlsiricl M, J, Wels-r (clniirmau j. 'd " llenj. Y .'ohiiMiii u;d " Ll.t.lsLATlvr,: II. (I. Stewart.. semi tor, I it No. 14, ( 'rawfot J. It. Wsl liep., n,t. No. llay r prliiK VILl.At.K Itrm KI!S: It. II. tiristt old cliairmaii ) ...Ti tt-ti it j h. Koliwcr " ; J. W . seott . J. Ilieweit " j ( "mind l.iudeuiiiii " ' L. J. Siuilltou . . Clerl I V. A. Ib-t. r ,.l leaniret' I J. 1' I'HVi , Mtecl I ouiliitssilllil V I M iitiiit, tirru Hits .L W, t-tolt .... .1. K, Mnr-.eoel ij. W . Ileler ...IHtretof tbslerslol' 'i rciistti i f 'IKHMsiKI1iC!T: i Inslrb t ( ourt, - AI. Ilnrrisoit, niiiimi'nir ' 1 May l-iid .NiiK inli-r lith, I' . j oitnty (.um, -At Hnrnoit, etimuteiit'H I first Mondiir d em l mouth. III 111 II KS ANI WM'IKTiK.. M, K. I hureh I'lHi blnu I'lii'h ullel null' Sundiir ut n ami. in,, and every kuihIhv e.i"t intuit 7 :!). Ift.v.J. w. Kkhiiu.i.. I'nslor. Midllmllsi Hnidiir ehiKil titei l etetr f tnl' 'Itiy mortiliiK hi ID-.m. J. Ki ,Ma1 fi.i.kii, A II. liVti Miierliitiilileti(. fis-ridui Vi liO)MKN UK TllK Iliifrlson Citmp, No. nA, meet tin tlie )rt hud I In nl Atilnrdiir et en Iur of teieh moil lib i. h. I'ltot.r r, K. r'i I'tiorn , tb-rk. touiCoitii V-i'WoiirirT.iAnrl'i intvotlitnal iiieeiln every sinnjay erenluif Mt Him, I iihinet in cell u j mi (.,,u ,,f jii.)i- .. . IKH'IH (iKKtlill, , Mmk. Wi IL lAV IS, l'rel,ll!!lh sei ri t iry, 4 . Jl NIOH I KAtlt H. McCt livery MM,i,.y iiluiruiMiii fit 1 IKI. l. J. K, I'll I M H V , JH.tlUK 'Ttl: j Mlll,.rllltfMllHI'.- lir&Sf .Pianos ifi. t t , 'V- .s i