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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (July 12, 1894)
THE SIOUX (OUNTY JOTJR1TAL. o L. .1. Simmons. Editor h1 Proprietor. F.F..4 M.TK.K.Tintnl.I. i.iiilif Wnt. luting Kant. So. i, mlntl, II 15 I So. , mi vl li.Zt HARRISON MARKET. Wllmt prr IiiikIwI .VI hit- r bu-lii l a i 'orn -prr lilwl 47 UorW- i-r butKlrtf t I (i I. run it huiMlml B n t' i! t-hopiml -r hunrtrwl 1 ii 'litOtlM HT btnln-1 I Ml e,'lt.T-pT 9 111 ir loz 'miltrjr jmt ! s su OlltOIla ix-r Jt ll-mi imt 4 Ccml- per ton J u Wood- i r cord t H) I.niiilxir nmivff pt m. ft lu on "l'orri-tfl every Tliurwlay. John I. Iiavis has moved to his farm west of town, All kinils of wood work done ut Priddy's blacksmith shop, opposite Tiik JutltNAl. ollice. J. I. I.hivis and I). M. Sutton have taken a contract to put up nav ut an Tassell. For reliable, first class dental work of any kind, go to T. J. Gibson, ('raw ford, Nebraska. John JJaut has gone into the sheep business and exects to have several hundred of the wooly coats in a short time. Tho attention of our readers h call eil to the very hlieral coiupuign oiler made by the Omaha Weekly Iie in tlit advertisement in another column. A train load of L mted Slates troops passed through here on .Sunday on their way to Rawlins, Wyo., where they went to protect property from the stnkin; railroad men. THE Jot KN',M. wants a correspondent in every heUleuictit in the county who will send in the local ne each week. If those who will act in that capacity will send us notice to that eliect we will send them stationery at once. -The Junior league will give a concert intersiwrsed with recitations and tali- leans, at the church Wednesday evciiin; July IS, Admission 10 cents, children free. dm. Wh.IJams, Sec. STRAYED From Andrews, Nt h., live head of horses, branded either half-moon II or half-circle 11. A liberal reward will be naid for their return or for information leading to the ir recovery. Jamks II. Cxk, Hoyville, Neb. STtiAVEIi From the residence of the undersigned, near (Hen, two dark Imy mares, three years old, weight alioiit ! ,','00 pounds, each, branded colt's font. A lilieral reward w ill 1 paid for infor mation leading to their recovery. Jamks T. Mason, Cileii, Neb. I fen t w ear out yourself turn your :iiower sickles by using the old-fashioned . rinding stone, but get a ('line sickl .-rinder of K. E. I.ivemiore. He w ill lie ii Harrison eai h Monday and Saturday ;.nd will show you all about tliem. !'liev will save more than they cost in ne haying season. The fourth and last quarterly meet .g for the present conference year will V- held at Harrison August IK and 111. full ntteiulince cf the oHieiala of the church is desired as matters of import' mice will come before quurterly confer ence. The indications are that a great many people will I in Harrison on urday to witness the game of ball whicl is to tako dace lielween the Montrose .wl lbirnson clubs. Much simrt is looked for by all as the teams are likely to be quite evenly matched. Tlie county commissioners have again looked at the condition of the foundation of the court house and louna that it must lie Ilxed in some way to ,.,iM-i Hirf Imildine. The sooner it is llxed the less it will cost ami it is hoped tliut prompt a lion w ill be taken. The retiorU are that the prosect for corn never were better m Sioux county than they are now and the small . lu e.illev will do much better b...... ... J than was expected a short time ago The rains have caused everything to come out very rapidly and the potato crop will be immense. Severe local storms seem to lx quite r.....n. lii season. (Ju last Friday one visited the place of. (ieo. H. Turner and washed things out in great shape and scared the people very badly.aml a short time ago a similar storm struck Agate Springs Slock Farm and accom plished alwiit the same results. In lioth instances but a small amount of ter ritory was covered. W, It Smith i !'' frotn Cliiulrun trying to get the people of this locality to contribute