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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (July 19, 1894)
0 The Sioux County Journal HAKKISOX, NEBHASKAf THUltSDAY, JULY 10, 1894. NUMBER 45. o VUliU31E VI. TA AflVU uumrT iinuiuij OAliXV Jl Vila PREACHER TALKS OF THE FLOW tRS OF THE CHURCH. rroni a Fr Land the )! t lliin Rend. HI. ( onrrplloD of the Work of the Great Oardrurr Umcrlptluo of an OaaU In a Ieaert of Bin. The Koy.l Garden. Ftev. Dr. Talmage, who is now near lng Aubtralia on his round the world journey, has selected as the subject lor his sermon through the press this Week- "Tim Jfnval Cilnn' th the text being taken from Solomon's "I am come into my garden. Song v, 1, llm world has had a great many beautiful irardens. Charlemagne ad ded to the glory of his reign by de creeing that they be established all through the realm decreeing even the names of the dowers to be planted them. Henry IV, at Montpellier, es tablished gardensof bewitching beauty and luxuriance, gathering into them Alaine, Pyrenean, and J-rench plants. One of the sweetest 6ots on earth was the garden of Shenstone, the poet. His writings have made but little im pression on the world, but his garden, The Leasowes." will be immortal. To the natural advantage of that place was brought the perfection ol art. Arbor and terrace and .dope and rustic temple and reservoir and urn and foun tain here had their crowning. Oak and jew and ha.-el put forth their richest foliage. There was no life more diligent, no soul more ingenious than that of Shenstone, and all that diiligenee and genius were brought to the adornment of that one treasured pot. He sold it for 17,000. The Garili n of the I horch. And yet I am to tell you ol a richer pardon than any 1 have mentioned. It Ik i trie garden sjOKeri of in my text, the garden of the church, which belongs to ( hrl.t, for my text says so. Ho bought it, He planted It, He owns it, ami lie shall have it. Walter Scott, in bin outlay at Abliotsford, ruined his fortune. And now in the crimson Mow ers ot those gardens you can almost think or imagine that you see the blood of that old man's broken heart. The tavrneutof tt last tioo.oo.i sacriliced him. liut I have to tell you tiiat briefs life and Christ's death were the outlay of this beautiful garden of the church of which my text speaks. Oh. how many sighs and tears and pang and agonies: Tell me, ye wo men who saw hira hang! Tell me, ye executioners who lifted Him and let Hi;n down! Tell mo, ttiou sun that didht hide ye rocks that fell: "Christ loved the church and gave Himself for it.'- If, then, the garden of the church belongs to Christ, certainly He has a right to walk in it. Come, then, O bles-ed Jesus, this morning, walk up and down these aisles and pluck what thou wilt of sweetness for thvsolf. The church, in my text, "is appro priately compared Via garden, because it is a place of choice I owers, of select fruits, and thorough hrigatidu. Christ, the Oardener. That would be a strango garden in which there were no llowers. Jf no where elbo, they will be along the borders or at the gateway. The home liest tate will dictate something, if it be the old fashioned hollyhock, or dahlia, or coreopsis, but if there lie larger means then you will lind the Mexican cactus, and dark veined arhutelion, and blazing azalea, and clustering oleander. Well, now, Christ comes to his garden, and ho plants there some of the brightest spirits that tTeV flowered upon the world. Some of them are violets, unconspieious, but tweet in heaven. You have to search for such spirits to find them. You do not see them very often perhaps, but, von find whore they have been by tho brightening face of tho invalid, and he sprig of geranium on the stand, and the window curtains keeping out the glare of the sunlight. They are perhaps more like the ranunculus, creeping sweetly amid tho thorns and briers of H(o. giving kiss for sjing, and many a man who has had in his way sorue great black rock of trouble has found that they have covored it all over with (towering jasmine runninir In and out amid the crevices. Thcs'A Christians in Christ's garden are not like the sunllower, gaudy in the light, but whenovor darkness hovers over a sou. that needs to be comforted there they stand, night blooming cereusos. Hut in Christ's garden there are plants thut may be better compared to tho Mexican cactus thorns without, love liness within -men with sharp points of character. They wound almost very one that touches them. They are hard to handle. Men pronounce them nothing but thorns, but Christ loves them, notwithstanding all their sharpness. Many a man has had very .hard to culture, and it has only been through severe toil he has raised even tho smallest crop of grace, Concerning 'Iuir. A very harsh ministor was talking wit h a very placid elder,itnd the placid elder said to tho harsh minister, "Doc tor, I do wish vou would control your temper'' "Ah." said the minister to the elder, "1 control more temper in live minutes than you do in five years. " It is harder for some men to do right than lor others to do right. The graco that would elevate you to the seven) h heaven might not Keep your brother from knocking a man down. 1 had a friend who came to mo and suid, "I .dure uot join the church." 1 said, "Why?"' "Oh," he said, "I have such a violent temper. Yesterday morning I win crossing very early at the Jersey City ferry, and I saw a milkman )our a large amount of water Into the milk can. and I said to him, '1 think that will do,' and he Insulted me, and 1 knocked bun down. l)o you think 1 ourht to join the church;" ' Nevertheless that very same man, who was to harsh in bU lehavlor, loved Christ ana could not sjieak of sacred things without tears of emotion and affection. Thorn without, but sweetness within the w...inln m ,. ' i' iua icvur " , I here are others planted in Christ's garden who are always ardent, always,, always lmpressive-more like wio roxi-H in uoep nuo that we oc casionally lind called "giants of battle" the Martin Luthers, .-t. i'auls, Chry Bostoms, Wvklifs, Jjilimers. and Sam uel Hutherfords. What in other men is a spark, in them is a conllagration v nen they sweat, they sweat great drops or blood. When their prayer takes tire, preach, it is a 1'entecost. fiifht. it it a Thermopylae die, it is a martyrdom. they pray, When they When they When they You find a ifieai many roses in the gardens, but only a f.-w "giants of battie." Men say, "Why don't you have more of them in the church?'' I say, "Why don't you have in the world more Na poleons and Humboldts and Welling tons?" God gives to some ten talents, w uuuwier one, I The Mnowdiop of Christians. I In this garden of the church, which Chribt has planted, I also find the snowdrops, beautiful but cold looking, seemingly another phase of the win ter. 1 mean those Christians who are precise in their tastes, unimpassioned, pure as srowdrops and as cold. They never shed any tears: they never get excited: they never say anything rashly: they never do anything pre ciuitalely. Their pulses never flutter: their nerves never twitch: their indig nation never boils over. They live long er than most people, but their life is in a minor key. They never run up to "C" alsive the staff. In the mubie of their life they have no staccato pas sages, Christ planted them in the church, and they must be of some service, or they would not bo there. Snowdroos. always snowdrops. Hut 1 have not told you of the most beautiful llower in all this garden spoken of in the text. If you see a "century plant,'' your emotions are started. You say, "Why, this flower has been a hundred years gathering up for one bloom, and it will be a hun dred years more before other petals will come out." Hut 1 have to tell you of a plant that was gathering up lrom ail eternity, and that i,!KKi years ago put forth its bloom never to wither. It is tho passion tlower of tho cross: Prophets foretold it. Hethlo hem shepherds looked upon it in the ' bud; the rocks shook at its bursting, and tho dead got up in their winding sheets to see its full bloom. It is a crimson llower blood ht the roots, blood on tho branches, blood on all the leaves. Ht perfume is to fill all the nations. Its touch is life, its breath, is Heaven. Come O winds, from tho North and winds from tho South and winds from the Hast and winds from tho West, and liear to all the earth the sweet smelling savor of Christ, my Lord, His worth. If nil tlie nationi knew, Kure the nlmle earth would love Hiia too At'ain, tho church may lie appropri ately compared to a garden, because it is a place of select fruits. That would bo a stranifo garden which had in it no lierries, no plums, no peaches or apricots. The coarser fruits are planted in the orchard or they are set out on the sunny hillside, but the choicest fruits are kept in the garden. The Cholrrat fruit. So in the world outside the church Christ has planted a great many beau tltul things patience, charity, gener osity, integrity-- but Ho intends tho choicest fruits to bo in the garden, and if they are not there then shame on tho church. Heligion is not a mere llowering sentimentality. It is a prac tical, life giving, healthful fruit not posies, but apples. "Oh." says some body, '! don t see what your irardcn of the