toward the bonus which Chadron is trying to raise to secure n beet sugar plant. So far us we have learned tho ople here would like to have a factory located at some point within reach and would be willing to contract to grow beet and ship to it, but iImv do not feel inclined vo give laud or money to help build up llier town. Mr. Smith says that Alliance Ims tho bonus already raised and the plant will be located there If Cbrdron does not get io that the people of thil locality will I abl to ship W it in either event. A prty was given at the residence of Mr. ami Mrs. (I. V. Hester on Tues day evening in lionor f Tf ss Anna Price. Those present included Misses Louiu an.i Claudia Hester, (ierlach. Kendall, Price, and Mesduines W. II. Itavis and V. A. j Hester, and Messrs. Itlewett, Marsteller, lavis, Hester, Hough and Smith. A very pleasant time is reported by those who vere present. Tliere does not apiear to lie reason for complaint ol lack of rain lately. Tlie ram of the 4th put things in excel lent condition and the one on Friday evening soaked tlie ground as deep as the water could iienetrate. The latter was accompanied here by considerable wind but no damage was done except one of the chimneys of the court house was blow n dow n, but it would not have occurred had not the brace been defect ive. -Commissioners Weljer and Tinkhain started yesterday for the south part of the county to view and appraise the lands recently selected by the state as additional school lands. It is in a local ity where there are no settlers and they will likely have a hard job to (iml the land they are looking for, but as it is at the exiiense of tlie state the people of the county have no kick to make. They went prepared to camp so that they do not have to depend on settlers. As a rule th- people of the county take an interet in the school matters and the annual school meeting, but in some cases tli -v f.ul to do so. In one district we learned of, but one man went to the school house on the day of the meeting. He was equal to tho emergency and called the meeting to order, elected a full set of officers, voted a levy of twenty-live mills, decided on the. immlier of mouths of school for the year and all other business necessary to lie done at the annual meeting. On last Friday evening a party was given, at the residence of Mr. and Mis. 1 J. Simmons by .Miss .Mimie Small, in honor of Miss Daisy lloane. The rain in the early part of the evening prevented some from lieing present and also inter fereil with the outdoor part of the pro Lrram. Those present were Misses Uoaiic, Price, Marsteller, Louie and Claudia Hester. Smith and Mrs. W. II. Davis, and Messrs. Davis. Marsteller, Churchill, Blewett, Hough and Smith. A very pleasant evening was spent, during which the vonug people were regaled with ice-cream and cake. In another column appears the announcement of the county supertcn- dent of the sixth annual teachers insti tute. He is making arrangements to have the liest institute ever held in the county. It was desired by many of the teachers that a three weeks session be held hut the county board did not appro priate funds siitlicent to allow that some of tlie board wanted to make no appropriation whatever for institute but we are glad to know that the majority of the commissioners are bettor friend of education than to make such a record. The progressive teachers who attend institute in order to be lietter prepared to ierform their duties in the school room will be pleased to know that Supt. Davis will not issue certificates to those who do not attend institute and then attempt to get a certificate on some flimsy tniiiissl up excuse. .Mr. Davis is an olliciul w ho knows no pets' and all who have the interests of the schools at heart will uphold him in his position Announcement. To the Tfdi'herg tf Sion.r County: The sixth annual teachers institute will begin on August 20 and continue two weeks. Tlie services of two excel lent instructors li'ive been secured, and it is the purpose to make this institute the most