church has yielded." Where did your asylums come from, and your hot- i pitals. and your institutions of mercv? j Christ planted every one of them. He I planted them in His garden. When ! Christ gave sight to liartlmeus. He laid tho cornerstone of every b'ind asylum that has ever been built. When Christ soothed the demoniac of Galilo, He laid the cornerstone of evary lunatic asylum that ever has boon established, Whon Christ suid lq the sick man, ''Tako up thy bed and walk," iJo laid tjjy. cornerstone' 1? Ol I every nospnai the world has ever seen. When i hrist said, VI was in prison, and ye visited me," lie laid the ; ci.rP';rBt""o "f every prison reform as' b( iallon that tias ever been formed. Tho church of C'hriHt Is a glorious pardon, and it is full of fruit. I know there is rome poor fruit in it. 1 know there are some weeds that ouht to havo heen thrown ovei the fence. I kniow there are some crah apple trees that ought to ho cut down. I know there are some wild grapes that ought to bo uprooted, but are jou goinjj to destroy tho whole pardon becau.-o of a little (fnarlod fruit? You will find worm eaten leaves in Fontainebleau and insects that sting in tho fairy proves of the Champs Klysees. Vou uo not tear down and destroy the whole garden because there are a few specimens of gnarled fruit. I aomit there are men and women in tho j church who ought not to bo there, but ! let us be just as frank and admit tho j fact that there are hundreds and thou- sands and tens of thousands of glorious j Christian men and women holy, j blessed, useful, consecrated, and tri um pliant. There is no grander ollec- tion in all tho earth than tho col lee-) tion of Christians. A ll W.ti-rntl Uarilan. Again, tho church in my text is ap- ' proprialoly called a garden because it ! is thoroughly irrigated. No garden ! couiu prosper long without plenty o. water. 1 havo seen a garden in tho midst of a desert, yet blooming and liixurient. All around was dearth and barrenness, but there were pipes, aqueducts reaching from this garuen up to the mountains, and through those aqueducts the water came streaming down and tossing up Into beautiful fountains until every root and leaf and (lower was saturated. That is like the church. The church is a garden in the midst of a great desert of sin and uttering. It is well irrigated, for "our eyea are unto the kills, from whence .L uiewi our noip. " i' rorn ttie nioua- l ins oi (,ou s strength there How down rivers of gladnass. There is a r vor , the stream whereof shall make triad ' the city of our God. 1'reachini? tha gospel is one of these a lUeducts. The Mble is another. HaptUm and tb i lxird s supper are aqueducts. Water to slake the thirst, water to restore ; the faint, water to wash the unclean, j water tossed high up in the lierht tf I the tun of righteousness, showing us j the rainliow around the throne. Oh, : was there ever a garden so thoroughly j irrigated? You know the beauty of Versailles and Cbatsworth depend very much upon the great supply of i water. I came to tho latter place (Chatsworth) one day when strangera are not to be admitted, but by an in ducement, which always teemed at ap plicable loan Knglishman as an Ameri- an, I got in, and then the gardener went far up above the stairs of stone and turned on the water. I saw t'. gleaming on me dry pavement, coin ing uown irom ttep to step, until It came so near I could hear tliomui)ici rush, and all over the hio-h. broad stairs It came foaming, Hashing, roar ing down until sunlight and wave In ! g eesomo wrestle tumblej at mv feet I So it it with the church of Cod. vory i thing comes from above -pardon froa: above, joy from alxve, adop 1 tion from above, sanctificat on ! from above. Oh. that now Cod would turn on the waters of salvation that they might flow down throutrh ht j heritage and that this day we might I each tind our places to lie ''Klimt," with twelve wells of water and three : score and ten palm trees. ; Th o,irtleuer Coined. Hark, I hear tho latch at tho garden 1 gate, and I look to see who Is cominifl i I hear tho voice of Christ, "I am como ' into my garden." I say: "Come in O Jesus; we have been waiting fot : thee. Walk al! through these path. 1 1-ook at the flowers: look at the fruit' Pluck that which thou wilt for thy self.' Jesus comes into the gardetl and up to that old man and touche him and says: "Almost home, father. Not many more aches for three, t will never leave th ;e. I will neve? forsake thee. Tako courage a litthi longer, and 1 will steady thy tottering steiiB, and i will sootho thy troubles j and give thee rest. Courage, old ; man." Then ( hrist goes uo another ; garden path, and he comes to a soul in i trouble and says: "i'eaco; all is well,' I have seen tby tears; I have hoJKl thy prayer. Tho sun shall not smiti thee by day, nor the moon by night. The Ijtird shall preserve theo , from all evil. He will pre i serve thy soul. Couraee. O toublel spirit:" Then I see Jesus going u another garden path, and I seo grei, , excitement among the leaves, and I hanten up that garden path to se what Jesus Is doiny there, and, lo, lA is breaking' oil llowers, sharp and clean, from the stem, and 1 say, "Stop, Josiis: don't kill those beautiful flow ers." Ho turns to me and says: "I j have come into my garden to gather ! lilies, and 1 mean to tako these up to a higher terraco and for the garden I around my palace, and there 1 will plant them and in bettor soil and in , better air. They shall put forth ; brighter leavis and sweeter redolence, i and no forest shall touch thorn lor i ever." And 1 looked up into His face and said: "Well, it is His garden, and ! He has a right to do what Ho will with I it. Thy will bo done" tho hardest ! prayer a man ever made. I 1 notice that the tine gardens somo I times have high fences around them, and I cannot get in. It is so with tho King's garden. The only glimpses you ever gut of such a garden is when tho King i ides out in his splendid car riage. It is not so with this garden the King's warden, i throw wide 0on the gate and tell you all to come in. I No monopoly in religion. Whosoever will, may. Chooi-o now between a desert and a garden. Many of you havo tried tho garden of this worlds do light. You havo found it has been a chagrin. So it was with Theodore Himiic. Ho made all tho world laugh. He makes us laugh now when we read his poems, but he could not make his own heart laugh. While in the midjj. of hi- fostivitie. he confronted a look, tng glass, and he saw himnolf and said: . .1 L 7 ... i. ; ... . i. II HH.1UI I ''There, that is true. I look mst as I am. done up in nouy, mind, ana purse." bo it was with Shenstone, of whoso garuen i torn you ai mo oogiuning oi i my sermon. ve M Npt!" He sat down amid thoo liowors and said: "1 havo lost my road to happi ness. I am angry and envious and frantic and despise everything around me, just as It Incomes a madman to do." Oh, ye weary souls, como into Christ's garden to-day and pluck a little heartsease! Chris is the only rest and the only pardon for a )or turbod spirit. Io you not think your chance has almost come' You men and women who have been waiting year and year for some good oppor tunity in which to accept, Christ, but have jMistponod it five, ton, twenty, thirty years, do not feel as if now your hour ol deliverance and pardon and salvation had come' Oh man. what grudge hast thou against thy Kor soul that thou wilt not let it bo saved.' I feel as if salvation must come now to some of your hearts. Some years ago a vessel struck on tho rocks. They had only one lifolxiat. In that lifeboat tho passengers and crew were getting ashore. The vessel had foundered and was sinking deeper and deeper, and that one boat could not take tho passengers very swiftly. A little girl stood on thedock, waiting for her turn to get Into the boat. Tho boat camo and wont camu and went but her turn diil not soom to come. After awhilo she could wait no longer, and she leaped on tho talTrail and then sprang into tho sea, crying to tho boat man: "Save me next! Save mo next." Oh, how many have gone ashore into God's mercy, and yot you are clinging to the wreck of sin! Others have ac cepted the pardon of Christ, but you are In peril. Why not this morning make a rush for your immortal rescue, crying until Jesus shall hear you and heaven and earth ring with the or: 'Save me nest! Have me next. ADVICE TO THE BRIDE. Some Thlnga It Ulll Be Well lo Think About Beforehand. Wbea you respond don't feel obliged to let out your voice like newsboy halloing an extra. Neither mumble it as if you had a hot potato in your mouth, bat let your utter. anr.e8 be distinct, to that it can be heard across an ordinary room Do not allow your demonstrations of affection on the train to exceed tne limits of a natural propriety. It is not uncommon for American tour al w carry conceaiea weapons on their persons. .