interesting and instructive of any yet held. In order to accomplish this it will necessitate tho attendance of entire corps of teachers in the county. While the superintendent fully under stands and appreciates the dilliculties with which tho teachers have to contend, he feels that it is his duty and that it is but just to those who do attend, that ho refuse certificates to persons who do not attenil institute for at least one week (which is required by law) unless a very reasonable excuse can lie gi veil. Kvery elfort to curtail expense to teachers will be made and the superin tendent will endeavor to secure hoard and rooms for the teachers if they so de sire. Very Res)ectfully W. II. Davis, Co, Supt. ('(irrpsMni(lciico. HotiAitc Nun., July 10, 191. J. H. Bradley and Earnest liunge are looking after their interests in Sioux Co, Mr. and Mrs. John Pfost came down from Edgmont around Iiodaro last week returning this week. There will lie prayer meeting at the Bodare school house Thursday night. There will nlso lie preaching next Sun' day ol eleven o'clock niid in the evening, Tliem wil lie baptizing after morn- irur services. The Rjv. Mr. (Jurran from Omaha is expected to be there. This being line growing weather the corn is advancing rapidly. Mr. and Mrs. (.'has. Plymplon went to Craw ford yesterday. F. Wederman, L. DeDock, L. Pfost and Joe Pursons oil have line gardens in East ilut Creek canon. PERS0X.IL. A. T. Clark is at Chadron. T. B. Knyiter was up from S!i ,. Tuesdav. Mr. and Mrs. C, I". ColIVe were in Harrison on Tuesday. Jack Kriesler was up frijin Five Points on Tuesday. (I. Guthrie and Sol Wilson returned yesterday from Edgemoiit. Charles K. S hilt was at Chadron tlie last of the week. Miss Anna Price left yesterday for her home in Ogden, Utah. Miss Mimie Smith went Marsland Sat urday to visit friends. Mr. and Mrs. S. Tebbet weisj vesiting friends in town last Monday. Miss iMisy Doane returned to her home in the valley Saturday evening. Tom Snow, of Kawhide, was doing business at Harrison the first of the week. S. It. Story, J. II. Brown, O. W. Cobb, and W. J. Langdoii were in from Ante lope yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. W. It. Smith came up from Chadron Monday to visit their daughter, Mrs. J. Fl Morsteller. j Mrs. O. Carpenter sent us a years sub- I scriplion some days ago. airs. Carpen ter never liecomes delinquent and is the kind of subscribers that are highly appreciated. The Xcw Sectionalism. So far as Populism stands at Washing ton, it is only right that it should 1? fairly reported. We are hearing much of a new sectionalism which is said to be arraying the West and Southwest against the Eist, to bo instigated and propagated by the populist party. We have even heard threats of the secession from the Union of a. portion of the United States unless certain legislation should lie accomplished. From Kansas Colorado and other Western common wealths have come to the Eastern press many extravagant reports of extreme political and social unrest, mingled with warnings calculated to alarm tho timid Eastern mind and to deepen the convic tion already existing among tlie unlrav eled residents on the Atlantic seaboard that tho West is rabid and terrible, and that its views and sentiments must of necessity lie treated with sharp suspicion It is extremely unfortunate that this sectional spirit should have lieen so dis agreeably awakened. The blame is perhaps to lie about evenly divided. The East might well have ascertained that a few noisy and extreme men do not make up the West nor express its sentiments. The West, on the other hand, as represented by some of its chos en leaders, might well have spoken with more discrimination and sobriety regard ing the moneyed classes of the East. The populists declare that their party is not a transient movement but that it has come to stay permanently and to prevail. The leaders of all the third party movements that have preceded the populist party since the war have held the same view. They have declared that the old parties, ono or both, were doomed to speedy disintegration and that the new party was destined to rise to a period of dominance, just as the republican party, seizing upon new issues, had made itself the party of progress and had at length triumphed in lHfiO. But the third-party movements of the past twenty-five years have all been transient, so far as the structure was concerned. That they have exercis ed a wide-spread and important leaven ing influence is not to bo denied. From "Tlie Progress of the World." July Review of Reviews, CO.MMISSIOXKK'S RECOIM). lUiutiHoN, Nr.H., July 10, ls!4. Hoard of County Commissioners met as per cull of Clerk. Present Commissioners Weber mid link- hum and clerk. Petition of T. o. Williams mid others nsk- intf Unit a piilille roud lie estulilislii il co n inctu'ing ut tlie center of section liti tow n sliipffl runife Mi runnlni? tlieuee ilinifoiiully in h generally southeast direction to hiise of lilll, tlienee uroiuiit siihl hill on the mirth, thence In u soiitheiist direction to southeast 'ornerNiii'l Meelicin ami vuente that por tion of rouil No. W Ih'kIiiiiIiik ut tlie center of section Sll township :) ranife W thence (fenenilly lu a sou t hcustci ly direction to tlie southeast cornet of sulil section. Tlie fori'KohiK petition was taken tip by the bourd mid laid ever till next ineetiii. Tlie following claims lufalnst rtloux enmity were until ted una allowed mid warrants ordered drawn on the levy of 111 for same. C. Williams constriicUiiK fenee I.31 J. Simmons publlshim;.. A'i.M State Journal Co. fiirnUliliiK records. ..&tl.N) Hester A Son claimed 17.(1.1 allowed Hii.ft'i II. s. Woodruff iostiKe 13.14 II. ,M. Sill ton guarding prisoner 4.00 J. M. Smiley " " !0.(J0 Tlie claim of J. K. Arner for plunk and dimensions for county bridge In district No. claimed tlti.3.1 allowed 1 1 .50 The claim of Win. Klsberry for hire of tools mid furnishing lumber for road district No. 11 claimed l5.ini allowed fcl.OO Tlie following ccrtillculcs against the var! otiH road districts were canceled mid war rants ordered drawn on the levy of st4 for value. J. II. Nnwlln district No.4 7.)0 Samuel Tebbet " ' 8 t'.T.HO John W. Fry " ' " ll.W.i James K. W allure nssigiietl ills. No. 8 fclfUlO John I. Duvls " ' John Melnliart " " " J. II. Jlrudley , ' " Jhiiich Wilnoii " " Solomon It. Story " " S. W.llall " " U..:K).0ll 4- i."U ....f2lM CKMIO On motion the clerk Is hereby ordered to have tho sou th west chimney of the court house rebuilt, tin motion bourd adjourned without day. M. J. 11I.KWKTT. County Clerk. TAKE NOTICE. All er.soiis ind.-bted to TllE JoTKSAL on any account and ail in li bteJ for subsLTiptiun to tlie JiiljK-in!i;tt ar urged lu cull and settle at an early date. We desire to have a set! lenient with every one on our books and want to raise funds with which to meet oar bills. If you ci.i.uot pay ca di, notes an which we can .'t money w ill be ueccpiuMu. Do not delay this matter as it deserve your immediate attention, ( all for Ilids Sc;tkd bids will be received by the district board of s ho d district No. :M up to July bl, Is'.il, for the ere lion f a school house in s.sid district, according to plan.-, and spcciticutiiius ' at the ollice of Solomon R. Story, treasurer of said district. The district reserves the right to re ject any or all bids. To oiir GerniHii Readers. The publishers of this p;iier have made siecial arrangements with the publishers of the German Incoln Freie Presse. by w hich lioth papers together may be had for $'.'