-we your leweier early, and if vou aeciae on having the bridesmaids girts placed in cases, give him time enough to obtain what you desire. A pretty conceit Is to have the initials of each one, in sterling, placed on I "cr i egin on you - wedding list at the earliest possible moment. A whole year beforehand is not too so m, t-veu wan me utmost care tome name9 will be omitted, and this should be guarded against in every way posMble. My doing this you will Increase the number of your wedding presents, whl h is an Important item. i: a quantity of . ice falls from the brim of your husband's hat when you get into the parlor car, do not look sheepish or disconcerted. Others have been there before you. Merely urusn it carelessly away and after brier interval eACUte him ami let him go into the smoking car, where he can swear at his leisure, When you stand up to receive do not, In short conversation with the guests, mention the number and vaiuo oi your wcuning presents or how much they would bring at gen eral auction. o i have, of course, flifured all this up the night before, iu, iu maners ot mis sort it, is con sidered better taste to remain silent l orget that you have any hands except at the precise moment when you put on the weeding ring. To drop a wedding ring at the fatal mo ment and have so iieone sprawl around on his hands and knees at the foot of the altar locking for it will be too much of a strain on the con gregation. 1'hiladelphla Times. Hook-Jip.-irnlnu Only. It is said to be a true story of an English clergyman that, on his ap po ntmeut to a country living, he went about from house to houe ask lug why the good wives did uot go to church on Sunday afternoons. ".Milk ing tho cow-" whs the universal an swer. On Sunday morning, there fore, he spoke his mind. "I have been round tlie parish," hesaid, -'an i find jou all n ake the same pxcuse. Now 1 have only one thing to re quest, and that is that you milk your cows the last thing on Saturday night an 1 the Hist tiling on Monday morning." ' Who could hearken to a man in the pulpit, or out of it, after that'"' said one old countryman. "liut then, you see. he's a book-larnt man"' Another "book-larnt man" was standing by one day when a country parson was looking at his cows. "l'oor old lady: poor old lady"' said the country arson, apostrophizing one quietly chewing tier cu:l. "I'm afraldwe must soon part company." "But why''" exclaimed the other. ''To go the butcher's." "To go to the butchc.'s? Why, I always thought, cows died a natural deoth, and that we only ate oxcnl" Dawklns, the countryman of the previous tale, was on the other side of tho hedge grunting emphatically 4 U'wrvas, ami ine country parson linn, u( riwii H . n with a twinkle " " - In his eye. "What do ou think of that, Daw- k ns?" aked he. "Wherever has he hid hlsself all these clays" asked Dawklns, in ir repressible scorn. "Hut then," twinkling hack at his waster, "he's a scholard," aint he? He never ate cow beef! ile! he! be." Duma's rtevctuce. Alexa dre Dumas, the elder, had, as it is well known, some black blood In him, and was of an unforgiving, if not almost cruel nature. In bis early years he received a dire insult fioui one whom he called his Iriend, Alexandre took no apparent notice of the wrong He took him with him into society, Introduced him here, presented him there, and so continued for three years, at the end ot which time ho stood as "best ni;in" at his friend's marriage. The wedding feast being conclude , Alexand e I umas was leaving tho house, when an acquaint ance joined him, and, as they walked along, said: 'I have often wlshe I to say how I have wondered at your kindness to Monsieur X, whom we have Just seen married. You have the most forglr ing nature I ever met with. Ile in sulted ,ou grossly some years ago, and ever since jou have devoted yourself to his happiness and at last assist him to get married." "That's It, precisely," remarked Dumas, si wly, with a sinister chuckle. "I flatter myself that I have given him the worst mothei -Inlaw in I ran e." Paying the preacher's salary does not cancel all other debts. COMKERCIAL BANK. ESTABLISHED 1888. Harrison, Bbbwbtik, President. D. H. ORI8WOLD, Cathi.r. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL. $50 000. Transacts a General Banking Busincjx CORRESPONDENTS! AMW04K Exohanoi National Bams, New York, UiwTBD Stars First Interest Paid on Time Deposits. OTDRAFTS SOLD ON ALL PARTS OF EUBOPC THE PIONEER P harmacy. J. E. PHINNEY, Proprietor. Pure Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils and Varnishes. WA8TIBTS' MATERIAL. School Prescriptions Carefully Compounded Day or Simons Harrison, . lr-'-':Vi ':'T5 Real Have choice land in Sioux county. Parties desiring to buy or soU real estate should not fail to call on them. School Lands leased, taxes paid for non-residents; farms rented, eta. CORRESPONDENTS SOLICITED. THE Nebraska. a r. Coma, VkM-l National Bank. Onwh. National Bank, Chad LV'BKUIHXft. Supplies. Night. & SMILEY, Nebraska, -''-' iv.-rt'j.r, Kstate Agents, a number of barirainft irt Jti 1 P