.")U ier j ear. The Freie Presse is a non-partisan p.qnr and contains a full report ol news Iroiu tlie old country, a weekly review, a serial story, several short novels, and last but not least, carefully written editorials pertaining to matters of special interest to the Ger mans of our state. Local happenin from our county will lie reported by a German correspondent and will be pub lished in the Freie Presse. Subscriptions will lie received at this ollice. Old sub- scnlicrs of our paper will get a receipt for a years suescription for the Freie Presse iqion payment of fid cents and new ones may subscribe for lioth papers for one year by paying !f'i.,i0 at our ollice. B. L. KMUCK. Fashionable Barber & H air Dressci OPEN SUNDAY FROM 9 TO 12. UAZOItH AMI SCISSORS ITT IN OlMU'.lt. liive I me 11 t full. G. J. SIIAI'F.i:, ruvsiciAN and sntuuox. HARRISON. - NEBRASKA. Diiihllieria. Rheumatism, Female and all Chronic Diseases a Specialty, upstairs in SMITH Ollic BUILDING. HARNESS ANi) SHOE SHOP J. W. SMITH, Proprietor. New work and re pairing neatly executed. CihmI work, (iood and reiisonabh prices 1.1 AliA.s i i.i-.i'. "I"1 . , ; ., O H.niiiiHos, - - M'.hkahka. IT IS ABSOLUTELY The Best SEWING MACHINE MAD E WE OS OCIl DEALEIIS can ell you machines cheaper than yon can Bet elsewhere. The NEW HOME Is our best, liut7emaKocncuper ninai, .,ir.h ihii r7,ViAX. IDG.lIi and other Hlah Arra Fill! Nickel Plated Sewing ninc:ics for $1 5.00 and n p. Call on our aseut or wrtto ua. Wo want your triia, niid ifprlces, term and aquare deailn:; xlll win, we will have It. We chaHpnao the world to produce a BETTKIt 850.00 Sewing machine for $50.00, or a better $40. new las Muchlnc for 820.00 than you can buy from o, or onr A cent. THE KEW HOME SEWING MACHINE CO. SAM FlliHfOO, CAU ATlJLIfTA, OA. FOR SALE BY The New Home So, winy MaeluneC o., 310 North 11th St., St. Iiuis, Mo. PUREST AND BES LESS THAN HALF THE" PRICE: OF OTHtR BRANDS -- POUNDS.20 -! HALV&S.IO QUARTERS SOLD IN CAMS ONLY Mi lit AND I SAVE MONEY m it mi . , ,CJ''NCV f(' R z:., - The above picture Attention TO THE MARSTELLER BROTHERS Have the largest and mont complete block of BOOTS A-ISTD SHOES Ever olfered to the people of Harrison, and we are confident that we can suit all, both in STYLE AND PRICE. Our stock of Dry Hats, Caps, Underwear and Furnishing goods is Complete. GLOTHI3STG We have for Men, YOUTHS and Boys, which we are selling at Bargains. We also carry a full line of Hardware, Flour and Feed. MARSTELLER BROTHERS, Harrison, Neb. Fine Made to .00 Soils end 0 From $25 PERFECT FITS GUARANTEED. Also cleaning and repairing dono in first-class order. J. Cerxy, Merchant Tailor, CRAWFORD, - IsTIEIBR. 1 EALERS IN Lumber, Coal and Farm Implements, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Lime, Lath and Shingles. Windmill and Pump Supplies. HARRISON FOR INVENTIONS PROCPHED Press Claims Company. Eipcil with the interest of (hona having rlnirrm against tho Government j tliut of INVENTORS, who often lose the hencllt of valuations because of the incoinpi' or inattention of the ntlornevs employed to ohtsiin their patents. Too much cure cannot ho exercised in employing competent and reliable solicitors to procure patents, for tho value of a patent depends greatly, if not, ent irely, upon the euro and skill of the attorney. With a view of protecting inventors from worthless or careless ntttorncys and of seeing that inventions are well protected by valid patents, TllE PRICKS CLAIMS COMPANY has retained counsel expert in patent practice and is there fore ) in.' pared to OIITAIN PATENTS, CONDUCT 1 NT K I! K K It KN C Ks, MAKK SI'KCIAI. KX AMIN.VTIdNS, PKKSKCt'TK HKJKl Ti;iM'.s;s, UKiilSTKIt TU A I1ICM A It lis mill COI'YTIGIITS, HKNDKIt OPINIONS iih to SCOpK inn) VAl.IIHTY of IATKNTS, l'ltOSIXirTK mill DKKKNI) INfKINU KM KNT HIT ITS, KT; KTC. If you have nn invention on hand send THE TRESS CLAIMS COMPANY a sketch or photograph thereof, together with a brief description of the important features, and you will he at once advised as to tho best course to pursue. Models are not necessary unless the invention is of a complicated nature. If others are infringing on your rights, or if you nre charged with infringement by others, sub mit the matter to us for a reliable OPINION hefore aiding on tho mutter.' Tiik Press Claims Company, 1 H F si rci t, northwest WAS! IINUTON, I). 0. P. O. Pox .n.H wiciiDKliliCHN, miinnging attorney. Hi) Cut till out mid hiiikI It Willi youc liupilr j c:Zhz - j ic3 mm is intended to cull FACT THAT Goods, Groceries; Spring verco Order, to NEBRASKA. HV TIIK $40.00